Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 06, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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    yoTamni 6, 1911. 1 .
Tnr: ronxixo onEGOXTAys 3iomat,
: i --
. AAtta
yarn ti.w
Mala J 'J
rra Th raradtf Miwnv.t- Iw"
aa. ,
.. Wi;;y CUftoM l tl- musical. -TJ
OirU TU Mas en4 Tb Game. Tonight,
OTMtVH THlaTTK (Morrison.
lata ead veua-'lila- TSla a"-
al I II u4 toon M at a IN
FANT A-"., THUTU ( Foarta and
Vaudeville. Tola eTeruoo al I "; at T to e4 ft.
CamtM THEATER ffera and Waahtr.
teat VaadetlKe. Tale afternoon at !.
as. tonlsbt at T:0 and
U riratua pictures, 11 A. '-. It P. -Majestic
TMSATtst Para end w 'a"
la r-rn i 3Cten ptcturs and muelcai
ead.Tll.e. 11 A. M. to It f. U.
JocrrM Iatocuu. Laid to Rit
Th funeral of Joseph Latourell. a
pioneer of mi. wu held at tbs family
home la Troutdsle. November S. Ha
vu li years of tea Mr. Latonreil
cam to California In th dajra of tb
fold eioitement and to 1(45 removed to
Vancouver. Wash, and carried aarpllea
to tb Cascade for th Government on
barges In tb Columbia River. In 1S5J
b aatUed at Latnurell. which wu
named after him. Tb place became a
settlement of considerable Importance
and waa a stopping; point for traveler
crossing; th Caacad Mountains. Many
pr.nn. enjoyed the hospitality of Mr.
and Mr a. Latourell ther. Mr. Latourell
waa In th mercantile business for 40
year at Latourell and retired a few
year ago. Mr. Latourell Is survived
by th following- chlH ran: Henry A-.
J. C. Andrew. Mrs. Clara Larson, of
Troutdale; Mrs. Alio J. Courter. of
Latourell. bestd.a his widow. Mrs.
Grace LatourelL
Library ALrrroprvM Vftd. Ar
rangements have been made with the
City Library Association by which the
East Side Fluslnes. Men's Club and
th United Improvement Clubs Associa
tion will use the auditorium of the Fast
Portland Branch IJbrary building. East
Alder and Eleventh streets. The audi
torium la In the basement and entrance
Is from East AMer street. It will seat
about 300 persona. Tin flrst end third
Thursday of each month It will be oc
cupied by th Bualness Men's Club, but
tba night for the meotlnjr of th fed
eration of clubs has not been decided.
Th purpose of th Library Associa
tion Is to make the East Portland
Branch Library building- an educational
center, and th auditorium will be need
for club meet In g-s and lectures.
Fauci Auto Staxxxd. Early Sun
day morning- -th police automobile
dropped mysteriously out of sleht. and
officers on their beats, railing; for It.
war compelled to make their prisoners
walk to th station, or wait. An hour
went by. and then ther wsa a tele
phone call from Chauffeur Bewley. who
had been sent with the machine to at
tend to th oas of an injured man fs.r
ut on th East Bide. Bewley reported
that his car bad run out of gasoline
and h waa stalled. A hurried request
waa sent to an automobile house and a
machine earrylna- supplies for th ma
roon ad vehlcl waa despatched In a
curry. Alone toward daylight Bewley
reported In.
Ou BoLprut Vnt Hi. W. A. Bur
den, aa old soldier and resident of
WontavUla la seriously 111 at bis home,
ll East Stark street, and no hop la
entertained for bis recovery. Mr. Bur
tilts was postmaster at Montavllla for
a lone time and has lived there for
II yeara. His eyesight failed and he
waa totally blind for a time, but an
operation restored th sight of one ey.
