Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 21, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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Federal Court to Decide
Whether Each Stream Is
Watershed by Self.
Owner Contends TTit Voter Incor
porated Two Basins Commit
- sioa Declares Number of Bodies
of Water la Immaterial.
Whether a bar harbor eonrtltatea
a watershed In Itself T whether each
ttntm fowliif Into that bar baa tta
entirely eeparate and distinct water
shed la the geographical definition that
nut ba determined br Federal Judge
Welverton. On hl declalon will hang
the ralldltr of all port commlnlom
eocetltoted after tha atata law of 10.
br which diatrlota were enabled to rota
bond Ueuee for tha creation of port
cornmlsslona Judge Wolverton'e deci
sion also will datermlno tha legality of
bond laauea and levies that bava al
rcadr been voted by different districts
and which are planned.
What amount to a teat oaaa baa
been brought by A. H- Hale against
tha Commissioners of tha F rt of Cooa
Bar In tha Federal Court. A demurrer
to the complaint filed a rear ago br
DolDh. Mallorr. Blmon Oearln waa
artrued jeeterdar br John M. Oearln for
the plaintiff and br C. R. Peck ror tna
defendant Commleelonera Juice Wal
vertoa took tha oaaa under advisement,
alt nilknt Sfaltea.
Tha Commission haa alreadr been at
tacked br different plalntiffa In tha
atata courts and recently a declalon In
faror of tha Commissioners waa banded
down In the Btata Supreme Court. Theaa
aulta did not cha-'enge tha Commlaalon
on tha baala of tha watersheds, but on
alleged Irregularities.
air. Hale la a non-resident land owner
of Coos Bay. Ha 1'vee In New Hamp
shire. When tha realdenta of a portion
of Coos Bay carried tha propoaal to
form a port commlaalon. Mr. Hale,
among ethers, decided to challenge tha
laaue of ton da.
-While tha suit la fooght bitterly
on both sides," aald Mr. Oearln yeeter
day. -there Is no mallca Involved. Our
client Is Juat aa much Intereated aa are
the CommlnloMri In settling fr all
tlma the ralldltr of tha proceedings.
Tha eult la. therefore, mora In tha na
ture of a teat ease."
Following tha carry In r of tha propoaal
to aatabllab tha Commlaalon. bonds
ware ordered laeued and a levy waa
made. This, however, has not been pro
ceeded with, pending the declalon now
' In tha tenia of Judge Wolverton. No
Injunction baa been obtained.
Tha Oregon law constituting what
may ba the procedure to eetabllah port
rommlaalons provldee that where tha
dlatrlct Toting la leae than a whole
county In area, not mora than ona
watershed can b Included.
Baala Meaat la Plea.
It la tha contention of Mr. Hal that
tha rotere Incorporated two waterahada
Into tha terrttorr called tha Port of
Coos Bar. Theaa watersheds be con
tends, conelst of two sloughs. In his
original complaint ho aaaerted that each
etream flowing Into a larger body of
water constltuiea a watershed In Itself.
On tha other band, tha Commission
ers In their demurrer aaaart that the
definition of tha watershed of Coos
Bar la the drainage basin flowing Into
Coos Bar and that It does not matter
how manr streams or slougha are In
volved. If Judge Wolverton overrule tha de
murrer, tha case will still have to go
to trial on Its merit as to whether
tha dlatrtot baa acted within Its legal
powers. Should the Judge sustain the
demurrer, the Commissioners mar pro
ceed at once to dispose of their bonds
for harbor Improvement, aa the last
legal Impediment will have been re
moved. Aa the urn problem that confronts
Coos Bar Is duplicated In other dis
tricts of Oregon planning to form port
commissions. Interest In Judge Wol
rartoa'a definition of a watershed will
be statewide.
Chief Sieves- Returns From Visit to
California Cities.
Two polio facials aat In the Chief
of Police's ffloe yeatardar and com
pared notea on which the future con
duct of the local depart moot will ba
based. One of them was Chairman
Coffer of the police committee of the
executive board, who made a visit to
Vancouver B. C last Bummer and
came back with a proposed elaborate
avstora of re-organlsatlon. Tha other
waa Chief Plover. Just back from San
Francisco. Oakland and Los Angeles.
Chief Elover. however, la far loss
certain than Chairman Coffer that the
Portland force requires much chonglng.
-W( are ahend of them all. unless It
la Oakland, he aald. To present pout
leal condltlona he attributes It. that
both San Francisco and Los Angeloe
are at low ebb In police administration
and ha does not believe that many
Ideas for Improvement can be cop'.eU
from either of them. In Oakland he
found conditions much better.
