TITE MOItNTNO OTCEGOXIA, FRIDAY, yOTDIBEB 1 1911. 13 . ' ? Mr ' K CITY NEWS IN BRIEF rmitii-rTB Ve-a J""" ""' M.n.a.c, EJlter X.'n T":0 A "J upu uUHas BBTtT-J THEATfR fe.vnta er.d Trl1 E '. rr 5- -, , n J rnra.:r. Tie CoustrT Boy.-7 TMiiht sis vcioak. BARR THUTTR irii'inlH m9 H""' -Mm Bt:ir l:ffor id tn muwL J :rL t.-.e M.a u4 IBe Oaaae." Toalanl. IS ecec. ORPHEVM TH FATE It fM rTl. TMra'eeB Sit U4 e.s.othv Vu.1.in. Tbla ert mooi at l is an, tonlsril at : NTA!r THEATER Fearta i4 Stark) Vidlt. This efl.roooa at 118: ,0 'CM at 1 O and a. EUPRE. THEATER (Par an Wur toa t Veac.tlle. Th;. tftrnttflo at 1:1 aad tonun at To and a. War, arcade, oh jot. optox. ttvo- LI Flrst-cua put Kim. II A. 11 P. HAjrTlC THEATER (Park and Westa lcetoa Kotloa sicturva and musical vauIvU.e, 11 A. U to 11 P. M. A 4t. asis.d far lb Clrr Km Brtf aalamaa la Bsaday-. ln.s Be ha Taa Onavalaa lissla.se ffloa , e'easra aalaraaa eveaiaa. ErriMKW or Eait Bumniun Paoaejiua. Under th. prasant proreed-ln- it u believed extension of East Sevsnteenth etreet through Midway will be accomplished. J. K. Kertcnem. a viewer, said that la making the ai easmcnls mraont eira waa exercised tr be fair with all tha property owners Intereetel. Owners of tha property that will ba appropriated to open tha street wera consulted and thorough Inspee t!on of tha territory to tha south waa made. Tha lii'miMt ha been dis tributed orer a larta territory thnt the burden will fall lightly on all. This Is tha third attempt ma!e to open Ka.st Seventeenth street. Tha Improvement will cost nearly IK.O'.O if dona now. tut If tha street I not opened under '.ha present proceesnas. tha viewers' say. It will coat 1:5.000 two years later. East Guuit to Bs Wtprxxrx New proceedings are under' way to make F.ast U'tsan street 10 feet wide be tween East Forty-seventh and East Ftztleth street to conform to the re mainder of tha street east and west. A. A. KaJlerly. 11. K. L. hlmmnna and I'tilltp H. ttatea are the viewers. They have already assessed the dsmaa-ee and benedta. and the property owners will be heard November la. on this street Is the rte-ht of way of the 1'ortland Railway, l.ittht A J'ower Company com prising l7s square feet. The street is widened throuah Laurelhurst and to KAst Forty-seventh street, i'roceedlnjre are also pending to open ldst Gllsan street between East Twenty-eighth and East Twenty-sixth streets. PsoADvif Fill. Fntiroextx Th filling of liroadWAy from Vancouver avenue to East Third street will be considered tonight at the meeting of the North Ksst Mlde Improvement As sociation. Plans for a steel visduct were proposed some time ago. but the proceedings were rescinded with In tent to make a solid ml Instead. The nil le said to be needed to provide a llreet etreet to tha Broadway bridre. It will be about loo feet lone, and the coat will be more than HS.Oot). It will be paid for by taxation, and not by assessing adjacent property. It Is de sired to have the nil corrpleted by the time the Broadway bridge la com pleted. Konsi Has Nnw Brtimi, Newe of the selection of their son. Charles Huge, as city sdltor of the Indianapolis find.) Sun bas bean received by Mr. and Mrs. Walter nge. of sjunnyaiue. Mr. Iloce. a Portland man. haa been for the last threa years city editor of the Omaha Il'r News- The new position Is looked upon by his friends as a sub stantial promotion. ltfore leaving Omaha to take bla new position Mr. lloge was tendered a banquet by hla friends. LaDira. Aim now Heretofore I have annually disposed of my surplus wool ens at Pakera Auction rooms. This year I am giving tha ladies an op portunity and am offering the highest grade materials and workmanship at greatly