TITE MORNING OREOOXIAN'. TDXESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1911. 13 LUMBER E XPORTER MUST PAY ADVANCE Shipments to Orient in Future Will Jump From S1 to $2.50 Tariff. RATES EFFECTIVE AT ONCE rtrrt Ix of L-ombe-r Will More rmm Portland In PfCfraVr Vn der w Cnarres Knmerkj Gets Away Vnder Old Hates. UtDbw exporters most pay an ad venes of from II to IS 5 on lumber shipped to the Orient, accordlnsr to an nouncement made yest-rdvv by Stutter Co.. aerenta for Frank Waterhouao To., who received Instructions from the head office at Seattle that the Trans Pacific Freight Pumu hid agreed to Increase the tariff to Japanese ports to It and to Honrkon and Manila to IJ. The rate has been from I 50 to .7. While the new rharprea become effec tive at once the Brat lot of lumber to move from Portland under them will be In TVecember. The steamer Kumerlc, due to eal 1 the latter part of the month will hare about SOO.OoO feet, but eras contracted for previously. It bas been known for several months lhat the various lines hnldlna; mem berahlD In the Trans-Pacific Frelaht Bureau were considering ralslr.rr tha lumber tariffs, as It has been the con tention that became of loadtne- rharaes. lost etoarea-e and other expense of handling tha shipments there was no nroflt In the business. Juch of the trada this season with the Far East has been cared lor on liners, as parcels have been exported lare-elv and at rates almost as favor able as though tramp steamers had been taken. It la estimated that If tramp tonnasrs as available now with a capacity of about S.SOO.000 feet, lumber could bs delivered on tha other side at from M to 50 and the steamship In terests expect that when freights de- I'itna with the arrival of more Idle tram pa that exportera will charter rather than pay what tha liners de ma nd. The Kumerlc Is due here Monday, as she arrived at Victoria Thursday. On her manifest It Is shown that she has a few hundred tuns of cara-o for Port land, consignments from Manila con sisting: of tapioca, hemp and cigars. while from Hongkong is suitar. nutoll, Chinese merchandise, bean oil. bamboo baskets and brassware. Yokohoma shipments Include dried seaweed, veg etables. wood.-nwaro. toys, fancy goods, sake, canned a-ooda. porcelain, pro visions, tea. curios. Illy bulbs and fish. - PILOTS MAY nn PROSECUTED Commissioners AVould Require All to Have Slate Licenses). ASTORIA. Or, Xor. 14. (Special.) The regular monthly meeting of tha Stata B'-tard of Pilot Commissioners was held this afternoon and tha bar branch held hy t'aptatn lieorgo W. . Wood was irenewed. Tlis Board also discussed the advisability of prcsecut i Ing under the state law men piloting on tha bar and river without stata licenses. While no decision waa reached today, members of the Board say they will probably make arrests soon and test Ihe law. The libel against tha San Francisco tug Dauntless was released today un der a bond furnished by tha ownera. The libel was under a suit brought by the Hammond Lumber Company to re rover i;i.I4!0 for the lots of a pil ing raft wrecked on Peacock Spit last Septem ber. Tha Port of Astoria Commission at Ita meeting today passed an ordinance creating the office of harbormaster, formally appointing Captain James Keating to the position and fixing a fine of from 110 to 1300 or Imprison ment from two to days for violat ing the harbor rules precrlbed by tba Commission. The ordinance further provides that the harbormaster may arrest without a warrant when tha harbor rules are violated In his presence, but that In other Instances he must have a war rant. The Commission made a special tax levy of one-fourth mill on tha 1911 tax roll. Tha liar tug Wallula departed to night for Portland to be overhauled and to have a wlrrlcvs plant Installed. STORM WORST SEEN VET Klamath I'naMe to Ones In Sunday Ovtln? to Gale. ' In characterising tha storm of tha last few days off tha Columbia River as the worst he ever saw on the Coast, captain Jahnsen. master .of the steam- er Klamath, which discharged 5an Kranctsv cargo here yesterday and lft last right for Puret Sound, eaya that on his way from the Ooldrn Oate It encountered wt-ather of four sea sons. leaving San Frar.cleco ths Klamath was In te path of northwest winds, but thev died down before reaching Cape Blanco and until that promontory eras rassed she was In calms. Then tro southerly blow was met with and off Coos Far snow iua:is were experi enced. On arriving off tha river Sun riav Captain Jahnsen says tha seas were unusua'.lv heavy and as the weather was thick at times he decided not to attempt to enter. He says that had he not had a cargo of cement