TIIE MOKXTNG OTIEGOXTA, FRIDAY. XOTKJIBETR 10, 1911. 21 SUGAR NEAR BOTTOr. Prices May Not Go Much Low er This Season. VIEWS OF GROCERY TRADE Advance In Ilrf.nrrj Prices Before th Year Is Oirrr Would Not Occasion Surprio Indi cations of Flrmncn. The Impr trmd that rnorh further an slime of :n prvi; la th rocrr sr pri- will t rnrrti Mirfntni of th position ff lh Kutn nrkt and It wouia noi uum mnrlt sarBrts If reflnry prtca wsra to ihnv om atfvaan twror to yvar la Bf'ra such a ehanra oecara. howT. thara may a fw dflin ut thta la not tain. Tha fa'l tn prlr "Inrt th tp 1 racb4 on Pptmbf haa Nn an order ly affIr aid at tma baa thr b-o any of a atom p. a-U'-b aa som prrtns pr tflct4 last Sumnifr. Tha nt dcMn In Mflnarv nr1ca to data baa bn only W rtita, whlca la not mora than tha It f dranran that wera rord4 In quirk sue- reasloa lust bfor tha hlsh'st point i attain. TTia fitrtma low pr:ca that wU- poT4 daalra count on la a nxur arwwt . iAtp ahnvM wht wii tha low mark of ha ar. Th:a to-iM Hint nailmum darllna t of som TO ei-nta. bat thr ts m kbai nr s't no iifitrtar that th mark at win aa dawn that far. Tha attention ta n erltlraj n. aa regards world a stock, and It would not taka much ta torn tha tlda upward asaln. Poma of th Iar Eaatern rAD.ir.a ara llht:y suppIlM and thar ran ba couotrd on ta put prices at n hl,jhr Ijt1 at th arllat oppor tunity. Tha poaltlon of tha Kuropan markat ll abown tn tha follow. n rrpox rctrei from Oarmany: -Under tha Influenc of dally complaint from tba Continent about tba dlsappolntlnc reanlta of tha beetroot hanraat. our term markat baa recoTara! part of last waek'a decline. Teter!ay Mr. Uc fit's estimate war puh!lahd. but betna mora or lea n tlclpatsd. failed to affect prlres, and peo ple now look forward to tha factories' eatt matea. Mr. Llcht base hla caicuiatlon for Ciermany on .-oo.0OO tona mora, a a mat 13.TCO.0rt tona and l'.roo.0 tone, and 15 per cent yield alnat per cent nod 13.15 par cent last two yari. A fa lima; off of 1.h.0"10 tons In convention countries and 3.1'-V.Xv tons tor all Kurop Is n big gP to fill and extrn can suppilea. toe ther with tba nceaaary dacreas in conaumptlon, will b put to n sever task to bridge thU over. In th Portland market reftnrry price do not fovtrn and cana sue! Is being sold as low aa 1 25. with th usual casb dis count. It U pureiy n local proposttloa hr. It tm saT to say. however, that If ther should b any turn upward tn tha Cner uar market, tha Jobbers war would com to a sudden end. HOPS ARE RININO FAST AT LOVl-OS FaclUti Crop I Now Kail rely Out of Grow er lland Ther was T littl buins In tha lo cal bp mnrket yesterday. Th demand was henry, but thr wer few seller nt current price. Tha market was very a iron. Th fnllowlna- cabla waa received by Kia cr. Wolf 4k Netter from their London of flc: -Market firm, with advancing tendency- Valuations of ItnglUh hops. 2J0 to 250 shill Incs. Thero I an abeolut clearance of a lock a." Th aVova quot:ion shows nn advanco of IO shHltnc. Tha present London price ara qul to 47 14 to SAM cent per pound. lxincton mall advtcea dated two weeks 4o reported 13WO to 15.KM CwL ther m rmaerv hands, so the tra-'.ns; In tha Pst fortMlrht must hav been very heavy. Tlte on place left to buy hops l on the parlflc foast. nnd everyone knows th fiPl'lv here Is e'e1lnjj:y mall, not mor thwn 7 ir ctnt or in crfp. t.iia.iy sjo- rrs on tM dale ar holding th crop. Me; club. 7 3 red Russian, T707Sc Valley. 7; :. forty-fnld. bc straight. U OJ. export. 3.90; Valley, t4.sT; gra him. $-4 W; wuol wheat. 4 5. cops Whola, K.T3 134: cracked. 131 per ton. PATi o i wn it. s i ajj Dr M ILLSTL FT 8 Bran. 2i per ton ; mid dltns 131; aborts, $24; rolled barley, $34 35. HAT No 1 E. O. tlmothr. ffml: N. 1 Vai ey. 15 IT. a'f f. $13v 14. clover. ni 12; sraln. all's 12. B R I.EY Feed. ,Z per ton; browing, aom. ol. Trwetnbleo and trolta. TROPICAL FRT1TS Omnges. $4 6 B.0O per box: California, grapefruit. S6.0O; Florida grrapefrutt. SOQ; bananai, SOHo Pr pound; lemons, frtue.75 per box; poms gmnats, f l 50 pr box. FhhH FRriT Pears. T6Cll-7B 1 bc ; grapes. 75- 5 $1.23 p-r bom; Almerl grapea. 44.S0A7 per barrel; eraaberrtea, $11 O ll &O per Parrel; bucklebemaa. 49o per pouna. APPLKS Jonathans, Sl.BO9i.S8 per box Ppltsanhorg. H0Z.U; Baldwin. T&cfttLftd Red heeke Pippin. $LS591.7a; Northern Spy. 111491.7s: Winter Banana. $291 Bei'.flowar. fltfLSft. PACK VKUETAPLE9 Carrot. 1 00 par ark. turnip. $1.00; beet a. $1.0i; parsnips. $l.O0. POTATOES Oregon. lio per pound; rweet potatoea. $1.15 ? 123 per crate. OMON.