-v- n-rnvraniv nvniH!'R 1.V 1011. ' TIIK JlUK.MAu iuir..iia,ii h a -- . i SHORT POTATO CROP Production Nearly 50,000,000 Bushels Under 1910 in U. S. COLORADO YIELD A THIRD I'rral nation In Orrsn I Jars and tf Surplat l Stradilj .Mnrkrl ctl. 11 l"rl.- Will tW Illjth. Tt :ron lotliici of th potato mar ket aa r-carrfa ! yafa WPP' h- kr th ajmmary tn. p vhtek lu Jut R-n laod T th Npnnl f AsrlciUtur. It -! ,h" IKdKIM f POUIM IO arl "I IB b! radacln- Mix. T produrtloa tn bu.h .a mm nnpn4 wllk tt rr I "l law a (a Ik IUUI asnxtf: tll. !" Trk .0 T4 W M0l vichii.. si2.- ;; .'.: .)."" :.." " :" ;: ""J l-nt..i. I.3-.- ""? Caiorad. .7&.wO Taia ii.tt.oo ii.ii.vK Th. Wml pradoctloa l th fnltad " I. tw tola 7r at IM.TJi.orO blah-- Tk. Crap Htorr la NoT.mbw. 910. ta, a,r4ctloa for laat yaar at :4.TST.0-) .aasaia. or 4T.oo3.ma k'Mftal or than thl mm Of thl short " s atat. .hoar a la thla Tr f 3.U.0m kaaha:. klfk l !ut IMrd. of ma total ah irta of laat rr- la th !, fltjr' tha preduetlna of inu, of tha Northern tlar of U1. aocll llliaoali. Ih laot. ta fart ail lha Nana tl.r car th t'oaat. la not i.n. a:: of bn raport a o4 kattar thtn lt r. Ts aras r':d Pr acra la alvao 7 th. rwpartml a A.nealtur lhl r.ar r eomparad will PA ' J,,r- Ttl of th nch la !ao a 1 th! ttir iirl .7 1 Uat r. Th quality of in o.i-pm of lha a"oa a'al.a !a a followa: Na- jfl. J. xiK-hl.aa. Wiacoaala. : fain. 1 . I'ararlant. Colorado. ?. )-..ra L. HurtU a ira4l-knoa potato a-m r of r:iforU. haa baaa In OruB for aaral dya looklsc avar lha potato allua lion Jr. Ilartt kallaroa tka outlook for ..ow.-a u tvi. ana thr :1 try ta ko;d lllr rropa for lha lata rAarkat. Ha aalil: If lha orcn potato arowara will k c.;:.rt tn al: ka.f uf th.tr crop aar:r. Mf a-.fr .ai i.U to l.sa. lhT ahoaU t t TJ fr tn- rm.rtr. Of crtorao If thay alt hv . :! ut mirk! wl:l ka drmo-a!la4. T.v.r ara 1.0H..t)u a-ka trft La g-row- kar !a In 'a:.fornla anj fr tka praaant lha al't ta lopk'ary. aapaclailr aa only a cn'; pari of tha Orrffon and Idaho rropa htv. a. n tztovad an4 lha Waahlnstoa erop h i har l y kaa tauchal To kaap tk mark.-t in a ka':hy condition thr wl.l t.ft do a at'ailr an'! graUaai aaia ky (r n'Ti. I'rraaat ptlcaa ara Bood. around a J' ii-r. f'r Harbanka and 91. ao for n..r.isri Won'lara and tiamata. Thara la a l ataly damaad. kut tho farmara ara oa a--. lira Thay aaaja to all b aniline I r t.i markat. It ataaUs to raaaoa ti l nilra crop cannot ka hald bark nl M4rkia t advantaao la tho eprtna innrha" rRourrrioar or the world Maltatlra Cmttortr by Aaaarlcaa Caaanl aa makuf. OoaaMl Oaorao Nlck04a IrTT. at Muram -kura. Germany, kaa praparad a labia of tka bop acraaaa and cropa af tka world tor tkrao yaara. mado ap laraaly of off'!aJ ra taraa Tho kaadrodwalchta aaod maaa kalaa aa MP klloa. or HO pounda. The tak:a tallowa: Arna p'antad 1 1WIU. 111. Canntrlaa Acraa Acra Acraa Otrmamr Tl.i'l .T...T Auatna-Huanary .. l Hi li.wt rranco -.: a.l o,lJv So clura and Kack- ar aada SM 4 TPJ 443 Pui l ............ T' 1 T -1 22.4.-T 2.24 In a and IIM5 32.V.I ltr.S aatrtca v 4-i. 44.4T4 41, :. Aaatra-la L.i !.- Tataa 4.T J?.3 Tot, crop lvIO. 1311. isoa. Caantrtoa. Cat. -t- Oormany 111.-"A 8t4.0 Aaatria-H aasary ..l't40 2 . Vranca al.u-V tt.wi Jta.auim an4 Natk- ar.aaoa " M.-ro ;.'iii 4i.v-0 Foaaia .v 0S.O) 2.0O0 Kaa:and .......... r'3 Amartoa ........... 8 i '" uva.la 10.A - k.'4 - -a 4.) Tat ara PCt. COO 1.557.000 1., OuO IOCAI. Am E MAUR TUt "TOO NO Paaaaad Artlva for IIocdo roaMaanptloaj aad Hhlpaaoa tat Intariar. Tkar )a a waaaaaaa la lha applo mar kat. Cartaia local daojera. f .r noma roa oa. ara trylrff to (al prlira duwa ta a Vowar bar'. a bat tr.ay wiu find It a bopa kaaa aadortaktnc. Applaa ara tka atronaaat ttara In lha tlat of aaficultaral proJucta today. V'llh good atock la tka Nortkwvrt pracltrally all out af nrat handa tha markat could not bo othrwta. Tkar ara a.t anou(k apples la Orvaoa and Wash'nrtoa to lail throuck tha aaaaoa and tha drll.'Ianry will bava to be ana! ap wttk California frulc ' Tha demand on Front atreat In lha laat faw dirt baa baaa aery henry, not only for local cur-aumptton. but alao f-r ahlprnent to latarlor poln where auppllaa bar be cum e esriaueted. f'rloaa baaa wot baaa raleej. kut la Tlaw of tho atrona poltkn of tha market, aa atlianc wo:d ae.