MOENIKO OREGONIAX. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1911. THE 12 BUDGET DEMANDING 6.8 TAX 15 FILED Mayor Rushlight Prunes Esti mates $1,870,000 Is Needed for 1912. BOND INTEREST PROVIDED Salarir lthrr KalM-d Nor Tie creased KnRlncs for Residence rltrkl Must Walt Police Fond Cut $35,430. Tha annual budget of estimates for eltjr eipnwi during; 1512 waa filed yesterday by Mayor Itushllght for con aldaratlon Wednesday by the City Council. The budget ahowa that after all cuta and deduction have been made the taxpayers will have to put $1,870.- 000 Into the city coffers to meet ex pen, e h. Thta amount will require a tax levy of 1.8 mills, which, baaed on the assessed valuation of I2TS.UOO.000, will place the city on a sound basis for the year, and make It possiMe for the city to meet Its Interest on bonded Indebt edness. The total amount asked for by heada of various departments waa 12.12'). 72J.7. This amount was cut by the Mayor to come within the levy of CS mills. "I have carefully examined the esti mates of the departments as submitted to the Auditor." says Miyor Kushlleht In his buditet. "and 1 am of the opinion that a material reduction can be made without impairing the efficiency of the service. The city has crown rapidly during the past few years, and dlstrlrta that a year or two ago were not in habited are now demanding; lire and police protection, and street lights. The expense of maintaining; the public parks has Increased accordingly. The Interest charge, which cannot be evad ed, has more than doubled within comparatively short time. Maey streets Paved. "During; the last three yera many mllea of hard-surface pavemente have been laid, and these pavemenla must be kept clean, and the expense of maintaining; the street-cleaning and sprinkling department has doubled dur lna; this period. The Public Library .Association asks for 33 1-3 per cent more than It received last year. A levy muat be made to provide for the expense of the Public I'ocks Commis sion, which has not been required here tofore. The police department requests sufficient money to Increase the force with 75 patrolmen and additional de tectives and sergeants. And. last but not least. I must call your earnest at tention to the necessity of providing funds for the payment of our bonded Indebtedness. Until 1510 not a dollar was placed In the sinking fund from general taxation to meet the Inevitable day when our just debts will fall due; 20-140 or 1 mill was levied In 110. and 25-100 of 1 mill In 111. but unless this levy Is Increased the proceeds will not be sufficient to care for bonds falling due. To provide for the payment of bond maturing within the next 10 years will require a levy of at least 40-100 of 1 mill every year, and I earnestly urge that we prepare to meet our obligations when due. In all cases where public Improvements are made from the proceeds of bond Issues, pro vision should be made for a sinking fund sufficient to retire the bonds when the life of the Improvement has ceased to exist. alartea Xot Trarbed. "The Council at lta last session adopted a resolution providing for the appointment of three members of the Council to investigate and report the number of employes necessary to con duct the. several departmenta and the salaries to be paid such employes, and 1 have refrained from making any rec ommendations aa to Increases or de creases In salaries and all expenditures are based on the present schedule of salaries. "The estimate of expenditures filed by the chief engineer of the fire de partment for 111 ai;gre;ates 1773.140. The charter limits the amount to be levied for fire department purposes to :V mills. The estimated amount of as sessable property within the cltl limits, after deducting the necessary amount for delinquency. Is S27S.0OO.OO0. and a levy of I mills would produce JiI8. 7i0. which, added to the estimated available balance to be carried for ward from 1M1. wou!d amount to S3.. 3 id. It will be seen that the amount of the estimate filed by the chief en gineer of the fire department Is far In excess of the amount authorised for said department, and that a material reduction will have to be Trade." The fire department estimate Is cut 1115 57 40. r.aslses Is Wast. T do net think It advisable to place engines In residence districts where ample protection can -be offered with combination chemical and hosewagons." continues tha Mayor, "for the reason toat a ft re In a residence district could be held In check until such time aa en gine could reach the seen of the fir from other localities. After making the reductions and additions above re ferred to It will be necessary to levy a tav of I 16-100 mills, which will pro duce $51.350. and I recommend that levy. Th estimate filed by th chief of police aggregates 14 10.000. It provides for an assistant chief of police, five de tective sergeants. eight patrol ser geants and 75. patrolmen In addition to tha present force." A redutlon of 132.450 Is made In tha poliee department estimate. -The estimate filed by th Auditor of expenses payable out of the general fund that do not come under the head of any particular department aggre gates I HI. 7 to." the mesexge continues. "A sum of 140.000 la required to pro vide for tho expense of a special elec tion to be held to vote on the adoption of a charter providing for a commission form of government, and If a commis sion form of government Is adopted a primary and general election will hav to be held, probably soma time In June. 64Mk for Warrants. -Another Urge Item Is 4.0rto for the purchase of street Improvements and sewer warranta In cases where th proceeding for the Irrf rovement of streets and th construction of sewer are In litigation, th court having held that unless the fund 1 provided from four to six years for th payment of warrant Issued, the city becomes lia ble. An effort Is made to collect aa sessments by reassessment proceedings, but th City Attorney had advised that the city must take ear of th warrant outstanding until such tlm aa th aa cssmenls ar collected. "1 do not think It advisable to au thorise any expenditures out of the gen era! fund at this time that will de crease the estimated balance In ald fund, for th reason that unforeseen ex " panJlturea ax likely It occur and th general fund I only fund from which such expenditure oould be paid. -Following la the levy provided by the Mayor for the varlou fund and departmenta upported by direct taxa- t,on: its Tire - " Police -....l.u Interest lighting " Street repair "J l-rerr Park ' (Unking " Special .bride " Ktreet cleaning and sprinkling fund 06 Total LIBRARY IS BUILT East Side Book Center to Be Opened December 1. GIPSY SMITH DEFENDED Iter. Albert tlirgott Score Social ist Critic of Kxhorter. "Let the Socialists quit mud-sllnglng against churches and Individuals." said Kev. Albert Ehrgott. In a statement yesterday In answer to the attack made on Gipsy Smith by Socialists. Rev. Mr. Khrgott. who Is pastor of the East Side Baptist Church, presided at' the-meeting In the Empress Theater last week when Olpey Smith spoke to men. He ehphaslsed what he said was the Im portance of a changed environment and of evanirellsm. Mr. Ehrgott said In part: ''Many In the church, from a lack of correct knowledge. misunderstand Socialism, and many Socialists, because CLUBS WILL -USE HALL Business Slen' Prepare Programme to Celebrate Completion of Struct ure Costing $S5,000--Shelves to PU1 at Once. The Advance Construction Company will complete the Eat Portland Li brary bulldlna;, at the corner of East Eleventh and East Alder streets, next Saturday night, and arrangements will be made to open the library on or about December 1. Mis Mary lioro, li brarian, said yesterday that as soon aa the contracting firm turn over the building books will be shelved In It BOY ON PET LITTLE STEED WILL VIE FOR HONORS AT HORSE SHOW. t . -?. V . . n 5 V.-. - AMBROSK MARTIN CROSTIX. JH, OX HIS POJIT, MID43ET. A youthful aspirant for Horse Show honors I little Ambrose Martin Cronln. Jr.. of Garden Home, who will how his pony. Midget, In the various classes to which he la eligible. The entry list for th Hunt Club' fifth annual Hors Show, which 1 to be given at Kramer" Riding Academy at Sixteenth and Jefferson Friday and Saturday evenings, with Saturday matinee, has been com pleted, and 1 on of th largest In the history of th organization. Ignorant of th real purpose of th church, malign Christians. Th goal of ach la brotherhood, co-operation and a true democracy as opposed to bit ter competition and a monled aristoc racy. Ultimately, when love and rea son prevail, tnls will be the outcome. It la folly, therefore, for either to an tagonise the other. "Most emphatically do I proteat against th uncalled for, blaaphemou attack upon Gipsy Smith and. the gen uine, manly efforts he Is making to up lift men. Socialists In Local No. 4. In regular session, have already decidedly passed resolutions denouncing- th un aoclallstlc. unbrotherly and undemo cratic attitude of certain who are opposing- this splendid effort to help o ciety. Every man who really want to correct bad conditions, should be will ing to co-operat with all who ar hon estly seeking to accomplish thl same purpoee. Thi applies to the church aa well a to the Socialists, sine th slo gan of each Is co-operation and broth erhood. "Churchmen Judge Socialists by th scrappy. Illogical, often