Jjj Iff trt- PRICE FIYlJ CENTS. 1911. SUGAR IS TERMED FOE TO LAZINESS GAUGE SHOWS ISHI PRESIDENT KEPI CHINESE FURNISH FLOOO GUTS OFF SEATTLE'S WATER IS GETTING FAT 'TAG DAY' POINTER OFFICIAL AT SALEM NDDGF1S BY COLD COMPLEXION ALSO BEAUTIFIED TjNCONTAMINATE3 ONE'S OVER ALLS HAVE TO BE ENLARGED. IXKOCIOrs BKART KN'FORCES BY CSE, SATS SCHOLAR. IEMAXI Foil "LONG GREEX: rr " iaiti x-r ninr.nv MONDAY. NOVEMBER 20, VOL. T.I NO. 15.903. ,x..xa....w., . , " I. w AMBUSH SHOT FANS PACKERS CONTINUE BATTLE FOR DELAY Pipe Lines From Cedar Lake Broken. STREETS OF CITY ARE DARK Municipal Power Plant Put Out of Service. WATER FOR WEEK ON HAND Town's Ite xrw Tift r lolm Contain I AO. 000. 000 Gallons, but Hill. , side nnM4 Are Cut Off Al redyRailrow.d Xjrm-r Big. SEATTLE. Wain, ."for. 1 tie's water supply cut off. the muni cipal light plant out of commission. ' " ' , , " Ijhree head of lettuce, and. accordlpg washed out. and Taller loni indr. ... , . " farina under water, represent the dam are done today by the flood a In West era Washington caused by heary rains In the low lands and the suddenxtnelt lag of alx feet of anow tn the Cascade Mountains. Reports received by tho railroads from their stations high up In the mountains say that tho rivers are be ginning to recede, but the water con tinues to rise at an alarm In a- rat In the low lartda and It Is feared that further damage will bo dons. Intake Ft-tea WuM art. The moat serious aspect of the flood Is the cutting off of Seattle's water supply, which Is obtained from Cedar Lake. 15 miles east of here, and la brought Into the city reserrotra by two big plpo lines, one five and one eight feet In diameter. A bridge 1 miles west of Monrton. that carried the pipe lines across Cedar Hirer, was washed out this morning when a deluge of water came orer the power dam Just abort Moncton. The Feattle municipal r"vet plant Is situated at this point. At Drat It was reported that the Ore foot top of the dam had been carried away, bat late tonight It U aald au thorltatlrely that the dam Is not hurt. The power plant waa put out of com mission by the washing away of the Intake pipe that feeds tho big turbines. , Rraldrae DUtrtet SoBera. The rlrer rose rapidly and In the same way that the Intake waa de stroyed, the rush of water washed away the water eervlco pipe line rrtdg-. A large rrt of the residential sec tion of the city Is already without wa ter. The waterleaa portion conalsta of the northern residential hlllaldea which r eerred direct from tho mountain pipe lines and hare no connection with the malna l-adlng from the service res errolrs and standplpes. Tonight Seattle's streets sre only partly lighted. The city la obtaining current for some of Its circuits from the power companies that supply the streetcar system and the industrial plants. The loes of the pipe lines will work no serious hardship on the people of the cliy if the rlrer subsl.'.es soon envish to pcrrr.lt pfr line repairs to be ma-le within a week. Reserve Reeerrelr Fall. The city has a reserve supply of 103. A9.0O0 gallons In the service reser voir. Superintendent Toungs. of the ater Department, said tonight that IMs should last a week If consumers are not wasteful. When tho power dam broke the wa ter swept down the valley with a rush, .-arrylng logs srd debris before It. Klf teen miles below the break the water rose Ave feet In 10 minutes. At Ren ton, a town of 1000 people, the water swept through the streets and the cltl sens took to thehllis. The down-town portion of Renton Is now under two feet rf water. The model -farm of J. P. Farrell. president of the O.-W. R. N- Is also unler wa ter. The Great Northern rout tine Is blocked between KVerett an.l Bell Ingham and the Overland Is tied up by a slide IS miles east of Index. The company expects to get Its main line open tomorrow. . l.aatelMea Block Tralaa. The Northern Pacific's trans--ontlnen. tI line Is tld up by landslides In the mountains. Overland trains are rout ing by way of Portland, and the Spo kane. Portland & Seattle Railway to Ppokane. and are running from 1J to Is hours late. tocal offteers of the Northern Pacific saM they hoped to hare their line over the mountains opened by Tu'i Ur. but a report received from Kllensb'irg. on te east slope, says t; at there were heavy ro-k IM-s at lU.m and Ua conla todiy. and It Is feared that It will be a week before service can be reetore.1. The Chicago. Milwaukee A ruget Sound Is making no effort to send out . .i .. , i .mi-.. ti. vrn. Its ir.n.vuniirii. .