aboard and there wee '.ar.rer of damaging tha hatches should a sea be shipped broad side, r.e would have steamed In. b-.tt be remained outside until Monday and .Mer getting Into tl:e river warned 'ther essi not to leave. The Kiam atu and Yoaemlte Carre In about tha same time and the latter took a sea that went over her house. THIRD CARRIER IS DAMAGED OIon Mahonej'a Fleet Strong' Represented In Disasters. Superstitious mariners hare realised the t;:lr1 d'.a.r that ao many aver mist follow when ore iM? meets trou ble, for the abandonment of the schoon er William Nott:r.giam was followed by the nerve-racking experience of pas eengera and crew on the steamer Washington with considerable damage to the vessel a while early yester day the steamer Westerner was listed as tl.e third v.-t!m wr-n she was cut no on the starl-otrd t-.nt amll- up, by the iti-4:i.r W. s. porter, of Ihe Associated lilt f,.tr.irr,i fleet. The ao idert occurred at IM'lar Hock. 14 irt'lee above Astorta on tl.e Columbia. Olson M.ihony are having their shara of trouble on tha same svore. aa ik steamer Aurella was recently dam- aced on Clatsop Fplt. ths steamer Sar- J Inew struck on Orford Reef and was Into Com Bay. then followed th Wasnlna-ton and now the Westerner. The Aurella and Sanlnaw were repaired here and now It appear ae thouah the others will also be made shlpahaps aa-aln at local plants. STTRAXDED VESSEL floated SLreon Schooner Sam peon Saved br Tide Another Boat Ashore. BEIXXNOHAM. Wash, Nor. 14 Tha steamer Utopia, arriving this after noon from Blaine, reports that tba steam schooner Sampson, which went ashore IS mines west of this city In last night's gale, was' floated at noon today. The Sampson waa llttla Injured. Fhe la engaged In carrying cool from tha Vancouver Island mines to Puget Sound ports. Incoming steamers report a steam schooner ashore on the southwest coast of Lumrr.l Peninsula. 15 mllee west of this city and across tha neck of land separating Belllnghatn Bay from the Gulf of Georgia. A small steamer Is reported to be standing by the strand ed vessel. All wires leading through rrxAXEji crrxixiaKXcm as so Antra. Proa Date ..San Franclsrtln port ...Hen Frmndse.ln purl MDi'.. In Por ..free Pdr...ln port .. Haridon Nov. IS ..Tillamook... Nov. la . . Fan Krcncla; Nov. 1 ' a. IllsmooK. .. . Nov. 15 ...Coos Bar. .. Nov. 19 ..Faa Pedro. .. Nov. 1 Kama Tosmue. . . . Carlos. ..... Roa-ioke. ... Pis City. ... Tillamook. .. Ooldvff Oate. Fa. cos Sue H. Elinors rir.akwalr. . F.avcr Ceo w Elder Kumerlc. .. . Al-laaca lam "li.ar. . Far HI.XO... Nov. 19 . Manila Nov. .. Curek Nor. 22 . .Bandin. ..... Nov. 2 .tu rears. .. Nov. 24 tofceealed to Depart, Nasne T- lltnk. ..... Tillamook. .. . riold.n Oats. . Tosemlte. . . .. Km City. ... . Carlo Fa cen Brak"str. .. For , San Diego... Par.don Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. -Nov. IS IT IT IT 1 1 1 21 22 21 24 24 24 2K SO . Tll.anio . . . Pan Pedro... Fen Peer .San Franelsci . Fan Franctsce .Coo Par Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Ceo. W. Elder. .Fan Dlero. .. . Feaver. . . F1 Pedr. f ae H. Klmore. , Tillamook.... . Fureka. ..... .Faaoon. . .... Fan Hedro. .. Manila Alliance. abv:i..., Il-ar. Kumerle the Lumml Reservation are down and ao detalla can be secured. Marine Notes. Captain MacKay. master of tha Brit' Ish steamer Srrathearn. which la dls charging Newcaatle coal at the Pacific Coast bunkers. Is convinced of the growth of Portland since his visit six years ago In the British steamer Ard mount. aa at that time he formed an Intimate acquaintance with a Mr. Klrk- wood. whose Initials he does not re member and alnce his arrival he has been unable to locate him. Mr. Klrk wood visited Captain MacKavs home In Scotland two years ago. The steamer Is expected to be discharged about No vember 23. when she will go on dry- dock. Chairman Mulkey. of the Commis sion of Public Docks, has forwarded for the edification of New Tork attor neys paaalng on tha bond Issue of $50, 0t0 recently awarded the Portland Trust Company, certified copies of the oath of office of Mayor Rushlight and all members of the Council, besides of the result of tha election at which the dock bonds were authorised and Infor mation on tha Initiative and referen dum. It Is hoped that In a few days word will be received that tha bonds are legal, aa tha Commission Is anxious to start work. Captala Barath. of the French bark Jotnvllla. arriving ' yesterday from 'Bristol via Cherbourg and Hob art. aays that the voyage waa a fair ona and that no unuaually bad weather waa en countered. The vessel Is discharging lOvo tons of ballast at Linnton and will be ready for