Heart weakneaa has troubled blm for
many months, and he Is not able to
li down. Mr. Burdett served 11 yeara
In th Army. He baa lived la Oregon
1 yeara.
pATROurAxTi ma E-rourx. An un
comfortable feellnc prevails about th
rooms of the Police Athletic Club since
Patrolman Hewston reported yesterday
morning- that his purs, containing $13.
was stolen frrom th quarters. Only
on parson took th purse, but 10 feel
themselves In the unpleasant plight of
feeing- Innocent yet unable to say so
without bring-In unmerited suspicion
upon themselves. Hewston chnnped
his elo'hes at midnight and left the
purs on a stool. II returned yester
day morning after being relieved, and
ne purse wls gone.
Cucbch Grvc Lina-tALAT. At Cen
tenary Methodist Episcopal Church yes
terday morning 11400 waa subscribed
towavrd benevolences for the year,
within a few minutes after the sermon
by tb pastor. Rev. Delmer H. Trimble.
With subscriptions which had already
been tnaJe many months In advance.
Co:enry Church Is spending JJJvO In
repairs and Improvement In the audi-toe-tura
and basement and besides has
made a gain of mora than 100 mem
bers In th laat year.
Mas. Skeut Laid to Rest. The fu
naral of tft lat Mrs. Mary V. Shelby,
who died Wedneeduy. November 1. was
held yesterday afternoon from Pt.
Stephens Pro-Cathedral. Th services
at the church and at the grave In
Uivervlew Cemetery were under the
direction of Kev. H. M. Ramsey. The
pal'.bearers were: A B- Crossman.
Frank O. Owen. F. A. Hydr. K. E.
Beach, W. E. LeJgerwood, Pr. Harry
Lan. P. S. MalooUn. Frank Pay ton.
Isruk Al H'lK'S Heretofore I have
annually dlapoaed of my eurplue wool
tu at Baker's Auction rooms. Thla
year I am giving the ladles an op
portunity and an offering the highest
grade materials and workmanship at
greatly reduced prices. Former price
MS and up now l for a ahort time.
Not going out of business but am
going abroad to make my aelectlon of
woolens. Edmund Ourney. ladles'
tailor. Mohawk bMg, d and Morrison.
Moxtt Hocoht ro Foctttajs. "Th
Animals' Friend Club." an auxiliary to
th -International Ethical Educational
Society." will give an ntertalnment
Wednesday night In th Woodstock
Methodist Church. Admission will be
free, but an offering will be taken to
aid In putnng In drinking fountains at
oodstock and Tremont.
Pa. Lajcb to PrsAK. Pr. Harry
Lane, a member of the East iMdo
charter committee, will speak Tuesday
night on "Commission Form of Govern
ment." at the mactlnir of the Sellwood
Board of Trade In th rooms of th
Sell wood Commercial Club. Umatilla
Da. Richard New. eye. ear. nose
and throat, has moved to rooms III.
III Medical building.
roRTiA-vr. "Womcc's rxiow. Monthly
meeting today at 1:10 o'clock. 610
Flanders Members urged to be present
Removed to suite 130 Wilcox bids;..
Jamea N. Pavla. attorney.
Ourta M. Htc-mCT. attorney, moved t
111. els. SIS WIIcoe bldg.
F. A. Gars. Jeweler, removed to
0 Wilcox bldg.
Removed to Wdlcox Bfttrrxo. Wu.-
lu C. Bristou
Da. Macrvm has returned.
Rocua good at Oaks Rink.
LKAOixa FiXjejST. Lubllner. 42t Wash.
Da. E. C Bbowk. Etb. Eaji; Marquajn.
ParmL of Rose Tannler Urged to
Retnra Girl to Classes.
Ft ta tin ,
City 0iTyi".Tm
M U4C'.S C d 1 tO
Iu4l7 Editor .
