19 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1911 ,j 1 1 Bill EXPECT A REACTION Wheat Holders Not Alarmed by Depression in East. OFFERINGS ARE SMALL Prior on Uvr Coast Have 'ot Kept Pace With the Kail at Chicago, Twenty Million Buatrela Hare Reached Tidewater. the Trie local wheat mrk, while very quiet, ata aot ehare la IB ascreealoa or the utm aad forelca aaarfceta: at laaat neee eoeteel kr oaaJere, theacB Iwsrar a wee aeow ee aot anew tba axTreme loaa raaarda la other m.erkete. Tba aBdarteme. kmr. la eefv, and amleee tmprwvemeat la eeea ellsBlavea enroeel there will Bare ta aa a further aaaiB oowa of eootatloae kT. Imaraaalow ere-raJla that tba praaaat tanas at aaeHnesa ta tba srorld'e nirttu hi aair laaaporary. and that a daaldad reac uam will aaoa aaaalfeet llealf. The Eaetara ssarketa are affected M by tba al wlalBle. tba Arcsauiae aoara aad tba fear of a rad aral laveetlsTetlom. and Europe la eulek la re speae ta aocb eeeSltleea aa tbla , wbaa H wtU kelp ta kiia eaoot lower prteaa. Taa farmere ta thia part of tba eoeaiiT evidently do aot tear tha euteome. for tba lawar prlaaa here failed la bring oat affar laaa. Tba crop la elooar aold wp Uiaa ever taTon knows at eueh aa early data, ard be fore lon tba snarket ehoulA become Barely a local prepoelUea. aad ba BeveToeo by lo oal aoadltloaa. It la aatlmatod that iOOOO. orvo bushels have alroadr nacbod Udawatar. aad of iba ensply ramalola ta tba eotmtry a rood part la aot af seeond beads. There fore, botdara la iba latertor ara aat worry ing nacb ever tba sitsatloa. Tba praaaat pease la bavins at tba Coaat xearkete U doe chiefly ta tba fart that tbara la a aaffldaat aupply of whaat available for tha ships bow aa band aad aoaa due, Ueral receipt, la care, wora raportad by Iba Merchants' Exchanae. aa faUawa: Wheat Barley Four Oata Hi Monday ....... " " Tear n W " " JZTsoa .. data T..r ... 2 304 M Ttte wookly wboat etallatlce of tba ktar chsnte ricbanf followa: Amaiicaa visible auppl 1911 1910 l' !' 1 "T IV" l' a ;nv. a. 1M 1 -J sjuentttlea ca pei Nov. N N -. v. Nv. 4. Fr .'nnt --n In. Knr. T'tst . 1 a Week sndlnf No. . .11 '" X4 Ti4.0 h 1 pmTti. cuntrla Ifiour Inoludad) - . l- . . J- 4T . . 4l J ."A "0 . . 4i.T' "" . .SN44T " . . j I.Tl'l.M . '. l St3.-0 . . 5ft fMy-rt Ooct. ja. andtnc t. ir ""O principal wk ndtr g Ocl. IV Bujrntr 4WH f:o-l. 1 o.o''" ao. oo lnrrraaa. 9 :.m oo s.4:.o,- 4T.1 oJ 1 .'-l IHl 3 4.17. " 3 1J 0-0 l.o.lrJO Not. B. Wk .ndlnd Nov. . Bjh!t. J0.4.OUO IT.44O.0 Kponi&d TToak ndlnc Nor. ft. 3.477.00 $.24i 0i'- S4H.OOO rdtr-C Nov. 4. a. fan... 4. ImlnlM l!l-t'l I anur. rta 1 "' ni i..-i3.ix, n,i A aaj.KW Tla: ...la-lla-P i K0 lJ.r7S.000 HOf VAUn IS OS CBJTT HICKIR 1 Boarht ky "a7ra a SV Caato Boytac la Mrary. Hop adraacad a rani yatarday with a rontlnuanoa of tha baary buTlna thai .tart ad Patarday momlna. Thara wara aararal bMa of 4S4 erata. aod for eaa crop at laaat thla prlca waa paid. Tha Boyar waa aald ta aa Brown Ca. K:abor. wo'f a Nrttar wara Urn bayara darlnp tha day. tbair porrbaara accracatlnc aaaat lOCO balaa. Slaea Satarday mornlnc tboy fcara bourht about aSOO balaa. Amoas th.rr porrhaaaa yaatarday wara tha following lota: PulX Anrora. 