-i Oregon, $1.23 per hundred. VEGETABLES Artichoke 73o per doer: bean, tffl1; rabbag. .H 9 Vo per pound; rauMwrr. ftcf$l per do n : celery. ".0 i Tc per dosn; cucumbers. $.."0 pur box; "UPlant. USe per pound; garlic. 109 12c per pound; lettuce. 75 Sjc, p r doaa ; ht -house. lettua, $1 23 per box; peppers, l91o P-r pound ; pumpkin. 1 0 1 4c; rndlsbea 13He per doen; sprouts. B$9o per pound; so, 11 ash. l4flSo per ponnd; tomatoe. &uo $! per bos. Ikalry and Coowtry rroducw. PtTTKK "rcB creamery butter, solid pace lSc; prints, extra; butter fat, lo lea man o:ui pack prica. P(IL7RV H-rs. T4e: Snrlnn 13c: durks. yoting. MSIftU?: geea, 11 912c: turkeys, allva. Iftc; draaaad. oiiolo. 24 2 7c l.i' Kreeh Oregon ranca. candled. 421 ) 44c ?r dorn. ( HEESB Fresh Tltlainook. flats. W'r; Young America. IT91TH0. PORK F ancy. i(',o par pound. VEAL Fancy. 139l3He per pound. 3t HEAVY RUN OF HOGS ill THE STOCK AT YARDS NOKTHWESTERX. IS STOCK RISE RAPID Prices Soar on Enormous Buy ing Orders. N I -on don, 00 days, don. ileht, l.s7l Drafts Sight, lc; telegraph, $4.S3: sterling on Lon- 4c. CONFIDEICE OF INVESTORS In Spite? of tho Frftrfe Supply Hi Market Holds Steady, Tops Bringing $7. Th featur of th local llveetock markat yatelajr was th activity of th pork Una. Rec l p;s of hogs war larger than for a lone ttm past, totalling 1083 hand, and ail f them war from Northwestern point. In pit of th ha.vy supply, th markat fae'.d stesdy. Tha tcp waa $7. at which three loads wer sol I- About st loads mvd at '..&0 other sa. es of good )lshtwlght tok were at 'W. x few heavic wer suld at $d to $ Ther waa not tho customary activity tn the ca:t!e nurk-t. Htera brought $".23 to $3..4 acd cows 44 to $4.73. Oosd ewes were firm at S3. 30 to $3.60 and lambs sold St $4.23 to $4.6. KCe!pLS jPitc.'daT were 3i2 CStt'.a. 10S2 hogs, i'l.l sheep mm 'I 20 horses. Snippers era J. Tboiauson. Ilolcer. cars of cattle: 1. J. Biown, Baker. 3 cars of ttl-T. Ed Klltnrn, Viser. 1 car of hogs; WeCtw. Welter. 4 car of boss: W. L. Anderson. Wcu.-r. 2 cars of hogs; T. J. ackS'in. eler. 1 car of hove: 1-1 Wlrrlna. lVls-r. 1 car of hogs; J. M. Kelthl"y. WH- ser. 1 car of Dor. Char.es McCulIouch. IlIn'-v 1 car of catti; F. A. Graham, El- tn. 1 car of cattle; John Doebel. Wallowa. car of sheep. C. H. Allen. Kn'.erprlae, 2 cara of hoa: Ohaxiea Blunter. Wallowa, 1 car of catti and hogs; W. B. Hurts. Tha Ilea, 2 cars of hoes: Kucena 1L Evans. Coiid on, 1 car uf hors: A. L. LMmarla kill. ! car of c::!e: if. O. Hnaaman. Tam 1 car of aap; Sam Kieet. Junction i cars or cattle, slieep nnd hoc a. c'ay'a sales wr a follow: Weight. Price. on. Tho about half of Few Lot Left at Ai AI'RORA. r.. Nov. 1. .perl Hop itnrki In thla eection were reduced nearly t-1. ale Mrnilny throucli the purchaaea of K!;ber. Wolf &. Nter and Mthlr aV Orib l.l. The former. tfir--u! thlr buyer. Felix lair"n. ircun'-l !?)e fol'iw;ng lots: 42 bai"S Tr rn 0. W. I'nw'.tion; 14 bl-s from Edwin Netter; ba frm KreJ P.-ters; VI belles 1r m T ill & Kt-!it r. mr.-l between 3u and ' b.il-s f-trn Iocs! dealers. Th lots pur-cixs-U by Klaber. Woif Netter cost them 43o or better. A clean-up was ma-lo by William Brown, of Salet. In the W hen t land section at 41 rents, wt.en he purchased abut 3v0 bales fr'-rn varlius cwi-rv nlr a f w ;:s arv 1-ft In this vicinity. 7er:.aps r."t miTrt than or J) hsle. Ta .--.It largo lot kr.own to be unsold 1 th Muehe l-t f ii- btla, Othrr lot ara n-rlr all ima!L Nearly everything pur chased her up to da: has been riippeU. Rr.rrirT or hat have bkkn i.roe Market Ha Absorbed the. Arrival aad Tim othy la Una. Receipts of bay hav been liberal for tha past week, but a p'aco ha bva found for all th rrtvata. and tha market ts still fatrTy firm. specia!!y on timothy. There waa a good demacd for oata y tartfay and th market waa Arm at $M0IA Tho baxlsy market waa practlcaly nominal Thar was little or nothing doing la th vhast Boarket. Price war quoted va hamgwdt LwcaJ rscotpta. la cor, war reported by taw alvrolraata Emchang a follow a: Wheat Baxlsy F'our Oata Rny . .. IS 10 S3 .49 ft ft 10 . si Monday .. Tuesiay Wednesday Tburaday Tear ua Reason to data.dSS Tear ago 43. J IV 7 9 lf47 971 13 1 $77 4; 4 17 1 f." 4 ca of ncAD rr-TTVCF. RFO;ivrj How Emperor Grape, tn Crate, Arrtv Frofn California. A oar of Lo Ange'.ea head lettuce waa recetved yasterav. It waa of chotco qual ity and o:d at 7flJ cents a do sen. Th street v as locg on cery. epec!a: y poor stock. S:rlct:y fancy cry sold :i at 37. cents a 4on. A Cr of Red Emperor grapes arrived from California, They wer tn crate and were quoted at $1.13. Th demand for crape waa good. Tha apple movement was a mo on a 'tberal scale. Peara wer s.vw. 49 )aiibs . 1T ec .. S3 hoRi . . 4 lios-s . 3 hogi . . 84 boss ... 