If .anaa-feea alt; Rwtnu lo Frivol lamlly. ii.N.;.-tir,i boute:.n r.ma. .ina-i. Bud .a lullt, both wood PUv "J l.ate.. prior... te. . moat convenient t...u ta in city or. b.o.k from P - . ha.r r. .-a f-urn He-.g TMir. .-" Tarior ' Lj l-EH weak 1 e.e.n tura!i'l hukp tng rooms. fr he.t. l-ih. Laundry. p.on. yar-1. '" '''"I. " wr eve. CtinQ fca.t aa 3'A 1 , i cr 1 farni.-ied houaakep.ng room. ga. nth. rasaon-ole. '2 '"' fctNUL AM) INK.iKMATIu.N !tt I'.IAL Horn. huot-ra. i.t our p-imiw '"V I.I and Information depertm.nl. th F.oor. m.lo. bu...l:n. and -. in. vecanr-lea w. a. a. ll.led of diraal. houe. and lata. YouU av litn. la getting properly ad nnfoKbr located. W k-ep M' I'b a.i vicinl Iuiiiim, Cat. and n.enl In tT. cut. W a.so k.'P ". r.-w bui'd.r.. In cuuna of ron.t rue . .oa. Th. cnmntrl ll-i of .1 real e.tat. dal- - Tr.U Inf-iruiatloa 1 ai.so a-.- y iraa. ViHlN Tor WANT T.) HEN T A TUB MEi'k'h'' f'kaNK COM PA NT. RooM mod.ro buiiM. Incladlnf l"vnl'l r -im. In loult.Ml part of city. " ear : r.. 1J mlnui..- walk from bu.lB... cen ter: run ur.furnl.rad. J. C"B r. nted un.T famish J BnJ will occupy on. room .. p.rt rental; wl.l rent lo .l-eir.ol t.n.m only and jot lor b -jaakeepln- lojmi 6 u tor full par tem A ra fARR:.H. WATKINS CO. .- Alder 31 . .'. . c..ii..e. wiib irg. g.-ouBo... f.r rnl.-s.er... garden cow., city '. M .nt.vii.. . j.urt t carllB. 113 .and I per month, .nape, App.y n4 N.'V, .--.th. W far ci on lorr.oa lo .K.n. Vi'K-fct north. Foh Itr.vT or !-. oofl T room hoo.. In k!a-eii. r-ld-nc. tctlor;. fct B.. r.rl"""! f:vr Br-pinr ,urr"tT: .: : r.r.t r..wrjio. C.ll Nln 21 " :?' -BiH'M. th-rouh:y mo-Wo lou on rr-h-r :..t .-,.! K-.rn.y .t. . U t" """! II P .:m.r J n.. c . " Wl.com b.J- I riorr. V:n .h'O. a arjl. run 1'.:nt v-ry irri. v . .-room rood- tiou. nn luc..'n. ronw.ol.nt lo nr. rr ..r'm. ;JS th ... - t- f'hoB. If?. - tOR ENTMo4.ni . room "n. c!m In r.. llthoru. .: b..utlful y.rd bb4 r".. r.rt on:y iO- C.il tor k.y Irv' Tm Ml T-N.xt l.u.-. .ir-.Iy ml"-n. h.r.lwooj fi,or. : f.irn.... cm.rt b"Tint n4 t.'... ci..i to cr.iB. not :u nioBlh. ion. 1.S-T 14SL. vTTh-!; F s T U oTl m t ro..m dw.illn. t.n UlS t . "'"r Ilro.dw.y. .:. Ii n .r. lr. J.ckwjn Wr:n. l-t S'.rk Pt. TTT r.l.lSAN b-t-'-n lid n1 ' ,oon'': rno-lr-r,. . mon'h. C..I pr.ml... or ph..n W VI n I . iTJiiTM but.-i m rlty Pr. rh rni: pi Mr.U..i JT. or c.i .t N irt h l?y . NI.'fl.T firnn""'' nodrrn -rra ho'i. V-.'il.bi" Ko.. C ity J-.rk. Plwn. T.bor b-' .'! Stl. V.rduyn W Alton. r;tarr '"n- rr.r-rr. ' TVAl K I -'"'. on v..t SM.; . roorn f i-r ..n. I l"u-. rruotnli.t. Inqulr. 1S1 l.'-g ' 7.H.M M l.n.,. In l -r " V'--':? Vi -l-n rn; r.nt ".n. ".U at loo i- llrH at Or D'ton- fr. W""! 11".'. n rt-r. f irr.iahad, .m..m urf.rnl.h-.!. J lit I' I . P- t'O. t . ....vt- K' aa. cwl tsmvt. Bl'-. :. liwulr. -S t- 7:a .t-. X lM molTn SjrnMh-ma. ra wrr. Var;ail 1 V I i.hI m -ITB hou.. l.r.a yard, oornar 'h ard K.t I. lr.ro, n. S biock. from car. VI .'n or Tahor 7 K.oI m -l- rn b u. f-0: '1 for W IB- r Ma.on t S-)iwr.1 pjrt"ltr:NT-S-'n4,m cortair-. Ba rilnton at. Volt KNT t-room hu. liau w IJT p-or A 3!.'. .l fuml-nad rtlir; r.ni iij. i.i t It. .. .ti n -. I ii..u r.it 11- Kjit Itvlmont. cloa. In. hum :l N. Zl.u. car. V r lail ... lath. Powa.l. tut. Inqulr. r --! furna.-' .M. Tart 1M. ..K l.tM-i-r-. ',mK Matn Xara.t at. 11KA.M n -r....m rornor lioliM. at Vni'n dn'.tncr; ajult.. l R M in.lrrn; .mail yard, food !; rant ri-"i XotklitS I'ouw, room a. Ill l- aolb at. fir.is:i- ! r.-.; k.. o.' i . Ko City tin 4'JT. arx , I f.E fr rnt. Afpiy at 7 m Kirby. larvl.brd lloowa. :.itur, fui.y furnl.h.4 tna ax.-pt p.no: In choic. r n i.n t.ivr.1 atraat: b.aaa- ar. y 1 i-r montri. C.l aitbcr tatt Ma.. i al.'- or A H t.i.IIKii Hf.NtiAI.liW S'lrr 4-ro-m buncalow. cornplrtaly fur Bi.nad Stli. naar Aiborla. rant J.j. a a ;. ;Kl s.-l a ttoI.PS. 31 Board of Trad. Kolt Kfc.NT A-room nlialy furr.l.ad homa. ahola or part, to ra.por.ib.. paopi. only, no chlliran. T. Eal iiorrlaoa. cor. l:n. I hoia t:"t -Kwil fura.ird hua OB 11 1t.h .1-. 1 r-io.-a: from l.roalaray car. $- pr month. H P l a.intr-Jor.n Co. i'boncs Mala aiiva. a i . Kttr i-room bur. .a. oar. 5-1 i K. 11th t.. b.t. Tiftart and K.. .worth, raiit .lo. PhoB. E. :;.4i S EN room a. conanl.nt. modrm, daalr ab.a location, w.ikls. aistanca, $o. t'hon. -ItOOJ cornrr hou... couip:ataIy furn:.had: yarit. is., (bona. Call betaaan 3 and p i at g'.l 4'h it . romrr l.lnin. KIVE-t.ooH f uTn;r.d bui;iC.oar; c.aaant furn.tura. fUo. refcrrnc. riquirvd. icon. t K.NlSiirlL A-ro..rn hou-a for rant, alount 1 a -or. Urtt ta.tl. Ir.c.uutfd. Pt.oti. A t-4l. Atkiti.on. Xl.'ELV f urn. .had cottar, for rant, tiM In. St ttil.iircD. iaA'ana a w . au k-ny .t. klk.Ic.ltN T-r.njm faralalied houaa, Waat r da. r imaca, i 1' rv... i nona M .n.lay. Matn aol'KilN homa, handjoma y f urn!.h.d: mix room, with bath. .lrri!B-rv.v3, Wli laniatt. Haichta iialn l' J. A 1SJ4,. LL-rtHM.-Ht.D room hou.a. aay wa.klnc dlatanc. 131. Call Mala T. HOf'F KN 7 "roomi. con.p'.alaiy fural.had. Wa.t !- w i hin( i::j;jn..f. 3IA13 o-- kui.LlIN furnlahad S room rottaca batal an'! I ill Ea.t lilt .t. R car. T -K' 'OM f.irnUhaJ houao, will alt furniture Va.n 41'. Swank. 31. HamlUon, T.k.miiJ furnlaha.l houa-. modam. 743 n ava.. pr;:and tiallhta. A 3I4. Hawaca foa Knt. Inmltttr. for Wwi.. 14.KM.J rr..id-rn houa, haudaotnaly fur ... .i hot and co.d watar in rooma. ataam b4t. a minutra' wa.k from Po.tof- f.ra on Morrtaoa .C; cbaa rant. AF o J, jt-W furmlur. of .:-ro..ro modarn boraa, InoIUtllnc Baw tlt;.-Irir oncar p. .DO and banch. t h raa n.orna rant.4 mor. tnaa pa. rnu lo-4Eaat btark. fciAf"RinrE ala. fitmllur. 1 Vroom taoua. condition, cactra. location. Waat Sid., arr chaap. (rota to i. Main alU A ;vv. -NO arsta. aTxTRA food furnltura of rt-roon flat ch.api .y trn.a. or trad.: conaldar acraaaa. A 471 :il. 12 to 1 or aftar I t RMTl HE of b-root $:.73 In March; for tail Anlntij l fat for ..;; 137". T.rma. lv-KV.M hou. for rent and furniture fir ale. c. ii In. clear. .10 over rent. K tX i ri.ir.ijn. PI l:ITI Kf: for a:e; a range ca.-p.ta. ..na. and a Mcyc:e. all for $4S c". E. Mera. J od R-ed at.. Tortland. Or. liAili'iAIV if liken at once, furnituro of o- room fit. 14J. llth t. m AaT a .TH ST f.if ran', furnlt-jr. for .ale; S ranted Ca l lo A. M. to 4 3u P. M. Ki ni" SAl K or trade, furnltur. of a-P-int n.t. n;.i -, ili.un . ailiare.. CiiRN'-H .tor. for rent and fl-turea for aAl. at a bargain. Apply at "01 Front at., corner Taylor. Paclfio Seed Co. DE'TBABLE -t-t-n paopl.-. Theater, Waat P.rk and Alder- For partlcu.ara Inquire general office.. Theaterbldg rrVrRAL .tore, at eaat and Madlaon-.t. brlila. I-' - ". a.ci.iding to .iaa. lc--I jlra L-"l H.w I- .rra ve 4.