Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 15, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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Suggestion Offered That Re
duced Duties Would Regu
late Competition.
Artrlr Which Inspire Cnrntm of
Combination Drclared to Ex
ist Equally Amonr Tho
Who Condemn Thrm.
th cost of ery rornm-vllr y. Why
hould there b a distinction In clal.
economic or Irsal conditions between
labor combination on the. od nana ana
those of manufacturers on th other?
No American Urlnliiurt attempt to
make iMraal a combination amon ifi
workers f'r the, purpose of ohtaimn;
a reasonable or unreasonable ln-
cruM In waa or a d
crease In hour of employment. No
court In thia country pronounce un
lawful any uch contract. Not only
do th court not decreo uch aaree
menta unlawful, but In a Dumber of th
tate there ar positive statute to the
effect that uch labor combination ar
Masllar Metbeae la l'e.
t'pon what theory of economic equal
Irr can a law declare tlleic&l the con
tract of manufacturer of oil or of
manufacturer of tobacco, to ralne the
price of their product, while similar
agreement amona their workmen are
authorized and upheld? To accomplish
their respective purposes, we have the
fist. br knuckle and fun of th
striker and picket and the different con
trlvances of the trusts by which they
lit price and limit production, so that
the pathway or the combination,
whether It be that of labor or of capi
tal, la. In the words of Chief Justice
White, "strewn with the wreck re
sulting from the crushing out. without
renar.i to law, of the Individual rights
of others.
The anti-trust act was passed July t,
190. Since that date It ha been be
fore the Supreme Court and the lower
Federal court many time In various
phases and ancles. This I neither th
time nor the place for a technical an
alysis of the meanlns and Interpreta
tion placed by the courts upon that
Nor Is this tre occasion to auinrest,
much less discuss, the question
whether the Standard Oil and Tobacco
decisions do or do not depart from
the lana-uair or doctrine of earlier de
risions of the Supreme Court.
Case .Meat Be Tre Separately.
It I sufficient that the court ha
held definitely and finally that only
throe combinations and trusts thst un
duly or unreasonably restrain Inter
state trade are Illegal. Only those
contracts which are "unreasonably
restrictive of competitive conditions.
and that have "not been entered Into
or performed with the legitimate pur
pose of reasonably forwardlnjr personal
Interest and developing trade," are
pronounced by the Chief Justice to be
within the Inhibition of the ant I-trust
To make contract or combination
illegal there rouat be "undue restraint
?f Interstate or foreign commerce." ,
Chief Justice White has said that
ihnucti the anti-trust statute doe not
upectfy. It Indubitably contemplate
and requires "a standard" and that It
was Intended by the statute that "the
standard of reason" should be the
measure used for the purpose of de
termining whether In a riven ease a
particular act ha or ha not brought
about the wrong; agalnat which the
statute provide. To quote the words
of the Chief Justice, the anti-trust act
leaves It "to be determined by the light
of reason ... In every given case
whether any particular art or contract
was within the contemplation of the
statute." In other word, each and
every case must stand on It own
Oerlalea Mast Be Awaltea.
Few. If any. decision rendered by
the Supreme Court during the last 49
yesr have produced more discussion
and found more champions arrayed
asalnst each other. Without entering
Into an analysis of the merit or de
merit of these contending force, the
fart remain that no corporate official
to,! ay can know positively whether hi
own corporation come within th
range of the law until he ha had a
final decision from th Supreme Court.
The suit against the standard Oil
Company was begun on November 14,
loi. It was decided by the Supreme
Court May IS. 1911- It was In th
court for exactly four year and lx
month. Th tobcco case was begun
July 1. 107. and decided May 2.
Ull a period of three years and ten
It Is therefore entirely accurate to
say that tlie officers cf no one of the
great runner of big corporations en
gaged In Interstate commerce land all
su-h are subject to possible suit by
the Government! will be able to know
with complete certainty tuntll each
particular case has been finally de
cided ar.d this will take at least ev
erl years) what the outcome will be.
If there be an attack under the anti
trust act.
t rlmlaal Trials Even were.