profane and hate-breathing utterance of too many "soap-box" propagandists, and fall to see that underneath these protests against present conditions there Is a clear. scientific. political platform, which when applied will contribute mightily toward the correction of many social Injustices. A growing host of us Christians believe this Socialistic platform to be the expression of our Lord's golden rule In the economic sphere. "Socialists, on th other hand, se In the church, captains of Industry, kings of finance, capitalists who control the high cost of living, who manipulate competition of labor to keep wage down to th lowest possible degree. They see, as no other people can see. the awful result of the degenerating influence of a bad environment. While many of them know little about the church, they do know the misery of an underpaid, underfed life." P0TLATCH AIDS FESTIVAL Seattle Folder for 1 1 1 2 Fete There Advertise Portland" Celebration. Advance folders advertising th Golden Potlatch of Seattle for 113. a predicted by Joseph Blethen, presi dent of th Potlatch. when he visited Portland a short time ago. also adver tise the Rose Festival. The folder were received yeterday at the Portland Commercial Club. In th middle of the leaflet the reader la advised to "leave In time for Tortland'e beautiful Rose Festival. Portland. Or.. June 10 to IS." The Rose Festival also la mentioned favorably In other part of th folder. Mr. Blethen said that th Potlatch committee Intends to make provision for such advertising In every bit of literature aent Eaat announcing th potlatch. $260 AUT0PIAN0 $260. In our bargain and exchange w hav many player piano bargain. Autoplano, 12(0; another, II not autoplano, IJ&S; free music rolls. Kohler Chase, 111 Washington treeL Is your husband cross? An Irritable, fault-finding disposition I often due to a disordered etomach. A man with good digestion Is nearly always good natured. A great many have been per manently cured of stomaoh trouble by taking t'hamberlaln'e Tablets. For sal by all druggist. W KB FOOT OIL, DRESSING. Th greatest tho greaae made. Pro longs th life of shoes and render them absolutely waterproof. I'se ft during rainy weather. At any star. aa fast aa possible, and that it may be posslbleto open the building Decem ber 1. The East Sid Business Men' Club 1 arranging a programme to celebrate the completion of the library, which cost $35,000. Arrangement have been made by thl club to use the audi torium of the library building the first and third Thuraday of every month and the United Improvement Clubs As sociation will hold it opening meet ing there December 4. Illustrated lec tures by President Foster, of Reed Col lege, on English writers, will be begun there December 5, and continue for th Winter. To make the new build ing an educational center In East Port land Is one of the purposes of the city association. An auditorium in the basement, with an entrance separate from the library proper, has been com pleted. It will accommodate 200 per sona At th last meeting of the Peninsula Library Association, whloh ha charge of the library and reading-room at Pentnsular Station, It waa reported that nearly 1000 book were circulated last month. There has been constant advance In the circulation of books from thla station, whlrh has been main tained for - the last four years. The city association furnishes the librarian and the book, and the local association provide the hall, light and fuel, the expense falling on a few resident of the community, who now think that the general library association should take over the library. Mrs. S. H. Car ter, who made It possible to establish the library there, expressed the opin ion that the city association should take over the Peninsula library. - A movement haa been started to establish a branch library near th children's playground on Mllwaukle street, and the committee from th Brooklyn Improvement Club ha the subject in hand. The city association will furnish books and change them as often as needed. If a place can be found In which to keep the books and If somebody I selected to look after them. An effort will be made to find a plac for the books near the playgrounds. CONFERENCE IS SUBJECT Rer. W. Parson to Tell Minister of World's Assembly. Rev. William Parsons, of the Third Presbyterian Church, will address th Portland General Ministerial Associa tion In the Young Men's Christian As sociation auditorium at Its next regular meeting. December 4. on the world's Christian rltlxenshlp conference, which will meet In Portland from June 29 to July . 