Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 21, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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Many Passengers Use Railway
to Tillamook Now.
&tramr flrrir Will Carry Only
freight Elmore and Anril Will
B- on Run to Accommo
date Traveling Public.
At th revestof the owner Local
Inspectors Edwards and fuller havs
chanced tha certificate of the iteamer
Golden Gat ao that he will no loniter
rarry passenaTTs between Portland and
Tillamook. Since he overhauled
and placed on the run. more than a
year to. he has handled both pas
aenarera and freight, having aeeommo
da:lor.s for IS persons, but hereafter
ah will transport only cargo.
Her withdrawal from the tincr
trade leares but two vessels- to com
pete, tae ateamer Sue K. Klmore and
gasoline achooner Anvil. These boata
also carry frelcht. Since the comple
tion of the rail line between H!!lboro
and Tillamook, through which direct
connections can be made to and from
Portland, there baa been a decrease tn
passenger travel by water. Purine the
Winter season steamers hare difficulty
completing- more t! one round trVp a
week because of the condition of Tilla
mook bay entrance.
Passengers are carried at low fare,
considering that t.iey are not charged
extra for meals and berth, and when the
t'lmtri are barbound for a few days
profit are llirht. When the Golden
Cat arrived Saturday she ha 1 been
away from port more than a week. She
sustained damac-e crossing the Tilla
mook bar and 1 now on the Oregon
drydock to have repair made to her
keel and other work done, as h
leaked slightly. It l expected that ehe
will be floated today and sail tomor
lnrrctor May Ciet Testimony aa to
Condition of Rar.
That the steamer Washington
reached the south channel buy before
she shipped any water and would have
passed out to sea without danger or
damage had her machinery r.ot broken
down, was the opinion her officer ex
pressed yesterday to I .oca! Inspectors
Edwards and Fuller. The Investigation
was closed except that additional evi
dence may be aouirht In the way of
expert oplrlons from masters of other
vessels beW In the lower harbor a
week (to Sunday.
Th officer swore that alt went well
until near the buoy In question, when
a sea carried away a portion of the
deckload and soon after the engine
topped. presumably because a line
caught in her vhrrL Second Officer
J. H. F. Slelnfort testified that yester
day morning he had used a plkepole
about the wheel while th steamer
was at Supple's dock, and that the pole
came In contact with what seemed to
be a line wound In the propeller. Oth
ers to testify were Georre WlnkeU
captain, and Halfden 8. Hansen. first
officer: K. McEwlng. chief engineer:
K. P. Harvey, first assistant, and James
Leahy, eecoixi assistant, the latter be
ing on watch when the accident oc
Mar) land Hits Xljrht Tarjtr-t IS
Times In IS frhota.
Although but a few days" prepara
tion was allowed th crew of the cruis
er Maryland in recent target practice
off San Dietro. following five months'
Idleness at Mare Island, where tho war
ship was undergoing repairs, the gun
ners mid upward of 7 per cent of
hits with the port six-Inch guns In night
ftnng. In one Instance they scored It
hits out of 19 shots at th rate of over
seven hits a minuter It is said to be
the record for the year In six-Inch gun
work, and credit fills largely on Cap
tain J. M. Elllcott. her commander, who
was formerly inspector of tho local
lighthouse, district.
From what haa been heard since the
fleet arrived at San Francisco to pro
per for the Western cruise, it is
doubtful If the Pacific coterie will re
raptara the gunnery trophy this year.
At day practice the Colorado Is report
ad to have made ii per cent of hits
with her eight-Inch guns. That is th
best showing of th season with that
caliber of gun.
Veteran Grapplrr Watches River Cut
Away Sediment.
Hugh Prady. th municipal grappler.
who attributes bis success in recover
ing bodies and property lost from docks
largely to the study and knowledge of
currents, said that from measurements
taken yesterday, the collection of sedi
ment at the foot of Stark atreet had
been washed out to a depth of 18
Inches since the river began rising
about a week ago. Ho says th cur
rent and wash from river steamers will
continue to cut down th bank until
gravel Is reached.
I'ntll last season a number of scows
and boathousea wer moored between
htark and Oak street and Brady holds
that their presence caused the river
there to fill, th eddy not being as
trong a at present because the stream
flows freely. The) removal f debris
that pile up at that point will tend to
eliminate many disagreeable odors that
wer noticeable in the low water period.
British Sailing Veel Coming lYom
Bay City.
Two windjammers at San Francisco.
th British bark British Yeoman and
th British ship Poltalloch. are expect
ed la th river before another month
passes to load lumber for South Africa.
