TITO MOUNTING OTCEOOXIAX. WEDXESDAY, XOTE3rBKR 13, 1911. 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OBXOOXIAX T-ELTJHOEA. PTtailr-a-ronrB stam to- uat. stasias' AJTCBEMKXT. BrtLJO THIiTCT lf.oth en TMW H. B. VI arn.r and eotrpanr Jlaar Vaianuaa," SpcJl malic .; uolsrit at S.l 'OlOCA. Eakkk THrTEn iri.T.nra asa J'JT'1" lost frsna;: aad Kamon svhlie- r In ! Third Dr"" EpMlai saal lna at t.lft. wu:tlt at t.li. CKPHElst THEATER (Xarrlm W bum and s...ntt vaud.vUl. Tola alt rnoon at and to&icat at Fi.NIiOES THEATER itonrti aad itartO audr.:. ibj attsrsooa ac 114; t a'aht at J JO ted a. tXKHlsj T H E a I tR Park aad Wasutns toa Yaud. ;.. Tbl. a'taraeoa a4 S:ll aad tocl.ht at Trso and a. TAR. ARCADE. OH Jor. ODEOK. TTVtV U first-run plclursa. 11 A. H, 11 F. L MAjEaTIU THEATtK ParK aad Wa.h lacioa) Mauga utctar aad aauace4 au4.U... U a. M. la U T. at. Pvssi Clubs to Attxxd ImimuL Emmo. Tha pusb clubs wlU assist la making a success of tiia annual In dustrial exposition, which will cotn . manoa in lb. O pay Emits tabsrnacle lmbr 1. undo- tha auspices of tha Portland Hetatl Crocara it Merchants Association and the Oregon Retail Mer cnants" Association. Secretary John E. Mailer naa sent communlcatlona to tha various ciuba la which It Is aet forth that tha object of tha exhibition la to advertise Oregon-made goods. Nights will ba aet apart for tha several clubs to attend and will be designated ic rording to the cluba which take part. Tha Kast Side Business Men's Club, the United Improvement Clubs Association and the Lower AJbtna Improvement Club hare accepted and will be given special nig Pita. OmMi o Schoouiocss Brrsj Bictntrtx Options on two sites for a school house In North Montavllla have been secured. One Is on block 10 In Cain ertne AdUltlon. and the other Is on Mock 63 In the Jonesmore Addition. These blocks each contain nearly three acres" and will cost from 16000 to 17000 each. Both are north of East Cllsan street and about a quarter of a mile apart. Purchase of one of the sites will be considered at the meeting of the Board of Education next Krldsy night, when a committee from the Montavllla Board of Trade will be pres ent to time the need of a scboolhouse In North Montavllla. There Is a con troversy In the neighborhood over the location, which the Board of Education will have to settle. Market Pun Comrmi to Rd roBT. L M. Lepper. of the East Side market place committee, said yesterday that his committee Is ready to re port on location on the East Aids as soon as the building Inspector Is ready with his data concerning market build ings. Mr. Lepper said that the In spector la gathering data aa faat as possible and probably would be ready to report this week when the whole committee will be called together and a full statement will then be sub mitted. There Is no Intention to either drop or delay the market place move ment. so the chairman says, only It takes a little time to gather the data together. Ar AoarmABiJi surprise to yonr mother, wife or sister, an order on Ourney. the ladles tailor for a made-to-order suit or coat. Prices now re duced. In previous years I have dis posed of my surplus stock at auction. This year I have decided to give my customers the advantage of a reduc tion. Prlrea for the past nine yeara tit and up. now 9S. the price formerly charged for making when all materials were furnished. If order Is placed now while the reduced prices are In force, garment will be delivered daring the holidays or to suit your convenience. Kdmund Uurney. ladles' tailor. Mohawk bMtr . Third and Morrison. Attormt OtAJtors Emma. J. XX Mann, attorney for 8am Kraaner. a North End saloonkeeper Indicted on a charge of accepting the earnlnga of a woman, la seeking to quash the Indict ments against his client on technical grounds. Mr. Mann yesterday filed m-lth the County Clerk a demurrer In which he asserts that the Indictments will not hold because the name of H. Cohen, who was subpenaed as a witness before the graad Jury in the case, was not Included In the list which is always put at the bottom of the paper on which an Indictment la written.