5 cow 5 cow .. 1 ster . cow -7 cow . i'T coa .. 1 bvtfer . 50 heiferg 0l llURSX,. 6 hots .. 13 lamb 1 " ew a . . 3 bill! .. 2:. cow . . 3 bull .. 1 bull .... 1 cow .... 1 ateer .., 0 cow .., Z cow ... 4v cows ... 1 cow .... s bui: ... - b.4;: ... 5 hor . . , 37 hohS ... r..-. how ... 42 hopa ... 1 lu..s ... 1 cow .... 81 ho- .... ft hoc ... S3 hoci ... 1 hog .... 20 ateer .. 1H $4.40 8,:to Boom Follows Latest TeTelopmrTit In thr Tobacco Case Steel and Union Pacific Gain ft Points. Bond Tralint?a Hearr. NEW PORK, Nor. $. Wall street view of tho acceptnnc by th oourt of th Amer ican Tobacco reorganisation plan waa reg istered emphatically today in tho stock mar ket. Securltlo wer purchased confidently In larg amount. Price roae x tens lv sly la every quarter of th market. Whtl tho American Tobacoo atocks and bond war tron;. thstr movement wr not o pronounced a thoao of th mor act It- issue. United States Steel wa t most conspicuous flgur rising mora th. flv points to Trsaaaotlons In this atock wr on 1 enormous scnla with a total fnr th day of 4 J l.OOO shares. Th stock was particu larly aensltlv to the tobacco decision, be- caus of th dissolution sutt Instituted against tho United etate Steel Corporation, and tho demand for the ah area aeemed to 1 almost limit lea. Gains wer general throujrhout tha list. tTnlon Paclflo rose to 173 W. a gain of nearly flv points. Lehlrh Valley, American Emelt- Ing and International Harveater rose four point or more. Reading and Amalgamated Copper more than I and other active hars from 2 to $ points. Trading was on n much larrer scale, with a total for th day of well abov a million shares. Report of much greater activity In tho steel trad continued to com tn. Several eon tract for te.ef rails wer under negotia tion. It waa said. A declaration of an extra dividend on Natiorml Biscuit waa followed by a lis of tho stock to a new hKh record. Passing of tha dividend on American Cotton OH had been predicted for som time, and th stock, which rose two points early In tha day. did not fall below yesterday-n clos. London trading waa estimated at about IV 00 shares, chiefly buying. United tatra Steel. Reading. Union Pacific and Rock Island wer traded In moat heavily for for eign account. Trading tn th bond market was on a much larger scale. Bonds generally showed pronounced strength. Total a lea, par value. $4,171,400. United States bond war un changed on call. CLOSIXO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. AMIa Chsl pf 30 AmaJ Copper .. S4.I" Am Asr.cuit . . L'N Am R-t t-.igar. 4..oo Ame;i."in Can .. H.sn Am C.r F.ljr.. Am Cotton Oil.. . 7i am iid 4 i.t pt . . . Condlttoa of tho Tuaanry. WAFKTNOTON, Nor. , At the beginning of business today the condition of th United pTare 'iresury was: Workira balance In Treasury of fices $ 74.790.3S0 In lar.ki and Fhiltr-nin trasurr Sa.fit's.o Total huisnce In aen-ral fund... 133.071.052 Ordinary rerelnte rfttfnliv 2.4rt.rt41 Ordinary dishnr men's 2.".13 4.1 Thv deficit 10 dste this fiscal year is $-1.- 477.a:0. as senlnet a deficit of $ll.SS. ht tlma lat vr These fig: urea exlud Panama Cansi and public aecit traasscuons. Adrsuooo in Bar Silver. NEW TOHK. Nov. 9. Commercial bar silver aold at an ounce In this market tod a J, an ad vane of 1 Ac from yesterday. This is th htehest prlco attalnsd In over a year. The rise, la attributed to ecarcltr of "spot. or demand, silver In London. Tnat market's supply of tho metal Is depleted by reason of heavy shipment to China in con necUon with th revolution. o SAN FRAJVCT3CO PRODUCE MARKET Prlco Qnoted nt tho Bay City for Ves;- tablea. fruit a. Etc. SAX FTIANCI3CO. Nor. 9. Th follow- tng produce prlres were current hero today: Vegetables Cucumbers. 65c9$l; garlic. Bf aoi tomatoes, 25 4 auc; eggplant, 007 60c. Huttr Fancy creamery, 81 Ha. Kggs Store. 4c; fnney ranch, 40c Oaions 41 VI 13. Cheese Young America. 16 115 He Fruit Apples, choice. II oommon, T601 Mexican limes, $4?3; California lemons, choice. $3.00; common, $2: pineapple. $2 9$. potatoes Oregon Burbanks, L4ftl.oO; Caltnaa Burbanks, $l.o1.83; streets. $1.90 01.76. MUlstuffs Bran. $2l?t9; mJddllnga IS2 t34. Hay Wheat. SIS 020; wbsat and oata tiilT: alfalfa. J&1I Recelpta Flour. gAn quarter sacks: wheat. PiH centals; barley, 11.2S3 contain; oata, 2700 centals; potatoes. !i7S0 sacks; bran, IOO sack; mlddlinga 7W sack; hay, V7 tona Metal Market. NEW TORK. Nor. 9. Standard copper firm. Spot and November, 12.16 0 12L3c; December. 12 .-'0 Q 12.41V : January, 1X239 1-. .:; February, 12.25 Q 12.&0O. London Bfady; spot. 8 11 tl: futures, f.7 f. Lake copper. 