K V RIVER LOWEST EVER Last Week's Mark Sets New Record for Willamette. RISE SOON WILL COME fttae a Itecordrd at Noon of Xo ifmlm S .01 root Abort) Zero or Br low All Put FlKurw. Colombia Also tow. Th Wi::irtt River at Portland waa at a lower stage durlnsr th put wKk than U haa r bn known sine record, official and unofficial, have bean kept J. H. Richmond, fore man of th Morrlon-etrt brld-, reads tho gauge ther dallr and Thurs day. Norabr I. It relstrd .ol foot above sero. This ts tho known reo nrd. as It never reached sero or wttV in several Inches of It befor. Thla readlr.e; wu mad at tho noon fcoor anil differs from tho Oororn ment readJns; on that day. which wa taken at In tha mornlnir. whon tho tld bed aorao affaot In raJelna- It. Sine that data It ha rlnan irraduaily and from now on It will continue, a th river la always at lt lowest durln tho latter part of October and early In November. The Columbia alo bes been 'n a (rsi'wbit slxllar condition. with undbare irtakmr their appearance for Ire first time In a number of years. Fhlpplnir has not been Interfered with, aa the channel has always carried suf ficient for the deepest draft Teasels except In some parts of tho lower Co lumbia, wrier ttio Government dredg-ei are now at work. Th nnpleaaant featur of th low etaa-e of to river has been from the sewes; belnsr dumped on th river banks because th sewer mains war not originally bulit far enougtj out. but any danger that mla;ht have resulted from this has already passed. WIXDJAMMER3 TO INCREASE Shipmaster r red lets Canal Will Help Sailing- Vessel-. At th Merchants Exchans; yester day several shipmasters, two of whom were masters of tramp steamers now In th harbor, wer discussing th pass Ins; of the sal '.Ins; vessel from th ocean. One predicted that within flv years ther would not be a sailing- ves sel In th Columbia Rlvr bound tor elirn, except with lumber, and than only to unimportant porta This remark seemed to meet with reneral approval until on of th tramp steamship maatera said: "Ten years from now ther win b more sailing; Tassels on the Pacific and Atlantic oceans than ever before and they wT.l f.y the flags of all natlona Wb.ll th opening of tha Panama Canal will b somewhat responsible for this, or rather make It possible. It will really be decided by the question of fueL "Th prlr of coal la rlslna; annually and supplies ar gradually being- con trolled by a few Interests. Today th prlc of fuel haa trior to do with f!x lr th price of charters than any other element of the shlppln business. When the ranal la opened all maritime nations will take advantage of th op portunity and with powerful aea-arolca" lud stationed at each entrance to th ranal, vessels can be taken up to th ranal and off shore esatn without de lay and at slight expense." rOLTAI.LOCH MAY LOAD BE RE Admiral Ttorrraon Coming- and Ftrattwarn Arrives. On tha waterfront th prospct of th British ship PoUalloch returning; for eara-o Is discussed, as sh has been added to th list of carriers for J. J. 9 Moore ex Company to load for Uouth Africa The vessel has arrived at han Francisco with coal from New castle. Her last crco from Portia ml was finished In March. 