the MoityixG QREGomy, Tuesday, November 21. 1011 5 , TZ 5 f REAL KrTAT l UjLSg i BAI, ESTATE. . XOOB. VB V 1913 Grand Truck Pacific R. R.' will be completed. Buy now, British Colum bia farm lands. I Vice are going up. We are selling land in the Bulkly Valley, Fort Georjje, Frazcr Valley eonntry and the Xarh Valley. Write for booklet on this last and best West. Address North Coast Land Company, let.!., 1017 Chamber of Commerce BM, Portland. Fhone Main 2276. Main office Vancouver, B. C. Paid tip capital. SltOO.OOO. I Wan co.Duy a well-established real estate and insurance business, or will con sider insurance alone; must have a good, clean reputation. Will treat all answers strictly confiden tial. Answer. AT 613. Oresonian. Only $10 down, balance monthly. Bend Park Co., Owners Sixth St Opposite Postoffice. $15,000 a-tn hmdl an prlmrnt-hoo ! on W(t park street, near the Arllnirton Club. ThU Is an xeptlona plane of property and In considerably lower In prl. e than surrounding property. FLAHERTY & CONNOLLY, 'IS Ye-o Hide;. MONEY TO LOAN OTT 3KORTOGF, FAHM MUKTItAIK4i lOWEiT KtTKS TKMJII TO SCIT. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 202 WKT Bl'ILDIXO. lhlra aaa Mark. UNION AVENUE LOT f :S 00 a month, with only a (mall rash payment, an.l the cneaprst bualneaja l"t on th streeL Tha trre.itest snup aer off red. Call or phona today. CELLAR ;-MURTON CO. Mala 112. A rHf. Fi'K SAU lst $-'i buy CD East Md; 3 -room a t rt c- r 1 y modern bungalow, worth 1"Mi. fine UwB and garden. 1.W) tub; T'm mortgage- Call bumlaye or evenings. l-,t tlrooklva St. Tel. tieiiwood . rT.T IlMliR JHe-k. William a $15-31 Failing bide BKIBAKEK BENEDICT. 402 McKay tida. 3a. 64a. Chapia a Herlow. 113 Chamber ro oseres eh. B- 8. A Col. toe Corbett bldn. Jeoolr.cs A t o. Mala 1- auO (Jra goalaa. j-ai.vkk-jones co, ii p, 404-404-4041 It HcoB bid. The Ortfua Heal Estate Co.. Grand ave and Mu.toom-a at. (Uo.laday Addition). 1 I KKAL FaTATH. t ar re Ka. tlSaS'iV $1330. ml e to Oladatone station. OB fin country road . wtthin the lo-mlla cir ri 4 l mil to Cla.-kBmaa; nearly S of Cna land, suitable for strawbe-r-traes and a beautiful bulldlnc spot. IS hard A Sou t one-he. f cleared and In cultivation. TBI! a la a beauty and caa be bad on your terms. f r SMITH PCS. SI? Railway Ulrica:: 1HI72. A 4-11.1 FRE FAKE TO BEND. OR. For a Short time and to a limited umber we ore paving tbe round trip ra::-oad fare to pen a Or., where wa are iirrtr buaire ard cioe-tn reeidenca lota 'xl at Hi), terma $10 per month. Our prop rty ! wichla two blocks of the union depot: wa are tha owners, not aa-en-s: we nay no prmm'whn THE N(LON-KnLU:!l CO., INC. 3-1 ?iK.ixna Bole. Portland. Or. MAI.l.OC.V AIU'ITI N. EAT I'TH .-:AIt HAWTHORN'S. 11 1IIM TK F Hi M Kr tHUH. ALU IStCKuVKMtXTs IS. mn.MS'1 h.-:.-imcTii.i.vs. rr.icES i."-o to hum. tfrxi r.Z' U. HAIR. TAR 177. B S4SI. CAST ZD AND HAWTHKNS AVE. O.jAE.N-U'K ThU-r CO. JCiTBEKilEN S Iil.IX3.. 4TH A.NO STARK FREE MAP AMD PHOTOGRAPHS OF llt.SD ANl CENTRAL ullSliuS t'p.n request; write os todajr fur re Iisd. Ic'urmatloo resardlca the fastest frowlni city vt tha Rt, bustnees and r-eMeace lota Kill. :. terms 11 par mon;h. THE SEWLOVKOLUR CO.. INC. itl Bu'-fcsnsn Uiff.. 1'prtlend. Or. A BIO SNAP. A r-eautlful noma elta. on carllna. wtta all Improvstnents. or as aa Investment prnpos.c!oa thera la aotblr-a better oa tie market; this property will d"ubla In a!ue tn two year. prl,-a $.'.. raalt win handle, ba.anco very assy. AM fraA Oreon;sii. HALSKT ST. 8NAP. A fine lot eosloo. raToc south, ce ment sidewalk and sewer In and paid: on Ha:-y st.. betwn ztth and leih: prtro oa.y $17eO. $; - cash aiki balance to suit. GRfSSt A ZADOW. tlT B'srd bI Trv 111. 1. 4th and Oak BUT NEAR RESU COtO-Ei-IE Lots 4'iil'iu fret. 3 blocks Reed Coi.vce. Its) per lot. S43 cash, tlu per Bvat.i. MKRIPIAN TRl'ST COMPAXT. S.iU Kal'eay Ki hr.. Hl !g Phones: Msrshall S.h. a 743X $: I"vn. i" vr.ti iii'MH. Fine view Ht; msrurvd fruit trees; re s'rirtei district, near car; cement walks, litiil Run watrr. fruit cared lor free of ea-s-e. iord of Trade bldf. Pboae Vsrsta!l 471. A l'll'l VE-T S1PE. IjHS I lien. Rlsjht on carlme. urr"r Wsshlnrton St.. srtjv,icina t.'ity lsrk. West r.uih aod Tim lull. National Keaity A Trust t o.. hTT" o t'ommerce. Mam oi:w I3T r'OK this beautiful lot. T.'ulieX farina east on Slat bet. Hraiee and Knott; t-''o cash, taian.-e at A per cent. 3 ears: I m -TTo.-ementa a t In and raid for. Phoae Woo.liawn t ' or C Iit2t. CoHNKrL Tst1. sorith ef trooway. sorroonded by I'eiu'lf'tl nonrs t4.'.'eX. J.-vHN-iTOX. HuTHrill A TTTFORD. a,. i'hrrbr of fo-nmer.-e. Main til7. WilST P.l'E. corner !r lot. (raried streats. aeer an wa'er In. ;y minute, from poet orftce. .i.M. JlSrt down. t.i!. 97 90 month. 1m. Thorns. S'JnV Vmiattn st. t,H;.V9'r, ! RTI.AXh fffflGHTJl. j.. Full lot. level. Valley vtaw. th:s la a case of owoer rea' y wanta to aei.. Fred W. Cermaa. SCra Burnsuls. M.crA J77. MfST SACRIFICE. " Lot nOttiio la itoeame.-e. near 9aady Road: ttiK below tclml ttloa (4S avast 7'h N $100 LOTS AT BEND HEVfJaoNT riCRlH E Lot r.oit,M cioae to earllne. 9300 less than snarket. corner S7th and Saady K,.ad fcriS Le Nolr A t o. for West f'de property, exclusive rieare tn West Hide realty, t'fficee s-l-T-a t'hsmter of Commerce. LOT 'sI'V. t bl'Kk from electrlo carllne. s;. to $I3o. aery easy l.rmi. J. W. Wfferiiti Realty I .,.. S".; forh-tt hide;. tie CA?M. i per month. Bear Jat. car; onlv im HRT1.ET A PHRfiP. 141 Third St. THKcrl v;aw lora o2 ea.-h. for l&itL 11! Tenor district; east front. Ownsr. AT 8.. Oreonlaa. jTsa FUH sriioo East th and Taylor. tiwastiand bid. ei1 LT. Pows'.l aireet. near Hlh; bar- faia. avJ &sttlaB4 blua. I ior .1I.t- I For taH-HM ' I . A GOOD HOLLT ADDITION to Floreaca. Or., at mouth of Sluslaw River, only river oo West Coast that carries no silt; com pletion of Jetuea by Government meana a safe, permanent harbor: the first 23 mllea of . P. railway toward Florence, Just contracted for and work beaun; rspla rrasta of Lble Important har bor town will follow; ea of lots Just opened to day; dleoount oa first &e lota auid; smell pa mint, easy terma balance monthly; bo Interest. Florence Land Company, sill Teon bklsr. QUARTER block, west end Rose City Park; block from car; surrounded by nne resi dences; Improvements paid; beautiful cor ner: (ood Investment. llnuO. 