-- 4K Uigar f l'ai ad on Oa .1 bat. ;a aad --a. JkXch-r e bwi-a-a Co. ,:nrl l'til""l!r Pare i . , , , vr ,..,;rJi;. at tic. I atii. t urnaca. Cal 1 ,.,V 1T-?t Ph"n. Ea.t !. i.:.: rl r-K 'M hou-. TIu Irving u PhoB. i.ir ;.r -r a ni . K..T BVSIMSS OPIMHTlSllirA I Mar. STORE TO RENT. .., $75 OO rorrtr on Grnd .t... 1 bWK outh of K. Morrl.on; .ull.b;. tor irwory or scxi'f.' .lor HART MAX THOMPSON. Chmm br of I'omm.rc. Blug. jtoHE i.'xlOO fl. .t k Tlh b'r F'.rk; rr.-. on S ""or r.oor. H. P. P.:m.'--jn Co. Wilcox bldg. Pbon. Kln :. A "- STORE r- aiil'W ft . with fall bmt, I 4 t-b l blM F(rk nd Ul. f"' Ir.M at .ry rwntl. r.nl.1. U. p1mr Jon. Co.. 4t-t ucox ph.. THKEB nw .torr. on corner of Fourth nd Montgomery t&, B.I U U.Hy. Ablnlon t.t. , BF.T lontlnn In rlty for rot nou,,r rritiunM. f I. MimloT. Phon. Main , , Office. 0.T CKNTRTri:TLOCATB OFriCB All-nirhi i.tT r"c: p?',I.-?i 4cr,m.nt. on yrly 01 ' IC-. b'b BJ WBtrilogto DESK Kim. M IB BttiTy lurnl.hl out.l.l. of fice. lr. lry room, with r"ntr of fl.y llM w' l-.t: on y 110. Inrlurtln. both . . . . 1 .1 I'.rafnnlan bkl K. pnnnfi. itwui ' -" -- I LAKUB IfOITI In B. MM t UtB Bd l.d'.a' tUor. m: mlnlBM. .to. MJ fl. . I tion ro..m. In fin. lull. In leon bid. AB nrvfnlKn. 1)K.K room, wltb u. of two phona. In ch.rtul off!-. to l.lrM partly in- LK.HT front .p.c. IHU '.V'-JMo?' Kourtb it.. btwr.n A.'lor nrl Mor. ron: r'nt inguir. r. . - d:-:.-ikax.is off.cw. r.opi.'. n....r. w ' p.rk n1 Ald.r Tor r.rtlculx. Inqulr. trrml off!.-.. Th"r bld. OTT-IDE room. ru int pl.no. ol'fusl i:t. in nw ofn-.. M Pn. Oronlmn. IXiR RENT Two floor. In bulldlnil. No. 23 and -5 t rr-nt au, now wa-.- ' - - c f.e .'J-t Huobar Co.; la. Inqulr. at 4A Purn.lda. . ' BrTXT.l OrrOKTr?tlttaA. COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD. Arn wantad In Taclf o Northwaat Parinr Mutual I.lfa. 43 yaara ol4 J. million, aaaata. W. lean mon.y. H. H. W ard. Mr.. 713 Spaidlna bld- I W ANT TO MKKT Party wtl!ln o Join forca. with m. ra manufacturlna antarprlao alraady l .na.'. tak. half Intaraat and ha. charita of offlra and fln.nca.: profitabla lira, food markat; till. I. worthy ln a.t icat Ion by anon lo.ikli for a atr.tiy laltlmat. buain-iapropo.:tion. I)M'J. Orafonlaa. GKNKHAI. 4t KliCHANDISK ToRE. I.o.ated in on of tli. ba.t town, or r.a:arn Orairon. doln oar (XJ a )'' bu.lnaa.; to-k all! IBol- Mut l.V r b. radurad to .'ilu Thla I. an rrraptional fna proposition and If Intar a.tad. u. for rrtl-ular UMII REALTY C- AV.r. . . r - - j . -. .. U A t t.t A rO'l paatnf atanm laundry In a ro..d lla!y loan Claa to Portland, fully aiulrpad. capacity .va par waak: t wi.i .all balow o.t on ..count of Tal.mjr a-...lrhl. aav tarma Call or addr.a. Sa. "harn..ar OT I ommarra i.i.ia. TO LET Raaamanl praml.aa, r.."iT faat. In modain bulittink. central lotano... . Vinrounr. HrH:h Columbia I auKabl. for Turaj.li bitM. Full partl.-o.nl from I.on dnn Brltlah North Amarlcan C a. to. 54.1 pan.lar at.. Vanrouvar. H. C. Tandy cirnar. eiaan. now wto-k. ood trada; zw y-ar. iaa.a; wi.i . .U-.. about alio; 1-i ca.h. balanc M- rurad. . n , . WUKKI.FR n.AI.la, H l.qmnarmani Bid. TOVNO MAN. fTRANOER. 'ajaaa raraful InTasllratloo at exwaaja. f K.irr befor. you Inva.t raonay In "f propo.ulon- Advlaory Dapartm.nt, T. M. C. A. . Bl SINK.S manaaar. axparlanca.1 In manu farturlnic a-i.ir and offlca nianaaamant. would Inva.t I-'.") with .arvlca. In prorlt . . t . ..... hulnii. or buy .mall money making builna-.; rl full particular, to Ir.aure rapiy. II urriui.ii FOB SALE Pin. cah rrooary. clkara. enn factlouary ilr. 4-year leae; located In beat auburb of Portl.nd. I'rlc. only $l-,n. Icknaa. tha only caua. of .ellluf. Ad draa. o 1, nt. John.. Or. LOOK AT THIS. Raataurant for aala. dome I B per day: rent f-iol 'J vaara month. laa.e. I wltl aall for $.100 thl. weak onlv. Cail S7 Madlaon. between tront ana r in.- KX'R 1 EA-el Modern r-athhoti.. .nd room-Ii.-houe. near carltne. cloa. In. 27 fur nl.hed moma 2 flunae.. hower. tuba, ataam and hot room. Included! rant r.a .onaMa. Imnlrt 1 Rueiel Md. . IP you ar. looking for a bu.lnaa. opaalns. call on ua. W. will e. that yon ara lo cated rlcht; no rharae. for full Informa tion K'r.ney Ptamph.r. ..l-J Lumbar 1 L.a. na mnA RtarV ata. r.yn-nce i....... -o - - WANT to buy a modern roomlnir-bou.. of about 80 to 40 rooma. from party who will accept aqulty In modern dweiiin. Bice:y located, a part payment- AN tHio t ra a on I an. WAMC.li lo.rr.' i iv . r. i . TV, have a client, who want a flaoa with llvtnic-room.. from $3v. to $TD0; mint be rood value. WHEELER A H A1.U 11 Lumbermen. Bid. bPECIAL bargain thl. month; mn.t b. -wild en aecourt .irkneaa; a flr.t-claa. ladier tailoring- e.tabli.hm.nt In good locailon. A i a-?. vinu.M-i. BAIXJON. i Good bualneaa corner; mix j-ar-r l.a..; ret-on.M. rent; Independent !lcn. Ia- , v kin - V.iahfl II 11.1 lire j-i lamni.i ClilAK. CON r'KCTION KHT and light gro ..ai and attra.-tiv.. clean atock: Bice' llvlnr-room: " i,i...-w uv.I.TT e-o.. S0 Ald.r Ft. CI FANINil and rreaalng bualne..; owner want. .ober. .toady partner: will pay you . . . i . . -. v little mon.v rcaulr.d. -.i i ..m. Pirhtnufl. bOLll. bualBt-aa lor enr.i-no man a.e pay 10) a month -iary. alao .hara of profit. Particular. 141 4 itark at. UNITED PTATE3 patent. 1 Tn to run. ... , r.ir anv nurpoaa. cost aovv: .eil cat and patent reaaonabla. loaa no r.m. W. H. Hutrhi.on. Rainl.r HotaL HAVE A-1 manufacturing or atock propo rtion. W ill aau a no:a or pars i.-ur. v, or will tra?e for timber or farm land. I pwnerl n O". i.n"n.-n. HtvlNli two re.tauranta, I would Ilk. to a. , ,.n. - koih ara navlnr aood no aaant. and no tria.ra. AN iiO. Orego- j-HAT MARKET Nothing b.tt.r la Port land for lh money. 1 1JS-V Hl.OCH B E ALT T CO.. -i' Aldarr Bt. -J.I...X go fcTal. dallcataa.an f"r aala. fin. location. be. and mak. offer. Phon. A 4'..4. o agenta wanie.i. VOVINii-PICTtHE theater, flna.t la Portland'-, .urburb. $l1, .om. term.; but buy In rlty. 4"4 KnVMH bldg. a.0 HlINfc, carda. gl.oO: yoo mnart brlag thl. d. Boa. Clt prlntary. lug-, THIrd. A K KAL rAROAlX PAl.M.ESK J RlC E. CinAB. confectionery, bakery and grocery .tor., on r:a.l -fiue, aoing gooa ouaina owner .Ich .nd mu.t .eil. Ka.t 1141. jivi.i a V r 1SDLSTHIAL. DtUtlaA T.laprtoB. and otb.r bond, bought aaa old. Flatcn.r ma. CO. a.a APiniiiia PAHTNKH wanted to h.lp In .tor.: will p.y y.u lvO month and ranulra. very litti. money. particular. !--.ark at. PARTNER wanted; man of good addrea. and $20. can aecura good permanent ln- Cu n.a. AN . J I. oreaonian 7"i0 FL'TS on. half Intereat In dairy luBchj waat man who can manag. bu.lneaa. O .4. OregoBlan. DLNTil'HAXT for Bale- good bu.lnaa.; xnuet aail account of a.fckneaa; prlc. 4l-.oii. 4uS i;iian at. mu 1. a l.R Kn and .econd-hand furni tore, dolna good bualnaaa. 