-n lo ba Juatin.-d. Thar la cer'.aJnly no rrafoa fr any decllaa. un laaa It may ba tn, tha caa of vary poor atovk. wblv-n waa orlclnally put on tk mar. kat at too blah a fcura MIIEAT TK.tlll AT A T.M?iTllX HiMrt livmaail mod i.lafm mt Cr rral l"rtt-tr. T-mx'nt In !.. .v l Ust mitk't ha p Kt-Uvai c--.l TH G prvtw'an aaroati t" v put a st 'p ij 1 iKrt ilfminit. an4 th iii. tr-ri a.'t'rtnt.y hj .i th thtat t.y Ca'l ai tl r not bu.m.. Th s p.iri baiwiti of riuD rounJ T 1 or Ttt mdUV T' --.. r ml ttirM pr.cs. hot .'. r.n if Uumti iitvl rrt.H'k to o rx-r.it.. in rt .r f th rIa ai.r ! . J.". 4-41 r -rH'tw n t,-. mr r purtr4 bj t . - r'.. Ai.af aj ('..o: M '.'! l-o a IT ru'.) ... .... i l-r mm T4 4 ft k m- m w Jat M :i II-". i t IS O r afj ... - :ii -w 4 KIUN ONION I KK M AUK Al AXIJI t-xllt rikr i vtmuy r.Di 1 ' i w ; w t-4, !ini-J 11 rants Men yrtr.ui Th prent buying prlc I cuupItt -tr.:j i 1 ; .i mack. TH l:varn a Tftarfcrt ta aacgtnc. but thai ta do to th !- t that th Ca;irmia on laaoa ar S-trtora;!r arJ pru-a av ta loard to mo tru off r.Hl y It i th rar appr r. i" tli nl of tn California aoffi tnat la a M-r.g t tr t.-tr jij tj the ma. kt; h.r. p imr or n..y- Kor NAt ij i r.v-rr.M Vrr aa4 AO U.hr. rpM Finn. Th rl ear of arw-rrop OaIforn!a Bavvl ran aa rcil trdA. Th f-uit a full y mamrtJ and nc.:tntir mt,r4. Th emirtt r qjotra t a bvx. fi. Brat car rame from.OIoba. Tolar County. ' A rlmant of nw arallaaa rap fruit alao ! arrlet- I The atraat waa t.-artlrny bar of ernn i harrtra I'rirea hlta been adranead cant I a birrel. to 1J. t Tr cnp Tirk-l waa Arm with e ' . .i . -, r'ml'fnTB'm Duinrtl have P- prarad aad ar rllln at 5i cnta pr kaf boa llor RIVING ON a iw.r. pu-aijs Wo.ry CaanpaJiy rnrraaaaa 0 Balr Moat wale at 44 I ante. HopuTlr.: waa on a mora active acala yaeterday. k-it lha buine. w.a larsrlT br twaan dealer. Trlc-a ran-d "" 43 "l-ha Saaar ll"P Company purrhnaea wer about bale. Includ.nc the Kdmond ,n lot of 17J baa at Goehen. tha r.maln ln( erop In tba Monitor and Mnrqunm ac tion, a carlrd in th. Iliuav.no aoclloo nd a.r.l llert"0 lota All lh r. bouiht around 41 canta . . catlin A IJnn hnushl Ion h:. from local .a!.r l 43 cer.ia. McN'ff Br .a paid lha aim pnre for l..o bale, of Ctah.lla hopa. tb crop of Jenaen and Tom ln The th. lt lot. left in tba Ckehall aeatlon. A avbl irnnjactlon In Tklma at aa cant between dealer waa ! reported. MOTKMOT IN roiXTRT IS "rUK rheopaa af ChrVka May A Mart Th-nka-airlaa Turkey rrkraa. Th. poultry m.rkerw. well .uppll.d y tday and trad. wa. brl.k. but without Im proaamant la prlc. Chicken. ld prtncl pal y In ml.ad lot. at 13 Th naa. of cblck.n. th.a ,r will no doubt bold don tk. prlc. of Thkkkectvln. ""Jr.Tt. err war. tn .harp rant, but tha rapp.f f b"ow "lu'r menta . . Kuttar and cneeoe war price. Bank Cleeu-tna. Hank claarln;. of tha .ortbwaatrn ell!, yaaterday war a. followa: (Iran-!. Halaneea. PORTLAND MARItrTa. r.rala. Iloar. Trrd. Eta. Ji'H KAT ITrprt ka!a: Pltjeatrm. ZW ilc cluh T II ": re-1 Ru.eian, Ttf4T'c; a.iay. TJTo: forty-f"M. f-c- ri.tK-e-l-tnta 4.& per barrel; trai.uta. 4 o5; eport. a.0: Valley. 4.; ltlnam. whole waeat. t.l. ,-, ,HN'-W ho e. '.;: trv k d. .! per Ion. kiil.LsTLrrs llran. il per ton: mld d'lr. -ll. .horta. -. rolled barley. "r No. 1 white, in; IJJ per ton. jl.y Jvo l I. o. tirnoliiT. . I Vallay. $IStT; afi.fa. 1JI4. cloaar. 11 u 1-: .rain. lltrl2. liAKLKV -eU. Jii0031 par ton: brew In 4. nominal. terrtabW and rrnlta. TROPIOAI. rni-ITf-O-nn.ea. nnrala $4; Vnei. -. par hoi, rjl.Mmn rpfrull. I4i.-. Honda arapefrult. 1""1 bananaa. B'rS Per pound, letnona. ad par bo, porr.ecntiatee. 11 0 per boa. FHtMl 1'KliT-i -1'eara. 1.20,1", V" be. ararea. 11.0091 ;s er boa; Almrna jrara. 