14 EXHORTER REBUFFS SALVATION ARMY God Pity You," Says Gipsy Smith to 75 Members Who Attend Revival. EVANGELIST SCORES GARB ' Preacher Tcll Stiwt Worker Chris tianity Iorn't Xocd Badge or Bonnet - Church ChanKra Xerdrd, lie PecUres. GIPSY IIMITH PKfX.RAMME OF iiunxcit van two days. Twday. 13 n MmiIhi for mm only. Ebb pre Theater. t .30 P. M- Qlrvy Smltta tabernacle, WdMdr. 11 iwa Slwtlnf for msn eely. Emor Thstr. T:0 p. M. Olpy Smith tnberaaci. Wlth a delegation of 75 Salvation Army workrra present In th bl tab emacle last nlcht, Gipsy Smith said: "When I aee you decorating: your elvea with a special badse or bonnet. It make ma y. Uod pity you.' When Ood kisses your life with the sunshine ( bla lor. It la eternal Spring, and you needn't set about decorating your self aa a Christian." Then, aa bla sermon proa-ressed, the vanirellst told his congregation not to let tna Salvation Army do alt the work in Portland. "Ion can't catch big fish In shallow water." he said. "Tou nerer saw any body converted In an empty pew. If the men will not come to you. you will hare to ICO to them. Tour churches that were here before the Salvation Army hik ought to seek to sava the people In tha slums as well as the peo "ple on tha heights. They will respond to common sense and refinement. " The evangelist tok for a text tha story or Christ speaklne to the multi tude from Peter's fishing boat, and tha story cf the miraculous draft of fishes. "The reason your relatives refuse to go to church with you Sunday Is ba cause they get all they want of you during tha week." he declared. "The trouble Is. soma of you haven't had anybody tn tell you about It. When you have Christ you don't need a badge on. Christ will shine through you. Christianity I.Ike Wprlaa. 'If I should take yon out In England, when tha hawthorn was Just coming out. tha apple trees breaking their hearts out In beauty, tha air tilled with perfume and tha aongs- of tha happy birds, and tha flowers dotting tha ground as If Ood had broken up a rainbow Into a million atoms and scattered the little blta at your feet If you should sea all this, and yon should sea a man with a brush, paint ing a great sign. This Is Fprlng.' you would ask. 'What's tha matter with hlraT" When I sea you decorating your self with a special badge or bonnet It makes me say. tlod pity you. 1 take it as a compliment when I walk Into a house and a dog- wags his tall. I know soma professing Christians and I would not wag my tall around them If I wers a dog. I am not sur prised soma preachers cannot preach with soma fares In front of them. "A man asked ma. "When ara you go ing to preach tha new theologyr I am too busy with the old. The new theology Is no theology. It reminds ma of a bad photograph. It's over-exposed. Charrk Ckaag Vrged. "An English church with a splra had advertised me. I was to deliver special sermons, and tha advertisement read, Tha Reverend Rodney Smith.' They nearly froie ma In the vestry. You make the pulpit an. Icebox, and then complain because the preacher doesn't sweat. I was born In a field, and yon can't keep me In a flower pot. "We must reorganise our church par aphernalia If we ara to capture tha world for Jesus Christ- W miss much when we don't let the nets down. Wa must launch out or die. "I have proved to the swell churches of England that the people will com from the slums and tha red-light dis tricts and enjoy the service If they are rightly Invited. One of the swell churches near Buckingham palace had at a service at least oo persons, every one more or less drunk. They had been Invited from the slums and they came. Ton know whera they ara at election time. Tou know whera to 'find them when you want their votes. Treat a man as a man. Make him feel you are his brother, and ha will respond." In the delegation from Forest Grove there were 400 present last night, with ITS from Orenco and 75 from Oregory Heights. Arrangements have been made to hava 400 special tickets for worktng girls, who cannot leave their work early, to attend the meetings at tha Toung Women's Christian Associa tion auditorium this morning. Special tickets will also be Issued tomorrow. Thursday and Friday. No charge Is mad for tha tickets and they will be held for working girls only until 7 p. if., and will assure them