12.5vu 12.02 He; leetroIytic, 12-Mt 12.2 Sc. and casting, $12.2 I2.;t7c Tin easy. Spot and November. 41.80 9 43c: January, 4LA042c; February, 41.6" iy 41.7a. London steady; spot. fl91 10; fu trues. 133 10a I .-end dull. 4.2.i4M.SOc New TorV 4.1C0 4.1o East Ft. Louis: Iondon. 16 ids 9d Spelter dull. 6.30e..Vic New York, 6.4c East St. Louis; London, 2 15a Antimony dull: Cook soft. 8S.134c. Iron. Cleveland warrants. 40s 1044 In London. Locally Iron wan quiet; No. 1 foundrr Northern. $15915-25: No. 2. $14.75 15; No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft. $15015.50. High. i'z1 " ' 12 53 4ia Low. 11 f.5 H 51 5ttS H M V, 43 W H id 12 ri s.t. r.43 m ....... lAt 7.o 12tl 4.40 4.4 1110 5.3j 11411 4.00 913 4 65 . . a 4 it htfer i-m ,.. b64 4.73 . . I'M tl.s.n ... $24 $.23 .. 71 4.tei Hi ry.v ,.1m.-.; .. 77 4.rtO ..l..73 4.7.1 ..1430 4.50 ..1140 4.00 ..1210 6,23 ..li40 4.75 . .lKtl 4.50 . .12H 4.23 ..11 2.0 . .14.. 4 ;.o . .12kV 4.23 .. 2"'J C'M 224 0. . . 2 75 n.i-.-, .. 243 6- ..1115 4.25 90 4.K 13 .) .. S44 . . 14 .wo .. av hmi ..1153 4.30 ..l-'4." ft. .VI . .I2i' . :t..v ..1250 :ir, . .It'.s a..v . . S77 4.fc . . 214 H 'Ht ... 1M AM) ..17 .ss .. 216 nio . . 5 Vi 6.h .. 7S 4.25 . . 1V9 t..v 92 2.50 ef-ers . . 1 1 J w 1 st tier B Luis 2 row "O h.s 15 ho tfS M hui S5 hoa ...... 2 hogs $4 larli&S 45 ewa 4 cull sheep Am lc Securl Am '.tneeed . . . Am Lucomotlv Am Km. I 4fc K-f. do (trirred.. Am Fte-; Fdy . . Am Suai I'.'f.. Am Tel A Tel.. Am Tobacco pf Am Woolen .... Anne in la M Co Atchison do pi f erred. . Atl Co.nt Una. 1UU A Ohio . . . It.-ihlohem Steel Itrook K Tran. . Cuna-ilxn Pao .. Central Leaihsr ilo nrferred . Centril of N J. Ch-g A Ohio . . . Chicago A Alton Chi Ot West .. do nrefcrred. . Chicago A N W C. M St St Paul. C. C. C A St L. Col Fuel A Iron. Col at Southern. . Consol .... C(rn Products .. Del At Hudson. . Ii Jk R Grande.. do prt'lerred. . Pls'-lIIcrs Sccur Erl do 1st pf .... do 2d pf .... Oen Electric ... Ot North pf ... Gr North Oro .. Lllnois Central. Introor Met . .. do preferred. . Inter Marin pf Lit Paper lnt Pump Iowa Con tral . . . K C Southern . . do pit?ferred. . Laclede Gas . 1-ouis & Naah . . Minn A S: L . . M. S P A S 8 M Mo. Kan A Tex. do preferred.. . Mo Pnctnc National Jll ... Nart-n.i1 Lead .. N Ry Met 2 pf. N V Central N T. Ont A Wes Norfolk A WVt North Am Northern Pao .. Pad Ac Mall . ... Pennvylvunta ... People Ghs . .. P. C C A St L.. Plttshjrg Cal Pre3?(l S Car.. Pull Pal Car . .. Ry St el t-prlug Ki'int It pu-'ho fteel , do preferred. 400 18H 17H 1.20 43.44 '0 1.20 .0'M 4.aou " 2.1O0 1. ' 2)0 H 2 4.1'H 000 4.000 74 72 4j 3 4"' 19 "Sfi'i i"3 ' 1294 11)2 S0 242 -4 23 V 1.4 K 16.600 jo.rtco 1.1'M 2UV ' V.Vh S2.1'0 2.V0 IOO 10 145 114 Prices quoted at th Portland Union Stockyards for th various classes of atock wer: Cattle Cholc ateor $3.40fl J3.3 Oo4 to choice eteef. i.ti 4 0 Fair to good steers &.(? j.Ji Medium steers 4. ?6 $ I'oor Strs $.Tia 450 Cholc cow 4.50 9 5.00 Fair to good now. ......... .... 4.44 d A.2S Common cow , li$ $.0 Extra cholc payd heifer.... 4 75 4 $.09 Cholc betfar .................. 4. SO A 4 Choir ball I 7$ 5 4 04 OKLG0N T.009 FIRM AT 44 CENTS lrerd Turkey Ar Movtn Mar Freely. 14v.o PenJtry Ihrara. 0:cj."a ranch errs were quoted up to 44 en: es:crtlay. Th kupp'y wa so small buyers rea-tlly pa!d this prlca l.!v pultry was fir:y p.entlful and sale dr.tgc L lreaaed poultry ta coming in m- e frse'y. Chotc Urased turkey bring S. 11 ' centa ra re wrt no char.gea tn th butter or ch-e market a. r. ink Bank Cleaning-. - clear'.ngs of the Northwestern cltle y-s: niay wer a fol.owa: .r:nea PorU.aul $i 12 .a::: l.i:& - T.- i-na artl.14 Spvka Fslanres. $ 9-.P7S 207. 41 3.52i s.yi7 rOBTLAJTD MARSJKT& Oram, r loar. FereL Ktc. WtflAl risrt baau: i5 lues (em, J Q Oood to cnoloo bulla. Common bulls ........... Choio caive Oood to choir calv..... Common calv .......... Cholc stag Good to cholc stags. . . , Hoci- rtiou- light hog CrtOd to rhOlC ilrtg .... Fair to grod bos ...... Co.'.imon hosa .......... Sheep ChK yearling wathm, W CK1 Choir yearling wether. mountains fhoic two and throws . I'hniir tnr.unta.n Iambs . GiM'u to ct.otc !a;nt .... at.e- ian:ba Cu.it $.25 a 1.54 100 s.&o T$0t 7.75 .... T.!5J 7 50 .... 4.409 O.00 .... 440 4.73 .... 4.14 4.&0 .... $.A39 7." e o o A SO 6.25 1.000 5' Ml 1.20 2.7'M) 6.300 iio 4.h"0 3.50 IK) 800 $.K V.X 0O S.4'H 4.5"0 ion ft. ."! ;; kim $.2'K r'0 15.2iH 9M 8.3o 7(K "7A0 UK) l.S'Nl 2.3t't Rock Island Co. lo..VK do preferred. . 6.1K St L A S F t pf 1.000 bt L Southwest, do preferred.. Sloss Sheffield . Southern Pao .. Southern Rr no preferred.. Tenn Crpper . . Texas A Pacific Tol. St L A Wen do preferred.. Union raclllo ..182.5' do preferred.. 