V 81 TIIE MORXIXO OREGOXIAX. THUKSDAY, yOVOrnmt 9, 1911. K v V ft KO4 MS, T,- Irving st 'rS ' lo roan-a, N It... d.-t.-tct VS.C, t 5 rwn, 3"- llarr.aon st 1 roos.l, -. ,vrvi pflve . . ft ruon.t. lu-nl-ned Wt..n.-tt Hit. room. w.i.a.f-? Heignt i room a, 4' 3 2-d N roomt t 2 1 a .-id .bras ft room, f at. K. nr. a-d HtncKi a rooms, f ... K. t h ar.d Hanco-K. 7 room. 3'-J Hanoi a -. f room, I'l'in.r.t d.trict T rootii. w0 Vt.out' ,- - 4 rooms in; gf-a.. !' K 3-" - 4 room. fat. 7.4.., KrnT "- 4.Yl 4.. 4.V 2. no 4VOO r-1 JOHNSTON. noii'H R Ttn aw-.a f'K.f kb n t'o-nmrree. Main til? r.REATKR y'f-l1" 'KVn-RtAU rental am 1-'",:MA'':':,. Horn, hunrn. vl.lt 'r "J.V4Vir. 1.1 ..id information d'-"m'- Ie ir.;a tui.a.ac. r'; i? (. V-a-.l sav. t!rr. In ... .o prop v n re.mfort.br located, a '.n4 .-,rt- THE VFU-U jNj' iMrAXT- - room mo.i.rn bouM. cWM In '.trim ir.oa.rn b-rg.low. .hort OTTO A HA'JKSN Ka.Al.TY " p.y iw a . rerwUhed noara. T- I I'NI-HKI" hni.-s. ' room. 4 rvw J....... $:7 w month. firri.n.d h""i"'P11-' room. ' J J 2-iti. b."W norf.i. -A . i; L- IIO' SE. A rnonii m -rtrn. p.-no. rC tnd r.io l f M k mo-"- i ' v , , i tivr;.i;;r;.r f;::4 ..-n kV,l ..mn ..... Farn.n.i He!;,... Than. A HH t ...I i-r. .ni r.iuM. on o"E'..r"n !... or..n cur r.rIln Por REV r-T wm h 'u... fur;!... m4- rl. I!M rirr.' .. nl:'-T furnt.nl ft. I. I'non. B prl- rRrxiv flit. f-:mlS BIP'.'M i i. piT ' m m, two :-it.c ru-nn ." , fiu eair (i vr. lo ' '; t V. ! If t TJ- Z JT " i 1--'-" - IT'lNiri UK of i r.m f't T ; "'' . uO 2 m-nlh". n-U r-innt "l""" I r- in-.nthiy -t.-mrr-t. - '" " f .1 ' t.n.4. b.r.in- HI l.tnl"T. . iiTTisK r..r r.m. lumliur. f r t;-. v-ro Svi.. .tnr."'lr furni-.h.a. mi-rn. rM ... pr m..nth. W.t .-.id.. 4.lr. -i,rr. Ph n. f..r 4-'j. ,."'n'.r U kll. lo P. O. fh... Mi OR A1.K-Furnltur. of 44 flr. roorn fl at. r-.mp.f. At for r.ou App.y mornln.a. i'l Kv.r.tt at. rrusiii in: of . .i. bo-iM f r i l-rowtn .luao fur awk.. luth m. N. ! .1 H.. tV.t 4'. iT"p.N'ITl-PJS of"4 b..:r'-n-a. partor. J'njr.' if lak.n .t on... Tior - : f" .r -. m l-.ouai f-r .:: Jno ri it vi , ; hi: l.-ai r.v.,-na all :,. I ... am it rr :T.-7T. . ". -!.i in: .1.1 11 MMMI r.n -r. vn nnc. paty M:t ."; rooai. .rw tot. I-Kon. 4.r.h.ll l-"' H UNITTrE ot J-ro.in cotla. for Mi.j ' .... r..pr.ni. r, Li. t. : r.nt a "i..n-a v 1'n . . m . - l ilMTl l:: r r-.T-. re or b.'.r r.,'. l. K c'.p. r'-nifc wail farnubasl. l."2 Morrla-in; l-nt 4-. fl UNIT! RE of a 1-roora cotta. choap; rrnt 111. 0lO yard- 141 ly" , TT-v",r;r.E foV:o. can t mi Et li'n - V KurnU i , c.r..m fat: ''. r.nt lnr ritr. iJ-i-. 4ir.ni. I"- l.'O: eanrr u - s:il ST-K'r rnt. furnlt for -a..; Sr- nt'd n A. M to 4 10 P. M- EuTftov wTTa.o for r-nt an .ir""' .tor. .u:-.M. for a c.othln " a. . Multnomah H-.f!. corn.r of Id and A.M alt. .11. J-ll.'O ft. A o I. th. ram. bil'lf a C-a.r.r... lat.on -ri".fr";" ,t..r.. Sf.il an.lhrr that would bo r-i rnt f r a trunat .tor.. l -lld n I. b. -Ii. rrp:tl-r.. ul hot'I ba opn itiiin a fi --,. t,i.rn t!.:. on. f na brat t tt,ln.a -.-ati-.n. In th. city. Ai-nt la tn. ! la! fr.--n 2 la 4 I . M.. r ailraa. C.aur-.a A Son.. 1734 lat .1-. a 1 ' ' 1. a- v ........ fTl .06V 4orar oa Or.nd .... 1 bloa aoYatk . E. M rrjon; aultabi. for rocry r aafiar.i .tir. 1URTMAN TITOVPSOX. Be; K't i'-w FOI PINT r-r .-I II ar-TAl-T- aV .T- tor tvoti f i'.l t'Ot in huliijinc, ror. M .:-- -An-i -or tt. nr- r-r.t -tr r- 1 a ofVH t:: NT 4r.rnr brch t.ir on o;.n 4T.nl rut ua !.. rnitaa tntrinfw 19 ltdra, In.i i1r r'vm 0. ; rcrl!i.r b.J 2-;. , oo ft. t . T:." -r r en :t f or H a. . - . . mt l-ar-ar ' l- : af j :flr . .M-itr-n b. y. . j f.- M f man". It T rr.r j fa.. - -:.- rt-oD m .,K r.T-fu oa V jtt lav.. ai . (( lac ar- :d Will a-.a tt. t-t a m a V"rai.-I L.m-.-r. i i-rd Tra-ia : h a4 t. K. a'.ora. i- c an I : U.F.KAL .fir v .4 MAd.asa-at. . M w n -r-- t. or : h . gaod loca- r p. r.rvf V a i p 4f "?- ta a:or. I eg Uaaa. 42 cTTrNrr ; t t loti?o orrrct. A::-r .t tiM't -i-l-a. p.a! lAia.Mt ,t i-a-. 0 gwaia-ad tg.. ia an ? V. ajtr-gtajt t t-A H C iK AlX R U '.-.NT JfTia.! uaIna wt-. r-iir-. f r or r-f-c- i-on-ri r I-o. W V a a J T ' i-it RI NT -ir -c '"v -r a.-1 -'. ; ii !. ... dak c'-,. f irr.t-h1 i...IU.r: "l " ". . iTVk .1 I ri"'- ri. A. 1 nnu-i,., " . .i -.atr.i 2H. lltn a L. I 1,.,:; CIA,THIER-A Il.I- "I"?,', . : . . ... .. ... ... i . a pv i : h..i... .I!.;.:, for B r. t roAtwrabl.; on 1'..: j h..u.r. -,., I- Liana. I pr,mi.r. or ad.ir-M u.vurta t trruia. . I K,. 1:1. 171 lat at. Pirti.nd. -.'a. I . mar J A x. W -aO 'lilt, CO T.-r !,- ta.iuar. tbrg.. m...iar. ia. Ma rnon'a h- f" v ft- ta mbl Apr: C ob b.d. . CM-f-aJ , , a. rnn nrvr I Bl M.VtM orPORTTMnP. AVTO. .HII.E Feoond end Mo ae lo rent. $3 month, (nmfry ate- Main l'1 grslXFM OPrtRTf'ITIFJ HAS v. f ACT'. Bl.v. CO.NKECl-IONKR v..t t.'U Ick.Muh. .Tr.; dsvliy b ln .bout :u to m . J.r: s.tur v do, mm hole.l. bun in ...tfiticn: . yi.n.i;l ly-ui: I r IM5; bout Sin rer.t; .a eIInl pvrtunltr. B. A. Ur.ndeir.. .! turt ja WE U" !.;.. fur.l.ha nnc. -.rn o..ll . ivoa urn rucnln ir f.r fCQ room, in . inrnini - - 1. r.d IT.-ft r ir . imr u , c.n .ni (iB't .it.nd to lt - wll or nitirit t'-r rl "If . ...... . nrfrr.1. TU. Hirt L.r.t i . !M i hjmKr uf Comm. IIMI 'J-."..t,.t t. do- Ir. In. I.-c-.t bJinfc th. .h'.p-t r nt. bst l-."l.n In !!.. I lly cf P .rilnnd tod null on irrounl of in n..un. ll.XI.I. K 5-2 f (. . sit. T of Convxn.rc. !- lr.!n Hntt; c.t.r. 'to th. b cl t-d: rlpt rlo t "' . mi; imi. fum'..nl of iiy nil soa . u A. r.nd:l. 01 t bV.!. ; "cir.AR Sf ANUS ON THE WST BIDE. Kn .i.l. to a.rur. . numb nb.r of o.l proportion. In thl. Iln of busl-T'-i nd .om v.rr ood location. : from ... ... i - i . .. a tn b. n.n nt I .v. ... R . rrnd.:l. 01 I ONE T TilK BB.-T MEAT MARKETS In ill. cltr. ood lo.' ti.n. up-to-d.t. flitur-; m.!n mo"'. -h-.p r.nt; y.u- .3-0 If J" r looklnit for . mt m.rit. mqulr. Da( na - . . . . 1 1 v. ?,ioa raih . man m-'tn unMmlt-d builnen qunliflr-.llonfc who c.n .aaiat mm In m. propoaltlon or m.rlt. ..t.blin.1: I nwd tn rltht.m" rnor. th.n mon.y: If not ..tlaflM In M tmrm mot .y with 10 pr cot lpt.rt.t- lOfSfl m.n of pronm wh of .r.ount. to purrh.a on.-thlrd II t.r-at In rroann firm of -.rtlfl.d rub. -.-out t.nt.: thi l apl.ndld rpportunli f. th. r!ht m.n. For mtjrl :w .ddi.i AT 5 . (rrjor.nn. ir Tot: am: looking mn A I'.l SINU-i IN OK t'V'T . POHTLA N Ir TOP CAN Alj WAVS OKT A BvJfAliE PEAL. VIU'V II. A CBANDELLi. 