-... .w ... . j waukee road uses the line or tne i o umhla IMget Sound, a short coal road, between Seattle and Maple Val .er. Zi miles east of here. Steel BH.se Oat ef PI a safe. The big steel bridge east of East on. an the main Una of the Columbia road, la eight Inches out of line, and It will iCeuIMSd en fM a.) Great Racket Aerompanies Speedy Raising- of $3500 for Red Cross Aid to Revolutionists. BAN FRANCISCO. Nor. 1. Tag day In Chinatown hss furnished pointers to American laagers In the art of rats Ir.g money for charity. A fear-Inspir ing beast, whoso name. "Moo Scho" (Good Lion), belled Ms) ferocious mien, did the tarr'.nir. He Journeyed from store to store to feed on "cliong Chen, which Is Chinese for the "long green.1 and within the few blocks covered by the Chinese Quarter he took toll of about IJ500. which will be sent to Shanghai on the next steamer to the Chinese Red Cross for the relief and comfort of the soldiers of the revolt tlon. Beneath the emblematic, grotesqu head of "Moo Scho." with its bulging eyes and trailing peacock feathers. young dancer gyrated and bowed pro foundly to onlookers as the procession mored along, A Chinese drum corps acted as an escort. The beating of the drums was a warning that an offering waa expected, and with the capture of money great bucbes of firecrackers were set off. --- The money donated was appended to long strings of lettuce or other green regetablea or fruit. After the collection had been made. "Moo Scho" proceeded to tho Hop Sing tong headquarters, where It deroured to programme, rolled on Its back and "died. NORTHWEST JO GET RAIN Gorrrxunriit Forecast Is or Seasonal Temperatures for Week. WASHINGTON. Nor. 1. The crim ing week will be one of generally fair weather and seasonable temperature throughout the country, according to the forecast Issued tonight by the weather bureau. "Rain will continue," says the bulle tin, "in the North Pacific states during the next several days. The next dis turbance of Importance to crosa the country will appear In the Northwest Monday or Tuesday and more thence along the northern border to tho St. Lawrence Valley.' "This disturbance will be attended by local snows In the northern states and be followed by a change of colder weather orer the northern half of tha country. This cold change will appear In the noethweetern states about the' middle of the week. HUNTER .KILLS BROTHER Death Ends Series of Accident to Befall Sams Valley Man. GOLD HILL, OrTNor. ll. (Special) John Wilson, aged 20. is dead at his home In Sams Valley as trie result of being accidentally shot by bis younger brother while quail hunting today. His left side was blown away. His death U the climax of a series of accidents. On Halloween ha ran Into a barbed wire fence and nearly severed his nose from his face. CHICAGO MEAT PACKERS WHOSE TRIAL ON CRIMINAL CHARGE EIGHT YEARS' LEGAL BAT -It p- ill : - : - ll V- fa. ' Cv lll p V aiaa-sssaia- - AVIOTR II-EI-T TO RK.HT), T. J. MNHORS, C1I4RLK K- SWIFT, KDWARD Court Conflict Possible Development. FEDERAL TROOPS THREATENED District Attorney . Plans for Prompt Counter Action. JUDGE DENIES COMPACT Meat Trust Counsel Hold Conference While Armed Guards Patrol Cor ridor Appeal to Supreme Court Thought Imminent. CHICAGO. Nor. 1. (Special.) Habeas corpus the "writ of right" Is relied upon by the Indicted packers to pre vent their trial Wednesday before Judge Carpenter. x This was made plain following an all day conference today between tha freshacneat captains and their counsel. Tha new more practically agreed upon was an appeal for a -writ of right" direct to tho Supreme Court. Legal emissaries, armed with the papers. It was rumorea, nsa men -cretly dispatched to Washington, where they will wait until orders' are -given them from headquartera here to make tha demand on the court. Application for a writ of tay on appeal, taken from Judge Kohlsaat'a decision of Saturday, is said to hare been abandoned because of the Inability to take such action be fore 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. Coa filet af Cowrts Pweelble. Coupled with the report that the packers Intended asking the highest tribunal for relief upon an entirely new petition waa a rumor that a state court either a Circuit or Superior tribunal would be appealed to for a habeas corpus writ. District Attorney Wllkerson met this rumor with the statement that If a state court at tempted to Interfere with the Federal Court he would resist the conflict of Jurisdiction even to the extent of bar ing the packers taken Into custody and Imprisoned v or. If need be. he would call upon the National troops to en force the District Court's orders. Other derelopments of the day were: Government laid plans to "weed out" tha special beef trust ventre of 150 talesmen In Judge