wheat next week. From North Head It waa reported last evening that a bark was standing in. which Is believed to ba either tha French bark Bretaxne. which sailed from Shields June 15 and from IIo bart September 14, or the Krench bark Col. de Vlllebols Mareull, which left Shields. June 21. L W. W. Broan. local agent for tha Olson A Mahony Steamahlp Company. waa advised yesterday that Mr. Olson had departed from an Francisco by rail and would reach Portland today on business connected with tha acci dents to tha ateamera Washington and Westerner. Entries at tha Custom-House yes terday were the French bark Jolnvllle, from Brtatol; steamer Yosemlte, from San Pedro, and the steamer Break water, from Coos Bay. The Yosemlte cleared for the return with S20.000 feet of lumber, tha Alliance for Coos Bay and Kureka, and tha Breakwater for Coos Bay. Friends of Captain Macgenn. of the steamer Breakwater, which aalled last night fur Cooa Bay. congratulated him during his stay here this time on his election as a Lieutenant In the Marsh field division of the Oregon Naval Militia. Captain Macgenn had drilled the membera there frequently In sea manship and other work. Superintendent Campion, of tha Port of Portland towage and pilotage serv ice, yesterday ordered that the tug Wallula proceed here to have her ma chinery overhauled and she will arrive today. Tha tug Is expected to return to Astoria this week. Inspector Beck, of the Seventeenth Lighthouse Dlatrlct. telegraphed tha master of tha tender Heather, which lias been held at Cooa Bay several days waiting a favorable opportunity to es tablish buoys, to proceed to Astoria, as repairs are to ba made to tha derrick of the tender Manzanlta and tha Heath er la to stand by for emergency duties. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. N'jv. 14. Arrived French bark Jolnvllle "n I'herDOUrx: steamer Kim City. frim s.n Ivdro and Jan Kran c.-o; steamer Northland, from San Fran cisco. r; ie-1 e:eamer tsreakaater. Tor Coo Ray: steamer A.llanc. tor Coos Bay nnd Eureka, ateamer tu K. Elmore, for TUiamovk. steamer Klamath, for Puirt hound. UMlnir 1 amaiiiela, for baa Fran- bii-a Aefirla, Nov. 14. -Condition at th mouth of in river at 5 P. M., moderate; wind .uth 12 mllea; wtarher cloudy. Arrived at ar.d left up at l . A. M. (ttaamer Ho i :iv. from m& t'euro and Hn r ranclnco. A-rlve-1 at 7 A. M. steamer Aurella. from r-an Pedro. Salied at 7 A. M. Steamers l.e-rra and J. A. Chan.lor. for Monterey; r.teamer Pear, for !n Franctsc and San I'e.iro. failed at S' A. M. Xteamar Ho- quiittt. for ran Kranclsco. Salied at S.aO aa. fite.mer wa.ntenaw. for Port San Luis Arrived at a and left up at t 3 A. M. learner ortpiand. rrotn fan rranclaco. Sailed at A. M. Stamer Tlvrton, for I'.Tt Garr.Me; steamer shothon. for San Pe.!ro. Sailed at In A. M. Steamer tV. S. P..rt. r. f r sn F-ar c ;-cv S'-amer w. s. Porter C"Uld-d with learner Westerner laat blaht n-ar lirookf!.:d. Westerner sunk. fan Krencico. v. U, Arrived at A. M. steamer Catania; at S A. M Steamer Johan P'UlKll. from PortUrd. Salied last bicltt Steamer Fal'-on. for Portland. fan r-an. I.CO, nt. a. Arrlv ed steam- era ynpoa. Tahiti. . Wilrrwlmlna. from Honolula. atanl. Jo Kan Pouln. from Aetorla. Salied Steamer Director, for Vic toria; vlralnian. Newhure. fr r.nvi Har bor: ship Ernet flevr. for Quntow-n. Ade:ai(Te, Nov. it. Arrive.!. itrvloua!v FltzcJarcac. from Tacoma. Wash. Tides a Astoria Wcdeeedsr. Illch. Iw :. . M T feet 2 .14 A. V I I feet Sis V. M. I" fet .1 ..; r M 2.3 tet nnnrooT oil drf.ssixo. The greatest shoa grease made. Pro longs the life of shoes snd renders them absolutelv waterproof. Vso It during rainy weather. At any stars. . ; STOPS WHEAT GL ' ti i a: II I - I I ; r reuiciiuri maue ui iniiiieuae Argentine Crop. PIT TRADERS BEWILDERED Production Estimated at 50,000,000 Bushel Greater Than the Bump er Yield of 1007 Bavin ' Prevents Bad Break. CHICAGO. Nov. 14, Predictions that ths Argentine crop will reach more than 60. 