The carriers are under charter to J. J.
Moor A Co. The Teoman will load
her cargo at the St- Helena mills of the
McCormlck Interests.
Of the lumber fleet In the river the
schooner Aloha loads for Valparaiso, as
does the achooner Sehome. while th
schooner Ariel is to clear for Antofo
gasta. the British bark Hattle Abbey
lor Newcastle. N. 8, W ml the Prltlsh
tramp Strathearn for the Australian
market. It Is expected that all now
loading will get away before January 1.
Th Bank Line steamer Kumerlc. arriv
ing yeaterday from Puget Sound, will
take out SOO.OrtO feet to swell Novem
ber's exportation.
Marine Note.
As th steamer Geo. W. Elder did not
all from San Francisco until Saturday
h will be a day late leaving. Port-
land and la due to eall Thursday trtn-
Captain Arthur H. Smith ha suc
ceeded Captain W. A. Uavl on the
river steamer Beaver.
To beg-in loading- lumber for the
South the steamer Krancl H. Leggett
left laat night for Prescott and Kalama
and will finish at Tongue Point.
Chler engineer or vonsirucnon v-uu-way
and Examiner Ruffhead. of the
!....( Af T.iarhrhnusea- who have been
Inspector Trott went to fceame 10 i
spect the lender v;oiumoine. wnn
. i . . .n.niiin. ih. a-eason In
Alaskan waters.
Inspector Peck, of the Seventeenth
Lighthouse District, has Issued a notice
that he will replace the first-class can
buoy. No. S. marking th west side of
the main channel from Tongue Point
to Jim Crow Point, as soon as prac
ticable also the Cedar Klver Flat
buoy. No. i, econd-cla. on Wlllapa
In order to facilitate the unloading
of her deckload of lumber, the disabled
steamer Washington wa blfted from
the west to the south side of Supple
dock yesterday. No effort hss been
Do ta Arrtv.
Name. From Iat.
vrthin! fan Francisco In port
PiMkwu....Cra Bar.... Jo
pav.r Ban r4ra.... m
lot H. Elmore. 1 lllamook.... In
Kumrrto Manila. . . .
O.o W. Elder. .fcr Ln.o.
Al.laac. ...... Kureka....
An tii. ........ -Handoo. . ..
ti . c.B PMlre
. Nov.
n n. -. v - JUa Frs.nelsC. Nov.
Falcon. fan Nov.
Has City.. ....baa Pdr...Nov.
adaedoled to Depart.
Name. From Dat.
Prea water.... roo Hay Nov. XI
Northland o Psdro. . . Nov. SI
o. II Bimora. Tillamook.... Nov. -i
Ceo. W. Elder. .San Mego.... Nov. -3
fl. ar. ....... Pao Padre.... Nov. 3S
AlManre ..Fureka Nov. 2
(iT.l.. Puiton Nov. st P.Jro... Nor. Ss
P-anke Nov. J
Falroa Fan Fraaeisce Nov. 30
Numeric Man'la Nov. JO
Rose City Saa Pedr.... Dec
mad to start her machinery, a there
Is a large amount of work to be don
in the engine-room and some new part
may be ordered.
Work of discharging the French bark
Bretagne and French ship Thiers, at
th North Bank dock. Is to commence
thla morning. Th Thler will dis
charge plgirun onto a barge.
It wa reported yesterday that th
Norwegian tramp Hornelen. which Is
on the way to San Francisco from New
castle with coal, would proceed her
to load lumber.. Sh I under tlm
charter to J J. Moore Co.
Major Mclndoe. Corps of Engineers.
I". S. A., was yesterday Informed that
th Government dredge Cowllts, which
ha been at work In th Cowllts River,
sank Sunday. Assistant Engineer
Arthur Headley left for th cen and
repair probably will be made at once.
The cause of th accident wa not re
ported. Captain Nelson' good nature cost
th Mg steamer Beaver half an hour on
th way from San Francisco, because
after she lert th dock It was discovered
that a passenger held a through ticket
from Portland to Lo Angeles and had
mistaken th Beaver for th Bear. Cap
tain Nelson ordered a smallboat lowered
and the passenger was taken ashore.
Inward manifests filed at the Cus-tom-House
yesterday were of the steam,
ers Saginaw. Catania. Beaver and St.
Helens, from San Francisco, and th
steamer Breakwater, from Coos Bay,
with th British bark Invercoe enter
ing In ballast from Callao and th
French ship Thiers with 1000 ton of
plglron from Belfast. Th Breakwater
and Beaver cleared for th.a return.