reduced prices. Former price Hi and up now Hi for a short time. Not going out of business but am KOlng abroad to make my selection of woolens. KdmurMl Ourney. ladies' tailor. Mohawk bids;,, td and Morrison. rRA-i:i.T Pilxs Asb Privits. The rounty hAs succeeded In driving plies and puttini; lower brsces In place ton the north side draw rest for the liurn side bridge before high water. The rest may now be completed easily. Wore: was stopped on the deck of the ap proachea to hurry the completion of the reit. Pry weather Is awaited be fore the deck on the approaches can be finished aa wooden block cannot te laid In the rain. "Ca op Tkkth" to P.B Torre. The nrt of a series of four health talks st.l be given In the auditorium of the V. M. C. A. building at t.li o'clock ton:cht. Tlie speaker will be Ir. 1C M. Ilurd and his eubject. "The Care of Teeth and Their Construction. The lectures are riven un!er the auspices of the phystctvl departmrnt of the as cint!on and were Inaugurated last rar. MortRX R-noot. rntx.TPAi.To LrcTvns. "An Kptc of the Inner Life: the Story f the Lownfall and l'isvrace of Oscar Wl'vie." Is the subject of a lecture by iill:im Thurston Hroa n. principal of t.-e Modern School, to be given next l-'riJay night In the rooms of the school on the fourth floor of the Pchnke WiUrr building, at 1(7 Fourth street. ftrvEHsira Owwaa Dispuiasbix Property owners In the Riverside sewer district are dtssatisHed with the as sessment reductions allowed, and may Uia the caae Into court This action depends largely on the advice of their attorney and the outcome of the In vestigation proposed by Councilman Magulra. IloLatajr to Arrvasss Ttoea Pootrrr. Fred V. Holman wia address the Sell wood Itos Society tonight In the Sell wood Teung Men' Christian Associa tion building at the corner of Spo kane avenue and East Fifteenth street. 11 is subject will be. "Hose Culture." Mrs. 1-ra C JUtUe I president of the octety. PrranTsrcxT Examtstor Herb. M. C. Masterson. special examiner of the l'epartmeat of Justice with head qTiarter at Washington. D. C. is In the city for a few days making an Inspection of the of'ce of United States IMiirK-t Attorney McCourt, aa I done at stated periods. li.vseox's Tim ExTB-Tprrx Walter Bonson. under Indictment In the Fed eral Court for having liquor on the I'matilla Indian reeervatloa. waa brought before tbe court yesterday to pleavd but ae he had not secured an attorney wa (Ivan until next Monday to answer. Sxorr Fnoxm Flag Alarm. A smoky chimney at the Tamhtll rooming-house, at 111 Tamhtll street, caused an excitable woman to gtve a tire call st noon yesterday. Two companiee answered and spent half an hour In vain trying to discover the blase. Stkbt. Tax of all description for ?:l. gasoline and water storage. R Vieckmaa dt Co- lo:-- North sth ai lr. A. O. Bettman. phya and surg.. re moved. 10 Northaiest bide- Wash- :&. Da. Esoab II TiuRxT5rxe residence is now at the Carlton Hotel. Orpcb Heidelberg beer from Fleck-n:rln-Mayer Co. Ma.n T. WTim PO-AHOTTAS It.-K-g COAI. i a Ton. delivered. Main lis. a F. A. Oars. Jemeier. removed to i Wilcox bldg. LgADixa Florist. Lubllner. 