00.i00 bushels In soaa of th bumper yield of 190? bewildered wheat spcuiatora teday and put a atop to an upward move ment ber In the market prica. To close was within a shade either way from last Bigot's flcures. In corn the outoome was a net advance of Itltc to o- Oats fin ish ad unchansed to Vie hlichar and hog products the same as 24 hours previous to IOC biow. Tb basis for raising estimates on the Argentine output waa a belief that the ecrear: had been calculated far too low. al though flaured at an Increase of nearly ona slxth over 1M7. News of this sort seemed to act aa a wet blanket on prospects for a Bt advance In Quotations. Nevertheleas i-scattered eommlsaalon hous buying absorbed all pit ofrrlnga. realatad every raid and brought th market bock from each deohn. One reason was that Winter wheat receipts Southwest wer small, presumably owing to recent wet weather and low prices combined. December flctudated between 24it&2TsO and 3c. with last sales trSH8bHSc, a net gain of a shade. Com developed strength on account ef small receipts and light country offerlnga. December ranged from 4ft1 to elc. dos ing steady. n up to 63 a c Cash grades were firm. No. 2 yellow waa quoted at 73 SO 74c Purchasing by a group of local dealers made a bttr market for oats, denplt fair sales from elevator eourcea. High and low levela touched by the December option proved to be 44C and 4"Hc, with tha cloae 47Sc. Just th sam as last nlsht. With th run of hors West reported near ly a third more plentiful than for the cor responding day a year ago. provisions sAowed a tendency to drop. Tonlsht lard had sunk S to lOc and other producta trailed from laet night's ncures to 71ic decline. Futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Deo. .11 H f ! May i l.O0 July S .t COTOI. Dee. li .tf Mar 4S .s July 44 S .46 OAT3. Dee. 47 .474; May 40V, .10 July 4S - PORK. Jan. 14 ITU lft:H May 14.40 16.6.14 LARD. Jan. t tT.. JO May 47t .u0 RIBS. Jan. I.I7H 1.40 Mar 4.62 S I 27M ft .99 V .44 .9IH . 41 .45 .84 47S . .44 3 .45 H .47V, .50 14.1TU 14.55 14.17H 14.67 i IE 47 4.16 9.47H 4.3714 S.5JU, Cash quotations were as follows Flour J.ulet. ateady. Rve No. I. (iit(lc. Barley Feed to mixing, t .0l1.04; fair to cnoire mailing, si. loyi. zb. Timothy seed (1S.&0 b 15.J5. Clover la.i0O:5. Mrea pork, per bbl (14914.25. I.ard. per loo lb SB.42VS- fhort ribs sides kxse, 14.15, drain statlstcs: Total clearances ef wheat and flour were equal to 219.000 bushels. Primary receipts w.r 704. Oua bushels, compared with 401. 4t0 bushels the corresponding day a year aso. i n worm s visioie supply, a shown by Bradetreet's. increased 7. 476. 004 bushels. Estimated recelpta tor tomorrow! Whaat, SO cars; corn. 100 cars; oata, 19 cars; oofa as.uu ouo. Grain and Produce at New Tork. NEW TORK. Nov. 14. Flour Dull and unchanged. Wheat Spot, steady; No. t red. 97 Ho; elevator export basis, and f. o, b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. 11.11 K f. o. b. afloat. Future market was unsettled with small price changes. Foreign crop news was vary favorabl and prices abroad were lower, but receipts were smaller In the Northwest and offerings w ere limited. Prices closed unchanged to net lower. December closed ist; May. IL04 1-14. Keoelpta. 8 800; hlpmenta. 14.100. Hops Firm. Hides Steady. petroleum Uteady. Wool-MJulet. Caaaagea la Avallabla Bnispllea, NEW TORK. Nov. 14. Special cable and tlgraPhlo information received by Brad street's show the following changes la avail able suppliea aa compared with previous account; Bush els Wheat, United States, east of Rock lea. Increaaed ................. .1.4..000 Canada, increased 4,062,000 Total. United tats and Canada, In creased 8.B75.0O0 Afloat for and In Europ. Increased. 1.500,000 Total American and European sup ply. Increased 7,075,000 Corn. Unltd ritats and Canada, de creased 122,000 Oats. United States snd Canada, de creased 2 T2O.O00 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 14. Wheat De cember, 41-04: May. I1.0SS fJl-OSI. ; July, (1.091a. nominal. Cash No, 1 hard, L05": No. 1 Northern. 11.06 01.06 ; No. t North era. 11.01 Ltl; No. 5 wheat. 98c S 1 OOta. Flaa (1.44 9 Lot. Corn No. 5 yIow, TtO. Oats No. ( whit. 4SH 04(10, Rye No. X, 44 0S4& Urala as Baa Fvanciaoo. SAX (TTtANCISCCk. Nov, 14. Wheat St-ady. 1' arley Firm. Spot quotation: Wheat fthlpplng. SL4TH Cl.62 pr cental. Barley Feed. l.fo per rental; brewing. (22.10. Oata Red. I 75dl 0 Per cental: whit, f 1.7Tb 9 Lt2H: black. Il.65tfl.ld. Callboard sale: Wheat No trading. Barley Lwoember, fLvO per osntal; May, 52.031. Pages Skeaad Orxdw Market TATJMA. Nov. 14. Wheat Blueatem, 8Sc: fortyfldd. Slo; club. 80c: red Russian, 71079a. Receipts: 'Wheat. 71 cars; barley, 1 cars; corn. 1 car; oata, S-cars: hay. 11 cars. SEATTLE. Nov. 14. Wheat Blueatem. (Ic: forty fold. 79Hc; club. 79o; Bfe, 79o; red Russian. 71c Yesterday's car receipts: Wheat, 44; oats. 13; hay, si. European Grain Markets. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 14. Wheat Decem ber. 4s llwd: March. 7a fed; May, 4s lltd. Weather, cloudy. English country markets easy. French oountry markets quiet. RAIL FRANCHISE HELD UP McMlnnrlllo ClUrens Invoke Refer endum on ElectrVo Road. -VMIXNVILLE. Or Nov. 14. (Spe cial.) A referendum ptltlon contain ing the names of mora than tha requisite number of legal voters was filed with City Recorder Chandler to day agaJnst the 60-year franchise re cently granted to the Portland Wast Coaat Railroad at Navigation Company by tha City Council, thus holding up the franchise until the next regular city election, November 5. 