ia titt; morxitg oitEGoxiAy. ju-epxespay, November 8, 1011. - fAMT-SEJTENTS. NIW TODAY. . , W END III DM Official Commission Hurries to Complete Its Draft by Tomorrow. PARTIAL REPORT PASSED Amendment to Ho Chanrd to Inrlntle AH Strtet Work Dork and Auditorium Ilodtea Are Retained. Ts official Charter Commission In n.t-avorlnr to finish Ita work In lima i n' tha propoaed draft with City An. fcii.r furbur tomorrow. A partial re port wii auhmltsd to tha rommlsslon bv h reWslon rommltlr last night, and nnihrr meeting; will bo held tf nl.ii. wren the revision committee la rmr. t.l to submit tha remainder of tha report. iel nrutge waa Instrurted bjr tha roirmlmtori to re-draft the KUl amend nirnt that It will Include ajl street u-k. instesd of covering only hard aiirfartnc. rierrhy creating two -tems for awarding street work. An amendment waa Introdred providing; that : per cent of the property owner ry ptart a street Improvement, and that Ti per rent Instead of to per cent, mar jiari It. It provldea alao that II per cent mar object to the kind of Improvement, and may atop tlio Im rrovenient if they designate another hind. This amendment waa laid on tha rnn xct rat. y Mr. r.rutie and John H. Iluritard de-rli-.red the Kill amendment haa not et rut tlie price of pavlnar. and Georjra i: ii!a- said tha word "competitive" In the amen-lrnent amounta to nothing s far aa obtaining competition la ctin . ri -d W. V. Woodward thought tha Kills amendment a!iou!d not be tarn I'rel win. ar.d remarked that the prlca f san.1 haa fallen from $1 and II a load to 11.50 a load. D. O. Lively re luarkeit that ho waa to blame for that, that he put hla aand at l cents' a load -i"e of a Bght between tha aand gvnr-anles. -The t:nl amendment doea not cure p-esent evils bwiuu wa have a par n trust." remarked J. K. Werleln. We r.iizht to make It harder for tha rutins; romrantee to pile up etreet lm rmvpfni'nii Aa It la now the rontrarV i"r. have more work than they ran p-..Mv do." It rs decided to retain the Dock I'omrtNplon and Auditorium t'ommls rln aa at present. aftr eonalderabla tli-;i.lnn. In which Mr. Werletn da- Urr-fl that "wa are arettlnr farther frim the commlaalon form of t"vrnment every time we meet." that the keeping of tha two rommlaalona iionl.l bo puttlna: the atamp of diean ,r vt on the form of government tha i iK'imiitpa profrd to ba favorlna;. IWItakaMal la Oppaaea. other membera of the commit too d cl.Td the lrk Comrolton and Audl ; i lur.i Cummlaalon could be dona away win UIT. that It would be an unwlaa move n.w. wheal they have Juat en tered upon their work, to do away with t.irm and placa their worka IB tIM tiael4 of a Council. K. J tlava and Tharlea Nell, actlna; baraillon chief, representing tha fire men, askod that the fire and police encrwencv fund be apllt la half, that all mrmbera of both departmente ba a.iirJ 50 renta a month for tbeaa lun'.j, and thai If organlsattona for l-rotectlon be formed, each fireman and K,l'rmin be taxed to support It. and that one commissioner of the, city be a member of the executive board of audi a.'canliatlon. TM amendment waa ro-fcrr.-d to the revision committee. It was declared that the commission er aa streeta ahail enter Into all street a,ud sewer contract under the pro rfed charter, and that he shall ap iroe all bonds. Tha present chartea i l onfllctlng. providing that tha Mayor nd Kiecuilva H.sard shall approva t ' em. It waa decided, after discussion, to '.aie tlie civil aervlce rule permitting e discharge of an employe for rellgl ..u or political reaons. or In good faith for the good of the service aa it l no-. GRANGE CHANGES FOUGHT Kix Imioil t'liapler of Order Agalnt II If: li r State Iue. rrrstlAM. Or.. Not. 7. iPpeclat.) P.. :.o.,.l Orar.ge. at lt last regular n" .t'r.c. voted vnanlmously against tha prop ed amen!menta to the conatltu ' tion of the Oregon State Granite. The nuil.r huruKhly dia.