...x .-n-mv-r v mrnvrsmT Vfl I"rT5T"Tt S "1911. TITK .ill) li -N l - t uir.uujiAj, i." ' . ... . . " - i . w -a T ' a V ement-Ice Cream Farlors, Lanay lepi., uacmcxxi. PAVING TOO HIGH, SAYS CONTRACTOR Alleged Monopoly of Oregon Hassam Company Probed In Portland Suit. EX-MAYOR CALLED TODAY Surfacing Laid In Astoria of More Durable Quality and Lowrr Coat la Plalntirra Contention. City Engineer Tratlflr. That h laid la Astoria at I1.60 a yard eonert paTsmeet ten Inch In thlckne and similar In practically vary repct to Kaaaam and realld a profit of ie Pr ent. wu th late mnt road by A. F-Jorn. a contractor. In Circuit la Ag Morrow's courtroom yesterday. H wu testifying In th mm of F. W. Ooldapp as:atnt th city and th On(on llaaaara Paring Com pany. In an effort to inralluat th ImproTimint of portion of Eut EUvsnth street and Mllwaukle vnu on th (-round of noncompetition, Hu am having been designated in th purifications. Portland peop! ar charged $1.71 a yard for Hassam pavement lx Inch la thickness. Th witnes IxriiM omwliit con fused on croas-examlnatlon and It wu agreed betwesn A. E. Clark. Goldapp attorney, and Deputy City Attorney Latoarett that th defena will b given further opportunity to cros-x-amlna hlra after ha haa fetched from Aatorla book a showing full detail of hie Aatorla contract. Ilaasoa Takra Pepoty Cltr Ensrln"- Hanson testi fied that, while the ofuVlal flaure for Hassam la II 7S a yard, the computa tions In the Cltr Engineer" office lead In up to an estimate are made on the ba.t of the old future of II S and that the Oregon Hassam Paring Com pany wakea up the money lost on paT'n by bidding correspondingly higher on other part of the Jou. such as grading; In eupport of tola allegation of dis crimination. Mr. Clark read Into the record description of varl.n Improv menta In which companies an.l Indl-rt-lual other than the Oregon Hassam I'arlna; Company had offered to lay Hassam lower than the official rate f 11 74 and had been refused the con tracts by the ctty offlclals. Mr. Han son said that It wa generally under stood around the City Hall that only the Oregon Ilutam Partrc Company could rt a contract In which Haasara Is specified. riatt la rtret Itneaa. Robert Treat Piatt, who waa a mem ber of the Executive Board during; the Simon administration, waa the Oral wltneaa for the defense. Mr. Elmon and e.-Ctty Engineer Morrl ar to ba called today. Mr. riatt testified that Harry L Cor beit. aa chairman of the atreet com mittee of the Executive Board, mad aj Inreetlgatlon Into the cost of par Ira at the commencement of the Si mon realme and that the Eeeutlv iioard had. on the strength of hie re port, decided that Hasaam should b Ixid for II7S a yard, bltullthle for It SS and asphalt for II IS. The Board had figured to gtr the contractor a fair marfln of rroflt, Mr. Piatt eald. Mr. IMatf teatlmony waa Introduced In an effort to show that competition really existed because of the action of the Executive Board tn refusing to allow lli'ian to be laid at a rat In exces of 1 17 J. Mr. Piatt also ld that the Executive Board had refused t- allow contract to go to bidder lower than the ofllclal company when li,um wa involved, becau uch bid ler were not eonaldered reapon-lble. WAGON TOPPLES, 2 HURT llk-krtj Wagon Hearing; Old Board I ptorns Woman tro-k. A rickety wagon and an unstable ..a1 of lumber wreckace rauaed a Mockade and alight Injuries to two p.-rsoti at Fifth and Washington .treats, yesterday. J. V. Mlnkler. Itv lt at East Fifteenth and Alberta streets, arnif to the site of the pro. P .sed Holt butl'llng In a wJk-"i which tl.e p.