44M(rT per barr.; cranbarTlaa, 13 par t-arrel. ai-I'I.kh Jonathana lt.ie.tll par tot; Fplinlit. SI J I.e.: neldwln. Ticll.; ried Ch-ek IMppln. al.zSfcfl.TS; Northern Km. ll;ilTi. Winter llan.na. :1 l).;Ter. '1 1 IS. SACK VEiltrAHLFS Carrol. $1 00 par aara. turnip, l.ou; bat. 1.0O; paranlp. II "0 IOTITOFS nuTlnc price: Tturbnk. V Mil per hundred: a we. I potatoea, X15 42 . per crate 1NI"NS Hurlna prlc. ft.Sl par aek. VK.f.KTAHI.E.S Artl. holiea. Tic par doa: bee a. aipltx-: riM(. I if 1 "o per pound: eauMltwer. 5ctl per doi.n; ce.Wry. T je per doan. cu'-umhera. 1 SO per bos: rcfpunl. 1:43 per r 'und; yarMe. 10H120 per pound- I'H'I". .'!ee i,,lc per doaen: hot houaa litluc. II US par box: pepper. It10. p-r pound: pumpkin, llfl1.: radlehee. i:Hc per dfen; aprout. "fflea par pound; a.iuaah. lHlrlSo par pound; tomaloe. o a11 par box. rtalrr and Cowatry rixtuca. PU I I ER Oroaoa creamery butter, aolld pack. 15 c: prlnta. extra; butter fat. la I than ao!ld pack prlc. fOX. I.TKV H-na 13 HO He; Wprlnc. "V ISc; du.-ka. your. lrtrflTc; .-eaa, 11H 1 : turkey, alive. :iac; dreaaad. choice. o.'27c K';'".!l Traeh Ore-nn rnrh. 40c par do. tiaeC brrh Tillamook. f' 10H-: Touna Amrl-a. lT.JlTHc. I'UKK Fancy. uS par pound. VEAL Fancy. llhtfUo par pound. Stapl Cufiflii FALMON Columbia Blrr. l-pownfl ttatlft, $? 5 pr doso: 2-pound talla. 1W; 1 pouad f!ta. $3 40; Aiaka plak. 1-oand tai'.a. 91 5 5. COFFER Roaat4. la druma, tHO0 p4r pound. HON fc-V -Tholt, IS.T5 pr eavi trind bonvr. 10c PT pound. AI.T Granulated. ' -113 Pr t"Ti; h!f rrQnd. lra. &o pr ton: 60. pr ton. M T3 Walnut. I'lOHSe pr pound; print nar. 14 1 la; filb-rt. ll15o; al mrnda, l.tilc: p-cana. tc: rovoanuta. tKo 0$t pmr dsn: rhMtauta, i:Wo pr pound; bi-hnrr nut a, (J 10o pr pound. BEANS fimail whit. 4-,e; Inrs whit. 4ac: Lima, f So; pink. ic. iiexicana, BHo; baroo. frc KliE-N t Japan. 4f. ch-npr rt4. tJoijlaer; Southern had. Hfl7e; Im port I Imperial. Ic; imported xtrtt No. 1, T a 7 Sc. F1 OK Rflnry prtc-t: Try iranotatrd. 9t m; fruit nd orrT. Si; bt. H; fitra C. 9i 3u. powder, baJTt.a, $7.00; barr.a, "..O. DKIF.D rni'IT! App!. 14o pT pound t aprlrota. 10lSc: poach?. 12 14c; prun-a. Italian. ausQ,V-; llirr. lHc; flc. bit and blark. SCTc: carrnnta. lotf 11c; rauir.a, loo Mutcaitl, 6 W OT Vc; barhed Tbanpiun. USc; unblechd Sul tana '-fcc; dd. tHViwc rVwrttoaa. HAMJ-10 to 12 pound. IdJjlTc; 11 to 14 pound. lt17c; 14 to Ifl pounda J! ITc: 10 to IS pound. 10 a 17c; 'ptinned, ltc. pu-n!dii. 11 cotttir roll. 36- l.AliD KcttI rndcrtM. trca tSo; t:h. lc. tand.rJ. tterra. llc; tub. ll,f. hirt-Milnc. tlffc, tuba. 9c HA CON Fancy. -t.-; ataadaid. 22c: ch'I'T. Knlit. Idil7c. IHT SAI,T CI Hfin Krctilnr hrt clar. drv aalt. llc; arook-ti. 1 .c; ahort clear ba.-ka. 12 t. 11 Iba . tlry a!t. 12-; rnok-d. l.;Sc; ahort r.r.r bach. Id to 2k Iba. dry a;t. 1 1 im,.kl. 1 ;c : Oregon cxporta. dry a.t lJtc; amked, 16c. Hop. oolnad Hide. HOI'S llll crop, 43 tf 43 He; olda, npm lial. MOHAIR Chfdf-. S337o pr ponnd. WXL r.aalero Or-roix. tf 1 P pound. acoor.Hnf; to t.noaa'; Vallay, ISO lie rrr pound. PKLTS Iry. Ilr; lamba, aalted. 65090c: ahrtrt-Ml p4-1ta -OiT."r. KIDKs Saited hid-. lOSOIIa P' pound, ul'.vd cr:f. lC4-7c; aalted kip. lie: 4ir--n ldA ViiVHc dry calf. 30c; dry h. !r. luc. aaltfd e:-;i. rc; grren maga. - CA 80 ARA Pr pound. 5iQ. on. l.i,.fr.P Cl'., lTir raw. In barrl. T; bo.:J. barrel. ic: raw. in caaea, b3c; bo:' t. in t ai.". Ir. TV Kl'I'NT IN F. Cata. Tc; wool barr., fi7 S . it jvk Vnt.-ir - Hn. Iron barrel. ' 3 7c;" --. 24o; gaolin. Iron ban-., t Mr; 3WC. oal ,-iia Ordinary tt caaea 10c , bulk, in tank. ISc. I WOOL TKU)Ifl OF SMALLta VOLTMS ; rrVm Hold Meradr aad In Fam t tba ridrllrra. :iTON. Nft. 14 The volum of rw butnra-a in' th wool rn(rk-t ihowi a fall nr ''ft w:h value htr.'.ir.g tteay ard In I. .r f the -i,r. Sm good trar.afer liKiA ba-w-n mau Iti unwa-he-1 Ohio dentin a- ! T x x li tn' n the. whM the deman for M:ch!sw half rl 'Oxi ta inoticrat. I'u:led . 'I ta in mo.lrate demand. iJutarlon: T-i.i. rne. d to 8 anonThe. 4v?47c: flat, 12 m niha. 62-7:: fr. Fall. M'i44r. Californ.a, Northern. 4ofir--: mldT round. 4ft 4 To; aomhern. 4tj46c; Fail free. 4" 'I 42r. i rw- ( on . atem No. 1 tp!. f-. t R4k?i ta:rm rlothlna. IV k- ; VaJlay. 1 9 47c T- rr'tirv. f :. a:p. 4 , r,a medium ptai j -.V-; flr c!"thin. 51 u s:.c; Hn m---.;uii " : " 4" . "' half b'od -omb. . c j iTr. ihre-r-iBeTih hlo combing. 