V V HULL IS EXAMINED Schooner Westerner Has Hole Below Water Line. CRAFT'S SEAMS OPENED noat I-funl on Port of PorlUnd Prjdock. V"t Temporary pair Will B .Mad So u lo 8Mft to Other Pock. Tha -taab.ed team schooner et erner. which was itink near Pillar Rock a week ago by tha oil tank ataamor W. B. porter, wu lifted on Ua Port of Portland drydoca- Sunday morning, when, for the first time, the extent of rer Injuries were known. She waa rammed about midship, on tna starboard aide, and there la a bola below the water Una four by ten feet, and from a superficial examination the rontact opened no nearly all of ber seams. Thee will hare to be calked. Aa previous arrangements will not permit her to remain on tha dork longer than today a temporary aoft patch will ba placed over the hole In her side and she will then ba placed cn the Oregon drydork and repaired. An examination of the machinery shows that It la not Injured, except that the, winch on the top gallant forecastle Is broken. An examination of the circumstances surrounding tha accident will bo made by the Inspectors within a few days. AMERICAS SKAMEX IV PEJLVXD Cnarrv- for Yoanjr Men Are) Said to IV bood at Sea. At the Merchants Exchange Sunday Several of tha oM school American skippers were discussing things marine, when one of them broke Into; the conversation by sarins: Ton all know Captain R. P. tchwerln. ex manager of the water lines of the Hr rtrr.an system and now In a similar position with Its successor In the .steamship business. The Inst tlma be was here he had a kick comma against American your.a men because they would not go to sea any more, while during the ireilrr part of the last century they were the best sailors float. He said that today opportuni ties were better for thm then ever before. T.i-ke a high s-hool rraduate for Instanc-. II" has all the eduratlon that he will nee-1 In this world and If h. Is wllllra: to start In as a sailor and Join the unl-m he m-tll ba ready to bo a quartermaster within a year or ao. and then It depends entirely upon him self how much farther be will advance. If made out of the sime kind of stuff that succeeds on ahore ha should have a masters license within ten years. "Amerlcin-born men are wanted on the rolls of the marine masters of this country and the American youna men are pushed tn the front whenever pos sible by every Una operating out of the Talted Plate.. The goal Is worth the trl.il. but th American boy will not submit to the early hardships, and the result Is that foreign-born men are largely In command of our mer chant marine." SlS.LITO AND QITEEX SAFE a Two Schooner Wrathor Storm Off Southern Orrson Coat. MAR-HKIF.LP. Or. Nov 1. (Ppe rlal.) The schooner Sausallto la now believed t be In safety. After hav ing ben at anchor near the breakers between rone Hay and Bandon aha waa ready ear,y thta morning to put to sea. A favorable wind off shore made It possible for her to get away under her own sal!. A report to this effect cams from Band n todar. The schooner Oiecn Is atl'.l at an chor fiortn of the mouth of tha Co qullle Hirer, but Is not In danger. Two steam schooners came near to her and offered i!iiih t. but a tow waa not wanted. The c-rtln preferred to wait until the tur from Uanlon could tow vessel Into the 'oqu!l:e Klver. where she will load wtth lumber. Tho tug will be able to go out tomorrow and bring tn tha Quren. Tha sea Is -a.m. (IIFIIAI.IS IS IX ITtOM PKKC rurk.rntln Makr-a rut Time In Ttrarhlnc Colombia I"rora Callao. The barkentlne Chehalls arrived In the river thia morning from Callao. l'eru. after a very quick passage of 41 days. This Is not equal to the hlah record by a couple of days, but Is re markably fast time for a vessel of her The Chehalls Is considered one of the old-tuna lumber carriers cn tha Coast. Tha Chhalls has several near records to her credit In the coastwise service, the best being from Pan Fran cisco to the Columbia and return In eight sailing days on one trip. Tha four-masted schooner Virginia has beaten this by a few hours and It waa equalled by tha old three-masted schooner John A both doing their best la command of tha lata Captain Nesson. ntOCn BARK BKINGS IROX Thiers Arrive From Tasmania In BS Pays -Sharks Encountered. The French bark Thlera. it dayi from Tasmania, arrived last night with looo tons of pig Iron and some addi tional ballast.- The vessel has been hera a number of times before In tha grain trade and at pres-nt la In com mand of Captain La Beau, who la well known In this port as master of vea-s-'s of the same own". Ho reports a generally uneventful passage ur.ttl Ms ship reached tha Co lumbia Hirer a week ago. when ha felt the full force of the storm that i resulted In aeveral disasters along the roast- While crossing the equator tha asset waa surrounded at on time by a school of man-eating shark. A number of them were caught and killed n deck by the members of the crew. They measured nine feet. Cliehalle. Ordered to Aberdeen. ASTORIA. Or.. Nov. 1. (SpeclalV Tha barkentlne Chehalls. which arrived today from Callao, haa received order to proceed to Aberdeen to load lumber for Callao. Marine Notes. The oil tank ateamer Catania arrived early Sunday from California with a cargo of fuel oil and will sail again this morning. The steam chooner Carlos, with a cargo of lumber for San Francisco, went to sea yesterday. Tha steamer Breakwater, arrived last night from Coos Bay with freight and passengers. Tha steamship Kcmerlo, of the Waterhouse trans-Pacific Una. la dua to arrive from Seattle today. Tha steam schooner Toaemlte, with a cargo of lumber for Ban Francisco, went to aea yesterday. Tha steam schooner Saginaw, ar rived yesterday from San Franolsoo with a cargo of cement and will load lumber for a return. The achooner Commerce arrived yes terday from San Francisco and la under charter to load lumber In tha river for tha West Coast. Tha ateamer Beaver arrived last Bight from San Pedro and San Fran cisco with a large passenger list and a good freight. She reporta severe weather all tha way up the Coast. Tha steam schooner St Helens, ar rived yesterday from San Francisco with a general cargo and la discharg ing at tha Oak-street dock. She win (TtAXtR IXTT.IX-GENCI Etwe to Arrive. Name. From Northland fen Francisco Oold.a Oele... Tillamook. ... rtrsweter...