1912. unless a apeclal election ehall be held before. Th franchise gives the Portland West Coast Hallrood Navigation Company, an electric railroad, the tight to enter the city from the aouth In St. John street and proceed along E street through tha center of the city. Soma of tha residents cf that street, while HIGH-O-ME f That' the Proper Way to Pronounce Hyomei, the Famous Catarrh Rem-vj edy Made from Australian tu calyptus and Other Antisep tics. Just Breathe It If you will use a common sens method, getting rid of catarrh to eaay. Germs cause catarrh, you know that and you also know that In order to end catarrh you must destroy the germs. In every HYOMEI outfit which la sold by druggists everywhere there Is a little bottle of antiseptic liquid that will kill catarrh germs. Pour a few drops of thtsllquld Into the little hard rubber Inhaler which comes with the outfit and breathe this now antlaeptlo vaporised air ovet, ths roembrano- of tha nose and! throat, in fected with catarrh germs. It's pleaaant. soothing and healing: Is this vaporized air and It Is really ths .nl e m,Hv known that can reach and kill catarrh germs. Complete outfit J ( 1.00. It Is guaranteed not to contain cocaine, opium, or other habit form ing 'drugs. Booth's Hyomei Co., Buf falo. N. T. not antagonists to ths railroad, would. prefer that It take a different route, hence the filing of ths referendum. Tha Oregon Electrlo holds a franchise on a parallel street two blocks to tha west, and tha Southern Pacific runs parallel to tha proposed new railroad three blocks "to tha East, making the present route the only available ona through the business district. Sentiment generally favors granting the franchise, and It Is pretty certain that when tha matter comes to a vote the action of the Council will be sus tained. Tha route that the new road will take leads past the two leading hotels snd .the county building, then out .through a residence district. ONLY CATTLE ARE SOLD XO TRADrXQ IN OTHER XjIXES AT STOCKYARDS. Steers Sell Vp to $5.65 and Top Cows Bring $4.85 Choice Calves at $7.50. There was a fair supply of livestock of all kinds at th yards yesterday and a good general demand. Sales were within th former range of prices, but all th trading wee In cattle. Htetrs moved at IS to (3.65 and cows at (4 to I4.&S. Calves brought from (5.W to (7. DO. Hecelpts yesterday were 281 cattle, 23 calves. 275 sheep. C.4 hogs and 17 horses. Shippers were O. J. Dixon by boat, 275 sheep: Meeks A Joplln. East Portland, 1 car of horsea and mules; C C. Clark A Son, .Arlington. 1 car of cattle, calves and hogs; fsl Uarnard. Condon. 1 car of cattle and calves; H. 8. Neal, Condon and Heppner. 5 cars of cattle; J. C. Eonersan A Co.. Border, Wyo.. 1 car of cattle; C. M. Mum ford. Border. 2 cars of cattle, and Mumford Brothera, Border, 1 car of cattle. The days' sales wr as follows: Weight. Price. 28 oows 9I8 $4.40 1 bull l'-'lu 4.-5 2 calves "0 5.50 1 calf 470 6.50 5 calves Si1- 6.50 1 cow 070 4.0O 1 cows 10S1 I 4.73 2 cows 11S2 4.60 1 bull ll' 4.50 2T cows 4.00 1 cow .....1100 4.00 4 steers 10-3 5 01 15 steers .............. .1065 5.63 6 cows lo 4.75 1 cow .... 110 4.50 2 cows 95 4.73 24 steers 10S!) 5.03 22 steers ........ .1 122 5.10 2T steers 12)37 5.25 27 cows 1011 ' 4.80 1 cow I2''.o 4.n0 24 cows 106 4.63 if cows 1015 4.S5 16 cows ............1010 4.65 5 cows .....,...,...... yoj 4.73 8 cows ....102 4.25 l cow mo s.oo 9 steers 827 5.00 1 steer 820 4-25 2 calves 170 . 7 60 1 calf 320 6 50 1 bull 1S110 4 35 bulls 1310 4.35 Prices quoted at the Portland Union Ptockyards for the various classes of stock were: Cattle Choice steers ...15.455.63 tiood to choice steers. 5.309 5.43 pair to good steers ....... . . . . b.lTi'a 5.30 Choice cows 4.50 9 4.63 Pair to good oows. ......... .... 4.000 45 Common cows 2. GO a 3.50 Kxtra choice spayed htfrs 4.7 5.00 ('hole heifers . 4.50-0 4.60 Chclc bulls 4.25 -if 4.50 Good to cholc bulls 4.0O'? 4.25 Common bulls 2 "" X 2.50 Cholc calves 7.25 T.50 Good to choice calves 7.0" 7.13 Common calves 4.00' 5.00 Choice stses eon's 475 Good to choice stags. ........... 4.23$ 4.50 Hous ebote light bogs 6.7 -J 6 5 Good to cholc hogs. 0.5O? 6.75 Fair to good hogs 6.25 l 8.30 Common hogs 5.009 6.23 ChoiIyearUngs wethers, coarse wool 3.75 0 4.00 Choice yearling wethers, east of mountains 3. 40'? S.60 Cholc twos snd threes .1.20'? 