D. a Johnson, a truant officer, called bulk. using barrais tor umoauiag. aa
Tannler to have th girl sent to schooL (
He will report to County School Super-
nreerfent Rohlnaon this week. The
Tannler girl has been attending the
school at Pleasant Valley, near Grea-
. i .w c..,mnnt achooL Of
cam. u .j m . . iit i v
. . ,,. . l cv n la 1
wnicn jai . t . .
teacher. The child was taken out
. -w -Ki.. with
KQOUI sua nu ' "
- i .4 n .
teacner. ine parents i . ;
and battery charKe In the Justice court
hlch was oirainwu ia.v -
. . . - .i.i , fnotner
LASl weK ine lann.i.-.
called upon Superintendent Robinson
and complained of the teachers con
duet toward the child. It developed
that three teacners in sun- -
... . i .it,. HI na In
bad trouble in emorcm v.-.,-.
Cad trouoie n n""" .
th school, and that when Miss bteens
. . . .... -i I. lb veara owl. to
lOld IM Kill. - v , , ,
i - .i th. child was
remain aner '. , . .
determined not to stay, she held her
..i . . r nr tne
against te wan um
pupils had passed out.
w . . ... i v .. it.. Mssanlt and
Tola was iuiiuicm .
battery complo'.nt against th teacher
in tne jusnce iui .
Superintendent Koblnson declares tn Board at Gresham Is a unit In
upholding Miss Stevens' conduct. Th
case will not come befor him. h says,
unless It Is appealed from th Board.
-When Mrs. Tannler cam to see m
... w . and told
her to send th girl to school, said
air. rlODinaon imvmi u.u..
Good Xaturrd Rivalry Exist Bo-
twetn Candidate on Plfferent
Tickets Proposed.
TKI. I. .UMlnn at th POK-
i.a tm rinh Members will vote
at tholr rooms In th Elks building
to choose officers and directors who
are to direct th affair of th organi
sation for th ensuing 11 months. The
polls will oren at 10 o'clock thla
morning and will close at 7 o'clock this
Aa soon aa the polls clos the clerks
of election will begin th counting of
the ballots. Many clubmen are plan
ning to gather In the "Jinks" room at
the club and have the returns reaa on
. v. .. I n V. . n.r,.ve(1 election wit.
1 yj tiiTiiu ' . " ii'."' -
The evening will take on th nature of
1 Informal smoKer.
n 1 - v.1 . 1. ...! aa been
aroused In this, the Press Club's sec
ond annual eleotlon. ana mere is mucu
good-natured rivalry among the can
didates. Formal nominations were
. H - . - KiiMlneaa meetlne of the Club
a week ago yesterday, but during the
week "Independent" tickets were
named. Only th names of those can
didates nominated at in regular
.1-- ......... nnvn the ballot but
voters ar privileged to write In th
names or any eiigiDi ciuomou
choose for any office on the list. Mem
bers must hav their duea paid up to
October II. at least, to vot.
Ther ar two nominees for presi
dent. Sydney B. Vincent, manager of
th Associated Press and" president of
the club alnc Its organisation more
than a year ago. Is up for re-election.
John L. Travis, news editor of th Ore
gon Journal. Is th othr nomln for
Lut Peas, editor of th Paolfio
Monthly; O. C, Loiter, city editor of
. c .lan .r.H n A Baala. dis
trict weather forecaster, are the nom-
Inees I or nrai. avwuu
president, respectively. They hav no
opposition on th "regular ticket, al
though "dark horses" may glv them
battle at th polla today. Th earn
may b eald of Carl B. Kelty. of th
Lumbermen National Bank; F. D.
Morrison, editorial writer on th Even
ing Telegram, and James V. Sayre.
publisher of the Official Time Table,
candidates for treasurer, secretary and
assistant secretary, respectively, nom
inated a week ago. John J. Harrison,
of the People's Press; U K. Hodges, of
The Oregonlan. and J. L. Wallln. of the
Oregon Journal, are candidates for
historian-librarian. ... .
The officers and seven directors to
be elected today make up th club's
board of directors. In the election of
d'rectors will be the closest contests
There are many candidates. Names of
the following candidates for director
appear on the ballot:
Fred W. Bell. Journal: Charles W.
Myers, Oregonlan: Pavld Mosessonn.