113. He will speak before the Baptist Ministerial Association De cember II. Rev. Albert Ehrgott, of the East Side Baptist Church, and Rev. C J. Larson, of the NorwJn Danish Methodist Episcopal Church, have been added to the general Oregon commute formed to organise a branch of th world confereno. San Francisco minister mad aa effort last week to swing the conven tion to San Francisco, but Rev. Henry C. Mlnton. president of the National Reform Association, which, is back of the conference, refused to make any cbang In th arrangements. IDLE MEN CAUSE TROUBLE Six Street Speaker Arrested for . D1 sobe 1 n g Police. Within a few weeks Portland may be In the midst of a struggle with So cialist agitator belonging to -the In dustrial Worker of the World. If ap prehension entertained by police ofn clals are well founded. For hours yes terday Chief of Folic Slovar and r -1 n fnefev of the nollce commit tee of the Executive Board, sat In con ference on th question and heard ex cited protests from business men who already have begun to feel the pre ure of the propaganda. International agitation for a general eight-hour day, at highly Increased wages. Is at the bottom of the agita tion. The struggle ha been announced for months back by means of stickers posted on windows and poles, bearing the slogan, "I won't work more than eight hour a day after May J, 1912." These pasters. In violation of th bill posting ordinance, have been reported by policemen from tlm to time. Now the advance wave of "orators has arrived, and their activities yes terday reached a point where it be came necessary for the police to inter fere. "A worklngman's atomach holds as much aa a millionaire's." say the ora tor. "We will begin by demanding S3 60 a day, and raise at frequent in tervals till we have taken in every cale of skilled labor. Then we can work aa few hours, for as much mon ey, aa we see fit to demand." Choosing; as their principal point of attack the place where the most men out of employment ar to be found, the employment agencle near Burnside and Second streets, the agitator held an Immense crowd of listener yester day morning. When keeper of busi ness places protested. Patrolman Wade ordered one of the speakers to move on. He refuaed and was arrested. While Wade was on the way to the station with hi prisoner, another mounted the aoap box and continued the discourse. Returning, the officer made another arrest, , only to have hi prisoner replaced by another. In thl manner he placed ix men In the City Jail. REALTY BOARD ASKS MAYOR TO MAKE TWO DRAFTS ONE. Speaker Predict Defeat of Com mission Plan by People If Both Outlines Are on Ballot, Mayor Rushlight will be asked by the Portland Realty Board to urge the two commission charter committees to agree upon one general draft of the commission form of government. With two charter amendments already com pleted, one by the official committee and one by the East Side committee It was pointed out at a meeting of the board yesterday that by having more than one on the ballot, the result might be that the entire plan of commission form of government would fail when aubmltted to the people. . The Realty Board voted unanimously to urge the Mayor- to bring the two committees together a soon a pos sible and work out one form of gov ernment. Another proposal for com misxlon government, drafted by C. fc. S. Wood and others has also been pre pared, but the Realty Board took no cognizance of that document. Judge Earl C. Bronaugh, as chairman of the official charter committee, ex plained to the Board the features of Its proposed charter amendment. He said that a municipality was In many respects like a big corporation, doing millions of dollars' worth of business annually, and that to give the best result It was necessary to . apply sound business principles and have a well-organised executive force at Its head. This plan, he said, was contem plated In the proposed amendment. Dr. Harry Lane, chairman of the East Side charter committee declared that the present charter was cumbersome. Indirect and wasteful and that his com mittee had attempted to place the sys ter of city government on a busines basis In drafting its amendment. In stead of having S8 managers for one business, as now Is the case, he said that his committee would have five men to conduct the civic affairs of the city so that not only responsibility could be fixed but also the administrative and legislative functions of the city government could be carried out to the best advantage. He advocated the elimination of politic entirely from municipal government. D. O. Lively was chairman of the meeting. Mr. Lively declared that It was the duty of the two charter com mittees to confer and agree on one gen eral draft of charter amendment. "Unless one charter amendment 1 submitted to the