TTIE MOIOTSG OKEGOyiAN. TUTTKSDAY, -VOVEMBEF 9, 1911 t - " ' . . . wv a gT tr Wiym.Ti' Cnata And Thev'ra Here Only, tn Portland. Opt Special Price on This Fabrio Only, the Yard S5.25 Jnat Here Beautiful "Baverslble Polo Cloth," White With Colorea racing, xnu w niuc-.w B - - II tore Brms All tlse CmMreii. I m Meier 0 i 7JY &)&. H Frank S mum mm UlViU Uiili lilill IH f '! & I I I I l:U MM 1 11 i till HUM HI a I y v sisv st c a st v st a sassr- . A . j ft r jar Over 300 Provided in Cash and Merchandise Prizes! Many Special Features Big November Fur Sale! All the new styles In Muffs, Stoles. Sets and Coats at enor- mous redactions today. S9.00 French Coney Seta for (C QC tola Mia at low price of only VJ'JJ 1 11.00 Belgian Lynx Seta, ffOC .oerfal at this aale for only ''tJ $16.50 Misses' Ireland Fox CH Seta, for thia sale, at. get VlJ'JU $22.50 Japaneae Mink CI A tZfl Stole, mnffa to match, ea. S $2 JO Child's Angora Seta CI QQ apecial for thia aala at only November Sale of Fabric Gloves We are continuing today the sale of Women's and Chil- dren's Fabric Gloves, at won derfal redactions. Few hints; 15c 25c Caahmer e 1 1 e and Coif Glovea, apecial, pr. 35c and 50c Golf Glovea for thia aale, pair, only jC 50c Silk-lined C a a h - ylQ mere Glovea, the pair at tOC $1.00 Kayaer Silk-lined 7Q Gloves, on aale, pair at JC $1.00 Silk-lined Mocha QQ Glovea, apecial, pair, at iOC $ 2 Lace Drape VeiIsToday98c meich rajtxKt-nMT noon. Aa amart and popular aa ever re theae pretty Chantilly Lace Drape Veil. Adda the finishing touch of the Winter's Millinery an air of youth and charm aa well aa protecting the Hat and Coiffure. Full 1 1-2 yard long. All edgea neatly finiahed. Moat- ly in black, though aome in white, brown and nary. $2 Drape Veila today a i98c November Sale of Toilet Goods 50c Jar of Palmolive Cream Free Today -first noon. MEIER a FRl JTK' The expert that'a here from the factory haa aold to thouaanda the 7 10c cakea of Palmolive Soap at 49c; 50c jar Palm olive Cream ia given Free 60c La Blacha race Powder for 29c 50c Poxzonl'a Face Powder for only 29c 50c Java Rice Powder at only 2oc 25c Swansdown Pace Powder at only 5c 50c Corylopsis Powder at only 39c 25c Mennen'a Talcum Powder only 10c 25c Sanltol Tooth Powder. S for 25c 50c Stillman'a Cream, special at 30c 60c Dr. Charles' Flesh Food at only 2Sc I 60c Wisdom's Kobertine for only 39c I $1.50 Oriental Cream at only. spL OSc I 50c Danderine, 33c4; 25c at only 17 c $1.00 Herpicide. 69c: 60c at only 35c j 25c Lyon'a Tooth Powder for only lOc i 25c Sanitol Powder, two for only 25 i 25c Grave' Powder, two for only 25c ! 25c Rubifoam, priced at only, spL 15C I 35c Prophylactic Tooth Brushes at 23 C A Cleanup of Lovely $25 to $?5 Af- ternoon cresses hsuer raiinn-axcojro rLOOR. A sensation in the Ready-to-Wear section. The most charming little Afternoon Dresses in lovely messa lines, taffetas, satin, chiffon over taf feta and novelty silks. Both light and dark shades-navy, black, gray, green, rose, Copenhagen, etc., plain, in stripes and also the pretty figured foulards. Such modish, becoming styles for afternoon wear. $25 to $75 dJQ AO Qne-Piece Dresses at only VmUO Ail Reversible Coats Are Now Reduced MEIER I'RA.VK'S SECOXD FLOOR. Yon may select any o'f the big, picturesque, all-enveloping Coats now at radically-reduced prices. Light, medium, heavy weights, of the reversible and double-texture