Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 06, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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r,.,.fiab.a rent,
snd a good
i,nrr ! nc unab.e t give
-r rt.-ouon: will ta g houa and
pn- $-rvi.
c 31-. Ii--. titan St.
6 rRF r.K.t Willamette
nn- r front. Bn lO-fU
mef t.Pk. f.n U-P -H. n.-.l and
w-i! -a -.. from Portland, , clo
tirir .tti.m and town; price -5-,--b:tr
for good l"t. Vif. tat. 6.0
pU 9 Lscbauge .bui-dlng. 4ta aad
v I ranch, radii; 25 mi,i
' t- r'rt .n l. fcci;nt all. w lo:ed
t. K.rk-i. f'j i. k nd farn-lrg ira-
1 a
for CtT pru erty,
. r.
j.. ilui Tir
i- m r
iii'i piv .: upir .iv. uhif fare. on
an Mt. H oJ .!::rl fruit Un4. frea of
in,OTPnr-. fr Ml or trade for elty
r.prir an.1uvn A 1 altoa. 511 Unaro-
I ..Y a r h !. t.u fioo. nar
f ba.:. Tftab: 10 monthly; will
tr ,.. iu.ty for p:a. horea and buggy
r bur.- AL 6',7. urag-jman. ;..! and ap.rtmnt-hu with
Si hi woril of funlt'ir. fr doe-. a ic:-
as or r: bc; win goa
"vVt nw. nr kuni . H thorn
" f-ir't ir-ni . - for food
.-jf!t r vacant property. Oww, Atf
. ... Oregon iS)
WU.L la Prt pvtn.nt -eai4 am
. an .t-roTB buntiow. J- com p. el -ed.
o haM City i'w cartlna O 1.
t.i-A J.E -e;a ant otoe" a in..a
fr m !i.'n. tone-man County,
i-.-ne ar i. nr fr va Hey property. I.
lt.-r mrt lmbr. nr 8tvnoo. for
rr t U tn ffvx4 ftt. I'iion Mar-
4HAUt ycur property y fc-rv, V"i.1f 1
liuMfi i- tr f-r ojalty ia Jort:nd
i , "r n.-t pnirit prcprty; will
(l-'r.P f'r tix-norrtp! or nythtng f
u Iin !7J T4
xTit t tra jncrr -r for ei-y pr 'p-
fur t.u a4 kU AOi Aa. uro-
Fuk" firm irbMin fcin chtaM r
iMiniiifhouf. cal oa it. Nortoo
tt-t. 11 riIm south of i'ort
roJa. for boM or tuni
n. Aid 557. Crroota.
I. n :, -ri, to frhir f-T
i U-iit (uiDtturr. l'houo lrh.i
ton M HI A KIr Orrhr4 bens tor
titp. February. Juit or octotxr
1 ,Ydrt. 216 UH b:l.
iiKS. on ml. from ML Clry tm
'. .rUrf fr fcnus nj ,ot. tMuuii
r t?A land fr ccod car.
iir fchini bide
Call SU
m ti-oul olumMi or .hard booda. J.
jHA tn arrr and Innw suburban loia
r pr. 'prfy hT. HH.y, at" fpa'ain-
:TY rfy l-t. (lctiUKf f"T chraputo
.til rr runabout. J bwrt.and bttg.
nrw. VM-I. Etc
.4 i iU- n.ara and n. ouid and
r- -. 4Uw iba. and doad mataa;
" i .am. rhrrtut !4lnr. 'l HOOO
1. . a ltti thlo from bard work on a
mM ttfon, but otrmlght In vry ay:
kfnl .u can worn on any havy load
i-t.. mm J; a dy wtin; cru- 1-'-- .
'."arn. mar end iatr. w'h -J
' . at'ao;nt:y jnnl ai.J tru. both
lr lrr t drtva lr; thoy ara fat and
a ttr(in at $ ,
TA.n of bay M!r, w!fh 2 TOO Iba
a (jnj and r--l. trua wraara; yricod
: r o'nca aaia at
f' n. bruwn mar and hrt. both oora
I i front frum oaa on ci'T parnnta '
I if h farm uoo; go"! A
''..-hin harnaa, a f ina outfit for any
rn prtc for eoropIt outfit.
i;o othar baad of bora. iw nuir,
f -
TMi rtork aold with a written urn
i, , rpraantd or your inonr
i--funU1. Rfr you to J'ort and Trust
.. whra w bank: alao butnra rfr-
rurtuhM. Too taka atAOiutly n
i-:,inc tn buyiac bonw f mm thta firm,
wirf tr calti&s wa c4 cucTinc you of
n rn.
l.'.'h and Oorh ta. pofland ptablaa
" vv tttjTkrd and K. I- Ki. pr-'pv
crvrn. HOP 5 re AVI tfT'I-E.
n TuKlay. .Nambr 7. UlU
at pubiio au--tio
t? hJ of good fraah ct
.TA n ad cf good young nr.
hJ of good young ou.t.
l spraa tiri
Iirnmir. wo a-. I TrrtTrg for Jat
writ it la rproor il at urn f :
avan bating ook t. all wouid da
to ba It at th a-1.
it A WTT' 'RNS hX API.Kfl.
4T' Haatborn A.. r"r: and.
n iiKK (118 Ptaa.-a, l:b anl Al Vr.
- prpard to tek tr! ti nd g
t-rr. th bt of car a and attB.'n. tr.a
"nation la raafral and tha bt act:l-atd
;:grtd barn In )vrt:nii; d.iary
t iiri a U'ttad. aao hnraa f'r b'.ra by
y or raath. hcaa of ail km .a fr :
t'l iim. borao eilpid bar by
1KAI njrH aud hor-a, walg.M
.: INa . .! b-.k. tnc'o " doubl
I itnaCrH trua wwrk-ra ant und. tnaa
t "ra-a b.anK"1 t trerrr civ. at
I ha tkaa Trta rc of trim; coma
and ttr thm- tat Ulb. on a biock
Ht V Of t-o bora, fat and
-..-kra -4bt llOO a 7 and 1.
1.: o-lb mar, with t --. 1123; bar a
. r-...i. -r- la fruut frt. mi.l com
.'-nd on frtr; 75. guarantd a r-p-.-
n - ri or n citw v n ; untir d . f r aa tr tal
: .1 jwcond. near ilHL
,i:T.M7 aorrt. vMl man and tall and
k hrrnn g dln. go- d fra drtera;
rUe any ptace. wt:it wth nw
t a I ti-p ham h y braaciitng hama;
i- tr a btr bargain, outlet conipto
-o .M -rd.
f ' n PAir. . i a. m .
a p:if-rm pra t"i: ft good
m i.. CaJ aftarn-oa, feafn, 6th a&d
l. . cf tfA:h wt l d i.iaa of my
k. - f Vi Hfin maraa CV I r Mm. Hr
u t -r. h'h aad !I wt rtoma. TTavlg
H.:.vl of work horaa III b at
ru ; tK(!"n na Wadaaaday. ld Fian
.lr :. .rth.
ftyvKFtl. bxaaa anl mro and roa.aa;
to aut ptrebar. g'h and liaw
i - r T:n r-a w '
V r. rtT. l or rnt b ra. vnina har
r Hu Crt a Hall. l Watar at.