701 TBON m-1'O. COME' Ti'iyF.SI. CKtARS AND PAivl'.KV 1500..S S.Tr Ia.'-. niol.m 4 -room fl.t wltn bath; .T.-'Ont location for . poolmom; i:: to 14 . ilir bun-.ru; H. A. fr.nd.il-. T01 leon bld. 1 OWN 14 pi.c.r c:lm, .d)ufnln on. of tQ4 lauat .nd rlrh.at mm-. In th. II. K A.; alii l. h.if lntar.t for mon.y to no M.aatn.nt work: proprty w'.ll .:nd a tnoroun mnfttliUW. A wa, C'r.jonlnn. mmm 0!'.')'IKT AD ONFEiTIONERT. ln;- r-nl. Inciuiltr.c 4 llv!r. roomt. . . ,. . - . Bt:v tnvoic. ov.r ") liU' tk.oa i: thlnr. Inc!udln f nim-.; W.'t ti:1. log. lion. a. J- n'l.;!. TA1 1 n D.! mijuiv in.Uuan.l.nt Uc.ni-- own th.lr o.n fli:nra. torn Mh; ri.bt Sow l"ll 11.1 rr.t: 2-y.ar !.: tnuat all thto -.-: for n-il-k al, IJ4. B. A. crB- I'AKlr.K ...... -. To tro ha.f tnt.r-al ar.d ho rail cr-rj. of of.'. . .d f!rsncil nd of w.:l r: !rl m.chm mf. tu!n-a. J.vln . too.1 .In. of p.claitl J 2A Ofo n.ari. iiotn. . d.y. r.on.bl. ranc ood (.am: will lr.no for l' proPrty or ..ri th. ln of Si)00 or dioroanl for r..h. U. A. Crandll. Il Ton oiu. CAfU GROCERY "TORE. r.nr! W.at K.d. conirr. ooil elMU rr,rk .-.d mtur-.. wi:t awli for : or In Iv'ilKELKil A 11 A L.L.JI llJ.ttrnborrn.il. Bid. GENERAL, bl.ok.nllth .hop 1" yawr. tatab. i.-s.. nn n.lrju..tion. motor pow.r. pianty rf'woVk; w. : ctnl too!. fr acr.. or lo-. or will r.nt u II to. U. W. Ko.hir. Uia.'fj, Or. DRrOIIST-A rtrulat aitlrt to tan. Tin. lo-nioo In th. a.ar ilutnomah Hot-1. Jiat comrt.tad: r.nt rr.aonabl.: lon , a ; ..n. on i ' . " ' - Ciurta 4k Son-. 171-4 l.t at.. Tort land. ' -rtnvmr" WAITINfl ROOM. Trmllm 140 . dlT! !! LnTOlCO .bOWt $3o.: thl. to a plum for 44 od man or "vK EEt.ER j HALX. 411 Umbrrmirj Bid rort n VI. E Hrat paylnc lunch counl.r In S.jth.rn Or..on: ari: d.Uy tclpta. .ood 1.H .IIOO. 4 d ton: b.ria.n f.r a oi.ck uU. AJdrr.. M. 8. Jontuoo. M-. font. or. rMW-ritT aTORF!, On W.ahintTon a:., n.w itoorlA. In-rolo. about doin o a day: rnt 6u. I ft'lEEUK KAIi tl Lambrrnen Bid. 1S POOM kot.I with rtaurant In eonn.o fon: only ITS rant: I yr- !: Is c:.rtnr about 1104 p.r month: both n.l .loctrlo llarhta. hot and cold wat.r: LOO1.NO tor a first-olw -t-llt thine up ty ?:owj. VhM yout K 6 W. oregonisn. tir.ivrtR MaV r.. AM !! to Mil your bualn if I Tnl) want . 6rtnf? S W. Iwrtnc. i t 1.- t.Mi - ir or au:ott.;ic t ndkAti.-'rt!tPC o -t-k. T3 rr NICK. c -n ro4-ry toc : rorcea - --"f If sold forj b-turtJy nlht cn b nd t prm'-ttcn your own prlc. JorC-A. 10 .urx.brmrL. d.o. COMPLfTK MnflrTT and Job prtnttnv plant. aiii Mil poiibind or iart; new tjp nd xr-J'i. rt wni. v; 4T Mt. r Ar1-n. Vh. aV1" t. inr"t Ls-rty rn invest f'J."H t c-h in hy .n 1 k--d bwlnfM 11i.tr opitr.inrf f -r rlg!-t nun: will situia Taw.'U-.ion. K -JS. Or'ionltn. t a v . PVR S IIAR 1-M har4 V. R. C ihr asock at 15; fnmn.tif BOW MiltAC at, 92. J OV- gn .in. tr- ,. na :o rr month for t-n . ii..r TK.fa m; 13 to 20 Pf en rt urn ar..l r!k; ir, pr- n.antnt. Al 5?. Qr-gorit an. tM" i . - T v.-i." V anJ iuDthrirOm tot I vC r ' tin to.atlon. tlo.r.a rcw4 bul b-u il". ttrna. as: -lorrUhoa i-i.nu fiT a 1 1 r-t.tr.r. iort.: rent $45 pru-w o. l-rr prtio.:ra inquira V. I'--. -vr of UkckXm.d iiroa. Cigar f 0.. Z 4 1 M OrTlarO-i . rMr I I .'.NK c"la. O". rt bring t. J. H "'t r'otry. l'.t Th.rd, A HEAL TUh'iUN-PAtNt.CH- fRICES, csSf.lAI. re .r-?banJ: tr. eauj atof-ii. v. h. oa t. P. I,iiroad. In Wli r.rr.i;o Vi'.T. A JT. vrun!in. L-iwir tra O' O ioca'aton. 4i W aailll.fi tua o,r . rtaa "i r. a ! .-rr; If i. t rn J aix. J IS H a.-U of CLiA.N'iM' and praaalng ptvr.or. pAyit.c raaC u Pr moo. a. -avu .. on long trm. ta r-r,oa.t.a tnaata. wori !no-i . to l.i'h la a gd ,., .nd p.n butii-tt. no dad com n . fer. -a. I hora Kat g.l'-A r i. ir 'inn -.! E.i t; r-d it . aira good trad a Cai Ii- KtTAfR ANT a MaJoo. Wat Slda. -i.ia" -.itif'.-'lon-'-v and light trw-n r r,.t r'-an mn.l t-i-y: lli-r rxma; $6v& liLOv K KKALTT CO- r A-Jr at. Jl'-T ai--iflra com ? ny T". J. C -hlr ( r X. no rpont:a tlr rfuaX J A PKAi'TIF'L cnf-.t:nry etor and ba r-T ard 24 room apt. hou at a as a, a -a ownar. fr4 L'ni"a it. Nortn. .r-.-k.-iTi ntDlrf to at Into iaPMng cand bua -. t r4 aenrv; g tail ato-cA n hard. AT trgoniaiL T. , - n . vr lrI ATRIAL KTOtTKi T.i1'n Ba thr bona bought a ad ar'.i. i-t'-nr ta. -o. -.a A.iDfios. 1A fc. r'-TOod m- ttl.or ariop tn Portland ... ' my f T'ur an-l utr-it laaa lha r - -it 4 -j 1T a. Ht'itrHiM. ke.-iTAf RANT. w... ri on ;rd. clean aad 1 .k.4X i'fcLIT CO- fc Aide ga. M I : c o . i . . i riAxa& i DO you want a good hm worth li'-H tor glO..KO, on a v:ry imall ptyratnw !. on lorg tme nt pr c-nt? If you no, niatr thia aivrt'nient. Ownr car- f..r only the Interest :f r!ncad party. Fina prooanlon for any -on wanting a nr ir k ;nitn'a n?l1;,Jw raw, ma. cornp.et-s.y furn:nei; In ctl S-fl manufacturing district. AO Ora-gr.n-an. FOR SALE A claa stock of mrrhsndlaa cons.stn g of sah. doora mouiam her bulIJl:rg material; buggira. bulMU'B and harness hard war. harr.ftis and har ns siH.p: also a s nail stock of farming lmp:?::icr.ta. 1 he on.y storu in the to a carrying tha above line. Deal to ba di rect with owner. AV 71. Pregonlan, COMB TO TBI PACIFIC WITH WARD. Arnli w.nK-d In P.clflo Nor(hw.rt. 1 wlflo Mutu.l Uf.. 4 y.n old. 22 million, tvsa.t.. V. lo.n nion.y. H. H. W.rd. ilsr.. Tlil 8p4Udln b.d. TWO F A RTN bKai must go to E urop to t'la an oatat-. and pr-rer to i rm 1 than leave, the'r steadily Inrreaalng casn bus'.nesa of dry goo.'.s, mlillnery. fncJ g'kla an-l notions; aso let- and fj T-r.l in bus!net Prt of Pprliand. for T" cash. No oth r term entertained. AO- drna V ( rr goiilan. A PARTM KNT-HOUSKTO LEAPE Kl-room now brlrk apart ment-houM. a ard 4 room apartments: Just being com ffItad; well and all th laiast c,onyenl' tncu; on 11th t.. close In. HI ior A yaara to rospons:i(! party. GRCSSI 4 POLPS. Slfl Bnard of Trade bide., 4th and Oalc ESTABLISHED OFFICE BUSINESS, Handling tUO.O worth of accounts, will a.tner ll Interest at STa or tak entire enntroi a.t JiOC ; busltiass Is Ciaar lnc over 300 a month; a splendid prop- oi;:!f.n. B. A. i'ranrtclie. .a ltfn u'a- At"T M.B1I-E parage school and KnlrJ repair shop that is paying n--over and above all cxponaes. want reua Mo partner to kfp plnin account: you nnv tr-r the bu-tr-sa before Investing. $;... required. (V-3 Lnm..er Exchange. DANDY little restaurant. Including room well furnished. kI f'tll; doing Lu,lAVi- at,out IJD to P- oa; rani, month: two or three-year lease: prlc 10 Chimter of Cot" mere btrtg. IF vou ar looking for a business opening. rail on ua. we win sea umi y rated right; no rhirtft for full lnf.m tion Kinr.