0 balaa; Murphy. Ib dapan4nea. 10 balaa; Byara Brofc. BaaaB Tlata. II bmlra. Juttna Ptorna kovcht tha C ktapaa crop af ti kalM at LaurrL 11. U Uart pur rhaaad tba Blaradorf lot af l ba:a and tba Snabaaar tot of IS balaa at Mlllabora. Kola N..' konfht 200 ba!a af tha Kraba crop, j. J Mts r aororrd tba Ranxaa crop of IM kaJaa at Nawbara. Anions William Frown a Co-'l parchaaoa waa tba Amaa. Nortnaaa a Ora-a crop at WtrartoB. lalahlar a Orlbbla bauxht ISO balaa from pll Foa. of Aorora. Tha lattar purcha waa at 43 erata and moat of tha othara at 42 ernta. It la worth noting tMat a iranbtr of atmc Eaatara ordara wara la ta sarkat yaatarday. Tba bulk of tha baalnaaa don, kowwrar. waa for rxpart Brcoust. A KarOTbarp rabla rrcalrod yaatarday ra p4rtad that fnarkrt vary firm wltk bo eoa-caaaloBa. voak BOLonio rom m Texts. Balr Crwarar. WNh l4arwrat IX. ttafaaaa OtTr at UH raata. PA1.CM. Or.. Not. . Ppaelai Oaoraa U Raaa. wha la oonatdarad ta ba tba larpaat hoMar of kopa ta Orapoa at tha praaaat ttma. today rafaaod aa affar af 4ak casta a pound from llaj V. Polana for appraal wrataly aoo bala af ho pa. daelannp that bona woa:d aa at 41 cant a a pauad kafara tba and af tba waaa. aad waaJd ba at at) raata bafora tba aad of two or thraa waaka at tba laxaat. IB mil Roaa Baa at hla com mand aama too balaa of hapa. Daalara bora roaapata at tba maximum that tbara ara Ba anara tbaa ftooO balaa la tha atata aad aama pta tha ramalalng hopa at a Uttla arar 4K balaa. Joaaph Hama baa aold M balaa ta Klabar. Wo;f a Net tar at 41 caata. TBaaa prlaaa tap aryth!rg ainra tha blp rsa la ISM whoa hapa want conaldarably aaora $1 a pound. Roaa. a. t houc a holdlna- tha larneat amaaat of hopa af any Individual prowar la Oragoa at tha prrarrt tlma. la probably tha moat opcmtatie and may sot aall aalraa stvaa a aa-caat affar. accordinf ta atatamanta wklck ba aiado today. ( MMirRRirS PETX AT HIOrTCK ntlCM AaMbfr t or Arrlvaa Iraaa tha Tan Crapa) Mark4 Itrm. Tha cranbarry markal la vary firm. fraaa car arrlvad from tha Eaat yaatarday an J taay wara put oa aala at fliaU-av par barrak Tba prapa markat waa IB pood aondltlom. A car of B:ak kloroccoala doa Wadnaaday aad thay will aall at $l.Zi par crato. Tbara waa a gcod damand for applaa af ail kradra. Tba a-.aamar brought tha nana aaanrtmant ikf vtgtab:aa. which claanad Bp aaxly. Batter Arrive aad rtran at aitTwara, Tha bnttar markat opanad actlva aad firm al tha advaaca annouacad Paturday. Chaaaa aa a:o firm. t Poultry rrcalpta wara light and tbara waa aat much damand for tba nock carried over tram laat work. Oregon egga wara re rail aupply aad tha markat waa atroag. r-ORTXAXU XARKKTA ;rala. llear. rard. Etc. Wilt AT Export boaia: Bluaatam. I! 4-. cluh. T"c; red Ruaalan. 77Bc; .:it. ;ds.-t. fjrty-(:d. aua. rLOU'R raiaata, 4.M par barrel; atralghta. t0; axparta. M-PO: Vallay. - arabara. ae-ae; wa-ie w . . CURS Whole. Ma: rracard. 7 par " OATS No. 1 white. 41 OH IO par taa SalLOJiTUrra Bran, per toa: m'd- dl.n III; .horta. 24; roUad barley. t 'lUT-Ila 1 E. O. timothy. SIT IS; " 1 Va::y. Ili81: a:fa.ia. (U.14; elovar. 