-llce valued at Zh cent, and took a loaJ of board from the old atruc ture. piling them heller-ekclter In hla vehicle. Aa he atartcd to drive away his wheel caught In the streetcar track a:id the load wa turned completely over, flooring cascading all over the Street. Mrs. I Thomae. I9S Kiat Ash street. whs directly In th patn of the fulllnt load. anJ wa struck by flyln boards, tihe waa carried Into a drugstore, where u passing phystel in found that she had suffered only slight abrasions. Vinkler wa hurt llthtly. Traftle l.trolmsn Anderson aoon bad the drbrle cleared aa that traftlc could move again. TERMINAL WORKER KILLED Timber. Ituffetitl by Train. Crnhe flicsl of IVnnk IIown- They hit me prcty hard." a!d Frank rtoseno. an old employe of the Northern I'aclnc Terminal Oomreny. a he fell dvlnar In the yar.la at Seventh and Notthrup streets, yeaterdsy afternoon. Itoscno was crusi ed to death between t; e id of a bagga tru. k and a tlm which had been caught by a moy tcc train. Koseno waa emr'.oved a a carpenter and had been tn the service of the com pany for 1 yeara With othera he was wheeling a truck carrying several heavy timbers, and wa parsing be tween two trains, one of which wai In motion. Th timber projected over the aide of the truck and one of them wa caught by the moving train. In swing ing around th timber raugbt Roeeno and crushed hla chest against the truck. Itoseno son. Victor, lives at 44S East Thirtieth street. Another on live In Seattle. PRICE-RAISING IS BARRED Jlk Not to Sanction Boosting; of Charge In Convention. When th Elk complete their ll!5. OdO) entertainment fund they will be able to promise every visitor that come U Portland for the lll convention that regular price will prevail at th hedl and restaurants. Although the ftind being collected by th Portland E.ks I greater than that raised at many other cltle that hav entertained th grand lodge In th lt few year, this revenue will be all that the committee here will have to pay Ita ewpenae and to provide for the enter tainment of their guest. In many other cttle the hotel and restaurant raised their price, the home lodite betng given a percentage of the proceeds. Tills practice resulted In considerable complaint and the Elka of Portland decided to avoid a lmllar condition. Visitors to Portland net July will not be asked to pay more than normal rate for anything and to member of th lodxe many amusement and enter, talnment f-ature will be free- All thl. It I figured, will erve to adver tla the city and to make th visiting Elk certain that Portland I th best convention city In th country. According to report received yester day the canvasser who tarted their work Monday will have no trouble In collecting the l3S.oo necessary to com plete the l'.:'..000 fund. TEACHEMKPLE ALLEGED W1ELPER OP HOSE OX GnU. PCPIL IX COCTtT. Special 25c Shoppers' Ltxnch in Bas Medallion Portraits Given Free WitH $1Q Purchases-Shoe SHining inlhe Basement II Olds, Wortmiain SI mm aTsi . Trial Set for Friday Schoolma'am May Also Face Grand Jury and Salt for Damart. Prosecution tn the Justice Court, omplalnt to the grand Jury, civil ac tion for damage and appeal to the School Board, aro hang-In over Eliza beth Speight, a teacher In the Highland chool. on account of her alleged act In whipping th daughter of O. O. Fhadlnger. a real estate dealer, with a piece of hose. First of these alternative action waa commenced yesterday when the accused teacher appeared before Jus tice of the ren.ee Olson, by her at torney. Thad Vreeland. and hearing of the case wa set for next Friday. It I on account of th uncertainty of being; able to go to trial at that time that a direct appeal to the grand Jury Is planned. In addition. Shadlnger will aue for civil damage In any case, and will proceed agatnat the teacher before the Hehool Board, alleging; that he used undue severity and that without the aprroval of her principal, as reiulrcd by the rule of th Board. Th whipping 1 not denied by the defense but attempt will b made to ahow tht It wa merited and within bounda The teacher aaserta that the Phadlnger girl had been extremely disorderly. No ofilclal knowledge of the ea exist at the office of th city uper Intendent. although Mr. Rlgler h dtsoussed It privately with Principal Stanley. It Is stated that Mia Fpelght admlntstered the punishment without consulting the principal, but