-v ptaipher. B31-2 Lumber liirMn-A li.dt.. 2d and Ftark TOUNO MAN. 1TTR ANOER. Mak careful investigation at eTpensa t?f se,:er before you invest money In any proposition. Advisory Department, T. M. nK PALJi A well-estahllshed oollectlng ar-nr in a innvun tr j - Practically no comitltion : owner e;rT" a rh.inice of !rntion on account of health. a riritiiiin. KOH LE VE fodpm hsthhouaa and room . . a. -iio.- i.ia. in ?7 fur- tufhed rooms. 2 plunge, ahowera, tuba. stam and hot rooms included; rent raa aona&la. Inquire 22 Ruasel bldg. POOL KALI. 4 rood table, good cas.' for elgara and confectionary; leasa; ood trada; caah V.VkLER HALL. IllLtwibfrmwi Bid. ItAl 'JAIN ELE1AVT Xjr .1. yvr-' J ri SlNLH- 1. 1 ASK. CHEAP KENT CRN. TRALLY LOCATLD. AO ORLGO- MA C1.AK, confecuon-ry. tc. (uburban); liv ing rooms: raquiraa ttj i11"' m, buaineaa. Call 2h3 Lumbar a-i- changa 14 KLRNiSHED room, all full; -yar . e..aj. In heart of business el!on; PJ' g: ; easy terma tii -" rhip re tnl NT K Y nawsi sper for sal. 4--'w P"r month profit; prica ::"-: nn .-. great future, near Portland. 'J, Aman- pn Tp f "unary, mnnnu. OHiM'lvKY and meal marka; dally sa.e 4'- brick, on ana ataote rwmi '"T" rer? i will involr, no bonu about 210. c.l L-umner g-- DENTL offica and aqtilpmant for ale; fln cti.n.- ror nanua. w i-i.iua - -- Portland; wish to retlra. AC 644, Ora- goni ftAltlr-l.. ',a..h aax witn run parw "-" pri-a- I mean bus.naaa. a wv g nntan. TTTt . . . a ...r..lU man (ktSlak to ay 1.1 I PUS in. 4r - I"" Will rwy 2100 a month now and can b In creaser.. r-n , t - 4k-- .- . tr -wa n.i'iri i-iixara. maaa- kl Iaw mMK-m. ' .At'taw gtnea. ate-: must oa romoira iTu i ht It ; a:so nousonom ii" "-.4 LAl'N DRY p.rincr wanted In sianm laundry lished "I rTF."; SlovO rsqulrad- 0S Lumber txenange. ' . . ... a- a. ...Man ak m ii riMT "' "'."" l.v: vrr-u....; ih.n mm o n nr-mnin. i- 7 " 1 atarrs: r.Tu!r.a rrnr llrtl. money e- rurnl. Call I4vi Stark .t. ll.".i VITll a.rvlc will plac. you In a rroarlnr bualnr."; ry b.tt.r than warr , -.yu Crk at. HES r-TAYINI mllum-all.d apartmonv- houa. In the elty; low rem; ion prlc. rlht: Until urri"ni.n f.v. GROCERY .tor. t inroico; imm . n . nr n una naiurca. ......... v - - - H-jrntld.. OmxtiHT, flolnj :rlctly eu bunlr... : f M daily, want. j.rtn.r; aaiary $125 aac n-of!ta M"3 L.urr.r.rr Eichnnc.. KESTAl'l: IXT doln ood bJilnrraa. Van coilv.r. W.ah.. for a .r.ap If tak.n at one. AV M, uronian. I1D0 WILI. buy half Intrr.at In a bualnra. that will cl.ar you 34 w..k; rrf-r.nora xchan.d. t all mniurr r." ..p.. a ai . DTvif o v.ntrd to h.ln In .tor.; will p., 'yuu $ lt month and r.3ulrc. vary lit' tlr mon.y. C.1I rSH Stark at. 1 H WE a c!r. llttl eaan nur:n... in.i win p:.r you J work W a" i .rtn.r; 3i0 r-Q.iir-d. .I'-S I.umi'.r K.hanr.: -r-.r. a. a T 1 V-w movl n at -Dlt'tur. ihotv. do. Inr fin. bualn-s.; com. and lnvratlat.; .rAtln. C4DKU7 a- -v. u . v -a.-...-.- BhTAlRA.T olarln JCr.O month, for aal. ch.p. tan an o.va-a wiHiT-CL-.A.Pr4 b.rt.r Ihop for r.nt. 9 good loc.tton. 302 l.t. m-SISESS CARDS 111.00. nil Hu-h.n.n Hld.. 2vli, Warh:nton. UACAUAII road. AO-room furmahed ho- trl. .aa oriai' lBl ..-l1- a pi-ohalr barber .hop, fin. location o.n.r oln Eaat. 2ulh and Clinton. all or half lnt.r.at In a flnt-claa. barber .hop. 1. oni. un-iun.a. BAKI F.K PHOP lor aalav. la Call W0 Aib.rt. lt- CXUAfl .tand. ch-ap. If tak.n today, (ood lor.tlon. rail a4 ri.r. .a. Cin4.il. corf, ard rocry .tor.: tnuat ba .1 3. tlarr. ai'l r- -aia.. ...... Wi'L Ll Ilk. to rant fumlahrd raamumnf. AS O0i. uraioniaa. A SNAP Dy. worka eompl.ta. lone tea. nawaonabl.; InraMtlcal.. C.I1 Xajt . BOOwINO HOCSEg. ....4 arar r rsT'Trar lUmam. n.w and vary fina fornltura. 4.1.1 u.trd Saturday at 4 P it.: own.r .... Mil quirk: bom. locatod n.ar l(th a. . . . aak aa. HA 4aW A a. A T A1 T t A and 4.0UCO .fcrrra.. - ' ' . . " , , two month, .co but did not wauit to .oil then: bow wanta to a.11 quick at J1IJ4: av . jt and you will look no furth.r; t.rm. IMA t. arrauiia. 10 ROOMS. 3lt CASH. aP.ianc. SiaO ..ay monthly pavym.nta: fur ...... h..t. .ood furniture 2 y.ara' leaa.. fin. W'tMt ftt-I. location: thla prico tnclud. a Sl-iO upr.cnt piano i.. a you aaai in R. It. OOODKIND CO.. lJ- Wllcol Bld.. Cor. Ith and Waah. SNAP COME V'Xra.' IKV-rrvom apartmrnt-hou... on. of th. a.ioav-ln pl.c-a moal.rn. with automatic .'.vator. taih and phor.. In ...ry aart. m.nt. on. of th. trt ravla houa... r.nt r. th.n . room; lca. 4 y.ax.; prloa 4:vH. trrrr.a. E. FI.I.IS CO.. S.Ki-MO i"i: -mx tlf!ff. PARTVKR IN ItOOMINll-HorsS. UJ wants to luy a rood paying rootn Ir.gbou... baau:!ful!y furnlshavd aad a ood proportion In .v.ry w.y; w.nt. part aa. wi.i il.iOi .h. hat aam a amount. O C. R. K1.L13 t'O.. V-S10 Wll -ox bldg.. ath .nd TA. tup ilt-.gton .ta , ., haI.E Fumltur. of 1-room hoos.. r'.ar .th acd Columbia. West bid.: rent -'.- r.rars $i p.r month and gtv. yoa th'r. frr. Ilvlrg-roonia. price $4. lady must go East- J'hon. East ta Ronll ROOMS. I -rartf lea... rent III. n.ta oawr Ills a tnontti; m good town, c-caaa to PorUtuid; g ii trrrr a. WHEEL EH A HALL. 411 Lnmb.rm.ns Bid. ioii i-AI.K l-r.-im .p.rtment-hous. fur nlt'ir. In b.st of con.nt.on; room, always o-.-upicd; o.nera 3' -. i- MorrkKin. cor. TMrai. io i iiuK rnomtr.g-hoitao for aal.. rooms a!l full; '"" will handl.; no ag.nta ITS V on t r.Q.rr . A V r a gd paying rooming or .nt. bou, where trail, would be OonaUdaaraxL 4.4 lio4vrl af it.da. JUM.MINC-HOrSE9. NOTHING FETTER FOR THE MONET. A i. room. w.ll-furnlah.d Hat. on tn. W.at Sid.; ha. good ratroiia; 1X Pr mouth on 2V room.. l.avln .'.x for tn. own.r: -y..r l.aa. from 8pt- 1. 