-Cooe Bar.... Faarer Pedra.... m H. gltnore. 1 llletnooa.... Date. In P'"t In port la pert In port Nov. 1 Nov. 21 Nov. Si No. 11 NaT. I Nov. W Ceo W Elder, ear in.se. V ..marlf Manila. .. . TlllemooS liaadon a: I. no....... Fureka...... seen Bead"-. B.ar Pedro .. noasoke fea rrtaclaee Fa con MaUiMo..,. Foe. City Baa Pedra... Nov. 7 Nov. Sot. Nov. 31 r fto-edaled as Depart. Kama. From Ooloev. oete... Til amooa.... Breakwater. ...reoe Ber .... Northland Jan Pedea. . . Sve H Elmore. T.lleraooa.... Oeo. W. al.d.r..B. Dlese.... Jtea-ar ...fan Pedro.... Alllaare Furka...... a bt. I .Handoo...... Tl leroeok.... Bear. . . . . Pen Pedro... Falcea. .71.... Pn Fraaclsee Kutr-.rte...... Manila Rose City Sea Pedra. ... Date. Nov. JO Nor. Nor. Nor. Nrt. Nor. Nor. Nor. Nor. Nor. Nor. Nor. Nor. Dec tl 21 XI n 2 24 :4 23 2 2 SO o t return with a hold full of grain and a, deck load of lumber. Movement of Vesavclg. ATORI. Or.. Nor. 19 Condltloa at the mouth of fe rler at a P. si.. fo r: wind, south. J' mle; e . obeeured. fr.l.eo si jo A. V.. sie.ra.r Hose city, for 8n Kraa neco end .n roro: stvamer Yosemlie. for Feo Pedro. ArrWrd et and left up et lo A. M.. steamer Hfkai'r. from too. Bey. arm.d St end left uo t 10 30 A. M.. steamer B.er. from San I rmr.'-le. o and 8n r-edro. Arrived at lo 30 A. M.. bark.nllna ehehalla, from Callao. rall.d at B F M-. steamer Fulton, for ban Kreooiaeo ArrlT.d aaa left up el 1:15 1. M.. steamer eajlnaw. from San Francieco. fan Franclaco. Nor. 1. Arrlred at 10 A. steamer Caeco, from Portland. Setl.d at nooa. acliooner Comzu.rca. for Columbia Klrer. Ban Franelseo. Nor. 1. Palled at B P. M . ateamer Johaa Pouleen. for Portland. Arrlred at P steamer Temalpala. from pnrt'and. Sailed at mliinlshl. steamer Oee. V. llld.r for Tortlaail; ateamer Koanoke, for Fan Dlee v Seattle. Nor. IS. Rall.d at midnight. Brttl.a at.amer Kum.rle. for Portland. root Jlr, Nor. 11 Sailed Steamer Ar llanr., for Flurka. I ort Han I.uia. Nor. 1. Arrlred Steamer J. A. Chandler, from Portland. Iland'n. Nor. It Arrlred Oaaoltna schoener Tillamook, from Portland. I.oe Anseiea. Nor. la. Arrlred Bear, frem Port.antL Seattle. Nor. 1 Arrlred Steamer Hsr leaoen, from Vancourer; steamer Canada Ma.-u. frni Ta.oma; ateamer llonoluluan. f r m H-nohi'u; .teamar Prince Rupert, from I'rlnoe Huperl. halied Steamer C'orwln, for Paa'e llarhor: steamer Prtne. Kupart. for l'nn-e Kupert: steamer Watson, for San Francieco. Tides at Astoria Monday. Hifh. tow. ft SO A. M T4 feat 4 A. M 2 feet 0 JO P at f..t a IT P. it . .. .. foot 22 CANDIDATES AT ALBANY Complicated Situation Looms at Coming: City Klectlon. AI.BANT. Or, Nov. (Special.) Twenty-two candidates wer In tha field for tha aeven positions to ba filled at Albany's city election Decem ber 4. when tha time for filing nomi nation petttlona expired last night. There are Ova candldatea for Mayor and the aama number for Chief of Police; four for City Recorder and two each for City Treasurer and for Coun cilman from each of tha three wards. As no primaries wera held by th Republicans and Pemocrats all candi dates except tha Socialists, who held a nominating convention, are running as Independents. The situation now la complicated and Albany la facing the moat hard-fought election tn Its hla tory. Farm Names Registered. ALBANT. Pr Nov. U. (Special.) Farm name continue) to be registered rapidly In Linn County. The follow ing hare been placed on record within the paat month: "Farvlew Home," George W. Laubner. of llalsey; "Nio brara Ranch." K. K. L'pmorer. of Har rl.burg; tel R!o." U Kdward Pyer. of Albany: "Forest Home," Sylvester Mil ler, of Sodavllle; "Maple Spring Farm." IX It. Wain, of Thomas: "Llnnbrook Farm." J. A. Howard, of Albany. Albany Hears Gipsy Smith. ALBANT. Or, Nov. 1. (Special.) Five Albany churchea tonight enjoyed Otpjy tmlth solos, presented through the medium of a phonograph. Phono graphic records of tha musto at tho Smith meeting wera played at tho First Presbyterian, t'nlted Presby terian. Methodist. Christian and Bap tist churches at thla evenlng'e serv ices. DAILY MKTEOROIXXIICAI. RKFORT. PORTt-A NO. Nor. 1. Maximum temper ature CO degree, minimum l.xr.rstur., f J dreraea. Klver rea.llnf. & A. W., 7.S feet; chants In Is.t 24 hour., -O J foot. Total rainfall IS T. V. to 1 P. M , trace; total rainfall linrf Sefteniter 1. lull. H.8S1 Inchea; normal ratnf .i.l since Se;.tenibrr I, .",3 In-nee; deficiency. OM Inch. Total (tin pnln.. S3 mlnut-a; fo..tle sunehtna. V hours IS mlnutea lUromet-r t reduced to Sea l.ar.l) at A P. u.W lechea WEA1WF.R CONDITIO.N'8. The Alberta diaturt-anee haa adranced aastward and thla evenlnr la e.nrral north of Ueka Sipertor. A .mall hit praaaure ar.a la central orer North.m Navada and the weather Is mu. h more quiet In nearly all aeoiloua of the I r.lteel Statea. The blsh wind. In the Puxet Kound dlatrlct bare suh i.le.l and the storm r.ai are taken down early this inornlns l.l.ht rain has fallen tn Washlrrton and extreme North weatem Oreaon and precipitation, mostly In tha form of .now. haa fallen In a number of th. Northern Statea e..t of th. Rocky Maintains. The temperstur Is below nor mal In the Atlantic S'etes and In the lake h.lon and Upper Mlaela.lrrl Valley and It la warmer than usual nearlr everrwhere In the Rorky fountain end I'ac'nc Htatea Th. condition, are fsroraMe for occa sional rain In this clstrtrt Monday. with aou'.herlr wtnda. - FORECASTS. Portland and rlclnlty Occasional rain, southeae-erle wir.d.. Ore-on and waahlnston Occsslonsl rain, southerly wlnda. Idaho Occaalona? rain or snow. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. Pianos rented. t. 14. IS per month. Kohler Chaae. I7& Washington St. Fdlefsen Fuel Co Ranre foal IT. " ACCTION iALU TJUAT. At Mrs. Btoch'e reatdence. Boa Hort St.. hear 1st St.: furniture, etc. Sale at 10:30 A. M. Baker At Crowell. Auctioneers. At Wilson s Auction House, at la As M. raraitius, All-a-a aaeoad street. TITE MORNING OPEIl RIVER SLOGAN Lewiston, Idaho, to Hefp Work, for Through Channel. APPROPRIATION BIG NEED Delegat) From Xewly-Formed Ievel opment Lea rue Here to Confer on Campaign Toward Get ting Cong-res to Help. R. C Peach, of Lewiston. Idaho, president of tha Idaho-Washington Da v.ioomant leifuit. wu In Portland yesterday conferring with J. N. Teal ; on plana for a campaign at tha Rivers and Harbors Congress In Washington, j to secure an appropriation ror an open river to tho National line. Tha Development Leagua will Join hands with Portland In this movement, since the Interests of Lewiston and th country tributary to It requlr an opn river to glva them a trade avenu Into Portland. Mr. Beach and x-3enator Heltfeldt. of Idaho, will go to Wash ington aa representatives of th Idaho Washington Development League. Mr. Beach said that tho greatest aid to the organisation of th league was tha visit of the Portland delegation of 9 business men at the first of this month. Th league embraces eight counties, five in Idaho and three In Washington, and will adopt publicity methods modeled on thosa used In the porttsnd Commercial Club. Lewiston as tha center of tha organ Ixatlnn has already raised $25,000 for publicity work to pay for Initial ad vertising and for printing literature, which will be distributed without cost to the different districts represented In tha Development League. A business mens excursion will b ent out of Lewiston next week. It will be similar to thosa sent out from thla city, and will visit Grangovllle and nine of tha Intervening towns to arouse enthualaam In th publicity movement. Mr. Beach says that ona of tha flrsf and most Important results that fol lowed organisation of tha Development League was a new routing Becured from tha Northern Paclflo for all round trip and through tickets by way of Lewiston at the same rata that had prevailed by way of Spokane. Form erly tho differential between tha towns amounted to $4 55. HKEI1.NO NOTItfca. trn.LA w ETTir c ottn cm ROYAL AKOANCM. meets at 4t".ft K. P. Hall. Kl.r.nth and Al- i4"jTV Monday of each month at 1 M p. M. T. H. NOLTNEK, fceo.. ,VT .... relhban A Sexton Co., "aii" care Crlhbaa a Sexton Co. seventeenth and Cpahur streeta HAP5AIX) LOPOB. NO II. I O. O. F Members are notined to meat In our ball at 1 80 o clock tomorrow Tualay) to attend tha funeral of our late brother. Clau. A. And.r.on. whlrh will be held In Flnley a chapel at S P. M. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. Visiting brothers Inrlted to at iand y. COiKNH. Bea HARMONT LOTXJE. NO. It. A. F. AND A. M. Special cora- S munl.-atlon thts Mondaylere.. at i.;Af 0 d " o'clock. Work In WfX the E A and M. M. d.srees. tailing nrainr.n w.it-uM.j, w. 1U V Bi i. aw. JOINT meatlng of the three Roval Arcanum Counclla will be held this (Monday) evanlng. tn tha . t Ta.1-. Kutllne at 7 .'t 0 WjT7 o'clock, when the 8oO candidates will ba Initiated. All memoers 01 the order are requested to be present. W1LLA M ETTT5 LODOB NO. t. A. F. AND A. M. Speolal eom- rVl W - . , 7 DO A .I..V n'nrb In M. V'V M. degree. Vlsltlne brethren wel comed. W. 6. WEEKS. 6ec-y. MTJTIC STARS OF MTRTLB CHAPTER, O. K. 8.. will give a card end dancing party st Ma sonic Temple tomorrow (Tuesday) evening. Norember 21. Admission 38 centa CAMETIJA CHAPTER NO. XT. O. T.. 8. Stated eommnnlcatlon thla (Mon1?iy erenlng st Masonic. Tem ple, Weat Park and YamhllL a P, V nearees. Pr order of M. I.TDIA BLTTKRWORTH, Seo'y. PIO MASK PAI-U elshth floor Msrquam blrtg.. by K. I. of B.. Anchor Council. No rember 21. Admission 23c. BORN. DEANS Mr. and Mrs. William reans an nouncs the srrlral of a young son at their home. T3 Halser street, on Uunday morn Ins, the lain Inat. ANDERSON In thla city. Norember IS. Clau. A. Anderson. aed 3 yeare 10 months and 1. days. Funeral noUoe will spp.ar In a aub.eiuent Issue. PIKD. 8PAPI.PINO In this city. Norember 1. Kdward P-eullln. ased S3 years. months 10 rlavs. at the home of his son. I. R. PpauMlnr. of li:S Hawthorne are., beloved father of U H-. O. P. and A. V. Epauldlns. of this city. Funeral notice to a later Issue. lTXtKAL XOTICKS. MORE VB At the family residence. tT Fourteenth street, N.. Charle. O. Morene, belored husband of Annie Morene. Funeral aervlrea will be held tomorrow (Tueslayi, Novamber 91. st 1:S0 P. M.. from the I. O OF. Temple, corner First and Alder str.eta.' Interment Rivervlem Cemetery. Krlende and acquaintances respectfully In vited to attend. Hentalna at Pearson's chapel until 10 A. M. Tuesday. CARLISLE At residence of her sister. Mrs. M H. Lsmond. TS Overton street, No vember lv. Geneve E3. Carlisle. axd 21 years, deueht.r of Mrs. 11.11. Carlisle and atster of Mrs. F. 8. Smith, of Hood Klver, and Mlaa Maud Carlisle, of th'a city. Hart- a ! n s at Dunnlne A McEntea's cbsp.l. wh.re ther hse been prepared for ship ment to Mood River for Interment. Dt'XPURI At the residence of his daugh ter, Mra. C- P. MolKete. 1 1 trT Belmont St., Nor IS, 1911, Joaeh Duxbury. axed ti years S months t days. Funaral services will be held et Hoiman's chapel, cor. 3d and falmon eta., today (Monday) Nov. SO. at P. M. Friends Inrlted. ' JfKr.NZlE At the family residence. 