Aa a result of Crlef Blovera Inspec
tion. It la probable that an Increase
of fore will b granted Captain of Pe-
tecttvea Baty In tha near future. Out
of 11 sergeentrlea allowed Elm. only
nine now are filled.
Another place where the force prob-
hlv will be strengthened Is In the
pawn-shop Inspection. Hera. where
more than any otner on ciass oi piace.
trails of thlevea are picked op. two men
at most have handled the work.
F. D. Watts, of Weston, la at the Im
perial. R. x. Btanfleld. of Stan field, la at the
Dr. C E. Wade, a Drain, la at the
- Carlton.
Attorney-General Crawford la at the
E- L. Coburn. of Grants Pass. Is at
the Cornelius.
C C. Bechly. of Chehalla, a merchant,
la at the Oregon.
R. T. Morrison, a Dallas foundryman.
Is at tha Perkins.
J. W. Lysons, of Seattle. Is registered
at the Imperial.
K. M. Meara. a msrehant of Roseburg.
is at the Perkins.
J. Matter, of McMinnvllle. la regis
tered at the Perkins.
H. M. Crooka Is registered at tha
Cornelius, from Albany.
E. Bofsr, of tha Salem Journal, and
R. V. Hofer are registered .at the
C. S. Mante'.L, a Seattle automobile
dealer, la at the Oregon.
W. W. Sanderson, a Dundee buslnssa
man. la at the Cornelius.
r. W. Treanor, a fruit man of Cree
welU la at the Cornell us.
Mr. and Mra J. R. Norton, of Eu
gene, are at the Bowers.
Thomaa W. Tebb. a lumberman of
Tacoma. Is at the Oregon.
Oeerge W. Billings is registered at
the Perkins, from Moster.
E. R. Moller. of Hood Rlvar. a frolt
rataar. Is at the Cornelius.
A. B. Weatherford. an attorner of
Albanr. Is at tha Imperial.
J. O. Tate and A. M. Pope, of Hood
River, are at the Cornelius.
Mr. and Mra H. Ballard, of La
Orande. are at the Carlton.
S. 8. Phllbrook. a merchant of Clarke
ton. Wash., la at the Oregon.
W. E. Eccles and T. 8. Bramwell. of
La Orande. are at the Oregon.
Mr. and Mra S. I. Fletcher, of Eata
cada. are registered at the Carlton.
E. Brodera, a merchant of Eugene,
and Mra Brodera. are at the Perkins.
Mrs. L. E. Clark, of Hood Rlvar. and
Miss Marie A. Harnett, of Waaoo, are
at the Oregon.
H. C Beymour, of Dallas, County
Bchool Superintendent for Polk County,
la at the Imperial.
Mr. and Mra D. M Nayberger are at
the Oregon. Mr. Nayberger Is a mer
chant of McMinnvllle.
Rev. Arthur L. Wad worth, of South
Pasadena. Cat, field editor of -The Pa
clflo Baptist.- arrived In the elty yee
terday and will pass several weeks
here. He Is staying at the T. M. C. A.
Councilman Opposes) Shelving
Measure After Company Prom
ises 1:3 0- M. Schedule.
Declaring that the street committee
of the City Council had no right te
compromise with the Portland Rail
way, Light A Power Company on the
propoaed owl-car ordinance br defer
ring action on tha measure because the
railway company promised late eerrloe.
Councilman Monka will aak that the
measure be disposed of at Wednesday's
nceetlng of the Council.
Arguments In favor of the ordtnanoe
requiring an hourlr service on all lines
between 1:10 A. M. and A. M. will be
presented to the Councllmen br Mr,
Monks and othera and It la said ths
measure atanda a good chance to pasa
Tbs ordlnsnce was laid over br the
street committee last week when the
railway company's representative an
nounced that the company would ex
tend its service from 1X:I0 A. if. to
1:10 A. XL. having a round trip on all
lines at 1:10 or as near that time as
the car schedule could be arranged
without permitting cars to stand on tha
On this promise the street committee
laid the hourly-service measnre on the
table. Councilman Monka. who Is a
member of the committee, opposed the
move, declaring that the committee had
no right to compromise.
Arrangements are under way to
establish the nsw 1:S0 o'clock service
as soon as ths schedule of oars can be
arranged. The lata schedule may be
begun tonight.