reserved eats. Meeting for women only will be held at tha Tabernacle Thursday and Friday at 1 P. M. A meeting for per sona between 10 and 10 years old will b held at tha Tabernacle Saturday at p. M. Tickets for tha Gipsy Smith lecture. "From Tent to Pulpit," will ba on sale beginning at 10 A. M. today at Sherman Clay Co, the T. M. C. A, T. W. C. A. and tha ushers desk at tha Tabernacle tonight. Olpsy Smith put IS In hi own col lection last night. Other ministers also contributed. GIPST SMITIT GCEST TODAT Evanrellst to Address Rotary Club at Inncheori. Gipsy Smith will be th guest of honor at th luncheon of th Rotary Club La th Portland Hotel at 12:30 o'clock today. Expecting a large at tendance, officers of the club an nounced yesterday that It would b necessary to reserve seats at the luncheon In advance. Harry P. Coffin will b chairman of th day. Rev. J. H. Boyd will give a five minute preparatory address on. "Who Is Gipsy Smith T Rev. Benjamin F. Toung. chairman of th Gipsy Smith committee, will Introduce the evangel ist, whose address will occupy the ma- I Jor part of the session. An ipoaltlon covering the clar-prodaets Industrie will t held In Chl.aso. ilarth 1 to 12- 1B13. and Hie e.rly Un. promt the most complete d.apl.v of to. various lines eompriv-l In this Industry that ever tui been provided. COTTAGE GROVE BANKING NEW, COMMODIOUS .QUARTERS. I ... ; i " '' " 't "si'Y i L.t-e- -i;-. y r -. ;'v.i -;-y ' ') i C r- --' ''..'"' -,''''.,- -' i .....1 BllK-as-vr IIOMK OS" COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. Nov. 15. (Special.) Tha First lonal Rank haa moved Into Its new home at the corner of Fourth and Main streets, and tha officers and employes ar kept busy entertaining vls- UTne building, which covers an area of I0x0 feet. Is i of "P1""?'' ob struction. two stories high, and Is .built of buff -colored faced brick wlh limestone trimming. The lettering and flares cr??th'"y of the building Indicate that It was founded In 1890. which was during the earliest of the early history of the business of the city. Th inside finishings and fumW-hlng of the bank are of rnarbl and mahogany, and are verv attractive. There are two burglar-proof vaults nd a storage vault. Th building Is heated with hot water and light ed with electric cluster. ..... . , ' . Work on the building waa started May 1. IU. and completed No vember 1. The banking business bs Just been transferred. SHOW PLAN UNIQUE Imperial Council of Shrine Programme Completed. FUNDS RAISED BY EXHIBIT Callfornlan Prepare Expensive Kn tertalnment for 40.000 5Iaon at I os Angeles Next May. LOS ANGELES. Nov. 3". (Special.) The executive committee of AI Malalkab Temple of tha Mystlo Khrlne has outlined th programme for th Imperial Council to bo held her next May. when 40.000 member of the order will visit thla city from all quarters of the glob. As outlined It la th most elaborate ever planned In th history of th order. nd will b carried out at a great expense. To defray this tha Hhrlners will give a housrhold show from November to II Inclusive, In th Shrin auditorium, where merchants snd manufacturers of Los Angeles will put on display every article used In th household. . k auditorium In a large tent, there will be a mammoth grocery i .J.ig. will TKa siftl H tore, wnera iowiu " -rw .a..tLe sni ha H nn t A hv mr- 1 nv iwrvv - - chants and the proceeu thu deriTed, toirether wiin iof monr i w ,m n nt flnnr BDJUCA 111 th 1 rUIll tUW -ca - r Auditorium, will be used to rlv th visiting members of th order th greatest show of Its kind ver held In this country. Fleer Sea Selllag. v. t ki.i chow will haunlaue In Los Angeles. Musio will b pro- viaea eacn - : ! .u..t.r- will Km asked to co operate by permitting their talent to appear, ana tne jeaamg cuna -city will co-operate In cooking con- testa "Floor space Tor tha snow nas neen selling very rspldly." says Motley H. Flint, chairman of tha executive com mute, ana it is pi-mi k that, as the automobile show will not be held this year, th dealers hava cheerfully subscribed for space. It Is expected that through donations tha selling of space and admission charges, sufficient funds will b raised to pro vide for all entertainment for the fiesta and Imperial Council, and that no further request upon th mer chants will b made." The