1914, and sh cleared for Melbourne. J. J. Moor Company have not decided where the Norwegian tramp Admiral Borreson will finish loadlnc far Australia. Sh Is taking- lusher on Fuget Sound and Is to com to th Columbia River for another shipment. The British steamer Rtratnearn ar rived yesterday from Newcastle with real for the PaclPo Coast Company, completing the voyage In r days, which Is rood time. Th last steamer to make the same Journey with coal waa the British steamer (Jul to, arriv ing December 14. 1 1 0. but aa sh ism by way of Sen Francisco sh was 41 days In reporting. ST1WTHE.HW ARRIVES IX PORT British Strsurmlilp Brings S00O Tons of Coal FYom Newcastle). Th British steamer Ptrathearn. which arrived Saturday night from Newcas tle. New South Wains, with sMOo tons of coal. Is at the pacific Coast Com pany's bunkers, and will begin dis charging this morning. Phe Is char tered outward to load a full cargo of lumber for Melbourne. Australia Her passsge across was without the slight est unpleasant tnoldent. Captain McCoy, her master, was her three years ago In th steamship ritrarhlS'on. of the earn line, and loaded grain for Europe. Homer In New Service. MAKSHFIELD. Or.. MoT. 6. (Spe cial.) According to an announcement mad today. Coos Bay Is to hav an other steamer on the passenger and freight run to nan Francisco, as th steamer Homer, which was rscently sold to bcarumelt at Jerome, of Ban Francisco, la to be operated on th route. There Is one passenger vessel running to Pan Francisco and three from Bandon. Schooner J. J. Ixl?le Strike; on Bar. El'REKA. CaL. Not. . Endeavoring to put to sea yesterday In spit of a heavy swell at the harbor mouth, th steam schooner J. J. Logic, lumber laden, struck on the bar and waa bad ly d.tmaged. bbe waa leaking- badly when she returned to port. Marino Notre). Th steamer breakwater arrived yes terday from Coos Bay points with a F'-'od passenger list and a fair fretjpht. The steam schooner K. S. Loop sailed yesterday tor San Francisco with a rargo of lumber taken en at St. Johns. Kalama and Westport. Th motor schooner Anvil sailed last evening for Tillamook. Newport, plus lew and Bandon with all th freight she could carry. S-rie Is now In com mand of Capt.ttn Alfred Hansen, her former first officer, who succeeds Cap tain Robert Jones, resigned. When th steam schooner Yellow stone flnlanes discharging her cargo of cement her she wlU proceed to Su " ' - " "- " ' ' . . . m Helens and take on 150.00S feet of lum ber. So will than go to Hoqutam and finish her cargo of lumber for San Francisco. Th French bark Jules Oommea. which has arrived from NewcaaU. Nw Bouth Wales, with a cargo of coal, has been In this port before and con tinues with almost th same crew, yet no man on board, except th captain, can speak much English. In connection with an announcement that th Harrison line, operating from Europ to Pacific Coast ports, will carry coffee to th Coast, as Pantos. Brazil, haa been made a port of call. It Is mad known that th company has contracted tor th construction of stx freighters in European yards so as to car for th buslnees expected with th opening of tfc Panama Canal. Movements of Vessels. Astoria. Nor. . Condition at th mouth ef the river at P. moderate; wind northwest. lO mllae: weather, cloudy. Ar rived at and left up at loso A. M Steamer Breakwater, from C"Os Bay. Balled at SO A. M. Steamer Oleum, for Sao Lula