7 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1911. OKEGOXIAN. TITE O.A.G. TO EXTEND SCOPE STATEWIDE Professor Hetzcl to Carry Out Plans Advised by Board of Regents. fj eV. " a.svev;-i-s-v-swi --a. - .- ! : : PLAN MOST SIGNIFICANT ;--- il i , j I iMgpQ? Our flew and Permanent Bonie MIHSSGlSSfir : I - it -twnujKi - z - 343 Washington Street, Above 7th f A j t II 343 Washington Street, Above 7th J . V People of Orrron. Old and Younjj Alike to Ct Assistance In Solo, tlnn of ArrW-ultnral and Indus trial Problems of Today. -RrOV AGRlrTLTTRAL rotr I.K;k. ro-all!. Not. t. Special) A division of extension haa been added to th. administrative ortrantxa tloa of th. Ore son Agricultural Coi l's, for th. purpouc of dispensing In formation pertalnlna- to tha practice nf asrlrulture. domestic sclenc. and art and Industrial branrhea amors tfia people of tha stat. Tha work will - under tha direction of T'rof rsaer Italph t. lletseL Tbli action waa taken by tha lUvard of Kesent. and announced by President W. J. Kerr to day. Tha Inauguration of tha new or sanitation la considered br thoaa who hara riavn( tha situation to ba of f sr-rearhina eismtn.-ance. Tha action kii prompted ty tna (treat demands made bv tha people of tha atata for i:tinr In tha solution of airtcul tnral and Industrial problems. Tha extension work will ha carried on throuah auh acrnclea aa farmer' and domestic science Institute., tttn erata schools, drmonatrattoa trains, correspondence courses, lectures, tha oraanlzation of bora and trlrls' rluba for tha study of agricultural and homa problems, demonstratlona of various kinds and trenrral educational es it. its. Tha work will ba carried Into every section of tha state. Sable Is Aro VarW-dL Tbe subjects of Instruction will tn clrMe the entire curriculum of tha nll-se. Men. women and children throughout crrnn a 111 ba given an opportunity to study at their homes, tin-ler tha aruldanre of tha collesre as pert, aut'h subjects as acronomv. hort.tilture. erardeuins:. animal and poultry buabacdrv. dairyins;. entomo oar. business methods for tha boma. tha farm and tha office, rooklr.t. ew Inar. horn economics, boma sanitation, forlcultura. forestry, tr.duatrtal matn rmini i. raechanlca, enarlneerlnaT. road hulldin-;. and such other aubjects aa are Included In tha regular college irstrocttonal work. Tha farmers Inatltuta work will ba creitlv extended both In tha number of Inatitutes held and tha acopa of tha work dona at tha meetings. Pchoola, well equipped with laboratorle. and i-arrvlng a staff of from nv. to 11 .-pert teachers, will ba aent to various lix-alttlea of tha stata wher they will hold regular achoot sessions extending over a steek or more. Thla work will be augmented by tha use of corra spontlence course, and tha orranlxa ton of clubs for tha study and prao tt.e of tha methods taught by tha Urge. I'opular bulletins giving prae t:.l and valuable Information will ba distributed to thoaa who need aa- 'stance In tha practice of t a subjects Pier tioned. There will also ba established a general Information bureau to which people may wrlta for asalatanc. or In formation on questions relating to In dustrial work. Letters ara coming Into tha Institution at the preaent t me at such a rata that tha depart ments can mcurceXy handle tha cor respondence. Last year mora than .- letters poured Into tha Institution akpg for advice and assistance In the solution of practical problems connected with agricultural and in dustrial work. Vlaere Caasaalaa "' Tha extension department will also Institute a vigorous campaign directed at tha lmpr vement of agricultural Instruction throughout tha rural and cttv school of the state. Tha college will co-operate with tha county super Intendents and teachers In an effort to give practical and usable tne-ructton to the boys and girls In tha elementary schools. In this connection clubs will Ne formed for tha purroaa of study ing different phsaes of agriculture and home economics. It Is the Intention of the department to build up as soon as .