If Y KF ready to oil hon
t- lo ilth at. North
bring; tam
r f -i It. 1:0. Cbalmera. fi!:y
.jtii'r-J. rrto light. r:trt UxbtK
frt-:wi-rr. a.r-tartr. aroa.lomtrr. avtra
m, t ' ate: 6rt-r:a condition: "
'). a ill cona.dar ci:y lota, uj
w ar-d b 1
i f a : t; -tn Mark at; dumrme truck.
adar'd for c -al mr'-hanta or
c;tr art or Truk pract.:iy na- and la
irItnt CJTt' itton. W iil rhap. Ad
r'a I- K. fpokarr. V aV
TrvTrf T a'Jl. a 110 ea-paargr
li.UJ In llrst-e'aaa cwcd'tton. xt-a
ard It ai,u!mal. Will aall fr
if no d nt one. AF Sad. Ora-g-nran.
j .ft faI.L on I till 7binaa Lafidau
1:. f ; ro -trrd. I paid 15 7. haa boa
r i O m.i. wt ! aA.-rifr 'aka ma of-'r-
C- ti- Arnold, lvl . -d C. Ta
.Ori;a (
X ' V T nw Hkr 1trto ooat laat yar
i.; . :4 au fvr t -wO h; toka ua
fc r r in a p t a ran ca raid Lawia, 611
l.uinbmrna bg.
i AK7KRCAR. 5 raaaenjtar. Ittll modal, on'.y
' nt v ua-d; a barca.n; ow&ar iaaving
t K .VI X Orag.'
aN 7 E L 1 S-tn auto truck and S-paa-i.r
tourmg car fur city lot a, Ca.l 1
..-i no
V NTrr A tb ro-nhard ma.a rd avrar
ran pup. Adraaa. givtrg prlr and la-
a(l..n J r la.. V O Bi 74
kiiV garnga Juat rwrnpttd. Llv and dd
ortia t!paadw.l Mtar Co.,
J ?tr tt. ror. Conch.
EH a nt a In Al ocr llilm : will
at a a--t:lo or trad far rortiasd
J l. Or-f-Ti'-.
f ;i .ff nr lat modal. A-l condition,
i ji. M-r"!
BAM'.a a-l
f A.k i.r.l; r f.r hir. p-i-a. ratea.
KMgHtJy ua rarm. guaranteed aralnat
ir.oclianlraj 4 facta. or 0 cam to aa
lect from at optior.a;iy low prtcaa,
Wa bar tha following hlgh-grad caxe
la atock:
fMarc l H. P. IlmonarlB: perfect con
dition; tnla la a beauty: to be aold at big
aacrific tu .a waek.
Cailllar' 4-paa. datachable tonno
rick tiimm.nga. amoapttonally
aiuipped: foU aa; only driven Idou
Xniiva. big anap thla week.
Peerleee CO H. P; 7-paaa. If T r
looking for a car for rett or a;age line,
.h.a on will auit you.
Marmon -p. Thfe high-grade ear
muat ba aoM ii. ia wack.
rvaklan4 l:i : S-paaa.. 10 H. P. Only
drlvan ftJ milea: big diacount.
Auburn 6paa. 49 Pfc P. Jot ,k
Dev. bnap.
Ameran A n. r.. 7-r-- moet new,
fy.T equfppart; al-trlO lighted, will eao
n.t, fur 4uKk a:.
W alio hare Hudaona. Maxwalla. E M
F"a, ft Ulrica. OI.:imbt;it. t;tidebkkra
Mrcheila hJ' at-amera. Thomea frank
line. Wayne. Ovwr.anda-and many othera.
VTm ha a number of licht a.lTer1a
nd trurka; a:ao a numbar -t Cheap tour
ing ran gultab. for over lot
F oa for eecond-hand aQDlpneat of ail
Why ek a ehano an a aaocnrl-hantf
car whan yu can buy one from ua that
to fully guaranteed? Wa nIo teach you
to drive and car for your car free.
11M and Washington ta.
lvil r.l'A.-KNt;KR touring car In perfect
condition, for aa:a cbeP. for caah n.y.
App.y A. eg t;evur:s. i:- let ei.
"rtaitoaT Orgnna and juatrnt Inatramenta
a"k r y "i.l earlflce f In Kimtalt plan,
r mt !.-. coll now fur 9' r"1 nioney
y iton for aoi.lng. Adt.reea AO WO. Ore-
vit f 0rii immeI'.at.y. gd mak upHcht
riauo- a-.nd-band. irfct con.iltljn;
Van horr.e. zi: 5:h at. btw.n
ilain and M:n;-n;mo Ing to
PlYKtV r Tr.o. rrted. $12 p-r rnjnth. fraa
guii .-ol . Kuh.or 4k Chaae. 3.5 W aatt E-
AM 'honVetlT In need of ah: will agerl
tire my oiano ami palMinga for
i laaae call Fifth at. Alwayg at home.
is.V HpTIlNPID bn uaed
month. Kjhler A Che. 37i Waahlng
in at. -
f(n l;T A ftret-ciaaa piano. P. W. King.
I'hcnoe Main tlvO. A H:i.
r- nr-d. t4 Pr month. Kb bier at
. '.75 V. aylr.g'oa
loga. Bird, fet Wrk
II I ! H rl.AS-t B-etn terrlar pupa. etra!n
.f ft-rt '.: g-0'l head and tall; fr.i.
1-hne Jl'wjuki track 322 or call I-e"-wol
:a:ioii. orcgou CUy carllne. W. t.
n't y.
TH' 'it 'I wil :tKLM ferral co ker apanlel;
winner a..vr cup, Sd North. U
i : ?
fiih mi -TAlI.i.D fox terrier pup.
l lcl lanen.
Men ' Take a tor anl aara money t
your Cot fa My eli-75 aulta an-i ow
coats would coat you at a higU-reat
atora on the :rt.
81 3 rtor'.in Jt'flgj
Mnt X eava you money on paata;
trouaers for
Po-Tl WT!t Orrc alia H Tr.k ala-rayor.
1 1.ssut L. r.l'O. 10 feet by 1 fet; 1 ri. 1 ft 10 by 7 f-et t; 2 Ca
blatan rmta. fet by S fet 2: 1 M-noul
rux 6 feat I by feet 6; at private aa..
a ;i. . .
rAl:K ck ditin-iom act for sale at
la thin he f prlo,- c-nalatir.g o? Hi-
rir-nalon tabi. cnlr.a cioaet, buEet.
i atraight and two arm cbalrs, at
I .th- r a A action Houn.
IVH KX- KPTIONAL. bargain tn Underwood
Ik C. Smith at Hemlncla typaarltera gee
The N or tii w rat Typewrltar Co.. No. rv
I I h it '
texyy-i New an4 S-l-hanrt? low prlcae: eaiy
t m- aafea opened. rpalrd and palntd.
Mil OF 1. 1. FAFB CO, maA I'TLAND
OAF K CO.. S fith at. Main &3O0. A 411.
If yonr at ova doaan't bake, there la
ometMng wrong I -an flk It. SCS aiit
ti...,f. fhnn r.axt 1022.
TOR aa a or rent, holetlng englnoa. logging
. . - .Ani-krinn MuiamtnL 11 all-
war Kquii)Bint Co,. 74 Ural at. li'th
piionea -
FOR SAI.K Six -hoi wood range with gag
rlt aitact.d; almcal nw; will ae.I
' rhaap. -larariail a:. Ravenrtw
Alt goit Pw.a repeater, original coat
IJ-.n. lr.i llV I'nr.g Alyara. 71 oio at,
between eak "d Tine.
Cf 'NT.-" .:d nin. coat I k will a;i for
1 .i, a.o iar" iruna.
jar Afa T.nri-n.
Al M '"-T t.a collate, to be movad from
piamiee. corner Uth and Market. Phon
5.; .iin .
Ft'lt 8 A I- ti Ju arte r- wd golden oak din
ing-ro-wn mi -
4 ail at 15- ClTa,acdava. Piedmont.
eLk'T: f 1'fANoH har-a and banjo, caah
rKkatm. n.ot..ra and ail kln-ia of a. at ma
cMna. ?7l W tailr.ton. Fratk Grifftth.