513 Everett at., Nov.mher 17, Anna H. Mo Kenxle. acA o9 y.sra 11 months 3o daya. wife of Archafd M. McKenile. Friends Inrlted to attend funeral eervlces. which will be held at the above residence at 3 P. M. today. November 20. Interment tn Rlrerrlew Cemetery. ryNEAT- The funersl serrlces of Mrs. Lea O'Neal will be held today (Monday) at Punning A McEntea's chapel, at 1 P. M. Frl.nda re.pectfullr Invited. Interment ML C'alrary Cemetery. TONSIETH nX)KAL Ck M AKWt'AM IIUK1, FLO HAL ItEMt.-Ni. Phoaes:. Mala Sltt'.i A lift. Troanlng MrKntee, Funeral nlrertara, 7th and Tine. Pboae Main 4S0. Lady aa l.tant. Office of County Coroner. AT K- ZF.LI.FK CO.. 89 William, ere. rtione t'aat lv. , C I0. Lady allendant. j7T. HM.F.Y fON. Id and Madlaoa. Ildy atlendapt. l'hune Main . A 1SIW. tllMAHU HOLM AN CO., Funeral Direct or., tlo Id St. Ledy asalsteat. i'bone M. BUS, FAST tIIE funeral Ulredore. sncceesers te F. 8. Dunning. Vc E. Ot. B lags. I.FRt II. Cndertaker, cor. Kaet Alder and 81 x lb- reel 7t. B ! Lady aaaUtant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFTTCE CITY HALL. Mala . A 1M. Ill MANE OPtlCt.R. bergeaot Crate. Kealdence. U S. 24th N blast 4779. R A Ounmlre. Hca 8.16 Wasco St. W. O. Eaton. R.a 7 K. ISth. Eaat 17ii Horse Ambulance. A eiOl. rr. EX. a. Mights. Sundays and iiolldays, A S1S9; A. a. Trunk I. A 1 OREOOyiAy. MpyDAT, amtsbieS"T9. f, if rnx rosrnrELY beoen TONIGHT 8:15 Hw-s ww V g- THEATEK Hi 1 aLt 1 V 1th and Taylor PHONES. MA Of 1 AND A VLt. 3 IS TONIGHT Hoeeial Piico Matinee Wednesday. Wm. A. Brady presents Jules Eckert Goodman's Play Sucoeaa, MOTHER 99 Mala amtnarn tn Title Bole. Evenings: Lower floor, 1.60. L00: bslconv. B rows 1. rows 78c. 11 rows 80c; gallery. Scand 2Sc Wed nesday Matinee, tl. 78c. 80c. SSo, 20c . SCATS NOW SEXXINO. 6EAT BALE OPENS TOMORROW. 10 A. M. HT7 I f " THEATER Hi 1 1 7th and Taylor PHONES, SLAIN 1 AND A 112. Eenry B. Harris Presents THE COMEDY HIT. TIT. COMMUTERS By Jamea Forbes, author of "Chorus Lsdy" and Traveling Salesman." Evenings: Lower floor, ILB0, 1.00 1 balcony, f rows ft. 6 rows 7 So. 11 rows 80e; gallery, SSo, tSo. Saturday Matinee, (L00t 76c, 60c. 8Sc. 28c. BAKER VYL&5- Morrison and 11th "r. TONIOHT. ALL WEEK. Matinees Wednesday (Parraln Day). s fiaturday, 28c. 6v'c TTlTKN KNIGHTHOOn WAS IN TTWKR. VNIth Anna Imy aa Mary Tudor. Sey ported by an excellent company. Manincer.t scenic production. Evenln prices. 2Sc. 60c. 76c tl.OO. Next Week "Checkers.- Bungalow Theater Speeded Thanksgiving Week Attraction. Opening next Bundar Matinee. A gorgeous production of Jos. Howard's great musical comedy success, "TIIE GOLDEN OIRIa" FIRST TIME HERE. Erenlng prices. 25c. 8c, 75c. 11.00. Matinee 2Rc f.ic Jlewt sale opens Thursday. sgAXsr s, A ieta B1AXXMUB SUM MY BTKK NOVEMBER to Johnny The Ks Lmma, In "The Band Master." Mr. and Mra. Jack Mcreevy. la Irwed-Na.i. Iaulo-ton-Itcler Co., Knute Erlckaon. Mile. 1Q lalllrrea. The fteebaveks. Krenlng .Prices . lci. tin, 6o. 7A. laally Mallnee. 15o, xao, &oc llolltlay Matinees NUlht Prioee. rM.Mtl VBitilevllla WEEK XOVKMHLB to. Ormnd opening ' Portland's new eat. moat beautiful and ab solutely fireproof home of aneguaJed vauVe. rllleL at heveoth and Alder si recta, blgnor Haul Perelra. The learla.tilcdblU Co.. The Telegraph lour, Kudolphe and Dwree, 1L tiuy Woodward, Auimuled Pantaaea Or chestrw, Pajitagevcope, tillroy, Hiijnre A Montgwmery. to "lale teood hlilp Nancy Leo. Matinee Dally. Curtain 2:30, 7:30 and 9. Matue Svery Day. J Formerly C.ranr". aT I ulllvae at ti - Kellnrd Vetiderllle.- Iltinbar and Turner. Le Baaqna J"rVct, ll.e lalcons. The Three I la toi ana. Tom bmliu. Orejidaaeopex Prices Ho and too. LYRIC THEATER FOCRTH AND STARK WEEK COMMENCINO NOVEMBER t0 The Kee4tnr A Hood Mnalrml Comedy Co. In S?IK JOliv M11MV." With a ' and a Large Chorus.. Matinees Daily a "0 Two lTerform.noea Nightly. 7:30, 9.1&. Prtday Mftht. t horua .lrur- tonteat After f .nr h t'TIorfTllH-V g rn-v ' " 1 CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally r Sunday. Psr IJae. One time J" Mama ad two aoaseeutlv ttoaea.. bauie ad three esmeestutlee times .... . sue barue ad six or seven coaeecutlre umea. 6S Hemittoucea aauM accompany oat-of-tawn ' Vbea one adyrertlaemeat la sot run In eon. aerutkre Uauee tbe wne-tlme rate applies. M, words eoont as ewe Uaa ea U d vertiaementa and aa ad counted for less thra ,ena,rs1e,"ar book Bdvertleemenre the charge will be beeed ea the actual number It lluee appearing In the paper regaxdleas of the number of words to each line. la New Today all advertisement are charged by measure only. 14 linos ta the to b. Mtoatlons Wanted. Male. bltuatione Wanted, lemala Ibe above ratee apply to aarertlaementa ander -New Today" and all other elaas loca tion, excepting tue following! .... Oregonlaa will accept class Ifled advertise ments ever the telephone, providing tbe d rertlaer la a subscriber to either phone. Ne prlcce wlU be quoted over tb phone, but bill will be rendered tbe following day. Whether subsequent adrertlsemente will be accepted orer the phone drpend. upon the promptaeM of the payment of telephone ad vertisements, bltnallon Wsnted and Per eonal advertlaemente will not be aoccpted arer tbe telephone. Orders for one la aertlon only will be accepted for "Hooae for Kent, Furniture for bale." "Buetneea Opportunities." -Roomtog-hoosee'" and tl anted ta Rent." . NEW TODAY. Apartment or flat location for sale. 4 LOTS, one block from Postoffica, 3 blocks from County OourthouBe; fine, sightly elevation. A big demand in Hood River for flats and apart ments. PRICE, 51500 CASH. W. H. MARSHALL, HOOD RIVER. 21st and Glisan 50x100, with J houses: som Income; east front: on North 21st nenr Ollsan; (lna apartment alt. Price, $10,000. GRUSSl"& BOLDS 81. Board of Trade Hldgr., 4th and Oak. OREGON CITY CARL1NE Spanldlnaj Acres 1 to 6-acre tracts at price of suburban lots; on main county road; 6 minutes to car; high and sight ly; beautiful view; deep, rich, well drained soil: all cultivated; no gravel; no ahacks; fine homes all round; ex cellent graded chool: board walk to car. Easy terms. See HAIX A EOAHK. 