2V0 TJ S Realty ... 100 TJ 8 Rubber ... B.loo U 8 6tet 421,000 do preferred.. 7.80 nan copper . . V Caro Cham . Wabash do preferred.. Western Md . .. Westing Ei0 .. Western Union Uhtl ALE.. Lehlsh Valley .. 141S 11S 1704 32S 34 55 45 1. 154 6.70O 12S i 100 rsso IS. 000 2 9.00 1.800 4X l.O0 00 $ 2"K t noo Total aa.! for the drv, A 25 $ 4.00 1 ... 8 fl$0 4 Ot of ... S.4Af 5V ... 17"1 S ... 4 25 if . .. 4V'T ... ... $ 40 4 4.15 4 OA $.50 Cbk-as; UTewtock Market. 'AGO. Ncr. 9. Cattle Receipts CH tlmaie-l. i3t0: market. s:ajy for best, oth rs wek. lieevt, $4.05 v 9.10; Texas steers, $4 0 5 15: Western eteerp. $4.35 6 7.25; stck- r acd feeders, "w 5.'; cows and heifers. $.' v 4 . c 1 v. $ y 50 if 8. 50. H Reeipta timated. 210: market, slow to steady. Llfiht. $.'t.30 3 tj.r.0; mixed. $5hvA40; heavy. $5.800.40: rough. $5.W 11 0. good to choice h-a7, $t 3 ti .4; p:ga, $-5 t, -. 25: bu k of laita, 10 J l 3J. Mh-P Recs.pts. estimated. 23. oo; mar-k-t s.uw to weak. Native. i:..VI03.: Werrer n. $2 7." j S. S": yriinrs. $i.7t M 4 4 t; UmL'S, cat.ve. $J.75jf5.bJ; Western, $4,75 9 $.o. ( of fro and Rognr. NEW TORK. Nor. 9. Coffe closed at a net loss o from 10 to 23 pointa November. 14 51. December. 14 4lr; Januarv. 14.10c, February-. U c; March. 15.54c: April. l$.4c: May. 18 6c: June. lS.4l'o: July, Aa gu:. Sftember end October. IS-4e. Spo' co'lee quiet. Rlr. No. 7. 15So: San tas N . 4. 1 c. Mtld quiet. Cordova, 10 - a l;c nomli.al. Raw tucar easy. Muscovado. $9 tet. .-c; centruugai. 99 test. 3.12o; moli $ test. I S.c Kenne4 easy. KOXDS. 43' 4t'- 15S 111 i 15 10 34 "in 04 lw 150 85 S 42'4 141 U 5IS Jt.T , 41 ; J0S 72 12tSi 31 123 106 "is 82 15S ati 150 21 SI 2s 52 42 71 41 114 81 lz 25 19 4 i7-; 92 1 45 3 109 4S 60 32 21 4V, 174 nr. 101 v :ii 117 .-, i, 1"7 1K1K la-'4 1M2S 7 7 r4is 1 '7S "jl v XS4 144 V, 110 140H 11 170 SI '4 :..i 4". ins li'7 42 140 15 in'l IV 'm 30 S "i'!t 14 I'.O 104 1(1", R.-. 131 22 "ii ii lSHl 4! 33 "i V74 4"4 loVi ll!i SO'I 1-J2-, 15S 'is'vi si -, H.S-. 3.) SI 'i 61 V, 41 '7l" 41 H24 r.f 71 30 Vi m 43 02 S 44 6 10S 4iH 4-.V 121, ' 4L. tTlH 111 J 117H 12', 102 i 3 7 H 141 23 12 IV.'. 74Vi an lv 3S. 144 , 111 ) 7.ri 2t 48 4 141 14 11 24 4! a 2 '4 88 "4 44" ir.314 127 4 43 , 140'. IRS ion 14 l-v 10 1H 1"5 l.-.O 13.1 V4 83 674 41V 1S9 "1 M7-, 40 1, I0S-4 72 W 120S Si 14 12.1 103 04 r.2 14 l.ls 82 4 14!!'. 21 HO. 2S 1. sm 42i 81 71 Vi 4C J1HT4 31 1 42i 173 4 24 S4 ' 6.1 104 41S JK"4 12 s 2fi'i 79 411 178 New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Xo. 9. Cotton Spot clol dull. 10 cnlnla hlhr. llld-upl.nd 9.40o; do gulf. 9.7c. No ul.l Kuturva clrwjed nta4y. Closlnr bid.: Ko- ..mber. 9.13o: D.c.mber. 9.24o; Juatrr, 9.04c; February, 9.0Kc: March. 9.15e; April. 9.1uo; May. n.2ic: Jnua. 9.2t;c: July. 9.30c; Auzu.t. 0.26a: S.pt.isbr. 9.27o: October. 9.27a. N.val Store. PAVASN'AH. Oa., Not. 9. Turpentln. firm. 404.'.c: .ulea 071; receipts, 97; fthl;ments. ro; atorks. 39.140. lioiin firm. RT.lpU. 803; thipm-nta. .".S: atocka. oo.soo. Qant.: B. tt.osa 8.12140; V. J1.108.15; E. I". 0 f 'i. 15 8.171; H. jn.205i6.25; J. 51.20: K, i!.33 fl.4r.; M. 88.00; N. 6.8; WG. 87.80; tVTV, 87.60. PIT PRICES LIFTED Wheat Stronger at Chicago Because of Snow in Canada. THRESHERS ARE STOPPED Improred Drrnand for Winter Wheat Flour Also Adds to the Strength of tbo Grain Market- Clom Orer Cent Higher. CHICAGO, Not. I.-4tidw and cold, stop ping' thrasher in th Canadian Northwest and malting farmer r offering light at le vator pointa In th Spring; crop state, gav a lift today to th price of wheat. Th clos wag steady at a nt ad vane of o to 10. Latest figures showed corn l-lo off to Ho op. oat to higher and hot prod uct 17 4925o higher. Wheat finished at nearly th top point of tha day. In addition to th affects of th Northwest storm, an Improved demand for Winter wbeat floor appeared to be an un derlying; cause of strength. Th chief Im mediate Influenc was the covering of con siderable quantities of short wheat In a pit that had previously un well sold out. Sen timent In favor of the bull aid received mor or lea impetus from talk of larg aales of cash wheat pending her, though no such transaction was reported brought to completion. December swung from 93 to 94 Vic. closing- lto up. at 94 a Ther apparently wer big rstlng orders to buy corn at a shad b-low the market pjtc. and ther wer qualiy liberal offer to sell at a llttla over tha market. Decem ber ranged from 62 c to ftCAc. and closed steady at $3 o, a gain of Ho net. Cash grade wer in moderate demand, but lower. Keats yellow wu quoted at 78 74c Firmness developed in oats, largoiy be cause cariot