4U'i Ore onlan bi-la. For taale Houses, DON'T YOU WANT A HOME? CYr Oo von want to continue to PIT rent and the hlch price of llvlnat We have tracta of from 1 to S acres, situated close to the city limits, which axe pricea nam on van easy tsrma. Some of theoe acres ea mill imm and atnevard. honi cleared, others In brush and trees, boll the very beet, especially adapted for strawberries. Becure an acre or more of this line land. 16 mlnulee to the car. now at the preeent low pricea We will help yon boi.a. O. F SMITH A SOS. 113 Railway Kvchans-e tilde. Marshall ISTi A 4313. IR. 1J)T t'WNER. HERE IS TOIR CHANCE T-t IMPROVE TOUR PROP ERTY WITH A HUME. FLAT OR APAKTMKNT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A Lilff HATK OP INTEREST; PLANS ri Rxiniirii mrt it will pat tod TO COME IN ANU TALK T1113 OVIH. J. H. ATSI.VS. ARCHITECT AMI lit ILDER. HENRT BLTXJ. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT Tt'HN A Rl'RDM INTO INC-OME PROPKKTTT IF TOC OWN A LOT WE WILL ITRXIfHTIIEXONET AND BUILD RESIDENCE OK FLAT i. PLANS FKEE. IK WE HCILD. OUR r.El'LTATlOS TOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAT TOT' TO SEP. US. I- R. rttl.EV CO. INC. COVTRACT INO ARCHITECTS. S24 AH1N.JTON BLD. GREAT SACRIFICE. Owner must sacrifice beautiful home; B rvtoene: strictly modem; worth -toO.: on Fas; th at.; fine view lot: near Mayor Ruehllshri new home. Muet sell, so will take fo and accept gol lot up to f 500; balance per month. 7 per cent Inter est; bo niortnAre. PUFF A KT.ErVPOROK. 41 Itoard of Trade Mfls;. FELL 11.(" n'.rn-claaa Irvmaton home. (OxlOO, ear. E. 10th and Brase-. tor 300. $1000 cash, bs snce terma. T par sent; no Incumbrance. All Improvements tn and paid for. No trade. Phone K. for appointment WILLAMETTE HEIOHTS SNAP. Nice 7 -room house, furnace, fireplace, double constructed. 4 bedrooms, lot a'1 10. with street Improvemeota all paid, on Veuehn at . nsar d. price 674; 11000 rash and : per month : not many anapa like this on the West NO". GRUSSI A BOLD". Ill Board of Trade Bid.. 4th and Oak. BACRIFICK SALE. Am leavlne city and muet sacrifice my new 5-room bungalow la Rose city Park: c:oe to car; everything modern and very easy terma W. H. PHILLIPS. 6,V East 5th st. Nortbj. or 01 Board of Trade. Residence phone Tabor S43L Office phones Marshall 47J. A 1Q33. WEST BIDE HOME. SS. Coo.1 4-room house, ass, full cement basement, bath. etc.. lot 4tllJ0. T bear Ine fruit treea chtcken-houao and yard, nice view, on Flret street, near Bancroft ava.; price only !:: t:s cash and $23 per month. per cent ORI SSI A BOLUS. Ill Board of Trods Bl J . 4th and Oak. SNAP. BUILDFRS. ATTKXTTOX. CORNER LOT. sx,v!5 fest. on Id St.. blocks from Rose City car; will dlvl.le Into two 47Vv.iiOft. lota; prlra IllX-O. terma Call Msln KIT or A SoUS. J. V. Guthrie. Stark St. SAVE MONET. I have 3 or S 5-room btrafalowej imrt a boat completed I would like o enow feu. or will build to suit oa on your ot. or will farnieh the lot and make easy terms at te lowest rata of Interest and the price will be riaht. 1133 Hawthorne) ava phone Tabor Jwtl PIEDMONT SNAP, f -room modern house, furnace, S fire places. 4 bedrooms, osu. fine comer 10 ili8. lota cf shade trees, shrubbery, roses, etc . an Ideal home and a sacrifice at $ 7000. half cash, balance la I years; owner aolnff away. ORUSr.1 A BOLTiS. Ill Board of Trade Bids;.. 4th and Oak. 1XXK. ISOO DOWN1. IIS PKR MONTH, d PER CENT INTEREST. 3 rooms, bath, food porches, cement basement, cement walks, ires and In an enterprising community: thlt Is a Bloe p. ace and a snap at l-IOOO. Came and sse It todsv. lisi E. loth N. Alberta oar. ROoE CITT PARK. I4i00. ,'ow 4 -room bungalow, hlghewt rrade work and materials throughout, with all modern conveniences. If tsksn before Thanksctvlng. owner will Install fixtures and appllancea. Call owner, 4o f! Ifd ot. North. -ROOM dwelling, sun parlor and sleeping ?rch enclosed In glsss; hot air furnace, all concrete basement, ststlonery tubs; living-room 13x.'-: one bedroom earns e-se. 3 other bedrooms; located at TM Broadway: lot Soili1": for sale below market: easy terma McCaxgar. Batee A Lively. 3'H Yeon bitl IRVTXiiroS SACRIFICE. Wew honee. well built, choice aolecrloa of material, alt built-in conveniences), par ticularly attractive, at a eery low price. If taken at once. JOHNSTON. BOTH FUR A TTITORn. V ! ittmntr OI commerce, aaia am. 6IX rooms, with sleeping porch, modern 3- eiory reaioenc-v. uiri.e, r. o"y in.."--, hardwood floors, paved street: I will rent this at a esmnce. J. IL Tipton Co.. 1103 FpaMlng blils 1 H ANkSOl VINO BUNGALOW. 12700. New. 1 block to car, strictly modern, fireplace, eta. tubs, window shades, st. Imp. paid: t-'V) csan or lot aa first pay ment. Photo 'at office. Fred W. Oemnan, Slllt Burnside. t-or Aa77- "kICHVOND HAWTHORVa? DISTRICT. 230 New modern. 4-hiom bungalow, t large rooms and bath upstairs; fireplace. Dutch kitchen, bookcases, sic: gas. eieo trtc fixtures In. rear school and oar; easy terms. Owrsr. Main Pit., FORCED SALE, at odern house of 4 rooms In fins location, rloee In on Hawthorne ave.. wtll be sold ' at big sacrifice If taken at once, aa ownsr seeds some money, only $1000 caah re qulred. 1 111, Oregonlan. ROSE CITT PARK SNAP. Eleht-room bunga'ow. Just completed; alt up-to-date features, only l3r'io; small down payment, balance easy terma. ties owner. Mr. Carpenter. &.' Henry bldg. Msln Scyl. . HOW IS Tills? a.-room r -er bunsa!ow on a paved atreet one block from cerllne; thoroughly mod ern; .",'K'. $ :ov csih will handle. HAWTHORNE KKALTT Ci.. lOJ'J H.vwthoriie Are, $2iNi CASH, belam-e like rent, buys a beau ti'ul iiotne. strictly modern bungalow. 4 larce' rooms, large lot, fire location; price only I -TOO See Jaa. A. Clock. 333 Alder. Phone Main sl TO BB SOLD AT ONCE. Oood house, with 3 acres, wsst aide et town. JMsiio. $5oo down. NATIONAL IlKALTT A TRfST COt. 721 Chamber of Commerce. FOR PALE, e-room modern houae tn Sunnyetde. e-room hunsalow. Mllwaukle St. g-room houas and U lots In Newbertj. pi..n-a ;oio yeon oiiiu'.. j. w nir sin. 410O KtR new modern e-room house. 3 blocks from Union ava: will oonsttlsr a good lot as first payment. Phone Wood fawn .-33a or C 3M-. 1 RVINCTOS bargain ; good for home or rental; easily converted to flat; price gwwi. easy terma: owner on premises, gas Hstsey St.. near IVh.- Ft'H SALE I'v owner. Hose City Park. 7 room. 4 bedrooms, beam ceilings, built in bookcaae and China closet, fine view, reduc-d 1 17.'". 4"3 F- 4Mh st. X. C 3 "TO. AOCOl'NT sickness; dandy new bunealow at 1161 lvon St., ofTervd to responsible bnver sacrihce and on own terms until S7th. Phone owner. Btmey. Mitln f.W. ROOMd, strictly modern, gaa electricity, furnace, I4'n cash, terma See me, lella 0,-aeetf. 7 West KHIIngaworth are. e-Hot iM modern bungalow; Improvements In and paid; excellent location. 