At:"iISTritKP Duroc Jrr boar. IB
nn'-ba; ba-g' l a-i"; o com nau nuui
' It Kr-e. canby. Of.
MI'ioaL. itatu.nentt cf all ktnde biong-
. . . . . , . I,. V A dmlth al 7-1
rtt Soth. rnor Hiiji.
U(t-fAhT f -r aa.. half prVe; only uaed
1. i iirl!..T a e.;uipmnt ty I ni:1 Knginr
tng t'onttu. lit Co.. Pa. Uewla K g- r
FwiX ftw mill for aUe or tra.! rary
tiieap- 4- 3OTegon;in bMg. M- D'tt
vT;LL aeTTdr-ip-; al S'rr-t ehcap; caah or
trrr.a I'a'.l 4.3 -j W :.. L
oTTliNr; aah.n Jacket ar 4 muff, oni
J. .. I n te Vyera. 't
pTi iC K A f. K - Pu rr h- d buae'l, bar ken.
C J Itf-aw:!. 4 ii C.ati'xT f ' On. mere.
k V HALL p'ai.J. luaaogauy caaa, IIW.
. -r .T7. Wathlrgton ar.
r P r r h Po- or r!l ft-d 41.
AlAL l.a fr a.. pnna fcaat 1.71.
tjV Hi V CL'J t HiNV Kl'K.MTtl.i TOOU
HiC't prica pa4 fr mn a and ladtae
aat- :f clothing., I iinltara. iooa
r..ehn!c. t-kt.ig c.l itain IJIX !
Pl-a at Tfre
Al a"kINK or othr holier cf. at leaat. 7
h- rav-wr cap. .:y up to 1-1 horaopowr
cp' i'y miit be In good condit.ou. W.
II. Pau'hamu. Pural'up Waah.
WANTFr W!H pay caah for ban.laaw an J
bi:i-cultrrg .-na :ilna or other aop t.o:a
liar. ay CaU ment Co.. 74 Flrat at. ltu;h
k v i.N
rin and tctt anything
d ati-1 hai-gd. A net ay Itroa,
,T. ': ;ia wa a c . i.
WAN I 1.1) W
cMIri. r.rna,
'iuipliur ir.acMoa. fu.rttdg
ouiau etu. 214 ja Waa.-u
I -, iti al a..
1 t i.-- II ig-ieat yrirca pia Zof ai kinoa o mavSanie. Kgging tooia Lo
v n H lvn. Co.. Krrr,:. Ualn tf . 1
WK pay th btgneat caarj for aaruna
hend furniture eaier a alar tin. Paase
Laat 114. Hawthorne aea,
YV A NT tl or,tra-.-t to make raKroad ta
Name ap" at U-na and prica. Adctraaa
No. --4l. R -'"J-g. r
l,AKwi:K it ALCT1UN HOL'bli
g73 E- Morrlar.. Pbono
Paa fclcet ra?t price for furaiture.
HIO)I V-t-T rtiti prl.- paid for 2d band fur-'
plture. Covell F u r i : u re Co. M a 1 n 3 v
TVA N'T ST Fu m 1 1 u r for atout 5 roorua.
cr.ea for ruu. Main IIimX
FOPD Au-tlon Co. para m--t caah for any
k:rd of fjnltur. ill n vill. A
WANTED cter. a:ay piaca
Arp:- Jaaxwe.i, t! tailor, 10 W'aahlng-
U a et
PHoTi:iUl,H covpon and portrait agenta
new oTr. Cut berth utMo. Uekum bltlg
WANTKU'.Joi dentist; gd opening.
Phone Tabr 7t7.
FTR.T-CLAat "tailor, aa a coatmaker. 321
IS urnaule
W A TK I Sol It-: tore at one,
trait itortwm. 431 Stark at
Apply The
CARPt'NTFR wantad thia morning at 3
t;k at- to put k aozn ghalving.
(One of Many )
Office Secretary Empluyrnent Tepartniit.
I. U. C A.
Toung man. atrauger. out of work I20
h: total cam aaet If I pay yon S3 for
racial employment membarahtp 1 will
have oniy 313 left batwean me and gtar
atlon. ,
Secretary If you pay t3 for epeeiaj em
ployment memJerahip you will have the
Y. ii. c A., with Ita rcaourcea, between
you and atarvatloa.
ftoeult: Young man Joined AMOCiatlon.
In lra than a weak had aatlafactory em
ployment. Record for 10 mootba andlnc Oct. 31:
Calla for men
I'oiUKm r.iiad J'1
Is aw Al.inbora 2iW5
Eraflovrnent . memberhlp guaranteeg
rap.o meut or refund of memberahip
fee ; g 1 vti t wo mont a fall mem berab I p
prtlirrfB. 10 montne aoctal prlvliegea
ard un:rtakea to keep party employed,
during tha iull term of memberahip with
out further chance. , .
We have conaiant demand for nlgh-
frade. experienced men. Are yea fitted
jr a batter poettlon t
Sea aecretary employmeiit department,
T. Ai. C A.
IF thta adrrtUement atrikea tha eye of
man between i j and 44 yeara of aga w
peraapa, oaa ai wa a wurnu
m. e.i- vnniH Hk to hat
ter bia condition, and connect himaelf
with one of tha beat proposition In port
land, and engage la a bualneaa where he
la working for himself, and the irmxe re
aulta he accompl :haa tiie more he will
Incraaa hla lnooma If auch a man will
can fur Air. Jonea at 2 Oak at., he may
learn of Juat th opportunity bo want.
AI LE-HODinr men wanted for th C. 8.
Marin Corp a. between the ageg of 10 and
3. muat La native horn or have flrat pa
per, monthly pay 115 to $; additional
compenaatinn pue!ble; food. clothing,
quarter and medical attendance free; af
ter a ymr aarvic can retire with 73
per cent of pay and allowance; eertrlce
on board ahlp and aahore in all parta of
th world. Apply at V. S. Marine Corpe
Jtecr-iltlng Office, Itraeden bidfT . 3a d
YVaiitn un at., or room 7 Wlncheatar
H"um, 13 a 3d at.. Portland, Or.
Vti want llva aileamen who cat cloae pmi
pect furi.labed by ua YV hava the beat
aeiitng prupoaitlon of any realty firm in
tha city and tha moat complete enlea or
ganisation; our propertlea range In price
frum (504 to $3000 per lot with all 1m-
trovementa Included. W have places for
oth axparlenced and lnexjetienced men.
ao If you ar a aal ram an and can "show
ua" come in and we will guarantee re
sult. Th Fred A. Jacobs Company. 149
. eth at
WANTED Two or three educated gentle
men of good addre and preonallty to
learn tha moat proflftble buainrsa con
n ted with eel ling ; i:nrml coinmlaalnna
with lesda and fro coaching. Call after
10. SO Monday. Ask fr aal a manager.
lArgett Keaity Operators on Uio I'aclflo
148 aih St.
LATER 1 H AN l- A. M. F. B. HOI
'Vw 4 live, uo-
proposition; If you are a worker and will
put In 10 hour a day you can make good;
the pay depends on reaulta; no loafi-ra or
ha--r.r-na wanted. lioom Id. Lafayette
Fl RGT-CLACS machlnlat foreman for repair
aiop; must ba at!e to do forge work,
m e pattern and dusicn apeclul tooia.
an 1 must b widely axparlenced; reply
wlrh local rtfenc aa to ability and e
p.rlmo. A 13 flS3. Ort-Konln.n.