4it Wasa. Crowds attAd Oaks rlok t&sse dajs. Mam Drowxi n Rrrxx. A heavy splash apprised Nell Carroll, watch man on tbe steamer Pomona, that a man was overboard shortly after mid night Thursday, but although be tossed several llnee t9 the sinking man. one et which fell across hi face, he mad I do attempt to reach for them. Tha body waa recovered yesterday by Hugn Brady, elty grappler. It Is not known whether the man fell overboard or at tempted to drown himself. He had a gold ring en one finger and money In his puree. Tbe body weigh I'D pounds, le Ove feet six Inches In height, and waa dressed tn a new blue flannel shirt and corduroy trousers. Mlt-atto Wastio As Euavxa. Theortors J3. Moore, a mulatto, wa ar rested a few day ago by the police on a minor charge and later turned ever to the custody of the Immigra tion department on the belief that he was a subject for deportation. While Ms case waa being Investigated It wa learned that he was wanted In Helena. Mont- on a white slave oiiarge. He la charged with having- brought May Cronta. a white girl, from Canada to Helena and when arrested her the woman was with him. They both started for Helena last night In th custody of a Deputy United Etate Marshal. Orsoon Dat la Namo. Offloer of the United State Land A Irrigation Exposition, which will be held In Chi cago. November II to December . hr.ve notified the Portland Commercial Club that December T haa been set aside aa "Oregon day." Oovernor West baa been Invited to be present and mske an address and the day" pro gramme will be arranged by Oregon people. This organisation la desirous that this state arrange to send a big delegation to the exposition particular ly on the day that has been reserved. Wrsr to Adprjcrs Womajc Cwtb. The Portland Woman Club will meet thla afternoon In Women of Woodcraft Hall. Buslnes meeting at I o'clock. Tne programme will be at I o'clock. Mra. Jonn Van Zanto. will give the Current Event and Governor Oswald West will speak on "Our State In stitution," After th programme there will be a reception to Mr. West. All the pastors in the oltr. with their wives are Invited to be the guest of th club. All club member being guests under the club regulation. Chargb Aoainst Casb PisMissxirx The charge preferred by Thomas Bog gess. against Thomas Case, also known as J. K. Reynolds, that the latter had threatened to kill him waa dismissed In Municipal Court yesterday after witnesses hid testified that the com plainant's reputation for veracity wa not of the b'st. Both Bogges and Case wtll be tried tomorrow on charge of creating a disturbance. TXUPLJR 8KRV1CIX) Animuiit'tu At Temple Beth Israel tonight at ( o'clock, the subject cf Dr.' Wlse'e sermon will be 'Homeless Children." The muslo will be under the direction of Mrs. Bos Bloch Bauer. Tbe quartet will ing. -The Desert Shall Kejolce" (Whltlngn Mra Bauer will sing. "K Werde Llchf (llenschel). Services Saturday morning will begin at 10;JO o'clock. 14.00 Acnx of choice fruit land will be sold at Jerome, Lincoln County, Idaho, December 11. 1911. under the Carey act In 40. o 12') and 160-acre tracta Small cash p.iv-.cnt. balance easy terms, low rata t -it. Teat. These lands are part of the v. r it North Side tract. For all tnfornr.i.yn. wire or address the Twin Falls North Side Land Water Company. M liner. Idaho. FtxB ron Oamruxo East. Although 11 In reel money, but about 15000 In chips, formed tbe evidence against A. ouell, N. Oradt. U. Dauner and Fabrlo Teg'.lo. accuaed of gambling and eaugbt In tha act by Patrolman Pad- rtck In a saloon at the corner of Sec ond and Main streets, the quartet escaped with a fine of 2S each In Municipal Court yeatarday. Stxaooovb Sgnvtcaa to Bb Hrux Services will be held at Congrega tion Ahaval Sholom Synagogue, corner park and Clay streets, tonight at I o'clock. Mr. Charles Robertson will address the congregation on the sub ject "The Dream of th Patriarch." Tomorrow morning eervlce at 1:10 o'clock. Babbl l'.obert Abrahamson will officiate. Cabct Act Lad Opwtjto, 14.000 acre t Jerome. Idaho, December 11. 