Commissioners of the Port of Port
land met In special session yesterday
morning and formally awarded a con
tract to the Willamette Iron 4 Steel
Works for the -construction of a steel
dredge to be completed In eight months.
The Commission authorised General
Manager Talbot to proceed with equip
ping the tugs Wallula and Oneonta with
wireless and to have the apparatus on
the pilot achooner Joseph Pulltxer
placed In working order and to employ
three operators, one for each vessel.
The Wallula Is also to be lighted by
Largest of the Broadway bridge pier
on land is at last assuming shape, after
two months spent by the I'nlon Brldga
A Construction Company In excavating
and driving piling SO feet long to form
a foundation. The pier will support
the west approach and is located on
Front street. Each of the shaft will
be by 22 feet, and with the con
necting foundation below th surface.
Its combined dimensions will be 80 by
: feet." The work of pouring con
crete Into the cofferdam began yester
day. Repair having been made to the
hull of the wrecked ateamer ' if. K.
Henderson, which has been at the yards
of the Portland Shipbuilding Company
since she was raised at Bugby Light,
where she was struck by the tug Sam
son. It was launched yesterday. The
steamer Cascades, also of the Shaver
fleet, was hauled out and her machinery
will be transferred to a new hull, to
which will also be shifted her cabin.
The Henderson's hull will be used as
a barge at th Shaver yards.
Captain Albert Crowe, surveyor for
the tan Francisco Board of Marine
Underwriters, said yesterday that a
further Inspection of the wrecked steam
schooner Westerner showed that th
steamer W. S. Torter had cut through
eight sticks of lumber 14 Inches In di
ameter, which were stacked on the
starboard side, and that the shock of
the collision shifted the main house
four or five Inches and started every
butt on the port side. She will be
floated from the public drydock today,
after hsvlng been patched, and her
cargo will be discharged to permit of
permanent repairs. The Inspectors will
conduct a hearing In the case today,
as the Porter arrived last night..
Movements of Veseels.
PORTLAND. Nov. Mi Arrived Steamer
TV, s. Portar. f rum San Francisco; British
t.ani.r Kum.rlc. from Manila, via Orl.atat
and ifrltl.h Columbia ports; steamer Nome
CUV. frvia fan Francisco.
Astoria. Nov. 2n Condition at the mouth
of the river at a P. M.. rough: wind, south
taest. a miles; wes-her. cloudy. Arrived
at 7 and l.ft up at l .30 A. it.. British
ampr Kum.rlc. from Orient, via Pus.t
Sound. Arrived at S:H and left up at 0 3O
A. M-. s'.amer Nome City, from ban Fran
cipco. Arrived at 9 A. M., lirlllao bark
Crocodile from Tallao. bailed at 10 A.
M.. steam.r Aurella. for San Francisco.
Sailed at A. M.. steamer Carlos, for San
Pedro. Arrived at 1 and left up at 2:15
P. M.. steamsr W. 8. Porter, from Monterey.
Sailed at 3 P. M-. steamer Catania, for
San KrancUco.
Kureka. Nov. 10. Sailed Steamer Al
liance, for Portland.
Sao Francisco. Nov. . Arrived Steamer
"Brooklyn, from Coos Bar: bark R. P. Rlthet,
from Honolulu; Buchmin. from Seattle.
Seattle. Nov. 20. Arrived Steamer ArrylU
from San Francisco: ateamer Oovernor. from
San Francisco. Sailed Steamer Klamath,
for San Francisco; steamer Honolulan, for
Tide at Astoria Tuesday.
Itlgh. Low.
1 1 A. M T.I feet'T:10 A. M IS feet
0.60 P. M S-8 feet 7:62 P. M -0 foot
ron't waste your money buying
strrngthenlng plasters. Chamberlain's
Liniment is cheaper and better. Damp
en a piece of flannel with It and bind
It over the affected parta and it will
relieve the pain and soreness. For sal
by all drugglats.
Piano rented, S3. 14. $5 per month.
Kohler a Chase, .75 Washington St.
Heavy Winds That Threatened
Wreck of Waahlpgton Drive Ves
eel to Anchor Off Grays Harbor.
ASTORIA. Or.. Nor. 20. (Special.)
Th four-masted British bark Crocodile,
Captain Roberts, which was reported
at anchor close In shore off Gray Har
bor, was brought to this port this morn
ing by the tug Gollah. Th Crocodile
was 65 days from Callao and encoun
tered th heavy gale that has been rag
ing off the coast during the past 10
She came up to th mouth of the Co
lumbia Klver a week ago Sunday night,
at the tlm the steamer Washington
was In trouble, but the gale was so
strong she could not venture In.
