TTTC 3I0KXIXG OKEGOXIAy. rKfPAT, XOTEMBER 10, 1911. "" : ZI MIL MEN GLOOMY ABOUT LIABILITY Bankruptcy for Some Lines and Deterioration of Oth-. ers Is Forecast COMMISSION IS ADVISED (rfm-rnmrnl Knipkj Vrt Mor MheralllT 1nr Tbrm tn Bill Pro-rid in for Compentlon or Worklnrmrn. WASHINGTON". Nor. . Bankruptcy for some rallrosds and a datertoration In the serlce of others we forecasts todar tefore the Emporere Liability and Workmen's Compensation Commis sion by Gardiner Lathrop, who took a Kloomr Tlsw of ths proposed protective lea-tsUtlon. Mr. JLathrop, who Is counsel for ths Atchison, Topeka 60 1 Railroad, expressed erase doubts ss to ths prob ability of obtainln authority from ths Inter Late Commerce Commission to msks Increases In rates, which hs said would be necessary to meet ths cost of fie proposed Insurance. Mr. Moon, of the Commission, was In clined to bo reassorin. Us expressed ths opinion that ths Commission could Irs sjch sxpresslun as would fores tits Interstate Commercs Commission to take Into account ths added burden upon ths roads. Ths railroad attorney sees ths Com mission much adrlcs on ths character of ths bill. Absoluts uniformity of opinion amons the lawyer was lack-Ins-. Alfred P. Thorn, of the -southern Jlallwsy, announced himself an adro rats of the proponed lee-;slation and urged a compulsory rather than an op tional law. Mr. Lathrop and Benja min I. Warflxld. of ths Louisville Nashville, favored ths optional system. J. L. Pond, representln ths Balti more Ohio, explained tns Insurance) system which for more than SO years has been In operation by his company. He said that the system was acceptable to the men and had been effective In rellevlr.s nsrdanlps. lie ur-posed all plans looking; to ths commutation of benefits, because, hs said, the benefi ciaries of lump sum payments ere scandalously robbed. W. J. Johnston, repreeenttns- Gov ernment employes, made sn argument for more liberal allowances under ths Oovernment employee' llsnllltr bllL lie thought the de.ith benefit should bs equal to five years salary Instesd of eae. DR. LYMAN IS INDICTED Ioe AnsTtmi Grand Jury Oasr-red Ti lth I'slns; Malls to IVf raaa. LAS ANOELFS. Nov. . Dr. J-hn Grant l.yman. the promoter, now In prison In San Francisco, aftr a spec tacular escape and f'.lcht from Ala meda, was Indicted by the Federal rrand Jury here today on the ehara-s ef havlne used ths malls to defraud. Ball was fixed at li.Otf. Ths Indictment today wss ths result of an operation promoted by Tr. Ly man la land suptxed to be contiguous to ths Panama t'anal and. It Is under stood, wss baaed on the glowing pros pectuses Issued bv the f inancler-phy-s'rtan and the alleged fact that ths maps hs published and sent with ths prospectuses through ths malls wsre fictitious. BAN FR ANCISOX" Not. 1 Ths tn Uctment of I'r. John Grant t.yman by the Los Angeles grand Jury will not affect the status of his case here, ac cording to the I'm led States Attorney. I'nless ths Federal suthortiles In Uis south break ths present arrangement by Insisting on Ms removal at this time, hs will go to trtal hers early next month on the charge of conspiring with hts guards to escape from custody. CAP PISTOL AIDS ESCAPE --an La Barbara's Slron---t "Prisoner Cains Brief Libert). SANTA BARBARA. Csl.. Nov. . Armed with a paper-cap pistol, which guards mistook for a wear-on desdller thin ths toy with which children cele brats the Fourth of July. Tom O Brlen. ons of the larcest an, I strongest men eer conf'ned In ths County Jail, es caped to!ay. O Btien fled sn.l was captured by I-eputy Blerlff Poole, who led sn n v'.t'ag chase tn an automobile. REICHSTAG M0RE HOSTILE ir- rtni'1 TTftrt First Pax ) said that Germany "now knows where to find ths enemy. "Uenr.ana." hs continued, "are not accustomed to submit to such things. Ths German people will give a Ger man answer to this Kngllsh question. Tne government will know whit sr.swer to give when ths hour comes. When It comes is for the government to aa-. but Its Cuty Is to decide for ths . . . . - Yt- mans will be ready to make whatever seer I rices are necessary." A great commotion ensued at ths conclusion of lierr von Heydebrant's speech. Ths galleries of the Reichstag" wers crowded until the c!"