-uaaed after the executive committee had disap prove, I of the amendment, and tha oie siTsralned tha committee. Ii v,-j; urseil that thera la no neces rlly ! IriTrjM tha State Orange per i-e;'t. t;. a conservative handling of thr Jrin.: has given tha treasury a Ijrvr surplus, which la Increased each year bv tne addition of new aubordi n, srsncea. In regard to tha proposed Increase of a-l-Katc. It waa declared that thera is m city In Oregon eacept Portland with accommodatlona of any kind for an Increased delegation, and that the 1 la ii ft re.iuirlr.g subordinate granges to pay their drlegalea" expenaea would Virtually preven attendance from those at a treat distance, thua putting tt hi. the power of cianlpulatora to se lect a granae center to ault their con venience, whether a populoua or ap.irs-ly-seitled one. THEFT IS LAID TO FRIEND Conductor .iYUe Fellow W'orkmao or Taking SCiO tllng. The aonls. "I'd Ilka to a teal that ring. " did not mean anything particu lar to H. A. Pulton, of La Grande, a railroad conductor, when hla friend. J. Jt Armstrong, alao a conductor, ut tered them copcemlnr tha I2S0 dia mond rtrg which Kill ton owned. Fulton aas In the habit of keeping the ring on his hnger and since June, ha told me police last night, ha had not taken tt off until a few daya ago. when ba remove.! it to waah bla hands. Then the ring disappeared, and Armstrong left simultaneously. Armstrong waa traced to Portland an.! was arrevted last night by 1-te-t'v-a sj'oleman and Royle. Although a vU.'" where It waa attempted to pann the rin waa found, the gem waa net recovered. Kulton came to Port land : um La Grande to Identify Arm eirong. New eierlte1. te t.frelaT H!t?"r f the ntli lf-!, i va ar baa coat la a,l a set sum ef elT-.iX.. A Dream That Wl Corns True Ground Main 208 LANE DECRIES WASTE KX-MAYOK SAYS CITY tOSKS f 1.000.000 YEARLY. Ihtard of Trade of Sellwood Hrara FtriwiM Advanced tor Com mllon Government. That under tha present city overn mrnt In Portland thera are St differ ent managers, with reaponalblllty di vided and subdivided, and that through waste the city losea f 1.000.000 annual ly, waa tha aaaertlon made last night by Tr. Harry Lane. e-Mayor. before th Sellwood Hoard of Trade la hla ad dress on Commission Form of City Government." Ir. Lane undertook to explain what the East Fide charter committee la doing and the form of commission fov rrnmrnt It l preparing for tha people V vote on. Ha pointed out alleged de fecta In the present charter, and aald the Water Hoard and Street Impert inent do not work In harmony, with the reau.t that there haa been great losa to the property owners. - "Our plan Is to substitute for these III managers five managers."' said Dr. Lane, "who will ba heada of depart ments and who will ba responsible Any private buslnesa run aa Portland's affairs are run would soon be bank rupt. All the boards will ba abol ished and centralized. -One of the five Commissioners will be the Mayor, but he will not have the veto power, which would not suit me. He will be at the head of a department and will receive $:0 a year more than the other Commissioners. Vnder the present charter tha Mayor la little mora than a clerk. He signs 1000 warrants the first of the month, but doea not control the city affairs. There will be no trouble to fix the responsi bility. The watering of bonds will ba forbidden. City bonds will be sold at par. every one who wants to buy a bond can do so. and tha money will ba kept at home. "I " personally favored the plan of having a general manager, but I sup pose that a oommtaslon government Is as far aa the people will go at prea ent. But 1 think the time will come when w will hare the manager. We provide for the selection of an attorney who will be able to meet tha best law yers of the country. -Of course, the success of the com mission government will be dependent on tha people. Wa must elect the right kind of men and see thst they do their duty. Wa have the recall to replace them If they falls to do thle." rr. Lane explained the methods adopted tor improvement of streeta and other details of the commission government and answered questlona. There was a large attendance, and much Interest waa manifested In ths explanations given. A