Bailed at 10 A. s. Steamer F. 8. Ioop tor Sea Frenclaco. Arrived down at 10 SO A. St. Norwegian eteamer Guernsey. Bailad at 10S0 A. at. Steamer Alliance, for foot Bay end Eureka Sao rreacueo, Nov. a. Sailed t 4 A. M dteamer Moanoke. for San Diego. Ar rived at 1 A. at. Steamere Catania and Carloa Hailed Saturday At P. M-. Steam er Hqulam; at S P. St., etaamer Westerner; at P at., steamer Shoshone: at 10 P. ataemers Waahlsrton and Mavertok. tor Portland. . Pearl Harbor. Kov. . Arrived Schooner Lottie Baonett. from Columbia River. Tatooeh. Nov. a Paaeed In at P. Brttiah eteamer Kobert Dollar, from Pert land, tor Seattle, lo AnfMM, Nov. B. Arrived Rlvwrsrae. from Palbo Panama; Charlee Nelaoa. from Mukllteo. Sailed Queen, for San Fran claoo; Tela for Baa Francisco; Bear, tor Portland; Coo Bar. for Bao Franoleco: North. and. for Portland; Teeemlte. tor San slattla Jev. 8. Arrived . rol phm. from Skagway; steamer Robert Dol lar, from Astoria; ateamar De.bl. from Southeastern Alaska: etaamer Prl "oe Rupert from prince Rupert. Sailed Steamer Prince Rupert, for Prince Rupert. San Francisco. Nov. 8 Amved Colum bian, from Seattle; Daisy, from Wlllapa. President, from Seattle; Catania, from As toria ship Btsr of Zeland. from Lorlng. Alaska: carloa. from Aatorla: British eleera shlo Caltio King, from Maaaf.an. for Van couver, put la for fuel and In aiatreas; Nor. weg'.an eteamer Cursco. from Tacoma. to eomplete loeding; Thomas I. Wand, from Eteratt- e'slled M. F. Plant, for Seattle. Fanta Monica for Oraya Harbor: colonel E. L- Drakee for Seattle, barce V4 la tow. Tides a Asserla ateoday. High. 1-. . M A. M T S feetStlT A. M. . . . ! feet 0;1T P. M 8 fool p. M -0 foot DAJtLT METXO BOLOtilC AX BITOBT. PORTt JtND. Nov. 5. Maximum temper ature fie degrees; minimum. degreea River reading at A M.. 20 fet; change In last 24 houra. 0.S foot file. Total ralnfsal S P. M to P. M . 0.23 Inch; total rain fall since September 1. 111. a4l Inchea; normal rainfall since September 1, a& Inchea; deficiency of ralnfeil since September 1. lKlL 0 Inch. Total sunshine Novem ber 4. none: poaetble sunahlna, 9 hours. 04 mlnttt'ea Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at a P. do. OS Inches, THE WKATHCR. State et Ueathe sTATlOXa, Ttolae Bnetnn. Canary f .. Chicago Ienvar. ......... fee at olne Puluth Eureka. ........ Gal vaatoa. . . . . . lielena Jacksonville. .. . , Kanaaa City..... alacahdaid alnntreal New Orleans New Trk North Kaad. .... Phoenix. Paralalia Portland. ....... Roeeburg. ....... Par ram en to. . .. St. I.nule. ....... ft. Paul Salt Lake can rogo Pan Franclse. .. Fpoken Tacoma Tatooeh Ts'end.. Walla Wii:t.... Washington Wlnolpeg. . . . WEATHER CONDITIONS. An nnusuat movement ef the Canadian -low- westward hsa reeolted In a severe storm dnrlng the day. with high winds over the Pucet Sound country and along the Washington coast. Storm warnings cov ering th'a region were ordered dlpplayed at 7 M A. at. and velocltlee of 44 ml lea aa hour from the west at Tatooeh Island, and 42 miles from ths northwest at North Head were reported this evening. High preeeure stl'.l obtains oft the Oregon-California coast and east of the Mlvlselppl River, while the pressure Is quite low esst of the Rocky Mountains from Tevaa northwestward to A'berta. Precipitation, generally