-ance;ior rois to peak. He (wean by taking up ths re ports thst t-e dispatch of the Germsn gunboat Fmtier to Agadir. Morocco, was a "bo.t out of a blus sky. and that Germany planned to acquire ter ritory In Southern Morocco. baa beet Rrterte Resale. Before sending ths warship to Aga dir. Herr von Bethmann-Hol weg said he had proposed that France and Ger many open negotiations for ths pur pose o. res"hir.g s bas;s for the recog nition of Frsnce s po'ltlcal position in Morocco, the economic gusranteee to be obtained by Ger-nany and colonial compensation. France, however, avoid ed positive proposals, meanwhile coirs; a lead with ths occupation of Morocco. The dispatch of ths gunboat Psnthsr tVen was necessary and produced th desired result. -We are not living In the Homeric aae. whea threats and boasting wers t nought necessary. the Chancellor said. ;-rmeny ts strong enough to dispense with such shleld-rattilng and will know bow to draw ths sword when the time comes. Ths Emperor steadliy Insisted on strict adherence to our programme a: all stages of ths negotiations, tn I 1 ; consciousness thst svery action of . a great power may Involve the fateful I . 0 . . Mace. 11' In full readiness to uphold ths honor of ths nation with ths swerd." After reletm ths representations made by Osrmany to Great Britain rel atlvs to a speech made by David Lloyd-George at a banquet In Lon don. July 11 last, ths Oerman Chancel lor declared: -Nobody can tell wbsther war some time will corns, but my duty Is so to act that war which Is avoldabis and not demanded by the honor of Germany shall be svolded." Durlng and after ths speeches mads by Baron von- Hertltsg. clerical, and Herr von Heydehrand. Conservstlvs. at tention waa attracted by the attitude of Crown Prince Frederick Wlihelm. who openly applauded the phrase. "Our peaceful professions ars regarded abroad as a sign of weakness." The Crown Prince made a similar demonstration when Herr von Heyds braad spoks of "ths German's word, which alons can guarantss German prestige. " Ciews Prltsee Net Ftevtlaa. Reports current that the CTown Prince had communicated with one or two of his brothers with a view to marked representations to bis fathsr disapproving ths Chancellor! policy re garding Morocco evoked the following ststement this evening: -The report that the Crown Prince la planning- Joint action with his brothers ae-elnst ths Chancellor Is Incorrect." It was signed by ths Crown Prince. Herr von Bethmann-Hollweg and his wife were guests of ths Imperial family at dinner tonight. This reception Is regarded as a demonstration of Em peror William s unlimited confidence In his Chancellor. LA FOliETTElfl HERE SENATORS StTPPOnTERS DE.VT POLITICAL FCRPOSK. LINCOLN'S HOME IS CONSECRATED I I. il Tonr of Coast la Made bx Prominent Attorneys of Milwaukee Who Expect Xotnlnatlon. What ts bellsvsd to b the first move en the part of United States Senator La Follette towards looking after his political interests In this stats was bus gestsd yesterday by ths visit here of Henry Cothems and Charles A. A. Mc- Oea. prominent lawyers of Milwaukee, Wis, and enthuslastlo supportsrs of tne Wisconsin Senator and PTssldentlal as pirant. Both of these men denied that their visit to ths Pacific Coast at this time was of a political naturs and ln- slstsd that professional business wss ths object. However, before coming to Portland Messrs. Cochems and McGee spent sev eral days In Los Angeles and Sn Fran. Cisco. Leaving Portland, they will visit Tacoma. Peat Us and other cities In Washington, going as far north ss Van couver. B. C. -Ws ars and have been for many years friends snd political supporters of Henator La Follette.