On account of the swift current and
adverse wind the vessel was unable
to get off shore and was carried to th
north until last Thursday evening, she
dropped anchor In 12 fathoms of water,
between the whistling buoy and the
lighthouse at th mouth of Gray Har
bor and about two and one-half miles
from th beach. Word of th bade'
position wa telegraphed her on Fri
day afternoon and that evening th tug
Gollah left to pick up the vessel.
The weather wa thick at th tlm
and Captain Manter had some diffi
culty In finding the craft, but placed a
hawser on board her about 10 o'clocq
Sunday morning.
The Crocodile was In no Immediate
danger, although with the stiff gal
blowing It would undoubtedly have
been some time before she could have
worked her way off shore without as
SansaUto Vata to Sea After Delay
North of Bandon.
MARSH FIELD, Or.. Nov. 20. (Spe
cial.) The achooner Queen, which ha
been at anchor outside of Bandon for
several days and about which there
waa some anxiety, is safely In port at
the Coqullle River. She was towed In
this morning by the bar tug.
Other sailing vessels arriving at Ban
don are being towed In. The achooner
Sauaallto, which waa at anchor close
to shore eight miles north of Bandon.
baa put to sea.
Harbormaster Is Removed.
P BATTLE. Wash.. Nov. 20. (Special.)
George W. Hill, appointed harbor
master by Mayor Gill at the beginning
of his term, was removed lata this aft
ernoon by Mayor Dllltng. Captain
John W. Russell was appointed as his
successor. Mayor Dllllng saya he re
moved Hill because of the long and
bitter controversy over the ejection-of
the Capsalla Fish Market from th
waterfront at th Grand Trunk Pa
clfio dock.
Man Sne for Land Owned by 'Wid
ow') First Husband.
MARSHFIELD, Or.. Nov. 20. (Spe
cial.) A large amount of valuable
property on the east side of the bay.
In fuct practically all of th City of
Eastslde. Is Involved In a suit which
will be tried soon In the Federal Court
at Portland. The plaintiff In the case
Is Christian Hermann, who recently
sold a large ranch on Coos River, and
th defendants are th East Marshfleld
Land Company and a number of indi
viduals. Hermann' first wife waa the widow
of the. late John Norman. Norman
owned about 280 acres where the City
of Eastslde now Is located. The prop
rty was sold by John F. Hall. County
Judge, who waa then acting a admin
istrator of the estate of Norman. It
I alleged by th plaintiff that the prop
erty was sold for much less than lta
real value and wlthou proper author
ity. After Norman'i death his widow
married Hermann. Upon her death
Norman became her only heir. Her
mann married again and lived for a
time In Germany, his native country,
but he Is living now in this country.
Pelican Bay Company Is Conducting;
Heavy Operations.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Nov. 20.
(Special.) What is believed to be th
largeat raft ever towed on Upper
Klamath Lake is to be brought down
by the steamer Klamath, which went
up th lake today to Odessa to get us
haul. The big raft Is being made up
by the Pelican Bay Lumber Company,
and will contain about 750.000 feet.
The first raft, which la already In tha
canal at the company's plant, has In It
3U0.000 feet. The company, which
owns mora than 100,000.000 feet of tim
ber In the Cascade Forest Reserve on
the upper lake, eetablished Its first
camps near Odessa July 15.
Logging operations are In charge of
James C. Johnston and a crew of 55
men. The grade and three mile of the
logging road have been built since
Summer, also a 50-foot canal connect
ing th railroad with deep water. The
company' new mill here will begin
operation about March 1.
s 11
Salem to Choose Eight CounclUuen
Early Next Month.
'SALEM. Or., Nov. 20. (Special.)
The "wet" interests are beginning to
be slightly apprehensive as to the
flnal result of the city election which
will be held In Salem early In Decem
ber. At this election eight Council
men are to be selected, one from every
ward except the Second where two
Councilmen are to be named.
The fact that a number of those
nominated at the recent prlmariea are
avowedly In favor of "dry" principles,
makea it possible that the Council
will be at least evenly divided as to
wet and "dry" with a chance of the
"drys" having a small majority. While
It is considered doubtful under the
home rule amendment whether It would
be possible for a dry Council ty put
the saloons out of business, there Is
a possibility of regulation, which might
cause considerable difficulty.