tentative programme aa now outlined is as follows: Saturday, May 4 Arrival of th delegations and escort to th hotels. Evening, first Illumination of magnifi cent electrical display. Gipsy Smith's (Written for Th Testerday I aaked those who wer mother If th young man Is safe. To day may I ask. "Where are the girls." -a. and If they ar safe? What Is r ' . the moral stand- "VvfV ard you ar glv- . vA Ing to the sweet, v. be autlful girls i In your homT i t Ar you teach- i 'i Ing t h m to I . v I prlx their vlr- ', tue. th most :-"-' . T priceless thing t " i,. ' I wo ma n a v er V - possesses In th S , V-'X-V world? - 1 No on can tell your child what you can. md what she tught to know, but mother. Do you know, many girls have fallen blpay Malik. before, they realized th dreadful dis tance. Just- because they were not taught what they ought to know? And very mother should know, from her own personal experience, Just how much her child should be told. No on knows better thsn a mother tha temp tations that await a girl almost befor she Is out of the home: aa soon aa she goes Into th street and Into th world, aye, and even while she Is at school. I know, and so do you. that there ar young mothers at th ages of II. 14 and IS. and If you wish to prove this go to the Crittenden and Salvation Army Rescue Homes, and look at th poor things who ar only child mothers. I have seen them, and have heard their stories, stories of outraged Innocence, until I have felt ashamed of my sex. and as though I would stop preaching and go and hunt up the fiend who was devil enough to despoil and damn such sweet young lives, that I might hurl him to the first wild beast who would be mean enough to make a meal of him. Ar not mothers often to blame for this sort of thing: Many a girl Is sent out while she Is In her teens, with a MM THE MORXIXG OREGOyiAy. YTJESPAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1911. INSTITUTION MOVES INTO "FIRST 5ATIO! Al Sunday. May 6 Auto ride for visit ing Shrlners and their ladles. Monday. May Pasadena day. Visit to Cawston Ostrich farm and special entertainment provided by city under charge of Dr. F. C E. Mattlson. chair man. Evening, receptions at principal hotels. Tuesday. May 7, 10 A. M. Escort by 50 Arab Patrols and 30 Shrine bands to the Imperial Potentate. Im perial Divan and representatives to placa of meeting. Scottish Rite Cathe dral, to b followed by opening cere monies of the convention to which the public is Invited. Special programme at Santa Monica. Evening, great Shrin parade and first night of th great electrical parade. Th feature of th parade will be 16 beautiful floats, be tween which will march 60 Arab patrols. SO Shrine bands and 10.000 Shrlners with uniforms and dress suits. Wednesday. May 8 Second and final day for Imperial Council meeting for representatives only. Long Beach day. Programme of sports and entertain ments to be provided by committees of Long Beach cltlxens. Evening, sec ond night of tha electrical pageant. Theater parties. Thursdny. May 9, 10 A. M. San Diego day. Twenty-on beautiful floats will b sent to Los Angeles from San Diego to be used In a unique parade depicting the missions of Cali fornia. Eight hundred men will ba used In tableau, costumed as monks, soldiers and Indians. Afternoon Ex hibition drill by 50 Arab patrols. Theater parties. Friday. May 10. Midsummer festi val, floral and allegorical parade, made up of at least five divisions as follows: First division Elaborat floral parade. Second division Floats symbolical of all nations. Third divi sion Floats symbolising th tenets of all tha prominent fraterninl organiza tions In the world. Fourth division Floats symbolising the beantlea and products of the cities of Southern California. Afternoon Lawn feta for tha visiting women. Evening Invita tion ball at Shrin Auditorium. The programme for Saturday, May 11. has not been finished, but It Is promised that It will be elaborate and complete In every detail. GRANGE F0R0REG0N PLAN Presidential Preference Laws In dorsed at Convention. COLUMBUS. O.. Nor. 10. Resolutions pledging th Orange In all tha 29 states In which It Is organized to work for th enactment of Presidential prefer ence laws modeled on the Oregon plan of selection of delegates to National political conventions