Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 06, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Virgil 0. Strlckler Lectures on
Christian Science at
Heilig Theater.
Principal of Faith rounded be- Mr.
Fddr Expounded to 4000 People.
Federal Jadrtj Bean Makes
Introducing Speech.
Foar thousand people beard the lec
tures on Christian Sc!nc yesterday
delivered hr Vlrrll O. Sirlrkl-r. .
of Now York City, at the Hetll- Thea
ter. In the afternoon and at First
Church of Christ (Scientist) In tha eve-
Tha apeaker wn Introduced at tha
llellia- by In I ted States District Judas
Robert S. rln. and at trie r irsi
'hurrh by Howard O. Van Meter, of
tha committee on publication.
In his Introductory remarks Jurice
pein raid: "Tour presence here this
afternoon la an evidence or your in
teres! tn the treat rellKlous movement
of which the distinguished lecturer Is
an official representative. Any om at
all familiar with tha rellsMoue ninory
of tha past or present must. It aeenj
to me. be impressed with the fact that
unnecessary attention has been and Is
now given to mere controversial ques
tions and doctrinal disputes, often
overlooking tha vital and Important
question, whether the movement makee
for better oltlsenshlp. better moraia.
richt living- and rlrht thlnklnir. What
ever tends to these ends should. I take
It. be recognised and encouraged by
all frood people, whether tney are
able to accept aome of Ita technical
d'x-trlnes or ot.
-The Christian Pclentlsts believe
they hive such a msa:e. They be
lieve that they have demonstrated by
actual experience that, when rightfully
understood and lived. It adds to the
aum of human happiness. Joy and
lleallaa; Fewer Called Old.
"tn order that this messsre may
be Intelligently and authoritatively
conveyed, a board of lectureship has
been established by the church, the
member of which board alone. 1 under
stand, are authorised to apeak for It
authoritatively from the public plat
form. We have with ua this afternoon
a member of that board. I therefore
have the very e-reat pleasure of Intro
ft'irlnit to you Ylra-il O. Strlckler. mem
t r of the board of lectureship of the
M..ther Chnrrh. the First Church of
hr!t (Scientist. In Boston. Mass"
.lead waa practiced by tha early Chrhs
ttan Church In the first centrulea of
the Chrtatlan era. and that the eMft waa when Conatantlna professed Chris
tianity and popularised It to such an
eitent that It be-ame a political ma
hln. waa asserted by Mr. Htrlckler In
he course of his lecture. He spoke of
' Psrk Asres. and said that ever alnce
:he time of Martin Luther the trend of
rciii;!..ue thoucht hjia been upward.
Mr. Strlckler said. In part:
Praetleal RellajUa Saa-
However much people may differ In
their attitude towards Chrlatian Science
everyone wl'.l admit that it haa done
many ajooo) thin. Entirely apart from
th.e question of physical heal In;. It Is
reneraliy conceded that It produces a
happy and contented mentality, that It
de.troys fear, tee makes people lovlnf
and kind.
"When we add to thta tha fact that It
baa healed many alck people who had
previously been unable to find relief
under other system, that It haa cured
many of the dru habit, and of tha
liquor habit, haa restored harmony In
many fcome that were -discordant, and
f as riven hi pe and courasje to people
who were dlsi-ouraacd. It Is easy to un
derstand why Christian Silence has
spread from one end of tha earth to
the other with such wonderful rapidity.
"Why ahould anyone not wish to be
lieve that (tod heal the sick? I It
not a tuna- to be desired? and la It
not something for which humanity haa
been prslnic throuah tha centuries?
Now that It la here why should anyone
not wi!i to a.-rept It? l-et each out
as himself that question.
"Aa time ftoes on humanity exhibit
an ever decreasing Interest In theories
about Ood that are not helpful and
practical. Thla tendency haa been de
plored by the churches aa Indicating a
lose cf Interest In re'.leton. but It Is not
so. It indicate a trcmendoti desire
for a rellalon that la practical.