111. Thle land 1 part of the Great North Side tract, which has a record of three year from sagebrush to blue ribbons and sweepstake. For all Information writ or wire the Twin Fall North Side Land at Water Com pany, Mllner. Idaho. Two Oit Lono Trmir, Frank Jaro way and William Smale, arrested for selling copper bond wires, Identined a belonging to the Portland Railway, Light A Power Company, were found guilty In Municipal Court. Jaroway was sent to Jail for 160 day and Smale for SO days. Arueta Moth eii To Most. A meet ing of the Arletu, Mothers' Improve ment Club ha been called for today at the Arleta achoolhouse. The meet ing will open at 2:i. and will be held In room 14. Arter a short prog-ramm a talk on art will be given. " Y. M. C. A. GARAOR-STORAua All kinds ef repairing at nominal cost. East 10th and East Mill. I'hone 2651. Hues. Attbntioj. Sale for ticket The Dalles trip closed today at 4 o'clock. See Secretary SpauldinR. now. 1.000.000 Gat.tx3.NS of oil If afire would destroy the whole city. Br.AVxn Hiu, and Boslin coal. Phone Main K. A I33S. MAN POLITE, NOT DRUNK Prlsonor Who Kept Salntlng; Police Captain la Freed. Patrolman GITr teet cf whether man 1 drunk 1 to smsll hi breath, which he doe carefully when he I at all In doubt, he told Judge Taswell In the Municipal Court yesterday. C. K Warner, a tailor, wa under trial on a charge of being drunk and a vagrant, but th vagrancy charge was withdrawn. Patrolmen GUI and Orlfflth took th man to the station and swore he waa Intoxicated. The prisoner kept ealut Ing Captain Bailey. Warner swore that ha never touched 113,'aor and saluted merely because he had learned polite ness in th Army. Warner was released. AT THEQUELLE. Plenty large. Juicy Yamhill crawflsh. Dining-room for ladle, tth and Ulaxa. Northwest Mnllclerk Xanved. OHECONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Waah. Ingtoa. Nov. I. Following Northwest ern men were appointed mall clerks: Oregon, Jol.n H. Gahler. Jr- and F. E. Tester. Portland; l E. Needham. Sa lem; WasMngton. Thoma J. Evan. Se att'.e: tamuel J. Hall. Goshen; Bert A. Bojth. BeHIr.ghem: John A. ScMumb, Seattle; Nell 1L Host. Spokane. Attorney. Attention. Having retired from practice I have several bur.ireJ law books for sale cheap. Call n or address S. McDowalL Hotel Oregon. PE.ET 8ROV FK1DAY SPECIAL. We offer our t! wines at II a gallon; It be wines nt "c a a-allon; Straight Ker.in.'ky Whisky. seeo years old. regular H . al ti 50 a gallon: Ken aiK.i -, as. a a ga.i -n: IJ gia.le whisky. 11 10 a gallon. r ri.'ay only. IT J. Morrison st. phones i Keat ill. JB 142. Free Csuvery, ! Water, Phone and Gas Bills ART! PAYABLE 1TOW JSaH a elick for tha amount of your bill, to ff ether with your statement (or with 4 slip glvin. your Etreet and number to tha Water Office), and save the time It takes to go to the offices and to wait for a receipt. Then you ham a double re ceipt for your money, too. It's a businesslike way of settling your accounts. And mokes a good im preBioa on any creditor. You may open a cheeking Account for whatarar amount you wish. Portland Trust Company of Oregon Third and Oak Streets J OYSTER OMELETTE.. Clam chowder, crab meat wHh may onnaise, creamed codfish, braised tongue, beef stew and hot biscuit for Friday luncheon at Woman's Exchange, 111 Fifth etreet. Blockwood. 14 15. Fdlefsen Fuel Co.e PiiflVFRy.nn I M W I A. Li III J 1 I Lll Vet UUi Portland's Oldest Grocers, 148 Third Street, A 4432. Main 9432. WATCH THE SIGNS "Yesterday is dead forget It; TOMORE.0W does not exist don't worry i TODAY is here use it" The two biggest things In the Grocery today are purity -and honesty. Just where you stand on these two scores will deter mine your satisfaction, if you are trading with us. NEW A RIVALS Imported-Frankfurtere, lb., 30 VTestphalian Ham, sliced, pound for 50 Blood Sausage, lb 40t Truffled Liver Sausage, lb. 50 Alligator Pears, each 0 Malaga Raisins, lb ..