11 at 1-: grain. $1112. BARLET Feed. J1 par toa: brewtna. aomiaxu. l rgrtaUa aad Pmlta. TROPICAl- Kf ITS Omagra. 4 0 ca per box: -allf..rnla grapefrolt. I -". floHda grapefruit. .: bananaa. per pound: lamona. ta.T per kux; poma grxnat.e fl 0 par box. ' rRt-H FRriTS Paara. Tocll.T5 per box; grapea. 7Sct,ll.2 par box; PP 1 2.1:3 per box: crulrr:M, tlltTll W Par barrel: huckieherrtra. 4&c per Pond- SACK VS.iETliLES Carrota. 11.00 per nrk, turalpa. II. uu; beela. 1.0O; paranlpa. 'pOTATOK Oregon. llic per pound; wret potat Jra. It 11 i31 per erata. ON! ON aOregon. tl.2 Par hundred. VtiitTABLXi Afuchokea. Tic par doxan; j.io.. nbum t0 par pound: caulinowar. a0ctl rer doxrn: oorn. 2S 0 per doxeu. cuenwibara. 10 par box. eccplxnt. 12SC Per pound; garlia. 1012o par pound: lettuce. 00poe per doaaa; kot hoaae lettuce. 1 2S Pr box: peppere. Oioa per pound- pumpklna ltf 1 taa; raantiea. 1 12He per doxen: aprouta. a o per pound: ! anuaah. per pousa. ""-. - fill par bom. tUapis Oianarlaa AtJfOJ Columbia River. 1-poaad talla tXlS per doarn: -ponnd taJta, llS; 1 pound rata. 140: Alaakw. pink. 1-possd "co r FKli-Roeated. ta draaa, w eOo per pound. . . nONET Choi re. CS.TO par aaas; atjalnad honey. 10c par pound. ALT Oranulatad. Hi par toa; Balf BTound. lOrta. K per ton; Sua. par ton. M.M Walnuta. lO10aa par pound: Praxll auta. 149 le; Blbarta. lac: Blmosda, isailta: pecana. lo: coooanuta ol par doaaa: cbeatauta. 12 e par pound ; hickory aula dJlOe per pound. BEANS maU white. : large white. l,t; Lima. la; pink. 8Vc. Mexlcaua, (no; bayou, ftc RICB No. 1 Japan. 4e: eneaper rreuae, a.aOdaAe: Pouthera bead. ftHOTe; Im parled Imperial. Ixc: imported extra No. t, TTc ftr;OAR Refinery prleee: Dry granulated. IT.10; fruit and berry. 17.10; beet. IH.P0; ex tra C t": powdared. barrela. 7.M; cubea, barrv a. 7.V. DRIED rRlTTT Applaa. 14a per Bound; aprlcota. leailwc: peaebea. lai4o; prnnaa. Italian. 10SO100: allver. loo; Bga. white and black. 7Aae: eurranta. iot 11c: ralalna. looaa Muacatak 4 OTHc; bleached Thorn pa on. 114c; unblaachad Bul taaaa. "c; aeeded. Iltllxt. Dairy aad Cwaatry riailuxa. BTTTTER Oregoa creamery butter, aolld pack, 3H: prtnta. extra; butter fat. le laaa than aolld pack price. POULTRY Hmm. 14o: Pprlnira. Ur: dncka young. HJlHc: geeee, imll: turk-ra. a:iva. 2c: dreeeed. choice, 29-0o. t108 Freeh Oregoa raaoh candled. 40 0 42 He p-r doaen. CHEESE Vraah Ttllamrok. flata. 19 lfSc- Toun Amertcaa. 17lTHo. PORK Kancy. 9H par pound. VEAL Fancy, llfllal par pouad. Ffocie, Wool aad HI doa. HOPS 111 crop, 42 St 0 4a ,i; old aom InaL MORAIR Choice. STo par pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon. Ptrlea per pound, according; to ahrlnkaga: Vallay, 139 17o per pound. PELTS Dry. lie: lamoa, gajtad, 03 H 80o; ahort-wool pelta 53 0 c. H IDES raited taM-a. lOHtJllo per pound: aalted calf. 100 ITo: aaltad kip, lias greea hides. ; dry calf. Sua; dry atags. lac. CAJCAJLA Par pound. ew0c. Oils. LINSEED OIL Pure raw. ta barrela. 5e; boiled. In barrels. S7c; raw, ta caeea, 00o; boiled. In eases. 2e. TURPkl.NTlNE Cajea. TOe; wood barrels, tTSc OASOUNE Motor gaaollne, Iroa barrela, ITc; eases. 