light, has occurred In Oregon, waahlngton, Idaho. Weetern Montana, Colorado. In the Plelna States, lower Mississippi Vslley and on ths Central Atlsntlo Coast. A thonder storm was reported from Dodge City. Kan. The weather Is cooler In Southern Idaho. North ern CO'orado. Western Nebraska and West ern South Dakota, and It Is warmer In the Red River Valley sod In the Ohio and the lower Mississippi V alleys. Gulf States and New Mexico. Conditions ere favorable for generally fair weather Monday In Western Oregon and for occasional rain In Faatem Oregon. Waah lngton and Idaho. ftrtak to high southwest to west wlnda will continue tonight over Weetern Washington, hot they will diminish In force Vondsv afternoon. No decided tem per ture changoe are indicated. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; westerly wtnda Oregon Fair west, occasional rain east portion : westerly wtnda Washington Occasional rain: brisk to high southwsst to west winds, dscrsaalng In teres during the efternoon. ldaho Occasional rain. THEODORE F. TRAKB. Acting District Forecaster. Al'CTION BALK, TODAT. At tS4H Markat St., eor. Sd St. Furniture, etc. at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker A Co. Aao tlooeera At Wilson s Auction Rouse, at IS A. M. Furniture. 171-g-S Second etreet. DIKD. BHARKET At the family residence. T Benton St.. November 5, Cecilia May Chsrkey, Infant daughter at sir. and aire. William S. Sharkey. t NIGRAL NOTICXav M ARSTCIN In this dry, November S. Martha A. Marston. aged is yeara. be loved mother of Mra Philip Nela Funeral will take place from funning Si McEn tae's ehspel tomorrow (Tuesday), Novem ber a at A. M. Servtcee at St. Francis' Church, corner . Pins and 12th streeta at 80 A. M. Friends respectfully In vited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. JUKKLET At ths family reeldence, Luther station. noTrami - . - - ' .. ... , ...1 74 ttars 1 month. 24 dsva Funeral eervicee will be held from the realdsnce todav t Monday . November u 1 1. a. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. iONnTH ILOH.tl. CO MAUMLAM BLUO, ILOKAL DKMuNa. Phenee: Mala li A 11S. Dannlng s) MrKatee, Faaersl Direeseea, Tth aad line. t'booe wall 4S0. alalaat. OB Ice ed t eeaty A. K- ZPJ.LF.lt CO.. 44 W 11 llama its Fbooe Kaat IPS. CISSa. Laaly eiteadaal. J f yiy L E V M SON. Id aad M a .Oeeav Lady attemtanTheae Mala A 1S. tl)eAKD HOLMAX CO., Funeral Ktreet rs. t: Id st. Lady assistant. Pbeas M. sos. HDK Faaeval Directors, snisssisrs ta r. B. Dunning. Inc. E. fit. B IMS. I KSt II. l lJarlaker, ear. Kaet Alder aad glata- Leas 7sl. t isaa Lady asslalsae. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH omrr tlTT H MX- Mala MS. A 76S. lit M(M OFlltLB, Sergeant Crate. Keaiien.e. 14 E. 24th N Fart R A Dunmlre, Rea M Wasco St. W. G. Faton. Kea. TI E. 14th. fast 174. Haree Ambulance. A 4K'l. Pr. Ex. Nishts. ttmdara and Uelldaya A 4USS; Pn, Sva. . Iruaa. 7, Wmd I . 40 o. 1(1! SS Rain 60 O.OOj 4 E ; lasr . o C0 4 SB Cloudy . bv 0.00; t SB Cloudy 41 0.00' S SW Clear . 44 O.Ol! S SS Rain tl 0.01 4 S Cloudy M O.0O' 4 4 Cloudy 7 0 0 001 8 R Cloudy . 4? 0.00 4 SW Cloudy . "2 0.00 IONS Cloudy 4A n sn if fa Rain .10 HH s sT 'cloudy 44 0 on III tv Clar 1 TOO.oo! e E Icioudy ' S4 0.oo: 4 K clear 1.1 tt.1 NW '-loudy T4 0.0"i: 4 w k'lear 4( 'l.t:1 S SB Cloudy Be.0. 