1Mt..' 7B par month: I000 will h.ndl. It; th. rlc. I nr""0 and It 1. a pippin and ami . .old within a f.w days. OTTO A HARSbON KKALTT CO, 13.4 Flr.t at. WE RECOMMEND THIS. 60 room., cio. In, alwaa full. ana 4 -room ap.rtm.nta 65 roomiv fumlehed. .utom.TIc .levator, .tram heat, fuel In for yenr; own.r munt r.l5 oasn io v"""ul o'.lirr lnt.rai.ta and will ..crtfic; l.tiaV r.r month; a Ac rifle at S"IKI. WESTERN PRK.iON TRUST CO 272 Stark at- n.t. SEE BERREY REALTI CO. FOR BAROA1NS. 1 1-room trai.al.nt, rent only $40. new rurnlturo, fm monsy-mak.r. 85u; t.rma, ' anrl ood l..e- "i rooma, houaekoeplnt. fm. P,a,est $!!M; t.rma; don't fall to Inr..: lent.. Call and ira our many bara!ua. -4lr 4th au Mjrhall H2S. A PATER. A GOOD BI.'T. 32. ROOMS, near thl. office. w.Il rur nlaned. rootr.aral! on on. floor; r.nt 1 a loom, with fin. l.a.: pay. over AL.L EX PENSES 2titf a month. Prlca $3500. time on part. O. C. P.. ELLIS AV CO COD-510 Wilcox bld. 6th and Washington ata. TCK.V TOI R 1X1T INTO MONET. 20 rooms, cheap rent, ond le.r.3, loc.tea close In. st Siflo, cl..irin H0 month: ood furniture; will take clear lot In trade and .xi cash. RALPH ACKI.ET LAND CO IT'l otn st., opposite P. O. 1U BOOMS, r.nt 125. price 400. yiTo cash, balance to iuic Kit rooms, rent $r'l, S-y.ar 1I4 Prlc. $lo0O: 4900 rash, balanc. term a. 8 rooms. $oOO; t.rrr.a. 0 4.P.I.AND 41 BAR3XE3. 11 4TH BT. JAPANESE. TAKE NOtlCE. Tf you want a cood Sil-roorn house. nnt don town, phone Main 37 and ask for Mr.' Bock. -HOOM niodern house, close In, well-fur-nlslied. lart-e yard, a mouey-makor, an absolute bargain; only $di0; terms. Mar anal! 363. WANTED from own.r Good rooming-house. between ?0-GO rooms, west niae; iiiu.l mo.iuy-mtiker nd bargain: will pay cash. Ana-arcr A ll. Oregonlan. WANTED Kri.iii to 14-room roomina house, wniklng oistanco. aa ". 'gonlnn. ti(M EI'iTT In 11-room roomlrg-house for .ui. or exenange. ...n miu. -12. h st-: must aell; .n.p. . FOR SALE Good roomlng-hous.. oy in. owner: call on 1L. i . z -orin a. in. Washington. IOST AMI FOCXI. STOf.EN From Fashion Stables. Woodhurn. Or.. October -2. two o..ca st ui.ia,. weight .bout lino: age and 11: ofr hora. tr.niied (dlamondl low down on right btp; near hor.. .tar In for.head ar.4 on. whit, hind foot: .i.o heavy .Id. prlng buggy, repainted black with heavy red .trip's; extra heavy buggy harness, brasa tnmm.l. large ham. rings; red b.rk pada. Hired by man, dark crm p,.iilon. dark hair, about two weeks' be.trJ. dark blue eyes, gray apot on back of brad low down; are aboiK 40 yeara, a.lgnt ltu pounds: $23 reward for in formation lending to recovery of prop rty; 2S addlt!nil for arre.t of rlgnt m.n. Notify .liove. FOUND Where yu can buy genuln. half mat treks a ratal! at wnoiesai. pn. . rrnovata mattresses and return aam. day; we alo renovate featliei. Port. and Curled Hair Far tory. H. M.tzger. 226-. Front, i'hon. Main 474, A 13.4. t LOST Physician', grip containing obet.t- rlcal Instruments; iioarsi rew.ro turn and na questions asked. $02 telling BMC. LOST Between Packard garage and Me- llncs av... Aloward watcn ana iou. ment No. 01 7144. case No. 1K25704. Return 410 Commercial Club bldg. $l reward. LOST A diamond ear ring, about 1 karat, on Sellaood, L or Vancouver car.; flnd.r will receive .'" reward 11 same i. turned to 03 First at.J. P. ZirngtebeL LOST Tuesday ".venlnc. amall purse, con taining sum of money, on 2d t,. ne.r Aid-ir. whll. g.ttlrg on Mount Ecott car. Reward at this office V, 1 ; L. th. gentleman who got the hat marked M. W. at th. Christian Science Church, Sunday .Tenlnr, please return It or send address to 241 7th St. T LOST Bet. noon and evening, on FUind.ra St.. whll fox terrier pup. Reward to finder. K. H. Bolbrook. 73 Fland.ra. Ma.n 430U. LOST Oo'.d-mounled .Ik tooth w.tch fob. n.ar Front and Madison. 8tJ4 12th St.; 11b .ral r.ward. ' tn.T ta.W'a .old watch, with Inltlala L. O. R.. on case; reward. Finder pleas, tele- pnone Tabor 414'.. UT Ausust 13, whit, silk Maltese lace coat col.ar; goes around coat collar and down lape'a. u r.2. uregonian, IXisT Tiger klttrn from 44Z Jefferson Li reward for reiurn of same. Main 6425. SPECIAL NOTICES. Propoiaal. Invited. SEALED bid. will be received at the offloe of H, H. Thomas, School Clerk. 402 T1I- lord bldg., r'ortinna, i-rogon, unm a-, -a. .A lull far hr.rlnar and v.n- tliatu-.g plant, at Clinton Kelly and Wee ton Schoola. Blda to be on each acnool eeparaiely. Plan, and specifications may b. obtained at tl.e oliice of Architect T. J Jones. 400 Tilford bldt. A c.rlif.ed check of 10 per c.nt or un ainuaai ... 1. w w Xhomaa. School Clerk. must .ceompany each propoaaL Hoard of Director. rea.rves in. ngni w r J, If end all bids. R. H. IbimiA Bohc-ol Clark. Nov. a. 191 L Mtsoellaniaoaia. voTtric nr rale. To all whom It may concern: Notloe la hereby given that Campbell Lumber com pany, a corporation Incorporated, organ ized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon, will, on November 10. 11L at :$ o'clock In the morning, at th. .ait door of tha Countf Courthouse, in in. cny oi '"',".' aiV .rii .r nnhllo auction, to the highest bid dor. the following described property, on the terms hereinafter .rrsclfically aet forth, to wit: , , . All the property, real and peraonal, be longing to said company heretofore owned by Steelmnn 1-ogging . "iiiv"'..'. . . . w-i,, ..., . . tr-i M; 'iikum County Washington, and convt.ird to Campbell Lumber Company on or about the 1st day of April, los; aald property being otner wle deecrlbed as the "Skamokawa Prop anH hrln. Darttcularly and ape- ,.r.'.ll. H.a. HhrnT aa fullOWBt The aouth half of th. southwest quarter aectlon three : the uth half of the southrnst quarter of section three 1: tno north hall or in. norimm uoa.... a w . fini. .11 in tovmshiD nine (?) north, rang, 'six 4 west of th. Wll lamett. meridian: .... . , - .iki w . a. for r.Ilro.da ca nals and dumping ground for logs through the following described property: Th. northaaat quarter of section eight II); the eoutheaat quarter of the aoutn .... onartar of .action five (I); the . v, n,..rt.r of the aoutbweat quar ter of aectioa four (4): th. northwaat quarter of th. souths.st quarter of s.o tloa four (4): the aouthesjt quart. r of th. outhw.at quarter of aectlon four (4). and th. nortn.aUil quarter oi aaooua " a'l In township nine ) north, range all ,e ..rat of the Willnm.tte mridlan; Together with three miles, mor. or of logging railway located on th. .bov described property and rights of way one Munuv donkey .Mine H0. on St.ri King donkey engine xll. on. p'l. driver, ou. ;v-iin iai"-i three flat care.