THE MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1911. CHDJXSE CITY WHERE GREAT BATTLE IS SAID TO HAVE BEGUN, AND TWO PROMINENT FIGURES THERE. F OF ROADS IS TO BIG FLEET Baker Tells Senators Why Plan Failed No Threats ' Are Disclosed. Ccirl and o iamon RATE CUTS HELD MENACE EAR BAH ' V- 1 p V H 11 B D Promoter of AlUntle aad Pacific Com pan j- Say Railroads Power to Kill Water Competition Is Blow to Scheme. OREGONIJLS SEWS BCTtEAT. TVash JnirtoB. Nor. 29. In hla testimony -day Brfora tba aaat eommlttse on In terstate commerce. Bernard N. Baker. et Baltltr.or". attributed hla failure to finance the Pacltle teamshl Company rot to any direct and i Ureal Influence of tho railroads, but ratbar to a gen rrml far that hla company. If formed, would bt crushed out by competition from steamship llnaa which transcon tinental roada mtirbt build and operate at a loss for the speclflo purpoae of wlplna out Injurious water competition throuch tia Panama Canal. Mr. Raker testified that the Paelflo Mail Sfnmhlp Company, owned by ti Southern I'arinc. had not. In hla )i-'(tmnt. hn a mny-maker. but h..t hrrn maintained to protect the'rall l j(nrs of this corporation. aklpta Rat Cat. In llmra pat. he laid, theaa steant r had carried freight at ruinously mr rat. Ions; enough to stifle conjpe tition. had many llnea on the At Lirtlc Coast, and when competition drlTer out ratea had boen reatored t a where railroad bualneea waa B"t Impaired. He saM feeling waa general both among haskera and amna Individuate ordinarily Inclined to Invest In lare enterprlsea that hla ateamahlp company n':ht meet this fate, and It waa thle f-ar of railroad Influence that had f i: far rendered hla enterprise unlue TOe Parltlo Mall Company, he aitd. la now building- several new temer for the Panama route. I .-k ef rrMnr A J ia If ted. Thoiah reeatedly preaaed for evl rience that would ahow that Improper Influence had been eerted by the rall ron.lm Mr. tuker admitted he could not -prove railroads bad made any Illegal or Improper more against him. cir could he prove that railroad Influence In. I prevented American ahlpyarda fr.m Mdillnc n the construction of Mpe for hla line. On the contrary, he adrnltted that If hla company waa adequately financed, he believed Amer ican yard would build ahlpa for them. Mr. Baker explained that he had contemplated forming a t It. 000. 000 cor poration, but he could have ion, ahead had he been aMe to raise t J. 000. 000 to tart with. This would have enabled Mm t b-Jlld four ahlpa and have them r.'!y when the canal opens, provided ! ecurd the O vernment mall con tract, which carrtea an annual subsidy of f 710.004. Bide te Be Oaeatd Smb. will be opened for this mall ervice neat Saturday and he bad lit tle hope of securing sufficient financial hai k'riit by that time to enable him to bid. If given another six months, how. ever, he thouKht he could raise 1 1.000. -He now baa positive pledges of 1 . ; ! and thlnka ha la sura of an other j: 0 .0. but doea not know where he could Immediately raise the other tl.S04.A00. He said 1100.000 had been S'ibecrlbed In Portland. Or., with prom ise of other subscriptions totaling tliO. nno. and Seattle had subscribed 1500.090. San rranrlnco and Ii Angeles had giv en htm no financial support. Mr. Iiaker ironfly advocated an ex pansion m of the Panama Steamship Company, now consisting of alx vessels, to a fleet of IS steamers of 1000 or 0000 tons each and speed of It knots this fleet to be operated by the Isthmian Canal Commission, and ratea to be fixed hr the Interstate Commerce Commission. H it If the Oovemment authorises such a fleet, he said he would not go ahead wltb hla enterprise. Ptaaa Are Dearrtaea. When asked how he hoped to make 1.1s corporation successful. If It met with cut-throat competition from the Pacific Mall or some other rallread rontrolled line, ha explained that his steamers would be It-knot ships, faster than those of the Pacific Mall and If ha had the Government subsidy of 17S0.000 annually, he believed he could success fully compete, especially on higher i U.. of freight. He strongly urged that Congress ex pand the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission so It can regu late rates In coaatwlea trade passing throuch Panama Canal and that It be given power to fix minimum as well as maximum ratea In order to prevent tut-throat competition. With a Gov ernment line In operation, ha