24o; sd gssollna, Iroa barrels, (le; eaaaa IWc COAL OIL Ordinary teat, caeea, 10c; bulk, la tanks, IHt. riailalsas. HAMS 1 to 20 pounds. lS;oixe. 12 ta 14 peunda. 10eaidc; 14 to 10 pounds. 15tto: 10 to IS pounds. lTOlTHe; tkinned. lBc; plcnlca. llVo; eattaga roll, 1IHC KMOKT.D MEATS Beef toBguea. Ttc; dncd beef aeta, none; outside. Bone; insldee, 23c: knucklca 21c LARD Kettle rendered, tier res. lsBio; tuba, 14c; standard, tltrces. 14e; tuba, 12 He: shortening, llerrea, te; tuba, Po. BACON Kancy. liar; standard. 24c; choice 21c: English. 10018c DRT SALT QL" 11 ED Regular ahort clears, dry salt. 12ac; eraoked. lSHc; backs, light salt, lSe; amokad. 14e; backs, heavy alt. 12Ho; amokad. 14 He; axporu, salt, 14c: amokad. 15 He Bask Clearings. Bsak clearings of the Northwaatara ettloa yaatarday ware aa folows: . Ciaartnra. Balaneee. Portland I.' J:).ul( 1"0.(K fatt!e 2,MSH1 131.7-0 Tecorna H:i4.40T 7U.B.- Bpokaaa A4.7 137,eua saw rR.cisco rRODrrg market Prleee Quated at tha Play City far V egre ts hire. Frnlta. Etc BAN TRANCIHCO, Nov. . The fotlow gag produce prleee were current here todeyt Vegetables Cucumbera. 74c9tl; garlia, SO 4c: tomatoes. l&AS'tr; eggplant, ftotfbftc liutter Fancy creamery, e3c Kdm Store 43c; lancy ranch. ft2c Oaiona : e 1.13. Cheree Tour.g America. llffltHo. rult Applee. choice, 73cctl; eomaoi, 40tGoc; alaxlcan Umaa 4 u 3; California lamona. choice. common. 92; pmaap- p.. i:tL Petatoee Oregoa Burbanka, 91.404 l.Sf: Fallnaa BurbeasA, (1.03 01.73; aw eats, L0 1.7a. Malatuffa Bran, file:: aiMflllngB, 111 C- Hay Wheat. 111930: wheat and eats. I121T: alfalfa, ttgll. Recalpts Flour. 1340 qusrter sacks; wheat, k.V centals: barley, eA39 aentals: oata 2313 centals; potatoes. 392A sacks; mid dlings, avO aacks; bay. lluti uina. Metal Markets. KEPT TORK. Nor. . standard copper eulet. Bpot. ll.POairiOc: November. 11.90 O 1 ; ore . December. 1 1.9P a 1 2. joe . Jenuarr. Il3ai2-13c: rsbrusrv. 1; Ji: 1TS0. Lon diB strsdy. a?ot. 433 ISs Vd . futures. 136 13a 3d. Lake copper. 12-Ou S 12 ftlVic; e.ectro-Iv-lr. 12,17 H 4) 12.30c. casting. 12.13 sd 1J 300. Tia firm but quiet. Spot. 41.p04)41.Tr: Kave-nber. 41.40 4 41. 73e: December, 41. sag) 41.7.1c; January. 4l.4oa41.73c; February, 41.:M41 73a. Indon atsady. Spot. tls 7a 04. tuturea, I1H l'-a. lsd quiet at 4 23(14 20c New Tork and 4 1u4.L3 Eaat be Loula. London. (IS 17a Spe'ter, quiet at a. to ff 3e New Tark and B.lt'tf0.4O Lest St. Lou a. London, (IM 10a. Antimony qulec Cooksta'a. 7 8.12Wc. Iron Cleveland warranta. ens ad In Lon don, lecaly Iron wsa quiet. o. 1 foundry Northarn. 13al9.,V: No. 2, 14.730 13 21: No. 1 foundry aouthera and do. aof L. e!3 13J0. CatTee aa4 Saarar. r a te I v r a, . w . a. 1- iiimr'a bare'.y ataady at a aat advtaee af 6dle polntc November. lAd3c. December, 14.41c: Decembrr. l4.04c. Jaauary, 14.eOe rebruary. 14c; Harts, IS c. April. lA12o: Ms. ljav-: June. 13 one: Ja.y. 13..ve; Aucuex, la.42c: Beptembar, la.01c; Octebar, 13 tx-. spt quiet. Rla, Nv T, l"fcj?I34: San toe No. a. lHa. MUd. dulL Cardova. Its) Br 1 Bomlnal. Haw sugar aomlnaL Museovado, BP test. 4 73c: centrifuasl. 