Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 07, 1911, Image 1

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VOL LI "0. 15.897.
Banker UrgesTribunal
of Business Men.
Scattering of Corporation
Families Held IH-Advised.
0och Policy Wonld Educate People
and Aid la Revealing Problem
That Sherman law Doesn't
Solve Saya Financier.
1 tdsat mt Central TrM dagur, of
PvM1h4 7 rrnrmt wfth th Cbt-Trtban-
The troubl with th fforts th Oov
irnmtDt la making to cope with the
trust problem arise from the fact that
th underlying assumption of tha Shar
man anti-trust law, trader which Its
actions are Drought, la that tha policy
of unrestricted competition still sub
serves tha beat Interests of the public.
Tha steps tha Government has taken
have not had tha affect of Increasing;
competition, but In most caaea of estab
llshlng precedents which will Interfere
with proper methods of business now
almost universally followed. It Is
assumed by many that tha present
poller of tli department of Justice of
attack under the Bharraan anti-trust
law upon present methods of doing
business Is a ireneral ona
Whatever mar be the Inference to be
drawn from the remarks of tha Attor-ney-Oeneral
as to hie future procedure,
the fact remains that ha has barely
passed the ede of the field of hi
possible activity. Tha alarming fea
ture of tha situation Is that with noth
ing practically demonstrated In tha
way of relief to the pubMe throush tha
past actions In a comparatively small
number of possible cases, the Indirect
destruction of values and tha depress
ing effect upon business which has
resulted point to a treat future Injury
to business when tha department of
Justice fairly enters Ita crusade.
Peril la State Arths Ale.
And If there be potency for vll In
the policy of the genera! Government
proceeding against corporations doing
an Interstate business, we may proper
ly b apprehensive when the Attorneys-General
of tha different 'states
and the prosecuting -attorneys of the
different counties of the states, follow
ing the example of the Government and
acting under the existing local and un
enforced anti-trust lair a. attaik local
Industries operating undrr trade agree
ments. I-et no one underestimate the num
ber of trade agreements In existence In
the United States. The Vnlted States
r.nulr reports state that In 10S
there mere ZSi cartels or agreements In
r-a-tralnt of trade In existence In Ger
many, where they are encouraged In
l-rlialf of the general public and have
no political opposition.
I bcllrve It no eiusfferatlon to state
t'isl In the I'nlteJ Slates we hxve firs
cartels tr evrv one In Germany. When
tf-e agreements among local retailers,
ill.-tri. t wholesalers, local and district
manufa. turt rs. publishers, labor unions,
ri-r. !ra-tor. employers snd employes
arr vorrlilere.'. rxlrtlng as tl.ey do
tSrouKhout almost the entire cc-untry.
w rnwr.M In thrlr nature and
some nnrrasonublp. an Idea may b
aa'ne.l o? how far the buslnci Inter
rstj of this country hae a'rrady
ooptd the new order of co-operation
s scnlnn the old one of unrestricted
Trtm Mrthnrf Maat lluruwl
o jetile.t a thing In the business of
Hie country Is this new order that the
tu-!nea man la only beginning to
"'l l' that the s:em has received a
, eren-ptory chsllense. He Is coming j
t. Ihst this attack of tht
l-epartment of Jusrlce Is not simply aa
atra.-a upon the rich or upon great cor
forstlona. It Is an attack upon In
dustry and tpe stem under which II
now operates.
The two most discussed methods of
il:nt with the trust question are the
method proposed by the radicals and
the Tfl method. The radical recom
mendation seem to he to amend the
Pnerman anti-trust law so that the
flexitMlity Imparted to It by the recent
decision of the I'nlted Sl-ites Kupreme
t'ourt ts destroyed and all agreements
In restraint of trade, reasonable or
unreasonable, are made Illegal.
That turn a plan Is even suggested
Indicates the confidence felt by radical
poUttclane In the success uf a political
crusaje against corporation which
n.ust draw It strength from the pas
sions snd preju es rather than from
the reason of our people.
It hardly seems worth while to dis
cuss at length this propos.- Our peo
ple are too Intelligent to wish to hark
back to the old methods of unrestricted
competition. These have gone forever
Ilk antiquated methods of transporta
tion and manufacture.
rhaaw t Paras ef Owsetssla.
Tha Taft method seems to be the In
voking of tha Sherman anti-trust law
t dissolve consolidated corporations
Return of Convict to Penitentiary
TTnprecedented--Hls Employment
Not Yet . Decided Upon.