A Mall Carrier's Load
seems heavier when he has a weak
back and kidney trouble. Fred Duehren,
mall carrier at Atchison. Kansas, sayst
"I have been bothered with kidney and
bladder trouble and had a severe pain
across mv back. Whenever 1 carried a
heavy load of mail my kidney trouble
increaael. Some time ago I started
taking Foley's Kidney Pills, and since
tak'r.g them I have gotten entirely rid
of all my kidney trouble and am as
sound now as ever." Foley's Kidney
pills are tonic In action, quick in re
sult. No matter at what stage your
kidney trouble may be. take Foley"s
Ktdrrey Pills at once for quick and per
manent relief. For sale by all drug
Cured in S Days
No Detention From Occupation,
Family or Home
W '-r,
. ' j
nit. A. G. SMITH,
I am a registered and licensed
physician, eonflntng my special
practice to the sllmeats'of MEN.
I kave more money invested tn my
establishment tkas all other Port
land specialists combined, and I
will rive S.-.00 to any charity If I
esnstt sbow this la true.
I publish my true photograph,
correct name, personally conduct
my office. I am the most success
ful and reliable, as medical cre
dentials and press records prove.
I make this statement so that you
will know you consult a true spe
cialist, who sees and treats pa
tients personally. I possess EX
PERT skill and experience, ac
quired In such a way that no other
can share.
To all men who are sick and In
trouble: to the men who feel they
have lost the energy of youth, and
that the strength they ought to
have has been sapped from them;
to those who are not sick enough
to be abed but feel they must use
all their will power to force them
selves even to their everyday tasks
to all these I hve a special mes
sage of hope and cheer. I can cure
that lame and aching back. I can re
store the lustre to the dimmed eye;
I can make you realize that the
youth of yesterday haa not been
burled In an age of several
decades, and that your pitiful con
dition Is now due only to damaged
health. Tola health can be re
stored If you will act now. Come
today, or tho stage of neglect may
get just, past the stage that is
WRITTEN GUARANTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee means a cure
or no pity for services. I guarantee to cure certain ailments Or refund
very dollar you hava paid me for my services. My services cost you
nothing unless I cure your Varicose Veins, Hernia. Piles, Fistula, Blood
Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reaaonabl
and no mora than you are able and willing to pay for benefits.
Office hours A. . to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
Dr. A. G. Smith
234), Morrison St. Corner Second PORTLAND, OR.
Building Inspector Pluninier in
Favor of One-Story Structure.
Councilmen to Act Monday.
Reporta were aubmitted yesterday at
tha meeting of the East Side public
market committee by subcommittees on
operation of public markets in promi
nent cities, sites In Central Portland
and Albina and the kind and cost of
public market buildings required. The
reports will go to the City Council
committee, which will hold a meet
ing for consideration of the proposed
public market next Monday afternoon.
L. M. Lepper read the report on the
operation of markets in other cities and
also the report on sites in East Port
land and Albina. Data were received
from 13 cities showing how their mar
kets are operated. A full report was
made on the Des Moines market, which
la operated free of charge to producers,
and which, it is said, reduced the cost
of produce for consumers from one
third to one-half. The committee recom
mended that the Portland market be
operated aa nearly like the Des Moines
market as possible, and that charges
be made to pay operating expenses.
Nine sites in Central East Portland
and three in Albina were submitted for
consideration. The first choice In East
Portland is the block on Union avenue
north of the Italian market. One of
the sites in Albina Is at Stanton and
Kerby streets, and la owned by the
H. E. Plummer, building inspector,
reported on the kind of building needed.
He said that nearly all the cities from
which reports were received have one
story structures, and those which had
two-story markets report little Income,
Mr. Plummer recommended a one-story
building, which he thought will cost
$30,000. If an entire block is not used.
As Mr. Plummer had not completed
his Investigation he will correspond
with other cltlea. All these reporta
were adopted and will be turned over to
the Council committee.
A to the purchase of sltea, the com
mittee decided that ground should ba
obtained through condemnation pro
ceeding after tha Council committee
electa sltea
Councilman Baker, chairman of the
Council public market committee, said
It was necessary to take definite action
at once.
"I have been besieged by persons who
want to know why we did not do some
thing." aald Mr. Baker, "but we were
watting to hear from the East Side
committee. We are depending entirely
on you for our Information, and, know
ing that you were at work collecting
the data, we have not undertaken to
get Information. Your committee Is the
only one which has taken any action.
