21, 1911. 1 TUESDAY, JfOVEIBER : CITY MEWS IN BRIEF o moo xi ax ruxrHOra. v em Trr A ei frhBmoi, Manaslna EdlloT!"""'MiB TOTO A ' "' tditor Mai a T'TO A jowj Composing -room Mala T: A upu 1U1 A AJiCSFMIXTS. MEII.tO THEATER (Iimlb ill TeTlr Katie fatnam la Juloe fVkert Uooa ma a play. Mother." Toolgnt at 1- Bakkh THCATCH .. ma and Jiorrt. aoa Aint lay In "When Knlghinood was la riow.r." Tonight at 14. OHPHKIM THEATEA Otorrtaoa. between fiaia and s.v.mhi Vaudeville. Tola aft ernoon at I IS and toaignt al site. Vantages theater (.seventh ana At. der Vaudevii.e. Thie afternoon at S:l; tonlj-bt at 7 so and . SHrKiSI TIIKATER (Park and Washing ton Vaodevii.e. Tnl. afternoon at 1:13 and toni.tit at T:0 and a. LTRIC THBATEK (Fourth and "tarh siuslrai comedy The Jol.y widow." Th! aftrnoon at 2 10 and tonight at T: and a. la. ARCADE. OH JOT. ODtOM. TtVO--l rirat-run pictures. 11 A. at. 11 P. at. MtXTXCMAH Cmitsi TO Mcet. The re.ldenta and property owners of Mult nomah, a alation on the Oregon Elec tric, will meet Thursday evening at S o'clock. In ttie Bungalow grocery at the station. The territory at and ad jacent to Multnomah has been Plllnic up with people so rapidly that a con centrated effort for citIc Improvement must be made. A new water syMom has been established for the benefit of the Immediate residents. A united effort will now be made to obtain electric light serrlce. telephone service and a postoITlre at the station. A new school also Is a necessity. An Im provement club w!U be formed at this meeting. CoKTi.lT CO.NTIREMCB CaLLUI W. II. Crawford, manager of the Tortland office of Charles C Moore at Co.. left yesterday for Kan Francisco, where he will attend a conference of the heads of all the ofTlres In the organl xttion. Charles C Moore, president of the company, recently was elected president of the Panama-I'aelflo Kx po.ition. and Is arranging his affairs that he may retire from active con nection with the concern and devote his entire time to directing the work of the great event that will mark the completion of the i'anama Canal In 111. TnorrTOALX Pariuti' AssortATiojt Elx'TTS. The Troutdale Parent-Teach era' Association has elected the follow ing offlrera for the ensuing year: Presi dent. Mrs. Aaron Fox: vice-president. Mrs. A. H. Kendall; secretary-treasurer. Mrs. John lfeslln; corresponding secre tary. Mrs. James Knarr. The associa tion will meet In the schoolhouse next Friday afiernoon. when a special pro gramme will be given by the pupils. Tea will be served. The receipts will be used to defray the expense Incurred by engaging special speakers to ad dress the association In the Winter. Wooduaww Ccnrcw Ri.toa Children of Woodlawn felt for the first time . at t o'clock last night the bitterness of minority, when the curfew algnal made 11 known to all dwellers In that district that henceforth those under axe must be off the streets at that hour. Agitation for the establishment of a curfew system In Woodlawn was berun some time ago. An active cam -pa;sn on the part of the Parents" and Teachers' Association finally resulted in the establishment of the desired heck, and last night the new ruling went Into effect. Bora Sum T Can. Playing In the street on their way home from school, two small boys were struck by a St. Johns car at Union avenue and Halsey street, yesterday, and were knocked down, sustaining painful, but not severe Injuries. Chief Hover hap pened to be passing at the time and took charge of the rase. The boys were BoyJ Gilbert. 241 McMMlen atreet. and Kaymond Rulgrr. 141 Ross street. Toey were taken to their homes, where It was found that neither had suffered more than bruises and abrasions. WoODITorx P L A K T PcltCH ASnTTX Mayor Kuahllght yesterday signed an ordinance authorising the purchase by the city of the Woodstock water worka In the Woodstock district. The pur chase Involves t:o.TllJS. which will be paid by the city to L. R. Fleck for the entire plant, exclusive of the pumps and supply springs. The city will connect as soon as possible with the Wood stock mains and supply the residents with Bull Run water, doing away with the spring water which has been fur nished by the Fleck plant. F.XAW1XATTOST FOR LABORER CaXLBD. The United Mates Civil Service Com mission announces that an examination will be held December . for the posi tion of unskilled laborer at Portland. This examination requires no educa tional teat and applicants are rated merely on physical condition. Appli cation blanks and full Information may be obtained from Z. A. Leigh, local secretary. Board of Labor Employ ment, at the Portland Poatoffice. or from the secretary. 