- said Mr. Mc Oee. "and we believe hs Is ths stronx sst man ths Republicans could nomi nate for President. However. It Is not po.ltlcs that bas brought us to ths Pa clflo Coast. Ws are hers purely on business. "From the obssrvstlons ws mads In California ws confidently expect the Ilepubllcans of thst stats, under ths leadership of Governor Johnson, to send a La Follette delegation to their Na tional convention. As for Oregon, we surely expect ths Republicans of your stats to send a delegation that will be a unit for Senator La Follette." Although snthuatastle for La Fol lette. neither Mr. Cochems nor Mr. Mc Gee would discuss ths chsnces of ths Wisconsin man. During their sojourn hsre Messrs. Cochems and McGee will be the guests of H. J. tilers, of Ellers Muslo House. PRICES RECOUP FARMER BETTER MARKET BALM IX) It DE CREASED CROPS. Apple Protloetlon 1X6. S Per Cent of Averaite of Recent Year, Says Official Report. WASHINGTON. Nov. . Ths de creased production tn crops this year, as compared with last year. Is be ing compensated to ths farmer of the country by the larger prices hs Is rei celrlng as shown by figures given out today by the Department of Agricul ture. The aggregate production of crops tn 111. It la estimated. Is approxi mately T.t per cent less than the crops of 110 and about four-tenths of 1 per rent leas than ths average produc tion for the preceding five years. Corn was worth 12 1 cents more a bushel on November 1 than on ths sams data last year: wheat 1 cent; oats t cents: barley, ti t cents: rye, 11 S cents: buckwheat, 7.1 cents, and pota toss. 10. cents, while ths value of hay waa a ton greater. The production of other crops In 111. expressed In percentage of the average production In recent years. Is estimated as follows: Apples. i:.S; pears. 110 1; grapes, 101.7: asparagus, .?; alfalfa. .l; beans. $5.1: onions. 3.7: strawberries. J ; psachss. tO.S; hops, Tl'L RATE ORDER IS ENJOINED Con tinned From First TPs ire. for a fixed rate the different propor tionate rates established by ths Com mission tn Its several decisions tn ths Bpokans case may be cited. The first ordsr mads ths rata from Chicago to Fpokans It 1-1 per cent higher than thst from Chlcsgo to Portland; the sec ond time It wss 1!S psr cent nlghsr; In this last decision It was seven per cent higher. These various decisions were mads within a period of two year. -Water competition being; recognised as a compelling factor, the Court evi dently held that under the law no dis crimination sxlsted against an Interior point simply because the water point has a lower rats compelled by compe tition. If. at the sams time, the In terior point hss a reasonable rate. "The Court expresses tts Intention of Inquiring Into the facts and unques tionably the esse wlil go to the Su preme Court." In oommentlng oa the Injunction. Frank W. Robinson, general freight agent of the 0.-W. R- N. Company, said: -If Is a TeeogrlMon Toy the Commerce Court of ths right of the carriers to meet competition as they rind it." Ths railroads, anticipating the pos sibility that ths Injunction would bs denied, hsd prepared a tariff on the basis established by ths Interstate Commerce Commission, but withheld It pending the decision of ths Commerce Court. The present rates now will continue In effect. Kentucky Birthplace of Mar tyred President Accepted as Gift to Nation. TAFT LEADS IN EULOGY Imposing Memorial Near Hodgen Tllle, Kjr., Marks Completion of Popular Movement Sena tor Borah Speaks. HO DG EXVTLLE. Ky.. Nov. . Ths birthplace of Abraham Lincoln was dedicated ss a National shrine today. An Imposing- grtmlte memorial, raised over the log- cabin In which Lin coln was born, wss formally acoepted by Prssldent Taft In bshalf of ths Na tion. It stands in ths center of ths farm on which Lincoln's parents set tled after their long Journey from Vir ginia Throng's from all parts of the United States attended. Othsr eulog ists besides President Taft wers ex Governor Folk, of Missouri, who Is president of ths Lincoln Farm Asso ciation: Governor Willson, of Ken tucky, and Msjor-General Black, a former commander of ths Grand Army of ths Republic who spoks for ths soldiers of the North, and General John B. CasUaman. of Kentucky, who spoks for ths soldiers of the South. f-enator Borah, of Idaho, ddlrsred an address on -Lincoln ths Man." The ceremonies todsy wsrs In a measure a continuation of those begun yestsrday at Frank fort, when a status of Lincoln wss unveiled In the State Capitol. Today's ceremony, however, marked the con summation of a Nation-wide move ment to convert the Lincoln birth place Into a National preserve. nrlsjia ef Uealna BsHllru-. President Taft spoks of ths fascin ating study Involved In tracing the origin of the genius of a man like Lincoln. The