Now that you .have acted I suppose the
West Side will also get busy and select
a site. We shall be glad to have your
further co-operation. A great many
questions will have to be settled be
fore this market project Is decided, and
we want the assistance of this com
mittee. We will meet next Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock and take up the
subject actively."
Secretary Lepper was Instructed to
place all his data and reports In pos
session of the Council committee. Mr.
Plummer will make a partial report
preceding his complete report to tha
Council committee.
Jndtfe Gatens to Decide Who Is En
titled to Water-Main Refund. '
Whether, when property Is sold, the
city la to pay water main refund to
the present owner or to his predecessor,
who paid the amount, is to be decided
by Judge Gatens. The point is in
volved in the suit of Luther S. Borton
.raini) the Citv of Portland. Judge
Gatens will decide It on demurrer.
The plalntm puxenasea 101 , oxoca
I Invite you to come to my of
fice. I will explain to you my
treatment for Varicose Veins,
Hernia, Nervous Debility, Bipod
Poison, Plies, Fistula, Bladder,
Kidney and all Men's Ailments, and
give you FREE a physical exam
ination; if necessary a mlcroscopl
;al and chemical analysis of secre
1 1 o n s, to determine pathological
and bacteriological conditions.
Every person should take advan
tage of this opportunity to learn
their true condition. A permanent
cure is what you went.
Impair vitality. I dally demon
strate that varicose veins can be
cured in nearly all cases by one
treatment. In such a satisfactory
way that the vital parts are pre
served and strengthened, pain
o e a s e s, swelling subsides, a
healthy circulation Is rapidly re
established. Instead of the depress
ing conditions. I guarantee you a
cure to stay cured or refund th
money. .
Cerebro. where the mental forces
are impaired. Spinal, where the
spinal centers are Involved. Vital,
where the sympathetic nervous sys
tem and forces that govern the or
gans are deranged by reflex effects
of ailments. I treat these condi
tions and all weaknesses induced
by nervous complications and ex
cesses and put you on the right
track to health, restoring the con
ditions essential to your future life
and happiness.
I u a e Professor Ehrllch's won
derful new discovery, " 608," In
cases of Blood Poison. It cures in
one treatment, and Is the greatest
marvel of medical science. This
new remedy has been successfully
used In thousands of cases. Let
me explain it to you.
123, West Irvlngton Addition, from
John Rohever, after Rohever had paid
J69.40 for water mains. Subsequently
the Initiative meaaure making It com
pulsory to pay the cost of water mains
out of the general fund waa adopted
and the city has been making refunds.
Borton declarea that he is entitled to
the refund because he Is the present
owner of the property, and Rohever
aays he is entitled to It. The contro
versy Is really between the two, the
city being to a great extent a stake
holder. The city demurred to Borton's com
plaint and the argument on the de
murrer was held before Judge Gatens
yesterday morning. The case assumes
added importance because many other
persons, who have purchased or sold
property, will be affected financially
by the decision.
Four Thousand Will Die if Rescue
Is Not Effected Soon.
JOHN DAY, Or., Nov. 20. (Special.)
Four thousand sheep owned by S. J.
Small, of Mt. Vernon, this county, are
marooned, in the snow -on the divide
between Murderer's Creek and the John
Day River. Efforts to move them hava
been futile and the loss will be great
If the sheep are not rescued within the
next day or two. Rescue parties are at
Tha herders who bad tha ' sheep In
charge were caught In a storm and
beins Inexperienced men, allowed the
shoep to wander half a mile from the
regular trail Into a canyon.
The sheep have been nearly 10 daya
wlthont food or drink and are re
ported to be eating the wool from each
other's backs. Many are dying- from
cold and exposure.
Pate for Testimony Taking in Rail
way Case Fixed by Conrt.
Dates for hearing testimony In tha
Oregon. & California land grant case
were set yesterday by Federal Judge
Wolverton. Most of the testimony In
the case, upon which title to approxi
mately 2,600.000 acres of Oregon land Is
Involved will bo heard In Portland.
Squatters have taken some of the land
and a large part of It has been sold.
Tha Government is given until Jan
uary 14 to present its testimony against
tho Southern Pacific Railroad; the de
fendant corporation then has from Feb
ruary 6 to March 27 for a similar pur
pose. The Government may offer re
buttal testimony from March 30 to
April IS.
Good Stomach
You Can Get One That Will Digest
Perfectly for Only 50 Cents.
A fifty cent box of MI-O-NA stomach
tablets have turned many a miserable
shattered stomach Jnto a good on In a
few days.