WANTED I-ntiat. good nil around man.
to ink chars: of advertlatng office near
Portland. One that has tho peraonallty.
Thia mana money to the right man. Muat
b regiatered la Oregon. AV 681, Ore
gonlan. CO O T i b A L E S V n N" who are eher and r
Haole will find a live propceition by call
ing on the Dy Cly Lanl Co., 702 Spald
ing b'dg.. I'ortland; ra'lroad completed;
how organizing a aale force; liberal com
mission. WANTED Blight young man, or 20. ex
perienced In porter wrk. merchandise
bualneaa Apply Monday afternoon between
3 and & o'clock. 63 and f5 Front sL, cor
nr Pine,
EXl'EUItNCED travaiing salesman by whip
mauufacturar. to solicit retail dealers on
salary or commlaalon ; exception ally fin a
lina: r-leren-B rauulred w.ih application.
A. J. Cook Whip Co.. Weetlleld. Nlaaa.
WANTED Flrst-cleae ganeral machln man
for atock anah and door factory; give
name of laat two or thre mployara
J l oc uiam 6ah A Door Cow. H oqu lam
Was b,
WAN rt-I A smod stock aaleaman for com
pany with moat of Us atock Bold : good
leads and strong aupport from present
stockholders; tlrst-cana salesman only
ned apply. 05 Oragonlan bldr.
AN opportunity for a live man ael'.lng our
gcranteed Yakima Valley-grown nursery
took txrlualva territory: outfit free; cas
weekly; "hustle. not cxpertenca reaulred
Toppenlah Nursery cc.. Toppenlah. Wash.
WANT FT -Two high-grade book aAleamen
for new proposition; city and road tarrl
try; 3.. to li"0 a week to the bust lor.
?17 F! ldner bldg.
WANTED AT O.V'E Tool and f3yo mak
era Apply 3d floor Kily-Thorsen bidg
Kast Oak and L'nlon av.
WANTED Man to put In general mrhan
dii atore In new town. Central Oregon..
Addreaa XXX. Orcgonlan.
bAi -E,Tm EN to sell et.c' lo-al corporation;
2 per cnt cflflh cnimlion paid dally.
He-'.In. 4"' Worcester inug.. city.
WANT ED Flrat-claa
commercial algn-
writers. Alpi? 1
and Everatt ate.
writrrs. Ai piy Foatar A Kieiacr, i la
WANTET' DTemiUtora. Call at Eaat Oak
and I nton ave., third floor. Keily-Tbor-
trn b'dg
WANTED Man and wlfa for vmatl farm;
knoalrdce of poultry nMary, poua all
f urn i s h V A D Oregonmn
Wa N T'ili .c o ;e r. f irat-clAB Turkish bat h
man Inquire Corbett Building Baths. S
V. V
PERMANENT hMir.s for Balaam en. Ask for
Mr pr? ant. Ill" Te.n Hdf.
WA NT E r -2 exprten-d ladle tailors, &.
;urne,. y.ohxk bldg.
WANTED Lo over Id. with wheeia. 16
d at.
TWO bo wanted, with whr.a wall ao
qjainted with city. Apply l'4 Yamhill.
TAILOR for prrsrjng ladiea and gent
cl-.thit. Ilrrr;. 4"2 Kaptiand bltfg.
WaNTSIm-Reflr. fd, oi at) I rvoman for ra-
aioneiri poaitio:.. ittri CO.. ou nana-
l Jg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED 3 ladies to Ylsll the sick; prefer
ai'.y one who la a nurae. Call 70 Uekum
hT c. Monday aftr V A. M.
8E N'-1 ITtLE. practlil woman for permanent
pcaition w.:h reliable lusines firm; x
pe; ienr unr.eoeaaury. O &67. cregonian.
W ANTa'i Ladlea to make Xmas novel tie
at him, a-l or spare lima; good pay;
experience unnceaaary. 225 11th at.
WEAVERS wantad. day and night work.
Apply Portland Woolen Mill. i Johns,
Or. ,
S3w Washington s:.. Cur. 7th. L'patalra,
Phone Main 22.
Wasbinc?on b: -g-. 4th and Wash 6ta
Martn ES3d or A 82'ltk
OIHL wantad. to aaslat In light housework.
lOS Feat Everett at. Take Montavllla
car, e-t cT atS'.st l.
A N EAT. middle-aged woman wanted to h:p
w r n light hou. - a ork nnd hava a good
home. Cui! at 400 J'h at.
WANTED Competent girl for genera!
housework. Applrmornlnga. 71H)
dera at-, corner -th-
AC V PETENT girl for cooking and down
s' em work ; good wa-zea App.y at U4
Ulsi sL North, corner Flundora
WANTED experlenoed girla for dipping
chocolates; gcxd wat.ea 3.t Burnaida St.
WANTED I'lnliut-r-'om girl at Win tar' a
ReJitnurat. - .0 First at,
WANT E D Y oi. n g girl to help with houa-
rk. Ca.l ::;- i nline at. Eaat 3t':t5.
WANTED Woir.nn or nirl to car for baby.
441 K- ltiih 0t Jiorb: .
CIT.L otr IS for hcuaework In am ail fam
ily. t0 th at . cor. Grant.
, G OD girl for
3T2 14 th.
houaework. App.y
GIRL wants ork by th day; reference.
:"'n-te Tabor U2.
Ei-j liT ld ren's, good position ; no ex
perience neceary. '29 I'nion ae. North,
GlriT wante-1 for geneml housework; good
waga 7tf P-oatlway.
WANTED Ex terlnced ehorua glrla; steady
work in Portland. K Oryonna.
GiilL for general houaework. 7d2 Nortlirup. j
Experienced head waltreaa; Enropean
plan; inland Hrat-claa hotel. 60, free
faro. k
B4S4j Washington St.. Room 7. u pat air.
WANTED Several younr ladle otwe
the ge of 18 and 25 for pemiAn-nt posi
tion. Apply the P. T. A T. Co 374 Aid at
t. or 41 E. Ankeny at.
WANTED Good-hearted woman without
children to bo companion for a lck1'
lady; very little work to do; one that will
appreciate a good home; apply t onca,
4 E. 67th it alon cavil la car.
Learn the Bualneaa,
fanltary Beauty Parlor.
uO to US Dekum bldg.
A Poaltlon Guar ah teed.
WANTED- Toung lady who can sing, for
comedy company, playing In city; all aea
iou work. Apply Princess Theater, st
Johna Monday, between 11 A. L euia
B P. M.
WANTED Woman who ha had axperlenoe
in laundry work to go to Alaaka. Addrea
E. F. K.. 4H8 W ashington L t Commercial
Hotel), or call between 1 aad 2 o'clock,
room loa.
TWO malda wanted, one to car for children,
th other for housework and cooking; very
beat wages; experienced help only: pleae
call Monuay. 112'j Thuxman L; take V.
cnr. .
toMl'LI'ENT girl for general houaework.
Private famLy Of thra; West Side. 4- 3
Morrison at. cor Ikth. Apply Monday
znortilng after 10 o'clock A. M,
WANTED-Halrdreaaer and manltmrar, tn
derstanding all brancheB of the trade.
3a i -s Ella Field. lw N. Tower ava Cen
tralia, YVaah.
ilOOKKEEPEKS. oaahlere. bill clerks, etc..
I will guarantee your quallfVatione to nil
positions In 30 'Cays; private Instruction
by publlo accountant; position secured. J
430, Oregon tan.
The largest, best equipped and moat up-to-date
acbool of Instruct Ion on tho Pa
cific Coast, W are filling blgh-aalarled
positions for chauffeur and repairmen
iJiy and want only eober. reliable men
whom we can recommend for theso posi
tions upon completion of coura. Day and
night clarsea Chauffeur supplied to
owner and garagea
Office "15 Merchant Trust Bldi;.