- The Tie.tlon will come before Presiding Jutge Oatens. V. M. C. A. TiRg-roas MoT. Direc tors of the Portland Young Men's Christian Association held their most largely attended meeting of the pres ent year yesterday afternoon. Satis factory reports of progress were sub mitted by all departments, and special reports were made on the activity of the association along special lines, such as Its connection with the present tlipy Smih meetings and the coming sessions cf the "Men and Religion For ward Movement. Maooo Broioht IIrrr. B. Q. Ma goon waa brought to Portland from Ashland yeaterday and la ch irged with larceny by embezzlement, lie was em ployed by J. P. Alton and C. UlU, and Is alleged, to have converted 974 to his own use. this money belonging to the dim His case was set for trial No vember M. and his ball fixed at IJu. U Uenjamln Is the complaining witness against htm. M:tgooa Is a salesman. . NoRTHt-F rtTcralL II EU) TODAT. The members of the Portland Bar Asso ciation this afternoon will attend the funeral of Harry E. Northup. which will take place at the Holman chapel at 1 JO o'clock. Mr. Northup. aon of 11. II. Northup. died last Wednesday at Tucson, Aria Members of Company 1. I'regon National Guard, are also to be present, a special Invitation having been extended to them. Mail. Servk-j Ixmona To keep pace with the constantly growing busi ness conditions of the city Postmaster Merrick will, on November 1. Im prove the deliveries In the congested business districts by the Increase of the number of carriers from 10 to Si. There will be three deliveries In the mornings, making Ave deliveries In stead of four dully as at present. ruma Caris Hbxj as Evtr-swcm. A big wooden box packed full to the cover with playing cards Is held In the office of the Municipal Court clerk at the police station aa evidence against 2 1 alleged Chinese gamblers, arrested in a raid Monday night. They are to be tried tomorrow. To Loar. l:$.000. We have IJS.000 to loan on first mortgage from three to five years, at it per cent Interest per annum: must be Improved, inside property. Apply to Poo:y at Co, 111 114 Board of Trade building. Vtax. Wuru Esasjotano.. Leon 1 Vial waived examination In the Muni cipal Court yesterday when the charge of aasault preferred by his wife. Anna VlaL came up for hearing. lie waa bound over to the grand Jury. Alaska Fi rn. Co, Alaska Xxick. country mlfl wood, dry and green, from Mountain Timber Co'a Kalama. li per cord, on dock or IJ ti delivered. M. 1I1- Tits Axstcal. Baiaa given by the women of the First Congregational Church will be held Tuesdsy and Wed nesday. lecember S and a. Mors; foR Tor-R Moxstt. Table ueen Bread, full of fnre, clean nutri mentthe best bread m&de; S cents. Best grocers. Is rUt-HARr-enx. eye. ear." no and throat. Northwest bldg, i to and Wash. Wooo axd Coau For prompt de livery phone Xala MK A UU, Kaw Tors Bonn i CaucBRATn. The anniversary of the evacutlon of New Tork by tha British was celebrated by the New Tork Society last night at an entertainment In Chrlstensen's HalL A. E. Oebhardt gave an address on the dosing campaigns of ths Revolution and the events leading up to the de parture of the British from America, Tt-e following programme was given: Piano solo. Miss Malloy; reading. Miss Maude Wortman; vocal aolo. Miss Ethyl Ballard; reading. Miss Christine Ander son; vocal solo. Mrs. Fred L, Olson. Pouca PROTRcnojr Is Askxd. A policeman la asked for on Mississippi avenue in order to protect the children attending the Shaver school from danger from the streetcars rushing down the steep grade. As there Is no playground for t.ns large building the children play In the street, especially on Mississippi avenue. A policeman was formerly detailed to watch the children during recesses, mornings and evenings, but he was withdrawn some time ago. Parsxt-Tsacbtxrs' Circlos to Mkxt. The Parent-Teachers Circle of Bell wood will meet In the school this after noon at t o'clock. Superintendent of Schools Rlgler will be the principal speaker. Miss Rain Crocker, of tha Bellwood library also will speak. Echoes from the convention, by Mrs. Mildred Elsort, Mra 6hoot and others will be given. Children will be cared for in the kindergarten by nurses during the meeting. RSK-xrTTOw Hiu at Church. To morrow afternopn at 1:10 o'clock a reception will be given to Mrs. Fletcher Homan and Mrs. w. H. Backmeyer. re turned delegatea from tbe National con vention of Woman's Home Missionary