1 block to carllne. phone owner. Se!jwooi 14. aTRtToM modem houss, fine location, seerl fire; see this. For particulars addreee B ;.l L tregonlan. fTROOM modem 3-story residence; will tske f0 caah pav-ment, balance eaey terma J H. TIPTON CO.. llim Spalding bldg. SEE Le Nolr A Co. for West Side homee; excluelvs dsalers In West Side property. 33-7-a chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL, attractive, neat, g-room new. modern home, heat buy in Portland, aa cari'ne. Owner, ye.lwood u. 7-l;i OM houae, will take lot part paymenu Ejgvne St. l.nnnu RtrNilAI.fiW. ej-KIs la one of the nrettleet and most aomplate bungalows In this section: baa 6 nice rooms and bath on ma grounu m . hardwood floors tn three rooms; has all tha built-in features such BS bookcases, rhlna closets, wardrobe In bedroom, with beautiful bevel mirror, full cement baae ment and Boor, nice large attic: overlooks the whole city; paved street: the price Is $oi00, 4oO cash, balance :3 per month and Int.; If ou are looking for a real nifty home In a restricted district, see this at once; we know It will piease you. HAWTHORNE KKALTT CO.. loili Hawthorne Ave. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. MAGNIFICENT VIEW. Snaclous crounds modern home wltn everythlne first-class, bulit-ln cheval mir rors, bardwood floors, two lirepiecva. It ta verv seldom that such a view place on the Heights Is ottered for sale. Tbe price Is only 118.500. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wlleox Bldg. Phones Main SfHTO. A 38o3. COMI'LKTELT FURNISHED BUNGAI-OW. Hardwood oak furniture throughout, brass bed. Wilton rues, fine fixtures. 4 blocks from car. on full BfxlOO lot, roses In front, bssement full of dry wood, dishes and everything Included: price 13000. wltn l50 cash down and the balance 135 per month, including intereet; owner must leave for California, see P. S. West, 404 Ky. Ex. bldg. M, 3l. .BASE LINE LAND CO. w-KOOM houae. One order and full lot. South Portland, close In; really a business site; laras store adjoining. It will Interest you. 7-room house. lot 100x13s. on Montavllla line, near K. 47ttt at.: bearing fruit trees, sightly location: a good buy on easy terms. n-roora house, ground loOxino. on East Taylor, near S7th st. The A-l East Bids rssidsnce district of the future, I. O. DAVIDSON. 119 Chamber of Commerce. MX beautiful six-room bungalow. Hawthorns district, bullt.ln bookcases, beautiful fire place, den. paneled dining-room, tinted walls, full cement basemsnt, laundry tray, built-in buffet; must bs sold this we-k. True house was advertised Bundav at f3lio. If sold before Sunday will take 13100. tS'X cash, balance 110 per month and Interest: If you bavsn't SIVH) do not answsr this ad. Phone B 334a. 100x100 on comer of Kast loth st ta Holla day's addition, with a modem 9-roora home; grounds In fine condition, flowers, fruit and shrubs: ths real estate is worth I'ooo and the house HiO: 1 csn sell you the whole comer for'110.000; this Is only one block from Broadway, the bridge street. Let me tell you about it at 414 Ppaldlng Mdg. -ROOM house. 7.d St. North, lot eOxlOa. bath, toilet, electric llchts. chicken-house: price l.'IH: If sold this week will throw In all furniture; it is ready to step right In and keep hnuso; steel sarige. heating stove, new sewing machine, etc.; ownere leaving for ban Francisco. Phone Ta bor 1210 or 113 East isth at. HUT NOW ROSE CITY PARK. 13.10 CASH. 7 rooms, built-in barret, bookcaae. olid oak floors. furnace. flrepiaoe, mirror doors. National Realty A Trust Co., 733 Chaneber of Commerce. Main 6121 I'lVal and six-room homes, fireplaces, hard wood floors, furnsces. with all built-in modem conveniences: near carllne; all street Improvements psld; monthly pay ment plan. Provident Investmsnt A Trustee Co.. 3H. r3. 2"1 Bosrd of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473. A HI3X I2.SO0 WILL BUT a modem 5-room home cn Long ave.; there Is a beautiful large sleeping poroh and the attlo la all floor ed, room for 3 large rooms: walk south from Holgate on 3th to Long ava See owner, 414 Spalding bldg. MUST SELL. 10-room Mount Tabor hones and 8 lots, barn and greenhouse, fruit and shsde trees, etc: $3oo cash, balsnce $3500. on time. Tel. Tabor 87S, or call on owner. l-t and Fast Stark. CHANilE In business calls owner South, so he Instructs us to sell at once his beautiful -room residence. In Ladd Addition; mod em and up-to-date In every particular: will glva good terms. 8t)l E. 11th St. K. 6C-3. isrtoo. Modem 5-room bungalow, Just com pleted. Last 53d bet. Madlaon and Sal mon; will take good lot as first payment. Phone Main 3C7S or E. loll. fltej CASH and $1 per month, new 4-room bungalow full basement, fireplace. Dutch klt.-hen. lot 10x100. near "M-V car. on East Alder; nifty home: only 1JO0O. HIOLET A BISHOP. Ill Third 8U 8UNNTSIDE BARGAIN. Tty owner. 5-room house, completely fur nished. Including piano, range, etc.. de cided bargain: with or without furniture as desired. Phone Main vll SOME good buys: Good 5-room houset lot 76x100. 1 block from car. $1i0. $Vi0 cash, terms. 7 rooms. Rose City. $3300. a rooms. Lanrslhurst. $i,3.'K). $o00 cash, terms. 8S3 Lumber Exchange. 5-ROOM modern horns In Plsdmorrt dis trict for $.oo less than cost: owner must have some money; $r,K down wtll do. Call at 414 Spalding bldg. for particulars WEST SIDE SNAP. 19-room apartment. Oats, Income $7.00 lath su and Jefferson: for ssle by owner at a bargain. Phone Main 913. 4-R'iOM house on West Side; walking dis tance; cement basement; lot SoxioO; price I2O0O. 24 S Wood etreet. 4ROOMS, modern. Sunnyslde home, caah or terma Marshall 17'S For Mala- Business Property. ON HALL ST.. NEAR 11TH. fractional lot and ft-room house, rented at $31 per month; pays 7 psr cent on ths price asked; Improvements all In and paid for. For price and terms cail on my agenta . C. T. PFLUOER A CO.. Suite 13 and 14 Mulkey bldg.. eor. 3d A Mnr. WANTtlD I owo exceptionally desirable apartment-house site. West Bids. 100-xloO. and would ilka partner who could furnish money to put up attractive building and shsre Income. AF SM. Prcgonlsn, OWNER haa full lot. close In. near Bum- aide: will Improve witn i-atory ouuuing to suit tenant on lone lease. L 101, Ore gonlan. QUARTER BLOCK for sals, two blocks from Steel bridge; prloe 10.000; present In come .. monthly. A. t-. pouisen. eis T'.sllwsy Excbangs. AN OLD resident Is willing to dispose of B OOX.124 lot on ZISI ana w sen 11 all on. West Side, fair Interest-bearing property. AM 6P1. Oregonlan, For Seile Acreage. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking distance to gooa town; running water, beet aoll. free wood- sptsndtd fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow peaka; 1 acres. 2J0; 3 acres, 4O0; 10 acrss, $ao; 10 per cent caah, easy pay ments; other trade near railway station. $5 to 110 per acre. FRANt. M FAK1.AND TtEALTT CO, SOW T son Bldg.. Portland, Or. BUT GOOD LAND. And It will psy for Itself very quickly. My tracta He close to Canby and aro espe cially suited to onions, cslery and chicken ranches. Aa low aa $ l.Vu per acre and up to $30O. for those that are mostly beaver dam. Thees have been selling on sight; $!H doe n. long ttms on balance. H. W. Freexe. owner. 30S Merchants Trust bids;. ft ACI.ES, close to city limits. West Side; ricti soil, no waste, soutn siope. oeautiful tn w, part cleared. lalance in f ine timber, closs to two macadamised county roads, bp not close to car; small house, new and neat furnished, also itrn; tlrioo caah; or will eell 4 acres unimproved, carrying 4i0 cords wood, for $1000. a .191. Omonlim. BUHUHBAN home, close to Portland, 6-room house. 30 lote (over s acres , go Iruit trees, berries, etc.; also splendid for chickens, running water, spring, telephone, dully rnnll. 2 blocks from electric car station. f 3.100; easy terms; $3H0O for house and 6 rts. J. W. Hefferlln Really Co.. 203 Cor- hett bldg. Atlta nunc Lii.Ar. I have an acre close to car In a re stricted district whlca I will asil on ensy terms; cleared; h"vs been cultivated; ner car, water, bord sidewalks, grsued street; price $12.10; small payment down. AT Oregonlan. $100 PER acres, all cleared, level, deep rich soil: can 1 re rf.i iui 1. jir, anr.ien m.a grain; near station; big maiket; o ard ll acre tracts: easy tsnns; aujolnirg tracts, under cultivation. Owners, lblfi Chuml cr of Commtrca lOo ACRES. 80 scree In cultivation, good houae ana nam, 1 -i mn. irom 1,1,07 Station, on the Oregon Electrlo K. K.; will sell aa a whole or a part. Inquire 5S Jefferson St.. Portland. CHOICE acreage: have 30 acres, ail new land ann in line s-a iuui,auon; sightly and the best to be found; uti el.-t-trlc line, close to Portl.tnd: 13'n) per a-re. J E Smith. 113 Chamber of Conunerc ;. 1 e g AND 5-arre tracts, close to Portland, on electric carllne, j-vw) to $400 per aero, easy terma J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co.. 2u3 Corbett bldg. to ACRES, cleared; a snap at $110 an acre; liee Detween rtnse 1,111- , uo itirsi,i, eesy terms; sold by ownsr. O 001. Ortgo. nisn. ACRKAOE and farms, from $13.50 per acre UP' large ana smair incia van aiuu. A Stamphsr. 531-3 Lumber Exchange bag. $ ACRES In Mllwaukle. I -room house, fine fruit, away oeiuw .,ws, eesvw. iu.a Kist HJ1J 4 ACRES, ideal for greenhouae site, on 44th at. N. Lundburg. ownsr, 1024 Cham. Com. Ale RTRAOROrtlaT OPPORTUNITT. Make II per cent on yonr caa Investmsnt. Rental 12004. cash In advance, on rOKTI ACRES". 11 miles from city. All Improved, on county rosd and n. P. R. R.. which Is being electrlfled- Tskes IROOO cash to swing it. Get yon 11000 CASH INCOME the moment yon are In position to sign lease. Let ua tell you more about It, WELLS A LABER. 44-1 Swetland Blag. Main St, WE WANT 20 HONEST MEN. MEN THAT ARE NOT AFRAID OF MEN THAT MAKB CP THEIR 1IKTS ON THE SPOT. MEN THAT HAVE FAITH II WHAT M EN THAT WANT A FAIR START IN LIFE, MEN THAT BE ALL T DO THINGS. If you are such a man. corns to our office and we will start you on a small farm in the beet part of the Willamette Valley. Don't expect to pay a high price. We will sell you as good land as you can buy for only $S3 per acre, $1 per acre , down. $1 per acre monthly. You readily realise we could not make such liberal terms unless we eoll to the kind of men . -. ' 1 .Kiee non't take un our time unless yon are really ready to buy. Our liberal terms make it possinie ir ou . keep your money and Improve your land. We are selling fast make up your mind. Call today and talk It over. Ask for Mr. Beaohreet. CHAPIN A HERLOW, Memoere of Portland Realty Board, 383-839 Chamber of Commerce. DON'T DELAY BUT WHILE TOU CAN. $75 per acre. 26 psr cent down, balance In S years. 8. 10 and 30-acre tracts, one mile from thriving business towns, railroad stations and boat landings, schools, bank, depart ment stores, churchee and theaters; less than one hour's ride from Portland: 4 trains each way dally: deep, rich soil, fine water, fine view, delighlfui home sites, surrounded by finely cultivated orchards, berry, truck gardens and poultry farms; good neighbors, who have made comfort able fortunes off adjoining lards; neigh borlne towns have largest payroll In state of Oregon with same population. We nave recently sold over ioo m ana i" eere tracts In this neighborhood. Call and Investigate. 513 Couch bldg., 100 Fourth at. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS. Elegant 40-acre farm, "or gentleman's home." on West Side, and only 11 miles from Portland, H under cultivation, bal. In 2000 cords ot finest first-growth fir timber, which alone will almost pay for the place. Fine 10-room bouse, barn, etc, finest of soli, 2 acres In bearing orchard, aome stock. The owner Is an old lady and Is unable to look after same, and Is there fore anxious to sell, and Is offering same way bslow the market price. If you want a real snap, don't fall to have us show you this. For price and terms call at the office of C. F. PFLVOETt A CO.. Suite 12 and 14. Mulkey bldg., cor. M and Morrison. MAKE 100 PER CENT ON TOUR MONET. Vnlesa voo are eesilv to SrraSD thS Op portunity of a lifetime, don't answer. The owners nave a platting proposition " " selling for $135 per acre, but aa they are not realrv oneratora thev do not want to take time to handle It. Proposition is meritorious and will stand trie Closest in vestigation, soil, location, railroad fa cilities. Increase In values, all these points are at par. $(000 Handles It Will sell at a price so the operator can double his money In a short time. Address Owner, care W SSS. Oregonlan. . ACREAGE. 1, 3, 8 and 10-acre tracts In the Valley, Just west of Council Crsst, also 6-acre tracts down the river, opposite St. Johns, at pricss rang ing from $lSO to $500 psr acre, and upon your terma THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 14. 102 Fourth Bt. A 3500. $40 DOWN. $ MONTHLY. I ACRES, NEAR PORTLAND. On electric and steam transporta tion, rich vegetable soli, macadam- Ixed county road; terms so the land will pay for Itself. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. 403 Couch Bldg. oOOxBSO FOR $2200. 