resolution was adopted indorsing At last you can realize your dream of cutting your living expenses in two. Your dream of a desirable, comfortable home. Your dream of a good investment with every assurance of splen did returns. PAEKROSE offers the greatest combination of attractive features of any realty offering in the last decade. Let us show you Parkrose in our autos no obligation What ever. See and judge for yourself. tanao Floor, Chamber of Commerce Building tha movement to have cars operated up to 3 A. M. on all ths lines of ths city. WOES CROWD NEWLYWED Wife Wants Divorce, Her Brother Beats Him, Business Sold. All original hard luck stories are backed off the boards by the pathetla tale of woa recounted yesterday by George Gensar, a second-hand clothing dealer. Here are soms of the troubles un der which Oenser deolarea ha has to live: Married three months ago, his wife seeks a divorce, becauss of pressure hrouaht bv relatives. Wife wsnts to take all his money for clothing and declines to be economical. Brother-in-law lent him money and then best him. Wife chased him out of tha houaa with an az and saya he has stolen their engagement ring. Genser Is sick and wants to go to California. He does not wsnt a divorce, but his wife declines to acquiesce. Genser. who lives at SS West Park street, engaged In business recently with a partner aa a second-hand dealer at Fourth and Burnalde streets. For stock he borrowed 1135 from his wife's brother. L PlrklL Being unable to pay this debt. PerklL says Genser. bought him out for 1150, thus leaving 123 due to Oenser. This money his wife de manded for clothes, says Genser. after he had already given her $S. He gave her SIS. he aald, and then waa beaten by his brother-in-law, who was ar rested. Now Genser lives In hourly fear that hs Is to be srreated for the theft of the diamond ring which, hs declares, he did not take. "I came from Seattle to please my wife." said Genser. "Her relatives live here and they have made life misery. My wife wants a divorce. We can't get that until wa have been married six months and I don't want a divorce. If thev put me In Jail I don't know how to get out. I went to the District At torney and he says the state can't help me." BIG FUR THEFT ALLEGED Store Employe Is Accused of Steal ing 90 Skins. Wholesale theft of fnrs from the store of 8. Fllverfleld Is charged against Ross Barnes, a former em ploye, who had a bearing In the Jus tice Court yesterday. Barnes had charge of ths stock In the Sllverfleld establishment until October 20. Ths day after he left ths firm took an in ventory and found 90 skins missing. Private detectlvea were employed, who found Barnes working tn the fur store of the Hudson Bay Fur Com oanv. of which M. Gumbert Is man ager. One of ths detectives, inquiring for furs, wss shown skins taken from the other store. It Is alleged. They were Identified by an S atamped on them. . Thompson Fourth DAILY METEOROIXKJICAI. REPORT. PORTLAND Nov. T. Maximum tempera ture, (t degrees: minimum. H degrees. River reading, t A. I. feet: change In laat It hours. 0 1 foot rise. Total rainfall, i P. M. to I P. M.. 0.17 Inch. Total rainfall since September 1. I'll. .7t Inches: nor mal, til Inches-, deficiency, t.ll Inch. Total sunshine, hours 18 minutes; possible, I hours 4S minutes. Barometer (reduoed to sea level) at I P. M lt.lt Inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The Tanoouvar Island disturbance haa ad vanced Inland and thla evening ltle central over Central British Columbia. It haa caused general rains In the North Pacific States and tiie following mlzlmum wind velocities at aeaport stations: North Head. 41 miles south, and Buttle, II miles southwest. A new high-pressure srea whloh la attended by unuauslly low temperatures haa made lta appearance In tha Canadian Northwest. Tha eastern storm haa adranoed from tha Lake Region to tha Upper St. Lawrence Valley. Thla disturbance haa caused general ralna In tha Ksitem States and high wlnda on tha Lower Lakes and in portions of the Middle Atlantic and New England States. Bealdea being much cooler in the Canadian North west It Is decidedly cooler in tha Wast Quit States, ths Ohio Valley and the Lower Lake Reslon. The conditions are favorable for rain tn this district Wednesday. The precipitation at high levela will ba mostly In tha form of anow. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Occasional rain; southerly winds. Oregon and Washington Occasional ralni southerly winds. Idaho Rain or anow. FliWARD A BEAU. District Forecster. Stt-ETIXO NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 114. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication today (Wednesday). November 8. at 1 P. M., to con duct funeral of our late brother, r:,artffl W. Hardacre. of Walnut Hills Lodge, No. 43, A. F. ana A. M.. Cin cinnati, O. UUr late orwnrr aieu a Knight Templar. Services at Ftnley's. thence to Crematorium. By order of W. M. FRED L. OLSON. Sec WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 18. R. A. M. Stated convocation thla (Wednesday) evening at Ma aonlc Hal!, East Eighth and Bum aide atreets, at 7:3U o'clock. Busi ness meeting only. Visitors wel come. J. E. MARTIN. Sec PALESTINE LODGE. NO. 141. A. F. AND A. M. special com munication at W. O. W. Hall, Arleta. this (Wednesday) even ing. 5 o'clock. Work In First de gree. Visiting brethren invited. CED. T. HOWARD. Sec HAWTHORNS) LODGE, NO. 111. A. F. AND A. M. Special -t . i. ii" 7 ivening, at 7:30, Masonic Temple. work At. at. aegree. v tailing brethren welcome. c c. ja 4 xv, oec LOTAL ORDER OF MOOSE Portland Lodge. No. 191. meeta every Wednesday night at Ewles Hall, td and Jefferson ata. Visiting Moose Invited. WALTER M OOVERW. Secretary. W. N. GATENS Dlotator. PORTLAND COMPANY. NO. 10T, will wive whlut and dance. November 8. at W. 7 tr Temple. Eleventh street, between Washington and Alder. Colon muslo and refreshment A O V W. Tha meeting to have been held" tonight at Lpchurch Hall has been postponed on account of alterations to build A. . ALLEN, bee i 1 KT E D Every dancer to attend tha Thursday evening dancing parties at Oreb ara Hall. Montavllla. Boy'.Va orohaatrm. For ornVaxloa phone Sellwood 101a. and Stark Sts. A 2050 FUNERAL NOTICES. MTIvLT At Spokane. Wash., Nov. S, Bridget Munly. aged 84. mother of M. O.. William A, P. F-, T. J. Munly. of Port land and J. B. Munly. of Spokane. Fu neral from Dunning & McEntees chapel at 8:30 A. M., Thursday. November 9. thence to Holy Rosary church, EaatThlrd and Clackamas sts.. It I A. M. Frienda invited to attend. Interment Mount Cal vary Cemetery. GRATTON In this city, November T, at tha residence, 10U0 Michigan ava., Joseph Gratton, aged 44 years. Funeral will take place from the above residence Thursday, November , at 8:30 A. M. Services at St Mary'a Church, corner wllllame ava. and Stanton ate., 9 o'clock. Friends respectful ly invited. Interment Rlvervlew Ceme tery. WHALEN At his residence, M0 Everett St., city. November 6, Thomas Whalen, aged 7.1 yeare 10 months IS das. Funeral will take- place Thursday morning, November i". leaving the residence at 9 o'clock. Services at the cathedral, lflth and Davis sts. Friends respectfully Invited. Inter ment Mount Calvary Cemetery. HARDACKE In this city, November 4. Oeorge W. Hardacre, aged 74 years. The funeral eervlcea will be held at Plnley's parlors at 1 P. M. today (Wednesday), after which the remains will be taken to the Portland Crematorium for concluding services . Friends Invited. HII-LS The funeral services of Penrose Hills. beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. s. G. Hills, will be held at the family residence, 104 Vernon ave., at 1 P. M. tomorrow (Thursday). November 9. Friends invit ed. Interment In Rlvervlew Cemetery. TONSETI1 FLORAL CO MAKtJCAM BI.DO. FLOKAL DEMONS. Phones: Main MO ; A HQS. Dunning McEntee. Funeral Directors, 1th and line, t hona Main 430. Lady as sistant. Office of County Coroner. A R. ZELLER CO.. 694 Williams ava Phone East 108. C1088. Lady attendant. J 1 FINLET a) SON. Sd and Madlaoa. Lady attendant. Phone Main S. A lass. era t0 8d St. Lady assistant. Phone 31. ao. . r'"?."",r'v",r,,;r to . P. iiunmmi LEKCH. Undertaker, cor. Eaat Alder and Sixth. Kast 781. B 1888. Lady assistant. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES I-lly 8DndT- Per Line. One time tame ad two consecutive times X2 Same ad three consecutive times 30c Same ad alx or seven consecutive times. . . 56c Remittances must accompany out-of-town orders. When one advertisement Is not run In con secutive Issues-the one-time rate applies. glx words count aa one line on cash ad vertisements and ae ad counted for less than two lines. On charge or book advertisements the charge will be based on the actual number of lines appearing in the paper regardlesa of the number of words in each line. . In New Toduy all advertimente are charged by measure only, 14 lines to the Inch. Situations Wanted, Male. - Mtuatlone Wanted, Female. - The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" aud all ether claastnca tlons excepting the following: . . Oregoniaa will accept classified advertise ments over the telephone, providing the ad vertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over tbe phone, but bill will be rendered the following day. Whether eubeenuent advertisements will be accepted ever tlie phone depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisements, hituation Wanted sod Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted ever the telephone. Orders for one in sertion only will be accepted for Houses for Kent. Furniture for Sale," "Business Opportunities," "Roomlng-housse'' and "Wanted to Rent." HEILIG 7th and Taj lor. PHONES MAIN 1 AXT A 1122 TONIGHT. 8:13 O'CLOCK Irani! y. Arthur Piwnt The Favorite Prima Donna KAIK VAN STUDDIFORD t In the- Comic Opera -THE PARADISE OF MAHOMET." Bplfndid Company, Augmented Orchestra Lower Floor: Jl.W; balcony, 9X. 75c. 0c; entire jallery, 6c. HEILIG 1th and Taylor PHONES MAIN 1 AND A USt. S XIGHTS BEGINNING TOMORROW 8 pedal price Matinee Saturday. Henry B. Harris Presents THE COMEDY OF CITY LIFE THE ' COUNTRY BOY Evenings: Lower door 1.60. $1; balcony. II. 75c 60c; rallery. 35o. 25c Saturday matinee. II. 7&0. 60c. 35c, 25c. BAKER s THEATER Mala I and A ISM ,eo- I. Baker. Met. Tonight, all week, harcsin matinee Wed., SSc: Saturday matlnes. 25c 50c lill.I Y' (SINGLE) CLIFFORD. In the merriest riot of mirth and melody, THE GIRL. THE MAN AND THE GAME." 85 people. 80 per cent girls. Made especially for laughing purposes. Brightest comedy In years Night prices. 25c, 50 75c. (1.00. Next week "The Third Degree." 109 bvxsx nax 1&-Z5-5I N1GBTI THEATEB 15-25-50-75. WEEK NOVEMBER Pat Rooney Mar lon Bent, presenting "The Busy Bell Boy"; Ed. Reynard. .Marie King Company, Three Hb-krv Brothers. Pauline Moran, Lynch at Zeller, Lea Aradoa. rneaualled Vaudeville. WEEK NOVEMBER 6 Special Engagement ?arney Fagan and Henrietta Byron The ivotl Quartet, Palmer and Lewis, Carter and Blnford, Happy Hnrrinon and His Mule, Dynamite, Miss May Clinton, Pantagesoope. Popular prices. Matinee Daily, 2:30, 7:80, 9. Matinee JEtcx? DT uress Snlllvan & Consldlne. Rennea vaoaeviue. WEEK NOVEMBER 6 Harry First and Florence Hadley Company, Howard and Lawrence. Charles MontreU, Edward Clark, Richard Hamlin, The Two Rosea. Granda soope. Prices. 15c and 25Q. PEOPLE'S THEATER . TODAY THIS BATTLE: Greatest Heel Brer Shows. OLD BILLY A Sensation TW O OTHERS. Also the QUINTETTE A-KD HISS BROWN. STAR THEATER ACLD LANG STXE In Two Keels. Also TWO OTHER SPECIAI, FEATURES, MISS HENDERSON. ARCADE THEATER WESTERN HEARTS. MODERN CINDERELLA. Other Features and . JEAN WILSON- BIO SHOWS AT THIS TIV0LI AND CRYSTAL AUCTION SALE TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A M. Furniture. 171-3-5 Second street. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HALL. Main 593. A 7589. HUMANE OFFICER, rgeant Crate. Residence. 