rViclety of tbe MVthodlat Episcopal Church. Miss BanQeld will recite; Miss Stella Strong and Mra Charles T. Mc pherson will give solos, and Miss Carrie Bpauldlng will sing "The Light Divine." MoxTAVtLo-A to Obt Firbj Protbctioic. Assurances have been given that pro visions will be made In the year's budget for a fire station In Monta vllla. Tentative plans for an engine- house nave been drawn, but tbe site has not yet been purchased and will not be until funda are available. Coun cilman Schmeer aays that the suburb is entitled to Ore protection and he will do all be can to get the fire station. CL.CB IXSORSES MARKET PLACB MOVBV li ext. L M- Lepper. chairman of the market place committee, addressed the Montavllla Board of Trade Monday night explaining the movement. The club Indorsed the measure and pledged Itself to assist the main committee In getting the markets. Resolutions In dorsing the proposed owl car aervtce and also the locating of the Auditorium on the Eaat Side were adopted. Mission Bocihtt to Meet. The Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church will meet at Central Church. Vancouver ave nue and Fargo street, on Friday, for an all-day meeting, beginning at 10 o'clock. A full programme Is arranged. The returned delegates will be present to tell about the recent convention held at Wichita. Kan. Ministers and all friends are Invited. ffi ARB Pisplatiro the finest and largest collection of modern and an tique Oriental rugs and carpets ever brought to this city. Prices lowest ob tainable anywhere. It's a pleasure to ahow yon our goods whether Intending to purchase or not. No one urged to buy. Cartoxlan Bros., Importers and collectors of Oriental rags, 471 Was a, near Thirteenth street. Bcrcctt Fvxerai. Held. The fu neral services of Francis R. Burdett, who died Sunday at bis home In Monta vllla, were conducted yesterday from his late home on tbe Base I.lne road and the Church of the Aacenslon. Mr. Burdett waa ftp years of age and had served In the United States Navy and Army. T. W. C. A. Greek Tea Tot Mexu, Wednesday, November 15: Split pea soup, clam chowder, roast pork, with scalloped applea; T-bone steak, chicken pie. fried onions, creamed celery, sweet or Irish potatoes, fruit salad, crab salad, asparagua salad; orange charlotte, squash, pie, ice cream, with cake. CEXBUS ESVXXaATnH OK TRIALS J. Conrad Zellweger, under indictment for padding the census rolls. Is on trial In the Federal Court before a Jury. As the number of witnesses to be ex amined are many tbe case may not go to the jury before Thursday. Horn. Max Waxted. We have an exceptionally attractive and profitable offer for a first-class hotel man. It will take about 15000 In cash or good securities. See Ralph Ackley. 170 Tlfth street. Portland, Or." IIicihuxd Parexts to Mcttt. The regular monthly meeting of the High land Parents and Teachers' Circle will be held on Friday. November 17, at tha school, at I P. M. Ir. Mae Cardwell will speak on "Sex Hygiene." Civil War Vsterak Becomes Weaker. A D. Bnarno. a Civil War veteran, who Is 111 at his home, on East Ankeny street. Is growing weaker. Mr. Sharno Is suffering with cancer of tha stomach. Jewish Wohex to Mett. A spe cial meeting of the Council of Jewish Women will be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock. In tbe vestry of Temple Beth Israel. Dr. A. O. Bettsiax removed to lot Northwest bldg., cor. Wash, and 6th. Four-Foot Fir Wood, IS.S0 per cord, to all parts city. Marshall 1417. Tub Bazaar at St. Patrick's Church Is now going on. MARKET SITES DISCUSSED Lower Alblna Club Names Commit tee to Represent Citizens. At the meeting of the Lower Alblna Push Club Monday night the move ment to eatabllah three market places In Portland, two on the . Side and one on the West Side, was Indorsed and A. R. Zellar, George Hockenyos and Edward IeWyl were appointed to repreaent the Alblna district on tbe general Eaat Side market committee. The club Indorsed the movement to build the auditorium on the East Side. A communication from the Grocers' and Manufacturers' Association was received Inviting the club to attend the Industrial exhibition in December. It was voted to aak the County Court to require the Alblna ferry to run at 11 P. It, Instead of at 7:4i p. M, as at present. The club also