Jewish Trlhune; oeorge -"-"-
Oregonlan: F. D. McNaughton. Oregonlan-
Roscoe Fawcett. Oregonlan: W.
P. Strandborg. Telegram: George B.
Plxoa. Hotel News; Paul R.
Oregonlan: P. O. Lively. Livestock Re
porter: William H. Oalvanl. .peclal
writer: Mark Woodruff. Orpheum
rresa agent; Charles N. Ryan, manager
Em"ress Theater: H. K. Smith. Jour
nal; Oeorge K. McCord. secretary to
th Mayor; 1 J. Clark. News; James
H VcCooL Journal; A. R. Slaymaker.
Journal: C. H. Williams. Ttl?n ,,"
'.torment Lean: onall.
PP0CtC0,Merr1ck Is chairman of th
board of Inspectors hlc,n,.w'" co.n
duct the election and count the ballots.
He will be at the polls throughout th
day. Others who will serv mem
ber, of th. board, together with their
the poll. " ,Iow":
From iV Uh to L William Souls.
c,. ctevena- 11 to 11. Pavld w.
He. K. t5TcJlT.rt. John M. Scott;
Tj to t. Q'orge A. Prlchard: 1 to 4.
W J. Petraln? B. N. Blyth.: I to .
Parker F. Sherwln. Samuel Pierce;
to 7 E. C sammona. Robert Cronln,
Pavl's- 7 until ballot, ar counted. P.
E Vuillvan. M. A. Aldrlch a S. Glass.
Ray Barkhurst, Miles Overholt, R. Glt
iiJJg. J. O. Seed, Frank Tov. and
Claud Simpson.
Th excellency of this popular grill
In all It ha to attract, is being dally
enhanced by Its musical programme.
Here you can hear the popular se
ction, from -The Spring Mld." th
. . ....... ,... of th coming "Ma
rtinets Faradl.e" a. rlaved by Pl.tro
Ma"no and his solo orchestra. In con
recuon with classical selection, and
Tongs, and all making up an evehlng a
enerwTnm.nt that for qualUy 1
What trimming Is more dainty for
rhlldren than smocking; A new con
.t the Woman's Exchange. 1S
Kh streeL -or. work and 1.
Jaklng o'd.r. for Infants' dresses a.
weM a. gown, for girl, and 'rown-ZZt-
Another consignor la having
1?. -d success with embroidered
inuials! Try h for your Christmas
... children of the lat Mrs. E. d
RertJon wl"h to espres. their sln
Roberxsoii kindness and irm-
Sathv a own them by their friend, and
I The Ellef.en Fuel Company, mln.
grnt. for -Faultless" tb genuln
I u .'itnctos. propoa t reduce prlcee on
.11 r;i to consum.ra by delivering In.
Dressed as Man, She Follows
Sweetheart on Hobo Tour.
On Stolen Motorcycle Pair Journey
to Grants Pass and Krom There
neat" Way Into California,
Where Arrct Results.
tv. e. the theft of a motor
cycle on which, accompanied by a girl
tn men' clothes, h rode rrom
land to Grant. Pass. Oliver Wllllam
on, a chauffeur, waa brought back
from San Francisco early yesterday
morning by Detective Swennes and
Is lodged in th City Jail. When the
Portland officer reached the California
city the chauffeur and hi. mal-at-ttred
companion had been kept for
three day. In the same cell, before th
girl's dlsgnls sit discovered.
Williamson formerly drove a car for
VT J. Clemens In this city. While In
his service Williamson fell In with
Carmen Falls, a girl from .Montana,
... w ....1 m-eek. TO by
srrraicu i.b.o
Patrolman Short while disguised In
her masculine vestments. The girl
aid ah wore the outfit because she
could get better wages aa a man. She
had. traveled extensively, mostly on
freight trains, and was quite a heart
smasher among deluded young women
of her class. On promise to desist
from the disguise she wa released.