24 E. 24th N. East 47.0. R? A. Dunmlre. Res. 838 Wasco St. tv Q. Eaton. Res. 73 E. 16th. East 1784. Horse Ambulance, A 6101. Pr. Ex. 4. Nights. Sundays and Holiday A 165 Pa, Ex. A Trunk 7. , NEW TODAY. The Portland Office) of the Salem Board of Trade will grlve you accurate In formation as to conditions about the Capital of Oregon, the fast-errowlng; city of about 18.000 people, the center of most interesting railroad development, and the heart of an agricultural region that challenges comparison with any other district on the Pacific Coast. do not favor Inflated land valuations. You will find the farm you have been dreaming- about, cleared, In fruit. Income-bearing:, almost in the shadow of the Capitol, and at a price that will sur prise you, because it is so reasonable. Get our literature, and let us tell you about it. S A I.EM BOARD OF TRADE, Portland Office 225 Henry Building;. IDEAL HOG AND CHICKEN JRANCH Forty acres, 1 4 miles from station, on United Railways, 19 miles from Portland; 26 acres cleared, nine slashed, five In timber; running; stream; good well; beautiful, gentle slope; excellent air and soil drainage; good six-room house, two barns, chicken-house; fam ily orchard. Very best soil, no rock; or BTaVelGODDARD A WIEDR1CK, 243 Stark St. Wood for Sale 6000 corda or upward close to elec tric line and downhill haul. 111 sell cheap, taking part pay in clearing. JACKSON & DEERING, 246 Stark St. FARM FOR RENT - on electric line, good roads; 160 acres, 50 in cultivation; good house, two barns and chicken-house; spring water. Ten ant must live on place. JACKSON T DEERING, 240 Stark St. LONG LEASE Store and basement on Washington street, good location, center of business district, reasonable rent-. FLAHERTY & CONNOLLY, 715 i ron Bldg. COLLIS, BERRIDOE A THOMPSON, PUBUS ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 824 Worcester Block. Phone Mala SM7. Mortgage Loans 5 For the Larger Amounts. EDWARD E. COLDEY, Lewis Building. MORTGAGE LOANS 5 EM JOHN E. CHOSAN, nof 02 Ssaldlag Bldg. 9 C ; Clearance Sale Inside Property Tfe have five of the choicest blocks tn Capitol Hill, and in each of these blocks there are from three to five lots left. It is our purpose to entirely clean tip these odds and ends, therefore, peo ple desiring valuable property at a great sacrifice will have a chance for the next ten days to get a great bar gain. It is not that we need tha money, as we will sell any of these lots with very small payment down; only that we want to clean up some broken blocks in our tract "all same department stores." Capitol Hill has its own water plant, the best private water plant ever constructed; water mains in front of every lot; streets and sidewalks. Capitol Hill Is inside the city, 6-cent fare, take the Oregon Elec tric car on Tenth street any place from the North Bank Depot to Salmon sereet, or at Olds, Wormian & King's store, and go see Capitol Hill for yourself; it is only 15 minutes' ride from the busi ness center. Title 4s perfect. Abstract furnished free with every lot. Call at our office and ask us how cheap we will Bell you these valuable lots. Clohessy & McGuire 816-17 Ablngrton Ilolldlng. Lumbermen Manufact'ring Concerns Individuals of Big Affairs NOTICE! man qualified by experience and of prored ability, capable of nlling acceptably any high-grade or official position roqulrloc superior business and executive capacity -ii open for engagement. Competent to assume management ef large affairs. Able organleer and good dis ciplinarian. Position of responsibility or trust In either the executive or operating field with large corporation, private indi vidual of means or estate desired. Age 48; habits absolutely correct; record clear. Will go anywhere. Salary must ba liberal. Address AV 661, Oregon lan. APARTMENT SITES llth and Mill, corner. 12th and Mill, corner. 4th and Harrison, oorner. 6th and Harrison, oorner. llth, near Harrison, Inside lot. 12th anTI Harrison, corner. West Park and College, inside lot. 2Sd and Pettygrove, corner. 