voted to continue its efforts to secure a freight depot for Lower Alblna. Invitation to attend a massmeetlng at Shaver schoolhouse Tuesday nlgbt was accepted, and a special delegation waa appointed to attend the meeting, which will be held under the auspices of the Social Hygiene Society. Dun Kellaher. of the East Side Business Men's Club, presided. SCHOOL OPTION IS HELD Misunderstanding Abont Block Is Cleared Vp by Board. At the meeting yesterday of the building committee of the School Board the option presented by J. Fred Larson for block 51. Jonesmore Addition, for a publlo school building site, was re considered and the option again ac cepted. The matter was brought to the committee's attention by a dele gation from the Montavllla Board of Trade, which declared that the previ ous understanding that the property offered by Larson could be had for 94500 was erroneous. The property Is bounded by East Eightieth and Eighty-first aad Sciiuy- J Many a Man On Salary has to stay on sal ary because he doesn't save enough to take advantage of an opportunity when it presents it self. A checking account with this bank would help him top many a email leak and taring would be easy. For with a check account, the temptation to spend money is not bo great aa when it is carried in one's pocket. There are no small amounts left that are "too small to count much." VThen yon pay a bill, you draw a check for the ex act amount. Drop in and talk it over with us we can point out the advantages of banking and saving your money. Portland Trust Company of Oregon Third and Oak Streets J Isr and Tillamook streets. It measures 100 feet wide and 611 feet long. The price asked Is 17000. Tbe matter will be concluded at the next meeting of the Bchool Board, Friday afternoon. A communication waa read from "Whltehouse dc Foullhouz, architects, advising that unless certain metal cov erings for doors and openings on the main hallwava of tha new Lincoln High Bchool are provided, fire escapes1 will have to be placed on the building. The expense of putting in this Iron will be approximately 13000. The mat ter was referred to the archlteota for adjustment. RAILROAD BOOMS STATE IIARRIJIAX SYSTEM SENDS OCT COSTLY ATVERTISrSG. j. n. rrxeiu, of o.-w. n. & jr., to Distribute Oregon literature at Land Show In Chicago- Every nook and corner of Oregon will be represented in the advertising matter to be distributed by the Uar rlman railroads at ths big Chicago Iand Show, to attend which J. H. O'Neill, traveling passenger agent o( the O.-W. R. N'. Company, left Port land yeaterday morning. Mr. O'Neill took with him 10,876 pieces of literature, covering every In dustry, every resource and every com munity of tbe state. Some of this ad vertising was prepared at great ex pense. The cost of the various pieces of advertising averages 10 cents each. William McMurray, general passen ger agent of the O.-W. RAN. Com pany, who directed the preparation of most of this material, declares that it la the most exhaustive and most com plete system of advertising presented by any state. The supply of literature at Mr. O'Neill's disposal will form a veritable encyclopedia of Oregon In formation. Every commercial organisation in the state is making an effort to arouse Kastern enthusiasm In the Oregon dls- play at the Chicago show. The various raliroada operating in the Northwest are assembling exhibits there. Borne of them have employed lecturers to discourse on the advantages of the Northwestern states. J. W. Irwin and J. B. Lefflngwell, traveling lecturers for the Harrlman lines, will attend the show every day that it is in session. Efforts will be made to make the attendance on Thura day, December 7, which has been des ignated as "Oregon Day," break all records fur similar events in the East. A systematic campaign of urging the residents of Oregon to write their friends In Chicago and neighboring cities to attend the show Oregon Day soon will be started by the Commercial Club and by the raliroada Moving pictures of recent events In Oregon will be shown as a further means of arousing Interest In the state. Films showing Hose Festival scenes, the livestock parade at the State Fair In Salem, the Pendleton Roundup. Co lumbia Klver salmon seining, timber ing and other industries will be pre