0-3 Lumber Elchang.. PARTNER want.d with not lea. than louoo ca.h. for btJlnee. which pay 20 per cent yearly. N -t.i,r'i,-'Blmn- . liTTii- bom. bakery and datlrataaaen.' for .ale by owner; good lo.-atlon and bu.lneaa. 4.V, tlarrlaon. f-none A .1.-.. PARTNER wanted to drive delivery wagon part of time: pay energetic n:aa .3. day. particular, mt Mark it. TAILOR .hop. cleaning and pre.alng, for ale chaap; good location. 2!i Couch, ItKsTAl RANT and lunch counter for .a, a. 37J Ilaatnome ava. fee owner. j4 FKKT front, e feat deep, for rent, at 210 Morn-gar a- -'ANTc-li A partner In a well-paying buai- n.a r bio. oregonian. FOR bA LB--iHniN reitaurant; price 410-A MalB -"-. -a alia. Iv64 mai.'auaM road. 60-room furaiib.d ae lal. lea., or .ale. I'M l.t at. HALF rntereAt ta raeturaat. 43 dtm. 1 aih .1- LAKI'ER .hop. two chair, good bualnaaa; nniil all. leave town. 7 27 -All! lam . .vo. Cl'iAR rrnHKa Two donioti bargajr-a; aa for 4W2 Uregoniaa blilg. lUORXIXG OREGOXIAy. TUESDAY. EJ-RNAUD A CRANoELLB, UUrl N S 1XVESTMK N T a. Hl-ITE In! T EON HLDO- FIFTH AND ALDEli ST-S. OROrERT AND HOME BAKEP.T. li rent. I1J to U a day bu.lnesa. a.I run, so delivery; llv-ing-room. In oonneo t!on; good fixture-, .plen.lld location; C0. Ai. A. Crand.ll., 71 Texn bldg. HOTEU CENTRALLT LOCATED. 13i rooma. .plendijiy furnl.l.ed. com mercial bou-e; over J year.- lea.e; rea onab'.e rent; place I. making money ana can mak. you a nlc. fu-ure; well your while to look Into tint. B. A. Cran deUe. 701 Yeon bldg. SNAP IN BOOMS. The beet of furniture! large yard; hou.a 1. In elegant .hape; thoroughly el-aned. Inventory at It. Iowa.t.how. over IDVO. only 130 r.nt; 4t. B. A- c'rand.ile. i01 yeua bldg. OROCEBT AND CONFF.CTIONERT. Can partition for llvlng-room.1 team or hor.ee and wagon; beautiful .pda foun tain lo connection: .tock and fixture, will lnvolc. over $::0f.; IIJOO ca.h. bal ance -. a month. Sea thl. If you want omethlng tgood. B. A. Crandelle. .01 Tlooa b.dg. CENTRAL. LOCATION TO LEAfH For cigar .t.nd; thl. 1. right " - hairt of th. city: I ywr.' lenee: thla U an opportunity to g.t a good one. a. A. Crandella, 701 Yeon bldg. . SALOON AND HOTEL. 10 room.; Independent llcen-e. Indepen dent l.a.a: room, ail newly furni.hed. building n.wly papered and P"-"---1;-": can. a paid up for month.: . yr leaaa; li a month rent; price " S:t.Mi ca.h. balance on time. B. A. Cran elle. 7ol Yeon bldg. confectionemt'and light oro 4 Bring roomfc only ISB rent, over 1-0 a day buetne..: dan.ly location; g.Oft. 1. A. Crand.lla, 701 Y.oa bid. Snn r.BAN TTAITINa-BOOM. rractlcahy no rent to P- " bill.; fre. wood, fr tran.portaUon. over i: a day bu.lnee.; checking of grip, pave better than 1 a day; "era l a ip.endid opportunity for the right party. ;:.. B. A. Crandelle. 701 -n bld. CIOAR STAND. WEST FIDE. I year.' leaa.. $33 rent, lit ! l1 Ay buiine..: right down town; $460. A. CrandeUa, 7l)l T.oa bldg. CONFECTIONERY AND LiaHT GRO CERIES. Splendid location: haa an excellent f room flat with bati: year. l'- -J-onabl. rent. emc.lSmt I',!'-"""11' " carry on larg. bu.li.ea.: nlc. bla .tore room; JS30. B. A. Crand.lla. 701 Teon bld" BCSINESS INVESTMENTS, If w. tannot plea., you In a bu.lne.. Inve.tment you need not look .l..her.. our tiropo.ltloo. ar. .11 good. wln--. ' toe fact that w. inve.tlg.t. befor. plac ing tnem on th. market. See me if you are Interested In any line. B. A. CTan dlle. 701 Yeon bldg. HAVE BUTEBS WAITING. DRUGSTORE, worth about $S00O, fn country town. OROCEBT. whioh will Invoice about ;i00. Mu.l hav. 4 llvlng-rooma. CON FECTI ONER T that 1300 and a good lot will buy. We have customer, for all -''"' J BCt-INESd OrKNINOS. both In and out of the city. If you want to .e.l your BLM N ES$ and "eli It SL ICKLY, and to good idvartita,'''. u'. A - S oT I A T E t INVESTMENT CO.. hih Ye.m H'.dg.. 6th and Alder. bOME lvXCKI'TIi 'NAL. DAKOALNs. $ioo Will buy furniture of rooming-house or trt roon-s, -0 of whlcn are rnnted. bring ing In $I0 pr month. leaving 5 room, for owneri 3-year lea.e from Sept. 1 iat. .t $74 per month: HtO will handl. It. xuu.t b. fold within few .y.. Eurniture of five-room bungaJow . If you will Investigate thU you will find It to b. a r.al bargain. Furniture of 4 room, complete ror .o If .old at once, and 7-roora bou.e lor rent l 1. on West Side. OTTO at HAKKSON REALTY CO.. IO.I 1 4 I f k. a v . - IiON T R'liC.KT THAT WE ARh, Felling on. to tlv..acre tract, every day. The.e acre tracts are priced lower than urroundlng acre, and we glv. you very low term.: .hould you need a little help, we will furnish you lumber to build your houe. Rome acres cleared, aome have bru.h and tree Fine for raising garden r V .1 .nd reiilt- IB minute. ruca. air "- --- 7- mQr. to car, fully. call anu a a -'.---- - C. F SMITH SON. 212 Rallw.r Exchange. Marshall 2T2. A 4315. GREAT BIO SNAP. Mum be .old at one, thl. nlc furniture of .n eight room houea. If you hav. only $123 ca.h. you can move In at once. Don t fall to ae. this. Joseph Graham. 1007-19 Board of Trade Bldg. TWENTT SALESPEOPLE WANTED. We want at once 20 people who can sell th best real estate proposition that ha. .v.r bei-n placed on the market; ex perience not nece.aary; you can make $lv per week. Call at one. THE NEWI.11N-KOLLER CO. 01 Buchanan Bid g.. .. Washington Bt. louTvl'li WANTKIl. To take half Intereat In well-equipped machine shop turning out a Bumber of fir.t-clasa apeciBlUle., for which there Is a good market at profitable prices and have full choree of office and financial end. A C.I7. Orcg mlan. $10 TO $.5 MADE- DAILT. You can earn tMs amount if you take a course at our rt'HOOI. MOVING PIC TURE OPERATING. Call and get par ticulars today. New York Film Exchange, H Wash., nenr litn. CJ-iAlt, CONFECTIONER.. IWi.nuu; I yeara' lcae: doing H0 dally: close In. lease alone worth price aaked; $i00 for quick .ale a. r.nii. a.i ' . . . 2 1 3 Chamber of Commerce. POOL AND CIOARS. Oennlne good buy, i yeara" leaae. rent 158. Including heat; trade $.'5 a day; 4 tenia.: good atock and fixture.; $2100; WrTr:ELEn HALL. $11 Lumbermen. Bid. $T400 II ANDI.E3-pool hnlU lunch counter and e.gur bualness; feed 73 at noun; 40 meal ticket.; rent only $4.l0; clears i00 . per month. H 1 1 ; LEY A til K I IOP. 1 31 Th I rd St . en at 1" TArv fraah. clean .lock. $.1&0 i-aah. eh..pe.t rent In city, considering location; living-room. modern; other ore. cash or trade. See owners. ( nil 217 Ablngton bldg., or phon Main 6I'T. MANl FACTL'IUN'J bualness. clearing 112. ik aa.iiv douhlad: Inaoicina SOoO: i a on Idetr.'ck; called Eaat. must be .Bold 1m-m-diat-iv: no reaeonebl. offer rafua.d. AS fli-e. tlregonlan irTilST and, lunch eounteri owner ja.. the eonklnx. want, partner to tak ...i, and look after customer.; very little mon.y required. (23 Lumbar Ex- chang. al'TOMOHILE concern opening branch of fice dealres manager of ability who can lnaeet $-.000 to S.iOOO cash and take charge. AP 6131 OTegonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE. 11 rooma, $304; jo-room brick blilg.. al-ww; Aa-rwia ".aa - '-a l"76li.v''ft BISHOP. HI Third St. MERCANTILE collecting agency haa ben ..,........i a., vanra in Portland, want. partner to do collecting: will pay you $M Wf.lt, fart 1CU U --" a-. a I1.11.I it.lilM AND CIiJARS. Weat bide; making money; good leaae; WIIEELKR HALL. $11 Lumbermen. Bid. FOR SALE at The Dalle., Or., clothing, .Kna. and fiiml.hlna good, .tor.; good- haying business; reason, for selling given on rrii'.