- thr.. acts of logging trucks, blacksmith shop and .qulpinent th.reio apperiani.ng. um """' "' bouM. thr.e bunk house, and mil equi ment. tools and appliances of every kind and description us.d on the 1st day of Aorll lo. In connection with th. logging ' . - . . V. , aKaa at ..or I tlAal Plant op.rmi-iu a... . . - lrop.rty and ttuat4l thereain. r-V ,.. of aal. ah. 11 be aa follows: Ten p.r c.nt of th. .ucce.sful bid .hall b. paid In ch .t th. time of laale. and the remainder of the purchaua. prlc. .li.U a.- within ten dars tb.reafter. either In ceo or. at the option of the bidder. . In his or its neiotiabl. prom'aaory not. navatoi. in inr. eaiiuu innaimrui li g respectively In three, six antt nine months from the d.te of sal., bearing In terest at tha rat. of 4 per c.nt p.r an num, and providing for attorney', fees In c.a. suit or action sh.U b. Instituted to collect th. not. or any Inetallmrnt thereof, and providing that failure to pay any lu .t.llm.nt of prlnclplU or Int.rauit t ma turity .hall render the whole principal Bum of the not. due and payable at the option of the holder. .... a. . Such promlasory not. shall b. ..cured by a purchase money mortgage delivered aamultaneouely with said promtauiory note Mid covering the property purchased. In the event that the purchaaver at such sale ahall fall" to complet. th. purcbssa tor ny reason other th.n the f.llure of market. b'. title, the Initial payment .hail b. retained In full satisfaction of all dam. age arising from such failure. No bid shall be received unlesa aeeom panl.d by cash or certlfi.d ctfc qual to 1 per cent of th arr.oaint bid. listed and first published Notimbar T. l"UCAMPPELL LUMBER COMPANY. By John K. Kollock., Sec PORTLAND. Nov. 2. 1!U. Notice to all concerned: On and after this date I will aot be responsible for debts contracted by leroy Halorook. W. D. HALBROOK. Miarrllsaroat. FORECLOSURE Or" A CHATTEL. MOBA- UA'jr. By -rlrtu. of th. authority vested In mo by the laws ol th. State of Oreeon. ana by a certain chattel mortgar., executed on th. 2d day of September. 1811. by John Madden to Thomas Melenbr. said chattel morta. beln duly ntirtd of r.cord on pai 40 In book 00 of tha R.o ord of Ch.ttel Mortaea of Multnomah County. Oreon. I. Andy Weinberger, l-on-atabl of Portland DtAAilct. Multnomah County Oreon. will on the I3d day ol November. 1911. at th. hour of 10 c .clock In the forenoon. In rooms 401 and 01Ja the McKay bulldlni, situate at No. Third street In the City of Portland. Port land District. Multnomah County Oregon, ell at puhllo auction to the highest bid der for cash. th. property described In and encumbered bj said chattel mortgage, and described as follows: One rolltop desk, one rolltop typewriter desk, one Visible Oliver tpewrlter and all the chairs, carpets and all medical and other book., all medical and aurglcal Instru ments and each and all other Article, of p.r.onal property of .very name kind and nature what.-oever In the two rooms, num bered 401 and 402 of the McKay buMnK. situate at 102H Third street In the city of Portl.nd. Multnomah County. Oregon Tak-n and levied upon as the property of .old mortgagor. John Madden, or aa much thereof as may b ncersary to sat isfy the certain not. for $325 described In. and secured by. said chattel mortgago .T.ii, .tn was nald October 31 and $25 wax paid November 4. 1811. leav ng a balance due and unpaid of $50. with In terest on .11 from September V, the date of said note until paid at the rate of a per cent per annum, .no. .nri itiabursementA Including an at torney fee of $23 tor mortgagee's attorney b"witnes my Tiend. on thla th. th day of member, WEINBEROKR. Constable, A. 'K. Hooker. Atty. for Mortgagee. BIDS will be accepted on millinery .tore located at 60S 1st St., south, on or before a- . inn fjoori location, rea sonable rent, with 4 living rooms. Para Hechtman. Administratrix. Phones Main BS42. A 358. NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Craa H. Williams. Jeweler. Condon, ur. F'NANrlAL. BOIIDS AND MOHTOAOES. H. E. MOO.V5T. Jfonev to lend In large or small amounts at current rates on Improved Portland property. wrm RAT.T1 Choice first mortgages In amount, from 12000 to $20,000 to net th. Investor. to t per cent. lnuTn a nir. wnw S 4T.E. First mortgage of $3100, drawing T per cent Interest for 8 ye.r.. on highly lm Droved country property, worth 10.0J0 will be sold for I'JWoO for Immediate sn.e. as owner must have cash. F So., Orego nlan. FIRST and second mortgages and contract. purchased on farm anu cny i"uv.. 'c i wnrra. in iireron or ivssr.i.iiivu. Devereaux, 10.J2-3 Spalding bldg. rian Mm vr,n MORTGAGES 'Or eller'e equity In contracts of sal. on real estate In Washington or -ajie.ou. loana H. E. Noble. 31 I.umbermens blag. UO you Illte abso'.ute anfety that pays is to 20 per cent dividends, paia ajuai a. j Then have me tell you about It. A It oau, Oregonlan- wr -. . a,,..!,.. ..h nrlca for builders' con " . . . mw.A tracts. 1 1 rat ana secoau muuiaa other aecurltles. Home - insia.imeni -- C8 McKay bldg. Marshall 2300. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts cougnt. rr.i mi.w loans. E. B. Miller. 410 APingion piox. MONET LOANED Will buy mortrjagea notes or equ!tioe. Patrlca. 7Qit teon. MOP.T'IAQE LOANS AT REASON All LB RATES. F. H LE IS. 8 I.E.V. la BL.v-n Money to Loan Real Estate, TO -LOAN AT T PER CENT. t.nM 'mmi s.":nnn xio.Oao- On 1'ortland Improved property or good close-In acreage; can mak. prompt deliv ery of these amounts. Apply at once to GUOIif-S LL BKU!i 4a.l M t.rcesier oiua. AALiNEY to loan on Improved city property at reasonable rat. of Interest In sum. from ud. C. F. PflugiT A Co.. suite 12, Aluik.y bldg.. 2d nd Morrlaoa. Established IstsiA. Aa. TunnlrB.. atfi- ..rn-.rtT far f fl. build Ing purpoae.. S to 8 years' time; liberal rep.vmenl privilege.; money advanced as building progresses. Th. Equltabl. Sav ings & Loan ASSOCI.lion. t-ro a..'