allow ance Is made that thl Is her first term In Oregon and he probably wa not awar of th rule. BULLET PIERCES WINDOW Eart Pld Plner Pirp''9 Hoy Pat Cartrtdt on Oar Track. B. Thompson, of 107 Eaat Camther treet. ha reported to th nolle that while at dinner Monday evening a bul let whisied Into the room wher h wa eatlntc. coming through the win dow and embedding Itself In th wall. In the vicinity of William avenue and Munro atreet Monday myterlou explosions frightened resident In th neighborhood. Policemen found that two boy, playing, had placed ovral cartridge on th car track. GENUINE IVORY GOODS. Mirror, brushee. comb, eto. Leave order now for Chrlstmaa. Bamembar. ther I alway a rush later and we cannot take order for marking th laat mlnut. Frank Nau. prescription druggist, corner Sixth and Aide. tm. Splendid player piano; been used months. Kohler Cha, 17 Washington atreet CatarrSi I a Constitutional Dismiss Whatever organ or passage of th body It affects, and require a constitutional remedy for It permanent cure. It dependa on an Impure, Impover ished, devitalised condition of th blood, which keep th rnucoua mem brane In a state of inflammation, and causes a debilitating and generally offensive discharge: also headaches, ringing noises, partial deafness, weak eyes. . Hood' Sarsaparllln by purifying, en riching and revitalising the, blood, re move th cause and effects permanent cure of all forma of catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparilia Is Conmllntlonnl Remedy In usual liquid form or chocolated tablet known SarsaUib. 100 dose II. fry This Famous Pinex "Pint of Cough Syrup" A Faeilly Supp'y for SOo, Saving $2. Th Suraat, Culckoat Remedy Yoa Ever Ued or Monty Refunded. A cough retntsiT that save yoti 2, and I sraarantasrd to glv quicker, better rv nl: than an v thing else, la atireiy worth trrlns; And one trial will ahow vou why Pinex 1 used In mora homes in the U. anil Cansvla than any ot her oongh remedy. You will be pleasantly urpriswd by the way It takes rlht hold of a cough, giving almost Instant relief. It will nually Mop the most obst in to. deep-axatcd cough In ti boiu-s, and 1 uneqtuvUod. for prompt results In wbooptng cough. A hkvni brittle of Pinex. when mixed I with home-made smgiirayrup, make a full r.mt of the best couch remedy ever oeu. U!ly prepaxvU In live minute dlrecuons in package. The taste I pleasant children take It liLUng'.y. Stimulates the appetite and 1 .ichtiTlaxaUvw both excel .en I feature. : er.dld for eronp, hoarseneMi, athma, renchitis and other thrual trouble, and i h:ghly success: ui remedy for Incipient ar troublse. l'inex la a special and highly ooneeti. 'rated compound of Norway White Vino i tract, rich In gualaool and other natural .cahng pine element, timply mix with icTir irrap or strained honey, la a pint tie, and it 1 ready for use. l'inex ha often bvn Imitated, but nerer niocesaf uily, for not hlnir else will produce :he same rvsmlta. Tba genuine) la truaran-i-d to friveabaolntasatisiactlonor money refunded. Certiicata of arnarantea la wrapped In each yacjtag. Your dreggia n. Pin ex or will giauly gel It for you. not, scud to Tha tinax Co., Fi. Wayne, 4 i i I. II a SPECIALS I , Im tine Basement The urfrent demands of hundreds of our regular customers compels us to renew our Wednesday "Hourly Sales" in the "Underprice Store." Prices quoted will be for the time specified only. Positively nothing will be sold at these prices i before or after the t&ne advertised. Please do not ask it. iW found in these sas. NO TELEPHONE OE MAIL ORDERS WILL BE FILLED ON HOURLY SALES 4c tO 5 P.M. From lO to 11 Boys 15c Hose, Pair 9c 10 to 11 A. M. Today in the Base ment "Undorprice Store." A one-hour sale of boys' heavy ribbed cotton Hose in fast black color; extra heels and toes; Hudson make, noted for dura bility; sizes 5 to 9Vi; our reg- Qk ular loo grades ; special for J C Men's 50c Gloves, Pr. 25c 10 to 11 A- li- Today, in the Base ment. A sale of men's heavy