1V miles to Gladstone station, on the Oreron City electric Hest place In the world to start a strawberry farm. If you have that Idea In mind, you can't afford not to see .this land. Fronts on main county road: gentle slope, high and dry best of soli, beautiful view; Inside lO-mlle circle and 1 mile to Clackamas. Your own terms. C. F SMITH A SON. 313 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2C72. A 4315. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS. Close to Portland; rich walnut, frntt and gsrden land; only small cash pay ment, balance pays for itself In products now on the land, which we accept ssms aa cash: we own the properties and are the only people maklrg this liberal offer. F1KLAND3 TRUST COMPANT. fcOfl-8 Spalding Bldg. . BIX acres, nesr Estacada electric line station; fare 10 cents; price lower man any ad joining land: location high and sightly; fine auto road. Other acreage bargains within easy reach of thla city at risht pricea. I. Q. DAVIDSON. BIB Chamber of Commerce. TEN acres besverdam land, under Irriga tion and ready for crop, neat tor onions, celery, cauliflower, potatoes, etc; river and rail transportation: nothing better anywhere: low price and easy payments. Investigate. M3 Pouch b'dg., 100 4th St. BXAP 17 t acres of cholcs onion land, run ning water; 8 miles from Courthouse; only $.100 per acre. James Wilson. Route 1, Boring, Or. tor Sab -Homesteads. HOMESTEADS and timber claims, desirable locations, near r"ortiana; some prairie, deep level soil, wheat, fruit and stock land; near school, rallroid and river. Covey. 2o7 Oak. or bale Fruit I .and, WE-WANT trftl who wlsh to be started on a frul: ranch In the ill. Hood District. The price Is not high, we will sell you 5 acre tracts at $o5 per acre; adjoining land valued at $250 per aero, $5 per acre don and $1 per month. The best soil In Ore. gon. no stons, elevation UKiO feet. These sasy terms males It possible for any one to buy the best fruit land In Oregon. Ask .for liaru CHAPIN A HERLOW, Members uf Portland IUaliy Board. ..:;2-S3S Chamber or commerce. 11 NE form of 100 acres, stone's throw to railroad station In Tualatin Valley. Price $12.', per acre, free of Incumbrance; will ( trace for Portland property. AT rll2. orcjron'an. ' HALF PRICE. $10,000 fruit farm for $.1300, fine soil. East Hood River district. 1.1200 cash re quired. A 3.. Oregonlan. HOOD RIVEK orchards. Prise winners at Portland show; also new lund and par tially developed orchards. O. T. Edwards c Co.. Hoo-l River. Or. ; lor (sole -1 e Tin. A VERT nice 60-acre farm on the Willam ette River, for sale; str.all amount down, balance long time, or will take a Port lend cottaue aa part payment; land is all cleared; tine spring and two wells: boat landing on place: best of soil; a lino home: no agenta Address AV 734, Ore gon ; :n. ltm a 1 I; IIS. all plow land, running water, arco,; bouse, well, barn, granary, chicken-bo-iecs. close to good country town and riiilrosd; $10 per ncre: rood terms. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co., 2'U Corbett bldg. 1WO epicnill.l lo-acre tracts, all In cultiva tion, n'-ar good railroad town, 3S miles from Portland, all free and clear of In cumbrance; sj-lce $I."0 per acre; will trade f ir Portland propettv. AT 61 1. Oregonlan. h'OU iALi Tile finest and cheapest 480 acre farm In Willamette Valley. 60 miles from Portland. 2W miles from one of leading Valley towns. X 610, Oregonlan. 31 ACRES In Yamhill, 5 cleared: a small - house, lisrn. good water, 2 ' miles from rsllroad. Se'lwood 1.116. RANCH CO acres. v.Uh bul'dlnrs. 18 miles from portlond. near electr'c line: bargain xor all cash, br owner. Its Morrlioa at. A FINE FARM HOME Consisting off 77 acres of fine loam soil. 10 acres under cul- tlvatlon. 10 aorea of timber, bal ance of land la very easily cleared, several acres of fine bottom land, place fenced and . cross-fenced, good 9-roum house with hot and cold water; there Is a fine stream runs through this place, also a good spring, water Is piped from spring to house and buildings, bath, fine large barn. engine-house, chicken-houses and parks, hog houae and all other buildings. Orchard of assorted fruits in bearing, good automobile road on two sides of place, fine platting proposition; this Is lo cated Just SO minutes' ride from heart of the city, right on the Base Line road; 2 cows. $ heifers, I hogs. 3 doxen chick ens, buggy, plow, harness, cul tivators, mower, rake, hay fork and toola. cream separator, some hay and potatoes, also household goods; price 1-3.1W0; will take city property as part rayment to the amount of 16.00, but must he at cash price; BRONG-STEELE CO. Ground Floor Lewis, 267 Vi Oak St, ".Farm Dept," . OVER 500 ACRES. ' AN IDEAL OREGON FARM. In vallev and on southerly slopes of the YAMHILLS.' Low lands, sandy loam, while the hllla and connecting slopes have soil deep and exceedingly productive. Abundance of springs that furnish wa ter for all needs and afford sublrrigatlon for the hills. which carry moisture throughout the dry season. Abundanoe or oak and fir. Modern six-room house and ample barn accommodatlona Would make an Ideal tract for subdivision, or to be Improved Intact, . , An Inspiring outlook from the higher ' locations. Including an extended land ecape. dotted here and there with cities and towns, and surrounded by the Coast Range on the west and low hills, with the Cascades beyond, to tha east and south. Is an especially favored location for an orchard Industry, as the showing on the orchards for the past 65 years will attest. Owners have made a competence, arid are at such age as they wish to retire, from the active and strenuous life, and will sell on very easy terms and at a price much below the same conditioned farms slsewhere. Would divide Into two farms. The farm Is within 1 y miles of a R. It station and less than 4 miles of one 01 the best towns on the S. P. R- R-. leul than 40 miles of Portland. INQUIRE JESSE HOBPON. 52S Railway Exchange blog. 600 COWS FOR FETTLE R3 ON BUTTER FAT PAYMENTS. Largest creamerv company In West hai 600 cows for distribution among Los Mo llnos farmers on butterfat payments. EVery land owner gets all the cows he can use the best to be found In Califor nia. Some of them pay $15 a month in butterfat. One acre this f Ine alfalfa supports two head and six hogs yields 10 tons, besides Winter pasture. Every fruit of North America grown to perfection. Orange now ripening: 18 varieties green Winter vegetables. Wild game and fish abundant, gravity Irrigation: most, abun dantly watered and perfectly drained of any project In California. Boll 60 feet deep rich sediment loam; no alkali, hard ran or overflow: healthy district; jure drinking water: choice tracta going; faat; terma easy. Write today. LOS MOLTNOS LAND COMPANT. LOS MOLINOS. CALIFORNIA. 