11th CV"ll Service district. Seattle. Wash. J. Polxvka A Co. Our stock la en tirely too large. We desire to reduce same one-half. To accomplish this we shall give on suitings and overcoats made to order a rebate of 10 per cent, for cash payments until further notice. Our cutter. Mr. Joseph liana, gives entire satisfaction, and It ahall be our pride to keep our reputation for work manship and excellency In material, itoon 20 Corbett blag.. Fifth and Mor rison streets. FaaaaJt Reastxo Room. I4( Tuniu. Ton are Invited to come to the li brary and reading-room, at Seventh and TamhllL every afternoon and eve ning and enjoy the magaslnea and new books. This la a publte reading room and la In no sense denominational. The latest periodicals from Life to the Atlantto Monthly are here In a please ot room awaiting your attention. Visitors to the city are especially weloome. W. H. Bard, of 40 Washington street and the Baochua. 14 Seventh street, wishes to express his appreciation to h!s friends for past patronage and take this opportunity to announce that on Wednesday. November J J. he will give away to his friends and patrons 1000 elegant purses at the Bacchus. 14 Seventh street. Remember the number. Only one given to each guest. First come first served until gone. Portola Umnts Rgrt-TABUL In an Interview with J. E. Frnton printed yesterday morning an error made him say that Mrs. Cleta Pearl Allsky went to the Portola Louvre, one of the most repulsive places of San Francisco. Mr. Fenton referred to the Portola Louvre as one of the most reputable and high class grillrooms la San Francisco. Wr Havb ISO. 000 placed In our handa by a client to loan on first mortgage, Kast or West Side Improved property. Will divide but nothing less than $14,000. Current rates of Interest. No phone Information. Jackson Deer ing. S4t Stark street. Trctk-Skxiczr Msrnxos Caujcd. Truth-seeker meetings will be held Wednesday and Thursday afternoons at 1 o'clock, at 3)1 Fifth street, and In the evenings, at 41 Alder street. To ship a new wheel the steamer Sa.-ajawea was hauled out on the ways of the St. Johns Shipbuilding Company yesterday. A fluke waa lost from the old propeller last week. Hioh Pricr or Lm.xa. Butter costs money, but Royal Table Queen Bread Is so rich In butter fat It's delicious all by Itself. Best grocers. Caroo or B cater rtiux. Coau Just ar rived, special price during mild weather, phone Main Sol. A . CKiQfR Baxaar at St- Patrlck'a Church Is open- Nothing above 10c. Dm. Brows, rectal apec'lat. Corbett Ik . - . 1 1 1 1 RgrrRUCAX Clcb tcj Ubet. A meet ing of the Republican club will be held next Friday evening, at I o'clock, at the ball of the City and County Medical Society, in the Medical build ing, at the corner of Alder and Park streets. The subject for discussion will be: -Why President Taft Should be Renominated and Re-elected.' Short remarks will be made by Ben SeUlng. president of the Oregon Senate: Dr. Andrew'C Smith, and others. In the absence of President George In the Kast. Professor Hugh J. Boyd, vice president, will preside. The committee on arrangements for the meeting con sists of O. A. Neal. McKlnley Mitchell and Albert U. Rldgway. Mrs. Emma Oatxs Hopkins to Sfzak. A meeting will be held In the lecture room of the First Baptist Church White Temple) this afternoon at S o'clock. Mrs. Emma Gatea Hopkins will speak on "Heathen Invasion." Mra. Hopkins Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. D. Gates, of this city, and a long residence In the Orient enables her to speak from personal observation of Buddhism and other Oriental faiths now sending their representatives to this country. SOHAL SCIENCB ClASS TO MgRT. The social science department of the Port land Woman' Club will meet this afternoon at J o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Thomas Hawkes. at MS Fourth street- The first half hour of the ses sion will be devoted to study of Ross Social Psychology, and the second half hour to study of sociological cur rent events, followed by a lecture and discussion. WaVTRLI - RlCBMOKO Wahts) Paw. The Waverly-Rlehmond. Improvement Club filed a petition with the City Auditor yesterday asking that Waverly and Richmond districts be favored with a park or playground of some kind in the park plana proposed for