Moving picture operators In all cltle
throughout the world; operators earn 323
to $40 woekly. actual theater experience
given. We nav the largest and Oneat
e-iulpped school in the world. Theater
make 10 to 3100 daily Wo help aecure
posiilona for our graduates or start thm
In buslneBs free. New York Film Exchange.
Washington L, near lith. Open
CARPENTER, plaaterer and painter for new
valley town, well located on two railroads;
parties muat have some money and desire
to locate permanently ; C and 10-acre
tracts, city lots and block at right prices
and easy terms; year work ahead; gooa
location for blacksmith; no trlflers wan tea.
Kill! Her.ry btdg.
MEN wanted, age 1S-J&. iiremen iow
monthly; brakemen $80 on nearby ral
ruidr ; experiena unnecessary; no trtko;
pcaitlona guaranteed competent men; pro
motion; Railroad Employing Headquartera
hbl men went to' positions last three
months. Ptate re. end stamp. Railway
Ar social Ion. Oregonlan.
WANTED Pay or board at start to learn
trade; automobile, electricity, bricklay
ing, plumbing, by actual work on Jobs;
only few month required; no apprentic
ahtn drudgery; 200 student laat year;
catalogue free. United Trade School. Loa
10 000 POSITIONS Tor graauaiea
men and women learn barber trade la
8 weeks; help to ecure position; gradu
ate earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
InatructorB; tool free; writ for cata
loguea Mohler System of College. 35
North 4th et., Portland. Or.
ROBERT FEN NELL, formerly of Bt, Paul
M:nn., kindly communicate with J. J.
Berg 409 Selling bldg.. or phono Marshall
liT. Portland. Or., at onca Very Im
portant. ,
WANTED Ry. mall clerk. Portland exam
lnatloua announced Jan. 16; sample quee-
tlon free. Franklin Institute, Dept.
341-K. Rocheater, N. Y.
MOTION-PICTURE operating taugnt la the
ater; practical courae; learn It rht;
price reasonable; poaltlon secured. AS
610. Oregonian.
PRIVATE SCHOOL Bookkeeping, short
hand. tpewritlng: day and night elaaae.
sin chamber of Commerce, Main 65.
GIHL6 to learn shorthand, typewriting.
bookkeeping; private uiruiui. "
6 .-30. E 14i.
jTakIE-nioney writing Bhort storlea. or for
papers- big pa: fro booklet tells bow.
Uniud PreB snrtlctc. tfan Francisco.
W ANTED Picture play wrttera; big pay;
well teach you. Plcturo Play Aaaocia-
tlon. b a n Fran c I acc
Hwetland bldg.
plt'VATll echool SHORTHAND and TTPJS-
WRIT1NG, $3 mo. gtf'e 14tfa at. Main Sua,
Botkkcepera nnd Clerk.
AN A-l bookkeeper, auditor and general of
fice man who ba reached the salary
limit of $16ui In present position want
change in or uutald of Portland; $ years'
experience in general merchandise, lum
ber, logging, and 7 years In wholesale
line, auditing, credit, buying. elllng and
advertts, n; atrlctiy eober, steady, confi
dential ai.d with th initiative nd execu
II v ability to gt results; married ; 30;
own chang In 15 day; local reference.
AV 7, Oregonlan. '
up books, prepare ba.aaces and tte
nientx Install ajaiem. GlUIngham, au
ditor, 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717.
POSITION by office man capable of taking
entire charge of oKice. AV 070. Or
UAltBER wants position: young man; six
f ears' experience: Bt-dy. sober, thoruugli
y reliable. Call Mxln 44M.
at lacel 1 aneweja.
MAN ard wife would like position oa farm,
no children, beat of reference. AO &0,
IV A N TED by man and w.fe. position on
f.Vrm or logging camp, cooks, can give
cood referencea AO 055. Oregonlan,
SOBER, reliable young man desires poal
tio.i. hotel c:;-k; refsrence. Y Ora-
W ANTED Situation by experienced fornl
ture man. aalesmun or shipping clerk. AD
547. Ort-onlkQ.
CH AUFFEUR wants poaliion, neat, aober.
creful driv-r; experienced. A, J. Peter
son 29 N. luth si. Main 1295.
W V N'T ED Situation by wideawake ener
eliu experienced Eastern grocery clerk,
phone Main 4H3!.
'liAUINrCUR wa:n poaltion. hv y.-ax" x
' per -nee In shop; will driv car or truck,
H .o 1 . Orcgonian.
WANTED House cleaning and window
washing Jobs. re!Iaole Addrea J.
W lirr-ore. Golden W' eat Hotel.
E3PEiriENCED dairyman and m'Jker. gad
2Z. wr.ta poaltlon. S Jj8. Oregonlan.
YCUNGbov wants work from 0 to 10 P.
AG &T2 Otegonlan.
MLCii ANIC want position In garag; Cv
years' ex peri. n e. A .'.IK Oregonlan.
WE tint rooms, f '-. up; paint house at
our price. xi"""' j .......
YOUNG man. with experience, wanta work
on dairy farm- AC &2, Oregonlan.
Y v- C. A- student wants work for room,
hoard. AC CM. Qregonian,
YOI'N'3 Japanese wish e situation, house
work or Thooiboy. AB 647, Oregonlan.
JAP VNEPE chaurur want position In, oax.
Mall" K. S.. 7 X. Mh St,
J A N IToK. handy man. les:res altuatlon;
good c.:y referencea AC 557. Oregonlan.
l'l RT -CLASS atlcKerinan, city or country.
Boo0, Oiey oman.
JAPANESE wanta position In family fr
cook or housework. AC 544. Oregon! aa.
M Ucellaneooa.
OPENING by university graduate, 23, C.
E. degrees. 6J years' general business
experience ss manager, assistant manager,
handling help, buying, selling, etc.; pro
gress lv. good appearance, best reference.
T 552, Qreconlan.
EXPERIENCED dry goods man requires
position in smali town; apprenticed In
England: 8 years with large Eastern store;
now employed In Portland. F 64. Orego
nias, CAPABLE, experienced, reliable ad writer;
can handle any proposition; salary and
commission. AG Oreeonlan.
A MILKER wants a position to milk 15 or
20 cows. New Western States, 332 GUsaa
POSITION a collector; experienced and
acquainted with city. AB 640, Ore
gonlan. YOUNG man. 22, married, good education,
actju.tluted with city, want employment.
X 503, Oregonlan.
CHAUFFEUR, Japanese, wants position In
city or out; has good referencea P eoS,
JAPANESE wishes situation, housework or
schoolboy. AF" 652. Oregonla
Bookkeeper and Stenographer.
BOOKKEEPER, young lady with six years
experlenre, incorporation work, stranger In
eitv; will work for reasonable salary;
references If desired, phone A 3630.
KTCNOGRAPKER Young lady expert ten-oa-rapher.
with six years experience, de
sires position ; any rcwuLuo !; "
he conaldered. Addrea C 573. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED, capable stenographer da
alrea position. 470 Main at, -
DRESSMAKING, evening gowns and fancy
waists a specialty; all kinds of whit
work, plain of embroidered. 825H 10th
st. Phone A z i J.
DRESSES 3 UP, waists $1 up, coats $5;
first-class work, Marshall 1X4&.
DRESSMAKING t home; prices reasonable.
Phone Main 6222.
SEAMSTRESS work neatly dona
Tabor 1125. B lttOd.