-40 Malaga Grapes, lb 35 New Eastern Buckwheat, a sack, for 50 Jones' Little Pig Pork Sausage. All ingredients for Mincemeat, Plum Puddings, in all siaea, FOE TODAY AND TOMORROW Quaker Oats, per pkg 10? Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 cans..25 Bismarck Herring, jar 33 Smoked Eels in glass, jar...35 Lanre White Asparagus, tin 25 California Brandy, per qt., 90tf (Just the thing for mincemeat.) Zinfandel, 6-year-old Table Clar et, quarts, 50o bot. ; dz. $5.50 "Do your Thanksgiving shop ping early"; you will profit by it, and we can give you better at tention and service. "A cordial invitation to the newcomer." PICTURE FRAMES OF QUALITY Th moat comprehensive line of Blah-grade frasalag In th , Wsst 1 carried by thla house. The labor, material and design srs absolutely th beat. The are found In Aatlqwe Geld from original designs, ar tistic and eJtoluslve. In Mahoa-aay and Ctrewealata, Rsgllib or Italian Wiliil Veaeera of the finest quality, new and unusual pattern, by tbe best designers; In Pleanlah and Blaek Oak, Mele and fcltsoay, Copley B re-waa, Manila and Preach Graysa all especially made to harmonise with general ton of the ptotur. Saleeeaea of expert k n o w 1 edge and long experience to assist the purchaser In obtain ing only ertlatlo and harmoni ous effect. SANBORN, YAIL & CO. WHOLESALE RETAJL. 170 Firs. 1T1 Frent, The Largest Variety of Ptevarea, I ramW Plctau-ee, Mowldlaga aatf Artist Malarial Pacaile Comet ICCHWAB PRINTING CO KJSOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE 2 45s; STARK - STREET S MS II Viiiiftni i i i' ''-""-"- Suits, Overcoats an R amcoacs We sincerely believe that we are selling the best clothing in America at their price. As a shrewd buyer you positively owe it to yourself to inspect our display. Our $15 and $20 Suits are the best money can buy and are guar anteed to give satisfaction. This label in your gar ments is your guarantee. Come in today and look 'em over. Prices Range $10 to $50 Big display of coats in Fourth - street window $10, $15, $20, $25. FOURTH AND MORRISON Portland's Fashion Center Since 1863 We Are Sole Agents for Holeproof Hose and Brook $3.00 Hats WILLAMETTE VALLEY LANDS 3 2SoOO PER ACRE Linn County, Oregon 840 acres, five miles from good town, 320 acres good farm land, good soil, plenty water. An ideal cattle ranch. Several thousand acres free outrange adjoining. Cattle run out all Winter. $2000 will handle. Might trade. Forest, 268 Stark St ae HOME BUILDERS W e are contractor and will furnish lot and finance the building- of a home for Ton on easy payments. We rlv reference and ask references. WTATT, EST1BROOK Tt RAT, SOI Coach Bid. Pboae Mala 4ZI1. Will Make You Rich Why Rent a Farm when $200.00 will buy 80 acres in the best county in Oregon t Address Forest Hill Investment Co, 268 Stark St., Portland, Or. Mr. Business Man System vs. Profit Profit Means Success WITHOUT SYSTEM THERE IS NO PROFIT These are Questions Each Business Man Should Answer fl 1 . . ji situ Arrow Notch COLLAR Easy to put on, easy to take ofi, easy to tie the tie in. Cltwtt, Pcelxxly Sc. Company, Makers, Troy, S. T asjSTSsejasaiB IBiaBISll lBlMSllBrsrBfals pnaimBMiiGi HOTEL FOR SALE On fine auto road from Port land, in a progressive town. All furnished. Price $6500. Easy terms. 0W1TER, W. E. PEGG, Beaverton, Oregon. Sealy-Lowell Company GROCERS, BAKERS, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS NEW ARMTAIJ DAILY. 