arrivals her exhibited som falling off. High and low limits touched for th December delivery srer 4o and 460. with th clos o net higher-at 4r4$Tic Provisions had th steepest anvanc in weeks. Value rose mor on account of scantiness of pit supplies than a a result of any Important buying. At th clos of trading pork was 2Tc up and other product irv&ri7MC to 2itu--"c nigner. Futures ra" tfA aa follows: Open. Hluh. Low. Dee. 90.S34 $0.94U May 99. H 99. July 4.tt .9 CORK". Deo. 2tt May 44 4.S .4414 July 44. W .44 Vh .44 Ss OATS. Deo. .T.. . .44i .4'A -4H May 49W .49 .49H July 45 .46 .464 PORIC Jan IS 9J 14.20 15.91 H May 14.40 14 67 H Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YOflfC. Nov. 9. Evaporated apple ateadv. Spat, fancy, lOlOVsc; cholc. 85s 0'.te; prime. 7((8c. Prunes inactive. Quotations ranged from 7S12c ffr California up to 40-50 and from im,fllfl4o fnr Oreana Peaches Inactive. Cholc. HVtTllHe tra choice. Ui0l2c: fancy. 1212 4 : ex- Wool at St. Ixml. ST. IXCl!4, Nov. 9. Wool Unchanged. Territorv and Western mediums, 164 3 20c t fin media ms. IAOI80; line, lltir.c Duluth Flax Market. DTTLUTH, Nov. 9. Flax on track. In tore, to arrive and November. $3.02 fe; Da camber. 11.99 bid; May. $2.02 bid. ' Hop at New York. NEW TORK. Nov, 9. Hop firm. Pa eiflo Coast. 4.47c WOOL PROGRAMME SEEN Action of Oregon Growers Believed to Be National Forecast. PENDT-ETON, Or.. Nov. t. Action of the National Woolg rowers' Association. with reference to railroad rates, .tariff and other legislation and all matters pertaining to the industry will be fore oast, in the opinion of eheepmen of this section, when the 14th annual con vention of the Oregon TVoolgrowers Association 1 held at Baker, November 14 and IS. Announcement of the programme made today by secretary Dan P. Smythe provides for addresses on the preparation of wool for market; the National warehouse; grazing and for estry, marketing of mutton and the fu ture of sheep grazing In the state. Among the men expected to deliver addresses are Dr. 8. W. McClure, secre. tary of the National Association, who has just returned from Washington, D. C, where- he has been leading the woolmen's fight against schedule K, Ciiarles Green, one of the best-known wool buyers Irr" the West, and Fred W. Goodlngr. of the National Woolgrowers" Warehouse at Chicago. Jan.. . liar.. s.lTH .( LARD. S2H .64 BIB3. 8 40 Cloaa. 1.00 4 . .!H4 .4H .84 K .40 .49?, .4S 1.1E 14.50 1.1TH 0.(5 I2H t.e Jan. I.;s 8 40 1. 15 .40 Mar 8.37i 166 S.8TH l.o2i Cajrh quotations wer as followa: l-'lour Off about 15c My No. , 91c Barley Feed or mixing. !0cS tL04;, fair to oholos maltlnit. Timothy aead $13,003 18.24. Clover 114.00 20.00. Pork Mui. per bbl.. I18.m 1S.T5. Lard Per 100 lbs.. I.12H9.13. Short rib. Side. (loo.). J8.10. Grain statistic.: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 87,000 bu.hela. Primary recelpta war. 044,000 buahela, compared with 702, 000 bushels the corresponding; day a year ago. Estimated reclpts for tomorrow: Wheat, 68 cara: corn. Ill cars; oats. 100 cara; hose, 20,000 head. Ormln at San Franciaoe. BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. . Wheat Gteady. Barley Firm. 1 Rpot quotations: Wheat Shipping-. $1.47 1.B2H per cental. Barl.r Feed. 41. OS per cental; brewing-, $2.02 472.05. Oats Red. 11.75 l. 00 per cental; white, tl.8331.87Vi: black, 41.6331.75. Cail board sales: Wheat No trading;. Barley December, 1 1.07 bid, $1.98 asked per oental; May. $2.07 Vi. Pncet Round Wheat Market. TACOMA, Nov. 9. Wheat Bluestera, 83c; fortyfold, 81c; club. 80c; red Russian, 78 7c Receipts, wheat S3 cars; oats, 8 cars; hay 7 cars. SEATTLE. Nov. 9. Wheat Bluestera. 82Vc: fortyfold, 80c; club, 7c; Fife, 7Bc; red Russian, 7sc - Yesterday's car receipts, wheat 12, oats 17, barley 4, hay 21. HOTEL KEEPER IS OUSTED P0 sharea. t. Quota U 3 r.f It t..l''S N y c n Sua.. 8 do coupon . . -lo! N'o Pacific 3i... ! TJ 8 3 ric lft: N. Pacific 4a... H.' do coiUHn . i"l ? , I'nlon P:clfio 4a.Kl U S new 4 rag. 1 1.1 : Wis Central 4s.. do coupon . . . 1 13 Japanes. 4s .... 87. D A R O 4S. . 90V.B; StcM-ks at lUMton. TIOSTON. Not. 1. ('losing quotatlona- AII"us 2 iMohawk 41 Amai 'ojp.r.. .". Nevada Con .... 37 A Z T. St!... I.1H'N"pl"slnr Mln,-s. 7 14 Arizona Com .. 40 iN'orth Btitte ?5H H C C S M. r. ,. North 4 Ttutt. Calltlon. 17 4 Old lominioo... 4.;Vs Cal & Arizona.. 