The railway compear plans to op
pose the owl ordinance when It comes
before the Council Wednesdsr and It
la believed the company will eoateat
It In court If the measure Is passed.
Benefit Jerlea May Bo PaM In In
stallments by Ordinance.
Payment of street extension benefit
assessments can be made in ten annual
payments the same aa street improve
ment costs. If a charter amendment,
proposed br Councilman Burgard, la
adopted br the City Council and ac
cepted br the people at the coming
election. The amendment has been
drafted br Acting Cltr Attorner Tom
Union and Councilman Burgard will
present It to the Council for consider
ation Wednesdar. He will ask the
Council to make the proper recommen
dations to have the question plsced on
the ballot at the spsclal election In
"There la considerable oompiaini
about the present system," said At
torney Tomllnson yesterdsr. "It seams
.. that nronartv owners should be
allowed te pay benefit assessments In
Installments proviaea xney pay inter
est on the deferred payments."
The same proposed amendment was
brought np for rota at a recent elec
tion and waa defeated.
Luncheon Time. Tomorrow to Bo De
voted to City Beautiful Outline.
In a room partitioned off In the d!n-Inr-room
of the Meier a Frank atore.
with the Bennett plans for a Greater
Portland forming the partitions, the
Portland Ad Club will hold Its weekly
luncheon Wednesdar and dlscusa ths
plans for cltr Improvement, under the
direction of C B. Merrick, chairman.
Members of the executive board of
the Greater Portland Plans Association
and Mayor Rushlight will attend tha
meeting and take part In the pro
gramme. Dr. J. R. Wetherbee, chairman of the
Oreater Portland Plans Assoclaton. will
explain the maps and drawings at
length and will outline the plana of the
association to realise the Ideals sug
gested In the Bennett display.
Fifty Gallons Condemned and Sent
Back to Dairymen.
In a general crusade against milk
dealers who ship milk Into the city be
fore allowing It to cool, city milk In
spectors yesterday confiscated 0 gal
loos of milk which came Into the city
on boata
The whole 10 gallons were condemned
and sent back to the dairymen along
with a letter explaining the cause of
the confiscation and suggesting a rem
edr. The milk was owned br Caton
brothers. Walter Miller and ths Buerk
lln Company.
$260 AUT0PIAN0 $260.
In our bargain and exchange we have
manr player piano bargains. Autoplano,
1160; another. St note autoplano. I1S;
free mualo rolls. Kohler A Chase, lit
Washington street.
Ths boy's appetite la often the source
of amaxement. If you would have such
an appetite take Chamberlain's Tableta
They not only create a healthy appe
tite, but strengthen the stomach and
enable it to do Ita work naturally. For
sale br all druggists. as
" - . . . . , v - r . TT-v vV Floor
Manicuring and Halrdresslntf Parlors on Second Floor-ArUstlc f.cture
, . Tr,,.,.le Book Department on MaiD Floor-TeRoomo" Fourth Floor
Portland's Oldest. Largest and Best Retail Store-Established in 1851
Great Sale -of ThLanLRsiviiig
Dimmer Sets, Rogjers TaB
le Silverware
CooKing School
FOR TODAY, AT 2:30 P. M.
' Lecture by Mrs. Hawley.
Cream Fondant Candy, Sandwiches.
Biscuito, baked in an electric oven.
Come and learn the best way to
make sandwiches for luncheons.
lOOO Boxes Extra Fancy
Apples 50c Box
Extra fancy apples, put up in boxes
of 12 apples of 12 varieties, pown
in tha T.ownsdale orchards. The ex
press company allows special rates
on these apples to all points. C Q
Special price, per box, onlyJV'v'
Fancy Apples at
$1.50 to $3 a Box
Fancy Oregon Apples in several dif
ferent varieties. Take advantage.
Butter "Golden Glow," the
great favorite, 2-lb. square at J
Raisins New Seeded Raisins, Q
for Thanksgiving; special, pkg.
Pf ef f erniisse Home - made O K n
Honey Cakes, special, the lb. SaJV
Apple Butter The G. Stoltz brand,
made at Salem, of Valley Apples.
40e jar for 30c, and 30c jar for 20
Jellycon, special, package, only 7
Canned M", Holly, Mt. Vernon and
Yeloban, 3 cans 25c; doien, 90J
Lard, Simon-pure Leaf, 5 lbs. 85
Lard, Columbia, No. 6 pail at 75
Lard, Silver Leaf, No. 5 pail, 75
Lard, Wild Rose, No. 5 pail, at 70
Round-up Cleanser, the can, for 8
Bacon, English style, a pound, 18?