Bat aside from this Intolerable doubt
as to commercial consequence there I
the still greater fear arls:ng from th
ur.certalntv of an attempted enforce
ment cf tne criminal provisions of the
act. which subjects offender. If found
gulltv. to the possibility If the crim
inal provisions of the law be upheld)
(,e e,'s Imprisonment for every sep
arate offense. In such a plight ther
ought to be seme metnod of relief at
'.ram wortll lr In.
I'nder tl-.e doctrine thus announced
the heads of M corporations are In
constant Jeopardy of a aud.len attack
and criminal prosecution. There la no
filed standard by which one can with
certainty govern his conduct. The In
rtustrlal orl.1 Is at the mercy of the
r-ret Service men and of the Depart
ment of Justice.
Tee fundamental requirement of all
law and ortl.r Is precision and deflnlte
r.ess. licfore t!e rendition of the le
cesion In the Standard 'il and Tobacco
cases, l'r. si lent Taft was of the mind
that the doctrine which the Supreme
Court sub-efluently adopted would pre
cipitate d!ter.
Q votes sialeeseat Taft.
Mr. Taft said on January T. 1910: 'To
leave to the court to ay what 1 a rea
eonaMe restraint vt trade, what I a
:fntbif suppression of competition,
wSst Is a reas.rjhle monopoly . . . la
fco put Into tr.e hands of the court a
yivrr impossible to errclee on any
eonslstent princltde which will Insure
0e unfomntv of decision essential to
Just Judgment. It Is to thrust upon the
courts a burden that they have no pre
cedents to r.ard thrm to carry, and
to give them a power approaching the
arbitrary, the abuse of which might In
volve our whole Judicial system In dis
aster." Thl saying Is Just a wis today as
It wa before the recent decision of
th Supreme Court wer announced
Th clence of government and of lw
and of business ha not changed In tn
short space of H months.
Federal police and Secret service men
at any moment may suddenly tke
charge of any of the big Industrial en
terrrlse of the dy. It Is time th
we be rid of these spies nd wtrhmen
With them business cannot riounsn.
Sagaeated gsise ('srs.
To meet the emergency I would sug
gest a few remedies tlist correlate with
each other and which to me would seem
to promise certainty where uncertainty
now exists. and restore confidence
where misgiving nd apprehension pre
vail, and substitute stability for Inst
bllity In the business world.
1. I'lace Miser with the Preslden
srdentlf Irallv to reduce the tariff and
If necessary, remove It entirely from all
Imported articles that can be sold on a
competitive basis with th product of
trust nd monopolies.
2. Enact a Federal Incorporation
lw. under which all corporations en
gaged In Interstate trade may become
Incorporated. That law should contain
provision for visitation and examina
tion almilsr to those now In the Na
tional bank act and In the regulation
of th Controller of the Currency. Suck
a law ahould not be compulsory. Every
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Craei Lelgk.
IX5NDON. Not. 14. (Fpecial.)
William Rockefeller, who la In
London on a brief vacation for
th benefit of hi health, ha be
come Interested In a young;
woman he describes a "the pret
tiest girl I ever saw." She I
Oracle Leigh, and (he haa a minor
role In the I,ondon production of
"The Quaker Girl." a comic opera
also being given on the other side
of the Atlantic Miss Leigh never
attracted great attention.. It re
mained for th American mil
lionaire to discover ber attrac
tiveness. It ha bean reported that Mr,
Rockefeller cam to Europe to
undergo an operation. Nothing
ha been heard of this
however. Mr. Rock of el
Joying himself.
l. Nothing t
la recently, t
slier 1 sn- I
corporation availing Itself of It nro
vision should be permitted to aban
don and surrender It state charter.
Every such Federal corporation should
be given rights, power and privilege
In every state similar to those now en
Joyed by National banks, fre from th
narrowing, conflicting and oppressive
statutory provisions and burdensome
taxes that prevail In all of the state
gainst foreign corporations doing
ousines therein. The grinding stata
law have frequently been the con
trolling reaaon why corporation have
organised local and subsidiary com
paniea ana acquired their capital stock.