-at. 3 o0. 0rfonj?; PRODUCE bu-lnewa: want ateatly man able to Invest $.''! good aniarg and big profit, guarnnteed. Call t4 Stark t. WANTED To buy .m.ll. modern Job print Ing plant In or near Portland. Addresa O 0"2. Orcgonlan. CASH grocer, for sale: .n.p for man and wife- will e'xrlaln rea.on. for ..King. Call Woodlawn 1130 any time. SALOON for .al: .nap; $3400: S yeara leaae Inde.iendent license; no ag.nta need ...jdv. at fi!'. tleegonian. lyPPOKTUNITT for steady m.n In growing buair.r.s: $110 required: pay better than wag-s now. Call 244 Stark t. FRANHLIN billiard and pool room, bt se ment. loth and Wash. .ta. Entrauce 13th .treat. DELICATE. -SEN for .ale. good location, chenp rent, llvlng.room.; pric. 2oo. Mar shall lWL BEAI.tTkI.I. cash grocery; Invoice. $12.-; clean, new stock; 6-year leuae at $23 month rant. Call 24 v Stark .t. WiiVlNH-Pli'TCRE theater clearing $o0 weekly: trial given; $1500. baL terms. 4i. Rothchlld hidg. 16 ROOMS, right down town; good leae; clears $-i0 monthly: prlc. $1000, term. nd trade. 4112 Oregonlan bldg. ulinl) opening for butchr shop aud black smith al.ep. Write postmaster, l'alg". Cal. (Jr.iA'nnYr Ent Sixth street, near Grant, betwewu $t)uo aad $700. No agenta. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. 61H Yeon Hldg.. 6th and Ald.r. 1 ROOMS. KENT S0-$-year lea.e. close In. we.t la loca tion; owner leaving city, will .acriflca and give .aay term.. 12 BOOMS. $700. Dandy, clo-e-ln. W.at Sid. traji.lerit hou.e. Here la a chance for you to make money. Kent J40. 40 ROOMS. .1300. Thl. place I. centrally located, wltn good lea.e and clear. $185 monthly. W ha you buy. buy right. thi 1. tb. beat buy m the city. . . . SO ROOMS, $1300. Good lea.e. 5 minute, lo poatoffice. Ton can t let thl. go pa.t. Come and ... how you can clear $100 monthly. If ytu ar. looking for a HOTEL. APARTMENT-HOUSE OR ROOMINU HOUSE. it will pay you to ee our list. Alto read our ad for TBADES In the Ex chance column. We loan our own money on anything we a.ll. Kemember the a-d-dreaa, ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO. 618 Yeon Bldg.. 5th and Alder. , OWNER COMPELLED TO SELL. 18 room apt. house, constating of fix B-room .ul.. completely furnished with high-class furniture. Suite, all r.nted; grii. Income $160 per month: rent $.0. with -a 2-year lease. You could occupy one of the apts. and get your rent free and about $'. beside, each month, after paying all expenses. Don't fell to Inre.tl gat. thia. for someone 1. going to get a .nap. Ca.h or terms. C. F. PFI.UOER A CO.. Suit 13 and 14. Mulkey bldg.. cor. Tel and Morrison. HERB 18 WHAT YOtT WANT. BOMKTHINO GOOD AND CLEAN. - 84 rooms, brick, all on one floor, 8-year lea.; rent $12o; $1500 cash handle, thl.; don't an.wer unless you hav. that amount of ca.lii thl. I. not a ca.e of lckn.or any other .xcus. for falling; I bought tb. place to .e.l. AH 68., orcgonlaB.- HOTEL WANTED. 25 to 40-room hotel, furnished or unfur nished: will mak. good offer for any Pls-ca now being built; don't answer unle.. you hae. good locution and nrat-cia-. place on West Side. AN 6V3. Oregonlan. 21-ROOM' modern dwelling, elegantly mr- ni.hed. new .:m - bra.f be-U. flosf m.ttrefef and all fur nishings! on. of the bust, best location, big Income and always full: lease, part terma, l-v o-vner. e.'io Flnnderf. WILL sell my 10-roora rooming-noiaai. id eated at 221 loin a;., a-a a earn home; will either sell outright or tak. larKir rooinlng-houso and pay $1000 or more cash; my rooming-house I. all c.ear. FOR BALE Furniture of 8-room hou.a, rant .St a onth! clear. S Sft and gives you 8 Jr'ee living romos; price $400. $260. balance tltne. lull 3UO Columbia at-, beta. en i nd S P. M HHi SALE Hy owner. lH-room rooming- house; turniiure na-. , - r -cssh. balance easy terma 873 6th Bi nd atomnoniei J FL rt.ViSH liD 13-room rooming-house, W'est ride cose in; ran 1 ........ r - - balance ea.y term.; no agenta. Owner. 10 .1.1, af 11 ROOMS Including .toreroom. corner bldi.. a . . V aalraaiiln ta fa f "l fl I l" fT D 1 1 1 Ba . '"".V. I.":. rr.Ti.r 26 Fifth. CT7-; a- -a t.- I a room 1 n W -hOU.O from 15 tO 2 O i." . ,...a ! no airnlL rooms, trom owuei, AR '.'.i3. tiregor.lun. FOR RENT A nicely furnished rom!n; hOUlO Or JU ruoiaia, ' ket St. 18-HOOM apartment-house, furnltur. flJ cIkss condition; room, a.wayf full. jo. Last Morrison, cor. 8.1. 24 KDoMS. well furnished, fteam heat. $1000 under original price; owner flck. muft s;l l.303Ablngton b Idg. 77".ii ivii.u ii-.e it rooms, cheap. 800 bt h st. S: FUR SALE cheap, owner going Eaat. Tiog a roomlng-houre. 8W4 -State St.. balem. Or. SPECIAl NOTICES Propoaala lnyltetl. NOIlCti 1 o riii-iayii.". Bid. will be received by the Town. Clerk of the town of Wapato. Vaklma County State of Washington, at hla office ln town of Wapato, Wash., until December 13 Iftll. at 8 o'clock P. M.. for the con . miction of a pumping plant for the mu nicipal water .ystem of .aid town and for th. furni.hlng of all material, necea s:iry therefor and for tho work of ln"-lla-tior. of aald plant; th material to be nmnrna furnlahed. in. consirucnou -o- -"-tion of th. .am .hall be in all respect. In accordance with the plan, and "Pjo1" cutlont therefor heretofore prepared by the town engineer, which plan, and P-c'- ficatlon. are now on in. Clerk of tii. town of Wauato and fubject to the Inspection of all person. lnler..ieo.. Th. pumping plant .hall consist of a Tipitx pump, motor, gasoline engine, air . - nr.i.iir. tank and elevated atorag. tank and building; ach bidder will b required to deposit with hi. Ola a certified check for 6 per cent of tha amount thereof in lavor oi " Treasurer .. .ecurlty that he will anter Into a contract for the making of aald Im provement and furnish bond. a. required bv law and the ordinance, of .aid lown within 10 dav. after euch bid inall be awarded, in cast n i. so The .uccessful bidder will be required to enter Into a contract with- the town of Wapato, and execute a good and eufflclent