"Christian Science Is essentially a
practical rel'.Klon. It has been called
applied Christianity. There la the same
difference between Chrtstlan Science
and other systems that there la between
mathemattc and ns;lnerlnB. Mathe
matics does much ood In many way,
but It la not until the rulea of tnathe
mattce are applied to human affaire
that we see brouaht out areat brldices.
raliroad. subways, lofty b'llidlnirs. and
other that are of publtl uillltv.
and which contribute to the well-belnic
of mankind. So It la only when the
teachings of Jesua are understood and
applied to human affairs that we eee
the sick healed, sinners liberated from
bonders to evil habtta. and other prac
tical thlnr dona for the betterment
of humanity.
' Mrs. Eddy PraJeed.
-Wren vtewed from any point Vrt
Filly standa aa one of the itreat char
actere of this aa. She has made a dla-
rovery In the realm of metaphyslca ;
that exerts and must continue to exert
a more far-reachln Influence upon hu
manity than any discovery ever marie
in the physical realm. She ha founded
a rellKion that baa restored to man
kind the spiritual heallna; as practised
by the primitive church. Within the
brief space of one generation her teach
ings have so Impressed themselves up
on the public that It would be difficult
t'S find a place where there la not a
Christian Science Church or society,
or at least where there are not soma
Chrtstlan Scientist.
Sooner or later every person will
artort that system of rellalous tearhlnc
which brlnse the largest measure ot
help and hope and consolation, and so
lone as any remain who arc suffering
f-om unhapplne's or sickness or sin.
Chrtstlan Science will offer to them a
sure mrar.s of findlrc divine help."
' month enaraired In the preparation of
bis films of thla character.
The cast la composed of artists of
ability and the entire production
reached a high standard. The comedy
contalna some hearty lauffha. Tha
slnilnr of. the quintet was an Improve
ment even over the hit It made at the
opening, and the number waa quite ap
propriate for the picture. It wa pre
pared under the personal direction of
Clifford Carney, musical director of
the People a.
Miss Brown anr "The Star, tha
Rose, the Dream," and with her tweet,
clear cultivated voice created a very
favorable Impression.
No counter attraction eem to af
fect the popular old Star Theater. De-
plt the opening of the People' the
Star baa moved along In Ita quiet,
placid way. maintaining ita high
standard and holding Ita ateady clien
tele. "The Coward." a atrong military
drama, waa yeeterday'a feature and
with three other fine film and tna
Bohemian Trio offered a atrong bill
and drew Its usual Sunday crowds.
"Auld Lang Syne." a big two-reel vl
tsgraph. will be the feature for next
Wednesday. Today Miss Henderson, a
new singer, will be added to the bill.
"Love Jloulda Labor," a drama deal
ing with the relatione between capital
and labor, and two other plcturee and
Jean Wllaon, made up a eetlsfylng pro
gramme. Tha Oh Joy offered the "Mexican.
Little Injun" and "Outwitting Papa,"
wlth Miss Maple aa soloist. The Tl
voll and Crystal, popular East Side
houses, presented attractive entertain
ments ar.d were attended by splendid
Colleen Ravm In Three Reel Fea
tured the reor.le' Theater.
"The Colleen Fviwn." In three com
r'ete reela. a blograph comedy, a quin
tet In a medley f old Irish songs, and
the debut or ills Josrpnin iiavis
thrown In photoplay vocaltsm, made vp
the aecond programme of the People'e
Theater, beginning yesterday. Every
gcene of Boucclcaulfe famoua play waa
photographed In Ireland, where the
Kalem company haa been for aevaral
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Conduct Sim
ple Burial Rites of Jewish
Fnith, Without Music.
Preceding a short service at the fam
ily residence at IS King treet, the
funeral services of Jlra. Sadie Wolfe,
wife of Adolphe Wolfe, who died sud
denly Friday night, were held yester
day afternoon at Beth Israel Cemetery,
where the burial waa made. An enor
mous number of floral token were re
ceived, completely filling the room In
which the bier lay and iurroundlng the
The houae and grounda were packed
with people who had known Mra. Wolfe,
the number betng among the largest
to attend a prlvat funeral la many
year. The general expression of sor
row over the sudden death was a strik
ing tribute to the affection In which
Mr. Wolfe waa held.