sented. Pictures of some of the prom inent buildings and points of Interest In Portland also will be shown. Thaiiksg g Day ivin November 30, 1911 Mr. Man: ' Buy your Winter Suit and Overcoat here and you will have reason to be thankful. So why wait longer before making your purchase? Visit our store today and make your selection from a complete and beautiful assortment of Suit's, Overcoats and Raincoats $15 to $50 They are smart, stylish and refined, as all gar ments bearing this label must be perfect. -NOTICE- Today, Thursday, Friday and Saturday we are going to make every man buying a Suit or Overcoat a present of a German Silver Safety Razor and six blades. These are mighty good Razors and will be appreciated by all who receive one. F0UETH AND MOEEISON PORTLAND'S FASHION CENTER SINCE 1S63 lawn School, Friday, November IT, at S o'clock: Young children will be wel comed In a kindergarten maintained during the session, for the benefit of mothers who might otherwise be kept at home. STATE'S OAR MADE READY Oregon Exhibit for GoTrrnors' Special Grows Dally. Oregon exhibits will be installed this week In the car to be attached to the Governors' special and taken through out the Enst The car that will hold Oregon's showing has been spotted at tha North Bank station and will be held there until next Sunday. Meanwhile the work of collecting and installing the exhibit has been taken up actively by the Commercial Club. Messages have been sent to various points throughout the state for pro ducts to go Into the exhibit and re sponses poured In at the Commercial Club yesterdsy In a most gratifying way. The Hill system Is co-operating In every way with the Commercial Club to facilitate the gathering of exhibits and their shipment to St. Paul, where Oregon's car will be attached to the trajn. CHILD WELFARE SUBJECT Parents and Teacher of Woodlawn to Meet Next Friday. Arrangements have been made for another public meeting by the Farents Tearhers' Association of Woodlawn, which will be addressed by Miss Emma Butler, probation offtcer of the Juve nile Court. Much Interest has been aroused on the subject of child wel fare among parents who have children attending the public schools and the encouragement thus offered has In duced the Woodlawn association to un dertake a series of meetings this Win ter with features of special Interest on this subject. This meeting Is to be held at Wood- WOMAN'S BAIL HELD FIT Effort to Increase Bond of Alleged Purse Thief Defeated. An attempt made yesterday to in crease the ball of Mrs. Ollle Palmer, of 1160 Oladstone avenue, from 200 to 500 failed because of the belief on the part of Judge Tazwell that possibly a mistake has been made in arresting Mrs. Palmer. Bhe is charged with stealing a purse from Mrs. 8. 3. Couey in a department store. She Is said to answer the descrip tion of a woman who took a purse containing $1200 worth of Jewels from the counter of a local fur store, the purse belonging to Mrs. O. H. Flthlan, but the clerk who saw the woman take the purse failed to identify her yesterday. Mrs. Palmer, when arrested on the charge made by Mra Couey, Is said to have had a purse similar to hera. A BEAUTIFUL ORIENTAL Una for Smuv Had you thought of a rug for your wife's present? If you'll Investigate the sensational savins . v.iD,, -out sale, you'll decide that this la the time to buy her the rug she has waited for so long. We'll lay one aside for you. Choose it now. Atlyeh Bros, Tenth and Washington streets. Marshfleld to Have Carriers. 7 a t .tffh Hitrterlntendent of the d de livery department of the Portland i Postofflce and secretary of the United . States Civil Service Commission, left ' last night for Marshfleld to conduct an examination for ellglhles for carriers in that city. The postofflce of Marsh fleld has been recognised by the de partment as warranting a carrier service. Two Neighbors Last week two neighboring families purchased Player Pianog. One dealt here. They compared instruments AND PRICES. The party who bought else where wanted to cancel her contract. She found that she could have saved exactly $132 the dealer's profit by dealing with us: We sell to you direct from the factory. Investigate before you buy. Easy terms if you choose. Vw WrinKles Vanish . When This Is Used "The hand of