BALEM. Or, Not. . (Special)
After blng given four weeks' freedom
from the Stat Penitentiary. W. Cooper
Morris returned today. His manner of
returning was unprecedented. Alone
and unguarded h rod from Portland
to thl city, taking a ear to th peni
tentiary, and. walking Into th offloe.
announced his return. H donnd th
prison garb again. .
Karris Is under gentsno of six years
for peculations In connection with th
Oregon Trust Savings Bank failure
In Portland. Wfcn he was sent to th
metropolis to look over tha books of
tha Institution for tha purpose or fur
nishing evidence in th Louis J. Wild
case, hs waa accompanied by wnraea
Prank H. Curtis, of th prison.
Governor Wast Issued an order Fat
urday to the District Attorney that
Morris be returned Immediately, but
Attorney Clark, special oounsel In the
Wilde case, said over the telephone
that Morris had not completed his la
bors and as a result th former baakar
was given two days of grata.
Morris was suffering from complica
tions arising from stomach trouble Just
before leaving the penitentiary for
Portland and had been In th hospital
for two weeka His stats of health will
be Inquired Into carefully before be ts
returned to any employment at th
Governor west said again toaay mat
ha has given no promts to free Morris
If he give valuable testlmoy In the
Wilde case.
"All Morris ts called upon to do In
that respect Is to tsll tha truth and do
hla duty." said th Governor.
Only 1 ft Loot In Football History, of
Which Are to Princeton.
NEW HAVEN. Conn, Nov. An In
teresting recapitulation of football at
Tala baa been prepared by on of th
college statistical - classes. It shows
that In all the football games Tala has
played alnca 18S4 aha ha scored a total
of 1 polnta to 4CS for her opponents.
hre hundred and seventeen games
have been played altogether. Of this
number Tala has lost 16. six to Prince
ton, four to Harvard, three to West
Point, ona to Columbia and on to
Virgina Creeper at University of
Oregon la Cut Down.
Or, Nov. . (Special.) Because Brad
ford Datson. th little grandson of
Mr. Prescott, th matron of tha men's
dormitory, nearly died from poisoning
received from eating berries picked
from Virginia creeper vines. which
hung across the east side of the dorm
itory building, this artistic growth has
been cut down.
Green Ivy vines will be planted In
their stead.
sr - 7. '
-lT. .r iv-v
J . t i
, ' i
Constantinople Has Re
port of Victory.
Latin General Charges Otto
man Forces With Cruelty.
Caneva Assert Members of His
Force Taken Prisoners Were Top.
tared by Fanatics Atrocities
by His Men Denied.
cial.) Five hundred Italians were
slain and tha remainder of tha Italian
fore .was taken prisoners today In a
terrific battle with tha Ottoman troops.
according to dispatches which have
been received here.
Th official announceemnt also de
clares that tha Ottoman troops have
occupied Derna following the engage
ment in which tha Italians mat with
their overwhelming defeat.
It has been believed that Derna.
Tobrnk and Bengaal were securely held
by th Italian, who could not be dis
lodged by th Moslems. But aocord
lng to th dlspatonaa of th Moslem
officers, so fierce waa tha attack of
tha Turks and thslr allies that th
Italians wer swept off their feet and
th rout mad complete after a short
fray. Eighteen guns wer taken by
th Moalsma,
LONDON. Nov. (. (Special.) The
Dally Telegraph's correspondent at
Tripoli sends a statement by General
Caneva, tha Italian commander, deny
ing tha charge that his troops have
been guilty of atrocities. Describing
ths attack on Beraagllarl In Vera, th
General aays:
"Italian soldiers taken prisoners wer
slaughtered, stripped stark naked and
their bodies shockingly and disgusting
ly mutilated. An officer was out with
t5 wounda Native, both men and wo
men, wer engaged in these atrocities
and even lads helped.
' Situation Is Saved.
"Our troops had to save th situa
tion and th population from mad fa
natics. They would have been less than
men and would have failed In their
duty had they not sternly repressed ths
"No acts of cruelty on those outside
the pale and custom of civilized nations
have been wrought In Tripoli by
lConWudd on Pace 4.)
- 'Slav
ii si, ii, m n 1 "in in i in ii
The Weather.
IISTEIlDir! Maximum temperature. 03
degra; minimum. 40 degrees.
TODAY'S Rain; southerly wind.
Wtta censorship removed. Chines P"
k-ot Imperialists for massacre: Pain
baa not lalisn. rase a.
Turk kill 100 Italians In fierce engagement.
Page 1.
Richard S. Ttran relinquishes claim to Con
troller Bay tract. !!