-..ihu a etate-wlda organization of h,.i and girls wlt! the object of ia.hlng the moat Improved methods In the Industrial aubjects. Tha college experta. who have al-r-alr effectively laid the foundatlona f r this Hue of work. 111 continue In me servlca of college extension. lr. lamea Wlthycombe. I Cordley. lro Vssor Iwls. rrofessor icu.!.ler. fro-t-ssor I'otier. I'rofessor Kent, and -.her metrbers of the agricultural fi.tiltv mho have been carrying on -tension work, will continue to assist n the prosecution of the work along; .heir rarilcular linea. At the present time the work will lave to ba carried on entirely by the nembers of the Ineirm-tlnr.al Staff of he college and the Kxperlment ta- lon cerps. This "111 necessitate a vsTiflce on the part of Instructors al ready over-burdened and will, neces .ar'lv. limit tha amount of work that -an be done In extension lines. In all w.ii... it win be Impossible to as a a '. ',". . ' . -a "W-1- , , - .-n ..v t -v . ' " . "Vy , '; ' : . .v -. r-r-.-c-.--. '- y. . - " r; ' ' . V 4 ? . - ' ' - " ' : . '.. ' "; " .'. ' - .' , ' ,-- ' ,. 4 , ( . . ,' V V'.-- ' FROM GkCtT-GSOaOTRFK TO CRT. T KR M"OJf. ALt. ARB rnovi .Ka.T 1EKT1. IS HOl5K OK PEIK. Horn, tha baby. All ara residents of Falls City, and all ar well and hearty. APPLE KING III LINN Splendid Exhibit at Albany Is Viewed by Crowds. FRUIT QUALITY IS BETTER Standard THU Trar Kxcreds That of Pa,t Fair Mortal Squash nd Cabbajje nd Rlp Strawberries Shown. offer at this time any correspondence coursee In addition to the courses In Husiness Metnods and Karm Account B now being offered by the com mercial department un.l-r tha lrec t,..r. of Wan llexell. Th. reet of the rk m il be started mtthln the next rnr.th. . CITIZENS FOR FRANCHISE llo.nl Klvcr Men Ak Tha KII rower I ln -ct rhancc. ll.K.Tf KIVKH. r. Nov (Spe cl.t Tha problem of letting a con ... i. --,.!,. of tbe citv streets l"'bef '.re f a Oty Council. A petition s'cred by l!e majority " . - . A the Helrhta ot PO;n nw - -' - . tu.n-s p.'"-"'- of xh c,,y n" ?f presented to the Councllmen. -" that tbr gram a irancmee ..etrii- Company, the corpora- -ren-.lv oraanlxe.l which la push- . i .... n it. nltnt near Tuck era bruise, about s:x rniles from the city. . m-i k.s nfrtrsd a re duction of about per cent In the rates of the Pacific Power Lignx CompatT. t present the ouly power firm in te neio. North Taklma Chinese? Subtwrlbe. NORTH YAKIMA. Wash. Nov. I. (Special) Six hundred dollars" worth of scrip. Issued by the Chinese revolu tionary government baa been par chaaad by mernbere of the Oriental coloar here. ALBANY Or, No. i. (PpcclaJ.) With a ma'gnlflcent dUplW of spljndld apple, end many other -'-tB' nd U.r open.; too-a'yT A largo "owd vlewsd th. e-b.b.l. in tb. Ale-, Club gymnasium. In which tb. fair to h. b.r,T waa-'opan all fore- 00V.,eUg1o4!h.CV..--T.hMar,k.t. of th. State." r.aeae Maa la rak.r. J. O. Hole of Kug.ne "? gramme. Ho talked on Th. nci;nhdr.Tnrforhob What to : believed here to be - the . . ,11 ever grown In Oregon '""Placed on olsplly in the fair today Wy A A Hu'buru who r.s.de. .ou.h it Albany. It welgha 10 pounds and ot Aioanj. " . -lee.imrerance. wn'by'T 1L Huiburt. who reside. iiK.nv Each or tnw " " -nesr Albany. tjcu .,,. i w'Un" , "Imswr aero,, the actual ne.d'.nd Inc.ud'n" ?h. .pre.d of tb. heao ano mche. across. rtefc green , r. - y . th". :.'rd. .f ulenn M. Junk.n. of Al- 0",, Freak. AjH bovrn. -,.eh of which Is a af th bm aw Mbit. The., ar. .11 from on. tre. en M. farm of J. M. Hr.t. who reside- In Benton Co.n.y near Aih.ny. a florll dl.play by tha Albany Floral a nor.i " r .ha nuraarv Company. " - of . of . - .,,.. .nd dlaplay ot canneu C A custom not In vogue at former fain. mraa Inauguralea ny in. .. . - 'nfl Club, of Albany, which T. occTp'ed a corner of th. e.blb.t hall and la serving lunchee composed Drlndpally of apple product.. The committee, which have arranged . . t.i. .nrf which are now Incharge of th. exhibit are: Executive I-.eAmittee W. A. Kastburn. chairman; "-1. v. r c Roberta. C. L "aw. D. W. ltumbau'gh. J. A. Ho.wrf Oeorg. - V"""- "xTl-Pnin. W. ATEas'tburn: adv.rtle'.ng. C. H. Stew- . t- w x-eeneh Georg. art. cnairmau. ' - -H Crowell: building and decorations, J " C. Holhrook. .halrman: J. 8. an Winkle and J. A. Howard: premiums and exhibits. E. C. Roberts, chairman; . . . c. i Kh.w Grant Plr- fC. I - r'rn - " ' . . tie. A. M. Hammer. Oeorg. H. Crowell and li. . leoauii. DAM TO BE U5 FEET HIGH Engineer Tangle From Rope. In teorre to Get Measutrtrment. WHITE SALMON. Wash, Nov. a. tSpeclaD Dangling at the ends of ropes far down la the gorge of th. Narrow, of th. Whit. Salmon River, engineer, of the Northwestern Electrlo Company hav. been taking measure ment, for the concrete dam 175 feet high to be built for power for private and municipal purposes. 