In five minutes they stop belching,
gas, eourness. bloating and that terrible
There aren't five physicians in 100
that can write as good a prescription
for Indigestion as MI-O-NA it was
written by a specialist,
one of the best In Ameri
ca; a physician that would
charge you J5.00 for a
single visit.
Ml-O-NA stomach tab
lets are sold on money
back plan.
They not only banieh
all stomach ailments but
they act as a tonic and
put vim, vigor and vital
ity Into tired, despondent
and run down people. At
druggists everywhere 60
cents. Test samples free
from Booth's All-o-na, Buffalo, X. T,
By C.K. Holsman,M.
I am an expert specialist, iratins ui r-
..t i.. t Aa-n mv nfriM ,nH tmiloment- DUDllsh my true 3
photograph and personally supervise the treatment of all
patients from the time they come to me until they are dis
charged as cured. Although my time is fully occupied
from early mom unth late at night In looking after the
wants of my patients, and In administering my special treat
ment for Blood Poison. Varicose Veins and other diseases. 1
always take pleasure In consult InB with new patients.
In offering my services to the afflicted I am giving you
the BEST that can be had anywhere. My reputation and
experience for the -past 18 years can leave no doubt as to
my ability, honesty and Integrity and should be sufficient
to convince the most skeptical that I am the FOREMOST
and LEADING Specialist In Portland. I possess skill and
exDerlence acquired In such a way that no other can share
It and should ot b classed with Inexperienced doctors or
,PAC'thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing
m." "d those wno depend Son you demand the best med-C. K. liolsman. M. U.
leal attention. I have the ability and can give you this
service I have always charged a very reasonable fee. so that my services may
be obtained by any man who sincerly desires to be cured. I make no mil
leadlna statements false promises or unbusinesslike propositions. I would like
to h"e you Tor a patient if you will come to me on a strictly professional ba
accepting inducements thit I offer, which are my ability 1 years" succeu-
iul experience umc-aviuB v
I dally demonstrate that varicoie relm
can be cured In nearly all cases by
one treatment In such a satisfactory
way, pain ceases, swelling- subsides, a
healthy circulation Is rapldlv re-established.
Instead of the depressing- condi
tions. I guarantee you a cure to atay
cured or refund the money.
With these diseases you may have
more complications than ara presented
by any other disease. By my
searching Illumination of the bladder I
determine accurately the disease and
by microscopic examination and urin
alysis I make doubly sure the condition
of the kidneys, thus laying- foundations
for scientific treatment.
Scientific treatment only should be
used In combating this loathesome dis
ease. I cure Blood Poison by the new
German Remedy which I introduce di
rectly Into the blood, purifying; It, neu
tralising It and expelling poison from
he system. New blood thus formed
supplies and rebuilds the tissues In such
a way that the ratient recovers his
normal state of health, strength and
That disorder commonly known as
weakness has for years and generations
baffled the efforts of physicians, yet to
hls very day a majority of doctors.
I Treat All Ailments of Men, and Cure to Stay Cured
I Offer Free Consultation and Examination
I Invite you to come to my office. I vill explain to you my treatment for
varicose veins, hernia, nervous debility, blood poison, piles, fistula, bladder, kid
nev and all men's ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination if you
write for free book and self-examination blank.
My office is open all day from 0 A. M. to 8 P. M. and Snnriay from 10 to 13.
All correspondence treated confidentially. Letters cheerfully answered.
DR. C. K.
I am a duly
qualified phy
sician and sur
geon. I have
had SO years'
e z p e rlence in
my par ticular
Disorders of Men
I do not cure all ailments, but
cure all I take. There is no delay.
Tou are benefited at once. The
spark of life is soon revived and
quickened. Once more hope is re
kindled and life becomes bright
I Cure Men Quickly
with Blood Aliments, Nervous De
cline. Varicose Veins. Piles. Rup
ture. Kidney. Bladder and ail ail
ments peculiar to men. Do not let
money matters keep you away, aa
my charges are so low as to be
within the reach of all. GOOD
DEAL, Is what you want. Consul
tation and examination free. Call
now or write.
The Old Reliable Specialist.
Corner Alder and Second streets.
Entrance 128 Second street, Port
land, Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to
8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
I Cure Men
Pay When Cured
O n n eral Debility,
Weak Jnerves, In-
. . . nt'apiirnrlr. Atn A i 1 -
ments of Bladder and Kidneys,
Varicose Veins, quickly and per
manently cured at small expense.