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise conducted tne
services, the Imple Jewish burial rite
being read and a hort eulogy spoken,
ft.. mt the cemetery were
also brief. They conelsted of a prayer
and the traditional prayer oi me Jew
ish ritual.
In accordance with the Jewish cue
torn, ther was no music at the serv
ices. The friends and relatives who
had gathered at the residence for the
services there accompanied the body to
the grave.
Th. hrtnnrirv nallbearera were Albert
Feldenhelmer. Philip Lowengart. Horace
p. Kamslell. Gustavo rimon. r. juuus
f--r i-n Selllnir. Isaac White. Mar-
rum a. Flclschner. Joseph Simon and
Moses Slrhel.
The active pallbearer were em-
' r ih. firm of Unman. -Wolfe A
Co. They were L. N. Levlnson. IL T.
v. H n V Toomev R. Mrllaa. M.
lAMond. H. Ooddard. J. Rutherford and
If, Thompson.
Bitter Feeling Caused by Actions of
Rival School Dlstrtcta.
iv willabnra- and Wichita
school districts are seeking to enlarge
heir territory at the expense or too
Mllwaukte and Harmony district, re-
nectivelv. a bitter fight la In progress
between tha achool jurisdictions.
Wlltsburc district Is east of Sell
wood and waa formerly a Joint district
with Multnomah and Clackama Coun
ties, but at the last general election
part of Wlllsburg district, on which
t.- hiMihouH standa. waa annexed
to Portland, leaving the people out-
ild without a arhoolhouse. tnougn
hev are nermltted to usa the present
building for a few year.
These persons on the outstne are now
Irving to aborb a part of Mllwaukle
district, taking In a large acreage of
valuable farm land In order to form a
new district and build a achoolhouse.
Aa It means loss of much taxable prop
erty. Mllwauklo people are preparing
to fight hard.
Mllwaukle has already lost two dis
tricts out of Its territory, but still has
a large choolhouse of elicht roomjj,
which Is filled to overflowing. The
directors sav that the loss of the tcrrl
torv the W tllsburg pewie want would
seriously cripple, the finances of Mll
waukte school district. A remonstrance
will be presented to the Clackama
County Boundary Board Tueaday.
Harmony district will also present a
remonstrance sgainat losing part of Ita
territory to Wichita district. Harmony
Is an oid district, like Mllwaukle. and
recently built a four-room schoolhouse.
Wichita was recently formed out of
part of Mllwaukte district, and now
war.ta IS acrea from Harmony.
Koman t to Film Feature of Bright
Programme at Majestic
An unusually bright change of films
and features marked the new bill at
the Majeatlc Theater yeaterday after
noon, the feature photo play being
"Their Burglar." a moving picture
tory, dramatically acted and portrayed
with organ accompaniment.
"Their Burglar" break Into a houae
the night before the wedding and 1
aatounded to have the bride-to-be or
der him to take a letter to a given ad
dresa, believing the Intruder to be her
butler. The engagement la the result
of a quarrel with a former sweetheart
und at the eleventh hour the girl de
cides that It la the original sweetheart
she prefers after all. After tha burglar
haa played the part of Mercury, a rapid
elopement cheats suitor No. 2.
"King the Detective" le a sensational
story of the Sherlock Holmes-like in
tuition and ability displayed by Detec
tive King, who savea from the gallows
a young man. guilty, by all the rules
of circumstantial evidence, of a mur
der. "A Mlx-t'p In Suit Caees" la a hu
morous story, well Indicated by the
title. "Jeff and Mutf are up to new
prank with an even more dire ending
than usual and "Dippy Advertise for
a Dog" bring this popular character
Into the limelight again.