4fl '' Osceola pi ' Cal A Hecla. .. ..: U'arrott (9 as C).IV . . . o: Proprl"tre of Dallas Hostelry Ejected by Sherlfr. SHERTDAN, Or.. Nov. 9. (Special.) Sheriff Grant served a writ of ejeot ment on Mr. L. A. Chlpman, proprie tress of the Dallas) Hotel, last Satur day. The action of Sheriff Orant grew out of legal proceedings brought by J. I. Brown, owner of the property, to obtain possession ot It. The case was tried before Justice of the Peace Holman and Judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiff for restitution of property and costs of the case. A previous action was started against Mrs. Chlpman last August, but bonds for appeal were given and the matter was taken up to the Circuit Court. Henry Museott, who has leased the hotel, has taken possession. Centennial 914;guincy Cop Kan Con Co M ,Snannon E Rutt. Cop M. 1014: Superior Franklin 7Vud A Bo. Mln.. Oranhy Con ... 80 I Tamarack Green. Canan.a. TVU 8 8 R A M... 1 Royall. Cop 13 I do preferred.. . Kerr Lake 8 Ttah con Lak. Copper. ... 80Hlr-t:ih Copper Co. La FaMe Copper 4H Winona Miami Copper... 19.; Wolverln. 74k. S3 4S . S3 call 2V.; SO CtUcaw Pndarw Market. CHICAOO. Nor. Sl Kutter StMdy; creameriea. t4S02r: daliien. '22c F.fga fiteadr- Reclrta. cum: at mark: eaa. tnclndec; 172uo; flrMa, ii . it r fir.ta, .a. tit Money. ITxchaag-e, Flo. NEW TORK, Nov. 9. Money oa steady. 34g:i per cent: ruling rata, olMlns bid. 2V: ottered at 2. Time lnan aasltr: 80 days. 4 ff SH dara. 3IS3: six months. Prim, mercantile papar, 44 f4 pr cent Bterilns .xchanff. drm. with actual bual ne.a In bankers' bills at $4.S375 for 60 days ar.d at $4.b705 for d.maud. Commercial b;::.. $4.83. liar allv.r, (11 Sc. Mexican doKara. 46V5C Government bonds steady, railroad bonds strong. LONDON. Nov. . Bar illTCr Unwttl.4; tOd per ounc Mon.y lVi4yl4 per ent Th. rat. ot discount la th. op.n aaarkat for short bill. Is $Stj."S p.r oent; for thr.. montlu' bills. g4j per cent. AJ( JT.HAKCXSCO. iior. 1,-iterllu oa Editor Buys His Paper Back. JOSEPH, Or., Nov. 8. (Special.) S. P. Phutt, who sold the Joreph Herald In July to O. O. Mercer, rms bought the piper back acrain, taking charge this week. . European Grain Markets. LIVERPOOL Nov. 9. Wheat Deoember. Ta JSd; March, 7a SVid; May, Ta ld. w earner ciouay. Encllsh country markets quiet. French country markets steady. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nor. 9. Wheat Decem ber. $1.04V4; May, $1.084; July. $1.09 Vk Cash: No. 1 hard, $1.05S: No. 1 Northern, $1.05 hi: No. 3 Northern, $1,02 Vt 1.03 V, ; No. 3 wheat, BTVtci9$1.00Vi. TELEPHONE TAX FOUGHT Dallas Company Says State Commis sion Is Unfair. SHERIDAN, Or., Nov. 9. (Special.) At the annual meeting of the Polk County Mutual Telephone Company, of ficers for the ensuing year were elect ed, with presidential honors falling to A. O. Rempel. of Smithfield. The chief Interest at the meeting cen tered in the strenuous objection raised to the system of taxation imposed on the telephone companies of the state by the Slats Tax Commission. The Polk County company maintains that Inasmuch sub It is not maintained to make revenue, and Is not Incorporated, the tax should not be Imposed promis cuously, but should' discriminate be tween. companies maintained for publlo utility solely and those In operation to pay a stock dividend. Reports from all the different phone companies in the county are to the ef. feet that they will all protest the ac tion of the Ptate Tax Commission. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Construct Asphalt and othsr Bit alnoua Pavements. 606-605 Blectrlo bids.. Portland. I Or. Oskar Hubsr, Man as; sr. lumber mens National Bank CAPITAL $1,000,000 4 pr cent on saving's Corner Fifth and Stark LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. , Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 i Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, availi able in all parts of the world. Corner Washington and Third Streets. First National lank Capital $1,500,003 . Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the - Rocky Mountains Every man and woman should make a will, and the advan tages of a Trust Company acting as Executor or Trustee will be generally conceded. WILLS may be drawn and filed with this company, which is authorized under the 6tate banking law to act' as Administrator. Security Savings & Trust Company Eortland, Oregon. Capital $1,000,000. Surplus, $400,000 V ,he desire to make money i3 natural. The am bition to save money is laudable. A bank ac count inspires a desire to save. Depositors in this bank are offered every facility and adyantage ac cruing from a quarter century's banking experience. Your account is cordially solicited. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Founded in 1886 Washington at Second A9o Paid on Time Deposits Taxpayers who have misspent hard-earned money in the effort to get a "cheap" street pavement have dem onstrated that there is nothing so expen sive as experiment ing. Eventually it always means bitu lithic. . TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 1KAVELER8" GL'LDK. HAMBURG-AMERICAN CRUISES PR LUXF, SOUTH AMERICA THIRD ANNUAL CBCTSE of tha S. S. "BLUEChER" th largest cruUlnff steamer rsllinr from one America to the other. Ottera eyerr luxurv and cmnfort. LEAVING NEW YORK JAN. 20, 1912, Porte of cail : port of Mwln. lrnam tmco. Santo. Buenos Aires Acnft tho Andes), I'linta, AreoM (throuffti tbo ltral. of .Magellan), A IpariUo, Kio do Janeiro, llaliia. Pan. Bridtrtrtowa and SU TUumaa. Optional aide trips everywhere Tc SO DAYS COftr $350 a A lo Cruises to the Orlfnt, West Indies. Around the World, Italy and Eg?pt, oto. RFGULAR SERVICES LONDON PARIS HAMBURG PRES. GRANT Nov 18. a A. M. f AMF.RIKA Not. XL. M A. M. MOLTK Not. 15. A M. il-E N N 8 YLV ASIA Deo. t, P. M. tUnexcallad Rltr-Carlton a la Carta Restaurant, Gymnasium, Electric Batbs. Elevator. Palm Garden. W1U call at Plymouth and Cherbourg;. I Hamburg di rect, second cabin only. Gibraltar, Algiers, Naples, Genoa S. B. HAMBURG Nor. 15, 1 P. M. 8. 8. CINCINNATI Dee. 7 8. S. HAXSLBU Jan. 4 ' Write for booklets ef mil crolses. H.UTBntC-AMKItlCAX IJNE. 190 Powell St.. Gan Francisco. Cai, or 0.-W. R. N. Co.. Northern Paclflo, V. at R. O., Burllnaton Route, Milwaukee and P. 8. R. IL; C F. Pflueer. Mulker bldr.. D. B. Fmlth. 69 3th at.. Portland. Oreron. HONOLULU $110 FIBST CLASS ROCKD TRIP . The most delightful spot on entire world tour for your vacations. Delightful sea bat ing at the famous beach of Walklkl. The splendid SS. Sierra (10.000 tons displace ment) maKej uie round irip in in aayi, one can visit on a side trip the Uvinc volcano of Kilauea which is tremendously active, and see for himself the process of world creation. No other trip compares with this for the marvelous and wonderful in nature. Visit the islands now, while you can do it bo easily and quickly and while the vol cano is active. Prompt attention to tele grams for berths. Sailings; November 4, November 25. December lC etc. OCEANIC 8. 8. CO. ftt Market Street. San Francises). Willamette River Route Boats for Oregon City and Salem. Dslljr 8:45 A M. (except Sunday). . Fur, Corvallla. Albany and Independence. :o A M. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. Ofnce and dock, foot Taylor st. OKEXiOX CITY TRASS. CO. Pbone Mala 40. COOS BAY LINE TEAMKB BBBAKWATEB. alls from Alnewortb Dock. Portias, a P. at., every Tuesday. Freight reoelvea at AJnswortA Dock dally up to A P. Is. Ps sencr tare, flrst-olaaa, 910: aeoond-claea ST. IncludlDV meals and berth. Ticket office Alnavexth Iock. rkoaet etala eee, MtU AIu, liia CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS. Express gerslce Tim ST. LAWRENCE RIVER SCENIC ROCTB Isa Than 4 Uays at See by the EMTKESSES OF TUJB ATLANTIC Weekly Sailings to Europe, First-class, $82.S0; Winter months, $89.00. Second-class. $63.75; One-class cabin XI $50 et-ECIAl, CHRISTMAS EXCURSIONS. Friday. Dec, 1, Empress of Britain, Saturday, Dec &. Lake Manitoba. Friday. Pec 15, Empress of Ireland. Berthing plana now open. Book Early. THIRD-CLASS BATES. Hamburg. Antwerp, Bremen, etc., $80, $31.00 Liverpool London, Glasgow. Sel- laat $31.25. $32.50 Norway, Denmark. Sweden. .. .$34.75, $30.21 Special rail rates on request. r. B. Johnson, O. A., 14$ Third St, AH scents sell Can. Vac tickets. OPEN RITKB TRANSPORTATION CO. . STE. J.N.TEAL Freight reoslTea daily at Oak-st. doc for Tha Dalles. Hood RlTer, White Salmon, Uma 1 1 1 1 a, Kennewlck. P a s o o. Richland. Hanford. White BluIIs, ana Intermediate pointa FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER SERVICE. FARE 50 CENTS TO HOOD RIVER. WHITE SALMOH. TUB DALLES. Steamer leaTea Portland Sunday. Tuesdsy. Thursday. 7 A. M. Returning leaves The Dalles Monday. Wednesday, Friday. 7 A. 1., arriving at Portland about 5 P. M. sams day. W. S. Buchanan. Supt.: W. S. SmaliwojX Gen'l Mgr. Phone Main fldO. A 8527. 1 San Francicso. Los Angeles and San Diego Direct North Paclflo 8. 8. Co.'s 8. S. Roanoke and a S. Elder sail every Wednesday alter nately at 6 P. M. Ticket office 12 Tblrl St., near Alder. Phones M. 1314. A 1314. KESeUl "BFSfV EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. 8. 8. Bear Sails 4 P. M. November 13. SAN "KA. CISCO PORTLAND S.S. CO, Ticket umce, lis rnira vt. Pbones Main 402 and A 1403. HEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT 6ERVICH. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN .HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. SU ICailway Kxcbanse BUa, rsfUali. (M Mam uts. A. mam i