people the commis sion form of government will be de feated," said Mr. Lively. "There are good featurea In both proposed amend ments. Let the committees get together and draft a good, strong document that will appeal to all the people." Ben Riesland spoke on West Side acreage. He said that In future there would undoubtedly be great activity In hillside development. He declared that the proposed tunnel through Council Crest to th Tualatin Valley would open an Immense territory of residential property closer to the busi ness center than some of the present highly developed section of the East Side. Oil Ordinances Studied.' The oil Htorage ordinances of St. RIDS THE SYSTEM OF SCROFULA Scrofula Is a disease nsnally mani fested in childhood, though some who are victims of the trouble reach man hood or womanhood before there is any manifestation of the trouble; but no matter at what age it shows, the disease germs are in the blood, and until they are removed there cannot be a healthy condition of the. body. The ordinary symptoms of Scrofula are swollen glands about the neck, ecalp diseases, skin affections, poor physical development, etc. S. S. S. has cured thousands of cases of Scrof ula. It is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and by going down into the circulation and removing the germs and poisons, and enriching the blood by the creation of nutritive corpuscles, S. S. S. makes a permanent cure. S. S. S. Is a purely vegetable remedy, made entirely of health-giving roots, nrKi and barks, and is Derfectlv safe for persons of any age, or those in delicate conditions of Heal en. jno one need fear to eive S. S. S. to a child. follnwlner directions, and the health it will bring to frail, delicate children will be a blessing to their parents. 11 you or your child have Scrofula, write for our book on the blood and ask for any medical advice. No charge for either. S. S. S. is sold at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Co. Paul. Minneapolis and other Eastern cities will be Investigated by City At torney Grant and features of Eastern method will be embraced In. the ordi nance being drafted In Portland, If practical. Acting City Attorney Tora llnson yesterday received a letter from Mr. Grant Informing him that he had arranged for investigations and would be unable to return to Portland before November 10. An ordinance has been drafted by the City Attorney's depu ties and will be submitted to the Coun cil committee on health and police next Friday. BELUNGHAM ELKS ALERT Every Lodgeman Is Taxed 15 to Pay for Convention Trip. Belllngham announces its Intention of attending the Elks" convention In Portland next July "with bells," as Thomas Newman, a prominent attorney and Elk enthusiast of that city, ex pressed it when calling yesterday at the offlce of Harry C. McAllister, sec retary of the convention commission. An Uctlve Portland Club has been or ganized there and more than 100 mem bers have signified their Intention of joining In the festivities here by be coming members or the ciud. livery member of the Belllngham lodge has been assessed $5 by the home commit tee. This money will be applied on the expense account of those who make the trip. Sioux Falls. S. v.. has organized a Portland Club and will bring a strong delegation to the reunion. From Am bridge. Pa-, yesterday, came advice that the Elks of that section will come in large numbers. STATE BARMEETS TODAY Oregon Association to Hold Two Da 7 Convention Here. The Oregon State Bar Association will begin a two days' session in the courtroom of Federal Judge Bean in the Postof flee building ' at 10 o'clock this morning. Among those on the programme as speakers are W. T. Slater, of Salem, president's annual address; W. R. King, on "Reorganization of the Courts," and Harold C Preston, of Seattle, on "The Worklngman'a Compensation Act of Washington." Judge King's address will bo apropos of the work of the committee now at work revising the court procedure of the state as the result of a law passed at the last session of the Legislature. Judge C H. Carey will review the changes In pleading and practice. A feature of the attorneys' conven tion will be a banquet at the Commer cial Club tomorrow night. GALLANT OFFICER REPAID Couple Remember Kindness of Po lice Sergeant Riley. Kindly attention to an elderly pair of strangers, lost in an unfamiliar city, accorded by Police Sergeant Riley two years ago. was recalled yesterday when the officer received In the mall a bulky MILLIONS of FAMILIES ELIXIRS SENNA ro COLDS AND HEADACHES, INDKXSnON AND) SOUR STOMACH, CAS AND FERMENTATION, CONSTVATION AND BUJOUSNESS.wrrH MOST SATISFACTORY RESULTS, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. IN