materials, grays, browns, tans, with bright, contrasting collars, cuffs and pocKets. $20 reveraible, double- texture Coats, at only $25 reveraible, double texture Coat, at only All $27.50 and $30 re veraible Coat, at only $19.45 $22.65 400 Jaunty Felt Hats, Worth to $5, at $ 1 39! W9mWj To $3 Ostrich MEIER A FRANK'S SECOND FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. A big Eastern Jobber's surplus of theae jaunty Felt Hood Hata captured to aell at leaa than ordinary wholesale prices 1 Over 400 in all plain felta, bright felta, acratch rough felta, in reda, blues, greena, black, etc, both plain and reveraible. The duplicatea of Hata which have been selling .right through the aeaaon for$&50, $3, $3.50, $4, up to $5, while lot laata today Bands at $1.75 Eves the fashionable Ostrich Bands are reduced! Black and colors. Regularly $20 and $3. on aala for to- -7CZ day's aala at low price of All Other Untrimmed Shapes at V Off This includes all our finest Velvet, Beaver and Valour Shapes, in large, medium and small styles; S4 to S20 grades l. Off we axe now selling for only 1 Wings.Feathers Flowers, Vi Off Our entire stock of fancy Feathers, Wings, Breasts, as well as all. Flowers and Trimmings, 60c to $10 - Off are placed on sale at only Jl I Introductory Sale of Ready- Made Stamped Lingerie " a a The daintiest of ready-made undergarmenta atamped for embroidering. . i ?-. r u : L- t'.nimA wSfh French seam. In Made or line qumy cr..-.i - - - Ti t rviaao ui iinv m"." . . , . sealed packagea with enough D. M. C cotton for embroidering. Theae apeciala for today in Art Needlework Section, on the inira noon 7K. flnrut Cover on sale now for 63 ilJO Drawers, special for this sale 83c $1.25 Chemise special for this sale for 95 $1.60 Night Dreaaes now sellingat $1.23 $10 Comhinationa ox corsevcover ma drawers specialized for this sale at gl.23 Up to $5 JetLaVflIiieres,98c Our Jewelry buyer closed out an importers entire line of theae genuine French Jet La Vallierea at a fraction of original priceal See illustration. Beautifully-cut Jet Beads, in single, double and triple jTI strand with cut cameo and" , J&fv f fancy-ahaped centera. None X )) under $2.50 $4, $5, choice 1 vS i ttKj&il&Ji And a Startling Sale of Pearl Necklaces d 1 iM-w York now counts a Pearl Necklace tvery woman i Z , .w.J I i- .mnnr hrr j ljv Here' a purchaae or rrencn ruieu uu. .;! OrilTearIi. in perfectly matched, graduated a t r a n d a. All lengtha. from 16-inch to long 54-inch rope atranda. Priced 39c, 69c, 98cr$l750$2X)0, $3.50 up to $15. ' JL i " il (1 J i r "rT1 Buy Umbrellas Today! At These Sale Prices For Men, Women, Children All 50c Umbrellas for women on sale today at 39c $1.25 Umbrellas for men, women and children, 95c $P(TUmtirellasfor men, women and children, $1.33 $1.75 Umbrellas for men, women and children, $1.53 $2.00 Umbrellas for men, women and children, $1.69 $2.50 Umbrellas for men, women and children, $1.98 Men's and Women's Umbrellas Umbrellas now $2.69 Umbrellas now $2.98 Umbrellas now $3.53 Umbrellas now $3.98 Umbrellas now $4.47 $5.60 and 8.00 Umbrellaa $4.98 All All All All All 3.00 3.50 $4.00 $1.50 $5.00 $7.09 and $7.50 Umbrellas $5.98 $8.00 and $8.50 Umbrellas $6.98 $9.00 and $10 Umbrellas $8.53 $10 to $30 Umbrellas at from $7.98 to $22.98 Children's Umbrellas All 50c Children's Umbrellas 45 I All 85c Children's Umbrellas 73 All 75c Children's Umbrellas 63 I All $1 Children's