Time will touch lightly the cheek that avoids powders or cos metics," says Mrs. Mae Martyn, au thority on beauty, in the Boston Ex press, "and uses instead a simple lotion made by stirring 2 teaspoonfuls glycer ine in Pint hot water, then adding 4 ounces spurmax. Many, however, pre fer witch-haxel to water, as with the former it dries more quickly. "This is applied eparingly to face, neck and arms, then rubbed lightly until it vanishes. After a few times using, wrinkles and fine lines vanish, the oily, sallow or 'muddy color dis appears, and pimples and blackheads are eliminated. The value of this lotion over the face powder quickly manifests Itself aa it Is Invisible when on and it does not spot or rub off." Adv. .it?rr1?rra?v5::tf.;-" j W.BALTES AND COMPANY PRIITTING Main 165, A 1165 First and Oak Foster & Kleiser High Grade Commercial and Eleetrla SIGNS Eaat Seveatsj and Eaat Everett Streets. I'koars Kast till, B I'-'-t. THE THTJEMAN STREET DENTISTS FOR NORTH SIDE PEOPLE. at THURMAN Am) 24TH. We Can Afford TO GIVE T0TJ A better grade of material; A better class of work; And More Time Tor -PAINLESS DENTISTRY At A Lower Price. Ask Us Why? Open Evenings 'and Sundays. I"1 1 -r - TiV-t rt" n ii IJ" ' i w Hosiery For Men, Women ad CMdrea Well shod feet always pay a dividend of comfort, tliough the best shoe in the world wOl not be easy to wear with the wrong kind of hosiery particularly mended hosiery. The rough spots or darns sink into your flesh, along the lines of least resistance. Everwear Hosiery never needs darning, and never causes a moment of discomfort. Buy a box today and join the Anti-Darn Legion. . Tha Box of Six Pair with Written Guarantee Jfrvptfsa Cotton. Fine Casamcze (6Uk lisle, EiiTut'an Cotton, sizes 5 to TA. fiilk I.icii aizs5 to 7. Fine Cashmere, siaes 5 to 7H. aei's Fbib Silk. FOB MEN FOR WOMEN - $1 JO per box EBVpnsa Cotton, r.00 per bom $2.00 per box Silk Lisle. fcUttpcxbol" 13.00 per box FOR CHILDREN $1.50 per box Eirrpti an Cotton, sizes 8 snilargex,$2.00perbox 12.00 per box Silk Lisle, sizes 8 and larger. 13.00 per box 12.00 per box Fine Cashmere, sizes 8 and lareer, 13.00 per box Pore Silk, Guaranteed 3 Months S2JX box, 3 pair Women's Pore SiHc c '. .-. i - i "-:"jj:.i'.""-'-.'t tf. i f i. : .x IS "" :"".-V'""-v 5 ;.';i" liSL I r . ; " 'A j - ? Vs ? I f;f; i PRINTING Hipny Bind lor nd Blank Book HbHIm pboDM Main 0201. A XiSU Portland Printing House Co. J. L. Wrlrht. Pret. and 0n. Uuaaftr. Book. Cat a loan aad Commercial Troth and Tailor tit.. Portland. Orecea, i qj SALE AX ALL ' BEN SELLING and M0YER STORES Coal $5.50 a Ton at Yards Taney Screened Lump Keeps the Pot Boiling No Soot, No Clinkers, . ' Little Ash. Delivered "A-ithin the one-mile circle at $6.50 per ton, or within the two-mile circle at $7.00 per ton, this week only. Two tons to each customer. Orders must be accompanied by cash or check. Diamond Crest Coal Co, City: Gentlemen : Have used Diamond Crest Coal for some time, and find it entirely satisfactory. Expect to use it continually. Sincerely, J. A. LEAS, 287 West Park. Wholesale trade in carload lots solicited. Miners and shippers of high-grade coal. No C 0. D. orders or credit given at this price. Diamond Crest Coal Co. 325 Railway Exchange Bldg. Phone Marshall 2574. ' Portland, Or. 1 VJrV r hV"- M The Irwin-Hodson Co. STATIONERS and PRINTERS Sbseerasltsamps 92 Fifth Street OPTICS ASTD TrLasT, rTTTEKKTH AKD OUSAV STBXETS It sin or A 14 11 i. a eurrMacM, r1"1? KEYSTONE l Anything; la Printing nprQQ I Sroat and Stark Btal intOO ICCHVAB PRifJTIraG CO. tOsOLICITS YOUR PATRONACE 2-4.5 STARK "STREET O. A. C. Short Courses Begin Jan. 3, Continue Four Weeks . Every citizen of Oregon Is cordially Invited to Villi attend the short courses of the Oregon AgTlcul- I I 1 1 I tural College, beginning January 8. Eleven dis ss J J tinctlve courses will be offered . In Agriculture, Mechanic Arts, Domestic Science and Art. Com A sraj merce. Forestry and Music. Every course Is de- A Vi t ' signed to HELP the student In his dally work. XlksVmLj Make this a pleasant and profitable Winter out ing. No tuition. Reasonable accommodations. For IlTTTimnrv beautiful illustrated bulletin, address I JLJ yj ITL II H. M. TENNANT, Registrar, Corvallls, Or. 1 ' I X A MU mJ Fanners Business Course by Correspondence