'The Nar-rom-s" Is a narrow rock gorge, the sides of which rise sheer to a height ot 75 feet and then liar, to .till greater heltrht. The river flow, through thla box canyon .wlftly. and the making of a dam will call for skillful engineering. To bring In material the wagon road from Underwood, at th. mouth of th. river, will be widened and Improved Into a near-macadamlxed highway. It le reported that a new bridge will have to be built over the river, as heavy load, will be carried by flv. ton uto truck, to th. dam alte. thre. miles up at ream. By damming th. narrow, a deep lake will be created many acres In extent, which will he stocked with fish. All the rights or way ana ins inu will be flooded have been bought, with one exception, at the Henry Thompson place, the owner holding the company for a stiff price, which It must pay. as under th. stat. law. It cannot con demn. NEW POSTOFFICE URGED Ore iron City Merchants Iec!re Pnwnt Bulldlnc II Dlairrac. OREOON CITY. Or, Nov. S. (Spe cial.) Urgent demand for a public building- In Oregon City will bo made by th. IJv. Wires of the Commercial Club and at the next weekly luncheon resolution, will b. adopted requesting the Oregon delegation In Congress to put forth strenuous efforts to .ecur. th. passage of an appropriation oin that Is now pending. The statement of Postmaster T. P. Randall at the luncheon today that the Oregon City postofflc. to a disgrace to th. town was greeted with cheers. Th. Government has not provided adequate space for th. poetofflce. and has rented the space on both sides or the entrance to me Dunn ing, one side to a transfer company and the other to a real estate firm. , Postofflc. Inspector K. C Clements, who was In the city Tuesday, la heartily In accord with Postmaster Randall In Ms efforts to secure an appropriation for a suitable Federal building. Sena tor Chamberlain and Congressman Hawley have bills pending In the Sen ale and House for a Oovernment build ing at Oregon City. ACCIDENTAL SHOT FATAL Georjc Pugh, of Salem, Is Hilled by Cousin's Shotgnn. SALEM, or.. Jiov. a. ippeciai.; George Lynn Fugn. Ml years oia, wi accidentally shot at his home near Ch mawa Tuesday night by a cousin wl . v - ahntinin. The entire charge of the gun struck Pugh In the right shoulder, passing near the heart. Peath was lnstantane-oua DRUNK JAILED SUES CITY Farmer Demands $3000 From Che hall. Alleging Bronchitis Caused. CHEHALIS, Wash Nov. I. -'(SpeclaL) Because he fell from the water wagon rM waa reaulred to spend a night In the Chehalls Jail. W. M. Pirns, who live. -.ear this city, asks aoou damages from the municipality. 81ms also seeks tinn mhlch he savs he wss required to ho Need Sunshine AND Scott's Emulsion Next to sunshine, nothing restores health, strength and vitality like Scott's Emulsion ALL DstUGaiSTS Girls' Capes, with storm hoods, la red, blue, gray and brown, (2.40 and $L45 Men's and Ladles' Waterproof Auto Shirts. Good for hunting-, fishing, driving, etc, at $4.9Q That nifty tan rub ber Slip-on for ladies and misses; high storm collar; art plaid interlined, at $3.43 Hi "THE CAgTOJV- Kb. Our power to lead to nficfin ate STthe production of Ready-for-Serv-ice Raincoats and Waterproof Outer garments is AGAIN convincingly demonstrated in the masterly design, execution and fit of the Goodyear Raincoat o. s moaeis ior w mwi wc New shipment boys' black Rubber Coats, all sizes. $4.40 and $3.25 are IT ere. they Boys' nifty English Slipons; fancy plaid backs, high storm collars, fancy cuffs, $15.00 Coats at 7.90 That nifty tan Rub ber Sllpon for men; high storm collar; art plaid interlined, 4t$3.43 Alteratloaa Free of Charge I f.adlea and Mlseee slaes, 32-4. I wit The "move" e make this time affects jovr anTJearance and your pocketbook more FAVORABL iY ?hS evE All, the CUSTOM-CHARACTER, novelty or exclusiveness