pssston of the world, he said, grew greater for mors Inti mate knowledge of his personality and a deeper Inquiry Into ths circum stances of his wonderful life. "Few men." said Mr. Taft. "have come Into publlo prominence who cams so absolutely from ths soil as did Abraham Lincoln. It la difficult to Imagine the lark of comfort, accom modation and the necessities of life that were In the cabin In which he was born. The almost squalor tn which he passed his early life made him fa miliar with the sufferings, thoughts and aympathles of ths plain people; and when hs came to great power bis understanding of their reasoning and of their views gave him an advantage In Interpreting their attitude which cannot be overstated. "His evident sympathy for the col ored race; his aroused sense of Jus tice tn their behalf: his earnest pas sion to secure them fundamental and equality of opportunity haa been the Inspiration In the sufferings and limi tations of his own early Ufa. tyle ef Thought I.eeld. Hs was not slow, but hs wss cau tious, deliberate, attentive, aa beflted one who Insisted on establishing svery proposition that hs adhered to by original reasoning from fundamental postulates. 1 be lucidity and clearness of his thought manifested Itself In ths simplicity, directness and clearness of his style. He had Imagination and loved poetry. He had the rhythm of language and. though purely self-educated, these circumstances developed a power of literary expression thst the world, especially the literary world, hss come fully to recognise and enjoy." Ths President reviewed Lincoln's dealings with men about him and the many-sided genius that made him a statesman and a strategist. The mem orial, aald Mr. Taft. would be a con stant reminder of ths unexplained and explainable growth and development of Lincoln's genius amid lowly sur roundings. Clarence IL Mackey. treasurer of ths Lincoln Farm Association, said that ths gift was made possible by subscriptions from the affluent and the lowly rang ing from 115.000 from one. down to 80 cents, from a woman and her children sgreKatlng 183.0"0. The memorial Is paid for and 150.000 has besn set sslde for maintenance. With the close of the exercises todsy at Hodgenvllle. President Taft and his party continued their trip to Nash ville and Knoxvllle. Tenn. Ths Presi dent's tour will end at Washington Sunday morning. BOOTH TARKINGTONJS SUED Indianapolis Maa Wants 10,000 for Being Hit by Anthor'g An to. INDIANAPOLIS Nov. t. Jlooth Tarklnsrton. the author and playwright, who arrived at his horns here yester day to pass the Winter, was sued todsy for $10,000 damsges by George W. Welsenhan. who alleges that he was run down by the Tarklngton automo bile on July 1 last Mr. Tarklngton was In Europa at the time of the accident but was mads the defendant because he owned ths ma chine, which was driven by Tarklng ton s chauffeur. Two Women and Babe Barn. SIOUX CITT, Is, Nov. I. Mra John Davis, aged 19, wife of a farmer living 11 miles south of here, their 1-months-old bsby snd Miss Lucy Hodger. sged tl. sn sunt, were burned to death In a Are which destroyed their home to- Sarsaparilla Eradicates scrofula and all other humors, cures all their effects, makes the blood rich and abun dant, strengthens all the vital orpans. It effects its gTeat cures, not simply because it contains sarsa parilla, but because it combines the utmost remedial values of 20 different ingredients. Get It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. Do You Enjoy Your Heals? One of the Most Important Question to Consider in the Search for Eplnes and Health. The burning- question to you Is. -Are yon getting out of life ail the pleasure and the health you are entitled tot" If not, why not! . k'a matter whether every organ and member of your body Is In a sound state of health and strength. If your i stomach ts in any way disordered, yon ! are not going to be -yourself." Ton i sre going to be a worriea. out-or-sorxa, nervous or sullen Individual, whoss ao tlons will reflect your condition inside, and people wUl naturally avoid you. The world wants to smile and be cheerful, and unless you are cheerful j and smile, at least, occasionally, yon will have few friends, fswsr oppor