In primaries, binding them to the choice of th peo ple, were unanimously adopted at to day's session of the National Orange. A resolution was passed accepting th report dismissing th charges pre ferred against C. B. Kegley. state mas ter of Washington, by S. L. H11L Juares. Mexico, claims to be th only elty In the world In which the direction and control of the city parks haa been turned over completely to women, a board of eight women managers having exclusive control of them. Daily Sermon Oregoalaa.) man who Is much older, and whose moral lif will not bear Inspection. These girls ar allowed to din at hotels and go to theaters and then to late suppers, and then to go home at midnight. The girl sees and hears what she should never be exposed to except In the company of her mother, even If she should then. Tha girl easily cultivates low Ideals, and puts morals low. When she Is fresh from a sug gestive play, where th appeal to the lowest senses has been made, and there Is a thing called a man near her, who Is waiting to pluy upon her vanity, and when win suppers are tha fashtonabla thing, the rest Is not far off. What about the mothers who pander to moral lepers, vultures, cesspools, who have Just been divorced from one Innocent wife Just because they are rich men. and they are invited Into th homes to play cards and dance, and take to the theater sweet, innocent, lovely girls? I tell you. in my Judg ment, such mothers ar no better than th "madam" In the red-light district who sells the girl for the night to the man who can pay. The mother who Is prepared to sell her beautiful daugh ter to an unclean fiend because he Is rich. In my Judgment, at the bar of Ood. Is more guilty. Where Is th love which should draw two pur young people together, and cement them In a home for life? The cheap divorce laws of this country will wreck the Nation unless the ' women and mothers arise in arms to destroy It. Tou will say It Is the law of the state. Tea, a convenience and pro vision for the flesh! A violation of God's law: "Thou shalt not commit adultery!" For every II marriages In America there Is on divorce. Is this th will of God? Mothers, you must make your boys and girls see that this Is absolutely wrong, and set yourself th difficult task In th strength and tha wisdom of God to teach your chil dren to preserve their virtue, to keep themselves pure, to reverence and honor and bow before the sanctity and th sacredness and holiness of the mar riage bond. The purity of the horn Is the strength of the Nation. PORTLAND MEET BIG Prominent People of World Coming Here in 1913. CONFERENCE IS IMPORTANT Second World' Christian Citizen ship Convention Two Tears Hence Promises to Be Eost Attractive, Preparations Under Way. PHILADELPHIA. Ps-, Nov. 20. Sp cial.) In fin states speclflo work looking to the organization of the second world's Christian citizenship conference la being prosecuted with th utmost vigor. This vastly Important gathering of men and women from all the countries of th world will be held at Portland. Or.. June 29 to July (. 191. but as the workers and thinkers of tha entire world. Christian and Pagan, must be organized Into a representative body, th work of preparation will not cease nn hour. In Illinois three expert organizers ar perfecting plans for-a state convention to be held in Chicago. November 20 and 21. which will be addressed by many distinguished Americans from that and other states. In New York. New Jer sey, Iowa and Tennessee oniy ins pro it f n n ..n. hin been taken, bu these will lead to a thoroughly well orgganlzed working force in eacn of the states namea. 8uch organizations have already been perfected in Pennsylvania, Ohio. In diana, Michigan and Kansas, and within the year every state In America will be in motion with eyes front on Portland. Hecretarlee i Be Seat. Dr. Henry Collin Mlnton. presi dent of the National Reform Associa tion, sponsors for th second World's Christian Citizenship Conference. Is keen for the organization of the South American States and Mexico, Dr. James 8. Martin, of Pittsburg. Pa., who Is In charge of thla phase of the world- ! in constant corre spondence with men In aU these units of government, ana it is bw likely that secretaries will be sent Into these countries to secur delegations