work icg Gloves, in splendid quality, high pauntlet styles, well made and good full sizes; men ttho -work should be here on time; our real 48c QC "jades; specialized at, pair t C 35c Fancy NecKwear 5c 10 to 11 A. M. Today, in the Base ment. A rowin? sale of women's' Neckwear in odd lines of jabots, Dutch effects, bows, eto. ; some slightly soiled or massed, but easily pressed JJ in shape ; 25o to 35o vals for J C Outing Flannel, yd. 6y?c 10 to 11 A. JL Today, in the Base ment " Underprice Store." A season able one-hour sale of heavy quality Outing Flannels in a splendid selec tion of striped and checked patterns; a good range of colors for l gowns, underwear te; yardOC $4.50 Suits for Boys $1.98 10 to 11 A. 1L Today, in the Base ment. Thrifty parents will bring their boys for theee suits. They are made of splendid tweed materials in neat dark striped patterns; sires to 17 years; regular 4.50 trades fur, suit Extra! From lO to 12 $2.50 Fancy Feathers at Only 50c From 10 to 12 A. M. Today, in the basement A great two-hours' distribution of fancy feathers for mil linery purposes. Feathers of all kinds and colors, in every wanted effect. An assortment so broad that every taste may be satisfied. Sample lines, feathers from our regular etock, etc. Ac- A tually worth up to $2.50; special at only !JJv Extra! From lO to 12 $5.00 Hat Shapes for Only 50c From 10 to 12 Today, in the Basement. A sale of women's dress Hat Shapes, in felt or. velvet, black or colors, small, large and medium shapes, in posi tively the best values you have ever had an oppor tunity to choose from; an almost endless range for your selection; shapes taken from regular E."- stock and samrjle lines. Worth to $5, for v : - 2 to 4 P. M. $8.00 Trimmed flats $1.95 From 2 to 4 P M Today, in the Basement "Underprice Store." A sale of women's trimmed Hats, All new styles for street or for semi-dress wear; beautiful color combinations in small, medium and large shapes. Fully 200 hats in the lot, hardly two alike; a hat to fit every face and please every ft - QC taste; values from $5.00 up to $8.50; supply your future needs at this price while they last 4 J. JJ ICI IJ3 j Oltco av aa $1.98 u item- (21 T pa SPECIALS I y From 12 to 1 P. M. $2.00 to $2.50 House Dresses $1.19 From 12 to 1 P. M. Today. Shop by the hour, spend the whole day in our Basement. Here s a sale of women's house Dresses, in many sayles and made of good materials; 150 dresses in the lot; all neat, fashionable dresses, in a good assortment or colors for house wear; our best regular (t -1 1 Q $2.00 and $2.50 grades; special at 4 X X a $12.50 Fur Muff or Scarf at $6.95 From 12 to 1 P. M. Today, in the Basement. A sale of 80 pieces of Fur, selected from our regular stock for a brisk hour's sale; black French coney, muffs and scarfs in the season's best styles; the large pillow muff and big, full neck pieces; well made and lined with extra heavy sat- f Q C ins; pieces selling regularly at $12.50 ijjXj ,U iJ 35c and 40c SilK Ribbon, Yard, 19c From 12 to 1 P. M. Today, in the Basement. A sale of fine silk Ribbons in plain, fancy and moire, in widths from 4 to 6 inches; all pure silk, rich, lustrous finish, for hair bows, millinery, fancy work, for children's dresses and for Christmas novelties; Our best regular S5e and 40c grades; spe- 1Q. cial for this hour only; at only, the yard 1 J Shop by the Clock. Stay in the Store all Day. Women's $3.00, $3.50 Shoes $1.98 From 12 to 1 P. M. Today, in the Basement "Under price Store." A one-hour sale of women's Shoes; bargains which will appeal to every woman who buys by comparison; all new lasts, in patents and gunmetals, in button or lace; also fine kid and cloth top shoes in all sizes and widths ; our t QQ regular $3 and $3.50 grades; pair tj) 1 i70 From 1 to 2 P. M. $10.00 Serge Dresses at Only $5.95 From 1 to 2 P. M. Today, in the Basement "Un derprice Store." A sale of women's fine Serge Dresses, in the one-piece styles, in black and navy blue; all new