4 teet. t.23o; anelaseea, e teat. a.40c hattaed. easy. ew Tark Cettaai Market. NEW TORK. Nov. . retton firturea e'oeed stes,1r. closing bids: November ft. 04c; December. PISr. January. 03c: February, pc lurth. P"Hc; April, P.lle: May. 0.1'lc; June. B.2v"c: July. P24e: August, a.lac; bap temoer. 0:1c; October 21c ept cotton cloaeU quiet aad unchanrad. Mlu-uplaaua, P.eoc; mld-OulC. S03c ae-sa, 147 ba ac Naval Saaevw. SAVANNAH. Hit. a. Turpentine eteay at 4oHc ba'.ea. 140 barrels, receipts, 979 t.am a. shlpmenta. 16S barraU; atocaa, 97, 3 1 o rr-. Roam, flrtn. 8a. as. 20T Iba: reca!p;s. 1T9 Iba.: shipmants. lx,d lbc; stocks, fuuT lha, Uu'te: B. 94.1V D. E. f i.il: T, O, H. I .J0 K. .. U. d.43; X, 94.4; WU, 97.30. WW. il.ii. l Weal at St. Leois. PT LOriS. Not. t, Wool, onrhanred. Territory and WaeterB medlutna KHVeOc; tine mediums, ltdlae; fins. 11 J lie C kteage rredBC Market. CHICAOO. Not. b. Butter, steady; creamerlea. I4H0I1C: dalrlaa. 22J2c sixes, firm; receipt 94J9 cases, at mark. We Offer Strictly Subject to Prior Sale the Unsold Balance of $700,000 Lewiston Land & Water Company, Ltd., 7 Refunding Gold Bonds Unconditionally Guaranteed by the ;- Lewlston-Sweetwater Irrigating Company, Limited. Coupon Bonds, Regiatraljle as to Principal; Denominations $100, $500, $1000. Dated October 1, 1011, $23,000, October 1, 1912 25,000, October 1, 1913 25,000, October 1, 1914 25,000, October 1, 1915 25,000, October 1, 1916 Due Serially as Follows: $ 50,000,' October 1, 1917 50,000, October 1, 1918 50,000, October 1, 1919 50,000, October 1, 1920 725,000, October 1, 1921 Redeemable at any semi-annual interest date on and after Octo ber 1, 1912, at 102. Principal and Interest Payable at the Security Savings & Trust Company Portland, Oregon Idaho Trust Company, Trustee, Lewiston, Idaho Trust Deed prepared and all legal examinations and investigations pertain ing to the bond issue made by our attorneys, Messrs. Teal, Minor & YTinfree, Tinder our direct supervision. - Land Titles examined and approved by James E. Babb, Esq., Attorney, .Lewiston, Idaho. Consulting Engineer, E. G. lTopson, Esq., Chief Engineer United States Reclamation Service, Pacific Northwest '. ' V . This bond issue is authorized by the Lewiston Land & "Water Company to refund and consolidate all its outstanding bonds and indebtedness and is secured by mortgage on the Company's lands and improvements, valued at approximately $3,500,000, by a special reserve fund of gilt-edge notes and contracts equal in amount to not less thai one-half all bonds outstanding and by the unconditional guarantee of the Lewiston-Sweetwater Irrigating Com pany, a subsidiary corporation. Having made a careful and thorough examination of the secu ity back of this bond issue and all conditions surrounding the same, we unhesitatingly recommend the bonds as a safe and eminently attractive investment. Detailed information of every character may be had upon application at our offioe. ' - Price Par and Interest Special Notice to All Present Holders of ' Laewiston Land & Water Company Bonds and Collateral Trust Notes V All outstanding Lewiston Land & "Water