for the Portland. Or., conference. The executive officers of tha National Reform Association have received th renort of Dr. Mlnton concernin ..... rrin. in tha interest of i Tnw.iiA ..inference and hav in vited the following distinguished men and women to addTesa the conference: Dr. Lang, archbishop of Tork, Eng land. . Lady Frances Balfour, daughter of tha late Duke of Argyle and slster-ln. law of A. J. Balfour, ex-Prime Minister of England. "Catch-My-Pal" Patterson, the fa mous temperance advocate of Ireland. Dr. William Peterson, the eminent theologian of Edinburgh. Scotland. Dr. Andrew Wallace Williamson, Minister of St. Giles. Edinburgh. Scot land. m . Professor Richard Lodge, professor of history In Edinburgh University. Scot land. Monsieur 1 Pasteur K. Anet, gen eral secretary of th Christian Mission ary Society of Belgium. Pvemlaeat Mem coming. Baron Prlsse. the distinguished Prot estant layman of Belgium. The Bishop of Norway. Monsieur Charles-Luclen Gautler, one of the most distinguished Hebraists of the age and doctor of philosophy in th University of Leipzig. ' J. O. Lehman, secretary of the Chris tian Tract Society, vice-president of th Baptist World's Alliance, vice-president of the "World's Sabbath School Asso ciation, president of the Toung Men's Union and of the Free Church Toung People's Union, of Germany. . Professor Harnack. the noted educa tor of Berlin, and Dr. Dryander, the noted court preacher of the same elty. Charles Merle D'Aublgne, France, son of the famous French historian. Baron Paul Nicholal, of St. Peters burg. Russia, Sir A. H. Li. Fraser, knight command er of the Star of India. LL. D., and for 17 years Lieutenant-Governor of India. Dr. Armenag Halgazlon, president of the Apostolic College of Konla (Iconl um) Asia Minor. Tutey. Wood row Wilson, Governor of New Jersey. U. 8. A. Mr. Geors; W. Perkins, former part ner of J. Plerpont Morgan, New Tork, U. S. A. . Bishop Quayle. Methodist Episcopal Church of Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A. Judge W. M. Lanning, United States Circuit Court. Trenton, N. J., U. S. A. The Rev. Dr. Jowett, New Tork, TJ. S. A. ... William Jennings Bryan. Lincoln, Nebraska. U. S. A. Judge Ben Llndsey, Denver, Colorado, V. B. A. All of these most eminent personages will be heard at Portland unless inter vening events, such as illness or death shall prevent. A programme calling such an array of notables to the platform will com mand the attendance and the attention of other great thinkers and teachers. These orators will not com to Portland to merely lecture upon some familiar theme. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Nov. 20. Maximum temper ature. Si degrees; minimum, 47 degrees. Klver reading. I A. M.. T. feet; change in last 24 hours, 0.2 foo fall. Total rain fall, 6 P. M. to 5 P. M., 0.03 inches; to tal rainfall since (September 1. 1911. 1.72 inches; normal. S.75 Inches; deficiency, 1.02 Inches. Total sunshine. II minutes; pos sible, t hours II minutes. Barometer (re duced to sea level) at 6 P. M.. 22.12 Inches. Wind 2 Sir State el STATION. Weatae Bolts Honlon 6010 14:0 i:;o 24 0 - 0 K0 2310 iKO 70, 0. 46 0 72 0. 16 0. S3 0. 24 0. 72,0. 48 0. 610. 80-0. 62 0. S30. S0!0. (90. 4 28 0. 0. S 0 2!0. B4 0. 64 0. 60 0. SO 0 64 0. no. .00;10'S Clear Cloudy Cloud V 001 6 H oo- as Calgary Chicago lenver Dea Moines Uuluth Eureka Galveston Helena Jacksonville. ... Kannas City Marshfield Montreal. New Orleans. . . . New York North Head Phoenix Porstello Portland. ....... Roseburg Hacramento. . . 8U Louis St. Paul 8alt Lake Han Plego Fan Francisco. . . Hpokans Tanoma Tatoosh Island. . Walla Walla.... Washington Winnipeg. . 14IW Clear Clear I 3W XT 'Cl.ae I w N IB 4'SW NB txw 4. aw Cloudy Cloudy Clear PC eloudv Clear Clear IClear Cloud I10SW 4 3 4!J Clear Pt cloudy Clourfv 08126 SW Mil 00 th A3 IS P W SB Clear Clear Ol'ltSW Clear Cloudy Clear .041 41 00 6 f oo . : w B VW Clear 02!l'W Cloud 00 NW .00 4 S oo';o sw 2 tO 9 .001 I SB 001 I S 024 4 W Clear Pt cloud Clear CleaS Icieaf Rain Clear Cloudy Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS- -A new disturbance .made lta appearance this morning off Vanoouver Island and storm warnings were ordered at Blaine. Pelllngham Bay, Btrau or rues, (irays I Harbor and at tne month of the Columbia 1 The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel ISO Booms, 104 Suites, With Private -R.eka ITEW FEBXPSOOF BTJILDIU'Cr Moderate Rates. Jftfl Metsclan ft Sons, Props. PORTLAND HOTEL Fifth DESIRABLE tarmmoj s-ept. uo. rarvATH fs-ka-35E ffOTEIj C HOTEL LENOX H. D. mm V. H. JORGSUfSKS. Pleas, a a a atsrra. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS 'e and Cold Waters, sac Dlatanse Pfeea I tSrary Room. RATES f51.00 and t7p 2t-a HOTEL CORNELIUS 31:? unnsiP rir wn rnME Portland. Or. HOUSE OF One 14 mi I r."" THE BOWERS HOTEL 1 Si 5 v iduJ-'-. i1 :t 7 r at 7-1S A. M. At P. M. the warnings were extended to Include all the remain Ins Pvigot Sound seaports. The following; maximum wind velocities occurred during the afternoon: Tatoosh Island. 68 miles south; North Head, 60 miles southeast; Se attle 43 -miles southwest, and Tacoma. 30 miles southwest. The wind was blowing at Blaine at 1 P. M. at an estimated velocity of SO miles from the southeast. The rain fall In the last 24 hours has been unusually light for such a severe storm and confined to Northwestern Oregon snd Western ah Ingtun. There are no storms of note In the Eastern States, but light snow has fallen In the Lake Region and the Upper Ohio Valley. The temperatures are below normal In the Lake Region and In tho Upper Mis sissippi Valley, but nearly everywhere else In the United States It Is warmer than usual at this season of the year. The conditions are favorable for rain Tuesday in Northwestern Oregon. Washing ton and Northern Idaho, with lower tem peratures In Eastern Washington and orth- ern Idano. turn buiu w " ' ,,: will prevail In Washington and at the mouth of the coiumoia mvcr. FORECASTS. -Portisnd and vicinity Rain; southwest erly winds. . ,v.., -. Oregon rair, exv ; . Hon; high southwesterly winds along the no-n - w,".. n Ttoin: cooler east portion; high southwesterly winds. Idaho Fair south; rain, probably part snow north portion; colder north portion. .UVV J- -nnac.s rield-classes. barometers. hydrometers, microscopes, scientific ap- . ... i j ru.l,. APn e. iHraiilH. ntiii'iniii'-nii"Tnv. SJEETTNU NOTICES. WASHINGTON" LODGE, NO, 48 A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Tuesday) evening. 7:30. East Sth and Burnside. M. M. degree. Visit ors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. KICHMU.u, Dtciitw. ..8AA"' ,:, V. inVlfl.d and all Tne lunerai lujiiihi...- - - . T other members are requested to meet at L. O. O. F. Hall. 1st ana aiuct ' .'"Zi n. , ..n .h.n. tn attend the funeral of Brother C.' O. Morene. Visiting members Invited to attend. -jo . OREGON COUNCIL. ROYAL ARCANUM, meets at the Audi torium. 2u8 Third street, the Drst snd third Tuesdays of each month, at 8 P. M. Visitors cordially welcome. O. O. HALL. Secretary. Care Honeyman Hardware Co. PORTLAND CHAPTER. O. E. SJ Stated communication this (Tues day) evening, at 334 Russell, 8 P M. Social. By order of W. M. ANNIE E. COOTE. Sec. I V, Hjn& ' . ' 1 - " bldg.. by K. L. of 6., Anchor CounciL o- vsmber ZL, Admission . !'?S?::'fiSSsy Jtt ' in The largest and most magnificent hotel in Portland; unsurpassed in elegance of accommodations or excellence of cuisine. European plan $1.50 per da and upward. O. X. KACTMAXJf. Maawsatb m : laws m ! i NEW PERKINS and "Washington Sts. SUITES FOB PERMANENT 00- CUPANCY AT REDUCED RATES. A Hotel in the very heart of Portland's business activity. Moderate price restaurant in conection. Modern in every respect Rates $1.00 and up. L. Q. Swetland, Mgr. 0. H. Shafer, Asst. Mgr. (AHLTON Portland " Oregon Fourteenth and Washington Sts. This Thoroughly Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Hotel Offers Unexcelled Service, Comfort and Convenience at Moderate Rates. 