THE CIRCLE ON EVERY PACKAGE OF THE GENUINE THE WONDERFUL FOfULARnT OF THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS AND EUXIR OF SENNA HAS LED UNSCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS TO OFFER IMITATIONS. IN ORDER TO MAKE A LARGER PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE OP THEIR CUSTOMERS. IF A DEALER ASKS WHICH SIZE YOU WISH, OR WHAT MAKE YOU W1SK WHEN (TOU ASK FOR SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA, HE 19 PREPAR ING TO DECEIVE YOU-, TELL HIM THAT YOU WISH THE GENUINE. MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ALL RELIABLE DRUGGISTS KNOW THAT THERE B BUT ONE CENUINE AND THAT TT IS MANU FACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FKJ SYRUP CO ONLY ilfi if! NOTE THE NAME jurat 1 ,rfit'i 1:41 14 i iiist. - - PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN THE CIRCLE. NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKACE.OF THE CENUINE ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS REGULAR PRICE 60t PER BOTTLE. $ CONTAIN! IX PER ci nt. or alcohol! haotuai eownjMwe, MABn llAUrUK.Wllj&IKU'Ut MINIATURE PKTUM OF PACKAGE. SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR Of SENNA IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS OF LADIES AND CHILDREN, AS IT IS MILD AND PLEASANT GENTLE AND EFFECTIVE, AND ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM OBJECTIONABLE INGREDIENTS. IT B EQUALLY BENEFICIAL FOR WOMEN AND FOR MEN. YOUNG AND OLD FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE. California Fig Syrup Ca SPECIAL SALE Now is the time to obtain one of those mar velous hornless Talking Machines. As an . ideal Christmas present it has no equal, and will be a pleasant daily reminder for many years to come. It is ,a strong educational influence, as well as a most delightful source of entertainment Just at the present time we are making a big feature of this machine and are offer ing strong inducements to help us sell the alloted 600. TALKING MACHINES Two hundred sold in two weeks. Twenty four selections free with each machine. Sent on three days' free trial to any home. Will refund money to any purchaser not pleased with instrument. Made in mahogany, quarter-sawed oak and fumed oak, with highest grade of piano finish. Largest-sized turn table triple-spring motor plays six pieces with one windings concealed sound cham berhornless type modulating doors produces tone absolutely lifelike. Price $59 cash, or $7 cash and $4 monthly. Now on Sale at 371 Washington Street COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. EILERS MUSIC HOUSE Seventh and Alder Streets package which turned out to be a sofa cushion, richly embroidered with the insignia of his order. Riley waa at Third and Morrison streets, two years ago, when he was approached by an old man and his wife, seeking; their son. They had Just ar rived from Fort Wayne, Ind., and had lost the address of the son to whose home they were proceeding:. The ofTicer looked In the directory but could not find the name. He then hit upon the project of asking- the streetcar conductors, and proceeded to ask every conductor who passed the corner. Before long; he encountered one who knew the man sought and gave his address. The delighted old folks, went on their way and found the place they were seeking-. In the course of conversation the wo man notloed a charm of the -Woodmen of the World, hanging; on Riley's vest. She asked what order was represented, and the officer now knows that sha stored the answer away In her memory. Alnsworth Circle to Form. A meeting will be held at tha Alns worth School at 3 o'clock this after noon for the purpose of organizing a Parent-Teacher's Circle. Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, who has been active in arranging- for the organization will pre side over the meeting-. S 1 4-o9S ROUND TRIP TO POK AN NOV. 22, 23 AND 27. RETURN UNTIL DEO. 2 National Apple Show 9:55 A INLAND EMPIRE EXPRESS M Arrives Spokane 9:45 P. M. ONLY DAY TRAIN ON ANY ROAD p NORTH BANK LIMITED M Arrives Spokane 7:00 A. M. FASTEST NIGHT TRAIN ON ANY ROAD Observation Cars, Parlor Cars, Compartment Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Dining Cars and Modern Coaches. CITY TICKET OFFICE, FIFTH AND STARK STS. NORTH BANK STATION, Eleventh and Hoyt Sts. THE RIGHT KIND KRYPT0K INVISIBLE BI-FOCAL Let us show you with what WE SCIENTIFICALLY enrus and scientific accuracy a EXAMINE AND few Pipal has been applied FIT THE EYE XZttfS. S2 " We grind, edge and polish all our own lenses. My new optical room and lens-grinding plant is completed. I EMPLOY A GRADUATE OPTOMETRIST STAPLES THE JEWELER 162 FIRST STREET NEAR COR. MORRISON