the city. Wholesome Excrcism. Skating. Oaka Rink. ' CITY'S PAYROLL EYED trOSntXTTKE IS JTAMED TO LOOK FOR EXCESSES. Mayor Details Three Councllmen to Ascertain If City Department Employ Too Many Hands. To ascertain whether excessive salaries are paid city employes and to determine If too many persons are employed In departments of the munic ipality. Mayor Kuahllght haa appointed Councllmen Burgard. Wallace and Joy to make a thorough investigation of city affairs, part of the committee's task Is to establish a comparative salary acale that no department will re ceive more money than actually re quired. The Investigation la the result of complaints of employes, heads of de partments and others that some de partments have too many employes, others too few and that many em ployee who do the same class of work In separate departments receive dif ferent salarlea MayoY Rushlight says the Investiga tion also waa prompted by reports thst city employes loitered and apparently had nothing to do. KUBELIK BREAKS RECORD Orrr Eight ThonMuid near Htm at New York Hippodrome. Kubeltk. the great Bohemian violin ist, will be heard for the sole and last time in Portland Wednesday. Novem ber 13. at the Heillg under the direc tion of Lois Eteers-Wynn Coman. Kube llk's farewell American tour is Just now the occasion of a series of most sensational ovatlona. such as have not been accorded a violinist since the time of PagantnL In Paris the Grand Op-era-llouse waa the scene of unparal leled enthusiasm. In London he played to an audlenee of 000 mualc-wlld Brttona, who clamored for more so wildly that a second concert had to be given, which drew an even larger and more rapturously demonstrative audi ence. In New Tork the great hippodrome waa crowded to capacity Ootober 16, with 6100 enthusiasts, the bos office re ceipts breaking the record at t176.25. And other cities are following suit The sale ot seats opens In Portland Monday, November 17. at the Helllg. GEM AUCTIONS OPPOSED Llrenae Committee Would Bar Jew elry Sale nouses. Permanent Jewelry auction houaes will be barred soon unless efforts of members of the license committee of the City Council to pass an ordinance against them fall short. Bad feeling was caused yesterday between the com mittee and the auction houses when, after an opinion given by Acting City Attorney Tomllnson, a license was granted to R. M. Harding to conduct a Jewelry auction house at 19 Morri son street. The license waa granted only after three requests had been made and then only because the com mittee could not tarn down the re quest legally. It Is probable that within a short time an ordinance will be Introduced by one of the members of the license committee forbidding such auction houses on the ground that the Jewelry sold Is usually Inferior and misrepre sented by the auctioneers, GRANT N0J CANDIDATE City Attorney Out of Recall Fight Appeal SncceT9 Predicted. Ctty Attorney Orant la not a can didate for District Attorney In the pro posed recall election against EUstrlct Attorney Cameron. Such la his decla ration In a letter written In Chicago received from him yesterday. He de clares' also that he believes the Broad maT Bridge bond case and the Initi ative case will both be affirmed in Washington by the Supremo Court. YE OREGON GRILLE. When you see people coming from all over the city, passing by other grilles, to dine at a certain place, you may rest assured that Is a good place to patronise. Such a place Is the Oregon Grille, with Its par excellent orchestra under the direction of Pletro Marcno, reinforced by a corps of singers un equalled in Portland. CHRISTMASJXCURSIONS. The Canadian Pacific Is now making reservations for passengers desiring to reach the old country before Christmas. C. P. R. service la the best. Ticket of fice 141 Third street. Representative A. W. Lafferty will speak at I o'clock tonight at Woodstock Hall. Woodstock: Wednesday night. Alcazar Hall. Lents: Thursday night, j Strahlmnn's Hall. Sell wood: Saturday night. Hill's Hail, Williams avenue and i KusseU street. . i New Bills Open at the Vaudeville Houses Orpheum. THE saving presence of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McOreevy nd they are not newcomers here relieve the Orpheum bill from positive mediocrity. Mr. McOreevy. In the guise of the old fiddler from the village, and the very plump Mrs. Jack as a country maid, gossip In truly rural spirit about their acquaintances. As a finale they