200 Rooms - - 120 Bathrooms Every room faces the street. Bus meets all trains and steamers. G. 0. LARM, Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth and Washington Kerr Hotel, Elesaaitly Irnrmlahce. Rates 31 and Up SPECIAL. BATES FOB FERMAMBINT European Plan. Take any car at Depet and traasfe as Washlnartoa TH. 12. rOLKt. PHOPB1RTOH. baths. WELCOME ninenrir electric bus meets all trains. A high-class, modern hotel In the heart of the theater and shop ping: district. One block from any car line. 1 per day and up. European plan. E. P. MORRIS. Prop. H. E. FLETCHER, Mgr. ChanKeof Management Announcement. Spe cial Winter Kates In Effect Nov. 11, 1811. Single rooms, transient, without bath : 11.00 up Single rooma, transient, with prl- vate bath 12 up Table d'hote breakfast 60 Table d'hote lunch .60 Table d'hote dinner l.nu Also a la Carte Menu. Only Flrat-Claae Hotel In Portland Featnr Inc American Plan. Urop In and Talk: Over Onr Attractive Permanent Mates to t-ainillrs and Slnarle People for the Winter. Private dinner parties, luncheons, teas and banquets given personal attention. Perfect service in all departments. More Homelike Than Hotel-like, yet with all the advan tages and comforta of hotel service at ex tremely low rates. K. P. WILLIAMS, Msrr. Eleventh and Stark Sta Portland, Oregon. MEETING NOTICES. A. AND A. S. RITE, AINS WOItTH CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX NO. 1. Regular meet ing in auditorium. Scottish Rite Cathedral, this evening at 8 o'clock. Work In 18th degree, By order wise master. HASSALO LODGE. NO. IS. L O. O. P. Members are notified to meet In our halt at 1-30 o'clock tomorrow (Tuesday) to attend the funeral of our late brother, Claus A. Anderson, which will be held In Flnley's chapel, at 2 P. M. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery: Visiting brothers Invited to at t.na F. COZENS. Sec FUNERAL NOTICE. MORENE At the family residence. 26T Fourteenth street N Charles O. Morene. beloved husband of Anna Morene. Funeral services will bo held today (Tuesday). November 21. at 1:30 P. M.. f rom the I O O. F- Temple, corner First and Alder streets. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances respectfully In vited to attend. Remains at Pearson's ' chapel until lO A. M. O'MEARA The funeral services of th lata George O'Meara will be held today at Dunning & McEntee's ohapel at S P. M. Remains will be taken to Rosamond, 111., for burial. SMITH At 426 East Morrison street, James Smith, aged 60 years. Funeral will take place from the parlors of the East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street and East Sixth street, tomorrow (Wed nesday). Nov. 22. at 2 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. SPAULDING The funeral services of Ed ward Spauldlng will be held at the family residence. 112S Hawthorne avenue at 10 A M today (Tuesday). Friends invited. Services at the grave private. ANDERSON' The funeral services of Claus A Anderson will be held at Flnley's chape" at 2 P. M. today (Tuesday). Friends invited. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery Services at the grave under the auspices of Hassalo Lodgs No. 15, L O. O. F- ! ' TON8ETH FLORAL CO.. MAKUCAM BLDQ. phones. Maln61U2 :A110S. ' Dunning McEntee, Funeral Directors, HH and 1'lne. Phone Main 430. Lady as- .i.tantOfllce of County Coroner. A R. ZELLEB CO.. 681 Williams ase. Phone East 1088. O 1088, Lady attendant. " ... a. orfx- r .1 I ( n .1 1 ... n jjmdj attendant. Phone Main 9. A 1599. . . . . M t tC I 1 , 1 w . Eun ASH nvuia.i -. h.ii.m. . -.. - . ors. 20 8d St. Lady assistant. Fhone M. BO. to F. 8. Dunning. Inc. E. 62. R 2J2S. BUth. East 781, B 1888. Lady assistant. AMTTSEMENTS. .A DRAMATIC Hn HEILiG Tth and Taylar. Phones Main 1 and A 1123 Tonight 8:15 T'm'rw Night Special Price Mat. Tomorrow Wm. A. Brady Presents Jules Eckert Geodman's Play "MOTHER" CWrltten by a Portland Boy) KATIE PUTNAM In Title Role. Evenings Lower floor 11.50, $1; bal cony, rows SI. 6 cows 75c, 11 rows, 60c: gallery 35c, 25c. Tomorrow's matinee Lower floor $1, 7Bc; balcony, 5 rows 75c. In rear, first E rows Sue; gallery 35c 25c Seats Now Selling. SEAT SALE TODAY. . HP I I Y g- THEATER A-j 1 lLi 1 V 7th and Taylor Phones: Main 1; A 1122. t NIGHTS, BEGINNING THURSDAT. Special Price Matinee Saturday. Henry B. Harris Presents James Forbe's Comedy Hit "THE COMMUTERS" Evening Lower floor 11.50, II: bal sny, 6 rows II, I rows 75c 11 rows SOo; gallery 85c, 25c Saturday matinee II, 75c SOo. 85c 35c a3Jr".IV PlffV Mal"AMe --rA..X iJLX. c, T Baker, Mrs- Morrison and 11th Sts. TONIGHT. ALL WEEK. Matinees Wednesday (Bargain Day). Mo. Saturday. 25c SOc WHEN" KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN IXOWEB, With Anna Day as Mary Tudor, Supported by an excellent company. Magnificent scenlo production. Evening Prices. 