Suf ar, best cane stock, 15 lbs. at 1
Prunes, fancy dried, $1.25 box, SI
Canned Crabs, 20c can for only 15
Minced Clams, 12', '2e cans, 3 at 25
Entire StocK
Reduced in Price
For today and tomorrow we offer special prices on our entire stock of Um
brellas, including all our new holiday stock. Only four items are here men
tioned, but the whole stock goes in this special sale, Dont fail to see them.
$3.50 Umbrellas at $2.95
Men's and women's high-grade silk
Umbrellas, extra fine taffeta, sizes 26
and 28 inches; great va- gO QC
riety handles; $3.50 grade P-ai'J
$1.75 Umbrellas $1.27
$2.00 Umbrellas at $1.49
Men's or women's extra quality Ital
ian cloth Umbrellas, sizes 26 and 28
inches; good, heavy steel T AQ
frame, 8 ribs; $2 value at P A.i7
$2.00 Umbrellas $1.69
Extra fine quality Italian cloth Um
brellas, full 28-inch size for men, war
ranted rainproof; heavy steel frame,
with 8 riba. Our best $2 fljl Q
grade, on special sale for
Bargain Circle
75c Underwear Q 7s-
Special at Only
On the bargain circle, between the
elevators, a sale of women's Winter
weight rib'd Vests and Tights, half
bleached; some Blightly imperfect.
Regular values up to 75c, O 7
special for this sale, only "'
SI Union Suits for 55c
Union Suits in the Winter weight
-;th nhnrt or lone sleeves, ankle
lengths; good values up to CC'.
$1, on special sale at only-""'
Men's and women's fine Italian cloth
Umbrellas; come in 26 and 28-inch
sizes and guaranteed waterproof. "A
fine assortment of handles aj 1 O 7
for selection; $1.75 grade V. si
Women's Silk Vests
$6 Grades $3.89
Women's fine quality of Italian' Silk
Vesta, of the Kayser make ; colors are
pink, blue and white, embroidered in
many different designs, well finished and
perfect fitting; values up to 10 QQ
$0.00, on special sale at only "r""w"
$4 Vests $2.91
A splendid line of Christmas novelties in
the KayBer Silk Vests, in white, pink
and blue shades, with banded tops, beau
tifully embroidered in floral and con
ventional designs; our regu- 4JO Of
lar values up to $4.00, only Pi1' A
$1.50. Knit Skirts 75c
In the undermuslin section, second floor,
women's knit Skirts, the narrow, cling
ing 6tyles, to wear with the close-fitting
skirts or gowns; pink, blue, gray, black
and white; our regular $150 val- 7C
ues, special for this sale at only
Envti're StocK Swiss-Ribbed
Underwear Placed on Sale
All our fine quality srrisa ribbed Underwear,
vests, tights and union suits, silk and lisle, silk
and wool, lisle thread, etc; long or short sleeve
v.eld anlrla nr V Tift A lenrth tiehts and union
suits in all shapes. Take advantage of these prices.
$1.25 Underwear 89c
Swiss-Ribbed Vests and Tights; vests with long
or short sleeves; tights knee or ankle nn
length; regular values at $1.25; special OtC
51.75 Union Suits $1.47
Swiss-Ribbed Union Suits, with long or short
sleeves, high or low necks and ankle length.
These are excellent $1.75 values, t A7
at the special low price of, the suit ej) JL X f
$1.50 Underwear $1.29
Swiss-Ribbed Vests and Tights in white, pink
and sky; full sleeve, ankle length; t QQ
regular $1.50 grades at only, suit ej) JL
$4.50 and $5 SilK Underwear $3.98
Women's fine quality silk Swiss-Ribbed Vesta
nd Tights; long 6leeves and ankle J0 QO
lengths ; $4.50 and $5.00 grades fori)Oes-0
A 7 1
A RemarKable Purchase of
Women's Fine
$18.50 to $25 Coats $11.95
$25 to $35 Coats at $14-95
Our Miss Bernard, now in New Tork on her third buying tour this season, and the fifth trip this
year, makes a very unusual purchase of two lines of Coats, which we specialize as follows:
Lot 1 Comprises a good assortment of cheviots, mixtures and novelties of all Q i Q C
kinds, fashioned right up to the minute, and,gooa values at $18.50 to $25; special D X X easD
Lot 2 A better line, fashioned to please the most particular women. The materials are extra
good. The tailoring perfect Designed on neat lines. The best bargain of the (jjl I QC
season. Coats worth $25.00 to $35.00f Specialized at the very low price of 9 LTJJ
Women's $40 Dresses $14-95
Here is an offering of one-piece Dresses in chiffon, broadcloth, imported prunellas, French serge,
etc. with handsome lace collars and yokes and silk braid. Some are styled with the Empire waist
and' peasant sleeve, with dainty lace collars and cuffs; richly tailored effects. Dresses with high
collars and yoke-trimmed effects, with paneled or box-plaited skirts. Sizes for d - A Qf
women and misses. Extraordinary assortment to choose from; $40.00 values; sJJ XTTelsJ
$35 Tailored Suits $14.95
An unusual showing of "Women's High-Grade Tailored Suits, styled in the most pleasing manner.