. " - GOOD 6L-PPLT OF MONET TO LOAN AT r. K A I. ESTATE SECIRITT. MALL A VAN POl'.STEU 104 SECOND ST.. NEAR STARK. vd v.c -lantr of in o ri r v to loan on Portland property In sums from $1000 to $50,000 at lowest current raifli. Jiuiiau, Flledner At novce. ooa-ouo APingion uiu. WTLL loan $20,000 or less, real estate secur ity. Farrlngton at ranmiivu, J merclal Club bldg. oco ON improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates, large loans a specialty. McK.nzle A Co, 814-ol5-Blll Oerllnger bldg. PLENTY of money to lo.n at and T pel" cant on reai niai. . . : . ..... . ED W. P. MALL. 00 Chamber of Commim miv .t T ner cent on cl oae-!n property to private party. AB 861. Ore- goniau. slyw TO LOAN at 8 per cent to private rnrty on Improved Portland property. AP BOS. Oregon. an "unvET to loan on Improved real . estate or for building purposes. Columbia Life A Trust Lomptviiy. r... .-I.-.-..... .'...DnrrTi o. unlmnroved property; small A-0 r f: . . . -. - ..nipaali ar.fi mnrttraras go"l.ht-'w H. Kunn. 44? Sherlock bldgT . t .KniiaArd dollars to loan on rood real eainte security. Otto Harkson Realty Co.. 133 bi 1st st. "unnvilACiE Jonns on city property; lowest rates 'A H. Blrrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg.. Sd and istirs. MORTGAGE LOAXS. .1 MAl.l. 60S SPALDING BLDG. TEL. A T44X .TT.. i-An term of years at a per cent on first mortgage, olty property, phone Main ;,0 eon TO LOAN, large loan, a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. O. Beck. n.1-r,l'r Failing n.'is. BUSINESS property -7,. .'V,5C' loan. EPiVAiiU C.- V'-r".a, inn pmi. fTooTootv-is to clt' ,nd t"m mnnivi. r .''re- wnnev loaned cm real estat mort' .Vw?. H. Miley. room 204. Gerltnger bidg. l0BTOAul.-l.u''. Aa. cT-AWir it n , j. a sa-c a mrsA T DTIJ ffv-T. LEW -. - - mY-iRT-ttmo loans by private party, 2J and UP. '' Q'-. ' . .. - . . i.- i o.vNS. terms reasonable- MSrV-iy. a V..lhomme Co.. 807 Wilcox T411 w "Ol-T a real, personal, chattel or eollat. ..curlty CT W. P.llett. 3U8-9 Fenton. MOK-rOAQE loans, lowest rates. a. k. uim.on. BIT Board of Trade. -, ,.-it v any amount. to 8 per cent. oood nL.h A Belta 810 Spalding bldg. STiNET TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. aT H HARDING. 13 Chairbr of Com, For REAL ESTATE LOANS, SEE QUO. Ft4 THOMAS. 287 OAK ST.. ROOM 2. Loans on Improved realty at lowest ratea, jZVf FI N G TON. Chamber of Commerce aT.ev to Loan ChaileU. mid gaUrle WE HAVB MONBY TO LOAN. On ea'ariea only. In amounts of from 3 to $100. at the lowest possible ratea. .Rebate given If paid before "ua. Rarin aalarr loan brokers exclualv.ly, ws a.r. .n.biiKl to mak. th. best terms and give the quickest possible ..rvica. Our well-known reputation for aqnare dealing and courteous treatm.nt during th. past la our Deal raiarrata. Bnalneas strictly confidcntltU. BTATr SECURITY CO.. 80S .railing Bldg.. eor. 8d and Wash eta. MONEY ADVANCED On furniture, pianos, salaries, eta. Lowest rates. HTJTTON CREDIT CO. $07 Spalding Bide. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry and other art icles at One-n.ll a... u.uaaa ...a.. . confidential. A2j ran. a., oiua . CASH ON CREDIT. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO J21 ABINGTON BLDG. TjaluEDlATE loam from $5 and up on all kinds of securities. W. A- H.th.way, room 1 o yaasnin.ioa pms. j... u.-ivrv loaned On diamonds and Jewelry, Strictly conni-nai-i.. 11.7. pu, - ' " A LOAN for the .skins, salary or ch.ttel. Th. Lo.n Co.. 414 D.kum bldg. I OW ratea; we loan money on dlamonda and " . , . . . V'l. a Urt mr I.Wrirj. wan at i.-".-. ' . - LOANS on diamonds and other aecurltlea. Wro. Boll, room t, Washington bldg. MOVEr io.d -on Installment. confidential, aaJarled people. Fa A- Newton. Henry bldg. Money to Loan Chattel, and Balarlea. MADE QUICKLY ANY AMOUNT. DID YOU EVER. Establlih your credit with a I-oan Co. ana gel turned down, when In urgent need ol a second accommodation becaus. tn.y were JUST OUT OF FUNDS: OUR CAPITAL IS UNLIM1TETX If you deal with ua, you may rest aasurd that w. will b. willing and abi. to accommodate you any tlm. ON SHORT NOTICE. CHEAP NOVEMBER RATES. $ .40 Weekly Paya a $ 1 LOAN. $ 3 Weekly Pay. a $ 2i LOAN. $1.40 Weekiy Pays a $ SO LOAN. $1.80 Weekly Pays a $ 75 LOAN. $2.20 Weekly Fays a $1"0 LOAN. . YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate Given If Paid Before Due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, n-T MACI.EAY BLDG. BOTH PHONES. Between 4th and Sth St... on Wash. K. Open lion, and Sat. Evenings Till a P. $$$ $ DO YOU NEED MONEY T We will furnish you. strictly conHden tlal and without delay, a loan In amount, on your auto, piano. f"TOlt"ire. livestock, storage receipt and all kinds of securities, on terms to suit; also - ly or monthly payments. WE BUY AND LOAN on first and second real estate mortgages, contracts and chattel rnortgages. V. 6. REAL ESTATE BROKER AGE C O. 812 Hamilton bldg. 131 3d. Main 20S4. $ t I ! QUICK LOANS AT LOW RATES. NO RED TAPE OR' DELAY. ANY AMOUNT FROM $10 UP. . On diamonds, pianos, furniture ana ii other kinds of personal property 1 Pay ments arranged to suit your conveniences ana an A- A. LLJani-luno. , -, inn wn. Tiin.-. cor. 6th and wash. . . . n-anra DVnPt.R MONEY FlIK BAaoiiav a-----Women keeping hous. and other, rur nl.h.d without security; cheapest rale when "Vu want . , P-T "?? iVl Offlces in all principal citlea. D. H- 01 man, 81T Lrnhar Kxchango. FRANK; NICHOIaS CO. For a loan on any kind of security. IT WILL COST TOU LESS. Private office; courteous treAtment. B03 LumbVmen'. Bldg.. Bth and Stark. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. AUTOS. Pl- ffoxFIDEsf I AU UNION 3EOK-ill-r-o nlVAblnctin bldg.. 106Hi Sd 1st. MOiNr-i a J A On livestock, household 8V?Alu.Mrtct.y tos. contract., anything of Vo wVilanZ eonfldentlal. Frank Lane. B09 Swetiano. Loans Wanted. T PER CENT. LOAN. $4500. Counoll Crest Park. Tony G. Anderson, 401 Lewis biag. W.lNT-$lS00 onhom.