23d and Raleigh, oorner. Union avenue and Knott, corner. East Alder and Ninth, oorner, Donald Macleod 820 Electric Bids. UNION AVENUE CORNER We can sell the southeast corner of Union avenue and Roselawn 62 $4x70; for $3500. Large concrete business block now being; built on lot adjoining;. A splendid buy. . OOODARD ot WIBDRICK, 243 Stark St. Have Good Canning Site In Alaska with 6 trap locations, which will furnish ample fish for operation duringr each season. Need more capital for Installation of plant. A sure run of fish and no shortage ever known in this district. Would like an Interview with some one that has money to in vest in an enterprise of this kind. Quick and very large profits assured. For further Information call at 615 Spalding Building, Portland, Oregon. AN HONEST SNAP Three lots on Hawthorne avenue, close in two lots 60x100 each, one lot 46x100 for less than nearly any lOOx 100 on Hawthorne avenue. The orapr is in a tight place and wants to sell badly. It is a fine buy. For further Information call on me at my office. O. FRED FISH, 613and 514 Selling Bids- Opposite Ores-onlan Bldg. A 7T1JU M 441. TWENTY -SIX -ROOM HOUSE completely furnished, good location. A great bargain. Terms; low rent. Flaherty Connolly, 715 Yeon Blda BKAI, KSTATE DEAI KRS. Bsek. William O. 118-114 Failing bids. BBUBAKER BENEDICT. 602 atoKa bldr M. Est. Chapln Harlow, 111 Chamber Comma osw Cook, B. B. at Co, 108 Corbatt bids Jennings Co. Mala !. I0 Oregon ian. PALMER-JONES CO, H. P- 404-sOS-sOs' Wilcox bid. Ths union Keal Estate Ca Grand ava, ana Multnomah su tHoiladay Addition). REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. A LAURELH URST SNAP. Beantlful lot in block 84, and fronting on Multnomah St., 2 blocks front Ross City car. Price only 1 1100 cash. Thla lj tSOO to $400 below ihe market value and less than the lot originally so d for two years ao. For particulars call Pfluger A Co.. suits 12 and 14. Mulker Dldg., oor. ana gniui. I have cut up my horns place and navs several lots 50100 that I will Bell on verj easy terms; 120 down, balance 110 ,P month; pries 750 to ,900; every lot has ail kinds of fruit and berries and only a few blocks from Hawthorne ava. If you want one, can me. .mum 10 DOWN. 10 PER MONTH. ' Fine view lot, matured- fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement waiaa. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free , ot charge. 202 Board of Trad bldg. Mar shall 473. A 101:2. . . I OI1W, At iili'" 8 Iota 25x100 each, with small bous In the factory district of Llnnton; prici $2500. half cash; a real snap. 818 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Ofck. m-i rt.-i a Tt T TVVTC1V vrtT?Ttf T fiTQ Mount Tabor. East 72d St.. near Bass tins road; one or two lots, 55x82, very cheep at 325 each. Owner. AO 545, Ore- goninn. GRERVWAT, PORTLAND HEIGHTS. S90O, FUM ,ize and level, valley view, also have a i-acre tract with frontage on two dSvesT for 2750. Fr .-d W. German. t20 v,ncMA. M or A 2776. iPAP-rilENT-HOUSt: site on Belmont, near E 28th; GOxluO; street Improvements all in 'and paid for; la very cheap at 35X. See Mr. Hunt. 228 Stark. Main JI478. WALKING DISTANCE. 1300 $2d0 cash buys close-in lot, 50x82, sewer and sidewalk paid. Call 1015 Chamber pi t-ommeic. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS. EXCLUSIVELY Beautiful homes and homesites. all views, locations and prices. Can suit you. Llm J551. BROOKE. A SSZ1. TV council Crest Park Addition. 50x120 ft. lot on car line, beautiful view of city and valley. Terms. Mrs. J. St. Peter, 1921 - 83d at-, jiverett. Wash. SEELeNoir ft Co. for WEST SIDE prop erty Exclusive dealers in - West Side realty. . ' ' , . Gruunq noor cjVAP $10OU, half cash, buys 2 beautiful "los on Gladstone ave.. adjoining Wood stock carline. Call 420 Chamber of Com merce. vrR SALE Equity In Olmsted Park lot; leaving city; must sell this week. L 503. Oregonian ALBERTA business property, $1275; choice cor.ur, 10x00. JoOO.cash; bargain. Wood . lawn 2714. ALBERTA business property. $1275; choice corner. r0xl0, $d"JO cash; bargain. Wood- BIX corner lots In Corona Park; forced sale. 265 Flanders St. phone A 2028. FOR SALE or exchange; equity m block 3U, Jjayot-gaii. ,,umawu -,, ...... WANTED Parly with some cash, for lots. Address R 582. Oregonlan. 87UX100. GOOD 2-room house. $685; $265 cash. baL $15 month. Woodlawn 2714.