80 ACRES, rich black soil, all In cultiva tion but ' 15 acres pasture, with llvlns; stream through It: lies perfectly; 1 mile to R. R. town with good schools', all other conveniences; fair 2-story house, good barn, all other outbuildings: good orchard, berries, etc: price $135 per acre: $4500 cash, balance years at t per cent. Address B. O. Mujkey (owner). Amity, Or. R. F. D. No. 1. A FINE. CHEAP HOMH. 95 acres, 80 acres In cultivation, beet of land, good Improvements, running water, on countv road, fine fences, good "norses and cows, all kinds of farming tools; 80 acres In crop now, feed and seed In bam for Winter. Everything goes with place at $125 per acre on good terms; the place la worth It alone. One of the nicest homes In Yamhill county. Write for description. M E. Burgess. Yamhill County. Amity. Or. sATtST sell, small home, between five and six acres, short distance west of Portland, near good car line; house, well and fences, very rich soil. $1800, with good terma. AS C'mJ Oregonlan. TO CLOSE out the holdings of a non-resident cllant. I am offering 29 acres, with modern 10-room house, new bam and chlckenhouse and yard: fine oreek runs through the property: for $3500. Also 20 acres with small house and barn: all near Beaverton: fine soil; for $4000. The value Is exceptional for the money. Attorney, 414 Spalding bldg. ISO ACRES: a choice farm near Oregon City; 70 acres clear and In -high state of cultivation; balance In fine cedar and fir timber; fine Improvements; 2 creeks; will take $3000 to $4000 residence as part cf purchase price. Call 414 Spalding bldg. Miscellaneous. ' FLORENCE AN IMPORTANT HARBOR Seaport of Lane County, Oregon; the richest county in America: first offering of lots In Holly Addition to Florence townslte on easy terma Florence Land Company, 301 Teon bldg. WANTED REAL JESTATB. ' The WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 272 Stark St, Want Farme. under $100 per acre. Bona nae caavowcra waiuoa. WANTED Acreage or farm; prefer same close to Portland; I am no real estate dealer and prefer to deal with owner di rect. State full particulars and loweet priCC AUOrCM AO oo. m m. ...... DESIRE to purchase 7 or 8-room new mod em house, fireplace, with least possible payment down; can meet payment of $2n or $30 monthly; state location and full particulars. Alt one, oregonmn. TEV to 12 acres on electrlo Una, within 60 minutes of city: will hot pay over 30O for uncleared or $40O per acre for cleared land: running water and some timber. P. O. box ".1t5- $25 DOWN. $15 MONTHLY. Have two clients waiting to purohaee small homes on above-named terms; need not be fancy. Fred W. German. 829 Burn si tie, M. or A 2T7. . MUST BE CHEAP FOR CASH, Lot wanted from owner, between Clack, amaa. Tillamook. E. loth and E. 24th eta.; give description and price, AN 604. OreifOtiian. WvN'TED By a practical brlckmaker. day land to start brickyard: some thriving oity where there Is no brickyard preferred. P find. Oregonlan. WANTED Irvington residence, IftOOO. or lot under $35t;0. In exchange for $4000 residence near Rose City Park oar. O KM, Oregonlan. WANTED For a client. West Side lot, be tween 20th and 23d ets.. Flanders and Lovejoy sts. E. J. Gelaer, 420 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Homestead or relinquishment anywhere if good; south of here preferred. Address C. Butcher, 480 Jefferson St.. Portland. X HAVE cash customer for 0 or 8-room house: must be 'close In and a bargain. A .VI '-. UicBo'l" MOST reasonable rooma In elty. one block from Washington St., between 18th and 19th. 5W0 Couch st, I DESIRE to purchase cloee-tn Inoome properly. Will not Invest to exoeed $15. 000. Call 60S McKay bldg. Marshall 2S00. WILL pay cash for lot or Inoome property North Portland or eouth of Jefferson at. H 691. Oregonlan. WANTFD TO RENT FARMS. WANTED Farm, dairy or hopyard, $ to 6 years, on snares; targe pimo pmciiou, havs help and money. Address 28 . 8th st 8outh. Portland. Or. - WvVTEU 'rui: or dairy ranch near Port land; give full particulars. H. L. Huston, 2015 E. Yamhill St. aaiat nil'-Tltinrs t.lVQB. CAN locate few more good homesteads. cruising xrom six to ten mnuon iroi o. good timber. Call Monday. Poe A Lievereaux. 434 rienry Piog. T r vi Tf IT W T.AXna BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. MCRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. row rent pa ems. FOR RENT or ssle: 1880 acres choice wheat land. 3 miles from station. Ijmltb. 316 Idatnllton bldg. 22 acres, high state of cultivation, on Oregon Electric, Tualatin bottom land, at Nasoma, 80 rods from station; 5 acres beaverdam; price $7500; take $2300 cash and part In trade; land leased now for $475 per year; house, barn and outbuild ing on place. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC., ltiOS-lOOd Wilcox Bldg.. - Cor. th and Washington. 11-ROOM modern house, Irvington district, for improved farm. Equity in 6-room modern house lor acreage, lotff-'or farm. House and lot for close-in acreage. 6-room modern house, $2300, for country tore or vacant lots. Several autos for real estate. 6 acres, close in. for apartment-house. 160 acres, Tillamook Co., for lots. GARLAND & BARSNES, 191 4th. WE WILL EXCHANGE. Building site on Council Crest for Port land property. 8-room house and three 'lots, unincum bered. $6000; will accept some acreage. Country home on Oregon City carllne xor Portland property. MIX & MARSH, 1208 Teon Bldg. EXCHANGE for house and lot, Portland, 4 ranch, 32 acres bottom land, all 4n culti vation, v mile good town on river, county road and .3 R. R.'s on adjoining property; ferry andboat landing on place: 2 acres 7-year-old orchard and complete equip ment for poultry raising; deal with own-ea-s only. 421 Stark st. Barney. TO EXCHANGE for stock of groceries, 6 room house with lot 100x131, on 2oth St., Sollwood; prico $3230; bank mtg. $800; my equity $1430; will take all or part In frocerlee or general stock and second mtg. or balance. Tabor 3230 or 112 East 39th. WE have a large farm In the Willamette Valley, well located, to exchange for good Income Portland property. BRONG-STELE CO.. Ground Floor Lewis Bldg. (See Steele.) - HAVE equity ot 350 in lot 50x100, near Rose City Park; will trade for confec tionery store or confectionery and barber shop; out of city preferred. Box 821, New berg, Or. WANTED To trade furniture and lease of IS rooms, rooming-house, for hotel fur niture and lease of same for term of years. In good country town; by owner. H., No. 2 N. 14th st. ACRE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $4000. No Incumbrance; will trade for desirable 8 or 7-room bungalow, close in; will as sume, Fred W. German. 