I cure such ailments as Varicose
Veins, Piles, Specific Blood Poison,
etc., c o m p 1 etely and permanently,
often with only a sins;le treatment.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
324)4 Washington St., Corner First,
Portland, Oregon.
The Well-Known
nan iDlDeSe flledlCal tO, Mrs. Cban
K. CHAN, with their Chinese
medicines of herbs and roots, cure won
derfully. Tney nave cureo. many sui
ferers when all other remedies have
failed. Sure cure for both internal and
external sickness and all chronic
llments. Their remedies harm
less and s;lve quick results. No opera
tions. Consultation free, i-xami nations
for ladies Dy .Mrs. unan. jaii or write
for symptom bjank to S. K. CHAX CHI-
t between 1st and -d. Portland. Or.
The eminent Chinese doc
tor, treats with Aon-poison-ous,
non lnjunu herbs,
and cures such diseases of
the Throat, Heart, Liver.
Lugns. Stomach Kidnes,
Piles, Constipation, Nerv
ousness, Neuralgia, Rheu
matism. Catarrh, Eczema,
Blood poison, Diabetes and
all orsranic diseases.
Patients out of town can secure these
health-buildinsT remedies. Send 4 cents la
stamps for symptom blank.
.906 Aider bt.. Cor. Third. Portland, Or-
S. tv.
il-a-ll M
D.The Leading Specialist
specialists not excepted, are attempt
ing to overcome it by methods that
have been in constant use and have
always failed for half a century. They
dose the system with powerful stimu
lants and tonics, calculated to restore
nervous force or strength that Is not
and never has been lacking, with the
result that the functions are tempo
rarily excited to the positive detriment
cf the patient. Weakness is only a
symptom resulting from many local
conditions and is curable by local
treatment only, without the giving of
a single internal dose, which demon
strates the absolute accuracy of my
understanding and treatment of this
disorder. In years I have not met
with a single failure and I have entire
confidence in my ability to cure all
cases that come to me for treatment.
I am equally certain that no treatment
other than that which I have perfect
ed can completeiy and permanently
rertore strength and vigor.
MENCE TREATMENT. Many patients
have no confidence In their doctor, be
cause he demands pay before a cure
has been effected and there are many
who have been misinformed about
iheir condition or through unsuccessful
treatment have become skeptical and
chink there is no cure for them. I
want an opportunity to treat such
men. It makes no difference about
the financial part, as I accept pay for
my services as benefits are derived;
when I am satisfied the patient Is re
liable. Health Is capital at Interest.
I will prove my ability to cure before
asking; pay for my services.
221 Morrison St.
Cor. 1st Street
i y,''" is i sism
I publish my own photograph and
I am a recognized expert Tn all ail
ments of men, legally licensed to
practice medicine and surgery. Every
ailing- man who comes to my offices
is assured of my careful personal
attention throughout the entire
treatment. I realize that a cured
patient is m- best advertisement,
and for that reason never accept a
case unless I can give every honest
assurance of prompt and satisfac
tory results. Rapid, certain, thor
ough cures for a small fee on easy
payments have made my practice
the most successful in Portland to
day. I will show you immediate
benefit, cure you for half the ex
pense and in less time than will be
done elsewhere, or it will not cost
you a cent.
V.'RITE If you cannot call.
a to 5, 7 to 8 Dally; Sunday, 10 to 1.
We cure quickly and permanently all
rnrable rases of VARICOSE VEINS,
without severe sursjlcal operations; SPE
CIFIC BLOOD POISON without injuri
ous droeri; (606 skillfully administered
If preferred); NEKVO-V.TAL DEBIL
ITY without Mimtilative remedies;
HLIM)FK and KIDNEY troubles;
ULES and all RECTAL ailments of men.
Is our guarantee and
your absolute protec
tion.. Consultation,
examination and di
agnosis free and pri
vate. No cases ac
cepted through cor
respondence. One
personal visit to of
fice required before
treatment com
mences. Come toda.
We will use you
honestly, treat you
skillfully and cur
you promptly. Hours
daily 9 to 5; even
fngs 7 to 8; Sunday,
10 to 1.
S62 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Chinese Doctor
Hade of Chinese herbs and
root medicine cures all
kinds diseases of the heart.
Innss. liver, stomach, kid
ney, blood troubles of man
md woman when others
lalL If you suffer, cmU or
write to 232 Wash. St.,
tor. 2d. Room 18. Port. Or.
and hysterical or despondent at times.
for good. Buildsnpthe system and bright
ens the mind. 7oo a box. Write for proof.
IK. BOSA-NKO CO., Philadelphia Pav.
. . i. -