4., ;47-; oua.'Ter 1;o.h1 cutnblr.g and cloth li.g 4'i i 7. ru:irj curat. 0 ilc; fin A. 46450e; suir. 4 j tf 40c. Hnd M M. IUi. -T. I.Ot'ls. Nov. 14- Wool Lch-ncd. T- -ritiiry .if d W -at- rn mHl.un.a v 2 lc; RALLY CUTS LOSSES Commerce Court's Order Lifts Stock Prices. . NET CHANGES ARE SMALL Early Market Wfakened by Decision Aftalnst HarTe-tier Company. American Tobacco Iloml Show ConTilcnott Klrmnr. NEW TORK. Not. 14. Prlra. drifted aluwly toward a lower lerel aurln. moat or to!.T tr.dlnr. In .locka At Bo tlm. waa lha momaot abmrt r 11 r"r ,r .!url Ineae larely. .o that at th. cloa rknc f"r the moat prl ware ainall. Tha r:ly pprnii w bel on tn rri.nl order of Ike commarr court ranl Ina a temporary Injunction In the Intrr mounialn freight rata caaea. lha I'll " whlrk waa ma.la knnwn looay. Much w" ma-l of the re.trktlon. laid OB tk. IBtor- it Cornmarra foinmlarlon raiuiallon of rate and lh lon and hort haul clau.. Kallroad atocka war bnarht heavily OB th publlrstloB of th court a ordara I b lon FarlBc roaa nearly two point. Tn. wh"U mrkt Irnrrovart moderately. Tk ber found ammunition ear!l IB th day In th ouater decra of th kll ourl kiiBram Court acaln.t th Interna tional lrTeeter Comnany. TVhaB th da tmion w. annooncad. th atock brok. ft pointa Tha roal rort were a.tn prominent. 1.hlh Valley touched 11 v.. wiuallnr It. hl.h prlr f.r th preeenl movement- Ht. Paul ln".howed weaknea and United State Steal ln.ced behind. rlar'y' In lha araalon lndon ent over buvlnf order amountli a to perhp. 2S.ur0 rharea. taklnr Unlt-d Statea Fteel. Amnl tamaled -.ppr. Union Pacinc. Rradlnc and KH-k l-land on tha rerearlort In thl market. Later London wa eller. The bond market wa lrreiculr with Amer ican Tobacco lajue again iliuwlni conaptc uoua nrmneaa. Total aalaa, par value. $4. i.ri.)H). Lulled states bond unchanged on calL CLOSIXO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sale. H!h. Low. JH1. . Ai:i Chrl rf .. I'" l-l . It AmAl t'opper .. 13.314) u'JS e"V Ari Acrltvit f:S Am II. t bu.ar. I T SSa 0.1 i.1 American I in .. I 11". 1 1 :i US Am i"ar K-ly. a.i- r..T, It; Am lo'lon CI... 1.7UO 45s 44 44 Am 114 Jt U PL --j Ami Ira r-arurl 3W Ara I.lneeed Am l.oeorr.ot:va. son 85 f.5 3lfc Am Sirel t- lief 1T." T 1H Ti T". do preferred.. 4'K 102 l-"!' 14 Am H-el F'l'.. ? -12 Am Su.ar K-f 117 11 lin1 Am Te; Tel.. l.&- 13 Ul1 inss Am Tvb.cco pf. , "1 Am Voolea lr T "! ITi Aniorda M Co !'- S-'S 31 Al-'h.'aon .4' li'T. l-o"a H'o'4 do pn-ferrad.. It I03V.1U3 4 H'.T All C"ajt Una 12H l:.:t Ohio ... P"0 l";". im1. H'l lleth.ahrm Steel l'" i' ll"4 llrouk K Tran.. .i" 7l' 7H 7S'a C'anvlUn Pc .. 2.7"0 24i i.T.l 2.1l lenrr: Leather 7'V MS. 4 PS Cenira: of N J.. hh too t" 3' fhc. A Ohio ... 4vu 7.1Vi 74 74 ' Chlcaao A Alloa S thl lit Weal .. S0 Ci'S i'"a do preferred.. S -n 1M, .It. l Chicago A X W. ! 14.M 14.".H 14.' C. M A Mt I'aul. 1 ;.-" 113 110 11 1 C. V. C A St U ,. 71 roi rue; A Irn. ST r.l A Southern 41 Conaol Uaa .!" 14SS 142S 142H Corn Producta . !" lo 1"S l"1 Iel A llu.l.or... 1.-0 171 171 IT i". DAB Orand 21 do preferred 44 PleMliar" Sacur 8'4 Erie e.lllrt S.1 S"" E.-H do l.t pf 1 ? .1'. f..1'4 M'4 do 2d pf 1 44 44 4.'l' 0. n Electrlo ... 1!3 1M f.t North pf ... 6.4"0 127 '4 127 H t.t North Cira .. 60 43 424i 42 llllnola Central 140 Interbor Met ... T-0 14V 14 144 do preferred.. 1"" 44 44 44 " tnter Harveater. 4.6O0 l'l ItHT lnfl. Inter Marin pf 15 Itit Paper lo IO IO H Int Pump snii l" HI" Iowa Central .. loo It 14 17 4 K C Southern.. low 2f 2U5 2H14. do pref-.rrod. o.1 1. aclede (ii ... S'V lo.l 10.1 lost Lout A Naah.. 4UO l.V) 149 Hn Minn St L 32 " M S P A S f M ?oo l.lS in 13U Mo. Kan A Tex. COu 32 31 do p: ef erred.-. ntl Vt Mo P-lnc 41 H 41 41 Nat BlPCUlt 14:i 142H 142H National Lead . 1.0OO M V 4f N r.y M'X 2 Pf ' V Y Centra! .. 2 . 104 10T ll7 N Y. Cmt A We. 1.2KI 4.14 4,114 4oi Norfolk Writ J1.10O 110", lS!-i lot". Nortl Am 1 . . . 72 Northern Pao .. 14.900 1 204 110 11"4 Pacinc Mall e 2;i4 Pent-aylvanla ... 1.V" 12SS 122 People'. Claa . .. 