8.33 Cholc mountain lambs 4.65$ 4.60 0" ri cif1c- lsmb!! 4.00- 4.23 MTMEM Women who bear children and remain healthy are those who pre pare their systems in advance of baby's coming. Unless the mother aids nature in ita pre-natal work the crisis finds her system unequal to the demands made upon it. and Ehe is often left with weakened health or chronic ailments. No remedy is so truly a help to nature as Mother's Friend, and no ex pectant mother should fail to use it. It relieves the pain and dis comfort caused by the strain on the ligaments, makes pliant and elastic those fibres and muscles which nature is expanding, prevents numb ness of limbs, and soothes the in flammation of breast glands. The system being thus prepared by Mother's Friend dispels the fear that the crisis may not be 6afely met. Mother's Friend assures a speedy and complete recovery for the mother, and she is left a healthy woman to enjoy the rearing of her child. Mothers Friend is sold Ri Dew JLA VASIj V VSX V, Write for our free book for expectant mothers which contains much valuable information, and many suggestions of a helpful na ture. CHAD FIELD REGULATOR CO, Atlanta, Ga. MEN CURED WHEN OTHERS FAIL Call and let us give yon a careful, painstaking examination absolutely free. Our opinion and advice will coat you nothing. Perhaps a little advice Is all yon need. X Ray examinations, when necessary, free. No money re quired to commence treatment Ycu Can Fay Fee Wfisn Cored During our many years of active practice in MEN'S AILMENTS In Portland some unscrupulous so-called specialists have invaded the city and tried to steal our methods and advertisements, but not being able to steal our brains they were not able to succeed in their dishonest ways: so do not be misled by them, but come to us, the oldest estab lished SPECIALISTS for MEN In ths city, who guarantee cures, or make no charge for their aervicea. Resaesaber, we have beea here for years, are permanently located. Incorporated and licensed nnder the laws of Oregon to conduct and operate a Medical Institute, Sanitarium and Hoapltal for the treatment of Mess Ailments, Von take no risk when yon treat with na. We are here to stay, aid for all time, and yon will alwaya know where to find na. We are not here today and gone tomorrow. Oar etaff of physicians are graduates from the leading eollegea In the I nlted States, and have been tn netlve practice from 15 to 2S yestrs, and are dnly qualified and licensed to prnctlce medicine nnd surgery In this and several states. In vestigate our records and standing and compare them with the other so-called speclallata who have only been In onr city a few weeks or months, and who have copied onr announcements, which the newspapers) records will show. Beware Investigate! Men, if afflicted or In trou ble, call and have a friendly talk) It will cost yon nothing. We will be your friend aa well aa your physician and will advleo you eandIdlyB honestly and conscientiously. Call today. UobM delay or neglect your sell, , We Treat Men Only Cures Guaranteed Specific Blood Poison Cured in One Treatment BY PROP, EHRI.ICH'S CRT AND BLESSI.VO COVERT We Cure Weak Nerves also known as Nervous Debility, Ne'rvo - Vital Debility, Neurasthenia, eta If you have any evmptoma of this ailment, such as loss of energy or ambition, vitality, easily fatigued, dull, listless feeling, nervousness and other symptoms, we want you to be sure and call. We have given this condition of men special study arid wo unhesitatingly say that our treatment Is not excelled by any other specialists regardless of what they may claim. We know what we have accomplished in even the most severs cases, and there Is no reason to believe we cannot curs YOU also. We Cure Bladder and Kidney Troubles Varicose Veins, Rupture, Piles and Fistula Ws are specialists and are prepared to give you quick relief and a speedy cure. MEW, IF IW TROUBLE, CONSULT ITS TODAT. If yon cannot call, write for free book and self -examination blank. Many cases cured at home. Hours A. M. to 8 P. M.; Sundays, 10 to 12. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE MORRISON ST, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH, PORTLAND, OR. gu!!r:frr.::::::::::::::::::: IKS Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Nov. 14. Cattl Receipts, es timated. 1O.0OO: market, steady to 10c lower Beeves, 14.8388.H; Texas steers. S4S5.80. Western steers, 4.357.20: stockers and feeders. JUS 5.70; cows and hellers. e20o-ao; calves, f 3.509 8. , , Hogs Receipts, estimated. 83,000: mar ket So to 10c lower. Light. $5.7S.0: mlied, I.-..95 56.55; heavy. $966.55; rough, fi 1)50 8 20; good to choice heavy, .20 6.55: pigs, 3.8535.10; bulk of sales, 1.6.25 6 sheep Receipts, estimated. 