styles, well made and trimmed; the materials are good quality storm serge. These are all seasonable dresses for street wear ; (t fj Q J well worth $10 each; special for 1 hr. p O J7 S5.00 and $6.00 Dress SKirts $2.98 From 1 to 2 P. M. Today, in the Basement "Un derprice Store." A sale of women's Dress Skirts in serges, Panamas and mixtures, all .splendid styles and a good choice of colors; very serviceabl?. Just what you want to wear with shirt waists and the long coat when you go shopping or f Q Q auto riding. Excellent $5 and $6 vals. tj) O Girls' 75c Union Suits for Only 48c From 1 to 2 P. M. Today, in the Basement "Un derprice Store." A one hour's sale of girls' Union Suits, in the "Winter weight. They are made of fine cotton and wool mixed yarns, close ribbed; sires for girls from 6 to 16 years of age. Those who come during this hour will be highly pleased with this offering from a standpoint of both qual- A O ity and price; regular 75o suits for onlytOC SI. 25 Cotton BlanKets, Pair at 93c From 1 to 2 P. M. Today, in the Basement "Un derprice Store." Thrifty" housekeepers will lay in a good supply of Blankets. These are heavy cotton, in white, tan and gray; suitable for Winter sheets or for top covering. Rooming-house and hotelkeep era should also lay in a good supply ofQQ From 4 to 5 75c Fancy SilKs, Yd., 39c From 4 to 5 P. M. Today, in the Base ment "Underprice Store" an extra ordinary sale of lovely fancy Silks, in checks, stripes and plaids, in rich Fall colorings. The fine, soft taffeta weave for waists, dresses, Oft etc ; 75o quality for only 3 3 C $1.25 Underwear for 73c From 4 to 5 P. M. Today, in the Base ment "Underprice Store." A sale of men's fine natural wool Underwear, shirts and draw.ers, fine quality warm wool, in natural gray; well made and finished; shirts size 34 to 46, and drawers size 30 to 44; reg- "JQ ular $1.25 grades ; special O C 85c Velvet Bags for 39c From 4 to 5 P. M. Today, in the Base ment "Underprice Store." A sale of women's black velvet Hand Bags, in the medium size, fitted with strong nickel frames, with blaok silk cord handles; well made and O Q durable; 85o grades at only C $1.25 Union Suits at 75c From 4 to 5 P. M. Today, in the Base ment "Underprice Store." A sale of men's heavy cotton Union Suits, in the "Winter weight, lined with soft, warm fleece, well made and finished; sizes 34 to 46 ; our regular $L25 grades; special, each OC 10c Handkerchiefs at 5c From 4 to 5 P. M. Today, in the Base ment "Underprice Store." A sale of men's white Handkerchiefs of good quality cambric, fine linen finish, 1-4 and 1-2-inch hems, full size; H the kind you buy at 10c, for O C From 11 to 12 50c SilK Poplin, Yard 33c 11 A. M. to 12 Today, in the Base ment. A one-hour sale of fine quality Silk Poplin. Eager buyers will wel come this exceptional offer; a cloth that will not slip, will wash and give perfect satisfaction ; 20 dif- O O ferent shades ; special, yard O 3 C 63x90 Bed Sheets for 39c 11 A. M. to 12 Today, in the Base ment "Underprice Store." A sale of good quality bleached Sheets, in sizes G3x90 inches, torn and hemmed ready for use; no reams in the center; good sheets for home or hotel O Q use ; special at only, each aj J C Women's $1.00 Belts 19c 11 A. M- to 12 Today, in the Base ment. A sale of women's sample Belts, mostly elastic, in black and all wanted colors, fitted with new and attractive buckles; belts which sell at 50c, 75e and $1.00; spe- Q cial for this sale at only X C 35c SilK Face Veiling 13c 11 A. M. to 12 Today, in the Base ment "Underprice Stora." A sale of fine silk Face Veiling in black and all wanted colors, fine and coarse mesh; our best regular 25c " O and 35a quality; this hour X 3 C Men's 50c Shirts for 38c 11 A. M. to 12 Today, in the Base ment. A one-hour sale of men's Shirts in the black and white stripes, made of heavy drill; bodies and sleeves are cut "full; shirts are well made and all sizes, 14V2 to 17; best O O 50-ccnt grade; special atajOC All-Day Sale of Dinner Sets and Kitchen Needs All day today, in the Basement "Underprioe Store" we will sell Dinner Sets in two decorations, pink, with gold traced handles and knobs, or blue decorations with full gold line; 42-piece set, $3.85 value, for S2.00; 50-piece set, $0 QC value, 3.85 and 00-riece,"$6.40, at J Zf J 6c Potato Mashers, special at this sale only At 60 Cake Turners, special at this sale only, 4 10c Wire Strainers, special at this sale at only 5 35e Potato Ricers. special at this sale at only 27 50o Meat Saws, special at this sale at only 25? 