Harry Thorn and Harry Carney,
well-known local mualclana. Joined the
Majestic orchestra yesterday, and Miss
Rosalia Klvoll aang "In the Oarden of
Player planoa rented, tit per month:
free musto roll a Kohler Chasa, lit
Washington street
Secretary Olcott Completes
Statement Setting Forth
Campaign Data.
Complications Corertnj? Filing of
Petitions and Expense Aoeounta
Expected to Make Con
flict Long One.
SALEM, Or., Not. 5. (Special.) Com
plications and red tape that face poll
tlciana and officials who will have to
fro through the jrrlnd of the next pri
mary and general election campaign
are shown officially In a complete
statement which has been prepared by
Secretary of Slate Olcott covering the
dates and data surrounding these two
elections as well as surrounding the
filing and preparing of Initiative and
referendum petitions and the prepara
tion and filing of statements of ex
pense by candidates.
Registration books will open January
2 of next year to start the ball rolling
for what promises to be the liveliest
campaign year In the history of the
state. If It is not the liveliest, the
campaign will certainly be the longest.
The date of the primary nominating
election day will be April 19. Refer
endum petitions must be filed with the
Secretary of State on or before May 18.
1911. Initiative petitions must be filed
on or before July 4. Inasmuch as July
4 Is a legal holiday, the law probably
will allow these petitions to be filed
the following day. Arguments for lnltl
stive or referendum petitions must be
filed on August S or before, while argu
ments opposing such petitions must be
filed on or before August 26. The
date of the general election will be No
vember 6
The complete official statement of
the dates surrounding the primary ana
general elections. Initiative and refer
endum petitions, counting of votes and
statements of candidates. Is as follows
January 2-Aprll 0; April 24-May IB: Ju"
-October 20, 1912 Da tea btwn which
County CUrk a of tha raapactive count, e"
kap opn rairtstera fr tha purpoea or ra
latarlna; alaotora raaldlna within thalr ooun
tlea. S action 3452, 5400.
March 0, 1012 (not later than tha 41st
day before. ) Latent data on which candi
dates for Domination by a political party
whl-h party at tha nat praeadlna; raneral
election for Its candidate for Rapreacntatlva
In Con trees polled at leant 25 per cant of
tha an lira vote cast for that of ilea tn tha
atatet can file petition for nomination with
tha Secretary of Htate, provided tha Candi
da tea or friend of candldatea dealre to flla
with tha Secretary of Ptate for publication
portrait euta or typewritten statement for
publication In voter a party pamphlet. Sec
tion 84 ST.
March It 1912 (not later than the 80th
day before.) latest date on which any
pereon or peraona, opposing; any candidate
for nomination by a political party (whl-h
at tha next precedtns; rneral eleotlon for
It candidate for Representative In Coti
Kreaa potted at least 'dZ pr cent of tha en
tire vote cast for that office In tha state)
can reasons against the nomination of
candidate with the Secretary of State. Sec
tion 84S7.
March IT, 1P12 (not later than the SSd
day before Latest date on which candi
date for nomination by a political party
(which at tha nut preceding general eleo
tlon for Its candidate for Representative In
Congreae polled at leaat 23 par cant of the
entire vote for that office In the tate or
friend can file euta and arrumenta In their
favor with the Secretary of State provided
the candidate petition haa been filed with
the Secretary of State before March 9. IV) 12.
Saotlon 2467.
Copte te Be Mailed.
Varoh 10. 1012 (SO days before.) Date en
which County Clerks shall prepare printed
notice of primary nominating election and
mall two cop'ea thereof to each Judge and
clerk of election In each precinct for post
ing In public places in the respective pre
elneta. Section 8:..2.
March SO. 1012 (not later than the 80th
day before.) Latest date on whtoh atate
meats and portrait out (Indorsing and ope
posing candidates) halt be handed to the
State Printer by the Secretary of State,
properly complied, edited, prepared and In
dexed for print tog. Section 849.