tunities, no success, and you will go down In defeat defeated by dysperpsla and a bad stomach. -A good and thorough digestion has a quick wonderful reaction upon the brain. Tou must have noticed It many times, for ths brain and stomach are as Intimately connected as a needle and Its thread, one can hardly be used to advantage without the other. It your stomach Is slow and lazy In digesting your food. It will produce at once a slow, laxy and cloudy Influence upon your brain. Mark It! If your stomach has absolutely quit work, and fermen tation la poisoning your vitals ss a re sult, surely your brain Is going to be sluggish and correspondingly depressed. No one need tell yon that. But why continue to suffer all the miseries and torments that a disor dered stomach brings youT If your stomsch csn not digest yonr food, whst will? Where's ths rellbft Where's the cure? Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the relief and the cure. Why? Because, aa all stomach troubles arise from In digestion and because one Ingredient of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is able to thoroughly snd completely digest 1009 grains of any kind of food, doesn't It stand to reason that these little Dys pepsia Tablets are going- to digest all the food and whatever food you put Into your stomach? Science nowadays can digest food without having to uee the stomach for it. And Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets are the result of this scientific discovery. Trey digest and digest thoroughly and well, anything and everything- you eat. So, If your stomach refuses to work or can't work, and you suffer from eructations, bloat, brash, fermentation, bllioueness. sour stomach, heartburn. Irritation. Indigestion, or dyspepsia of whatever form. Just take one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and see the difference. It doesn't cost you much to prove it. Then you can eat all you want, what you want, whenever you want, if you use these tablets, and you can look the whole world In the face wtth a beaming eye and you will have a cheerful spirit, a pleasant face, a vigorous body and a clear mind and memory and everything will look and taste delicious to you. That's life. Get Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at any drug store-on earth for EOc a box. Send us your name and address today and we will at once send you by mall a sample package free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 160 Stuart Bldg, Marshall. Mich. day. The explosion of sn oil can is supposed to hsvs caused the fire. PULP TRADE IS SOUGHT ETKOPEAX XATIOXS ASK FA-VORED-NATIOX RIGHTS. Norway and Sweden Formally Put Issue Before State Department. Canada Bas Privilege. WASHINGTON, Nov. . Norway and dwsden. through their diplomatic rep resentatives hers, have requested the United States to grant to them, under the favored nation's clsuss of their treaties, the ssme privileges given to Canada by section 1 of the reciprocity agreement, by which wood pulp and print paper are admitted free of duty Into the United States Several other countries. Including Germany. It Is believed, have asked the same privilege from the United States. ' Those requests placed formally be- Ends Catarrh No Stomach Dosing, Hyomei, the Old Reliable Remedy. Tou can get rid of hawking, spitting, snuffles, discharge of mucus and foul breath if you will only try. Tou can get a complete HTOMKI fpronounce it Hlg-h-o-me) outfit for 11 00 with a guarantee that if it does not end the misery of catarrh you can have your money back. Catarrh is caused by grerms. and the only way to kill these germs and for ever banish catarrh Is to breathe HY OMEI an antiseptic vaporised air that hundreds of thousands have used with wonderful success. Bear In mind that there is no cocaine, opium or other habit forming drug In HTOMEI; it is mado of pure Australian Eucalyptus and other antiseptics. For catarrh, asthma, catarrhal deaf ness, colds, croup and coughs. HYOMEI has no equal. If yon already own a HYOMEI In haler you can get a bottle of HYOMEI for only 60 cents at druggists every where. Mall orders filled by Booth'g Hyomei Co. Buffalo, N. Y. . TO GROW HAIR ON A BALD HEAD BT A PBCIAI.I8T. Thousands of people suffer