spring their always laughable duet pathetlo Jlr tunes wailed out by the meek fiddler and wild tooting on a battered horn by the. bucollo girl. This act cornered all the big applause yesterday afternoon. An act that started well but wound up with horse-play la the Raya, Johnny and Emma. Their aklt. "The Band master." Is full of bright lines of the Mrs. Malaprop variety, and many plays on words that bring laughs. Emma Kay, gorgeously gowned, haa the role of a MraNoveau Rlche, Just breaking Into society, and Mr. Ray la Mike Donovan, the leader of Donovan'a Full blooded Hungarian Band, engaged to play at the social climber's musicale. Ray has two or three bits of comedy business tucked up his sleeve that he brings out at Just the psychological moment. One of these la a loud guffaw that Invites company. John Gray, as a funereal-looking butler, and Arnold Newman, who elta In a cleverly-arranged chair and plays a violin In such a manner that It appears as If the bandmaster were doing It. adds hilarity to the Rays number. An athletto novelty Is put over by the Seebacka. Mr. and Mra. The stsge is dotted with all sorts of contrivances and looks nke a small gymnasium. Harry Seeback. who is the world's champion bag-puncher, proves It to the eminent satisfaction of everybody. As a piece de resistance he punches four bags with his legs, while four are kept In motion with bla arms, and two others rapidly bounce across his head. An unhappy number la Les Fraed nad. a French ventriloquist, who has absolutely not one new feature in his act. unless It's the Introduction of a be spangled assistant (?) who yodels alarmingly. Knute Krtckson. a character come dian, haa one or two pleasing spectal tles and one miserable one about an Ellis Island Immigrant. Folk forgive Erlckson, however, when he flashes his last number. In a really nice voice he sings about his "Ideal glrL" and the motion-picture film shoots her picture on to the screen, depleting her charms totally at variance with anything "Ideal." Miss Lancton. Mr. Lucler and Jess White, the last a the Inevitable "mes senger boy," are responsible for a dull 10 minutes, relieved occasionally by bright bits that stand out by reaaon of the stupidity of the other parts. Mr. Lucler sings Indifferently, Mlsa Lancton screeches and takes up space, and Jess White does a floor-clean-up dance. Last on the bill Is Mile, de Fallleres with about the poorest "animal" act ever seen here. Bhe has a lot of good looking little dogs, but their tricks are neither unusual nor even Interesting. Emp: CHARLES I WARREN and Harry Seymour are the chief laugh brlngers this week at the Empress In their absurd sketch called "Qo Vadls Upside Down." An Impoverished tra gedian. In the course of his walk along the railroad, comes upon a small tank town and Induces the simple-minded freight-handler to Join him in repre senting the arena scene from "Quo Vadls." His efforts to train his as sistant and the final performance fur nish funny situations of which the two are quite able to make the most. The Basque Quartet easily wins ap plause with its singing of selections from "Faust." "Lucia dl Lammermoor." "The Chocolate Soldier" and popular selections. Individually and collec tively their singing is a treat. The three Bannana give a picturesque Juggling act with colored Indian clubs. Tom Smith sings two or three witty songs and his dances are filled with a lot of weird steps that apparently have never been given here before. Dunbar and Turner are entertaining In their song-and-dance act. The Fal- cons, eccentric gymnasts, give a whirl wind act ot amazing antic. A scries of Interesting moving pic tures concludes the programme. MEDLEY SWIM ARRANGED Y. M. O. A. Aquatic Contest to Be Held In Tank Friday. Something new in tho way of aquatto events Is to be introduced by the Portland Toung Men's Christian As sociation next Friday night in a swim ming meet to be held In the Y. M- C A. tank. The Innovation Is known as a medley swim. Sixty yards must be covered In this swim and four different strokes used, the distance being divided into 16-yard laps for the breast stroke, crawl stroke, side stroke and swim ming on back. Besides this event the meet will In clude a 20-yard swim that must be' done In IS seconds, and a 100-yard swim that must be done In one minute and 35 seconds, as well as front and back diving. All who complete these tests successfully will be presented with a Y. M. C A. emblem. The association