The maaquerader then associated. It
Is alleged, with Williamson, and In her
disguise worked with him around auto
mobiles. Then they disappeared with
a motorcycle belonging to H. A. Gab
bert. an employe of th Portland
Brewing Company. '
On the way up from California Wil
liamson told Swennes of the trip. He
said that he and the girl rode out of
the city, she sitting behind the saddle,
and fared well till they reached Salem.
There they ran out of gaaollne and
passed a night In a school house. In
the morning they found a woodsaw and
stole Its supply of gasoline. They went
as far aa Grants Pass where, fearing
the trip over the mountains, they sold
the motorcycle for 50 and traveled the
rest of th way on freight trains.
In Oakland the pair stole two bl
cvclea and rod on them to San Jose,
where they .old them. They were ar
re.ted. the girl giving the name Henry
Nesbltt, and were lodged In Jail to
gether. When Williamson was taken out to
accompany Swennea. the girl avowed
her devotion to him and wished to ac
company the party. She announced
that she would return to Portland aa
soon a ahe was released.
Union Men Forego Demonstration at
' Funeral by Family's Request
In a Tory quiet manner, last rites
were observed over the body of W. A.
Wort man, the striking machinist,
killed last Thursday by Burt Hicks,
at Dunning & McEntee's chapel, yes
terday morning. Only members of the
family and a few close friends wer
Th ooffln waa born by member of
Wortman' union. The body was con
veyed to the Crematorium. Plan
which had been formed for a demon
stration by union labor men In con
nection with the funeral, were aban
doned at the desire of the family.
Hick Is still held at the County
Jail and being under a charge of mur
der, has not been admitted to ball.
It Is probable that his ease will be
taken up by the November grand Jury
a aoon as It Is assembled.
J. L Irwin, of Albany, 1 at tb Cor
nelius. J. Scharman, of Seattle. I at the
A. U eproul. of Ontario, Is at the
H. F. Zlegler. of The Dalles, 1 at the
E. H. Stewart, of Hood River, 1 at
th Imperial.
A. D. Applegata Is at th Cornelius
from Eugene.
J. C t'glow, a merchant of Dallas. Is
at th Imperial.
Frank Tntton, a banker of Astoria. 1
at th Portland.
J. t- Pierce, a mining man of Seattle,
Is at the Oregon.
C H. Bielow. a merchant of T acorn a,
I at th Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dunn, of Tmcoma,
ar at th Leuox.
T. 3. Thomas, of Amethyst. 1 regis
tered at the Lenox.
W. C Rose Is registered at the Ore
gon, from Coqullle.
P. L. Walker, an Aberdeen bualness
man, la at the Perkins.
A. W. McCombs, of Marshfield. a mer
ohant, la at the Imperial.
Oeorge H. Robnor, a Coo Bay mer
chant. Is at the Oregon
Judge T. A. McBrlde Is registered at
the Imperial from Salem.
Robert Wlthycomb. a Union mer
chant, is at the Imperial.
S. T. Evans, a merchant of Eugene, la
registered at the Perkins.
W. M. Coop, a merchant. Is registered
at the Perkins, from Salem.
Mr. and Mr a. F. A. Ileal s. of Tilla
mook., ar at th Imperial.
William Sweet, a mining man from
Eureka. Nev la at the Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Livingston, of
McMlnnvllle, are at the Perkins.
IL S. Parker, of the Hotel Parker In
Astoria. Is registered at the Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. C- O. Ohleon are regis
tered at the Carlton, from St. Helens.
Dr. Jamea Wlthycombe, of the Oregon 1
Agricultural College, is at th Imperial. :
F. A. Richardson, a business man of
CreswelL Is registered at the Cornelius.