2312 w cloudy . o 0.0i IU SW Rain T4 0 f- 4 NWlClear I 4 'l it 14 SK Rein 142 O.OOI 4 SE Cloudy 410.0V 4 E Cloudy 6" O.Pfl' SW Clear TI 0 no 14 W Clear J 80 0.114te Pt cloudy I 44 0 2; 14 W Clear J i:i.fii:'nr clear .1 soo.i-2 12 w cioody I n o.V 4 s Pt. cloudy J 44 0 oo 12 s Iciondy 3IORXI5G .OREGONIAN,' AMTHIFafTrJtT. HEILIG 7th and Tay lor. FHOVEg MA IX 1 AND A 1US. Tnwan. a.ia rvnATK. ksrrww aaA Wedaeeday Nlghta Pearleee Ameiiraa Soprano, (iHA(E VAN STUPPIFOrgP la ths Beautiful Comle Opera. "THE P.R.I)1SK OF MaHOMET." Fveellent Compeny. Pp'.endld Production. Enure lower floor $1 .: balcony Il-Ou. T 5c. 50c: gallery. 10c SEAT SALE TOMORROW. HEILIG 7th aad Taylor PHONES MAIN 1 AND A 112. S NIGHT BEC.rVNTNO NEXT THCR8. Special Prlo Matlne Saturday. Henry B. Harris Presents THE COMEDY OF CTTT LIFE THE COUNTRY BOY By Edgar Selwyn. Splendid Cast. Magnldcsnt Production. Evenings: lrwer floor tl.fiO. $1; balcony, S rowa 11.00, rows .So. 11 rows BOol gallery. Xio. SSo. Saturday statin eel LOO, Tfio, BOc, (So. J So. B AKER '-Htev Tonight, all week, bargain matinee Wed. 2lo: Saturday matinee. 25c SOo. BILLY t SINGLE! CLIFFORD, ta the merriest riot of mirth snd melody. "Tint GIRL THE MAN AND THE OAMI-" nt glrla Made especially lass. Brightest comedy in 85 neople. to per oei tor laughing purpoaas. pngnieei cuu. yeara Night prlcea. 2fVc. 75c. tl-0O. r. ell wee a - i ne inus ' xirr e a tot k MAITXU EvaafiT DAT sieaii lS-2S-50-75i WF.EK NOVEMBFB Pat Koooey J Mar lon Beat, preeenling "The Busy Bell Boy I Fd. F. Rejnard. Masle King A tympany. Three Illckev Brolhera. laulltt Moran. Lynch A Zeller. Lee Arado. s4NrAaS S v. Tnflerllle. WFFK NOVKUBKR Special Fngagesnent Harney tegaa and Henrietta Bro,,..T. Tlvoll Quartet. I'almrr and. I-ei". r"" and Hlaford. Happy Harrison and His Mule. Ilaamlie, Mlse .viay tumw. ' Popular prlcea Matinee Dally. 2:110. 1 Uatlnee Every Day. ., j. v ,,.1 vl I i e. irmr XOTEVBER Heavdllne. Harry laerrace Charles M outre 11, Edward tara, hr.lln The Tw. K . tiraada- acope. Pncee. Ic and 75c. HEET1NO NOTICES. WTLUAMETTS COTTNCTL, t&4. ROT AL ARCANUM, meets at V '. -"f K. P. hall. Elsventh and Al- ev.. ( - Iv- r. nail. ak, 'Jit der atreets. the fir Ta':-"t-V2t Mondays of ssch QV-iivF P. U. V H. NOL 91.SF cars Crlbban A . rat uu month st OLTNER. . - u --, Ft a. I. AV nrilOD Vsse frvntnth s&ad Upthur 8t. WIIaIMETTD LsOIKJBS, no. a. A. " F. AND A. M Stat4 F evening, at 7:80 o'clock. Work In M. M. nagrea viaiung oei- rsa wslcoma. W. 8. WEEKS. Sea. HARMONT LODOB. Nl IX A. F AND A- M. Special oom munlcstlon this (Monday) ova. st 7:80 o'clock. Work In ths M. M. degree. Visiting brsthrea w oleoma W. M. DK LIN. Sec. CAM ELI A CHAPTER NO. STT. O. E. B. Stated oommuntcatloa this (Monday) svsnlng In Masonlo Tem ple. West Park and Yamhill, at 8 p. M. Degreea By order of W. M- LTDIA fiUTTKHnuniu, over. PORTLAND COM PANT. NO. 10T, will elva wblet and dance. November 8. at W. O W. Templa Eleventh street, between Washington and Aldsr. Union muslo and retraehmanta CUSSIFIED AD. RATES Datlr " BamdmT- Per Una. On trna - l Name ad two eonseratlv times. e Kami ad threw conaecotlve Ume ...... SOO bame ad sis or seven oonaeoutlve Uinea. sue ltemluanoee ssuat accompany nt-of-towa "w'Ss one adwerttsemesit la not ran ta ooev eerutlve