The materials employed are serges, tweeds, cheviots and novelties. Neat, plain tailored effects
and Norfolks. Coats are lined with Skinner's satins. Skirts are gored, plaited or (hlyl
with loose panels or panel front and back. Some have high waist lines; val. to $35 J) 1 Tea70
A Sale of Oxxr Entire Stock of
Christmas Handkerchiefs
Today will add another successful day to this triumphant sale of Handkerchiefs for women, men
and children. Far-sighted people recall the great rush the last few days before Christmas and
are supplying their needs now. Our customers pronounce the values the best they have ever
seen. Sales on main floor and basement.
Sale of Japanese Screens on Third Floor
Postal Department's Rejection of
City Paper Hasn't Bad Effect.
Ldd A Tllton Bay Most.
Unshaken by the rnllnr of the Fed
eral authortles thstf Portland Improve
ment bonds are not a direct obligation
of the city, IJJT.405.0I worth of the
bonds were sold yesterday at a higher
average than any sold In many months.
Premiums ran aa high as 104 per cent
above par and the lowest sale was 1. 68
per cent above. Ladd & Tllton ob
tained all the Issue except $8500.
The ' announcement of the Govern
ment Postal Bank decision Saturday
threw a long; list of bids Into ths field.
Expectancy of several banking- con
cerns and financiers that the bonds
would not find a satisfactory market
wae ahattered when the first bid opened
offered a premium of .76 above par.
The small bids, of which there were
more than a doxen, ranged from par
to -10 of 1 per cent premium.
Ladd & Tllton bid for $25,000 more
bonds than ware offered. That com
pany bought 1100.000 bonds st 3 04;
Ji6 000 at t.03; $60,000 at $.01; $50,000
at $.81; $50,000 at 171: $50,000 at 181.
and $37,400 at 2.63. R. G. Jublts was
awarded $4000 at f 16; A. E. Gelger
$3000 at 3.75 and C. Ecks $1600 at 1.75.
Man, Who Took Physician' Kit of
Instruments, Is Freed.
Frank Herald answsred In the Mu
nicipal Court yeaterday for stealing a
aet of obstetrical Instruments from Dr.
W. W. Bruce, at a moment when they
were needed.
When caught with the loot Herald
poaed first aa a plasterer, then as a
piano-tuner, and finally aa a physician.
Herald aald ba aaw a grip containing
a aet of plasterer's tools. In front of a
saloon at Grand and Hawthorne ave
nuea and thought they belonged to a
friend of his who waa In a habit of
getting- drunk. He picked them np
and, crossing the street, ran on tha
surgical case. He said he thought they
would rust If left out over night, so he
took them, too.
Before bis appearancs to answer yes
terday, a wan and worn wife, weeping
bitterly, bad stood about the halls for
hours, and bad awakened general sym
pathy.' "I have three children." she said,
"and when he waa at the rockplle be
fore we lived Just by the mercy of my
parents, but I Just couldn't do that
again, and I don't see how I could go
out to work and support them. If you
have any mercy. Judge, give him an
other chance."
Herald explained that he had served
$0 days at the rockplle. saying that ho
had broken Into a saloon with the de
liberate Intention of being Imprisoned
that he might get away from the mor
phine habit. He asserted that the cure
had been effectual. The prayers of the
woman were effective, and Herald was
allowed to go. Judge Taxwell suspend
ing the year's sentence he Imposed.
"And I won't ask for mercy another
time." said the sobbing woman, as she
was supported out of the room by her
released husband.