15c dozen Coat nooks, special at this sale at 10? 15c Hunter Rotary Flour Sifter, special at 10d $1.75 copper bottom Wash Boiler, special 3133 10c Lamp Burners, N'os, 2 or 1, special at only 5t 15c set of 6 Table Mats, special at only, set 10 From 2 to 3 P. M. Women's $15.00 SilK Dresses $7.95 From 2 to 3 P. M. Today, in the Basement "Under price Store." A one hour's sale of beautiful Silk Dresses, made of rich messaline silks, in splendid new styles; neatly trimmed in lace, eto. All the popular new Fall shades, including black and white; neat fitting, well made dresses in the J Q C regular $15 grades; your ehoice at J) I y J Shop by the Clock. Stay in the Store all Day. Girls' 45c Underwear, Special, 29c From 2 to 3 P. M. Todny, in the Basement "Under prioe Store." A sale of 60 dozen girls' Underwear. A vest and nnderwaist combined, with pants to match; made of fine cotton, in the Winter weights, soft warm fleeoe lining; garments to fit girls from 1 to' 16 years of age; regular 45o grades; OQ special for this hour only, the garment CaUV $4.50 Lace Curtains, Special, $1.59 From. 2 to 3 P. M. Today, in the Basement "Under price Store." A sale of 300 pairs of beautiful Lace Curtains; and we expect every one to go in one hour. Principally odd pairs or 2-3 and 4 pairs of a kind; lengths up to 3 yards; Nottingham and cable nets ; all good wide .curtains in values J J-Q up to $4.50 a pair; special for 1 hour aj? J. '-'' Shop by the Clock. Stay in the Store all Day. $1.50 Princess Slips, Special at 95c From 2 to 3 P. M. Today, in the Basement "Under price Store." A sale of women's Princess Slips, made of fine soft muslin and daintily tnmmed in lace and embroidery. A good range of sizes in the lot, all well made and neat fitting; onrAf" regular stock values at $1.50; for this hour ZJ J Women's White' Aprons Only 37c From 2 to 3 P. M- Today, in the Basement "Under price Store." A great sale of new, dainty, white Aprons, in several styles, of plain and ohecked lawn, neatly trimmed in embroidery and nbbon; very at tractive values and good sellers at 50e Q J each; priced special for this hour only atJ I t. From 3 to 4 P. M. Wom's $18.50 Tailored Suits $9.95 DO. V C. VY XXX VUIXIO :$9.95 From 3 to 4 P. M. Today, in the Basement "Under price Store." An extraordinary sale of women's Tailored Suits, in good, seasonable styles, cut on neat lines, all well made and lined with 'good sub stantial lining; suits which can be worn all year round. Thrifty women wno etuay to save, win come early in tne nour to mane seiecuon; our regular $15 to $18.50 grades, at $1 to $1.50 Ail-Over Lace, Yd 63c From 3 to 4 P. M. Today, in the Basement "Under price Store." A sale of fine All-over Lace, in Irish and Oriental effects in white, cream and ecru; a splendid assortment of patterns suitable for waists, and for trimmings of all kinds, for yokes, sleeves and for millinery purposes ; our regular S O $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 grades; special, yd. 03 C $1.50, $1.75, $2 Dress Goods for 95c From 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the Basement. A brisk one-hour sale of Winter Suitings, in plain and two tone effects; all pure "Worsted materials, 52 to 56 inches wide, in a splendid range of rich colors, black, navy, green, brown, gray, red, etc. All good heavy weight materials, for suits, skirts, coats, etc.; ac tual $L50, $1.75 and $2.00 grades; very Q H special