42.000; mar ket slow to 10c to 15c lower. Native, $2.50 ei'.OO: Western. I2.65 8 8.M; yearlings. $3.23 5 5; lambs, native, $3.766.2o; Western. 3.756. Hubbard Rancher Is Killed. AURORA, Ori, Nov. 14. (Special.) E. N. Turnbull. rancher of Hubbard, was instantly killed today by a pre mature blast of a charge of blasting powder while clearing land. His head was blown open and death followed Immediately. His wife Is also In a critical condition as a result of the shock given by the news. A VALUABLE SUGGESTION IIBPMUKI 10 EVEBTOKE It la now conceded by physicians that ths - kidneys should have more atten tion as they control the other organs to a remarkable degree and do a tre mendous amount of work In removing the poisons and waste matter from the system by filtering the blood. During the winter months especially, when we live an indoor life, the kidneys should recelvs some assistance when needed, as ws take less exercise, drink less water and often eat more rich heavy food, thereby forcing the kidneys to do more work than Nature Intended. Evidence of kidney trouble, such as lams back. Inability to hold urine, smarting or burning, brick-dust or sediment, sallow complexion, rheuma tism, may be weak or Irregular heart action, warns you that your kidneys re quire help immediatelytq avoid mors serious trouble. An herbal medicine containing no minerals or opiates has ths most heal ing lnfluenee. An Ideal herbal com pound that has had most remarkabla success as a kidney and bladder rem edy Is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. Tou may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by mall, absolutely free. Address Dr. Kilmer Co.. Binghamton, N. T.. and mention The Portland Dally Oregonlan. l THIS i DR. GREEK SYSTEM OP MAN BUILDING We cure qnlcHy and permanently all curable ra of VARICOSE VEINH. srlthont severe surgical .peratlonsr SFE(TFIC BLOOD POI OV without Injurious drugs; 606 skillfully administered If pre perreri) 1 NKKVO-VITAt DEBIXITY without stimulstlve remedies; BLADDER and KIDNEY troubles: I'lLtS and all BECTAX, ailments of YOUR PROTECTION Our offer PAT WHEN SATIS PIED la your ab- o 1 u t a protection. Consultation, exam ination and diag nosis free. TV'hat you want 1 a cur. Come to as and get It. Once under pur treatment, you will quickly realise how simple a thin It Is to ret well in the bands of a special ist who knows his business.' Our cures add not only years to Hfe, but life to I yea rs. O f floe h ours dally. to ft. Even Inns. 7 to Sun- das, 10 to L , DR. GREEN CO. SS3 Washington 8r Portland, Or, MEX AT WOaCEX CUBED From herbs and roots. Cure Cancer, nervousness, catarrh, asthma. coughs, la grippe, lung, liver, throat, kidney and stomach troublea. No opera tions. We cure when others fall. Consultation free. Write for symptom blank. Office hours 10 A. M. to D P. M.; all dav Sund&va. L.adv attendant. LEE HO.NG CHlVESE KERB COMPANY. 142H Second ht., Portland, 0r. It f The Chinese Doctor. mm -V .' j - a-s-.. - GREAT DI9- II ZffZ ' TO MA.VK1.D UO Listen To Me I am a duly qualified phy sician and sur geon. I have had 80 years' expo rience in my par tlcular specialty. Disorders of Men I do not curs all ailments, but cure all I take. There Is no delay. You are benefited at once. The spark of. life la soon revived and quickened. Onco more hops Is re kindled and life becomes bright again. - . I Cure Men Quickly with Blood Aliments, Nervous De cline, Varicose Veins, Piles. Rup ture, Kidney, Bladder and all ail ments peculiar to men. Do not let money matters keep you away, as my charges are so low as to be within the reach of all. GOOD HOXEST WORK and a SQUARE! DEAL Is what you want. Consul tation and examination free. Call now or write. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Special let. Corner Alder and Second streets. Entrance 128H Second street. Port land, Or. Office hours 9 A. II. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. CHINESE HERBS IN GREAT DEMAND Taken In Hot Water They Prove Quick Cures for Moat Ailments. F7 SI e ,Vi. ' ' Formerly a doctor of high standing In China, C Gee Wo from his many years or research has learned the peculiar properties of hundreds of different barks, buds, roots and herbs. Their action on the human system In most esses of sickness Is noticeably beneficial al most at the first few doses. They are non poisonous, and In the hot water are easily assimilated by the system where they act on th aat of th trouble. If you have been sick for some time ana find medicines of no help, call and secure some cf Nature s Intended remedies from the C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. CO-SCXTATIOX FREE. If you are sick and live out of town, send 4 cents In stamps and secure a symptom blank. Proper remedies can then be secured on return of It. Open Evenings and Sundays. The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 102H FIRST ST, COR. MORRISON, Portland, Oregon. - MEN r . m r Gee tv,3 Gee Wo iOc -Wo - h.