329 Burnside. M. or A 2770, I WILL sell or trade a large body of Wll- lamette Valley land, near Portland: here Is a chance to make a fortune; would like the light party for partner In this. A 616. Oregonlan. I WANT a neat cottage home, and have some gilt-edge . land notes to exchange for such. . C. & RUSHING. 403 Teon bldg. Marshall $4S. FIVE good lots In an excellent location for residence, in a good location; must be free of Incumbrance; an excellent oppor tunity for builders. J. H. TIPTON CO.. 1108 Spalding bldg. BUSINESS property on Belmont St.; new, modern building; price $12,000: will ex change for closo-in vacant property or a small farm near Portland. E. J. Gelser, 420 Chamber of Commerce. TO TRADE for Portland property, 20 A. cultivated and improved, spring, house, barn, etc., near Forest Grove. Or. 317 Allsky bldg. WILL trade $000 equity In 68x100 lot. comer 20th and Emerson sts., for payment on 6-room bungalow. J. J. Folen, 146 2d st Maln 6S17. EXCHANGE for rrooery stock, 40 acres un improved Hood River orchard land at $100 per acre. Will pay cash difference. Box 7 7, Wood stock. Or. WILL trade my equity of S60 In beautiful suburban home, fruit trees, etc., as part pas'ment, for 5-acre farm on electrlo line. B 59.1. Oresonian. THREE vacant lots, $2400, in Spokane, to exchange toward 6 or 6-room modern house of about the same value. Bowman, owner. 189 Morrison. ACREAGE NEAR BEAVERTON To trade for Portland city property, at actual cash value; high-class proposition. 405 Couch Bldg. 140 ACRES In Sulslaw country, near Flor ence, for sale or trade for Portland prop erty. L 60J. Oregonlan. HAVE a Portland lot will trade for lot In Forest Park. Illinois. Apply 766 Williams avenue, city. OWNER has $1500 equity In East Bide flat or apartment site to trade for acreage. Phone Main 2292. $175 WORTH good as new furniture, for diamond, equity in cheap lot or anything or value. At; otfa, ores-onion. MODERN. 6 rooms. 6S0 E. 22d N. for lot, clear and restricted, balance terms. C 2849. CLOSE-IN acreage and small farms: will trade for Portland residences. 832 Lum ber Exchange . QUEEN ANNE lots In Medford, Or., to trade for Portland property; what have you 7 Carlock & Muellhaupt, 1033 Cham. Com. FOR SALE or exchange. 12 unincumbered lots In Klamath County. C 60L Orego nlan. GOOD bualneae lot for automobile or road ster; please give particulars. E 605, Ore gonlan. $8000 EQUITY In West Side apartment prop erty, to trade for $5000 residence, clear of debt, and$3000 cash. 443 Vj Wash it. ACREAGE to trade for good lot, 405 Couoh Bide. tiEol me about Columbia Orchard bonda. J. F. Hadley. 210 Snaldlng bldjr COLORADO acres and Denver suburban lota for property here. Hadley. 310 Spalding. 130, 430. 480-ACRE farms for part city property. Swank. 817 Hami!tot FOR SAI.E. Horses, Vehicles. Etc. 1 team. 2000 lbs. 1 team, 2330 lbs. 1 team, 2200 lbs. 1 team, 2400 lbs. 1 team, 2200 lbs. 1 team, 2700 lbs. 1 team. 2S00 lbs. 1 team. 2d00 lba 15 other horses In the lot and well mated teams of mares and geldings; 1 2100-lb. team of mules, 6 and 7 yearsi old; 1 pony-cart and harness; also farm wagon, harness, etc Refer you to Portland Trust Co., at 8d and Oak sta. as to our reliability and as to how we do business. All horses hook ed and tested to your satisfaction and a written guarantee given to refund your money If horses are not as represented. Anyone desiring to purchase stock of any kind on time payments can do so by making a small payment and giving note for balance. 16th and Couch Sta Portland Stablea K. W. Hagyard and R. L. Evans, Props. BEGINNING today, Nov. 31. are offered the entire contents of the New York Club Stables, at private sale. Including horses, harness double and single, new buKsies and farm wagons, preparatory to open ing a boarding and livery business. The horses Include a big. fine 280f-lh. pair of geldings, true to pull and very gen tle. Just out of gravel hauling, price $210. with new breeching harness; pair black geldings weighing 2100, $100; bay horse, 1100. city broke, single and doable; now used In city delivery, $66. This horse is also broke to ride. 2 new rubber-tire runabouts and one steel-tire; 2 - Bets double breeching har ness - (new) ; 2 sets light single harness; one light stock saddle; 10 new collars. We give a written guarantee with all horses sold- Come early and get bar- galna New York Club Boarding; and Livery Stable, ltith and Alder. IF YOU have to sell or buy horses, har ness, wagons and buggies, and get a square deal, call at corner 11th and Flan ders st. North. We sell and trade private stock, sold on commission; regular pub lic auction sales stock Is sold to the high est bidder every Wednesday. M. J. Wal ker. auctioneer. A 4037. FOR SALE Fine Welsh pony, 6 yeara old, bay In color, thoroughly broke for chil dren to ride, drive or handle in any way, $76; worth $150; also 900-lb. black mare, sound; will work or drive; $36; must sell; owner leaving town. 393 Wa ter street. ' FOR SALE or trade, by owner, equity in block clearing $35 per month. 2 ! miles from postofflce; will consider horses. Owner, AB 681. Oregonlan. jji-fT sell all or part, horse and buggy, har ness and small delivery wagon; $5. Call 715 Williams ave, FOR SALE One team of heavy draft horses weighing S0OO pounds. 220 Russell at. . ; wiNTED To trade one ZW-ton cam .elback wagon for one 3 or 4 tons. J31 Front st.. between 6 and 8 P. M. FOR SALE Buggy, good as new, steel tire, leather top, one horse. IIOO lbs., good dou ble and sini-le. 187 Market sL FOR- SALE cheap. 6 Rood work horses. Hubert A Hall. 381 Water et, 6-YEAR-OLD hav mare, city broke, tusran teed sound; price $100. E. 42 or B 2242. SO HEAD of mares and geldings, all sizes and prices. Sol 2d st. FOR SALE Good horse manure. Phone East 4S'J1. 12.1 AND UP. 1 15 head of mares and horses, all true workers and sound: 4 sets double harness. 3 wagons, also rubber-tired buggy. 247 East 12th, cor. iladison. house In ths park. . Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. STEINWAY, mahogany grand piano, cost $SIS0 few months ago: am leaving city and will sacrifice if taken this week. H 684, -Oregonlan. V. WEBER Pianola piano for sale; owing to financial reverses am compelled to raise money quickly; make offer; 90 rolls of -music Included. J 643. Oregonian. K.VABE upright, extra high, piano, cost $300; will sell for $2"0 cash: parties going to Chicago, phone Woodlawn 2343. PRACTICALLY new S'JOO Vlctrola, with 34 pieces for $125. Krabill. Marshall 2068. PIANO for rent 13 per month. Main 2472. A 453. Automobiles. PACKARD $2100. Foredoor, fine condition, five-passenger. Also 30 phaeton, five-passenger. 