Umbrellas 87c4 s Last Chance to Save on Magazine Subscriptions Offers not good after November 10. Many of the Magazines will increase their yearly subscriptions after No vember the 10th. Here are only a few of the chanoes open to you be fore then. Come in or write now for the prices on all the magazines. Good Honaekeeplna American Magazine Brery body's Cosmopolitan McCl ure's Harper's Basaar Century Magazine Harper's Magazine MoClure's Magaxln Harper's Bazaar Current Literature Cosmopolitan Good Housekeeping Scrlbners Magazine Review of Revlewa Harper's Bazaar World Today Harper's Bazaar Cosmopolitan $3.30 save $1.20 1 $2.95 save U.B0 $8.45 save 11.05 1 $4.60 f save J $2.63 $5.75 save $1.60 $2.95 save $2.80 Children's SI.50 Pajamas at 98c MEN'S FURNISHING STORE. Warm, snng little flannelette Pajamas in Teddy Bear, Mother Goose and other nov elty desig'ns. All sizes for boys or girls. Full cat and well made. Regular $1.50 Pa jamas, on sale today on the first floor for 98c (See Morrisonst. Window.) Annual Sale of Imported Housefurnishings Another day of thia great aale. Imported Homefurniah inga brought direct from European countries, where they were made specially for ua. We mention just a few items; Enamelvare 35c Lipped Sauce Pans now for 28 85c Lipped Sauce Pans now for 68 60c Lipped Sauce Kettles now 39 $1.00 Covered Sauce Pans for only 79i $1.10 Bound Dish Pan lor only 88c 50c Pudding Pans selling now for 39 65c Teapots on sale during this, sale 52 65c Coffee Pots during this sale 52 40c Wash Basins, specialized at 32 $1.50 Tea Kettle, 7-quart size $1.19 Home Needs 85c Willow Baskets now on sale at 68 $ $1.00 Willow Baskets for low price 79 $2.50 Enameled Kettles now for $1.99 $2.25 Enameled Bice Boilers at $1.79 20c Wooden Spoons now selling at 16 35c Boiling Pins, special this sale 28 60c Bread Board, now selling for 39 $1.25 Butter Churns now selling at 99 65c Pastry Decorators at low price 52 75c Table Mats, special now for 59 75c Knife and Fork Basket only 59 15c Assorted Cake Cutter now for 12 65c Combination Strainer for only 52 35c Soup Strainer, now selling at 28c 35c Jelly Strainer on sale for only 28 c 35c Cereal Jars, specialized now at 28 25c Pie Pans now selling for only 19 Specials Today in the Grocery PHONE EXCHANGE 4 OR A 6101 $1 Cross & Blackwell'i OH 77 C Eastern Hams, suar -cured, 16d See Our Line of Imported Figs Citron Peel at only, per pound, 16c Fancy Shredded Coco aunt only 16c JeHycon, 4 packages at only 30c Pearlin. Mb. packages, S for 25 C New English Walnuts, lb. lf) New Soft Shell Almonds. Ib. M ! Fresh Mixed Nats, pound, 1) 1 California White Figs, S lbs. '27tC j California Black Figs, 31bs. 115 d Fancy Seeded Baisins, pkg. lOc Atmore'a Mince M't, 3 pkgs. The Thanksgiving Linen Sale $1 Linen Cloths, S0x30-inch $2.00 $5 Linen Cloths, 32z32-inches $2.50 $3 hand emb'd Linen Cloths $2.48 $4 hand emb'd Linen Cloths $2.98 $3 Linen Cloths, 8-10 size at $6.50 $10 Linen Cloths, 8-10 size, at $8.50 $12 Linen Cloths, 8-12 size, $10.00 $10 Kapkins to match, 26- in, doz. $8 $15 heavy tble'd Damask, 70-in $1 $1.25 heavy table Damask, 70-in. $1 75c mercerized Damask, 64-inch, 65c $4 Linen Napkins, 23-in., dz. $3.00 $5 Linen Napkins, 26-in dz.,$4.00 $1.25 Heavy Bleached Damask, 70 inches wide, speciaV at only $1.00 Doilies, 4 to 24-in., 25c to $2.50 75c Table Padding, 54-in., at 60 C $15 Linen Cloths, 8x14 size, $12.00 i i 1