25c BOc 75o. LOO. Next Week "Checkers." Bungalow Theater Special Thank giving Week Attraction. Opening next Sunday Matinee A gorgeous production of Jos. Howard's great musical comedy success, "THE GOLDEN GIRL."' FIRST TIME HERE. Evening prices, 2Bc. SOc 75c 11.00. Matrass HBO. 50c Seat sale opens Thursday. A lUHl A lOTS K atAXOoLa SVEBT BAY THEATER 1IW5-5&.7SI WEEK NOVEMBER 20. Johnny The Kays Emma. In "The Band Master," Mr. and Mrs. Jack MoGreevy, Les Fracd-Nad, Lano-ton-Lucler Co., Knnte Erickson, Mile. De FalUeres, The Seebacks. Evening Prlcee . 15o, 25c, SOc, 75c Dally Matinee, 15o, 6o, 60c Holiday Matinees Ntglit Prices, Matinee Every Day. ess Sullivan Oonsldlna, stnnvg , .iiiio.... WEEK NOVEMBER lO. Warren Sermonr, Dunbar and Turner, Le Baaquo Qtiaxtet, The Falcons, The Three Bannans, Tom SmlUi, Grandascopc Prices loo and 25c. t ARTA-SES " TTneqnalled Vaadevllle. WEEK NOVEMBER 20. Grand opening of Portland's newest, moat beautiful and ab solutely fireproof TBUdeville theater. Seventh and Alder streets. Sign or Raul Perelrs, The Davis-GledMU Co., The Telegraph Four, Kudolphe and Daree, H. Guy Woodward. Augmented Orchestra. Pantaescope, Utlroy, Haynes A Montgomery. Matinee Pally. Curtain 8:80. T:SO and 9. LYRIC THEATER FOURTH AND STARK ft-xirvrwrvrrirvri NnVF.fRER 20. The Keating A Flood Musical Comedy Co. in "THE JOLLY WIDOW." With a Good Cast and a Large Chorus.. Matlnnes Iolly at 2:30; Two Performance Nightly, 7:30, 8:16. VZOVl M WW i.ium . - J , ' . - Friday Night, Chorus Girls' Contest After Each performance. Prices, 15o and 25o. FIFTH ASM'AL HORSE SHOW FRIDAT NIGHT, SATTJRDAT NIGHT, SUNDAY MATINEE, NOVEMBER 24 AND 25. KRAMER'S RIDING ACADEMY, Sixteenth and Jefferson. . Tickets $1.00 and $2.00. SEATS NOW SELLING At Rows fc Martin, 828 Washington Street. AUCTIOjr SALES TODAY. Tomorrow, at the Blsslnger residence. 773 Marshall St., near S3d st. Furniture, etc. at 10 A. M. Baker & Crowell, auctioneers. At Baker's Auction House. 152 Park st. Furniture, etc. at 10 A. M. At 10 A. M. at 85 N. 17th St.. furnishings of 9-room house. J. T. Wilson, -auctioneer. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily or Sunday. Per Line. One time J Same ad two consecutive times - Same ad three consecutive times SOo Same ad six or seven consecutive times. . 60 Kemittanoea must accompany out-of-town "when one advertisement Is not run In con secutive Issues th one-time rate applies. Six words count as one line on cash ad vertisements and no ad counted tor leas lhJ thari'e!""or book advertisements the charge will be based on the actual number of lines appearing In the paper regardless of the number of words In each line. In New Today all advertisement sn charged by measure only. 14 lines to thi ""situations Wanted, Male. Situations Wanted, temale. The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classifica tions excepting the following: Oreeonian will accept claIBed advertise ments over the telephone, providing the ad vertiser is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, bus bill will be rendered the following ,, Whether subsequent advertisements will ba accented over the phone depends upon the promptness of the payment . of telephone ad vertisements, situation Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Order, for one In sertion onJy will be accepted for "Houses fo" Kent, Furniture for Sale," 'luunes Opportunftles." "Rooming-houses'' and Wanted to Rent." OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HALL. Main 693, A 758. HUMANE OFFICER. Sergeant Crate. Residence. 24 E. 24th N. East 4779. R A. Dunmlre. Res 836 Wasco St. W. G. Eaton. Res. 73 E. 16th. East 1783. Horse Ambulance. A 6101. Pr. Ex. 4. Nights. Sundays and Holidays. A 6165; Pn, Ex. 4. Trunk 7. NEW TODAY. 21st and Glisan 60x100, with 2 houses; some Income; east front; on North 21st near Glisan! fine apartment site. Price, $10,000. GRUSSI& BOLDS 31 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak, Mortgage Loans 5 For the Larger Amounts. EDWARD E. GOUDEI. Lewla Building. ' MORTGAGE LOANi CC JOHN E. CRONAN, 7GL COLLIS, BERRIDGE THOMPSON, PUBUC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 824 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6537. A WHOLE block for sale on East 86th at. at a bargain; am non-resident; will taka $3000. F 596. Oregonian.