March 2 1012 (not leas than 20 days be
fore.) Laat date on which petltlona for
nominations for office to be filled by the
state at large or by any dtatrVt consisting
of more than one county and for 5idge of
Circuit Court and for District Attornay-i in
districts constating of a alngle county shall
t nid In the of floe of the Secretary of
March SVAprfl 4. 1912 (not later than
20th day before, and not later than 16th day
before.) Time within whloh State Printer
ah all commence and complete delivery of
ramphle'e to the Secretary of State. Sec
tion 849.
April 2. 1!12 (on the 17th day preceding.)
Latest day on which County Clerks mall
list of registered voters Of the respective
counties to the Secretary of Stare. Sec
tion S4ttO.
April 8. 1012 (not less than 1ft dars be
fore.) Laat date en which petitions for
nominations for of floe to be voted for In
only one county or district shall be filed
with the County Clerk. Section 8.14.
April 10. 1919 (at least 8 days before).
Laat date on which Secretary of State shall
forward by mall to every registered voter
of the several political parties required to
nominate their candidates at the primary
election a copy of the pamphlet of his po
litical party containing the names and the
statements provided for. Section rt40.
March 20-April 1. 1012 (not mre than
SO nd not leas than IT day before.
Dates between whloh Secretary of State
muet arrange names and Information for
primary nominating election, filing one,
posting: one, and registering; one eopy there
of to each County Clark. Section 83,
April 10. 1912. Pate of primary nominat
ing ejection. Section 8SS0, and page 19,
Laws 10 U.
April C2. 1012 fon the third 6mr afters-
Date en wh'.eh county cierKS snan proceed
with canvass cf vote. Section 8377.
April C4. 1912 fwlthln five days from.)
Time within which notice of contest of
nomination must be given. Section 83fei
Fa-pendlture Acooont Fact or.
Aprtl 29. 1912 (within 10 days after.)
Last date on which any person, not a can
didate for any office or nomination wno
eapenda tnonev or value to an amount great
er than sft for nomination or election to
a!d tn election or defeat of aay candidate
or eaadtdate or party ticxeta cr measures.
shall file Itemiaea e-.aiemems
and expenditures
Secretary cf State.
Mar 1. 1112
or receipt
and vouchers with the
Section S4PT.
fwlthln 12 days after. Pate
withm which returns from the several conn
ttea must be received In the office of the
Beeret.iry of State, and. If not. Secretary of
P'ate directed to send a messenger therefor.
6ection 82
May e. 1912 (within 18 days after). Laat
date on which can did at a for nomination
shall Die with the Secretary of State Item
ised sworn statements eat Una; forth In de
tail all moneys contributed, expended or
promised by him, to aid and promote his
nomination, etc Section 2494.
May 4. 10T2 (within 18 days after). Date
State Board, consisting- of the Governor,
Secretary of State and State Treasurer, caa
vae rote of primary nominating; election.
Section 2878.
May 4, 1912. Date of granting; certificates
of Domination br Oovarnor to persons re
ceiving highest number of votes for each
office. Section 88TS.
May 4, 1012 Date Governor lasues proc
lamation declaring nomination of each per
son by his party. Section 8578,
May 4. 1912 (shall Immediately give no-ttrei-
Pate on which Secretary of State no
tifies persona receiving aame cumber of
votes for the eame office to appear at his
office and decide by lot which shall be de
clared duly nominated by hi party. Seo
Uon 887a.
May 4. 1912 (within 15 days after). Last
date on which and id a tea for nomination or
thetr polttloal agent a eommlttee or com
mittees, may nte aieiemeni wna we
tary of State as required, la order that
candldate'e namee may be certified by tne
Secretary of State on tne official ballot, te
ha. laaued fcv him. Section 8520.
May 5, 1912 (15 days after). Date on
I which Secretary of State la required to no
' tlfy the District Attomeye of any failuree
of candidatea to file tne statement of ex
penditures, as provided. Section sawo.
rUavtement Beqoeets 64.