of PATTERN that the most select tailor can offer you are embodied in our superb ready-for-service creations for Winter. We've made a MARKED advance in QUALITY but ISO advance in prices. Alterations Free of Charge -Men'. and Youths' Sizes, 33 to as. RAINCOATS LIKE CUT AT 14.7 of a quality, style and fit that make you wonder how we do it Made of pure wool and worsted. You 11 pre fer them to any $25 Raincoat offered elsewhere. See our superb Winter exhibit the finest ever shown m this city absolutely. Do You Want a Fine "Priestley" Cravenetted Wet-Proof - Overcoat or Some of That New Rough Stuff? s,en $9.75 to $30 Worth-Prices $15.00 to $45.00 We specialize on these goods to the extent that we have the largest stock on the Pacific Coast to show you, and at prices no other store can afford to make. The best that can be produced, in Tweeds, Home spuns, Gabardines; full of individuality Raglans and other styles for men; latest models for women. $12.50 AND $15.00 LADIES' COATS and a few broken lots 13?,,..'?$6.90 OPEN NIGHT cr XSa COMPANY BOYS' AND GIRLS' TXN RUBBER SLIPONS are plaid lined; high storm collars VeUt J ve a- - $2.50 All Mail Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention. SATURDAY r JsV kw m it c-E r-, m m mm sw mm - UlmL 10:3- ' I &C ONE DOOR ABOVE SEVENTH ST. O.O I 1 j -M-" -MMMMI . I Vmt flimii rrfiTrffl find a put back again with hobos who naa been rounded "P in the eveninsr. . . hin (a do hi. work while he was 111 from the effects of hav- lns: to stay In Jan. Th. Police Court records show that Pima has been hefore Justice Prewltt more than once. The court tried once to Induce him to drop liquor for six months, but Sims declined. The City Marshal says that on the night Sims was put In the city jnll Pirns left his km, fled on the street Marshal stabled the animal. At S o'clock he offered to release Sims If he .would Daylight Ride H t 7 A Pleasant :f.v--?y (Mm TO: Tacoma and Seattle g T. Kalama. Kelso. Chehalls. Centralla aod prtncipal intermediate stations 1.V PORTT.ANT) l.:S0 M. AR. TACOMA 8:IS P. Alt. SEATTLE 4:45 V. M. Larsa and roomy day coaches. dlnlr.T Sr parlor-car and observat on-c.r Most modern and up-to-date "l!,nnt The ery acme of .comfort and conven ience. Four Trains Daily to Teeoma and Seattle A. it, 10:10 A. M.. t :M P. M-, 11 OS All eqnally well equipped. atecir.c CL.Z, thrnirhoiL individual llsbts r --t-t-rr- . J rl lrnira In mvry berth oo leeplng-car. T Three Trains Daily To Aberdeen and Hoquiam. A. M.. 10:3B A. 3d., 3:30 P. M. mm: 7:10 A. M.. 10:3B A. M. TICKET OFFICES: ad aad Moerlsoa 8ts. and Union Depot, llaln 144 Phonea A UJ44. The Pioneer Line Northern Pacific Ry. A. D. Cbarlton. A. C. P. A.. Portland. j i"in tail i Grows hair and we can prove it Hair Becomes Soft, Fluffy, Lus trous and Beautiful Immediately After a Danderine Hair Cleanse Get a 25 Cent Bottle Now and Forever Stop Falling Hair, Itching Scalp and Dandruff A little Danderine now will immediately double the beauty of your hair No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair taking one small strand at a time. The effect is immediate and amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy and have an appearance of abun dance; an incomparable lustre, softness and luxu riance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Try as you will after an application of Danderine, you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or a loose or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few week s use when you will actually see new hair, fine and downy at first-yes but really new hair sprouting all over the scalp. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain . and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its life producing properties cause the hair to grow abun dantly long, strong and beautiful. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter and prove to . yourself tonight now that your hair is as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected oi injured by careless treatment-that's all you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it, if you will ju.t try a little Danderine. Real surprise awaits you. Y f , imA 'A Hi'-) i a i t hi . !-.' y i Ci'V 1 " ::" : ?'-- - - .- t I