bond In an amount equal to one-half of the contract price conditioned aa required by law for the protection of material, men and laborers furnishing material and labor . , . . ... .ui ln.nrAVim.nl in tH9 coimirutiiuu oi , ', . " .. n and said mauer win 1 "M u ' " v- -' -the Treasurer of the town of Wapato. the amount of Industrial Insurance hereby re quired to.be paid by the schedule of con tribution In section 4. of chapter 74, or th. Sesnlon Law. of 181L of the State of Washington, For further Information apnly to H. E. . , . i . i . -. n the town of W a irmiDia, .ot.ii - 1 " . - - pato. or D. R. Redman, town engineer, Toppenlsh. W aan. lh town of Wapu-to reserre th right to rotect any and all bids. ...... Dated at Wapato, Wash., thlf 10th day " v"" H. B TRIMBLE. Town Clerk. FKOPOSAL.B lailliu. .. .. . a- l . . a.in.iiv. B . a ' AO can ot poiius uii..ia " j . . , proposal, will be received at the office of tne .ewisiou wuu - -' : ' Limited. In ihe City of Lewlaton. Idaho. . . . . - iit.a. Hav nf Tlneamber. on or D-iu." mo '-. j - - - lllll tor tne aaie oi oooua -i - -- ton Land Water Coniany. Umlted aatea Auru i. j.-.-j. 1 n.ee ooiiub o.i' iai. a. ' " - r not exceeding, however, par with Intere.t accrued to in. mm uay w. otc... . lull, will be accepted and paid for to th. . - -a , a. .i.iiik la ttinoaarirl dollars. extent oi .aio.wui " ' - . . . ih...,ii on hanii on or Buy lulu lu era, . . o . i . . . ... - - - aid min uay ui '" - - - - ... - .inking fund created under article III of the trust aeeu inuiuii i.'u u..a. LEW1STON LAND WATER COM- r.. 1 . A. 1 LI. OFF1CK DEPOT QfARTERMASTER, 108$ North Point St., San Francisco Cel., No vember 2'), 11L Sealed propoaala. la trip -ii-ia will ha received her. until 10 O'clock A. M.. Pacino Time, liecemD.r o, 1811 for furni.hlng and delivering at the 1 tauartermaster-s depot. baa Franclaco, Cal. mhiu bedsheets; SOOO brooms, corn; - tui'Kj brushes, scrubbing; 500 chalra. bar rack 12o0 eov.ra, cot:. 600 hatcheta. ramp- B000 plilow-ca..; 20O0 pillow.; "Ot'O mattres.es. Full Information fur nished on application to H. P. Toung, Liapot oiiai.cn.."-.. . BIDS for the planing mill property of the Central atanuiaciuring i-w., io.m ... -.treet.. Vancouver. Waah.. will be ree.lv.d un to 12 o'clock noon. December 15. 1111. Truatee. rcs'-rve the right to reject any or ..... . 1. 1 - m a it Ttarnard. Bl! UloS. AtlUUM o.oa . " w. - . ar - n'a.h irustee. vanvou.i. . ...... MlacvllaDMaa. THERB will b. a Sheriffs .ale of the Downing Shingle A Lumber Company-, entire plant and a.ets. Till. U a fully equipped and up-to-dat. .hlr.gle mill and Is In perfect running order. Capacity. loo.oJO a day. Sal- will be at 1 o'clock P. M.. Novem ber 2 1911. at Little Falla. Lewis Coun ty -Washington, at publlo auction, for cash, to hlKhest bidder. Dwtail.d information can b. obtain. a at the offlc. of Wilbur. Sp.ncer Dlbbl.. 1001 Board of Trad. Building, Portland. Oregon. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Tha .tor. of Glm Wing at Co.. 67 Second .t . Port land Or., haa changed hand, with Olra Wing Tung Kee. After th.. date the lat. ter will not be responsible In any manner for the debia contracted by th formr company. . jrRo"i THIS day on, I wllf not b respon slble for any dehta contracted by my wife, Vra. J. F. Williams, 64 E. Pin t VS!gned J. F. WILLIAMS. LOST AND FOUNT. LOST English fetter, whit dog. browa spot. on e.-irs: answers to th ram or -Tlge." 1911 license. Reward. Cail Tabor Sr.d. No question, asked LLr T on St. John car. Saturday, pkg. con taining child', blnck hat and blu. serge . coat. Leave at Oregonlan offlc and get reTvard. LOST Fox terrier dog; answer, to the name Dandy; yellow marked- Reward. 150 N. Irt-h .t. Phon. "41-i. LOST A brown mink muff at Oregon Washington game. In grandstand. Phon 17 yOTErBEK 21. 1911. ' FOUND Where you can buy genuin. b" maltr.aee. r.taii ai wnoiceaie renovate mattresae. and return aame day. w. alio renovate feathera. Iort'a,n,5 Front- Phon. Main 474. A 1374- LOST Boston bulldog with brlndl. back and wnite nreaat, aoout a . - for age; answer, to name of Bob. Liberal reward. Cut 8768. 747 Braze.. LUB1 Oman niu-ii Fu, . o" ' , , , Taylor aud Alder. Monday. Liberal re- --h anr ..turn to rti.H Rlectrlo bids. Mar- . , ,. ,, 1- . . - -n etl. hataMtl ehall 1734. ' . LOST Monday A- M. In .hopping district. West Side, black elastio belt, with oxl- dlxed fllver cissp flower design; rewaau. Phone Main SMIL FIN AN CI A la. BONDS AND MORTGAGES. H. E. IIOONEY. Falling Bldg. Money to lend In large . or small amount at current rat.f on Improved Portland property. FOR SALE. Choice first mortgagee In .mounts from $2000 to $20,000 to net th lnvestorf B to 1 per cem. . MOBTGAGE8 Flrst and second), contract . .. .1 ..ti.-. ..,,111,. hnusrht- K. I- !- 1 per cenu vereaux, 1009 Spalding building, id and Washington. Main 63. vtasningion. jiaiu oa. , WILL aell good contract. $1000 up. drawing 6 ier cent- will discount lo per cent r.a- werd Miles, builder, fourth house on Soum U.I. - T an.a O. CASH PAID FOR MOR1UAOM Or feller, equity in coniracu, oi "- - real etat In Washington or Oregon, loans. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermen bldg. " - I " " : . . , iij.m1 aon WE pay nignest caan prico ior ou..--.- ...... , .nH aacond mortcages and other ' fecurltlea Home Installment Co., 608 McKay bldg. Marshall FIRST and tecond mortgage., contracts and . . . . - k...ht real aetata CO ra m laaiuo ai-cuunu o..v. . n ..... ,irt aKIvton hide. loans. B.. n. miller, am ja...a. MONEY to loan on good security; $" to a.oo ra . d.... altU-Aal Chamber of Commerce. MONEY LOANED Will buy mortgages, . . . . - Dorl.v 7nf V a i ) n MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLOCK. Money to Loan Real Estate. MONEY to loan on Portland real estate; we give quick service and are reiponalDle; tell ua your wants. THE WESTERN SECURITIES CO.. 414 Spalding bldg., cor. 8d and Wash ington. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes. 8 to 8 years time: liberal repayment prlvllegeg; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable 6aT lnga A Loan Association. 40Starlc eu GOOD 8TTPPLY OF MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 PER CENT ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. MALL & VAN BOK-4TEL, 104 SECOND ST.. NEAR STARK. MuNEY to loan on Improved city property at reaaonable rate of Interest In aums from $300 up. C. F. Pfiuger Co.. fulte 12, Mu key bldg.. 2d snd Morrison. Established $300,000 ON Improved city or farm property i building or .mall loan, at lowa.t ratss. large loan, a specialty. McKensle Lo. 614-615-516 Gerllnger bldg PLENTY of money to loan at and Tp c.nt on r.al estate security. EDW. P. MALI. 800 Chamber of Commerce. ; WE hav plenty of money to loan on Portland property In .urn. from $1000 to fr.O 000 at lowc.t current rates. Morgan, liedner Boyce, 608-5Q6 Ablngton bldg. WTLI, loan $20,000 or les.. real estate ecur lty Farrlngton & Farrlngton, 416 Com mercial Club bldg. WANTED A loan, first mortgage. $8000. 