May 8, 1912 (within l days after). Laat
date on which any candidate or voter may
file wrlten request with tha Secretary of
State, or other offioer. demanding from any
specified pereon or candidate a statement of
receipt a dlaburaemente and liabilities. In
connection with or in any way relating to
nomination or election. Section 8400,
May 9, 1912 twlthin tan day after same
are filed). Laat date on which Secretary of
I State, or other officer with whom atate-
ments of aeconnt ana expenses
nominations and elections. shall inspect
statement In order to determine wnetuer
same aa filed eonorxne to the law. Section
May 15. 1912 (within ten days thereafter).
Date within which Dlatrlct Attorney li i re
quired to proceed to prosecute for any fail
ure to render statements require,
May 18. 1P12 (within ten daye after re
ceiving notice). Last date on whicn lt"
menta required under section 34i may be
fl:d with the Secretary of State or other
officer. Section 8300.
vi i& iair i shall forthwith notify)-
Date on which Secretary ot State, or other
officer, shall notify Dlatrlct Attorney of
failure of any person to furnish statement
requested a provided in section 8409. Sec
tion 23O0.
July 14. 1012 (within SO days thereafter).
Last date on which Dlatrlct Attorney
hall examine evidence In case?1 referred to
him under sections 3409 and 8300. Section
Petition Dates Named.
May 18. 1011 (not more than 00 days
after). Last day on which referendum pe
tltlona hali be filed with the Secretary of
State Section 1, article IV, constitution,
provides uch petitions ha be filed with the
Secretary of biate not more than 90 days
after the final adjournment of the session
of the Leglaiatlve Assembly which pawed
the bill on which the referendum la de
manded. July 4. 1912 (not leaa than four months
before). Last day on which Initiative pe
tltlona shall be filed with the Secretary of
State, Section 1. article IV. constitution,
provides such petition shall be filed with
the Secretury of State not less than four
months before the eUctlon at which they
are to be voted upon.
August ft. 1912 Inot later than the first
Monday of the fourth month next before).
Laat date upon which the person, committee
or organization filing any petition for the
Initiative or referendum may file arguments
advocating; such measure. Section 8473.
August 25 1912 (not later than the fourth
Monday of the fourth month immediately
preceding. Last date on which any per
son, committee or organization may file
arguments opposing any measure to be
voted upon. Section 8478.
September 2, 112 (not later than the first
Monday of the third month next before).
Laat date on which Secretary of State shall
rauft pamphlet copies of all measurea re
ferred to the people to be printed. Sec
tion 3478.
September IL 1912 (not later than the fifth
day before the regular general election).
Last day on which Secretary of State shall
transmit copy of pamphlet containing copy
of all measurea etc. to every voter. Sec
tion 847S.
October 5-7. 1012 fnot more than 80 days
snd not less than 28 days before). Dates
between which Secretary of State must ar
range names, ballot titles, etc., for the
general election, filing; one. posting one and
registering; one to each County Clerk, Sec
tion 8347.
Independent Candidates Told,
October 8. 1912 (not later than the 80th
day before). Latest date executive commit
tee or managing officers of any political
party or organization having nominated
candidates, but no othera except independ
ent candidates, may file portrait, cuts and
statement and arguments for and against
candidates of parties with the Secretary
of State. Section 84 I.
October 8, 1012 (not later than the tSth
day before). La teat date on which Secre
tary of State shall deliver euta. statement
etc, for general election campaign pamph
let to the 8tate Printer, with an order for
the required number of each pamphlet,
properly edited and Indexed. Section 3401.
October 20, 1012 (immediately at close of
registration for the general election). Latest
date on which County Clerk shall mall
lists of registered voters In each county to
the Secretary of State, registered In the
Interlay between the primary eleotlon and
the general election. Section 8400.
October 20, 1012 (shall complete same
within 12 days). Latest date on which State
Printer hail complete delivery of printed
pamphlet to the Secretary of State. Sec
tion JUKI.,
October 2.. 1912 (on or before tenth day
before). Lateat date on which Secretary of
State ahall complete mailing of printed
pamphleta to voters. Section 3411.
November ft. 1012 (on the first Tuesday
after the flrt Monday In November).