Is also arranging a series of swimming events for records. The best performer In each event this year and each subsequent year will have his name and record Inscribed on a panel which will be hung In the tank room at the association. Notices have been sent out that the business men's noon class will meet tonight at t:16 for dinner at the Y. M. C A, at which time two gymnasium teams will be organized. IDAHO LIKES SUFFRAGE Dr. Slary Spauldlng, of Boise, Says Women Elect Good Officials. Dr. Mary Spauldlng. a retired physi cian of Boise. Idaho, who has been vle ltlng Mrs. Abigail Soott Dunlway. loft last night, with her husband, for Los Angeles, where they will pass the Win ter. Mrs. Spauldlne. In speaking yester day of tho suffrage movement in Idaho, declares that Governor Hawley believes that should the woman suffrage law coma up for repeal now. fully 5 per cent of tho mon voters of the state would cast their ballots to keep it on tho statute books. Mrs. Spauldlng gives her own sex the credit for the good officials which Idaho now haa and declares that the men will not nominate) Incapable men for offices, saying if they did, the vote of the fair sex would prove too costly, regardless of party, sect or creed. Christmas Suggestions. Fascinating and charming features In photography. Aune. Columbia bldg. Player pianos, IJ25 and upward, easy terms. In our bargain and exchange room. Kohler & Chase. 176 Washing ton street. A Duty Dodger Is our factory In Tampa, Fla. The finest tobacco grown Vuel'a Abajo tobacco we ship from Cuba In the leaf, thereby saving cigar duty which fully equals the tobacco's cost. This saving is not ours H goes Into the cigar, -into expert Cuban workmanship into fragrance ond flavor and Is yours In Van Dyck "Quality" Cigars 3 - for -25c and Upward L A CUNST CO. Tbi Burnt if Staples" Disiribslara IrisiwiiiiJL " ' r;ni'rw.Swln..!i E. ;:u'-nn f .vUaViM.fi.rn,itUiiii r i" iiiii'-it"' -1 CsiS.L FOR ARTICLES ON "HOW WE WON OUR HOMES" Tub Portland Kealty Board invites the homeowners of Portland and vicinity to enter an essay contest for the best articles on the general topic, "How We Won Our Home," and offers the following ' prizes each week: FIRST PRIZE, $25 SECOND PRIZE, $10 THIRD PRIZE, ?5 The articles should deal with actual, concrete personal experiences of home-winning and home-building, setting forth, step by 6tep, the prepress toward the achievement, from the time of making the first payment on a lot or acreage to the realization of the ambition. It is not necessary that homes be entirely paid for. Articles will appear in The Sunday Oregonian. Photographs are deeirable, but will not be considered in awarding prizes. The right is reserved of running in The Sunday Oregonian stories not awarded prizes. The following simple directions should be observed: 1. Articles should not be more than 500 words In length. 2. The writer should be a bona fide homeowner, or the member of a homeowner's family. 3. Write on one side of paper only. 4. Sign writer's correct name and address. 5. Mail articles to City Editor of The Oregonian. Coal $5.50 a Ton at Yards Fancy Screened Lump Keeps the Pot Boiling. No Soot, No Clinkers, Little Ash. Delivered within the one-mile circle at $6.50 per ton, or within the two-mile circle at $7.00 per ton, this week only. Two tons to each customer. Orders must be accompanied by cash or check. Diamond Crest Coal Co., City: Gentlemen: Have used Diamond Crest Coal for some time, and find it entirely satisfactory. Expect to use it continually. Sincerely, J. A. LEAS, 2S7 West Park. Wholesale trade in carload lots solicited. Miners and shippers of high-grade coal. No C. 0. D. orders or credit given at this price. Diamond Crest Coal Co. 333 Railway Exrhaaae Bldar. Psoas Marshall 3ST4. Portland, Or. WHERE Certificates Excel No. 3 TIIJ may have the whole a b s t r a ct examined, from the Government down to date; and yet if an omission or error was committed by an abstractor early in the history of the title, no liability whatever could be imputed to the firm that made the last continua tion. The liability is fixed in a Certificate of Title we take the risk assuming re sponsibility for the whole title. Investigate. Call for booklet. T IT L AND TRUST COMPANY Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak NECHACO VAL L E Y LANDS FORTGEORGE LOTS FORTGEORGE ACREAGE We have them at low prices, and very easy terms. For full particulars, apply to the NechacoVaIIeyLandCo.M