Seaweed on Pacific Coast estimated by De
partment of JlrH culture to be wort a
412,000,000 In potass. Page 1.
Panama Canal engineer wins heiress
bride after four-hour wooing. Page S.
Charlee O. Dawes suggests court of business
men to pass upon trusts. Page 1-
Booker T. Washington falls to get satisfac
tion In court for beating white man gave
him. Page 1.
Senator Bourn distrusted by Da Pollette
supporter, east out of Insurgent faction.
Page 1. .
Union labor leader point to alleged Sawa
In employers' liability aot. Page a
Qoseiaor Poss of Massachusetts say he will
be elected by 60.000 majority. Pag a
Mrs Vermllya. accused of poisoning, ar
rested to prevent suicide. Page 8.
Issue In Time case over talesman la re
newed by D arrow. Pag 0.
Cruiser Philadelphia' football alven con
fident of beating Multnomah- Pag a
"Bill" Rodger to succeed Tommy Sheehan
aa field captain of Beavers. Page 8.
Cal Ewlng fosters move against "farming"
ball players, aimed at McCredle. Page 9.
Carl atoms declared to have fine chance to
be heavyweight champion. Page 8.
Earneas meet to be held In Portland despite
difficulties of Portland Fair and Live
stock Association. Page a
Harrirk. In National car. wins Io Angelee
Phoenlx dsah through desert. Page a
Commercial and Manna
Northweatern wheat holders look far early'
reaction In market. Page It.
Chicago trader, fearing Federal action, sen
wheat low. Page 13.
Bread upward movement In standard rail
road atocloaT Pag IS.
Heavy trading in cattle at Portland stock
yards. Pag 18.
Agency Is established In Portland for tur
bine ateamers Yale and Harvard, plying
between baa Francisco and. Lo Angeles,
Page 14.
raclflo Northwest.
Xra C E. Dslberg goes to BUlsbore to try
and piece together lost link In eon's
memory. Page a
W. Cooper Morris return to State Peniten
tiary by himself. Pag 1.
Dry counties In Northern Idaho to vote on
question of saloons. Page 7.
Oregon contributes much to reclamation
fund, but receive llttl benefit. Pag a
Engineering firm clash over bide on state
hospital. Page a
Portland trade Junketers melee merry as
Lewlston guests. Page T.
Seattle maid, "betrothed to horrid rich
man." wants another suitor. , Page 7.
Portland and Vicinity.
Portland la second only to San FVen Cisco on
Coast as tourist center. Pag 12.
Elk are confident of gleaning 18A.0O0 bal
ance to complete convention fund.
Page IX
East Sid charter commission ta ask Coun
cil for 40 daya more to oomplete taak.
Pegs A
South Portland boosters committee win
view. Seattle storag oil tanks. Pag la.
Deo W. Martin. Denver fugitive, accuses
West of prejudice. Pag 12.
Father accuses teacher of using hose to
beat puplL Page IS.
Governor Accepts Correction Front
4 Towns, and Prohibition Wins.
AUGUSTA. Ms, Nov. 6. Main re
tains constitutional prohibition.
Governor Plalsted and his Council
decided lata tonight to accept the cor
rections in the vote of four towns.
cast in the special election in Septem
ber, thus reversing the result as Indi
cated on the face of official returns.
)Leni i s,jjjen
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Medjll McCormick Ad
ministers Set-down.
Oregon Senator's Past Alien
ates La Follette Boomer.
Cble? Backer of Progressive Boom
Till his Bourne Is Likely to De
sert Present Cause as He
Has Deserted Many Others.
ins-ton. Nov. 6. Medill McCormick, of
Chicago, is th man who brought about
a breach between the Bourn ifogrea-
slve League and tha La Follette iro
Ruraan in Washington, i
breach that threatens to spread through
tha insurgent slement all ovr mo
country. And this Is th reason:
UVirmlrk la ona of th aVOtlV dl
rectors of th La Follette bureau, and
on of th heaviest contributors to, the
La Follett campaign fund. McCormick
k-m--- that fitniitor Bourn, of Or'
gon. Is not slnoer in his progressiva
declaration. Moreover, n is oi uie
pinion that Bourns Is not thoroughly
loyal to La Follette, but stands ready
to r-amt ta Follette aside the minute h
feela that he can do s to his own
ail vsnrjira
Therefor McCormick has refused to
accept any more contributions from
Senator Bourne: has refused to permit
Senator Bourn any vole in directing
the work of the La Follette bureau.
and has refused to consult with tha
Oregon Senator In any way. Henc th
branch; hence two progressiva head
nuaj-taxa: heaos two distinct Cam
nira. ona in the direct Interest of La
Follette, the other not mentioning La
Follette. but boosting th principles of
popular government.