-worth $4000 c-ccu- ntd by owner; io- - lint, and expend to private party. K 639. Urejon ih.ii. WANTED-8350 for on, yo; wlU Ivj t?.. "bVlbstractTngT Anaw.r K oil. Ore gonlan. ,1 - WANT $1500 three year. 8 Per cent on nrst -Class resiuem-o rm, ed district- C. W. Day a . Co.. ctrcom hlorlr Ma n 0120 or A fi6oo. CAN Place several good loan. 1 for $30 and -A ror lo-uir, 7.i. will nrlvate nartlea only; no commission, win car 8 per cent. Phone Main iia. ,1000-1 year. 10 Per cent. .cureu uj sonal properly via.aa a------ $3.;0O AM 56, Oregonlan. WANTED-J1500 Joan. to B IwayjL on 3o00 portiana m.s" ",o-fan .... r.nt: no aceiilA. AP '74. Oregonlan. $100 LOAN wanted on hou "a nd lot (lOOx JTO) in Avenwwu a ---- --- car: security 12 iw. r 1.00. WANTED Loan of J1S00. on wejl-lmproved 10 acres, loutnaw BTO. oregoniaa. linn on acreage In cultivation. vaJu. $30O; 1V0,?, ? nir c.nt on 8-yeaf loan. L B71, Oregonlan $16,000 AT 7 per cent, 3-story prica ments. west iliur; , vTiX- Wagoner Co.. 311-812 Lewi, bldg. LOANS WANTED Applications on for d.slrable loans; m"'!"" riu H,nry C. prudhomme Co.. 807 Wilcox Bld- i-t. ... .i.M vm.r monrv. food mortgagi Lewis bldg. references, r. n- w"a PERSON Ala. MP.H. OLLIE JACKSON, l.t.ofSanan- ,n,.CO-not.'dr ""dermatologist of the Pacific Coast? treats all facial blemishes and aealp T disease, successfully by the latest scientific method: wrinkles removed, etc. iray hair restored to natural color In four Sava. Office houra 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. iSl Northwest bldg.. 6th and Washington etreeta LADIES ONLY. DR. ALICB A. ORIFT. Tllseases of women and children, nil removed to Lefay.tt. bldg.. 813 i4 Wash lng ton st. TO WHOM IT MATCOlVCERNr IAlC for 4 years, unnum "-"- ---r my house and until Mike Calamatas. whbm I never knew before, cured me In a rea sonabfe tlmeT Evelyn Perault. 173 Co Jmbla! Mr Mike Kalamataa. 28 ii. 8th and Burnslde sts., city. SWEDIslii TRAINED NURSE Helslngfor. graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom S;h ailments, under physician s direc tions: baths, massage. No. i East lltn L. second door south from East Ankeny ht ma. rncn. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse. long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; massages and hatha 848 E. Williams ava.. near Weid ler " car. Phone East 8608. C 2568. Oreo- Sundays. vTTK.fc.OVER shop and millinery school, "irvriv buy new? Utilize your old material and have a stylish hat made at little cost, trimmings and making 25 cents and up; .atufactTon guaranteed, $06 Goodnoueh block, opposite Postoff.ce. tirrflOPATHIG treatment; 1 cure nervous .nA" chronic disease, without the use of S?aT Tor appllancea of any kind. Dr. ralhSnne C Gates, 807 Ablngton bldg. Marehafl 8143. to 12 A M., 1 to 6 P. M. Sundays o-i; TnTyonE knowing the whereabouts of Fred Korouist who left Minneapolis about five friars aso, will confer a favor by notifying nls parent.. Box 87. Frazee. Minn., or M .t. Elburg. National. Washington. Ctjk STEVENS, 18 years Portland's leading vtimlst land clialrvoyant. has her late Cord? "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at gJaJ Yamhill, corner 7th st. j-7j TALKER, apecalllst for men, quickly Dv!:,ra blood and akin allmenta, kidney aad YJoder troubles and piles. Consultation 181 1st St.. Portland. 1-1 IV. aa - - - - - Taia.aa.es of women and surgery. Exanx rrtlon free. 802 Merchant Trust bldg, Sih and Washington. Phone Main 4047. THE- MARINELLO SYSTEM. ' vr.ir dreasing. facial, scalp treatment.. 402 Central bldg.. 10th and Alder. Mala -ifl5- r-7rrf,s .ults for rent, $LB0 month) keep PRl!.rj otnea cleaned. pressed buttons Lwrd on rips repaired. Prompt calls and y.or?.. Uiilqu. Tailoring Co.. 80 stark. - c. ' TrT s. O. tablets for debility from MB-- 'i... price $1. any address; money ??iurd If It fails. Dr. Plerc. R.m.dy rfcU oif, Morrison st. a a AtTrT.TTTaTT- TUBERCULOSIS, paralysla .yeslght. ner voil. deuility. cured by German woman wltn wontierful magnetic healing power. ...-u. A.o PhnnA Ka 14:. ta 1ft r.aaL mm. i-o.a.-. . riR KETCHUM. diseases peculiar to women, a,so diabetsa and ecxema. Washington . f .. i,K .nd Washington. Main 8474, Ziaa LEWIS, lat. of San Fr.nel.oo, treats "i.idn.ss and diseased scalp, eoo Stark at. pa.an. ana. x- .'"' , , ruj boPHIE B. SEIP, mentaj and spiritual d?"eVstr dally. 802 AU.ky blag. Vei 8 J . jaL special messagea to all. Main e2. voon. viaSOS rentca. ... . numn; tree lU'ayage. K-ohl.r A Chase. 873 Washing ton WILL KKAIH of Winona. Minn., please communicate with F. A. A. Robertson at once ""y waain 1290. SWEENEY'S. lotn and 6tark. v grow hair, cur scalp dlsea. and hair from fallln- our Stop j . nH OF YOUR COMBIA'Ga. ewltches. '. ""' pairs. 7oc a.nliary Beauty Parlors. 4uu Dekum Bide. L. . c i.-PlA.NU3 In our exchange room . ...an. 42S7; terms, $10 per aim. -..hfer & Chase. 875 Washington st. confid.nri.t . no cha-gea Call Iwrlte. 245 hi Morrison St. ,VBEvz NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore LVrlr.....inv a. box: 6 boxes 1L2.1 (..lr... J Jlor Drug Co.. 2a Morrison st. MO i p.- superfluous bar removed. Mrs. M. l'1-0.. ...... Il-laa. kM, VI. I ..... Hill. 4- ( nam.-. a... aaaiai ai i tt. HAIR work made to order. Mrs. ri.-i Williams -V. C. Larson, i.Tii . 0f FIGS Remedies for disease. Bt!mal 622 Davis St. Main 2H. On I'AELE information to Mr. Arthur Rice, b.ttir known a. Violet. H 353, Oregonlan. ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for men and . 1 - .-1 -.1 nfflna that cannot be duplicated on the Paclflo Coaatl X-Raya Statics, X-Ray Colla Galvanlo Fa rad. o and Sinusoidal Batteries; high fre quencies currents; lights from the smallest to the most powerful; baths of -vary acrlptlon. We use massage, nta-tlPUiA""" and adjustments with vibration. Over 40IHJ patient, and not a death while under our treatment. We do not use medicines ana never operate- Our offices are always open for Inspeotlon. We have cured hun dreds of people that others have given np. If you are not satlsfled, call or writ, us. We occupy the entire north half of the third floor of the Rothchlld bid. Dr. W. E. Mallory. Naturopath. HAIR HAIR HA IK BAin, BOO PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHB8. $12 34-Inch switches tfj 20-Inch switches ...a..... a.43 Hair dressing .. .? Fa-.e massage .H3 .23 f ... .POO . . . . - - jvi anicuring, zoc; live mr. 12 scalp treatments Superfluous hair removed by alactrlclty, guaranteed not to return. $4. $8 and 16 PUFFS only 11.48. . Cut hair In anv shade; switche any length. Price half. Sanitary Parlor. 40i-4i2 Dekum bldg-. 8d and Washington. alaUS. covivTKiGHT, feature ana bkiu ay ciallst. 260 20th C N. Phono Main o04- BrSiyggS DTJtECTORT. Accountant Export. EXPERIENCED all lines; . books opened. cioteu, written up, unmiusi m , private instruction; outstd ' rvlca. 