622 Chamber Commerce. CO LI. IS, BERRIDOB Jt THOMPSON, PUEUC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, (2d tVercraiter Block. Pboae Malm asT. Mortgage Loans 5yo For th Lergor Amount. KOWAKU H. OOCDKT, Lenta Rnllulwg. FOR SALE B.at 12800 buy on East Side; 8-room strictly modern bungalow, worth taftOO: fine lawn and garden; 11800 cash; 1700 mortgage. Can Pundays or evenings, MS Brooklyn St. T.U ballwood OS. 2 I f frk-atA-5 Mood River yQYEMBEIl 20, 1911. f a, I RMIKMIB. I KEAX r-STATR - I " weBj Houses. Fo, Sale-Acreage. MORTGAGE LOANS ECf JOHN E. CRONAN, HOT J j O SZ Spalding Bids- S BF.AL ESTATE PEAUBA Back. William O., 818-818 Falling bids. BBL'BAXER A BENEDICT. 602 McKay bldg. M. B4B. Chapln Harlow. 32 Chamber Commeroe. Cook. B. 8. Co.. B08 Corbett bids. Jennings Co., Main 188. 208 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO, H. P, 404-00-0a WUcox bldg. Tbe Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand tra and Multnomah st. Hollsday Addition). REAL EPTVTK. For Bale f SACRIFICE SAXK. 100 lots In Marshfleld; best lots on Coos Bsy. 'Will sell part or all for cash. They must go. C. K. Roberta, Hi Stark at. MALLORT ADDITION, EAST 89TH NEAR HAWTHOR-fS, 19 MINUTES KKOM WKST BLDfa. ALL IMPROVEMENTS IM. BUILDING- RESTRICTIONS. SRICE3 86S0 TO 11100, EAST TKBK& EO. O. MAI ft. TAB. 8477, B 2491. BAST -T3 AND HAWTHORNS AVE GO WEN-IDE TRUST CO. LUMBERMEN'S BLDQ.. 6TH AND STARK IRVIXOTOIf QUARTER. On Knott -and E. S8d sta.. facing south and saet. beautiful view of Mt. Hood. Price 18760. on easy terms. This Is the cheapest buy on Knott il, snd la lust one block from Broadway csrlln. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO, 404 Wilcox Bldg. ' Phon.a Main 8tf: A 2SSS. BUT NEAR HEED COLLEOH. Lot. 40x100 feat. 2 blocks from Used College. 480 per lot. S4S cash. 110 psr snonta. MERIDIAN TRUST COMPANT, 208 Railway Exchange Bldg. Phones: Marshall 2884. A 780. SOME SNAP FOR 8180 CASH. My equity of I2S0 In lot, Parkhurst; fins location, 1 blocks from car; 810 month; so taxes, no Interest until paid for. Phone Tabor 2348. 810 DOWN, $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot: matured fruit troea: re stricted district, near car; o.mont walka. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 478. A 1022. LAt'RELHUBST SNAP. lot 7, blook 2S, ou Multnomah, bet. fTth and 89th, 60x100; price 11830, 10 psr csnt cash and 2 per cent per month. GUUSSI & BOLDS. 818 Board of Trado Bldg.. 4th and Oak. WEST SIDE-. LOIS IIOOl . Bight on eaxllno, upper Washington St.. adjoining City Park. West 89th and Yam hill. National Realty A Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main S12tf. 13700 FOR this beautiful lot, 75xlO). feeing east on 21st bet. Ilrsr.ee arrtl Knott: liOOO cseh. balance at 8 per cent. 2 years: im provements all In and paid for. Phone Woodlawn 322i or C 1B2S. GREEN WAY, PORTLAND HEIGHTS, $0. Full lot, level. Valley view, this Is a case of owner really wants to s.IU Fred XT. German. 819 Barnslde. M. or A 2 1 70. "" ' PIEDMONT SNAP. 60x100, east face, S blocks to carllns; only $1100, terms. P. B. LENT. 41T Corb.tt Bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP. Owner must dispose on account of leav ing olty; terms, bee Cochran. 208 Wil cox bldg bu.li; i.e Nolr A Co. for West tide property. exclusive dealers In West Side realty. Offices b38-7-l Chamber of Commeroe. LOTS 60x100, 1 block from electrio carllne, tlOrt to $180; very essy terms. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co.. 1M.1 Corbett bldg. THREE view lota, 30x62 each, for $1800; Mt. Tabor district; east front. Owner, AT 6117, Oregonlan; FOR SALE -TUot 60x100 In Evanston Ad dition; Improvements nearly all paid. East 2Sth st. ynona M. FOR SALE Lot In Errol Heights; easy terms. Apply 103 North 14th st. CORNER East Tth and Ankeny; line apart-. meni sue, ev.w- " -J " - " " j $180 PUTS 60x100. East 86th and Taylor. fr.3 Sweetland bldg. ALBERTA busmess corner on carllne, 60s HO; $1600. Tabor 17P8. 60x100 LOT, Powell street, near ISthi bar galn. 608 Swetland bldg. For ptale llmsee. mr. lot owner, here is your chance to improve your prop erty with a home, flat or apartment; will finance it at a low rate of interest; plans furnished free. it will pat you to comb in and talk this over, j. s. atkins, architect and builder, henry bldg. that vacant lot. wht not turn a burden into income property t if you own a Lot wb will furnish the money and build residence or flats, plans free, if we build. our reputation tour protection. it WILL PAY YOU TO SEE t.'8 . L. R. BAILEY CO., INC., CONTRA CT IN3 ARCHITECTS. 824 AEINOTON BLD. SACRIFICE SALE. Am leering city and must sacrifice my new 6-room bungalow In Rose City Park: eloae to ear; everything modern and raxy easy terms. W. H- PHILLIPS. MO East 60th st. North, or Sol Bosrd of Trade. Resld.noe phone Tabor 8481. Office phones Marshall 473, A 1022. BATH MONET. I hare Z or 8 8-room bungalows Just about completed I would like to show you, or will build to suit you on your lot, or will furnish the lot and make easy terms st the lowest rate of Interest and the price will be right 1122 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 2V.i. IRVINGTON HOUR ON E. 21ST. Completely furnished, facing east, large llrlng-room. four bedrooms. hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, etc Less than a block from Irvlugton Tennis Club. J err eaar terme can be arranged. Price $71-U. H. P. PALM Kit-JONES CO, 404 . Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main '': A 265S. LOOK. $300 DOWN, $16 PER MONTH. 6 PER CENT INTEREST. 6 noma bath, good porches, cement Vn.m.nt cement walks, feu and In an ntrprlslnv community; thii Is a nice ft 3la.ee ana a iinmi n i.r.. - t today. 