bvanes the one-time rate applies. Mi words count as em line en cash ad vertisements and ae ad counted tor lees 'cWeer book advartl-rment. the charge will be based on the actual number of lines appearing In ths paper, rogardie-s at the numoev of words In each line. In New Today all advertisements are charged by measure only. 14 lines to the Situations Wanted, Mala. Situation Wanted, Female. The above rate apply to advertlsesnenoi under "New Twday" and aU other clssslllca Uons except Ing. the following: Oregonlan will aereat elaaelfled adrerttee meote over the telephone, providing th ad vertiser ts a subscriber to either phone. Ne prices will be quoted over the phone, but hill wtU be rendered the following day. Whether eubeequens eaverriaeraemn am am accepted over the phone depende npon the promptneee of the payment of telephone ad vertisements. Situation Wanted and Per- snnal aflteue-iuwi. " --. ever uib im-v" " " -. ; . sertlon only will be accepted for "Honeee . . r. ai . m " .Tluaineae lor no, . . ' Opportuultlee." "Boomlng-houses" a -Wanted to KeBt.w jnrw TODAT. Clearance Sale Inside Property We hav flv of the choicest blocks In Capitol Kill, and In each of these blocks there are from three to flv lots tft If is nur Dumose to entirely clean tip these odds snd ends, therefore, peo ple desiring; valuable property at a great sacrifice will hav a chano for the next ten days to get a great bar gain. It Is not that we need th money, as w will sell any of these lots with very small payment aown; only that we want to clean up some broken blocks In our tract "all same ierarfment stores." CaDltol Hill has Its own water plant, the best private water plant ever constructed; water mains In front of every lot: atreets and sidewalks. Capitol Hill Is Inside th city, 6-cent fare, take to uregon hiiec trlo car on Tenth street any place from th North Bank Depot to Salmon sereet, nr at Olda. Wortman A Klng-'e store. and go see Capitol Hill for yourself; It Is only 15 minutes' ride from the busi ness center. Title Is perfect. Abstract furnished free with every lot Call at our office and ask us how cheap w will sell you toes valuable lots. Clohessy & McGuire MS-17 AMagtoa Balldlag. 4TOLLIS, BERRIDGE at THOMPSON, PUBUC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 834 Worcester Block. Pksss Mala 97. Mortgage Loans 5 For the Larger Amounts. EDWARD ti. GUI. DICK. LwavU Bolldlaug. MORTGAGE LOANS CO? JOHN E. CRONAN, HOT. XJ V SOS Spaldlag Bide f V PLENTY MONEY! T Loan Today. Mortgage Tisna Aim. H. THOMAS. 8. Alasweuh AUug-. ed aad Oak. mmmm V TKEATEE Empress r Vg bmi... a reaeldla r w "ctTrli MOyDATt XOTEMBER 6. 1911. NEW TODAY. West Side Brick Apartment On a corner, in a choice location; building is new and modern and . aw. . 11 contains lo two, tnree i and four-room apart ments. Annual INCOME $3600 PRICE $34,500 Property under 5-year lease. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Building, 3d and Stark Sts. . Jir4siii i.iLir.i. --JrL, -.