0O 105 , 104 l"li P. C C A St L T Plttsburc Coal 800 191 1B14 1014 preaa-d SCr 82 Pull Pal Car ... 2V lflH 1S4U. 1S4V; My Steel spring ?"0 s son 30 ne1tn lT.2o1 irti, i..,o4 Kepubllo Steal .. 4 -1 22 11 21 ' do preferred.. ft"0 1 S SI Mi'a Ro.-k la'.and Co. I."0 27 1 215 Co pref rred. . ToO 60i 60"4 ov4 11 L i S F I pf .-. 41 V 81 L Sotithweat. 81 do preferred. 7044 rVo.e Sheffield , 44 South-rn Tac .. t.Ooo lis 111 112"4 Southern Rv .. 7'"1 .V. 2''S 2!4 do preferred.. 4o 72 71 4 "1 T-nn Copp-r... : 314 3flS 31 Teiaa A Pur . l' 244 344 24H Tol. SI 1. A We. 2oO Ji 14 n do preferred.. "o 4.4 42'a 42 Cn'OB Pacific .. T.l"n 1T2S- 170'4 1T do preferred.. 20O k2 4 u2 4 P2 r S Realty Oft t S Ri&twr ... l.""0 47. 4't 4r.i4 U s St-ei 19. n rt. u 4 B24 do preferred.. I.'."K li'!: 10s lnv, Ttah Correr ... 1 - 44. 474 47 V faro Chem .. S" r.2 -.114 Mk Wnbaah 1"0 r0. I'-o HIO IIS 114 IIS 2 23 23 4 r4 f,9i no nil fid w 77t J74 774 do prcf rred. . We. tern 111 . . . We. ting Ktec .. Weetern llnlon . Whr-! A I. E. 4 Lehlch Valley .. BK.SOO 1814 17 17S Total .ale. for th. day. 5 787.600 .h.rea. BONDS. NEW YORK. Nor. 14. Clo.tnf quota tion: U s ref rag-. .loo' V jctii SM... H do-couDon . . . loo 3 Vo Tactfic 3 U TJ R 3a rec li'l So pclflc 4a...lOO do coupon . . . 111 ?. '1'nlon Pacific 41014 r S new 4a reg . 1 1 3 ; Wla Central 4a 2.B At eouron ...11H Japkneaa 4. .... M DA h il ll.. fa4 H Slack. . BOSTON. Nor. 11.- Allotie 81 Arrnt Copper.. f-'iV A Z 1. A fm. . . 2t Arizona Com .. 30 It A C C A S M. 8 fuitte Coalition. 17 Cal A Anxona.. ."7 4 Cal A H-c'.a 3-"' Centennial ... lo . Tl Cop Han Con Co S.14 K Hutte Cop it. 1, Kr.in kiln 7 4 tllrotix Con k . . . 4 S (.rant.y Con . . . SO1-: Clreene Cananea. 7 4 I rtoya!le Copi 14 Kerr lak. 3, Lka Copper.. . . 2fx, t Boaton. -Cloning quotation Mohawk ' Nevada Con .... Mpla.in. Mine. North Butte INorth Lake 'Old Dominion . . . Oacola l'arrott (SAC). Viilncy 4 1 174 74 44 83 10 0 22 i 3 4 214 34 47 13 7 SS -annon Superior .' -.u Fo si In.. Tnmnrark I'usiuy... ' do preferred. . . T'tnh Cob 'Utah coppr Co. Winona .4 Wolverlna 1 1 -a i-a.ie v "i i -1 kllaml Copper... 104 Money. FT change, Ktc. NEW TORK. Nov. 14. Money on call .adv. 24&24 per cent; ruling rate. 2 S I clo-mg 1)1-1. 24: olTerad at 24. Time loans .aaler. Sixty -day. and 90 dava. 84f.1 per cent: atx month. 849 r. Prime mercantile paper, 4 9 44 per c.rt. sterling .Tchang. .teady. with actual bual Bea. In Ljrkera' bill, at 84.K3S8 for day. and at ft S1 for dcmar.d. Commercial bi: . 4M4. 1 Bar allver. MSc Mevlran dollar.. 46 4 C Gove-nmant bond, atrady; rallrokd bond. Irregular. LONDON. Not. 14. Bar .IlT.rJ Steady. 2 j l."-ll ;.-r ounce. Mn. 14 14 rr cent. The rate of dircount In th. pan market for ahort bllla la 84 per cent: for thre montha" bill. 34 t 3 7-ld per cenL SAV FHANCI6CO. Nov. 14. Sterling OB London. t rlava 44 83 4: do, air lit. 84.S7. ltrta Slicht. lc; telearaph. 3c. f'ondl'loB of the Trraory. WAUINiJTON. Nov. 14 U b.sln- nlng of bualnes. today th United Statea Working balance f Tt.4lS0.-J.tJ In bar.ka and Phlllppln Treury "-"O.Bil Total balance In general fund... l-'v- '-J1? Ordinary reccl:t yealerday i rr',' L'i Ordinary dlt-urrem-nt 2 .' The deficit to date lhl fiscal yr l -4 -tl2d. inim a deficit of JlJ.lul.f-O I thta time laat year. . . Thee, fluurea exclude Panama Canal na public debt transactions. RAJ rR.4.XCI8CO PRODUCE MARKET Price Quoted at tit Bay City for Trac table. Fruit. Etc SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 14. Tha follow ing produe. prleea wer current her today: Veaetable Sucumbera oictfl.OO; mr'1''' 8f34c: green peaa. 4a c; utring beans . ' 6c1, tomatoes. UiiiiT.V; cpttplant. 50c 41 LOO. fluiter 'ancv creamery, :tlc. Kggs Store, 4T.c: fncy ranch. 6lc intone SI a l.lo. ChePM Young America. 154 134c Frull Apple, cholc. $1: common. Tr.e: Mexican lime. 84 a 6: C.llfornla lemons. cholc. I3..0: common, VI; pineapple. 4i 3 Potatoes Oreroa Burb.nka, $1.4501.55; Sallna Burbanka 8l.klOL80; weeta 1.0 41 1.7f. illllrtuffa Bran. $2fj2: middling. $32 4 3i. Hay Wheat. 4131(20: wheat and oat. 81-u IT: alfalfa. J 11. Ki-ceipts r'lour. eltio quarter sacks: wheat. 