Carpenter's court tomorrow morning. OfnXal Notice Not Gtrea. Revelation made that the District Court has no official notice of the "Im munity" proceedings before Judge Kohlsaat and that Judge Carpenter (Concluded on Pas 4.) Carbohydrates in Diet Spur Slcrw Movlng Persons to Zealous Pur suits of Vim and Vigor. CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. Nor. 1. (Spe cial.) If one would be good looking and at the same time well nourished, he has but to follow the rules laid down by Dr. Alpneus G. Woodman, assistant professor of food analysis at tho Massa chusetts Institute of Technology, and eat sugar. "It Is the food of civilization," says Dr. Woodman, thus upholding the opinion vouchsafed recently.by Dr. Har vey W. Wiley, chief of the Govern ment's Chemistry Bureau. "Persons who have enough sugar In their food." he continued, "are better nourished and better looking as well as more ener getic than those who neglect carbo hydrates In their dietary. "Carbo-hydrates as contained In sugars are very quickly assimilated and thus as much energy Is not expended In the process of digestion as In other foods. For example. In the selection of a stim ulant to give an athlete Just before he enters a race, there Is nothing better than a few lumps of sugar. "Sugar Is the best and cheapest form of energy," Dr. Woodman concludes, "so It may not be surprising that Its use has Increased with the ascent of peoples from savagery Into clvlllxation. Probably a lack of knowledge as to how augar may be procured has handi capped the savage In adding more of this food to his diet." PRISONERS SAW JAIL BARS Murderer of Cobles Not Extended Courtesies) by Cellmates. OLTMPIA. Wash.. Nov. 19. Before attempting to escape from the Thurston County Jail, early today, George Doehr ty and Arthur Bohr placed George H. Wilson, convicted of the murder of Archie Coble and his young wife, at Rainier, Wash., last Summer, In a cell and locked the door. Tha two men then set about liberating themselves and had sawed through throe bars of the out side Jail door when discovered by a deputy Sheriff. There were several other prisoners loose In the corridor, but Wilson was the only one locked up by the would-be Jallbreakers. Doehrty Is awaiting trial on a nur der charg and Bohr Is to be tried bn a charge of grand larceny. 29,818 FLOCK TO COAST llarrliiian Lines Give Figures of Homeseckers' Travel for Month. SALT LAKH CITT, Nov. 19. Reports Just compiled at the local offices of the Harrlnian lines , show that'?9,818 homeseekers were carried .to the Pa cific Coast over the Harrlman roads from September IS to October 16 this year. rtt thl number. IS. 320 passed through Ogden gateway, 9929 were carried via 01 Paso, 868 via,Los Angeles ana aim la Portland. . S OF CONSPIRACY TO RESTRAIN TLE WITH GOVERNMENT. MORRIS, LOUIS r. SWIFT HOW, B. r. Am rowLXkv Note Threatens Life of Dr. Frank E. Smith; HONOR PRISONER SUSPECTED Head of Feeble-Minded Schoo Disarms Hidden Foe. ASSAILANT IS FUGITIVE Attempt Made to Suppress CI re am stances of Attack Foretold in Lettcr--Darkness Forces Aban donment of Chase. SALEM. Or., Nov. 19. (Special.) Shot at from the side of the road by an unidentified person. Dr. Frank E, Smith, superintendent of the State School of Feeble-Mlnded. had a nar row escape last night as he started from the institution In his automobile for the city. Following, as It did, the receipt of several threatening letters by the superintendent from an anony mous source, and the recent escape of a dangerous Inmate, It Is believed that an escaped honor man waa the one who did the shooting. Dr. Smith started for the city shortly after dark In his machine, and when but a little distance from the Institu tion a revolver shot rang out. the bul let passing through a gauntlet worn by the superintendent and grazing nis wrist. Doctor Returns Fire. Since receiving the threatening let ters. Dr. Smith has been In the habit of carrying a revolver, and last night had his weapon on the seat beside him. He fired three shots In the direction of the flash. Hurrying to town he secured as sistance. and the apot where the shoot- Ins- occurred was gone over. A .32- callber revolver was found lying on the ground where It had evidently been shot out of the hand of -Dr. Smith's assailant. The handle was shattered, but there were no marks of blood upon It. The night was so dark that further search for the fugitive was abandoned. Life Threatened In Note. About three weeks ago Superinten dent Smith received the first threaten lna letter, and many have followed. A few days ago Sam Broger, considered one of the most desperate of the con victs among the honor