from baldness and falling hair who, having tried nearly aT(r7 advertised hair tonic and hair-grower without results, have resigned themselves to baldness and Its attendant discomfort. Yet their case la not hopeless; ths follow ing simple home prescription baa made bair grow after years of baldness and Is also unequalled for restoring gray hair to tut orlalnal color, stopping hair from fall lna out and destroylcs the dandruff germ. It will not make the hair greasy, and can he put up by any druggist: Bay Rum. 9 ounces; Lavona de Composes. ounces; Uentnol Crystals, one-half drachm. If you wish it perfumed, add ha'f to one tsaspoon ful To-Kalon Perfume, which unites per fectly with ths other Ingredients. This preparation Is highly recommended by phy sicians and specialists and is absolutely barmleea. aa It contains none of the poison ous wood alcohol so frequently found In hair tonics. Do not apply to ths face or where hair Is sot desired. PRINTING staling. Rinding and Blank Bonk 1 Phou Mala Siul. A Z1SI. Portland Printing House Co. j 1. Wright. Pres. and Oea. Manager. , Book. Cstslegse mml Cosseaercisd feats aed Tmrlor sus.. Pertlaad. Orsesa FUR Mm We have placed on sale our com plete stock of high-grade Furs for Friday and Saturday at just off their regular prices. This line of Furs is of the FINEST QUALITY, MOST EXCLUSIVE STYLE AND HAS CHARACTER AND INDIVIDUALITY UNSURPASSABLE. Mi? Garments marked in plain fig ures. Be your own salesman. Discount the price OFF, Largest Leading Furriers In the Northwest. $1.95 Trimmed Hats Sold to $8.00 for Extra special sale of women's Trimmed Hats; all the newest styles, in large or small shapes, in felt and velour; economy sale $1.95 12 Price Sale Plumes, Trim mings and All Trimmed Hats on our entire line of "Women's and Misses' Coats, Suits Waists, Skirts Raincoats Dresses and Sweaters WITH A NEW SHIPMENT of fine Tailored Suits just received, this makes OUR LINE MOST COMPLETE. BEST STYLES, BEST QUALITY AND PER FECT FIT GUARANTEED. 14 Off Sale of Children's Wear Including everything to wear for the infant or child, in Sweaters, Knit Goods, Hats; Coats, Raincapes 0NE-F0UBTH OFF Regular 60c Forest Mills Underwear 44c Fine, form-fitting Vests and Drawers in fleece lined or without ; the very best garment for the money; high neck, long sleeves and ankle length; cream only 44 . $2.00 Fine Kid Gloves 1.69 Mm M.e-Ie51 - entire nuittmui cor rourm ana . ZTLZ rurrnarft LEADNO SFJZCALTY- HOUSE FOR LADJES MSSES S OfLDREff 1 ! m A French Kid Gloves $1.29 fore the State Department the ques tion of whether wood pulp and print paper can be admitted free from other countries than Canada under the farored nation's clauses in the existing- treaties between the United States and those countries. Under section two of the Canadian reciprocity agrreement free entry was g-iren to print paper e,nd wood pulp to the United States. This section of the bill became effec tive July 1 last. Excellent results in that country hare folowed the visit of ths American com mission to Llbsrla In 1909. , FOR THE NEWEST VISIT THE EASTERN RARE OA VA Fv Mr Fred Bauwer, our New York resident buyer, was fortunate to purchase of a -nrominent maker 125 Ladies' and Misses' Coats at a price way below their market tI-a hMiPfir. rif the nurchase. These Coats were intended to sen at o.w, $27.50 and $30.00, but we price them specially for two days only, CHARGE ACCOUMTS S Friday mi Saturday at the nominal price of $18.5 These Coats are made with large collars, in square,, round and pointed hood ef-" fects. In reversible mate rials and mixtures in all combinations of colors. Long revers in front, straight lines, plain or belted backs, buttoned on one side with large fancy buttons, deep cuffed sleeves; worth up n&3a?:..:.. $18.50 ' 61 W lit lUi! II k OLICITED The extraordinary price reductions we make on these de sirable Coats for Friday and Saturday do not deprive you of your privilege to -have your purchases charged to you and remit in such easy and convenient weekly or LmtSy payments as may best suit yourself. Our credit plan is at your disposal just the same. No Charge for Credit-Simply a Courtesy. The Big Modern Credit Store. ' EASTEM OUTFITTING CO. Washington Street at Tenth.