1m R. lth N. Alberti car. BEAUTIFUL IRVINOTON HOME. Finished in oak, hot water heat wltn ?tany special features. One block from (roadway carllne. 75x100 ft. Price $10. 000. HP. PALMER-JONES CO, 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main 8IWi A 28:8. RICHMOND HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 2800 New modern. 6-room bungalow, 1 large rooms and bath upstairs; fireplace, Dutch kitchen, bookcases, etc.: gas. elec tric fixtures In, near school and car; easy tsrms. Owner. Main 934S. FORCED SALE. Modern house of 6 rooms in fine location, cloee In on Hawthorne ave.. will be sold at big sacrifice If taken at once, as owner needs some money. Only $1000 cash re- qulred. J oregonian FOR $S00 TERMS. t lots In Myrtls Park, with small house. Phone owner, Tabor 234". $200 CASK, balance like rent, buys a beau tiful home, strictly mocl.m bungalow, 4 large rooms, large lot, fine location: pries only $2000. Fee Jaa. A. Clock. 252 Alder, phone Main 81 SB. TO BE SOLD AT ONCE. Oood house, with 1 acres, west slds of town ISOO; $800 down. NATIONAL REALTY TRUST CO. 723 Chamber of Commerce. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. $900. Neat, well-built. 4-room cottage, large barn close to car. at Portsmouth, worth $1100 Photo at office. Fre.l W. German. 81:9 Burr.slde. M. or A 2778. I3G0O FOR new modern 6-room house, g blocks from Union ave.: will oonslder a good lot as first payment Phone Wood lawn 8229 or C 2-f-fl. IRVINGTON bargain; good for home or rental; easily conrerted to flat; price $000. easy terms: owner on premises. CV8 Halse'y St.. near li'h. BFH Le Nolr A Co. for JVe.t Side homes; exclusive dealers In West Side property. fe3o-7-9 Chamber of Commerce. BF AUTIFtTL,. attractive, neat, 8-room new, modern home, best buy In Portland, on carllne. Owner. Fe'.lwood S9. 7-ROOM house, will take lot part payment. 836 Eugene st. g ROOMS modern. Sunnyslde home, cash or terms. Marahall 1728. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOMB. MAGNIFICENT VIEW. Spacious grounds, modern home wrrta e-eerythlner first-class, bullt-ln cheval mir rors, hardwood floors. . two fireplaces. It Is verv seldom that such a view place on the Heights is oftared for sale. Tbe prlos la only $18,600. H. P. PALMER-JONES COt, 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main 8099. A 2658 WOULD YOU BUY ' A strictly modern 8-room house, bnnt about 8 years, lot 48x150 (and alley) close to 4 good carllnes and new Broad way bridge, providing you could get it at your own price? If so, please go to 6iS Kerby St., between Knott and Graham ave.. take a look at the house then come back and make os offer. Plaoe is bring ing $40 per month rent. Our sign Is on the house so you cannot miss it. C. F. PFLCGER & CO.. Butte 12 and 14 Mulkey Bldg., cor. 2d A Mor. MODERX LITTLE HOME FOR $1700. 4-room plastered house, bath and toi let. 50x100 lot, tine lawn and rose bushes; street improvements and sewer all In, hard surfaced on ona side; nearly all paid for; on F.aat o7th and Grant sts.. be tween two cars; will take small payment down and balance on easy terms to suit. Phone owner. Main 6570. COMPLETELY FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Hardwood oak furniture throughout, brass bed, Wilton rugs, fine fixtures, 4 blocks from car. on fuil 80x100 lot. roses In front, basement full of dry wood, dlsliea and everything Included; price $o000, with - $760 cash down and the balance $26 per month. Including Interest; owner must leave for California. See P. B. West, 404 Ry. Ex. bldg. -U. 2S0I. BASE LINE LAND CO. IRVINOTON SNAP. Strictly modern and up-to-date 8-room bungalow, with all latest conveniences, furnaoe fireplaces and all bullt-ln efteots, only a months old, lot DOxlOO. street im provements all paid, on East 10th st.. near Thompson, price a snap, only iJ600i 13000 cash. GRUPSI A BOLDS.- . 81 Board of Trade Bids.. 4th and Oak. IRVING TON. 8-room modern house, furnaoe, flreplaoe. built-in conveniences, etc.; all streot 1m prorements la and paid for. Prlos $6500; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO, Phones Main 8690. A 2653. FIVE and six-room homes, fireplaces, hard wood floors, furnaces, with all bullt-ln modern conveniences; near carllne; all street Improvements paid; monthly pay ment plan. Provident Investment A Trustee Co.. 201. i"Oi 2"1 Board of Trade bldg. Pbone Marshall 47.1. A 10J3. I'I'V VOW. EOSK CITY PARK. 12B0 CASK. T rooms, built-in buffet, bookcase, solid onk floors. furnace, fireplace, mirror doors. N.-ulonal Realty & Trust Co., 7- Chamber of Commerce. Main 6120. FOR SALB BY OWNER. NEW 6-ROOM HUlBli "With bat"., sleeping porch, full basement, built In furniture, etc.. on Improred street In Vernon, only $2400. Just a little cash, balance like rent. Owner, 1020 Yeon bldg. , .f 1 II t? 1 .. J V V .... J - . . - - - - Prur.d new 6-room bungalow, on im prored street, gas. electricity. Dutch kitch en, full basement, fireplace, buffet, book cases. etc $2500. terms. Owner, KrabllL . . - . . cn I". . . OITff P1DIT 160 lztn St. jqarsnan jvoo. Oood 5-room cottage, lot il'Ixl78. wttn treet Improvements all paid. ,5 Bel- mont. between 12th an.l 13:h. price $.1800. Sie, Bosrd of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. 2i PER CENT PER YEAR 25 PER CENT. SSvOO or a little less will handle thla The price Is only 1S50O. Better see about this '"THE NEWLON-KOLLKR CO.. INC. .... .-. . 1 , ' J Pnnlan Or. ';i riUCIllIlll liju,., . v. fSOO WILL BUY a modern 6-room home on Long sve. ; there is a beautiful large sleeping porch snd the attlo Is all floor ed room for 2 large rooms; walk south from Holgate on 2Sth to Long ave. See owner. 414 paiqint; um ACCOUNT sickness; dandy new bunftalow at 1181 Ivon St.. offered to responsible buyer at sacrifice and on own terms un til 27th. Phone owner, Barney, Main 2 r,00. . $3"iOO. Modem 8-room bungalow. Just com pleted East 83d bet.. Madison and Sal mon, will take good lot as first payment. fnone .wsm ..m v. ...... 