men at the School of Feeble-Mlnded, escaped. Shortly after that Dr. Smith re ceived another unsigned letter, direct Ing him to deposit $50 by a signpost at a railroad crossing near the school. (Concluded on Page 2.) TRADE APPROACHES, AFTER r. IWUT, EDWARD TILDES, J.. Last of Deer Creek Indians Takes Pride In Sentence He Has Learned, "Have Too the Makings?" SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 19. Ishi. the last of the Deer Creek Indians, cap tured at Orovllle, Cal., two months ago, and who is now the subject of a series of experiments at the affiliated col leges of the University of California, where he is regarded as the "only un contamlnated man in the world," is growing fat. As the result of careful dieting, by which the professors are seeking to determine the relative values of certain carbonates and nitrates in flesh build ing, Ishl has gained 51 pounds since his captivity. On account of necessity of frequent alteration of Ishl's new overalls an ad Jutable waistband has been arranged, upon which Is fixed a 'gauge showing the weekly increase In girth, marked in centimetres. The weekly log is taken, a proportion Is worked out, showing the relative Increase in weight and later dimension. Ishl has been having regular em ployment at the park museum as valet to a mummy. He has learned an Eng lish sentence which he repeats, appar ently with great prided It Is: "Have you tho makings?" WOMEN CANNOT BE JURORS Berkeley Judge Asserts 'California Civil Code Is Bar to Fair Ones. BERKELEY, Cal., Nov. 19 Women are not eligible for Jury service In the local court nor In any other In Cali fornia, according to a ruling made yes terday by Judge Robert Edgar, of the local Justice Court. Judge Edgar cited a decision of .the California Supreme Court to the 'efTeot that a woman should not be permitted to serve on a grand Jury, and declared that the Call fornta civil code, whlcftv specifically defines a Jury aa "a body of men,' would have to be amended by the Leg islature before it would be possible for women to perform Jury duty. As a result of the ruling. 18 women summoned for Jury service In a bat tery case to come before Judge Edgar on Monday, probably will be dismissed. FOWLER FLIES 94 MILES Defect In ,Sea to-Sea Aviator's Aero plane Causes Halt. PECOS, Tex., Nov. 19. Robert O. r.i.r the aviator attempting a coast-to-coast trip by aeroplane, landed at 8:80 o'clock this arternoon ai -yoie, Tex 18 miles east of here. It Is said there is some defect In the machine, but he landed without trouble. He In tends to leave early tomorrow morn ing for Abilene. Fowler landed this afternoon at 1:23 o'clock and remained until 8:33. He flew today from Vanhorn, Tex., 94 miles to Pyote. INDEX OF TODAY'S -NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 60 degrees: minimum, 5i degrees. TODAY'S Occasional rain, southeasterly winds. Foreign. Battle at Nanking, now Imminent rna de cide late OI tnineao uuiit. National. Troops will be called if necessary to enforce court's Jurisdiction over packers. Page I. Domestic Cardinal Gibbons pleads for arbitration to end war. Page 2. President Taft confined to Whtte House by ' bad cold; tnreai oi potum u.... PnrA 1. Chinese "tag day" gives pointers in art of raising money for charity. Page 1. Mrs Hetty Green cars she could "do skirt dance" to prove she la still young. Page 3. Mrs. Patterson's life story Is expected to Im Drees Jury, rase z. Dr. Lyman complains because he cannot have wine with nis meaie in ju. o. Young man has to ask police who he is; thev tell him he Is swindler. Page 8. McKamara Jurors get bad news from home. Page S. Boston educator says sugar Is foe to laxl- ness. Page 1. Bobber ties express cleric to depot truck and takes thousands from aaze. rage . Oauge on waistband shows Ishl. the tm- contamlnated, is getting mi. mn . Texas Governor orders Mexican rebels to leave state. Page 4. Pacific Northwest. Flood cuts off Seattle's water supply, leavea city In darkness ana aamages ranroaa lines. Page 1. Dr. Frank E. Smith, head of Feeble-Mlnded School, shot at irom amousn at saiera. Page 1. Cities on Upper Columbia see trade possi bilities as Inland umpire aistriDuiing points. Page 6. Sport. Doble'l team not really heavier than Ore gon's. Page 8. Princeton champion' of "Big Four" In East. Page 8. ' American turf men gloomy because racing game Is losing popularity, rage a. Industrial. Homestead laws tie up land m Siuslaw forest. Page JO. Big acreage In Eastern Oregon to be irri gated, fsge lu. North Yakima woman wins apple exhibit prize at Nw i ork show. Page 10. Portland and Vicinity. New Pantages Theater opens tonight, page J. Injuries to hull