believed there would be no such competition from the rallroada The committee did not Indicate any purpose to go further Into this ques tion at the present time. BAD FOOD IS TURNED AWAY San Kraarlsco Ilea lib Orrtorrs at War With State Board. SAN KKANCISCO. Nov. 10. (Special.) Lr. Geortre Katon. president of the San Francisco Board of Health, baa thrown down the gauntlet to the State Hoard of Health and propoaea to assume Jurisdiction over foodstuffs ccfmlng Into tills port. A recent shipload of spoiled salmon from Alaska, which waa discovered by Health Officer McNutt and his deputies, iM-ourbt the situation to a climax. "The State Hoard of Health has been lax In handling foodstuffs coming Into .-an Kranclsco." said Dr. Eaten today. "I Intend to take hold of this situation and see that such stuff Is turned away. We have the power, and shall exercise It. to prsveat the shipment here of such stuff.- CABINET CRISIS IMPENDS Japanese finance Minister Insists on Cnttlnr Expenses. TOKIO. Nov. J. Minister of Finance Yarnamoto Is determined to compile his pending budget en the business principle of curtailing expanses as much as posalbla. His uncompromising attitude. It Is frsred. will rause a Cabinet crista TO CTOE A COM IX OX DAT. Th. T-AXATtVE PROMO Outtilns Tablets, prurtwt refund monar if It telle te ear. E. V. . UKOVC1 slsaature la ea each bos- 23e Millions Will Change Hands if Socialism Is Defeated. --. -. '-' ff fH'; jS'l --&tLjc-l "ti'ii ' "eizf'rr.A BT"ai txaaaasssaasii i i iiswtTmi m? DEAL HANGS FIRE h(fTv '! . . - - . i j , . , site Evsrett. where the waters e the I " r - 5 Pnohomlsh River broke the dike last I f i ..: . 4 .. . " 1 night, in places on the Island water I j' - r , : e " . ', . ' 'g J Is reported to be 10 and 11 feet deep. I .-. - , . ) Families were driven to the roofs , .. of their houses, remaining there until . ' s . . t. v V 1 rescued. Some houses have been is . v " -Vo wrecked. Including a schoolhouse. One , J , , v , - ;.-. man Is reported missing. Valuable cat- f , ... . tie have been lost. i . . j4 The flood victims, as fast as they are . . - - brought to safety, are being cared for 1- , . . by city and county authorities. t ' '?. - " . . Railroads are still tied up. The new f ... . ' 1 ' Milwaukee branch has been damaged c .. -m .. f in the Cherry Valley country. Ths : . . ' vl flood shows no sign of abatement. y - . , - - " ' 1 TACOMA TRAINS ARE TIED CP y s Passenger. Are Conveyed Over Foot- JJL. A JS, ll bridge to Special Cars- era S Af VaV tATrtfflf flit th !fl aWaWaJlaaartlLi ll jT glBxtaaxaakwaftaaaV I VOTE WILL DECIDE TRADE "ImcsT" Ilaldwln Arrea Will B nought by Ixmi Anpelea Invest ment Cornpany If Election Goes Against Joh Ilarrlman. ly-S ANORI.T. cal. Nov. 10 (Ppe rlsl A l7.fSO.000 deal for the pur chase of 1.000 arres of the "Lucky" Baldwin estate by the Ios Angeles In vestment Company depends upon the re-election of Mayor Alexander and the success of the remainder of the Good Government ticket on December 5. Charles A. Elder, president of the company. ine1e this announcement to day. Mr. Elder said his concern has long desired to acquire the Baldwin property In question, but the heirs were at variance with the company In point of the purchase price. Two tnontha ago." said Elder. we made the llaldain estate a proposition upon the 13.000 acres. The heirs con sidered the price too low. Immediately after the primary they were ready to accept our offer. "I notified them today that we will buy no land unless Mayor Alexander Is elected. We have no purpose to tie np money In rase the threatened Social ism Issue Is successful In getting Into power. If Job Harrlman and Socialism are defeated we will take the whole tract." ALARM GROWS; PIPE DRY (Continued Prom P1rt Para.) the small towns between here and Ta coma and many farms are ruined. LIXEMAX I.OST IX CASCADES Superintendent of Milwaukee ITeaJa Rescue Party. ELLENSBURO. Wash.. Nov. 10. (Special.) A Milwaukee rstlroad tele graph lineman has been lost In the Cascade Mountains since Friday, at Which time he left Lsiconla to search for wire trouble between Laconla and Kaston. A party of six started to search for him today. It Is feared that be may have either been caught by a landslide or drowned In one of the mountain streams which becamo threatening torrents In a short time Friday night following the chlnook winds. Thla la the same locality where a Postal lineman lost his