6-POOM modern home In Piedmont dis trict for $300 less than cost; owner must . have some money; $1"0 down will do. Call at 414 Spalding oias. v.. 4-ROOM house on West Side; walking dis tance; cement basement; lot 5x100; price S.-T-Mo. .4 W onn mirn. 6 ROOMS, strictly modern, gas, electricity, furnace, 1400 cash terms. See me. Zella Oosett. i v est jyiiiiin.-'"t" " 8-ROOM modern bungalow. Improvements in ana paid; excellent location, block to car. line. I'none owoei, ocui-vv For Sale Buslnrss Property. WANTED I own exceptionally desirable apartment-house site. West Side .100x100, and would like partner who could furnish money to put up attractive building and share income. tr nn. v., ....... OWNER has full lot, close In, near Burn aide: will Improve with l-story building to suit tenant on long lease. L $0$, Ore gonlan, For Sale Acreage. WE WANT 20 HONEST MEN, MEN THAT ARE NOT AFRAID OF MEN' THAT MAKE UP THEIR MINDS MEN THAT HAVE FAITH IN WHAT WM re" THAT WANT A FAIR START IN LIMEN THAT REALLY DO THINGS. If you are such a roan, coma to our office and wo will start you on a small farm In the best part of the Willamette Valley. Doq't expect to pay a high price. We will sell you as good land as you can buv for only $5 per acre, $1 per acre down. $1 per acre monthly. You readily realize we could not make such liberal terms unless we sell to the kind of men that really do things. Don't take up our time unless you are really ready to buy. Our liberal terms make It possible for you to keep your money and Improve your land. Wa are selling fast make up your mind. Call today and talk It over. Ask for Mr. Seachrest. CHAPIN ft HERLOW. Members of Portland Realty Board. 832-83" Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE. L S, 6 and 10-acre tracts In the Vailey, Just west of Council Crest, also 5-acre tracts down the river, opposite bt. Johns, at prices rang ing from $1W to $500 per acre, and upon your terma THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 83. 102 Fourth EL A 8500. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS. Close to Portland; rich walnut, fruit and garden land; only small cash pay ment, balance pays for itself in products now on tbe land, which we accept same as cash; we own the properties and are tbe only people masing tn:s nuei-ai ouor, FIRLA L.A-NU& ItiLM toMrA,xi, C06-8 Spalding Bldg. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland: walking distance to good town; running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow peaks; 2 acres. 1T,0; 6 acres, $400; 10 acres, $s00; 10 per cent cash, easy pay ments; other tracts near railway station. $28 10 $50 per acre. FRANK M FAKLAND REALTY CO. 809 Y.on Bldg.. Portland. Or. BUY" GOOD LAND. And It will pay for Itself very quickly. My tracts lie close to Canby and are espe cially suited to onions, celery and chicken ranches. As low as $150 per acre and up to $300, for those that are mostly beaver dam. These hnva been selling on sight; $1m down, long time on balance. H. W. Freeze, owner, 80S Merchants Trust bldg. SUBURBAN home, close to Portland, 6-room house. 20 lots (over 8 acres 1. 60 fruit trees, berries, etc.; also splendid for chlokens, running water, spring, telephone, daily mall. 2 blocks from electric car station. 3."00; eay terms; $2000 for house and 6 lots. J. W. Hcfferlln Realty Co.. 203 Cor-b-;t bid?. 5 ACRES, close to city limits, West Side: rich soil, no waste, south slope, beautiful view, part cleared, balance lb fine timber, close to two macadamized county roads but not far to car; small house new and neat furnishsd, also barn; $1600 cash; or will sell 4 acres unimproved, carrying 400 cords wooa. mr t ivw. u p.. .-a.-inn. 10S ACRES. 80 seres in cultivation, good house and barn. 1 miles from Malloy Station, on the Oregon Electrio R. R. : will sell as a whole or a part. Inquire r.3 Jefferson St.. Portland. 1 " & AND 6-arre tracts, close to Portland, on electric carllne, $2K to $400 per acre, easy terms. J. W. HefferUa Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg. ; ACREAGE snd fsrms. from $12.60 per acre large and small tracta. Call Kinney . . i r.319 r mK.- rhinn hrf . 41 p-iarnpiip. J" ' ..-. - 4 ACRES, ideal for greenhouse site, on 44th St. X. Lundburg, owner, 1U24 Chain. Com. II AN 1 " J3CTRAORDINART OPPORTTJNTPT. I Make ' 1$ psr cent on your oaan ' Investment. Bental S20CO. cash tn advance, on FORTY ACRES, 11 miles from city. ATI Improved, on county road ana a. T. R. R., which Is being electrified. Takes $9000 cash to swing It. Get yonr $!000 CASH INCOME the moment you are tn position to sign lease. Let us tell you more about It. WELLS A LABER. tt-$ Bwstland Bldg. Mala 1981. DON'T DELAY BUY WHILE TOTJ CAN. $75 per acre, 25 per cent down, balance In 8 years. B. 10 and 20-scre tracts, one mile from thriving business towns, railroad stations and boat landings, schools, bank, depart ment stores, churches and theaters : leas than one hour's ride from Portle-nd; 4 trains each way dally; deep, rich son. fine water, fine view, delightful home sites, surrounded by finely cultivated orchards, berry, truck gardens and poultry farms: good neighbors, who have made comfort able fortunes off adjoining lands; neigh boring towns have largest payroll In state of Oregon with same population. We hare recently sold over 200 10 and 20 acre tracts In this neighborhood. Call and Investigate. 612 Couch bldg 100 Fourth st. GARDEN HOME. Buy a beautiful aore at Garden Heme at $700 to $800, terms 20 per cent cash and 2 per cent per month; only 100 yards from depot: 44 trains dally; double traok to Garden Home Is a necessity: this means special service and a E-cent fare; then prices will be $700 to $900 on a 50x100 foot lot; buv the acre now and profit; soil deep shot clay: altitude high, sightly; water pure and abundant; present fare 10 centa by book; only 4 miles from , Courthouse when tunnel Is completed: come and be "shown;" 2 acres with fine house, large barn, 1 acre bearing fruit, only $4200: same terms as above. 