8 per cent, on an Irvlngton addition apart ment: also $25,000 on West Side apartment for building purposes. S 597, Oregonlan. eaVOoO TO LOAN it 71a per cent on good real estate security. OTTO HARKSON REALTY CO., 133"., First Street. MONEY TO LOAN. $3000. 3 years; $.S00. 3 yeara; $800, terms to suit. , Carlock A Muellhaupt. 1013 Cham. Com, $90 000 OR any part of thla to loan on in ids or residence property at 4 to 8 per cent. IH Oregonlan Ding. MORTGAGE loans on city Jiroperty; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg., 2d and Stark. , $200 000 TO LOAN, large loan, a specialty, building loan., lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 815-816 falling oicg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contracts and mortgagee bought, W. H. Nunn, 448 Sherlock bl.lg. $25,000 OR any part of It to loan on real estate; term, reasonable. Lamar. 41 1 Corbett bldg nttRTNESS property and close-in residence loans. EDWARD E. GOUDEY, L.wl bldg. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort H. Mlley. room 2J4 Gerllnger bldg. ctjo TIT-TIME loana by private party. $25 anil llO. lin vi a a ji... . . LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C W. Pallett. 808-9 Fenton. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Good- n ou g n ac pen.. oq g..v....i. a. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A H . ri a i i -s 1 1 , .... MORTGAGE LOANS, int. from 6 per cent Herlr C. Prudhomm Co.. 607 Wilcox bdg. LOANS on Improved really al lowest rates. nrp-FlNOTON. Chamber of Commerce. MoTuFdA-OE .LOANS. 0 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUliS tjALU.I'J aan 1-rOOO OR any part to loan. Interest 7 per . vi. i. 11i-.ll Cent. iTiaio J Money to Loan thnttel. snd Balarte. I i i g $ $ DO TOO NEED MONEY 7 We will furnish you. .trlctly connaen tlel and without delay, a loan in any amount, on your aulo piano. .arjUiir, livestock, .torage receipt and j fecurltief. on termf to fult; also weekly or monthly payments. WE BUY AND LOAN, on flr.t and .ccond real estate mortgages, contracts and chattel mortgages. V. S. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE I CO. 811 Hamilton bldg. 181 8Q. Mala 2084. $ $ $ C. FRANK NICHOLS CO. for a loan on any kind of security. . IT WILL COST YOU LESS. No extra charges, no catch advertising but straight business methods You get the whole amount you bargain for. and our rates and paymenta are based on the duration of the- loan, chartcter of security and amount. Prlvat offlc. courteous and confidentiaL , . . r. CALL AND GET ACQUAINTED. 603-4 Lumbermenf Bids.. 6th and Stark.. " MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! SO CHEAP THAT NO ONE SHOULD BE C WITHOUT IT. SALARY LOANS WITHOUT SECURITY. TOD CAN REPAY US IN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. BiE OTHERS, THEN SEE Lb. STATE SECURITY CO. 808 rAlLlAU al,aJVa. QUICK I.OA.NS AT LOW RATES, NO RFD TAPE OR DELAY. ANY AMOUNT FROM $10 UP. On diamonds, pianos, furnltur and all other kind, of personal property; pay ment, arranged to .uit your convenience, and all transaction, confidential A. A. CUNNINGHAM, 1206 Wilcox bldg.,or.6lli, and Wash. MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nl.hed without .ecurlty; cheapest rates, easiest paymenta Come and get money when you want It. and pay as you can. Offices In all principal cities. D. H. Tol- man, glllaUmriar cat . . . i . . r i nv, vl-'-n On furnituro. pianos, salaries, eta. Lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO- 807 Spalding Bldg. LiKJ Y r..T a ,v o . TOAVS ON DIAMONDS. ACTOS, PI iSuj'llEAL ESTATE OR ANY SECUR ITY 'confidential, union brok- Lrs' CO 518 Ablngton bldg.. lufiH 3d St. LOWEST BATES READ all other ads. try all other place. Sft TCIlcoa hi. la an,. then coma mi aw. - - - - a - " lowest rate ever. We loan on anything with value. Perhaps we can help you in your business. WE LOAN money on dlamonde and Jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx Btooh. 74 8d at. IMMEDIATE loans from 33 and up on ail kinds of fecurllies. W. , A. Hathaway, ,oom lo Washlngalon bldg. Main 803. " CASH ON CREDIT. EMPLOYES- LOAN CO., 321 ABINGTON BLDO. LOANS on diamonds, jewelry and other ar ticles at one-half tho usual Interest rate; confidential. 323 Falling bldg. r7orrTCY sold on installment, confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton, Henry bldg. ta UICK loanX lowest rates on chattel se curity. Geo. Harvey. 5C1 East Davis. A LOAN for th. asking, salary or chattel, 1 be Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. LOANS any amount, on diamonds and etc, by private partlea 216 Oregonlan bldg. SHORT-TIME loan.. $50 and up. Carl T. Trairs. aii viiTf.oniiaii LOANS on diamonds snd other securities. Wm. Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. .Qyry loaned on diamonds and lewelry. gtrlotli confldentlal. 141 i. 8d. near Aid.r. , a -r-ra r I PERSONJWU . Money to Loan chnltela and Salarle. . . . .... mi i-Tri. LOANS nAt-Ani or. . - ' -r " .... .j, MADE Cil-Il'KI.T-AM AMOUNT. DID TOO EVER Establish your credit with a Loan Co. ana gei turned down, when in urgent na oi a second accommodation because tn.y were JUST OUT OF FL'.'DS,7 OUR CAPITAL 13 UNLIMITED. If you deal with us. you may rest assured that we will be willing and am to Accommodate you any time ON SHORT NOTICE. CHEAP NOVEMBER BATES. $ .40 Weekly Pay. a $ 10 LOAN. $ .05 Weekly Pay. a $ 25 LOAN. $1.40 Weekly Pays a $ SO LOAN. $1.80 Weekly Pay. a $ 78 LOAN. $2.20 Weekly Pays a $100 LOA1S. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate Given If Paid Before Doe. PORTLAND LOAN COMPA.NT. o-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH f HOOTS. Between 4th and 6th St... on Wash, bt Open Hon. and Sat. Evening, till 9 P, MONEY TO LOAN On livestock, household good, pianos, au to., contracts, anything of value. Btrlotiy confidential. Frank Lane, 609 Swetland. Loans Wanted. WE have constant demand for f lrst-rnort-ra-re loans on new modern houses, hlgniy fmproved property, fully secured, netting T per cent. We will guarantee title, draw ail paper, and aupervl.e disbursement all funds. Call 62a Corbett bldg. Lau- relhurst Co. WANT $30,000 for 3 year at offer as security property worth $ll..o and one-half of the profit, accruing- in the deal which la $60,000. AL 606, Ore- fun. un WILL pay 8 per cent on $5000. aecure d by first mortgage. 