Federal Corporation Exempt.
L Remove every uch Federal cor
poration from subjection to the anti
trust act. In other word, expressly
proviae mat tne provision of that
statute shall not apply to Federal cor
porations but shall continue to apply
to those not availing of th Federal
corporation act. Give to every Federal
corporation the unrestricted and un-
trammeled right to contract and to
enter Into any kind of trade agree
ment pertinent to It business. As a
conslderstlon for such freedom Dro-
vld that every such Federal corpora
tion shall b required to pay Into the
inlted fetates Treasury annually at
leaat one-half of Ita net proflta. after
providing ror all nxed charges. In
terest payment, depreciation, main
tenance, and a dividend say of ? per
cent on all outstanding stock.
In order to avoid the payment of
dlvldenda on watered atock. provide
that a department or the Government, a
Federal corporation commission, shall
have the right to determine to what
extent the Issued stock of any such
corporation la In excess of the fair
value of all of Ita property.
In this way there will be no statutory
penalty on business progress and am
bition, or on commercial genius. Cor
porate officers will then continue with
ncreaslng efforts to develop and en
large their Industries and field of
(mrrninrsl Will Gala Profit.
The Government will obtain through
it share of th net profits a con
stantly Incresstng revenue which soon
should admit of the repeal or reduction
of many of the onerous end unfair
Federal Import duties and other taxes.
In f.ict I believe that under such a
law the Income of the Government
would aoon grow to such proportions
as to meet not only Its ordinary ex
penditures but to permit the building
of National roads and the dotting of
the country with great parka and other
public Improvements.
Let the Government. Instead of fet
tering or shacking the tremendous and
limitless resources. energy. and
strength of our industrial world, turn
Its fruits Into paths of profit and use
fulness for all of the people.
Rewtvclld Couple Ftorjwt to Tell
At torn Ic of New Situation.
TACOMA. Wash.. Nov. 14. (Special.)
Reconciled and again happily living
together at Portland. Helen and Robert
St. Clair, colored, are having difficul
ties In getting a suit for divorce, re
cently begun by the wife, thrown out
of court.
While the case 1 pending, the hus
band, said to be worth HO. 000. Is re
strained from disposing of any of his
property. Attorney for St. Clair ap
peared In court today and moved that
the restraining order be discontinued.
The attorney for the wife was on hand,
however, and said be had received no
notice from his client to drop the case,
and asked for a continuance pending
Instructions from Mrs. t- Clair. Judge
Card granted - a continuance for ten
Ths total value of th mine outpst of gold,
si'.vsr. copper. a-1 and sine In the Eastern
or Apn.fti'Aii Htates for ths calendar r r
10 ess Slo.lzT.SOs. against sll.SUI.Ml la
Day in McNamara Case Only
Adds to Number to Be
Excused Later.
Member of Ventre-, Aged J 5, Baffle
I.avryers. and Another Who Ha
Talked to Wife I fcr-hed-u
led for Dismissal.
LOS ANGELES. Not. 14. By twist
and turna th McNamara case aalled
slowly ahead today, weathering snags
old and new. until the Inventory of th
day disclosed at adjournment three
sworn Jurors, eight talesmen passed
for cause by both sides, and a 12th
man passed by the defense, though
till under examination by the state.
James B. McNamara sat with hi
chair a-tllt and a smile of amusement
on hi fce a counsel for both side
tossed about In apparent dissatisfaction
with some of the talesmen, yet unable
to And ground for challenge and there
by compelled to leave them In the box
to await elimination by peremptory
Real rrog-re Doubtful.
Though William J. Andre, a carpen
ter, and T. 11. Elliott, an aged gardener,
Joined the "talesmen club" today and
left only one seat In the box undecided
before th process of peremptory chal
lenge again will be In order, both wer
passed after examinations, wnicn.
thoua-h not Drovldlng sufficient ground
for challenge for cause, convinced
counsel for the defense that they would
better use peremptory challenge
galnst them. This waa admitted to
night by Clarence Darrow, chief coun
sel for th defendant, and It 1 known
that against four or five of the other
added to the box since. th three sworn
Jurors were secured a week ago per
emptory challenges will be exercised.