XEAT. mlddle-afed lady, practical, kindly
nurse, requirea engagement caring for el
derly lady or "Invalid preferred. CathoAlo
Women's League. MrJn 245L
EXPERIENCED nurs wlshe a poaltlon;
maternity enses'a specialty. Apply 192
Grand and Taylor st. Phone East 2126.
EXPERIENCED, practical nurse, beat of
rei-rencea Main hohi.
FOR an experienced nurse, phon Marshall
Z4at , or .Main
HOSPITAL nurse would 11k any kind of
nurs lay. Phone East 8173.
SITUATION as housekeeper for widower;
write or call. Mrs. T. Smith, 33H First
Bt,, room o. Portland. Or.
HOUSEK EEP ER- You n g woman ' wants
place aa housekecrr, bachelor quaxtera
preferred. AS .'65 Oregonlan.
YolJNU woman capable, desires position as
housekeeper; no trifler or matrimonial.
AM 66fV. Oregonlan.
HOUSEKEEPER for widower or bachelor
by young woman. Call mornings, 632
Flanders st. Maln 8183-
CAPABLE woman, with daughter 12. de
sires position as housekeeper. Main 2039,
A 4775.
POSITION as housekeeper In widower's
home, country or city; (rood cook and
housekeeper. F 660, Oregonlan.
WANTED by German glrL situation as
housekeeper In German family. Phone
East 6'JSO.
YOUNG widow and child wanta position a
housekeeper. 1,00 Mllwsukle st.
A LADY of experience would like a posi
tion as wanager or assistant in hotel or
rooming-house or would take half Inter
est In good paying rooming-house. Call
at 47 7th at. or phon A 4748.
SITUATION wanted aa second girl by
Pwidiah frlrl, recently arrived; cannot
apeak English; private family preferred.
Telephone Eaat USsS or apply forenoone,
70 E. 2Sth st. N.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, chambermaid!,
waitresses, nursca . St. Louis Agency,
2.-j3 H Aider, cor. S3. Main 2039, A a75.
REFINED Christian girl, 20, wishes plac
as maid or traveling; companion to a lady;
best city references. W 6ftl. Oregonlwn.
WITH manufacturing llrra by thoroughly
competent bookkeeper, referencea Phono
C 2844.
HAIRDRESSER, skijled In all branches of
the trade, wisbos employrnenL 8714th
t. North.
LADY would like position as Janltress or
chambermaid. Call 400 Monro at, Phon
EftSt 4531.
COMPETENT colored girl wants chamber
work; din'.ng-room work or work as laun
drers. Phon East 5S64.
LACE curtains laundered, $5 cts a pair.
Main art5. l
Fir si -class laundress wants work Monday;
references, no half flays. Woodlawn 1011.
SWEDISH girl wants general housework;
can t speak English. AB 541. Oregonlan.
LACE "curtains, hand laundered, 80a pair;
call, delivered. Marshall 1S90.
LACE curtain laundered, expert.
2443, O --t.
WANTED Clerical or drafting work, after
5 P. M. S 55'.. Oregonlan.
WOMAN wants cleaning and davs work;
references. Home phone Lents
WOMAN want laundry work and cleaning
by gay. a i
GERMAN lady would like to care for chil
dren few hours eech day. Woodiawn S273.
COLORED woman wants any kind day
work. Main 2ud0.
COLORED lady wants work Tuesday and
Saturday; no half days. Eaat 151L
WOMAN wants day work. Phone Main 847ft
BEND for free sample new article; gets yoa
Into every home and office; sells at sight;
big profits. Mayer Manufacturing Co, P.
O. Box 4, Wllkeabarre. Pa,
AGENTS and solicitors wanted for goo J.
proposition, something new In Portland.
App:y 2H Couch B!dg. -
WANTED Live agents to sell photo coo
ponr. Boston Studio. 342 H Wash, at.
WILL deed unincumbered 60-foot business
lot, value guaranteed, for years. rent mod
ern 6 or tj-room bungalow; furnished or
unfurnlahed; two adults; reference. Main
17u7, to 1
Apa rt men ta
GENTLEMAN- and daughter, best refer
encea, wlnh small furnished apartment or
housekeeping rooms. Y H03. Oregonlan.
ROOM in modern flat, or with family in
modern apartment by lady whose husband
is out of town most of the time- muat
be close In and reasonable. AB &U2, Ora
gonlan. WANTED by Japanese, one small basement
front room. AE &34, Oregonlan.
Room With Bcarrt.
WANTED Home for boy 13 year old; will
work for hi board and schooling. R 67 d,
PLACE to board boy of 7, near schooL Call
af:er 10 o'clock. A 6703. room 8.
Basiness Place,
WANT J "00 lO-year lease on factory build
ing vn East Side, close In. Pacific Art
Glass Works, 161 Front st,
Furnished Rooms.
Beginning tode.y HOTEL ALDER, 4th
and Alder nts., will offer special Induce
ments on weekly and monthly rates to
p-rnanent guest during the Winter. Bst
location in tho city, convenient to all
theaters, stores, business district and poet
office. A comfortable home, with every
modern convenience. In the heart of the
city. Local and long-distance telephone,
h jt and cold running w&ter in every room.
The best cf bellboy and elevator Bervica
dy and nlghL Rooms singly and en suite.
House thoroughly modern and newly fur
nished. Rates on application.
Th th-e beautiful furnished he tela
Tte 4ih st. 211 4th at. 207 4th st
On Fourth at., running from Taylor to
Felmon at,; brnd new hrlok, elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot
and cold water in all rooms; etriotly up
to dat In all rerpecta. and at popular
price. If you want something out of ths
ordinary. In th heart of the city, at rea
sonaloe prices, give us a call, as we know
you trill like 1L Rooms by tn day. week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
THE PEER HOTEL. East 3d and Burnslde;
new flrt proof building, steam-heated, hrrt
and cold water and phones In all rooms:
.private hatha lobby and parlor; elevator
service; rates $3 per week and up; tran
sient solicited. Phon East 17L
Kurnif hed Room.
Residential. S50 Taylor. Transient.
Met, 7th and lark Sta
Oppoatte Heiiig Theaier. CentraL ratet.
Rooms from 75c daily, with private bath,
from $1 daily; special weekly and monthly
' rates; suites. New, " handeomeiy fur
tiUhtd brick; elevator, telephones, hot aad
CM running water. From Union Depot
"J" car to Taylor or "W car to 7ta;
from Hoyt-Sireet Depot. "S car. tramfer
on Mcrrlson to 7th. Phone Marsha. 1 2-JO.
THE CORDOVA HOTEL. 11th and Jeffer
son sta.; new brick building. Just com
pleted, over 50 rooms, all with private tel
ephone, steam hcai, hot and cold water,
- many with baths; newly and splendidly
furnished. This hotel will cater to tn
home-loving, permanent tenants end will
rr.ak" every effort for the comfort and
pleasure Of its quests; rents the most reas
onable, considering furnishings and equip
ment In the city. Now open for Inspec
1S1 Eleventh Street
New, modern brick oulldtng. steamheat
d, private baths, hot and cold watar tn
room, beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable, rent reasonable. Call and see ua
Regular and transient trade solicited.
SARGENT HOTEtj, corner Grand and Haw
thorne ave. Beautifully furnished rooms,
single or en suite, with private bath; hot
and cold water, steam heat and private
phono in every room; moderate weekly or
monthly rates; grill in connection; traaat
cut solicited. y t
One block from Union Depot; 140 oart
side rooms with hot and cold water and
steam heat: offer special rate to perman
ent guests; rates 30o to 32-00 per day;
33.50 and up per week. Phon Mala
3S7 y East Burnslde.
120 -modern Bteam-heated room, cloae
In, hot and cold running water, rooms
single or en suite, rooms with private
bath, rates 50c to $1.50 per day; 32 to
S7 per week. East 5140. B 1275.