-?v a.' -aO of CLrtvsttc designed by Ali DsiBBR, Architect. Full dctcii Is of construction ; T-r'TkN Dollars. CXJR BOOK IS FREE, Portland Building AssV 3221bHA'WK Bldo . Lumbermen Manufactring Concerns Individuals of Big Affairs NOTICE! A man qualified by ssperlenee and of roed ablllte. capable of nlilm acceptablr anv hlh-rsds or otriclsl position requlrtnc superior business and sxeeutlve oapacltr, is epen for engagement. Competent to asaume management or large affairs. Able oraanlser and food dis ciplinarian. Position of responsibility or trust In either ths executive or operatlnc Bold with Isrse corporstlon. prlvats Indi vidual of means or estate desired. ace 4.: hsbits sbaoiutely correct: recora clear. Will go anywhere. Balary must be liberal Address AV 6H1. Oreitonlsn. Home $sooo On East Madison street, near E. 25th. Good honse, 7 rooms; lot 50x100. Terms to suit the most particular. A.H.BirrellCo. 202 McKay Bldg, Third and Stark Streets. FINE FARM FOR SALE S8 seres. 11 rnlles from Corvallls, In best section of Willamette Valley: 00 acres In cultivation. 100 seres can be Irrigated: dltcies and flumes on place. Orchard land In vlolnity. planted to trees, selling IG00 per acre. This is a strictly cho farm, lies beautifully and suitable tor olee for all purposes; 45 acres seeded to alfalfa. Plac now rents for $1200 per annum. Fenced well with hog-tight woven w re. Railroad passes through farm, making It convenient for shipping.. Price ,20.000. Terms. . v M. BILLING", B09 HcKsr BntldlnaT. 15 HOJtEST SNAP. Three) lots on Hawthorne avenue, cloee In two lots 60x100 each, one lot 46x100 for less than nearly any lOOx 100 on Hawthorne. The owner Is In a tight place and wants to sell badly. It Is a fine buy. For further Information call on me at. my office. O. FRED FISH, BIS aad 514 Selling Building, Oppostt OresOB'ss Building. A 7711, M dtl. UMTCD CDfiMT 1280 x 400 feet d a a p. nUCn I null I Choice location; 600 teet railroad switching on premises. To leas for term of years. W. J. MAKEUS. 1424 Teon Bldg. KEA I. KPTATK PIALCTs, fesck. William O, UB-114 FalUns bids. BBUBAKEB 4s BS1NBD1CT. 401 attKa bids. al. 54s. Chapia Harlow, lit Chamber Ommsna Cook. B. 8. Co, I0S Corbett bids, jannlnrs Co. Main lit t Oreronlan. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. 404-40-4O4 Wlloox bids. Ib union steal Estate Co. Orand sra and Multnomah. St. (Hollsdar Addltlon. BEAI. ESTATE. For bale xlso s full lots on 80th, between Jarrstt and KJlllnssworth. a snap; I4S0 cash saay terms baianca Owner, Cutbertn. eui iio- ku-n bldg. "j-ORTLAND HEIGHTS. EXCLUSIVELY. tteeutliui nomea u views, locations and prlcea Can suit you. Italn I5S1. BROOKS. Ais!: IN Council Crest Park Addition. 80x120 ft. lot on car line, beautiful view of city and vallsy. Terms. Mra J. Su Pstsr. 1821 8Sd St-.verett. Wash. beb "L "Voir Co. for WEST SfDE prop erty Exoluslvs dealers In West bid realty. , , GrOUBfl HOOT vi'vymiun. tat 75x100. on -1st St., between Braxee aiid lCnott. faclns east; Improvetnanta all in and paid tor. For particulars phone Wood lawn SUlis or C 2-1- ALBERTA bualneaa corner 40x10. 11500; an other at HO0; tsrma. Phoas Taoor 17. 1 1 E. Morrison. LARGE-lot. 40x142, M ar xu elite ava. aewar. water. as. 41250. Owner. Tabor Wi. SIX oorner lots in Corona Park; forced sale, 24 Flanders st. Phone A 20& 1330 EQClTTln Ralstons bunsalow. or tltls for 1750: snsp. Marshall 1D2. rOR SALE or axchanxe: equity In block 39, Bayocean. Woodlawn 1656. C 177. CORNER Esst "th and Ankany; lIO.OOO; fins apartment sua 423 Esst Anksny. 60x105, CEMENT wslks. 