7U.197 rentl; brley. ll.tilS centals; ots. 12IO centals; potatoes, 43U6 sacks; mld dlings, 2v sacks; bay. 3u0 tons. Mrtal Markat. NEW TORK. Nov. 14. Standard copper quiet; spot and November, 12.20 ? 12.1!fc: December and January. 12.2.1-ff 12.4ic: Feb ruary. 12 Sim 12.45c London. Quiet: pot, 15.1 Irta ::d; future. In7 H. Arrival re ported at New York today. 110 tons. Customs-House returns show export of 12.1.(1 tons so 'fsr thts month. Lake coppr, 12S 11 12c: lectroltlc. 12401240; casting. 1240124c . Tin firm but quiet; epot and NoTembr. 42 kil4t 10c: Pecemher. 42.50 T So; Jsnu ry. 42 2"f43o: February. 41. 7ft f 42.500. London firm; pot. fin..: future, flbli. 1-eed quiet, 4 21 4.30o New York. 4.10 4.1(1 Kast St. Loula. London. 115 Ids 8d. Spelter qul.t. SO.BUc N.w York. 20 9 6.""c Kut St. I.oule. London, 128 15a. Antlmopy dull; cookaon's. SIS. 124c Iron. Cleveland warrant. 47s In Irnlin. Txca'ly Iron waa quiet. No. 1 foundry Northern. (18(115.28; No. 2, 814.754 13: No. I Southern and No. 1 Southern ."ft. (15i 13.30. Coffea and flugar. NEW YORK. Nov. 14. Colt, future. Hoard .teady at a net advanc of 5 to 17 pulnta on covering and bull support. Sales, 44.750 bga November, 14.13c; December. H0c: January. 13.Ce: February. 13.6..C; March. 11.41c: April. II. 19c: May. 11.37c: June and July. 13.3Sc; August. September and October. 13 ISe. Spot coffee Quiet. . No. T Rio. 14T4 134c nominal; Snto No. 4. lNc: Mild coffee Dull. Cordova. l4l4c nomi nal. Raw sugar Nominal. Muscovado test. 4.4:c; centrifugal M test. 8.12e; molasre. ngsr test, 4.37c; refined .teady. Naval Store. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Not. 14. Turpentine Firm. 44a 44c; aalea. 101; rcipts, 801; shipments. m; stocka SS.tOO. ..... Hosln Firm. Sales. 2400; receipts. 2417; shipments. s0: stocks. t.t04. uote: B. M.H4; B. (4 20: E F. Q. I 84.jo: K. K 35; M, 14.40; N. 4S; wa. (7.14; WW. (7.45 . Dried Fruit t Sew York. NEW YORK. Nov. 14. Evaporated appl steadv. with a small lobbing trade On th. spot fncy r quold at luc; cholc, 4 V Mc; prime. 8trS4c. Prune. quieL Quotation. 7e to 1. 0 for California, up 10 4M-30 and 10.12c for Or- 'i.ch. .tendr. 'choice .IK11He: -tra cholc, llSBlln faacy. 124 61214c , New York Cotloa Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 14. JTotton Spot rlo.e'd quiet. 10 point, higher. Mld-Oulf, 5c- mid-uplands. It.'Kec Salt. 04 balra ' Future, dosed atedy. 10 to 11 point. Bt higher. November. 27c; December. U.llc; January. 0.10.; February 0.21c: Mroh. 2i;c; April, t.S2c; May. B.SOc; June. .30c: July. .43c; August, .41c; September. .4oc; octobor, .43c Chlcaco Produce Markat. CHICAOO Not. 14. Butter Easy: crea'merie., 244jS2c: dairies i. 22A2XC tril Steady. Receipt. 2.-.BS caae: at mirk c.ea Included. 1821c; flrats. 289 Sic: prim, firms. 2i4i2f. Cheese Steady; dallies 14,t?y twlna 144c: Young America. I44l-c. lung horna, 14 4. O 13c Onlalh Flax Market. nt'LL'TH. Not. 14. Flax on track la .tore. 82.04: to .rrlv.. 42.03: November. 82 ; December. $2.0! bid; May. (2-04 4 sked. IRRIGATION -DITCH FOUGHT Furiners Declare Tliat Water Would Injure Apple Territory. SPRINGFIELD, Or., Nov. 14. (Spe cial.) When the question of establlsh- Ints an Irrigation district In a stretch of territory lying- north and east of Springfield1 came up for hearing; In the County Court at Eugene today there was great surprise when many of tho farmers who had signed the petition appeared either In person or through their attorneys and protested against the creation of the district. The pe tition originally contained 66 names, but half of these have withdrawn and now request that the district be not established. They argue that most of the land affected Is now used for frultralslng or Is about to be planted to fruit trees, that the district would be better with out Irrigation than with, and that the project is impracticable for the reason that most of the land Is uneYen, mak ing It difficult to run water over. They jUso say that the proposed ditch would extend across valuable land outside the district, causing costly litigation. The water rights which It Is pro posed to utilize for the district are twnrd bv the McKensle Valley Irrlga- HAMBURG cruises nr- i.uxf. Around World TWO GRAND CRUISES Nov 1912 I Feb., 1913 (From New York I From Han Franclaco By tha palatial cruising steamer "VICTORIA. LUISi" Will follow same Itinerary a. k). 