Bourne' Record Too Shifty.
Medill McCormick is a shrewd Indi
vidual. When ha ooenlv allied himself
with Senator La Follette, and took hold
of th La Follette bureau h set aoour.
determining who could be trusted and
who could not: ha determined to sep
arate tha sheep from the goats; t seg
regate tha true friends from the pro
fessed friends. And the first outcast
waa Senator Bourne. WhyT
Because McCormick had studied Sen
ator Bourne's record and found it un
satisfactory; because he found that
Senator Bourne, when he entered
th Senate, sought to ally himself
with Senator Aldrlch; found that he
(Concluded on Page 5.)
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Department of Agriculture Expects
Discovery to Supply Demands
of Fertilizer Market.
ington. Nov. 6. Seaweed found along
the Pacific Coast from Mexico to
Northernmost Alaska Is a source from
which th Department f Agriculture
believes potash worth 112,000,000 annu
ally can be produced to meet demands
of the American fertilized market. This
was one of th "discoveries" of which
Secretary Wilson spoke some days ago
when hs announced his mysterious
This Is not a discovery of th De
partment of Agriculture, however, fer
scientists have long known of exten
sive potash 4n different varieties of
Pacific seaweed, some of it when
burned or subjected to dry distillation
yielding 0 to 70 per cent its weight in
soluble potash salts, worth $20 to $25
a ton.
Tha supply of this seaweed Is enor
mous and in many places it has been
carted from the beach and applied di
rectly to land, showing Its worth as
The problem that confronts Secretary
Wilson now is how to regulate this
latest discovered natural resource so
"th Interests" won't get control. There
Is no legal authority for withdrawing
from entry waters of tha Pacific Ocean.
Valuable seaweed grows In water from
SO to 75 feet deep and some weeds at
tain a height of 60 feet.
Two Tonng Men Make Start From
North Yakima, v
LTLE, Wash, Nov. 8. (Special.)
Nelson D. Snyder and Olln Offleld, two
young men who have recently fin
ished their respective schools, began
a long "hike" when they departed last
Monday noon from North Yakima for
New York City and return within a
year. Their mission Is one of public
ity and physical endurance.
The walk from Fort Slmcoe, SO miles
through th wilderness . to Hopper's
Mill In one day, left a lasting Impres
sion. On that day they saw the In
dians slay a monstrous black bear that
measured ten feet from tip to tip. Yes
terday th greatest distance was coV'
red In reaching Lyle. In the morning
tha young men left Blockhouse and
passed Goldendale, six miles to the west,
struck the railway in Swale Canyon,
about ths mouth of Oak Gulch, and
reached Maddock's Llthla Springs tor
dinner, after walking 17 miles and In
tha afternoon they walked 16 miles
Into Lyle. Ths travelers left yesterday
morning for Hood River and they ex
pect to reach Portland Wednesday and
meet with Harvey W. Beckwith, presi
dent of the Commercial Club, to whom
letters are carried from the president
of the Yakima Commercial Club and
th Mayor of North Yakima.
Hammond Young Woman Continues
School Work With Lee Broken.
FORT STEVENS, Or Nov. 6. (Spe
cial.) Miss Zoe Essley, teacher of the
advanced grades in the Hammond pub
lic school, recently sustained a broken
leg by an accidental fall. Refusing to
play the part of an invalid, she had
a plaster cast placed upon her frac
tured leg, and. assisted by the other
teacUars, Miss Church and Miss Little,
was each morning hauled to the school
house, several blocks away, in a small
hand cart, 'the only available means of
conveyance. After being assisted Into
her room, she would hobble about on
a pair of crutches and perform ljer reg
ular school dutlesiwlth an uncomplain
ing patience that has attracted much
Her pupils, inspired by her fortitude.
are responding to her efforts in a man
ner that betokens their sincere appre
ciation of the courage displayed by
their teacher.
Korthern Klamath Swept by Most
Severe Gale in History.
(Special.) 'Reports from the northern
part of the county say that a severe
wind storm, unparalleled within the
memory of the oldest pioneer, a few
days ago did great damage to the tele
phone wires and razed thousands of
pine trees, some of them of consider
able size.
In some cases, D. E. Barrell, county
road builder, says pine trees with roots
15 snd 20 feet long were blown down.