Company 6 per cent Bonds of any series, as well as Collateral Trust Gold Notes, will be accepted at par and interest in exchange for the new Refunding Mortgage 7 per cent Bonds above referred to at par and interest. The advantage to be gained through such an exchange will be apparent to all present security holders upon investigation. Reservations and exchanges may be effected at any time at our office. . Morris Brothers Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon cases laclaaea. IT 020c: tlreta. 2024o; prima firsts. 35 fl 17c jmiA- t-e-rne Cheese, eteaar: daisies. 1 4 O M V c. tTOa, 14014Ha: rouna Americas. 14H014c lose horoa. 14H O 14Hc Trrled Fruita a Kaw Tark. KKW TORK. Not. . iTeporaled app! assisr. Fpot fsnoy. 10lCHo: cnoice. j Vri,n".ama4?TS Quotation, ran, from The rule that it pays to buy the best is recognized nowa days by a large majority of the people. This rule also ap plies in the selection of street pavement, because where it i3 used for a period of years it saves money for the tax payer in cost of maintenance and the relaying of new pavement which would be necessary if any other kind than bitulithic were used. THE BARBER ASPHALT PA VINO COlttPANY Constructs Asphalt aad ether Blta xalaens PeTeneata, aoo-aos Bieetrte aula-. Partlaad. Or. ataaacee. T ta 12He (or Callfornlaa np ta 40-60s aad HHOlSsO for Cresons, Psachea qalet aad steady. Choice, 11 He: extra choice. llC12o; aocv, 1344 Cli4C Hope at London. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 6. Hopa at London. PsclOa Coast, ill (Six. TBATELXnS' GUIDE. i American Atlantic Transport Red Star 'WUfeSUr While Star-Dominion Ask about "Olympic" Largest Finest Steamer in tba World. nan. atmim i 1. H. IJiRKK. IP geeaaid Are., HcauUe Waah. Applp Local Kail war Aaenta. COOS BAY LINE TKAMKB BKEAKWATEB. Bella from Alnawarth Deck. Portland, t T M . averr Tuesday, rrelsat rseelved at Alaswonh Dock Callr tip to P. M. PJa seacr tare. (lratHllass. 10: second -case IT. lacludlac msaie and Perth. Ticket ettloe Alaawartb Deck, Booea Mala ka. Mate sltt, A leea. San Franclcso. Los angele3 and San Pedro Direct. North Pacific B. a Ca'i S. S. Boanaka anff 8. 8. Eidsr sail every Wednesday altar aataly at 4 P, M. Ticket efflce UU laird St.. near Alder. itABTXl J. HICil.KY. PaaseaKsr Axeax, xv. BLt Brais. rreikBi Asjaas. TBATELxOtS' GFTDK. OFBar KITKB'. TBA3TSPOBTAT102C COL STR.J.N.TEAL "Frslfht rofTd tftallr at Oak-art. dooic (or Thi Dillia. Hood RlTr, Whlt fialmon, Uma 1 1 1 1 a. Kennwlok. Pneo. Rtchlavnd. HavaXord. Whit Bluffs, and Uatrmadlata patata. FXBOT-CItASS Fa4fiSEIfGEB BKBVICM. FARE 50 CENTS TO HOOD RIVER. WHITB ALJCOH, THaf DALLSS. Staainer leavee Portland Bunder. Tneeday, Thursday, T A. M. Ksturnlna laavaa Tha Dalles Monday. Wednssday, Friday. T A. M.. arrlvlns al Portland about IF.!, same day. W. B. Buchanan. Bupt; W. a BmaUwaea. Qan l Mr, Phone Mala M0, A IM1. CASADIAX HCmO BTEAMBHIPm. Exprcaa Berrtee via BT. LAWBIMK KIVIH SCKNIO ROCXB laaa Thaa 4 IMya at Baa by the EMFKEBSES OF TUX ATLANTIC Weekly Sailings to Europe, rtrrt-elass. aa.50; winter months, tsa.ee. second-class. $5S.7S: One-class cabin (1I $19 P1-KC1AL CsxlUSTxlAS xvXCLxUslOMtV Frlaay. Dec 1, Kmpraaa of Brliala. fiaturday. Deo. B, Lake Manitoba, Friday. Dae. la, Empress of lr Stand. BsrUUop plana bow open. Book iarlx. THIRD-CLASS BATES. Hsmburt Antwerp. Brsman, etc., ISO. (8L0S Llrerpoel, London, Oiasgow. Bal- taat 7. 