640 acres timber land. Til lamook County. Or. will pay no commis sion. L 698. Oregonlan. . WANTED To borrow $5000 on out-pf-towT-real estate in high state of cultivation, valuation $15,000; will pay 8 per oent for a T . , nF.nlin WANTED To borrow $2OO0 ror i from private party on Improved city res Irtenre property, reoently sold for $5500. Vet A, -w ar FOR SALE 70O and iuy "7, full lota In city; gilt-edge. C Fl.LARB-III R TO N CO" 825 Teon bldg. . n . . t interest. - - - : : . coa t a Xatooo. "AniA 'oh "il.OOtV; wiilpay.. par cent. - Inqulr at 403 Lumber Exchange, 2d and btark. $15,000 AT 7 per cent: 8-.tory brck apart ment. West Blue, CI"'" ,i, tin per month. Smith-Wagoner Co., 811-8aa! Lewis bldg. I WISH to borrow tiouii ior a give first mortgago on Income business nroneriv auriu a-iivv Chamber of Commerce 1 WANT to borrow $aO.OOO nnE'; worth S125.OO0. 6 years- time; principal. bnlv. AF 6S7. Oregonlan. 1TV - . . ... Vi nil a. TO BOHKU11, ""'. f" ., 7,11. . , i .1.... ,i... i.nnroved Bt. AiClia Gossett. 7 West Kllllngsworth av. I WANT 12500 at 7 per cent cut imy ne, Mount Tabor home, worth $5500. pnn clnala only. mono aiain Uregonian. WAXTED-S30O to start buslnew. and party MONEY W-ANT ED Application, on hand ii-.v,!. loana mortgages for sale. encesa Mr wo, 'g' Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. 807 Wilcox Bia. $25,000 ON hlgn-class west B.m7 "" 7. a T.aia no commission. AIT .I OPTJl ... . J . ' ...a a. loan. 11000; 8 V A.-x I t- '"--a-aV.- vears. t nor lciii. - - . LET US place your money, t0?!'- -ara-ancea F. H. LeWlS. 8 LeWlS Bldg. $15,000. ONE year. 8 per cent, on cOOO UlOfC. . J i . PERSON Ala. HAIR-HAIR-HAI R-H AIR BOO PURE CUT "Alii orraa-a . . . v. . ... ; i ,. h ca a? la, OT-u.ta 2.4.1 $s 28-Inch switches a. .iialr dressing 25 Face massage 4?"25 Shampoo 10O Manicuring. 23c; five for PuperflSou. hair removed by .leotrldty. guaranteed not to return. 4. S5 and o r-c r r z o...f a" --- ,T Cut hair In any onaiie " . . " " ' larfe-th. Pric", half. Sanitary Parlors. 400-412 Tekumjbldg.. 3d and wasmngtou. " - . . t-.t.-ctdc o A TTCtTrTTr.n. "." "..."nYon";!. ted .very .nil and cloakhouse of "y,..on"aU,eI?r;: in the city. " h . . . found just wnst iii. ".-; .; ,. va- the chic novelties ior im - .. a, Jl'ona. SCampT Suit Cloak Co 2d floor Ewetland oiag., um " i -r. a rjT-rv TSJTTTI 5 VU T-I1 sinr tOTB irraduate: rheumatism, nervous and Btom- a . . j niival. Un1. dlrC- ach aliments. u..u, "; "-, r.a llth . ,tha massage. No. 7 East litn at., second door south from East Ank.ny carline. phonjaaAxuo. j- " PILES PERMANENTLY CURED. riooi. . HaTa- no aalVAB Worst cases in o to aw -J , . ointment or operation; until permanent focatl" is secured will make fP.ecla of tlr Appointment only. Phone Woodlawn 2309. . , a Hlllln.n acbool. MAKEOVER snop anu an.....w .W "w7PUtl.lz. your . ,,d at.rlal and have a siyuau . . , . : trimmings and making 25 centf and up. satrsfactlon guaranteed. 806 Goodnough block, opposite Poatoffice. NATUROPATHIC treatment. I cure nervous and chronic disease, without the use of drut-s or appliances of any kind. Dr. Catherine C. Gates, 807 Ablngton bldg. MaiahaU 3143. 9 to 12 A. M.. 1 to 6 P. M. Sundays, by appointment, uFKMAN trained nurse and masseuse, long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, .to.: massages and ba-hs. 34S E. Williams ave., near Weld ler st. U car. Phone East 8008, C 2553. Open Sundays DR. ALICE A. GRIFF, meease. of women and children, ha removed to Lafayeit bldg.. 313 54 Wash ington ft. ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of Fred Norqulst. who left Minneapolis about five years airo. will confer a favor by notifying his parents. Box 87. Frazee. Minn., or Mrs. J. Elburg. National. Washington. MtTHILDE AKNESEN Swedish massage, kineslpathy. Graduate from Christianla, Norway. Anemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, nervousness, reducing weight, etc. Call up Woodlawn 21112. TUBERCULOSIS, paralysis, eyesight, ner vous debility, cured by German woman with wonderful magnetlo healing power. 16 East Tsnth, cor. Ash. Phon, East 1466. AN experienced man would ilk a few. more automobile, to wash, polish and oil at private garage.. Phone after 9:80 A. M., Main 2142. ; WANTED To know the address of W. fT Kent He will find something to his ad vantage by answering this ad. P 608. Oregonlan. VI FS STEVENS, 18 years Portland', leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late took "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale at 848 v.. Yamhill, corner 7th ft. TTT7 n-iuEB. .peclalist for men. quickly cure, blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 lt L. Portland. 'dr. a. a. AUSPLUND. DlseaJes of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 3o2 Merchants Truft bldg., otbTand Washington. Phone Main 4047. DRE9S SUITS for rent. $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned- pressed, buttons ...al on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and. ' deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., SOU Stark. DR -KETCHUM, diseases peculiar to women, also diabetes and eczema. Washington bldg., 4th and Washington. Main 8474. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. K.lc: curls and puffs, 75c Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. Maln i.ao! SWEENE Y'S. 10th and Stark, -eve grow hair, cure scalp diseases and ,t0 your hair from falling ou, xnSSLEW'IS. late of San Francisco, treats baldness and diseased scalp. 406 Stark st. V i, one Main 3536. ; -J, dies If in need of confidential ad vile consult Dr. pierce; no charges. Call or write. 245 H Morrison st. iaORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost 'vitality. 25c box: 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe- , Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison st. vS O.. tablets cure debility from any cause.' By mall. $1. T. J. Pierce. 245 Morrison St. SOPHIE p. SKIP, mental and spiritual scientist; daily. '2i2 Allsky bldg.. Wed. 8 P. 31. Special messages to ail. Main 6824. TPMNED nurse going to New York would give" sorvlc.es for expenses. B 600, Ore Ionian. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D Hill. 429. Flledner bldg. Main 3478. HAIR work made to order. Mrs. C. Larson, y TuS Wlllianis ave. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of yo'mej:2 Davis st- Main 9215. CHIROPODIST and manicurist, formerly at 6th and Washington. B14-515 Dekum bldg. MRS SJOBERG. Swedish massage. Phon East 3202. , i rTtil."' UT 4 . fiti-e a n . elfin- i ri P 'Giallst, ilCO 20ti. su N, Ptione Main 5042. ELECTHIC TREATMENTS for men and women. We have an electrical office that cannot be duplicated on tne a-aciuo -" X-Raya Statics. X-Ray Colls Galvanio Fa radlc and Sinusoidal Batteries; high fre quencies currents; lights from the smallest to the most powerful; baths of fcrlption. We use massage, man'r-'11'1''""! and adjustments with vibration. Over 6000 patients and not a death while under our treatment. W do not use medicines and never operate. Our offlcea are always open for inspection- We have cured hun dreds of people that others have given up If you are not aatisned. call or write us. We occupy the entire north half or in third floor of the Rothchlld bldg. Dr. W. E. Mallory. Naturopath. LADY barber shop Will bo open until 10 every evening. 271 Taylor. BUSINESS DRIECTORT. Accountant Exltert. EXPERIENCED all lines; books opened, in..t ta-rtttaTi ..n financial statements.. private Instruction; outside service; per manent or temporary bookkeepers fur nished. 602 Swetland bldg. Main 440. Attorneys. . E. COOPER, altorney-at-law. General practice, abstract, examined. Removed to tin , Tain hid. M. 873. A 3071. THOMAS D. REED, lawyer, removed to 400 - .i V. . ,i Ark floor vii rgviunu um... -am . H. C KORNEGAY. corporation, commercial. ia,l a.tafa 1 a ar and collection.. 621 Y.OOa AsaaycT and Analyst. Wells 4 Proebstel, mining engineers, ch.m . ... ona u. TA-aahlngton. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory ana ore-testlntr worn. mo -" ' Brass and. Machine Work.. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting a . i. ,oa M KtVi Alain 2702. aim macnine woia. ivu t. Carpet Laying Carpet laying and refitting: linoleum laid .mrth and refintshed. Harrta Co., 851 H Wash. Phone Main 9098. Chiropractic Physician DR. TICKNER. Columbia bldg.. next Star ai . , . .1 - - o.T- rea.. B 296. Chiropodist.. DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD, graduate -j... ...in.nilT removes corns. bunions, callouses. Ingrown club nails; ped icuring, manicuring, face and scalp special ist. 514-515 Dekum blad.. 8d and ash. streets. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Itth only sclentiflo cltlropodlstf In the city. ti i ooo n..ln.M hide.. B. V. to. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Dr. Martin Braun surgeon 'f'V.enna. Au.triaPMr'RotPcn;M-Jblda. Ph. Main 5851 CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Coal and Wood. - f.i n t .nr'W COAL ALB lis A r c "i-.ibniyfS WOOD B RANCH E. 33D 8T.--WOOD, NATIONAL FUEL CO., l and .000. 387 Watar .L Marsnaii woo. a o.iq. Contractors. W. L. BUCKNER. contractor Jobbing, of fice and store sotting. 8 N. . 8th ft- Main 5581. A 7ti62. Woodlawn 6b2. Ianclnir. PROF. WAL WILLSON S SCHOOL, lesson. 25c: waltz, two-step or three-step fuaran teed In flrst lesson or money rounded, stage dancing taught q"5kly-,,s?,,W!7 u.. -a- 1..,, and loth. Main HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons 25o. stage and social dancing taught Ja "J waltx and two-step guaranteed in 4 sons. Class and social dance Monday eve. 109 2d st., betwcenWashington and S'arK. RINGLER'S SCHOOL Weanes5aV-. Xlli" evenings: social dance Saturday ''n; hoii osiu. Morrison. Private lessons dally. Phone Marshall 813. Detective Service. PACIFIC States -Secret lc. Agency. At vour service DAY and N Ia" V- -ai?. os Hoard of Trade. Marshall Sjl Educational. MODERN school of shorthand an0,?"' Ing. day and evening sessions, $a montn. 269 J4tn Bl. main BOOKKEEPING and stenography taught at home; satisfaction guaranteed. A e.w. Oregonlan. - .EXPERT tutoring for awkward -cholar.. narirea reasonable. G oHo. oregoniiao. Engine. C.aand Steam. ROBER Machine Co Coast agent. Sea bury stenm enpine and u"r hon B 615. tines. 281-2S3 E. Morrison St. Phon a Feed Store. ZIGLKR MlSab.,. Slb"- meni, gnniK'. - -J . . leather and Flo "a RTOWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es- j. ahllshed 1S5S. 18i Front si. . MuslcaL " " .timthlo Fhyalclang. ;--, km TTH graduate Klrkvllle. fir VL B Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. D NervSuiand I Chronic Diseases 122 selling pioa. i. Tnintn. Oils and Qintis. COAST-MADE paint, and varnish .. tagt ""riaT cQaSt19Cl" Second st- papering and Tinting. wf tint rooms. $2.50 up; do P'ntlnr at fin"" -,,!, trices. Home phone B 1.03- . ?I5-nting. paper hanging; neat. cienn w orn. i - - Patent Attorney.. Tt q AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured .y U. S. ASU'"ft 0 MARTIN. ,09 Chamber ofCommerceB.ldg. fTSrTu b JpaIfen?0Of,nce!,Br: f.1.-'?''. 'aVlQ thi Board of Trd.bjo - v.,-,ir.T,T domestic and foreign pt-C-n .ggggnt cases. 604 Dekum bldg. raving. I'll wilbrokers. -Ta..r tt MY KH3' Collateral Bank; 40 year lta PorS " 6th st- Phon " Pipe. TlFiran'd fittings, "engineers- and fteam fup- plle" M. Ia. KLINE. . Centrally located. No. , 84 to , 8-1 Front ft. ononea Main 517, A 2017. ---, . vd WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and PRr7 near 24th and York St.. M. 8483. Safes. -The MOSLER SAFE CO. 103 2d st. Safes T af factory prices; second-hand safes. Second-Hand. Oooos. -c v.i7 dotblng. furniture and tools. Hlgh WE. nrt? paid for second-hand clothing, f.'Ugg ?oolf. Marshall 237.4. TA-n- nav the highest prices for second-hand W E.'ud shoea Main 7H0S. 6110 5th. FI,.e.esBank and Bhotv Fixture. - , , rTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap THd, Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyt. K. Lutka. managen . tTBlRDSALU 208 Hamilton bldg. Show-R- "' f in stock, prompt delivery. Sales "et,t. M. Winter Lumber Co.. StoraAre. ..., moving, get my estimate on pack o wfrk. lowest prices, bone Ing; expert "v.r, Main Storage and Transfer. -?T-picK Transfer & Storage Co., offices nd commodious 4-story brick warehouse, r.oarate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults Jo? valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine els.: olanos and furniture moved and packed e..r .hipping; special rates made on goods ft our ' thrJugh cars to all domestlo and foreign points. Matn 596, A 1996. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes. nlanos and lurnitnie uiu.cu .uu imm for shipment. M) Front St. Telephone Main on 2247. riitrrON TRANSFER CO.. established 1S70. Transfer and forwarding agenta Offices iraiiaic rtliaan at. cor 1Hth an and a'01"?.? ' :- c- V tino - Glisan. Tj pewrlters. ti'i TO $0" will bay a REBUILT TYPE-IfRlTER- rebuilt as good as new; all makes to choose from at Gill's. 8d and Alder- terms to suit: every machine guar anteed Cail or phone for representative. ?. i-on or A 0 6S. Main WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter E:.- change. 287 V. Washington St. itfp-w rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at ci l rates. P. D. C. Co.. 1:31 Stark. M. 140 .-. Well Drilling. DRILLING wells. Phono Main 134$ or write A, wesi- qj i... Wood and Coal. BROOKLYN FUEL CO., wood and coal. Seilwood 43. i