life last Winter .while searching for wire trouble and Is In one of the most rugged parts of the Cascade Moun tains and miles from any house or settlement. Superintendent Fearson of tha Mil waukee is directing the search. After raining an hour the sky has cleared and railroad men are more hopeful than at any time since 6atur- Reports from the upper end of the county are to the aame effect and Government reclamation men at Lake Kaches say that It the water does not come any higher they will be able to hold the flood waters In the lake until such time aa there will be no danger to the valley from Its release. Train service may be resumed Wed nesday if there Is no more rain. FREAK FLOOD SAVES JLILI.IO-N Channel Proposed by Government Made) by River Overflow. BELLING II AM. Wash.. Nov. 10. A freak of the flood In the Skafrlt lUver has done work contemplated by the I'ntted States Government at a cost of tl.000.000 and a year's labor of big en gineering crews, and It was done In 14 hours without a cent of cost. The stream cut through Sterling Bend, above Mount Vernon. Sksglt County, where a channel now runs S00 feet wide and to feet deep. For IT years the Federal Govern ment has considered this Improvement. The cutoff Is through a neck of lend 0 rods wide, end shortens the distance from Mount Vsmon to Sedro Woolley three and a halt miles and gives a good steamboat channel where a long and dangerous ledge existed be fore. Belllngham Is still without train service, and none is promised before tomorrow night or Wedneeday. PEOPLE RESCUED FROM ROOFS Families at Everett Are Cared For by County Officers. EVERETT. Wash.. Nov. 10. Fifty persons were removed today from their Imperilled homes on Ebey Island, oppo- Fassengers Are Conveyed Over Foot brldpe to Special Cars. TACOMA. Nov. 10. Traffic on the In terurban electric line between Tacoma and Seattle has been suspended today, due to the flooded track between Kent and Rlverton. on the Seattle end of the line. 8erv1ce on the Tacoma Puyallup Short Line was suspended at o'clock last night, but was expected to be resumed this afternoon. A wash nt in feet long near Waverly wss re- with temporary piling. Water In the I'uyallup River had fallen three feet up to noon. The approach to the county steel bridge over the Stuck River at Sum ner waa washed away and a temporary tre.tla at Buckley Is gone. The county road Is badly washed out half a mile below McMillan. Northern Faclflc trains, westbound, due In Tacoma at 11:10 A. M. and 6:15 P M Saturday, are still stalled near Lester. A footbridge has been built over the break for passengers and they will be brought to Tacoma on a spe cial train tonight. Gale Reported on Coast. -Unusually high winds prevailing along the Coaat yesterdsy prompted the Weather Bureau to order out storm warnings on all the Puget Sound ports and- at the mouth of the Columbia River. The rainfall was llg-ht In all places, but the wind blew with tre mendous force all day. The highest maximum velocity of wind waa regis tered at Tatoosh Island, where the gale blew at a rate of C8 miles, from the south. At Blaine the wind was blowing at an estimated velocity of 60 miles an hour at 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Weather forecasts announce a continuance of the wind storm today along the Northwest Coast, with rain The storm appears to be confined to the West Cosst, no unusual weather conditions occurring In the eastern sec tions of the United States. ChehaHs Lands Flooded. CHEHALIS. Wash, Nov. 10 (Ppe claL) The lowlands of the ChehaHs and Newaukum valleys In this section are flooded, but the water Is doing no serious damsge. The CowllU Valley also reports high water, with no seri ous results so far as known. This afternoon the weather Is threatening and more rain la expected. t JOHNSOS. FOR LA FOLLETTE California Governor Says He Will Be Fair to Taft Men. SACRAMENTO. CaU Nov. 10. Gover nor Johnson came out squarely for La Follette for President and a direct Presidential primary In a formal state, xnent issued today. Declaring that while a joker In the primary law of 10 gave the party In power full right to send a solid dele gation for La Follette. the Governor Indicated that he was sacrificing poll tics to principle and would Insist that the people be given the right to name first hand their choice for President. ENGINE BOILER BLOWS UP Locomotive Hurled 6 0 Feet by Ex plosion; Trainmen