G20 BROUGHTON ST. VICTORIA, B- C Reference: The Union Bank Canada, Victoria, B. 0. of H Brass Work Kept Bright Door Knob and Locks Brass Signs Brass Railings Cuspidors Fauceti Show Cases Harness Trim mings Copper Kettles Band Instruments All can be kept bright and shiny by occasionally using a little Brilliantshine the wonderfnl liquid metal p o 1 1 s n Look for name and portrait of E. VV. Ben nett on each can. X. w. Bennett G Co. Manufactorers San Francisco No Cigar Is Good for You unless It leaves you with the desire to smoke another. Be ware of the smoke that leaves you satiated. But each light, domestic cigar tastes better than the othor. Try the mellow Gen! Arthur Mild 10c Cigar A-Gun st CSi, Co.. Distributors The Home Doctor The Eaar War To Take a Raw En Most people find a (Treat deal of trouble in (wallowing raw egg. When prepared In the following eimple man ner It will be a pleasure. Put one teaspoonful of any fruit syrup into a thin glass. Carefully drop a raw egg: In on this. Being particular not to break the yolk. Over the egg nnnp a tnhlnnnnflll of DuffV'S DUre i malt whiskey; drink. The taste of the en; will not be noticed, ana latins n. this way makes It doubly nourishing and beneficial. National Apple Show Enakops S AT FOKANE November 23-30, 1911 Round Trip TICKETS i On Sale Nov. 22-23-27 GOOD FOR RETTJBN TILL DECEMBER. 2D ' A fare-and-a-third rate for round trip tickets will prevail from all stations on the O.-W. E. & N. Take the splendid Soo-Spokane Train de Luxe from Union Depot, Portland, 9 P.M. daily. Make reservations at the City Ticket Office, Third and Wash ington streets. WM. McMTJRRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. I t 31 Million WlOa J Mantles sold last year j BECAUSE They satisfied. They proved our claim that stands for gas mantle service. I ' They lasted longer. They gave a p brighter light than it is possible to- get from an imitation mantle. i P The genuine Otkltc& is sold in a box bearing this" Shield of Quality." Buy the 7&fac& it makes good. Sold by all Gat Companies and Dependable Dealers. 1 INSURES I Company AJt wor iaakr of tar frm booiH. J The right soup gives zest to the simplest meal. It is nourishing. It aids digestion. And it creates that variety which is "the spice of life". See what a wide choice you have in Clear and delicate soups; thick and hearty soups; strong meat soups, and purely vegetable kinds 21 kinds in all; and every one pure wholesome and tempting. You can't afford to put off learning how good they are. 21 kinds 10c a can Aaparagns Beei Bouillon Celer Chicken Mulligatawny Mutton Broth Ox Tail Pea Pepper Pot mCtMft Somt where'er it foe la ai fraaranl ai a roaa. I will trace It Where yon placa It JaatbyfollowincmynoM . Chicken Gumbo (Okra) Printanler Clam Bouillon tomato Clam Chowder Tomato-Okra Consomme Vegetable iulianne Vermicelli-Tomato lock Tartla Just add hot water, bring to a boil, and serve. Joseph Campbell Company Camden N J lilt Look for the red-and-white label At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for -'HO RUCK'S The Original and Genuine MALTED MILK Th9 Food-drink for All Ages. At restaurants, hotels, and fountains. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Don't travel without it A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no imitation. Just say "HORLICK'S. Not In Any Milk Trust Foster & Kleiser Hlak Grade Commercial and Electrle SIGNS East Seventh and Bant Everett Streets. Phones Uant 1111. B 2Zi L. T. YEE & SONS The old eminent Chlneaa doctor cures any disease aucceiafully. auch as weak nerves, constipation, asthma, catarrh, cancer, piles, nerv- A..no.a rh.nnmtlltn. blood A fl poison, lung, liver, kidney 'S and stomach trouble; also J ailments ot men and women. 3 No matter who has tailed. 'VV"i3 I guarantee a cure It cur- atudr of. herb, and i5radua,.d I from several universities ana v- --- In China. I have thousands of testimonials from my grateful patients. I use only the mo harmless Chines, herb. gardle.. of the high price. So I can help yon. Call or write for symptom blank and circular. iT X. IEE SONS MEDICINE CO., 142V First. 8. K. Cor. Alder. Portland, Or. r DIABETES rrvroVrrS trlcted diet. Physlo-nutrltive Sal-Sano re moves all symptom, of the disease, produces gain In weight, muscle and nerve power ana energy. At leading druggists. SAlr-SAXO CO.. SsV4 W. Broadway. Write for booklet. N. t. fh keystone; Anything In Printing DDCCO Front and 6tark Bts. -0