17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Osg. TEN acres beaveraam lati. uwuo, ... tlon and ready for crop, best for onions, celery, cauliflower, potatoes, eto-i river and rail transportation; nothing better anywhere: low price and easy paymenta Investigate. 512 Couch bldg.. 109 4th St. ACCOUNT OF DEATH. jrjOO Two acnes of splendid land, on West Side; wood enough to pay for plaoe: land is verv best; biggest snap around. Portland. Y 6S5. Oregonlan. bvap 17 Vt sores of choice onion land, run- nln- water; 8 miles from Courthouse -. only $300 per acre. Jamea Wilson, Rome 1. Boring. Or. , For Sale Homesteads. HOMESTEADS and timber claims, desirable locations, near Portland: some prairie, deep level wheat, fruit and stock land; near school, railroad and river. Covey, 267 oa For bale Fruit Ida. "FBrWANT men who wish to be started on 1 fruit ra-oh in the Mt. Hood District The price Is not high, we wli se 1 you 5 acre tra". at $S5 per acre; adjoining land . valued at $250 per acre. $5 per acre don and $1 per month. The best soil In Ore ion no stone, elevation 10O0 feet. These eIy ?erm. make it possible for any one to buy the beat fruit land In Oregon. Ask lor Hart-cHApiN & jjjjRLOw", Membere uf Portland Realty Board. 332-338 Chamber ot Commerce. HOOD RIVER orchards. Prize winners at Portland show; also new land and par tlally developed orcharda G. Y. Edwards ft Co.. Hood River. Or. For Sale Farms. CANADIAN FARMS. Do yon want a farm In Western can tea, where the crops this year are In ad vance of anything grown on this conti nent? For wheat growing dalrlng. mixed farming and cattle raising tho Province of Alberta Is unsurpassed. . Lands are now offered by the Lanadlan Pacific Railway Company at prices rang ing from $10 to $30 an acre on Jng terms of payment or on the crop payment plan, that Is paying for your farm through a portion of your crops each year. Land values have Increased 80 per oent In two years. Great opportunity for the homeeeeker. j. e..1l ,net foiil&ra. bOOk- IU1 or wing . lets, maps, etc Reduced rates for nomeseeKers. IDE. M CARTHY LAND CO.. General Agents, Canadian Paclflo Railway. Alberta Land Department, a ljUmDermeu a x.ua. A FINE, CHEAP HOME. 05 acres, 80 acres In cultivation, best ot land good Improvements, running water, on countv road, fine fences, good horses and cows, all kinds of farming tools; 80 acres In crop now, feed and seed In barn for Winter. Everything goes with place at $125 per acre on good terms; ths place is worth It alone. One of the nicest homes in Yamhill county. Write for description. M E Burgess, Yamhill County, Amity, Or. MTJST sen, small home, between Are and six aorta, short dlatance west of Portland, near good car-line- house, well and fences, very rich soli. $1800. wtth good terms. AB 650 Oregonlan . A VERY nice 60-aere farm on the Willam ette River, for sale; small amount down, balance long time, or will take a Port land cottage as part payment; land Is all cleared: fine spring and two welle: boat landing on place; Best of soil: a Bne home; no agents. Address AV T38, Ore gonlan YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Largo snd small tracts, sultsble for general farming, grain, hay, fruit, hops, dalrving etc.; about 40 miles southwest of Portland. Or. Call or write for prloe U,t. w, E. Kidder, Carlton. Or, T'N acres. Improved land, 1 mile from II waco 1 acre bearing fruit. 2 horses. 2 cows' good house and outbuilding. Price $2uu0. Apply to J. C Woaten, Ilwaco, Wain. . lAOACRES, all plow land, running water, good house, well. barn, granary chicken Souses, close to good country town and railroad; $50 per acre: good terms. J. W. II, "renin Realty Co., 3 Corbett bldg. 640 ACRES, MALHEUR CO. OREGON: creek and stage road through center of .nr-iion stage station one mile from land. $7 per acre. Phono M. 7423, 402 Rothchlld. Zoo ACP E9 wheat land, Pendleton, half mile from railroad; $35; terms or trade.. Brooks. 441 11th st. Tel. aaarsnan on. oAu. SarV". rood" water; 211.. from railroad. Phone Sellwood Tula. f,.v,-H 60 a-res. with bulldins-s. IS miles from Portland, near electric line: bargain for all cash, by owner. 1S2 Morrison su IhTTaCRES. 23 miles from Portland; $12 per .-re- worth double. Wm. Irle. 681 E. 8th. Vortiand.Phone Sellwood 190. 820 ACRES in Crook Co., timber, water; make splendid rnnch: take $9.50 per aero gash. Call forenoon. 402 Rothchlld bldg. WANTED TO KENT FAJtMg. w ANTED Farm, dairy or hopyard, 8 to 5 years on shares; large place preferred, nave help and money. Addresa 28 E. bth at. South. Portland. Or. WANTED Fruit or dairy ranch near Port land; give full particulars. H. L. Huston, 2U15 E. Yamhill sU . s J . -.. L. 1 1 1 nlaa rH tmill trrjt RFVT FARMS. FOR RENT Farm on Columbia River V 5R Kb-yi-rs-. ' . . ,VA tween roruanu o .-.nw..-. " Call or address D. J. Ingalls. 266 Grand Rve.. Asrnnu. t'i. FOR RENT or sale; 13B0 acres choice wheat land. 8 miles from station. Smith. 310 Hamilton bldg. . "FOR HALF TIMBI-B tANP- CAN locate few more good homesteads, cruising from six to ten million feet o. good timber. Call Monday. Foe c levereaux. 4-4 Henrybldg. " TIM E E R LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. ii04 McKay Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. WILLAMETTE FARM Best In state; will sacrifice or trade for Portland Improved. 832 Lumoer r.xuii-a. BEE me about Columbia Orchard bonds. J. y. Hartley. 310 Spalding bldg. COLORADO acres and Denver suburban lots for nroperty here. Hadley. 810 Spalding. lJ3 430. 460-ACP.E farms for part ltr property. Swank. SIT Hamilton,