80 touring car. All guaranteed by me. FRANK C. RIGGS. 23d and Washington Sta FIVE-SEATED E. M. F. 30, looks like new, run about 5000 miles, equipment com, plete. top. wind shield. Rushmore head lights. Presto-light tank, electric side and tail lights. 80-hour battery. Claxenette. new 33x4 tires, two extra casings, four ex tra tubes: no trades, no agents; $800 1 cash todav; must be sold by Saturday: ' am leaving. Phillips and car at Cor- . nelius Hotel. WE ARE exclusive dealers of second-hand, automobiles. Over 50 cars In stock; all makes. Every car guaranteed by us. ' - . OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. i 21st and Washington Bts. 20 PER CENT SAVING. To introduce new- car In Portland, we will sell 3 new, fully-equipped automobiles nt cost, to introduce this new car in Port land. Cars are fully guaranteed and 5 new cars in 5 satisfied owner:' hands is worth more to us than 20 per cent spent ' in advertising. If you are intending pur chaser we will demonstrate. A 64S. Ore gonian. METZ 2-passenger, Just the car for sales man or collector. Only $200. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. "... 21st and Washington Sts. COLE 80, 1911 model. Just like new, only; $850. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, jlst and Washington Sts. WANTED 8-passenger auto; to exchange aa 1st payment on a Rose City Park new 8-room bungalow; no agenta A 626, Ore gonian. HAVE new, modern $5000 residence, close'' in: will accept high-grade automobile up to $2500. See owner, 310 Teon. Marshall 24J2. ALMOST new 5-ton. 50-H. P. auto trucks for sale, $500 down, balanoe easy terms.," AR 602. Oregonlan. ' NEW garage Just completed. Live and dead ' storage. Speedwell Motor Co., 29, SL, 33 85 14th st,. cor. Couch. $30 CASH and $250 per month buys littl used truck, five-ton truck, AP 611. Ore-r 1911 BAKER electrio runabout, cost last., year $2750; yours for $10u0 cash; good ss new. Lewis, room 618. Lumbermens bldg. FOR little used or rebuilt automobiles smd trucks, call 8ft lOtli at., near Stark. BKUSH runabout, A-l condition, late model, $250. 1S2 Morrison St. . FOR little-used or rebuilt automobile trucks, call 86 Tenth Bt. '. $700 Vi-ton White truck, all metal topped, fine condition. A 641), Oregonlan. . SPAN bay geldings, about 2200. work har-" ness and light wagon; $175. 302 Front st. Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock, " DOG FANCIERS, TAKE NOTICE I ' Not having any place to keep my oollle . puppy. I will sell him; 8 months old, beautifully marked, registered and every inch a thoroughbred; haa more sense than some people know; from Hawthorne Ken nels. Mass., or call at 9 North 11th St. - Thoroughly house-broken. -- Miscellaneous. MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS. r I meet and beat strongest competltion ln the city on men's suits, raincoats and. overcoats; no big profits tacked on to' pay for high rent. Take elevator and save $10. Jimmy Dunn, room 815 Ore-. gonian Diag. If your stove doesn't bake, there la: something wrong. I can fix It, 368 East Morrison. Phone East 1022. SMALL, med. and large safe. Burroughs Ad mach., desks, filing cab., six-drawer Na-' tlonal cash register. 8. W. cor. 6th and Oak, second floor. . FOR EXCEPTIONAL bargain In Underwood. L. C. Smith & Remington typewriters, see The Northwest Typewriter Co.. No. -6th st. SAFES New and 2d-hand; low prices: easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO.. and PORTLAND SAFE CO.. 85 6thst Main 6309. A 41H. 1 STANDARD adding and listing machine. 1 swinging typewriter stand. 1 Edison Mimeograph. 107 Lumber Exchange, or call Marshall 818 ENGINEERS. NOTICE. New 7-inch steam Austin separator, re moves oil and water from exhaust; factory cost $58. sell $35. K 67H, Oregonlan FOR SALE 25 H.-P. engine. 35 H.-P. boil er; a bargain; terms on part- S 5S6, Ore gon ian. . 6OLID gold Swiss repeater, original cost $250. Only $120. Uncle Myers. 71 6th St. between Oak and Pine. WELL-ROTTED fertilizer manure; base ment digging and hauling of all kinds. East 2122. ELLCTKIC PIANOS, harps and banjos, cash registers, motors and all kinds of slot ma chines. 671 Washington. Frank Griffith. lftOO LBS. Fairbanks warehouse scales, large padlock sign with iron lamp post; oheap. JDayton Hdw. Co.. 104 let st- 26 FEET 6H. P. motor boat. $150. E. Mat sen, 706 Willamette Blvd., University Park. NEW 5-drawer National cash register. In quire A. J. Winters Co.. 67 6th st, $250 GRADE Parker shotgun, nearly new. tt. 1. nuuaon. " - - Contractor's equipment by United Englneer- . - 1 . r. OHO T awls hM. 1I1K OS V-OII m.Ll.-l, - SAKE and desk for sale cheap. Address P. O. DOX V - HANDSOME roll-top desk, good as new: . , r,U4111n. Cmatltie Unl.h cost $Ki, cneap. r-impy. ICE machines, all sizes. Zero Machine Co., Su3 Corbett bids. ; GENUINE sealskin Jacket and muff, only ,60.00. Uncle Myers. 71 6th st. MANURE-! or sale. Phone East 1775. WANTED MICELLANEOUS, WE BUY CLOTHING, FURNITURE. TOOLS Highest price naid for men's and ladles., cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture toola. mechanic. logKiiig. Call Main 2080. 2U0 First St. ine tjiooe. WE pay the highest prioea for second-hand carpenters', mechanics' loggers', wood choppers', plumbers' and blacksmith tools. Levin Hardware Co., 231 Front at. Main K072. WANTED Moving-picture maohine. folding chairs, films, gas oumk, oeu ,. Phone Main 8438. wXnTED English bull terrier male, six months old or less; must be registered stock, AV 700. Oregonian. WANTED Butcher. II you nave jwa . will furnish oaianco, 111. e ''t"--for Hammond. Phone Main 1153, 7 P. M. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand rurnituie. di - -East 8134. 848 Hawthorne ave. -. LAND CLEARING. Wanted, logged-off lands to clear on con tract' 5 acres or up. AN 692. Oregonlan. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. BTrt K. Morrison. Phone E. 1022. Pays highest cash price for furniture. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any Kina m iiiiuij,n,... - WILL tint rooms for $2.60 and paint houses at your price. Phone E. 2678. HIGHEST cash price paid for 2d hand fur- nlture. Covell Furniture Co.. Main 3022. MOVING-PICTURE machine for caah. 228 Lumber Exchange bldg FOR SALE Good horse manure. Phone East 4804. WANTED Duck lake, for single daja or season. S 602. Oregonlan. i