Except for exhausting a part of the
supply of peremptory challenges, there
fore, the progress resultant from th
present personnel of the Jury-box 1
Talesmen M. W. Corcoran, who wa
passed quickly by th defense after h
had related that he read little and
knew less about the case was taicen
In hand by the state Just before court
adjourned and there Is a possibility
that ha will be accepted by tne prose
cution and that peremptory challenge
will be In order early tomorrow.
Talesman Talk to Wife.
Trinka in the nroeres of events be
gan to appear when Talesmen Andr
did not come up to the expectations of
Attorney Lecompte Davis, of the de
fense, dn Interrogation. In a big book.
before him. In which is container
v.nce Information about the talesmen.
Attorney Davis had a statement that
Andre-had made to hi wife, declaring
the McNamara guilty.
r th. atand Andre said he had not
vii ih case with anybody or
formed any opinion, so that after a vain
. . fnr vrnnnj ror cnaiiciir, " 1
torney Davl passed him though h let
It be known outside 01 couri. ......
Andre' peremptory challengo surely
would be used against him.
Another thorn to smooth progress wa
e i.v,. h T H. Elliott, who spoke
unintelligibly at time from out of a
profusion of beard. Seventy-five year
he had uvea ana nu "c ' . - - - sbOtlt H17 SUDICCI Willi
which he was not entirely familiar, and,
Via XT r-V m j r run being no exception.
he declared himself open-minded on
the question of th gum or innocent
of th defendant.
Counsel I Baffled.
He pointed out how frequent service
on Juries hd taught him that a man
must be nresumed Innocent from the
start. Counsel for the defense, though
maneuvering about tor awnno 10 n
tain the atate of hi mind, regardles
of prospective Jury duty, and to pin
hlra to a definite expression as to the
effect on hi mind of his reading about
the case, finally abandoned tne iisn
and passed him for cause, though here,
too, th defense Informally expressed
It Intention of using a peremptory
Th next tangle or tne aay came
when Burton B. Collin wa on tn
stand, lie cam originally from Troy,
N. Y., and Is a cousin of Cornelius V.
Collins, who was prominently Identi
fied with the contest waged by Presi
dent Roosevelt for the control of the
Paratoga convention, which nominated
tlmson for Governor In New York
State. Collins la the head of a tile and
marble manufacturing plant here, and
employs a hundred men. He disclosed
t he fact that, as a member of the Mer
chants' and Manufacturers' Association.
he had contributed to fund otner man
dues, but that he supposed It was to
further the efforts of the association In
Its contest for the open shop. Asked If
h knew whether any funds had been
used toward Investigating the Time
disaster, he declared that he did not
know, but that he would not have con
tributed for uch a cauee. Collins said
he had had difficulties with labor
unions and wa prejudiced against
ilia oninlon about the case simply ex
tended, however, to the notion that the
Times building was dvnamtted through
the instrumentality of the unions, but
h had no idea as to whether the Mc
Namara were guilty or not.
Personal Inquiry Disqualifies.
rmmul for th defense delved deeper
Into Collins' views as to the cause of
the dlsster nd emerged finally with
le Information that Collins had seen
i twisted beam and crumpled girders
.v.- aprackerl buildina. and tliis had
strengthened the opinion he earlier had
formed that a powerful explosive de
stroyed It. Personal Investigation of
the wreckage hitherto haa disqualified
slesmen. and the court allowed the
hallenge agalnat Collins on this alrhnnph the Hints ralaaA a
point not now In the trla.1. yet about
hlch there ha been sporadic argument
-namely, that a man believing the
Times to have been destroyed bv dyna
mite does not necessarily hold the Mc
Namsras guilty.
Judge Bordwell explained that he did
ni mean hv this rullna- on Collins "to
foreclose argument on the subject," and
s-nnlii henr 1t either when the noint
arose again, or at the convenience of
Collins, however, was permanently
IVw ler Hoies to Start Today.