That qnlet, select family hotel, al Tlt
Washington St., near 22d; nicely fur
nished outside rooms with private bath
and phones; board if desired. Main Seal.
105 H Twelfth St. Marshall 279a
In heart of business district. Steam he,
hot and cold water, free phon In every
room. $1 day and up; $4 week and up.
THE REGENT, 151 H Seventh St.; beautiful
rooms, right down town; Ideal location
for partiei staying In town for business
or pleasure; rates very reasonable, by day
or week. 315 month up.
HOTEL REN W1CK1 An ideal home for
business people; centrally located; elegant
room; ail modern conveniences; 7th and
Taylor st., 1 block from Portland Hotel
opposite Hell'g Theater. Main Win.
12th and Warning to a.
Any room in the bouse or $& a weak
and nothing extra for two In a room;
thoroughly modern.
THE GLENDORA, 19th and Couch; for rent,
furnished rooms, large parlor, billiard
and pool tables free to guests; $10 per
month snd tip.
AKMENIUS HOTEL, 410 Morrison Unaer
new management; every attention paid to
the comfort of our guests; transients so
licited. Phone Main Stf60.
NICELY furnished sleeping room for young
lady, close in. Call apartment 11, 321 14th
st. Phone A 107.
Ne-j management, strictly respectable,
front rooms, $3 and f 5.50.
NEWLY furnished rooms. 10 mm. walk from
P. O., $2 and 34 a week. 633 H Washing
ton ft., between 15th and 16th,
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished room a at
moderate prlcea cor. d and Montgomery.
THE Larrabee, 227 Larrabee; under new
management; modern; tranaient; close In.
NORRIS HOTEL-Rooms strictly modern;
$3.50 per week and up. 132 14 17th st.
PurnUheti Rooms in Private A-amlly.
LARGE. Bunny room, with alcove. In family
of 8 adult: steam heat, constant hot wa
ter, 10 minutes' walk to P. O. ; satisfac
tion assured to anyone wanting a nice,
quiet and cozy room. Call at 208 10th et.
Phone Marshall 2431; gentlemen only.
LARGE front room, bay window, elegantly
furnished; everytnlng oonducive to com
fort, suitable for two If desired; eam
hent and all modern conveniences.
zanta Apts." ISO 23d st. Phon Mar
shall 2i41. Terms reasonable.
HANDSOMELY furnished front room In
modern furnace-heated home. witmn
walking distance of business center, suit
able for two. 254 East 3d Norths B. h.
1 corner Multnomah st.
BRIGHT, well-furniahod rooms for one or
two person, also large alcove room; with
in walking distance. 141 East 12th. cor.
Morrison. East 138 ft.
NICE little room on 3d floor; very desira
ble for man sleeping daytime; reasonable
rent: all modern convenience. 349 Jel-.
LARGE, well-furnished rooms, hot and co.d
water, phone, furnace heat, single, suits
or housekeeping ; walking distance. 650
East Burnslde st. .
TWO newly furnished rooms, 122 E. 8th,
between Alder and Morrison; rent rea
- sonable. Call between 12 and 1 or after
6 P. M
08 GRANT St., 2 front rooma by week or
month, with or without board. Phon A
8743. .
FURNISHED nine-room house In a beautiful
resident district, reasonable prica. 574
A FEW rooms in private family, with or
without board; two carlinea Phon !
bor 2S06. - .
NICELY furnished rooms, electric liXt.
bath, phone, $2.50 and $3.00. 307 Jeffer
ron st. .
FRONT room, newly furnished, to gentle
man. In family of two; light, heat and
FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences,
reasonable, 638 Flandera In walking
WELL-FURNISHED room for gentleman;
clean nnd quiet; furnaco heat, eloctrio
ilgni. nam, pm-nc i"v
NICELY furnished room, modern conven
iences, centrally located, reasonable, 404
Clay, near pua,
-LARGE, airy, newly furnished rooma hot
and cold water, bath, telephone; an ldeaj
place. lS214thst. N. .
FURNISHED room for one or two gentle
men: steam heat, walking distance reas
onabla Phone Main 7741. 285 12th st.
ELEGANTLY furnlrhed front alcove for
rent; everything new and strict! up to
ORIS. BtW narrijuu. t - "
A suite of room, to rent where ther.
ar. no other roomer to a builneM man.
474 Columbia et.
WANTED Boom mate, sober fellow, by a
atudent. 10S E. llti .t. Ea,t 08. Larg.
front room.
NICELY furnlehed front room, aultab!. for
one or two gentlemen- 235 Adam, et., near
tte.1 bridge.
LARGS room, all convenience, no other
roomera, amall private family. Main 000X
FURNISHED roome. 3 21, t North. Call ba-
tween 1 A. M. and 4 P. M.. week daya.
LARGE. pleaaatit room. with use ot
piano; al.o arnall room. 861 loth at.
furnlehed room. In beautiful neigh.
borhooa. wa:King maw"- wjts ....
10 Large front paxlor bedroom, nicely
furnlFhed; modern. 0 Ganlenueln ave.
NICE room, connecting, bath, for gentleman,
ilastin. .03 YamhlU.
NICELY furnlehed rooma. In new. light flat.
4:tz do. n
NICEC.Y furnished room for one or two gen
tfemeom 3tht..cor. Alder.
NEWLY furniihed roome, walking distance.
74M Hoyt.
FURNISHED room in prlvat. family, walk
ing Olsun' e. p"' -w
24S NORTH 20TH ST.. well-f urnlshed. light
and attractlveroom-Take W ear.
T0!TtI.E aieeplng-room. nicely furnished;
il cnnvenlencee. 68 Ella at. Call evening,.
NICE room.
cheap; easy walking distance.
3."1 ctn.
reHNiSKED room, heat, light and bath,
at 'jgjHarrlyjn St.
NICELY furnished rooms to rent. 69T Ho,t
street. .
ROOMri $7 to S20. In modern private noma.
410 Park St. Phone Main S527.
New three-room apartment; no children.
vpnv nine room, modern conveniences.
rumace nqa...
biiom suitable for one or two. ruoniog
Tc' J05 othst.
BEST room In city for money; modern, near
Washington. 29 17th North.
TWO- nicely furnished rooms, for larlles. 461
Union ave. North. Phone E. 1373.
11.80 t t3.50weekly. 30S 12th
FURNISHED roimi at S5 North 1?th St.
Boom. With Board.
DOES a home appeal to you? The Wh;t..i.l
cor 6th and Madison, l.reo rnjmi. oarh.
bro'sd verandas, quiet, close In. near car,
4 block, frnn P. O. American plan.
PCrTLAND Women'. Union. 23d Tea-';
rooms with beard. u.e cf Kewlr.e-rr.nrfl H
b rary. IS 10 Flanders. F. N. Heath, .apt.
TWO fine rooms; home cooking; modern.
61,7 Kearney. Tho Magnolias.
finnm tea nostra-
1-KE ISlh. new manage
ment; thoroughly renovated: iuwitua
g joins; cnolce i-oard. V -' n 31S4.
ftouuu WUh Board In Private Family.
o GFNT' FLiN for large, nice room, with
breakiast" and dinner, m private family;
piano, porches, nrcplace; ait modern, witn
good home cooking; icfc-ence furnished H
desired. i none
TWO voung men or Indies to room ana
board in private home on port .ana
Heights; large parlors, piano and nre
place: all young petple l:i home; price
t)l,,".. Main riTTnl
PLEASANT room with board, good home
cooking. $25 per month and up. bath, or
hoard without room. 405 W. Tark st. Phone
ai a l n . v i .