C L. Fltchard, a hop buyer. Is reg- I
Istered at the Imperial from Corvallla ;
E. C Klrkpatrlck. a banker and hop '
buyer of Dallas. Is registered at the
Oscar Kelsay, of Fossil, Deputy
Sherltf of Wheeler County, is at the
J. p DeHlnrer. of the Morning As-
That Policyholder' Company
Is Best for
When You Start
In Business
Mr. Salaried Marij when
your dream is realized
and you get" that home
paid for and a few hun
dred ahead
and put yonr own name over
a door and start on a business
The right bank is .one of the
most important features of your
Bring your salary here every
payday draw cheeks against it
for your needs pils up all the
balance you can.
And when you make yonr bus
iness Btart we can loan you
money on that home to help you
in your business.
Portland Trust
Company of Oregon
Third andOakStreeU
torlan of Astoria. U registered at tb
j a. Nobh and H. N. Brandon, timber
buyers of Grand Rapid. Mich, ar at
tiiB Perkins.
Ralph Wortman. a business man of
McMlnnvllle. and Mrs. Wortman are at
the Portland. "
Allen H. Eaton, representative from
Lane County. Is registered at the Im
perial, from Eugene.
Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Kloeber drove from
North, Yakima by automobile, and are
at the Perkins Hotel.
CHICAGO, Nov. 6. CSpeciaL) N. R.
Long, of Portland. Or, Is at the Black
stone. Royal Welsh
Ladies' Choir
Seat Sale at Sherman, Clay &
Co.'s, Sixth and Morrison. All.
seats reserved at $1 and $1.50.
Orders should be booked imme
diately, as seats are selling
Enthusiastically Received
By a Yast Assembly
The voices in ensemble were
magnificent, the upper parts
clear and ringing;, and the lower
resonant and big in tone, with a
balance and quality that made
each number a gem.
From the deep fervor dis
played in the somewhat weird
national songs to the melodious
nonsense of Genee's "Italia
Salad," the ladies gave every
evidence of high vocal attain
ment, . . . the choir's work
was of the highest order, and
tells mightily for Madam
Hughes-Thomas' skill as a train
er. The enthusiastic audience
demanded encores over and over
again the last number bring
ing four, with the insatiable en
eore fiend clamoring for more.
Hamilton Times, Hamilton,
The most comprehensive line
of bJarb-a-nde rrajnlnfj in th
West Is carried by this bouse.
The labor, materials and design
ar absolutely th beat.
The. are found In Asttqa
Geld from original deslgna, ar
tistic and exclusive.
In Mnhoa-any and Circassian,
E T 1 1 s b or Italian W a 1 a o t
Veaeer of the finest quality,
new and unusual patterns, by
the best designers;
In Flemish and Black Oak,
Stole and Ebony, Copley Browns,
Manila and French Grarai all
especially made to harmonize
with general tone of the picture.
Salesmen of expert k n o w 1
edge and long experience to
assist th purchaser In' obtain
ing only artistic and harmonl
oua effect.
170 Ftrat. 1T1 Front.
Tee Urtnt Tarlety of Picture.
Framed IMcttlrca, Movldlaga and
Artlat Material oa Pacific Coast
Home Off ioei
r-raer rutb and Morrlaoa
A. X- MILL PielasBl
L. SAUCEL Oanaral
CLA&fNCK. BAMUJSI-.Aaac atsa
li :
ii .
ft . 1 . ' -- ' v A-!-."---- T ' J
Linn County,
840 acres, five miles from good
town, 320 acres good farm land, good
soil, plenty water. An ideal cattle
ranch. Several thousand acres free
ontrange adjoining. Cattle run out all
Winter. $20,000 will handle. Might
Forest, 268 Stark St
Will Make You Rich
Why Rent a Farm
when $200.00 will buy 80 acres in
the best county in Oregon! Ad
dress Forest Ffll Investment Co,
268 Stark St, Portland, Or.
Successful - or?
The difference between a successful
man or woman and the unsuccessful
ones, after all. 1 very small.
One does things th other Intend
to but never does.
For that reason, no matter what
your friends who have seem and In
vested in Parkrose may tell you. no
matter how much or how littl w
advertise. you'll never appreciate
Parkrose until you see it for yourself
know Its advantageous location, th
deep, rich soli, the magnificent, gentle
slop of the land toward th mighty
Columbia River.