8. CLEVELAND. frA and I Including all necessary ex 0011' up lpenees aboard and ashore. A few accommodations avallsbl for Second Cruise of th. S. 8. Cleveland from Fan Kranclsco Feb. 6. 1!H2. IH RATION OF EACH 4 RIISE 110 DAYS Also Cruise, to th. Orient, West Indie South America, Italy and Egypt, .to. Writ for booklet, of all ernlsea. H A rflT"RrJ-AMERICA ?f IJNE. ISO Powell St.. San Franclfco. Cal., or O.-W. R. A N. Co Norihern pacific, D. A R. O.. Burllneton Route. Milwaukee nd P. s. K. K., r. Pt1us"r Mulkev bMs . D. B. Smith. M Sth St.. Portland. Oregon. w0 Connecting at Prince Rupert. B. C ior wueen unariotta isianas. iuunu, - Massett and Naden Harbor. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Mount i a Division) Trains leave Prince Rupert for Vanarsdol (100 miles) on Monday. Wednesday and Saturday. Returning, arrive Prince Rupert 5:20 P. M. Tuesday. Thursday and Sunuay. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double Track Kouts.) KOl'K THROUGH TRAINS DAILY SO EXCESS FARE. Between CHICAGO BB aU point East. Tkrsagk PrLLMiX STANDARD aad TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. J. H. ni'RGIS, General Agent. Passenger Dept. First Ara, and Yaalar War. ' Seattla, Washington. tlon Power Company. The court has taken tho matter under advise ment. It looked bright for the estab lishment of the district until these farmers withdrew and protested to the court. One of Triplets) Ile. PLEASANT HOME. Or.. Nov. 14. (Special.) One of the three Infant girls born a week ago to Mr. and Mrs. Trimble died Saturday night. The other two babies are gaining strength, as Is Mrs. Trimble. The little child was burled Sunday In the cemetery here. C oncerming the merits of b i tulithic p avement, ask the man Vho has paid for it and tried it for a period of years! THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Conatnjcta Asphalt and othsr Bitu minous Pavements. 803-808 Sletrla kldg., Portland. Or. Oskar Hub.r. Managar. Bonds & Mortgages Vou.g college man experienced tn raortgaae loans, wants salaried position vrllli reputable hond or mortgage firm. Ilrferrarrs. Addreaa K BIMi. Orcgonlan. TKAYKLEKS' GUIDE. OPEN KIVtK TltAMsroKTATlOM CO. STR.J.N.TEAL Trtlgfct received dally at oak-.t. docx lor T h e D I I e a Hood Rlvr. Whit Salmon. Uma till. Kennewlck. P s o. Richland, Hanford. Whit Bluffs, a4 Intermediate points. IlKBl-CLASS PASSENGER SERVICE. FARE 50 CENTS TO MOOD RIVER. WHITS SALJION. IBS DALLES. Steamer leave Portland Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday. 7 A. M. Returning leave Ttt. Dallea Monday, Wednesday. Friday. 7 A. M.. arriving at Portland about .1 P. M. same day. W. 8 Buchanan, bupt; W. 8. Smallwood. Oaa l Mgr. Pnoo Main 1J0. A 3027. CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS. Kxpres Mervlc via ST LAWRENCE KIVtR oXE-VIC ROUTE Leu Than 4 Days at oca by tb EMPRESSES OK THE ATLANTIC. Wkly Sailings to Kurope, et-claa. 4U2.BO: Winter montha, $S3.0. aacond-clasa. $:3 75: On.-class cabin (II) 40 bPIvClAL C1CK1STMAS tit-1 KSIOXS. JTrlday, Dec 1. Kmpreaa of Britain. Saturday. Deo. I. i-ke Manitoba. Frioay, Dec 1ft. Kmpress of Ireland. Berthing plans now open. Book Early. TIUKD-CLAS8 RATES. ' Bamburg. AJitwerp. trtinen, etc., $30. $31.0. "lVr.. .D"a:. -Bei"l..5. 32-5 Jjorway. Denmark, Sweden. .. .434.75, $34.24 Special rail rate, on requ-at. V. H. Joboaoo, O. A., Hi Third St. All aent aoll Cn Pc ticket HONOLULU $110 FIRST CLASS ROUND TRIP Th. most delightful spot on entire world tour for your vacations. Delightful sea bat ing at the famous beach of walkikl. Th. plendld SS. Sierra (10.000 tons displace ment! make, the round trip In 16 days, on can visit oo a sld. trip the living volcano oT Kllauea which Is tremendously active, and see for himself th. process of world creation. No other trip compare, with this for tl e marvelous and wonderful In nature. Visit the Islaads nw, whll you can do it so easily aad quickly and whli. th. vol cano i. active. Prompt attention to tele gram, for bertha Sailings: November 4, November 5. December Id, etc. . OCEANIC P. 8. CO. GTS Market Street. San I-Tandaco. EXPRESS STtAMERS 0R San Francisco and Los Angeles W1THOCT CHANGE. 