QUIET, refined couple will share modern
home with lady or Kntlcrr.nn or married
people; congenial surroundings, walking
diMncs. AC 5tV, Oregon ian.
LArtGE. finelv furnished room, very suitable
for two; e-pv walking distance: all con
venience free; with or without board.
Marshall 2124. 2S6 lth st. -
LARGE rco:u and board for two gentlemen
with private family. West Side. 232 Stout
at. Marshall 27S4.
BEAUTIFUL front room for two. twin beds,
good home cooking, reasonable. 7S7 GUsan
St.. near 24th.
SINGLE front room with board, gentleman
preferred; references required., 21 West
NICELY furnished room and excellent board
for two: short ride to city. S. S. car to
1140 Bel mont,
$20 E A CH F eau t If ul front room for two.
all new. modern conveniences. 88 17th, be
tween Everett and Flanders sts.
LARG5 parlor suite; fireplace : refined
neighborhood ; choice board. 761 Mar-
2 GOOD rooms and excellent table board
for 2 gentlemen In private family. East
Side. Tabor 180S.
PLEASANT room and good board In mod-
ern home, walking distance, reasonable
ra t e. 334 Haiaey sr. E. 1371.
NICE furnished rooms with or without
board; prl vat f amlly. E. 2022.
FURNISHED rooms, with hoard. T12 Flan
ders at. Phone Main 1547.
FRONT room with first-class board for two;
$23. ESS Belmont. Phone E. 1934.
BOARD and room in homMIke place, young
c o u pie preferred. Taboj- 3509.
NICELY furnished rooms, suitable fjr two
gentlemen, beard. lt5 16th st. References.
65ft GLIS AN Choice rooms; good board.
Phone ain 3358. .
TWO large rooms, with fireplace: also front
loom with alcove, phone Main 20.1.
ROOMS, single and housekeeping, with or
without board. 1-24 Jacksor A 8704.
ROOM and beard, modern, new, home cook-
lng. 4;14 Salmon, cor. I-th.
YC)UNG man of good habits for roommate.
WRlkins distance. Vain lHfi'J.
KOt".lrf with board; steam heat and bath:
reasonable. .1H7 Montgcmery St.
ROOMS and board, strand view, modern,
furaace heat. 840 Hassaio St.
fOH RENT Nicely furnished room, with
dinner, for Jewish young man. Main i7i3.
NEW management; rooms, with board or
without. M'O Couch!
New brick buildins on Third and Mont
gomery street; five minutes" walk to busi
ness center; completely furnished two
room apartments: automatic elevator, private-
bath and pho-e: rates very reason-
ao:e. rnone muiu .-tuu.
UKANDESTA. furnished apartments Grand
ave. and East Stark st. New brick bldg.;
S-room splendidly furnished apts.: elec
tric elevator and every modern conven
ience; close In location and best of ,r-
8th and East Burnslde' Sts.
Beautiful 2 and 8-room furnished at
tmfurnished apartments; strictly modern,
and free telephone; cheapest in th. city,
walking distance.
CUMBERLAND APTS.. West Park and Co
lumbia sta. 1 8-room unfurnished apart
ment; all modern conveniences; choice lo
cation; fronting the Park! only G minutes"
walk from tho business district.
SHEFFIELD APTS.. 7th and Jefferson sts.;
4 rooms, with bath, location unexcelled:
only S minutes' walk from P. O.i a" out
side rooms, modern conveniences, rery
reasonable rent.
best apartments in the city; outstd.
rooms; sleeping-porch, maid's room; wasn
trays, gas ranges. refriKeraton heat, hot
water, telephone. Stevens Apartments, Tl
A. Northrup st. Main l)3o8.
$2 Grand ave., cor. East btark.
N'cely furnlBhed two and three-room
apartments, modern, prices rtasoaaolai
walking distance. Phone fc-ast u00.
sts.- best of service; desirable location,
with uiexcelled car service, also easy
walking distance; 3-room apt., with bath,
morterii conveniences, very reasonable renu
FOR rent nicely furnished two-room cor
nVr Apartment, with large kitchen dlsap
Searine bed. etc.; excellent location, 2d
no" Cor. 11th and Alder. Call after
Sunday, 141H 11th St.
Nobb Hill district. 21st and Johnson,
lust completed; only one 4-room apt. left
every convenience. Apply on premises of
call Marshall 3360.
USCOLN' APTS.. cor. 4th and Lincoln sta
Completely furnished two-room apartment,
fo housekeeping; new and modern; nous,
lust opened: walking distance: no chil
dren; t?S to $30. Phone Main 1377.
I 170 St Clair; 1 nlceiy furnished S-room
aoartments and one unfurnished S-room
"nartment free phone In each apartment.
407 Hall St.
j 2-room furnished apartments, strictly
modern. Main 4299.
nlielv furnished; disappearing bed, prlvat.
phone and bath. 1S1 E. 14th. corner Yam-
Sin st.
Hnit- 4-room apartment with private balcony-'
very desirable and convenient la
every way andejjmabo rent.
410 Hall st.
Ono unfurnished, one furnished, strictly
ft rst-class. A 2048.
Columbia; 4 rooms with bath, unfurnish
ed; convenient location. good service,
reasonable rent.
420 K Morrison, corner of 7th. 2, and
rroom apartments, furnished up to date;
private baths, moderate price, new m'g-
ninnO.N HALL. 414 11th, cor. Hall. I and
4-room apartment, furnished and unfur
nished: private phone, bath and balcony
Grebes. 30 up. Marshall 117L
704 Lovejoy st.
Tteautlful two. three and .four-room
.tiTsT furnished and unfurnished.
near Main An elegant 3-room apt., with
Srivate balcony, every modern conven
ience. 37.:-3: two sleeping compartments.
SAN MARCO APTS.. g. 8th and Couch-
BAr.. bricki steam heat. 3-room apts.,
private baths and phones. ,25 to 28. CaJ
E. 2751.
14th and Clay Sta
Front corner. 4-room suite, with Testl
lioled entrance: private bath and phon.;
. of the best in the city.. Apply at onca.
Washington: elegant new building, com
iiete and modern; two sleeping compart
ments andjvteJalconles.
410 6th Furnished and unfurnished,
strictly modern apartments; walking dis
tance; prices Reasonable; no children.
Two and three-room modern apart
ments, newly furnished; rent very rea
sonable, ivo r."'"'
RKAlNTKHE Elegant five-room apart
VTen't West Side, walking distance, rent
f;"abl Mdn 7741. 295 12th St.
THE LOVEJOY. 17th and Lovejoy; 2 and i
3 room?, newly furnished apartments.
Main 215. ,
.ul' MOKTON Furnished and unfurnlahed
apartments. B7 Washington St.; ooia
rHF MARLBOROUGH 21st and Flanders:
walking distance; one 6-room apt. Main
1 HE BERYL, large rooms and closets; mod
ern equipment, nice neighborhood- 6i
..E KING DAVIS, corner King and Davis
streets, 3 and 4-rooms modem apart-
THE JEFFBRSONIAX. modern 1 and t
room apts.. cheapest rent in Portland, nt
to $32.50. 514 Jefferson st. .
MODERN 4-room apt. and sieepmg porch,
lirvn Mawr. 1&5 East l."th. near Yamhill.
ELEGANT ;:-room furnished apart
ment. 121)5 Belmont. Tabor 170S, B 1034.
ir at A." 549 Washington
heal Phona Marshall 452.
THE ELMS 2 snd 3-room apartments, fur
Dished. 191 14. h St. Main 6444.
T.EONCE Modern apts.
Nob Hill dlstriot:
convenient to 3 carlinea.
lit 2li st N,