Scalded. Og'dEN. Utah. Nov. 20. The boiler of an engine pulling Overland Limited. No. 1, on the Union Pacific, blew up early thla morning near Rawlins, Wyo, se- Above, Sceae la Caatoa. Below, Rear Admiral Mnrdock. Commander of American Fleet, aad General Cheng, Cem slander of Chinese Imperial Troops Engaged, verely scalding Englner Cornelius Ryan. and his fireman. The locomotive was blown SO feet from the track and the roadbed was torn up for 100 feet A payment of M d e w a aad your premise te pay weekly or xaonthly Installments, as yoa may arrange, seomrae i yea a suit er coat. I Tna general pobllo k a a w a that ear goods are depend able aad ear prloss right. Ws charge nothing for credit, it's merely aa ao- GOOD CLOTHES For Meg and Women ,$15 to $35 WASHINGTON Near PARK KAJtSnC WUIHf Bwa UPSIAIRS Natural Laxative Fi- Water Recommended by Physicians Refuse Substitutes Best remedy for CONSTIPATION PRINTING IC-nag. Blading aad Blank Book wMn Pkooes Main a auSL Portland Printing House Co. j. L. Wrlffht. Pre, and Gm. Mi-nmgrnr. Rook Catalog at aad Commercial lea to and Taylor at., fartiaaa. OrMra Holiday Gifts There is a decided tone of refinement in our pearl and diamond jew elry, to which the connoisseur can appreciate the efforts of artistic taste. 'Also to enjoy a feeling of satisfaction over the worthiness and good value with which this house is fully capable of giving. BEAUTIFUL PEARL NECKLACES in a most splendid variety and of the richest and the finest lustre ENAMELED LOCKET WATCHES in trie latest shades-and colors. Many mounted with precious gems TIFFANY FAVRILE GLASS SOLB AGENTS FOR OREGON OF WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION ROOKWOOD POTTERY AMERICA'S FINEST PRODUCTION Ml Diamond Importers Manufacturing" Jewelers Opticians 283-25 WASHINGTON STREET, BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH STREBTS "ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE STREET" irainiiiinnnninM 3 1 ml I at myou " "i...::.!!1.":. .. nimmffB mw 4 In the best homes the better restaurants will find that proof of nicfc discrimination 3 Delicious Appetizing-Satisfying Keeps after it is opened, Pure and unadulterated. The natural flavor of red-ripe tomatoes, fresh from the vines, combined with the purest of spices, prepared in spotless kitchens. Contains only those ingredients n J 1 17 I..J f,wtka i,, necogwzea aou uiuww j ' U. S. Government ..' i in Willi" Remien Scientific Expert Referea Boar. National Asssciattsa State rsss ass lury Formula and label unchanged the Food Law now conforms to our high standard of excellence. Our kitchens are open to the public and visitors are always welcome, CURTICE BROTHERS CO, Rochester, N. Y. When nothing else will start dirt You KNOW SAPOLIO WILL DO IT Works Without Waste CLEANSCOURS-POLISHES HOME BUILDERS Wi are contractors and will furnish lot and finance the building; of a homo for you on easy payments. Wa -iva references and ask references. WY ATT. ESTABROOK RAT. Ml Coach Bide. Pass Uala 4211. IS YOUR HAIR STREAKED WITH GRAY? GRAY HAIR MEANS AGE A Few Applications of a Simple Remedy Bring Back the Natural Color. How often one bears the expression. "She Is gray and beginning- to look old." It Is true that gray hair ueualiy denotes age and is always associated with age. Tou never bear one referred to as bar ing gray balr and looking young. The hair is generally the Index of age. If your hair is gray, you can't blame your friends for referring to you as looking old. Tou can't retain a youthful appearance If yeu allow your hair to grow gray. Many persons of middle age jeopardize their future sim ply by allowing the gray hair to be come manifest. If your hair bas be come faded or gray, try Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a prepara tion which a chemist by the name ot Wyeth devised a few years ago. It la simple, inexpensive and practical, and will banish the gray hairs In a few days. It Is also guaranteed to remove dandruff and promote the growth of the hair. It is a pleasant dressing for the balr, and after using It a few days Itching and dryness of the scalp entirely dis appear. Don't neglect your balr. Start ulnR Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur today, and you win be surprised at the quick re sults. This preparation is offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle, and is recommended and sold by all druggists. Special agent Owl Drug Co,