In one place trees blown over covered
the county road just like a mat. The
county highway was strewn with trees
for a distance of 25 miles. This has
now been cleared save a stretch of
about eight miles, between Wocus Bay
and Solomon's flats.
Valuable Pouch Disappears Between
Raleigh and w Tork.
GREENSBORO, N. C. Nov. 6. That
T7nlte1 States mall pouch Touted
from Raleigh to New York and contain
ing $20,000 disappeared two weeks ago
In a manner similar to the recently
reported $20,000 theft of a pouch at
Lynchburg, Va-, became known here
Revond admitting? the loss of the
package, offloiala refuse to discuss th
Booker Washington Is
Defeated at Trial.
"Beating Up" Darky Brings No
Punishment to Man.
Matron Asserts Famous Colored
Savant Greeted Her With "Hello,
Sweetheart" Defendant Held
as Wife - Deserter.
NEW YORK. Nov. 6. Booker T.
Washington, the noted negro educator,
failed to obtain satisfacton at law to
day for the beating which ho received
at the hands of Henry A. Ulrich, a
white man, Sunday evening, March 10.
Ulrich was acquitted in the Court ot
Special Sessions this afternoon, of the
charge of assault which Dr. Washing
ton bad preferred against him.
After th light, which started in the
vestibule of an apartment-house where.
Ulrich lived, at 11 H East Sixty-third
street. Dr. Washington was laid up at
tha hospital for several days with his
right ear torn, his scalp cut and his
face badly bruised.
Ulrich testified he found Washington
peeking into ths keyhole of his apart
ment and also the one opposite, and
that Washington struck tha first blow.
Mrs. Laura Alvarez, with whom Ulrloli
boarded, swore that when she passed
Dr. Washington he said to her, "Hollo,
Negro in Search of Friend.
Washington's story on the stand to
day was the same explanation he of
fered at- the time of altercation. He
swore that he was not peeking into
any keyholes, that he was only search
ing the tenants' directory in an effort
to find a family with whom he under
stood a friend waa staying and denied
positively that he had spoken to Mrs.
Alvarez or any other woman.
The acquittal of Ulrich was not
unanimous, Justice O'Keefa dissenting
from the opinions of Justices Moss and
Seller. " '
After Ulrich left the court he was
arrested again charged with being a
fugitive from New Jersey, where an
indictment has been found charging
him with deserting his wife.
Educator Makes No Comment.
Dr. Washington, when asked if he
had any comment to make on the out
come of the case, replied: "No, not a
Both Ulrich and Washington told
their stories on the stand today.
"The defendant ran into the hallway
and assaulted me," said Dr. Washing
ton. "He grabbed me by the throat and
choked me and hit me with his fists.
I tried to defend myself, but he was
getting the better of me, and I opened
the door and stepped into the street.
There were, two men on the street and
Ulrich asked one of them for a stick
he carried. He hit me a dozen times.
I should say, with the stick. When I
reached Central Park West, I was so
weak that I fell. Two men were beat
ing me."
Negro I Croas-Examined.
"You went to that house two oi
three timesr asked Mr. Moore OS
cross-examination. .
"I went first at about a quarter to
S - the witness said. "I was looking
for a friend," he continued.
"Wnito or colored?" .
' The Assistant District Attorney Ob
iected, but was overruled.
"Tney were white," replied Dr. Wash
ington. ,
"I first saw Mr. Washington peek
ing through the keyhole of my door,"
Ulrich said. "He saw me and left
After 10 minutes ho came back, walked
by a neighboring apartment window,
and stooped to look beneath the shade.
I opened the vestibule door and
burst in upon him and shouted: 'What
are you doing herer He struck me in
the face and then we lougnt.
lngton said: 'I know I have done wrong
let me go.'
1,'ee of Stick Denied.
Did you have any stick or other
weapon with which you hit Washing
ton 7"
"No, sir; I used no stick."
Mrs. Laura Alvarez on the stand said:
."When I went out on the night of
March 19 to take out my dog, I found
Dr. Washington crouching down In
front of a neighbor's apartmeht, peek
ing through the keyhole. I came upon
him so suddenly that ho had no time
to straighten up and I almost fell over
him. Ho got up. flustered, and- hur
ried out"
Later, sh said, she saw Dr. Wash
ington near Broadway.
"He followed me down to the house,"
went on Mrs. Alvares. "I wasfright
ened. I ran past him."
"What did Washington say to you?"
"Ho said 'Hello, sweetheart.'"
"Wiat did you 'do then?"
"I ran into the house and told Mr. .
Ulrich. He then went Into the hall
and I saw Dr. Washington strlk at
t4sl afassf .14