3LiS, m.60 Norway, Denmark. Bwadaa. . . .134.75, $tat fipeclal rail rates oa requaat. f. B. Johaaoa. O. Ju. 14 Third St, AH agenta aell Can. Paa. tlckata. Willamette River Route Dally BotU (except Sunday) (:4S A. iL, (or Oregon City, St. Paul and Way Landings. For Salem :45 A. M Mondays, Wedneadara and Fridays. Taylor Street Dock. Telephone, Main eft. tiNITED STATES DEPOSITORY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SAW FHAjrcrtco FOINDEJJ lsva. Capital Paid in.-. r.,.. . $3,500,000 Surplus and Undivided Prof its .-.wrarex. $7,805,769 BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia We biiy and pell Foreign Exchange; Issue Errafts and Cable Transfers, Commercial Credits and Travelers' Letters of Credit, available In all parts of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and domeitio banking business. City INTEREST PAID OUT TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSIT. PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BTJxXDIKG. A. HAC RAE. MsQSSer, ef. T. BTJRTCH TCIilej lumbermens National Bank CAPITAL $1,000,000 4 per cent on savings Corner FtflK and Staxk AS to the advant sges and facilities this ak institution has to of fpr intending de po'sitors, we respectfully refer to any of our clients. Their frank expression ' of our attention and service is onereason we have for soliciting your account. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Founded in 1886. Washington and Second Sts. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 . Surplus 750,000 ' Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains LADD & TILTON BANK " , " Established 1859. . Capital Stock...... $io00,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issned, avail able in all parts of the world. Corner Washington and Third Streets. r exe -jV White Star Line itV New York Plymouth Cherbourg Southampton FAST MA Hi ROUTE TO ENGLAND and THE CONTINENT, The Largest and Finest Steamer in the World Sb "OLYMPIC" French a la Carte Restaurant, Turkish and Electric Baths, Swimming Pool, Four Elevators, Gym- 4 nasium, Veranda Cafe, Palm Court, Etc WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, and Regularly Thereafter : WHITE STAR LINE 12 NOON BIB SECOTTD AVEMU SBATTtH, OB LOCAi. RAILROAD AGE.TS. TRAVCXEKS CtTtDB. NEW ZEALAND AND AUTSRALIA rnlon Una at IT. Z.) Vli TAHITI AND OTSLllNOTOS. Direct tbroach steamere. sal'lnr from Ssa Tranclsco Nov. 16 and "ya. Wsl terton and back. 1st class. 28A Other rswa also low. Tba Una ta Isles of the Booth M For reservations sea Coupon ,,ni Ir adaraaa fiiaaara a. 8. Caw Saa rraaceHe. TBAVELEBS' OVIDE. THE BIG 3 BEAR BEAVER ROSE CITY. 8TBAMZTIU) fol San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. 8. S. BEAVER Ralls a P. M. JfoT a. SAN FKANCISCO FOBTLAND (A COw Ticket Office, 14 Third St, faeaa Mala eS aad A saa.