9. S. Rose C ity Kaila 4 P. M., November . SAX iRAVCIrtO PORTLAND SJ. CO. Ticket Orfltc, 142 Third St. Pbonr Main 40S and A 140S- COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE O -W. R. N. steamer "Harvest Queen" leave. Portland, Ash-street dock, daily ex cept Saturday, at 4 P. M., arriving Astoria 4 30 A. M-, connecting with Str. Nahcotta for Megler and all North Beach points. Re turning leaves Astoria at 7 A. M.. arriving Portland tt P. M. Call at City Ticket Office. Jd and Washington st.. or Ash-stret dock. - AMERICAN REGULAR SERVICES LONDON PARIS HAMBURG AMER1KA Nov. 21, 10 A. M. MOLTKE Nov. 25, A. J- ((PENNSYLVANIA Dec 2. 2 P. M. (PATRICLA Dee. T, 11 A. M. Unexcelled Rltx-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. Gymnasium, Electric Baths, Ki.vaior. Palm Garden. I Hamburg do rect. 8.cond cabin only. GiLra'tar, Algiers, Naples, Genoa 8- 8. CINCINNATI Dec 7, 11 A. M. 8. 8. BAMBCBO J"- 8. 8. CINCINNATI '..Jan. 25 WW EFFECTIVE FROM OCTOBER 29, 1911 Steamship Prince Rupert Lavem Seattlts Waablnrtom, 12:00 O'CLOCK MIDNIGHT FOR , Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Rupert, B. C. . 'w'lth "9. s. PRINCE JOHN," Wednesday. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus d Profits- $900,000.00 OFFICERS: C. A INS WORTH. President. V H. W. SCHMEER. Cashier. R. L.EA BARNES) Vlce-Presldeat. A. H. WRIGHT. Aaalatant Caabler. W. A. HOLT, Aaalataat Cashier. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES lumbermens National Bank CAPITAL $1,000,000 4 per cent on sailings LADD k TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital- Stock Surplus and Undivided Profits Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' cheeks issued, availi oble in all 'parts of the world. Corner Washington and Third Streets. THERE are times when nearly every business . house finds it. necessary to call on a bank for assistance in order to take advantage of trade discounts. It is then that a good credit standing and dealing with a strong bank are .helpful. This bank takes a personal interest in the sue cess of its patrons. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Founded in 1886 Washington at Second 4 Paid on Time Deposits First National Bank Capital $1,500,003 Surplus .750,000 Oldest National Rocky WILLS Every man and woman should make a will, and the advan tages of a Trust Company acting as Executor or Trustee will be generally conceded. WILLS may be drawn and filed with this company, which is authorized under the state banking law to act as Administrator. Security Savings & Trust Company Portland, Oregon. ' Capital $1,000,000. Surplus, ?400,000 The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED 1807. Bead Offlee tmomtv, Cam da. Hw York 16 Exchange PUca. Londoa 3 Lombard Street. Over two hundred other branches In the United States and Canada, ir, Jar. taken ol-collection. 1raf t on all foreign countries and prln Spalnie. ''In United Statea and Canada bouglH and sold, and a Keneral banking business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposlta. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS V. C. MALPAS, Manager. TRAVELERS' 6U1PE. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER. Sail, from Alnawortli Dock. Portland. 1 P. at., vrr Tudajr. Freight recelvad at Ainiworth Dock dally JP toft P. M. P" nsr tar, flrat-claaa. 110; aocond-claaa. V. UcludlD. meal, aad brtli Tlckjt ottloj AlU'orth Dook. faaum Ataia -. t4 XiV. A UM OREGON Corner Fifth and Stark $1,(100,000.00 800,000.00 Bank West of the Mountains TRAVELERS' GUIDE. NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT 6ERVIC& Low Rates. Schedul Timav AMERICAN - HAWAIIAN S. S. COk Z1A ttallwajr EUeluinsa Hlna . Po.Uaa Oa Mala CS7S, i