of schooner Wertemer ex amined at l"ort ot i-ortland drydock. Page IX. Allsky's attorney denies statements made In alleged Interview with S. T. Jeffreys. Page 14. Oregon's exhibit for Governors special train sent East- Page ll. Judge Robert S. Lovett and heads of three of Harrlman railroads confer In Port land. Page 14. Portland Elks may offer prize to lodpemon traveling farthest distance to convention. Page 7. Officer of cruiser Boston is sought to an swer charge of larceny. Page 14. Iewlston. Idaho. Joins Portland In fight for open river to anaoian line. Page 11. Police aay 60,000 persona turned away from Gipsy Smith meeting, page s. Rumor of Pneumonia Officially Denied. DATE OF SPEECH CANCELED Hoarseness Aggravated by Address at Frederick, Md. DOCTOR ADVISES CAUTION Ailment .Contracted Soon After Trip Through Country Secretary Hil les. Similarly Afflicted Is Confined to Bed. WASHINGTON. Nov. 19. President Taft Is suffering from a severe cold 'which confined him to the White House today. His condition, although not at all alarming. Is such that his physician has ordered him to take care of him self. As a result the President tonight cancelled his engagement for Rich mond, Va., tomorrow, where ho was to have addressed the National Grocers' Congress. Speech Made Against Advice, The President contracted a bad cold soon after his return from his trip through tho country. Against tho ad vice of his physician. Major Dulaaay. he filled an engagement last week at Frederick, Md., where he addressed a big crowd. At that time he apologized for his hoarseness, which was not less ened by his efforts. In view of his condition. Dr. Dulaney tonight gave Imperative orders that Mr. Taft must remain Indoors. The President has not left tho Whits House for 48 hours, but he has attended to pressing business. Obeying the physi cian's commands, Mr. Taft accordingly telegraphed his regrets to the Rich mond Congress. Threatened Pneumonia Denied. There were rumors that Mr. Taft waa threatened with pneumonia, but these were emphatically denied at the White) House. "A bad cold and nothing more," waa tho way tho report was exposed of. Charles D. Hilles, secretary of the President, like his chief, also is the vic tim of a severe cold. He was confined to his bed today, but his physician be lieves he will be able to take up his duties In the executive office tomorrow. At the White House late today it was said that there had been no change In the President's condition during the evening. He is not by any means con sidered seriously ill, but his physician will insist upon his keeping quiet end attending only to the most important public business for a few days. PRINCE PINES. FOR HOME Heir to Baroda Throne Says Ameri can Girls Are "Too Cold." CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 19. (Spe cial.) Jaisint Gaekwar, Prince of Baroda and heir apparent to the throne of that country and now a senior at Harvard, longs for the timo that he can shake the dust of America from his heels and return to the land of his nativity. He expects to finish his col- ; lege career in January, covering the , four-year course in three and a halfi years. Tha young Prince will then re-1 turn to Baroda and assist his royat, father In directing the policies of that! country. "I have found the expense attending? upon bbtainlng a college education In this country rather heavy, especially; for one in my position," said Gaekwar. "Many times I find my large income) inadequate to meet my obligations hero and have often times been on the verge of asking my father to Increase my allowance. The high cost of living is one of the faults of this country. "I ' can't say that I admire your women, and you can say ' emphatically that I have no intention of taking an American bride home with me. I have found your girls too cold. They are over-fond of show and awfully af fected." 3000 TO RUN BIG FARM California Land Bought for Com ninnnity of Russians. SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Nov. 19. (Spe cial) Morris Brook, of this city, has secured an option on a tract of 22,000 acres of foothill land in Glenn and Colusa Counties for a colony of Rus sians that w.lll include 3000 persons. The land will be farmed as a whole if the deal is completed and there will be no individual holdings. The colo nists will farm It on a community plan, all living In a town that will be established. - VnnU Conway, Editor, Dies. VIRGINIA CITY, Mont., Nov. 19. Frank Conway, Editor of tho Madl sonian and a pioneer newspaperman of Montana, t'ied suddenly hero tonight of apoplexy. He came to Montana In 1S67 and worked aa a cowboy, printer and writer. 1