Protest of Parent to Be Considered
by Board and Teachers
Miss Elisabeth Bpright a teacher In
the Highland school, at East Sixth and
Wygant streets, who Is said to havs
unmercifully whipped Gall Shadlnger
with a garden hose, will have a hear
ing before the teachers' com
mittee of the Board of Education at
8 o'clock tomorrow night at the Til
ford building. Formal written com
plaint haa been filed with the board by
the girl'a parents.
Superintendent Rlgler aald yesterday
that Mr. Shadlnger called him by tele
phone before the complaint was made
in the Justice Court, and that he told
Mr. Shadlnger nothing could be done
by the School Board unless he would
make a written complaint, in which
event the whole matter could be
threshed out before the board. He said
Mr. Shadlnger said he would not make
written charges, but would arrest the
teacher and have her punished in court.
Since the court charges were dismissed
the written complaint to the School
Board has been filed.
"The parents of Gall Shadlnger could
have had an Investigation at any time,"
said Mr. Rlgler. "The two teachera
who had the child at the Elliott echool
say she Is troublesome, and Miss Sprlgbt
has kept her In this term to punish
her for general anoraw. x
ping was administered in the presence
of the pupils. The girls say it waa too
severe, but the boys say It wasn't as
severe as the girl deserved."
At the meeting tomorrow night teach
ers, parents and others Interested In
corporal punishment for school children
will be welcomed by the board.
Methodists Stake Presentation to
Gipsy Smith at Dinner.
Qlpsy Smith was presented with a
silver spoon by Methodists at a dinner
at ths Commercial Club yesterday,
commemorative of the missionary work
of Jason Lee on the Pacific Coast. T.
S. McDsnlel made the presentation
On the spoon are pictured the In
dian who waa sent by his tribe te the
Eastern United States to get the "Book
of Heaven," Rev. Jason Lee, the first
missionary in Oregon, the first church
of American construction on the Pa
cific Coast, and the Lee Mission. On
the back the Oregon Institute, Dr. John
P. Raymond, who delivered the first
Fourth of July oration on the Pacifio
Coast, the Lee Mission House at Nls
qually, snd a map of the grounda where
the first Fourth of July celebration was
held on the Coast are shown.
Rev. Frank D. Flndley, of the First
United Presbyterian Church, spoke at
the men's meeting In Taylor-Street
Methodist Church yesterday noon; Dr.
Benjamin Toung presiding.
Mine Is to Be Reopened.
GRANTS PASS. Or., Kov. 20. (Spe-
cial.) The Greenback Gold Mining
Company, which recently passed
through litigation, has been revived.
This mine has about 7000 feet of tun
nelling. It is equipped with modern
machinery, electrio llgrhted throughout
and has installed 40 stamps, 20 of
which will be set In motion within a
few days.
How to Always Have
Soft, Lustrous Hair
"If every woman but knew how easy
It Is to have a wealth of soft, silken
hali all her own there would be no
further use for switches," says Mrs.
Mae Martyn, writing In the New Tork
Express. "It Is only a matter of right
shampooing," she continues, "whloh
means avoiding head-washea of a harm
ful nature.
"With ordinary canthrox one can en
Joy the delights of a cleansing, sooth
ing and yery beneficial shampoo. Just
dissolve a teaspoonful .In a cup of hot
water and your shampoo Is ready. This
rubbed on the head loosens all dirt and
dandruff, energizes the tissues and
follicles and promotes a healthy condi
tion of tha scalp. After rinsing, the
hair dries quickly, evenly and takes
on a charming softness and lustre that
adds greatly to womanly beauty."
ly iQUaisss
A Pleasant
Daylight Ride
4 i
Tacoma and Seattle
.T;'.j.iiei!!:i ty sai
To Kalama Kelso. Chills. Centralis
and principal intermediate stations.
IV PORTI.A"I 10:S0 A. M.
AK. SEATTLE 4:49 P. M.
Urn and roomy day eoaehes. dlnlns
efr parlor-car snd observation-car.
Moit modern and up-to-date equipment.
The very acme of comfort and ooaven
lanoa. Four Trains Daily
to Tacoma and Seattle
1:1 A. M.. 10:80 A. M-. 1:80 V. SL, llila
P. M.
All equally well equipped. Bleotrle
llshted throuehout. Individual llb.ta
In every berth on sleeping-cars.
Three Trains Daily
To Aberdeen and Hoqulam.
?:10 A. JI 10:80 A. M., 8:30 P. M.
M and Morrison Hts. and Union Depec.
Main 244 Phones A 1X44.
The Pioneer Line
Northern Pacific Ry.
A. O. Charlton. A. & P. A. rortlanO.