for this hour only, at the yard OC $1.00 Muslin Night Gowns for 48c From 3 to 4 P. M. Today, in the Basement "Under price Store." A one-hour sale of women's and chil dren' fine Muslin Gowns; made of good quality muslin and trimmed in lace and embroidery; made full in the body and long; a good range of A Q sizes; our regular $1.00 grades; special tOC Boys' KnicKerbocKer Pants at 49c From 3 to 4 P. M. Today, in the Basement "Under price Store." A one-hour sale of boys' Knicker bocker Pants, made of heavy tweed material in neat dark patterns. They are well made and neatly finished; sizes run from 6 to 16 years. A Q They fit weU and wear well ; the pair Jf J C 5 to 6 p.m. Bargain Circle Main Floor "Z V "SX T a - Great Sale 01 mouons Oa the Bargain Circle, Main Floor, today, a great sale of fittle things you need every day of the world. A great saving A ixuaxanieea xwuuuuu vn Fairy Soap. to cutomr, 6o grade, 3 16c TolVt Paper. 16-ounce roll only 6e 12HO Wire Coat Hanger. 8 tor 250 25c pint or Skirt Hang-er for only 1 26o Pnt or Skirt Hanger for only 15 Hair Net, md of human hair, size 36140. all shades, loo grade. 4t 1 OC on sal at low prlc of. do... 0 1 Hair Net. llk. larg l. all 1(1. hades, special all day five for Prarl Bnttoas. 1J on a card, assorted siies. regular tc a card, special at e . 1. - .Hn 1 Mrdi for onl V Jl Plaa, 400 to th paper, assorted g lses, regular (a grade, two for 1 notions and Come early. Spool sua, in Diaca onur, ai tr., to the -pool. 6c grad. for only JV Spool Cotton, In white only, 200 C yard beat six-cord, 6c gTade. 2 for f Hooka aad Eye, all sizes, whit C n i-.i. ...!., Kn snaclsl 1 for aj L. Safety Plaa. all sizes, 60 card, 1 for 5 Ironing Wax. special, the dozen at IOC Skirt Markers, 25o grade, at only I At Darning Cotton, blacK or (niie, v-o-tiTa w 1 fnr Kr srtecla.1. at each Tailor Chalk, assorted or plain. On. 72 pieces to the box, special, box atWV Dress Shields, sizes 2 and 3, new QC. 1 .c. a tha rinzen Dalrs lc From '5 to 6 Men's $1.25 Sweaters 55c From 5 to 6 P. M". Today, in the Base ment "Underprice Store." A sale of men's heavy wool Sweaters, cardigan ribbed, in gray color, trimmed in red and blue, finished with large pearl buttons; sizes 34 to 44; good HH $1.25 sweaters for only ea. O J C Boys' 35c Underwear 19c From 5 to 6 P. M. Today. A sale of boys' Winter weight Underwear, shirts and drawers ; fine ribbed, heavy weight garments, with soft fleece lin ing. Some are slightly imperfect; manufacturers' seconds; 5 1 A to 16 years; 35o values for 1C Women's 70c Rub'rs 59c From 5 to 6 P. M. Today, in the Base ment "Underprice Store." A sale of women's Rubbers, of very good qual ity; buy now for the many wet days to come; prepare for Winter. A com plete range of sizes; 79CQ values; special at, the pair yJtjC 2y2c Melange Suiting 9c From 5 to 6 P. M. Today, in the domes tics section of the basement A sale of "Melange" Suitings, over 8000 yards in this lot and 15 good patterns, splendid for house dresses and Q for children's wear; 12y2o vaL J C HucK Towels, Dozen. 85c From 5 to 6 P. M. Today, in the Base ment "Underprice Store." A sale of 100 dozen fine quality Huck Towels; size 17x32, with colored borders; just the towel for hotel or rooming-house use; excellent quality; spe- Of cial for this hour only; doz. OJU All-Day Sale Groceries In the Grocery Section of the Basement "Under price Store" we offer many specials in reliable needs O. W. K. FLOUR, THE SACK, $1.25. Made from the best Bluestem Hard Wheat OUE SPECIAL COFFEE, POUND, 23 Splendid quality. Roasted fresh daily. CATSUP, TWO BOTTLES FOR 2o The Red X brand. Made of solid, ripe tomatoes. CORN STARCH, PACKAGES, 5 Standard quality put up under the Pure Food Act WM. BAKER'S COCOA, 15 A pure, wholesome drink a substitute for coffee. 25c WASHING POWDER, 17? Grandma's and Pearline on sale for the day. Gloss Starch, Special at 5? Package Japanese Rice, Special, 5 Pounds, 25 Prepared Mustard, Special at Sd O. W. K. SPECIAL BUTTER, 67f