Date of general election. Section 14, article
IL constitution.
November 1ft. 1912 (on the tenth day after,
or sooner). Date County Clerks proceed to
open returns and make abatracta of votes
or atone Section 8419.
November 1ft. 1012 (within ten days after
the election). Latent date on wuih any
person not . a candidate for any office or
nomination, who expenda money or value
to an amount greater than $.".o for nomina
tion or election to aid In the election or de
feat of any candidate or candidatea. or
nartv Hearst, of measures, ahall file Itemised
statements of receipta and expenditure and
vouchers with the Secretary of State. Sec
tion 2407.
nn to Be Shown.
November 2 1012. Latent date em which
candidatea or their po.itlcal agents, com
mittee or committee may tile statements as
required with the Secretary of State, tn or
der that certificates of election may issue.
Section 3820
November 20, 1012 (Within 15 days after
the election). Latest date on which can
didatea for election to public office ahall
file with the Secretary of State Itemized
worn statement of expendituree, etc..
whether any sum or not were expended or
promises made. Section 34iH.
ovamhr 21. 1912 CIS day after any
S'jrh election). Dat on which Secretary of
State Is required to notify District Attorneys
anv faP'tr" of rnnrtl'lsta to fiTo Rt-
Let Us BaReYourThanKsgiving CaKes, Pies and Home-Made Bread
We Use Greatest Care in Selecting Vegetables arid Fresh Frtiits
Ccctors SaidKe Would Die
A Freud's '3 Szra III;
I wish to speak of the wonaorfnl cure
that I have received from your noted
Swamp-Root, the arreat kidney ana
bladder cure. Last Summer I was
taken with severe pain In my back
and Mea. I could not breathe with
out difficulty. I tried all the different
doctors from far and near, but they
said It was no use to dootor aa I would
die anyway. I was at the end of my
rope and wa ao miserable with pain
and the thought that I must die that
word cannot tell how I felt. One day
a friend told ma of the wonderful help
she had received from Dr. Kilmer'
Swamp-Root. She rave me one of your
pamphlet which I read and determined
to try Swamp-Root. After taking; half
a bottle I felt better. Have now taken
ten bottle and am well as I ever was,
thanks to Swamp-Root I wish to tell
all ufferlnir people that have kidney,
liver or bladder trouble, that Dr. Kil
mer' Swamp-Root la the best medicine
on the market.
All peraona doubt In? this statement
can write to me and I win answer
them directly.
Tours very truly,
Rosalia, Wash.
Subscribed and eworn to before me
thla JSrd dav of July, 10.
VERNE TOWNE, Notary Public
I.ertrr to
Trr. Kilmer Co,
ninabamtoa. If. T.
Prove What Swatr.p-Root Will Co For Ton
Send to Pr. Kilmer 4 Co. Blnsham
ton. N. Y.. for a sample bottle. It will
convince anyone. You will also reoelve
a booklet of valuable Information, tell
ing; all about the kidneys and bladder.
When writing, be aura and mention
Tha Portland Dally Orearonlan. Regu
lar flfty-oent and one-dollar alsa
bottle for aal at all drug stores.
The Sanitary Food Store
All Goods Handled to Comply With the Pure Food Rules
2 Days' Sale of Groceries
Phone Your Orders-Exchange 12, A 6231 Prompt Delivery
Correct Weight
Is One of Our Many Hobbies
Free Cooking School
Every Tuesday, Friday 2:30 P. li.
2 Pounds 75c
A high - grade pure
food product, made es
pecially for our high
class trade by one of
Oregon's cleanest,
most sanitary cream
eries, 2 lbs. p"7j
at low price 3C
Eastern Sugar-Cured.
Small Whit3 Beans, 5 pounds for 25&
Unpolished Rice, best, 4 pounds for 25
$1.25 box Dried Prunes for only 1.00
Fine, large ones, Oregon's very best.
25c Dried Cherries selling at, lb. 20
Extra fancy stock. Grown near Salem.