Se It for yourself notice how nice
ly your own home will lbok there
growing your own fresh vegetable
and delicious fruits having rich milk
and fresh eggs actually reducing
your living expenses a half.
Elz up Parkrose from the Invest
ment standpoint. Learn what Is be
ing asked for adjoining property the
big advantages and conveniences Park
rose residents will enjoy water, elec
tric light,' telephones, excellent street
car service.
Remember, Parkrose acres; a plot of
ground larger than a whole city bloclc
only costs 11150 and up; half acres
$625 and up, purchasable on very easy
The fact that Parkrose has broken
all selling records the fact that the
keenest business men and women hav
Invested In Parkrose the fact that
over $500,000 worth of Parkrose prop
erty has already been disposed of Is
additional evidence why you should
look into Parkrose right away.
Don't put off seeing Parkrose a mo
ment longer.
Take the phone right now. Call Main
208 or A 2050. 'Well be glad to show
yon Parkrose In on of our auto any
time you say.
Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce
BulldlmK, Fourth and Stark Street.
into your flesh, along the lines of feast resistance. Everwear Hosiery nevir ,
nttdt doming, and never causes a moment of discomfort. Buy a box
today and join the Anti-Darn Legion,
The Box of Six Pair with Written Guarantee
Egyirtlaa Cotton,
12.00 per bos
Fine uasunere
Etrrotlan Cotton, elsei iS to 7!,
BilklJsie.aise8 tov.
Fin Csihmanv sixes S 7i.
Pm Silk.
The Coat of Interment. Hare Been Greatly
Redneed bT the Holman Under.
taking Companj.
Heretofore it baa been tb. custom of
funeral directors to- make charres for all
Incidentals connected with a funeral. The
Edward Holman Undertaking- Companj. the
leadlna- funeral directors of Portland, have
departed from that custom. When casket
ia furnished br us we make no extra oharxe.
for embalming;, hearse to cemetery, outside
oox or any services that may be required of
us. except clothing-, cemetery and carriages,
thus eftsctlng assaying- of ,28 to 178 on aaoh
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nina times in ten wben theEyer isrigot &
Stomach and bowels are right,
pel a lazy
Headac&e, and Distress after Eatings
Saaall Pffl, Ssaall Da, Sssall Price
Genuine wacb Signature
irailTrftni i I , a
do its duty. A'i'XiVi
IndiseaV- IntUs
Hosiery :
Men, Women asd CHiea
Well shod feet always pay
a dividend or comiorr,
etimirrh tne hes shoe !n the world
will pot be easy to wear with the wrong
IrinA if Virtcifrv nartioilarlv mended
hosiery. The rough spots or darns sink i
Ecrrpflan Cotton.
Salt Lisle.
13.00 per box
UOpexbox .
$3.00 pa-box
1150 per box K(rj-pnCotton.st5S S laTgw..W)teT box .
JaSoperbox SUkUse.eiiesoandlarsx. UJXpabox
1 3 Months
VoBwa'sFuraSuE, UXfttwx, e '
Coast Line Service
Kalama, Kelso, Castle Rock,
Wiiilock, Chehalis, Cen-
tralia, Tacoma, Seattle,
Everett, BeHLngham, New,
Westminster and Van
couver, B. C.
10:00 A.M..rnternational Umltl10:00 P.M.
8:00 P.M. The Owl 6:00 A.M.
12MB midnight Ehore Line Exp.. 8;O0 P.M,
Fast trains and best of equipment.
Parlor, sleeping and dining-cars.
All trains from North Bank Station,
Eleventh and Hoyt Sts.
Tickets, sleeping and parlor-car rest
ervations at City Ticket Office,
122 Third St., and at Depot. f
H. Dickson, C- P. and T.
Telephones, Marshall 3071, A 22S6.
Jjfest WX U tb parent.
of Kwt aon In t emu