-tjtif -a f ay Borofeff foihsassf m fx safe and simple remedy for BromdutiM. Ulmrk. Hajtmr Vai f (T U.4 iQflAnunatlons, Irritations gloss I t mJ f tlonf of ALL mnoous membranes I I or llalnffs of the sose. throat, I Zj I atomaoh or other organs, T DKUOOISTS St fcP Wht net cur ynrxlf mm rT ' A Tieatlaswltbeaehbotu I I or mailed, ao request. J V TW Ftsb Qaral Ca. J - --J DR. A. G. SMITH, . The Ire-adlsia: Specialist. I sua a reartsteivd and licensed physician, confining; my special practice te the ailments of MEN. I have more money Invested In my establishment than all other Port land specialists combined I see and treat my patients per sonally. All men should know who the doctor is they consult. I use my photograph so that when you come to see me personally you will recog nize me. Investigate my personal standing before accepting treatment from a doctor of unknown Identity or reputation. Are You being; treated tn a satisfactory man ner by your present doctor? Is he carrying- out nls promises? Has ho cured you In a reasonable time, and lived up to his guarantee? Are you paying him exorbitant prices for medicine? Does he employ thorough ly up-to-date and scientific methods, which would be approved by the reg ular family doctor? If you cannot answer these questions favorably to yourself, come and have a confiden tial talk with me about your case. It will oost you nothing. Cured in S Days No Detention From Occupation, Family or Home, NO SEVERE OPBKAT ION& MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE T R E A T M E N T. MOST TIME - SAVING, MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT. WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. FKEB COlTBTTIyTATIOIV. I Invite you to coma to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Ailments, Piles, Fis tula, Bladder, Kidney and all Men's ailments, and grlva you FREE a physical examination; if necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions, to determine patho logical and bacteriological o o n d 1 tlons. Every person should take ad vantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A permanent cure Is what you want. My offices are open all day from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. and Sundays from 10 to 1. A. G. Smith, M. D. 2343ft Morrison St Corner 2d Portland Orearon. DR. KEEFE CURES Nerve, Blood and Skin Disease Specialist Consultation and Examination Free, 113V4 WASHINGTON ST COR. 6th, Portland, Or. DR. KEEFB Guar, a n t e e a to Cure VARICOSE VEINS, BLADDER TROU BLES, BLOOD AND SKIN AILMENTS, NERVOUS DEBIL ITY, PILES. BLOOD POISON "0a" Ad ministered), AND ALL AILMENTS COMMON TO MEN. Treatment person al. Advice confi dential. "NOT DOLLAR NEED BB PAXD L'NLESS CURED." 8 to S, 7 to 8 Dnllyi Sunday, 10 to 1 Legally Qualified In Orearora and Other States. I Cure Men IS MY FEE Pay Whan Cared Gen end Debility, Weak Nerves, In somnia Results of s x p o s u r e, overwork, etc Ail ments of Bladder and Kidneys, Varicose Veins, qntclcly and per manently cured at small expense. I cure such ailments as Varlcoss Veins, Plies Speclfio Blood Poison, etc., o o m p 1 etely and permanently, often with only a single treatment. Office hours A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO. Washing-ton St, Corner First, Portland, Oresron. Men and Women CURED The Well-Known S.K.Chan s. k. vaan Chinese Medical Co, Mra. cban DRS. S. K. CHAN, with their Chinese medicines of herbs and roots, cure won derfully. They have cured many suf ferers when all other remedies have failed. Sure cure for both internal and external sickness and a 1 1 chronic aliments. Their remeuifcs are harm less and give quick results. No opera lions. Consultation free. Examinations for ladies by Mrs. Chan. Call or write for symptom blank to'S. K. CHtV CHI NESE MEDICINE CO., 2281.4 Morrison st between 1st and 2d, Portlnnd, Or. OUR CURES M avfaatar hV tha TH Of j roots and herbs. No opera- Edi tions, no poisonous drugs. We have made a life study In this Hne and you will re t reive the benefit of our re search. Hen and women v.t cured of private ailments. v N e r o u meis, rheumatism, ; uthmtv. nneumonla. blood ft. - V poison, lung trouble mod dls- eases ox au aiuum, vuuiui tatlon FREE- THE HI NO WO CHXVESE MKDiClM. CO leoirfa Bornaoa at, jroruaam w MEN