EL PASO. Tex, Nov. 14. Aviator R.
fowler spent luuay uvcruauung nia
roplane. preparatory to resuming his
rht east warn. rowier announced
t he had abandoned plans for an ex-
Itlon riigni nere ana mat witn weather he wotllrl arart tn-
iorrow for Pecos. Tex, 100 miles dls-
J.nnl.m has svletad its doss and intro
duced to latest sanitary devlcaa.
-i vu lyiiju sryTisj
Utfai Iiim aaf
An Attractive Sale of Boys'
Knickerbocker Suits
FkA RENTS, this is another money-saving sale. You
" know the kind of boys' suits we sell fine, well-tail-
ored, manly-looking suits, made of strong, woolen
fabrics that delight the eyes of a mother with healthy,
active boys to clothe. Bring them in and let us fit them in a
manner that .will please you and give absolute satisfaction.
All our $5 and $6 Knickerbocker
Suits now only.
All our $7.50 Knickerbocker
Suits now only
All our $8.50 Knickerbocker
Suits now only
Take the Elevator to the Boys' Department, Second Floor.
.Jaa-J aaSa
Way Found to Hold Postal Se
curities at Par.
Investment of SO Per Cent of De
posits, However, Is Expected to
Protect Investors System
Held In Jeopardy.
"WASHINGTON, Nov. 14. As th re-
nrmt .ale nf nostal saving"
bank bonds In New York recently at
he low rate of z.. tne trustees
the postal savlng-s banks are t-
lderlng the adoption of prompt metn
ds to maintain the securities at their
face value.
They will announce their willingness
.1.. i . t. --..-.-.- tn invest In these
bonds at par the SO per cent of postal
sarin its deposits which the law places
at their disposal for Investment, in
bonds or other securities of the unitea
Parity Virtually Assured..
y.w. i. i. nniniA out. would vir
tually lnsur 100 cents on the dollar
the holder or tnese oonas ai m.ur
me during- the 20-year life of the se-
. i.i t-v, iAW ni.1rA fnr which the
uuriLirs. . " " ' " " I '
first bond was sold created surprise
Government nnanoiai cirtisa. x
t could be accepted as a criterion
rha market vain, of the Investment.
the trustees believed the success of
postal savings system wouia in
.... .a In teonardv.
While the bonds are as good as gold
maturity. It couia naraiy do eict.i-
lt is said, tnat mere wouia uo auj
An -i ... inv.tment tn then If there
were a probability that In case a hold-
had to surrender mem oeioro mt
lratlon of 20 years he would los
per cent of his principal.
pr-.lfi.nt fan Retire Roads.
If the 30 per cent at the disposal of
the trustees should be Insufficient at
any time to maintain the parity of out
standing bonds. It Is pointed out that
the law authorizes the President to
-j t . . v. . Vir hva wa i nf CS rv.i i- rent.
or all but 6 per cent of the .remain
der, for investment in bonds or other
securities of the United States when
In his Judgment the general welfare
and interests of the United States so
The postal savings bank law author
izes the Secretary of the Treasury to
redeem United States bonds subject to
call and reissue them to the postal
savings bank trustees up to the 30
per cent they are authorized to invest.
The only bonds of this character now
outstanding are United States 3s,
and. before the postal savings bonds
situation developed, it had been gen-
Soft, Velvety SKin
For Every Woman
(From Housekeeping Magazine)
Frequently the excessive use of powder
or .cosmetics causes the skin to become
furrowed, sallow or blotchy, and a
prematurely aged look to the com
plexion then follows. An excellent lo
tion for removing wrinkles, "moth
patches." blackheada and other com
plexion defects, can be made for a
trifle by dissolving a small original
package of mayatone In a half-pint
' This lotion, massaged Into the skin,
quickly frees It of all Impurities and
makes It clear, smooth and richly
beautiful. The continued use of th
mayatone lotion will give to th com
plexion a rich embellishment Impossible
any other way, and as long as It fa em
ployed no powder 1 ncsary. Adv.
The Story of a Famous Name
and How It Originated.