0Jt Bwetland bldg. Main 440. Attorney. L E. COOPER,, attorney-at-law. enr! practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bids. M. 83, A 20.1. THOMAS D. REED, lawyer, removed to 400 Oregonlan bide.. 4th xioor. H. C. KORNEOAT, corporation, commercial. reai estaie law. ana co ---- A3a.ver and Analyst. Wei! is; A Proebstel. mining engineera, chm ana assayers. : MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. ISO Morrison at. Brass andMahine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS I.rass casting and machine work. 108 N. Bth. Main 27n- Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER. Columbia bldg., next Stav Theater. A r.2.i0. Jlain unei; rra.. a. . I'hlrtipodUts. DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD, graduate chiropodist, permanently removes corn... bunions, callouses, ingrown club nails: pea .curing, manicuring, face and scalp speciai-.- ... a,, t.-: r.. a.iv 7.4 ooH Wash. U-l. D a-.'lj iltll.-l.ia i.iu... .. WILLIAM. Ef telle and Flossie Deveny. the onlv scientific chiropodists In th, cuy. Parlors 302 Gerllnser bldg.. 8. W. cor. .1 mr, al.l.r Ph OT1 B Mill! 1301. Dr. Martin Rraun. surgeon chiropodist the imperial university Ti Austria. 208 Rothchlld bldg. Ph. Main 5851 CHIROPODY and pedicuring. wra. ...ii .-.a. .00 H..I.Hn.r hIAmT. Main 84 I A. : . . w tv Coal Wood. COAL-TfOOD- -ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK . BRANCH E. 83D ST. WOOD. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal and wood. Marshall 900. A 3543. 3S7 ater St. Contractors. TIT t BUCKNER, contractor. Jobbing, OI-. 8881, A 76C2. Woodlawn 562. ittmg. O I. om -. Dancing. PROF. WAL. WILLSON'S SCHOOU 'on 25c: waltz, two-step or three-step garan teed In first lesson or money refunded, stage dancing taught quickly. 3Sr.i, V ash .t vrt w. Park and 10th. Main 7687 HEATH'S SCHOOL I.essone 25c: fancy stage and social dancing taught Jal'y wait, and two-step guaranteed in 4 let sons. Class and social dance Monday eye. 109 2d st between Washington and atara. RINGLER'S SCHOOL Wednesday. Friday evenings: social dance Saturday: elegant hall Morrison, Private lessons dally. Phone Marshall 813. PartexrtlTe Berrice. PACIFIC States Secret Service Agency. At vour service DAY and NIGHT. 421-23 Board of Trade. Marshall 87X - Educational. STUDIO of Main 88SS. locution. 608 Ellera bldg. Engines Gas and St -.Anm Machinery CO., Coast agents. Sea EburyKstelm en'He and boiler., gasoline en gines. 2S1-2SS E. Morrison st. Phone E. 615. Feed Store. ZIGLER A MISNER, hay. grain, feed. M ment" shingles. g.i4 Grand ave. B. 48X . Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 71 Front. Leather C r .r- rle.criDtlon. tabs. mfrs. findings. j. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Ea- t.niisnea aouo. io riv...- Musical. i'mil Thlelhorn. violin .""er f upll Sevolk. BOO Marquam. A 4160, Marshall 1Q2. Oneopathic physicians. r R. B. Northrup, 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. . . . . . Phone Office M. 349. Res. East or B 1028. Paints, Oils and Ola... COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is bast adapted to the Coast climate. BASS WT?it"eR PAINT CO.. 191 Second st- ROSMUSSDN CO.. jobbers paint oi... glass, sasn anu uoa,,.. . , Papering and Tinting. TINTING. Painting, paper hanging neat. clean wora. i-hq" WE tint rooms. $2.50 up, P amt nouses . "our price. Home phone B liU3. Patrnt attorney.. h K. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. MARTIN. 409 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. PATENTS procured by J. K. Moch. attornoy-PA-faw. iSt. of U.S. Patent Ortic. Book- let free. Hi A"" oaa.aa . . - 5 f WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. inlrlngement casoa. 604 Dekum bidg. Paving. THH Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605 6.18 Fectrlo bids- Oscar Huber, Portland. Pawnbrokers. Tiia.-1-i ra MYERS- Collateral Bank; 40 yean UJiVodK?ljithst. Phone Main 910. piano Tuning. tFrTwiII tune your piano for $2; work dons by expert; factory tunes; all work guar J. ii Pacific phone, Marshall 2021; anteed. Pacllio p , postal. gn"lr P Chase? 875 Washington St. For J year, pacifio Coast largest piano deal- era Pipe. pips and fittings, engineers' and steam sup " M L. KLINE. - centrally 1oc"'??;1?0ni17SV23517 phone. Main 517. A 2011. ( ,oti and WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and FOSSES. 24th and York St.. M. 3489. Safes. . , aaicf ER SAFE CO., 108 2d st. Safe. THE MggryE VrlliV: secon'd-hand saf -m. Second-hand Goods. , .irtthlng. furniture and tools. Hlgh WE buy cloining. . ...-ond-hand clothing. rPre. jo is. Marshall 2354. t ". a y. a hlahest prices for second-hand Soinfng a'na1 fhoea. A 3190. 53 N. 6th. F a-rir.. Hank and Show fixture . r . i-Tia-i.- MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rail- T1dB. SlVoTvvcie c". 6th and Uoyt. K. Lutke. manager. . "V. .-- , i r vt9 vj ami U on hldr. Show- K. H. f11 .,n7r prompt delivery. tiale Lumber Co. v, J a t MVG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new AR.&?AH-hand. Main 3703. Cabinet work. .relit. ua Storage and Transfer. " n pick Transror 4 Storage Co.. offloe. Commodious 4-story brick warehouse. nf.rat? iron rooms and fireproof vault, separate iron anJ rJna g 'ilnoa aiid furnltufe moved and packed ?la i?. ili.g- special rates made on goods Pror thrifuBh cars to all domeatlo and reisn '- "aln 53g- A OION-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and 'orage. .afea livl- and furtniture moved and packed ?i"hll?ment. S7- Front .t. Telephone Main 54 7 or A 224 1. , . TJlTr-ON TRANSFER CO., established 1S70. ttil.fer and forwarding agents. Offices and VS2. f 474 Glisan St.. cor. 13th and allsan. '"""ph'nrl Main 69; A 1160. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. Tnrnliure and piano moving; low rates ru . , until nhones. on stora."- ' . Tjpewriters. To .;5 will bu a REBUILT TYPE $1 WRITER; rebuilt as good aa new; ail fid.? term, to suit; every machine guar. .n.reoL Call or phone for representative. ;,'ln 8.r.W or A 6068. rr. r. the exchange for the largest type iViter concern on this Coast; Investigate; In makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex. Sianger "lj;yaah"'g'on " -ifr Febuilt. second-hand rentals, at cul NElV. ivouita. Q.orLr VT 11117 rates. V. v.. v-q- - WH Drilling. ' 11. .naiola! tv : uric. DRILAaA.JU. - WTl.8 jjUlw Weit. 1S2 Morrison it, Portland. i I I