25c Baker's Cocoa priced at, the can 20
A pure food product. A splendid substi
tute for coffee. A can will convince you.
1 I
at. A A awr - J m fc.
53.00 a. Box
Extra selected Ilood
River Apples. Fancy
stock. The Spitzen
bergs are good keep
ers if you let 'em
alone. Special price
this sale,
the box
Eng.-style. Sgr. Cured
11 I aVTVi-: U '
F ;.. n,,i 6ni - --
v. iv' -
t mi eE'VuCSa-Svy 1 Si
Paper Shell Almonds at, the pcJund 20
Crescent Sardines, 2 cans for only 35
Prepared Mustard, 3 jars for only 25
5-pound 75c- Pail Pure Lard only 65
10-pound $1.40 Pail Pure Lard 1.30
20 Mule Borax Soap, 6 bars for 25
New Dried Figs, 3 pounds for only 25
Best Picnic Shoulders, the pound 11
Demonstration of Occident Flour
And Free Distribution of Bread.
Tomorrow we begin a great distribution of sample Loaves of Bread, made by expert
bakers of Occident Flour. We do this to demonstrate the superior qualities of this
flour which is made of the North Dakota Hard Wheat. CaU at booth, 4th floor.
mnts ot expenditures aa prorlasa. Section
4vembr 2B. 1912 (within 10 days aftef
sme are n!ed). Latest date on which Sec
retary of State or other officer with whom
statement of account and expenses relating
to nomination and election ars required to
be Died shall Inepsct such statement. In
order to determine whether the same a
filed conform to law. Section 8499.
December 1. 1912 (and within 10 daya
thereafter). Date within which District At
torney Is required to proceed to prosecute
for any failure to render statement required.
Section 8490.
December I. 1912 (within SO days after
the election, or sooner). Date of canvass of
vote by Secretary of State. In presenoe of
Governor." Sections 8422. 87. .
December S. 1912 (and the Governor shall
grant). Date Governor' grants certificates
of election to persons having highest number
of vote for each office. Section 3422.
December S. 1B12 (and the Governor shall
Issue a proclamation). Date Governor Is
sues proclamation, declaring the election of
such persons as receive the highest number
of votes for each office. Section 8422.
December S, 1912 (the Governor shall, by
proclamation). In case, by reason of any
two or more persons having an equal and
the highest number of votes for either of
said offices, the Governor shall, by procla
mation, order a new eleotlon to fill said
office. Section 8422.
December 6. 1912 (the Governor shall
forthwith issue his proclamation). Date on
which Governor Issues his proclamation de
claring In force such measures as have been
approved by a majority of the votes cast
thereon. Section 8479.
December 5, 1912 (within SO days after).
Date Secretary of State ordered to despatch
messenger for returns of any county not re
ceived In his county. Section 3423.
December S, 1912 (within 80 days from the
time such person shall claim to have been
elected). Date any person olalmlng to have
been elected to any county, district, town
ship or precinct office, muat give notice of
contesting same. Section 3426.
Twohy Bros. Get 100-Mile Canadian
Northern Contract.
VANCOUVER, B. C. Nov. 5. (Spe
cial.) Twohy Bros., ot Portland, well
known contractors, yesterday were
awarded the contract for the building
of 100 miles of road for the Canadian
Northern Railway through the North
Thompson Valley, B. C, from Kamloops
The cost of the way 1 not given out,
but reaches a hlgrh figure
OVER 100
V -
Every one as bright and white as a miniature sun. Most popular light we
ever introduced sold itself right from the start. You will give us your order
when you see one in action.
Yields extraordinary volume of pure white light equal to 150 candles.
Lights up with a pull of the chain no 'matches required. Burns only one
third of a cent's worth of gas per hour. Handsomest and most effective
light for parlors, libraries, living-rooms, etc.
Call today and ask to see the "NEW 169 SPECIAL." Learn how we seU
them complete for only $1.50 and same charged to your account. Learn also
how we deliver and connect them ready to light free making absolutely no
charge for the work. "
Fifth and Yamhill Streets