35 c ,50c Can Cheeeea Joara Dairy Farm Sliced Afn lomm Dairy Fa Bases, pound box "xC pound. Kltspered Her- fA Flaaaa Had- OC Imported rlaK. doaen aJVC dlea, pound a&JL. Bnenbert I FAJTCT PACKAGE OF GIFT APPLES. We are offering a new tyle box of apple deslg-ned especially for pres ents. They are packed In a very attractive manner with Extra Fancy Huad River Apples. Pr box. aocordlna; to QQ Jl50 yiaXi 'ixWT''i'io 'fT 'Tttfiiirrk points la 7Bo, and to Chicago (Oo. Other cltle In proportion. HOOD RIVER BALDWINS, In regular wood boxea. .81.65 MELTOSI' MOWBRAT PORK PIES. Th real thins;. Similar to thoe which are o popular in Eng-land. Made In Our Own Pastry Bakery, of the finest materials, by the best crairtr..r.a.k..r..? .T. 20c AND 35c EACH DO KO KCW TIPTREB ESIOLISH PRESERVES Little learlrt Straw- C Blaek Oarraat, each 4C Off korry. each 601 doxen.. tfO.aiO BOei dozen vPJ.a- J ALL XEW MIXCEMEAT MATERIALS now on hand Currant. Raisins, Citron. Lemon and Oranara Peel. Old Brandy. Old Sherry and Hood River Cider, boiled or fresh. LIEBIO'S EXTRACT OF BEEF IX CUBES. Something- new. One cube make a cup of delicious bouillon. Pre- oC pared Instantly, doea not polL Box of ten for atiiJ'U Nabob Prunes In No. 10 boxes our own pack. Tbe finest of dj -1 f extra fanoy. Suitable presents to Eastern friends. Box aPlsaWaJ Oar Tnt-klels Coffee Are you using- ltf If not, you are missing- a Of. great trsat. Can w send yon a pound today. Only 45a4: 1 lb, for OiJL Do not forget our tif- Layer Cakes, Cn Nat Leaf Of. French Pastry. dos-OUC all kind OUC Cake sSOC When you trade with ns you have the advantage of having- an Im mense stock of new goods, which I belno; turned over and renewed rap Idly and constantly, from which to make your selections. No old and shelf-worn goods aa well as having- the service of the largest and best organisation of this kind In tbe city. ZMX, i90, 2M STARK STREET1. PHOXEJ MAIJf 7S0O, A S1S1. We are the remedy See or write us We can show you short business cuts in your office system CAN YOUR CORRESPONDENCE ALWAYS BE F OUND WHEN NEEDED T DO YOU PAY YOUR BULLS ONCE OR ARE YOU UNCERTAIN 1 DO YOU EXTEND CREDIT TO THE WRONG PEOPLE T DO YOU FOLLOW UP YOUR PROS PECTS PROPERLY t DO YOU PURCHASE WHERE YOU CAN GET THE BEST PRICES f ARE YOU ABLE TO TELL WIITT WHAT CUSTOMERS OR LOCALITY YOU ARE LOSING OR GAINING BUSINESS WITHOUT A TIRING SEARCH THROUGH YOUR BOOKS 7 DO YOU SEND TO YOUR STOCK CLERK BEFORE STATING YOU CAN FILL AN ORDER t CAN YOU REFER TO THE CATA LOGUE YOU DESIRE ! DO YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER INFORMATION, PRICE, STOCK, ETC., THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE A SYSTEM FORf Bushong & Company BUSINESS FILING SYSTEMS OFFICE FURNITURE LOOSE LEAF DEVICES FHONES, MAIN 104, A 4104 87-89-91 PARK STREET Coal $6.50 a Ton FAJTCT LUMP KEEPS THE POT BOILING NO SOOT, NO CLINKERS ( LITTLE ASH. Delivered within tha one-mile clt-cle, at this price, or within the two S'li clrel. at $7 Pe? lot thta week only, rfo ON8 TO BACH CUS TOMER. Orders must be accompanied by cash or check. Diamond Crest Coal Co.. City. , . ..Oot i. Dear Sir: Have used Diamond Crest Coal for some time and find It antlrely satisfactory. Expect to use It tta1JV87,WMt Pax. WHOLESALE TBADB IN CARLOAD LOTS SOLICITED. Diamond Crest Coal Co. S25 Railway Exchange Bids;. Phone Marshall 3574. Portland, Or. 98c Hand Bags 98c Imported tapestry, velvets, seals and alligator Bags. Values $2 to $12.00 To advertise our new store your choice any bag in our store Saturday, Nov. 11 at 3 P. M. for 98c The Blue Jay Drug Store, 530y2 Washington st., corner Seventeenth. itr. Foster & Kleiser Ills a. Grade Commercial and Eleetrle SIGNS But Serventn and East Everett Streets, rssan East MAI. B 8334, P. W. BALTSS AND COMPANY PRINTING- Main 163, A 1165 First and Oak