The foremost dermatologist In France,
Dr. Sabourand, of Paris, and Professor
Unna. Hamburg, Germany, discovered
that a microbe caused baldness. To
pro-e their theory. Dr. Sabourand In
fected a guinea pig with some of these
microbes and In a comparatively ehort
time the animal was denuded of every
hair that was on Its body.
Some eminent Mstologlsts and chem
ists were employed by the United Drug
no.. Boston. Mass.. to find the means of
I destroying theBe microbes and a remedy
that would create a new growm oi namr
where the hair root bad not been en
tirely destroyed.
After month of study, experimenting
and research work, they discovered
what they claimed would do what wa
demanded. To unquestionably prove
their theory, 100 leading druggists, lo
cated In as many different cities, were
requested to each furnish the name of
a responsible person suffering from
falling hair and baldness. Each of
these 100 person were furnished three
bottles of th preparation with a re
quest to give It a thorough trial and
report results.
Five of these people failed to report.
Two declared they had been bald for
years; that their hair follicles had long
been closed, and their scalps were
smooth and glossy.
Ninety-three of th 100 sent in en
thusiastic report, stated that they
were delighted with th hair-restoring
qualities of the preparation, and ex
pressed sincere tnanas ror me wonder
ful benefits brought about by Its use.
In commemoration of this, the new
preparation was named Rexall "93"
Hair Tonic
We sell this remedy with the dis
tinct understanding that It ts free of
cost to the user In every case where' It
does not completely remove dandruff,
stimulate the hair follicles, revitalize
the hair roots, stop the hair from fall
ing out, grow new hair and make th
scalp free from Irritation.
Rexall 93 Hair Tonic comes in two
sizes: prices, E0 cents and 11.00.
Sold only by the Owl Drug Co. stores
In Portland. Seattle, Spokane. San
Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles and
erally understood that th trustees
would Invest in these securities.
In buying ths postal savings bonds,
which bear only 24 per cent, the pos
tal savings Investment would lose one
half of 1 per cent. This. It Is argued.
Is insignificant, compared to the maln-
tenance of the parity of the postal sav
ings bonds.
Miss Anna Willis Williams, the original
"Miss Liberty." whose profile adorns the sil
ver dollar, has been for the last 12 yara at
the head ot the kindergarten system of
Philadelphia, her native city.
The New, ANTISEPTIC Soap which Purifies the Skin,
Benefits it while Cleansing; Prevents Infection and Dis
ease; is Luxurious and Delightful for Everyday Use.
poslam Soap Is the perfect product so long sought a medicinal skin
soap germicidal, yet at the same time pleasing and luxurious.
It la different from all other soaps and superior because medicated
with Poslam, the famous skin remedy, in sufficient quantity to render
It thoroughly antiseptic, and to exert the most beneficial action upon
the skin. , . ,
Poslam Soap Is delightful for everyday use on the human body: face,
hands feet, hair, scalp, teeth, gums, for bath, shaving and shampooing.
It makes every cleansing operation a source of healthf ulnesa, purify
ing the tissue and preventing Infection and disease. Its cleansing quali
ties are perfect. It Is so pure that It is recommended for use in the
mouth for cleaning teeth and gums, and greatly benefits the tender
skins of chafing infants. ,
Will Be Sent Upon Return of this Coupon:
Your Liver .
is Clogged up
That's Why You're Tired Oat
Sorts Hav No Appetite.
wol pat you rigbt
in isw days.
I hey do
tbsir detf.
Can A
CshB evj
baa. Bil-
iosiasii, WigtttSoa, ad Sick HsinatW.
Genuine msaixsr Signature
a7 r -r - i aJ.
w -'
Fill out and mail to THE EMERGENCY
LABORATORIES, 82 West 25th St., New Tors:
Stop it with
Acts ' quickly and has a healing and soothing effect
on the inflamed membranes. All coughs have a
tendency to grow worse at night Children with
whooping cough and bronchitis always cough worse
at night and a cold in the head with tickling in
the throat and coughing grows worse at bed time.
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will stop the
coughing and soothe the irritation in the' throat.
Contains no opiates, does not constipate, is the best
and safest for children and delicate persons.