75. ZeUa Ooa- u, T wsst Kllllnsawortli are. REAL ESTATE. For Sal -Lota LAPD ADDITION. FINE COBR A swell corner. eOilJS. with all street Improvements paid: SS. corner t slm ana Mulberry sta. close to Hawthor " walking distance and handy to 4 carl in ea Price 52o0; part cash, balance terms at 6 per cent. GP.rPfT A BOLX18. 818 Board of Trade Bltig-. 4th and peg. 12C0 THREE fine, full-sised lots in re atrlcted district (value Hi'S0 can be bed tor IU'uO by paying all cash. For,u' ther Vnlcular. concernl th.s SNAP see Carter-Dugan Company. o- Cnsmber of Commerce bldg. WEST SIDE. LOTS 100. Bight on carllne. ui rer Washington st. sdjotalng City Park. West Stth and x ant hill. .National Realty & Truer Co. 1.3 Chamber or commerce flO DOWN. lu M".' 1 Fl. view lot. matured U lr.a re stricted dlatrlct, near car. cement warns. Bun Run water, fruit cared tor fra.t charge, 201! Board of Trad bldg. star snail 4 is. a iuit ... rrr T ,Ta - Mount Tabor. East 72d st. near Bu. Line road; one or two lots. 8BXS-. very cheap at -825 each. Owner, AO 645. Ore- gonlan iToWXER-Lot 3. block 21. Wesunore- jand. near new necu C:iri. - Oia. re-K.J11.4-.aa. For t ale House. MK. LOT OWNExv. pVop: ERTT WITH A HOME. FLAT UK APARTMENT; WILL FIN AN .CIS "AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST. PLANB FURNISHED FREE 'S OVEkT TO COME IN AiDjJlfs uv ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. PoTEPWILL FUHNISH "FSM So$ET LTvrBfgEkf?IDWEECiU?LR0.FSI PUTA?roEVTOROTECTION. IT W?VBAlST c8 BC.V CONTRACT 1NO f-CMTMaW 'aBlSOTOX BLD. SACKItiLEJ o.a-.cs. Am leaving city and must acr'B" . new 5-room bungalow In 'IZ.U close to oar; everything modorn ana very easy term. H PHILUPS. . 6B0 East 60th St. North, ol SM Board of Trade. Residence phone Tabor 845L Office thonea Marshall 47S. A lO kiwi fnr a. line 8-room bungalow on K B.rrlaon at., with sleeplns Porcn. panel dining-room, beamed I ;"ln tltcnen. built-in buffet, taraxct. s ewer, walks and street Eraaed and paid tor, for a few dnys only; terms. BLANC HARD 4 CLKMSON, FOR SALE IN IRVIXOTON Two fine now 8-room modern bouaes hardvfoca noors. piaie - .ir closet l.hed sttlo. full-sized mirror on all closet aoors, beam ceuins, uu,..- ninVka "replace, choice neighborhood, two blocks from school, 10 miiiuicD ".-o i,t -12th . -in nnlflr trade. &18 li,st wu at. North, corner Knott. C 2269 OWNER leaving city '" 'A"U. beautiful homo, located In th,,A'f trlct on East 0th St.; has a large rooms. !r?. "tic. sleeping porch beamed celllnga. paneled dining-room. Dutch .kitchen, fireplace, furnace seats, buffet, bookcases, etc.; everytning . complete. 301 E. 1 1th st. E. 602o. GTH-ST HOUSE, NEAR SHERMAN. Good l'l-room house; furnace, gas fun baaement, nice bath. 2 toilets: lot 41x lOd; on 6th St., near Sherman. Price S7U00. A snap. Psrt cash. ORUSSI & BOLD8. 81S pnerd afTradeJBJde4th and Oak. "SlCHMOND-HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. i'-SOO nlcs. new 6-room bungaiow rooms and' bath upstairs. ''"P1.,",' n,..., ifttrhen etc.. taj aad electric nx ture. all n concrete basement and walk, near school and car. Call owner. Main B348. for this bargain. FIVE six-room homes, fireplaces hM-d- wood tloors. furnaces, with sll built In modern conveniences; near carUnei a" street Improvements paid; montnly pay merit man. Provident Investment & trustee Co.. 201. 202. 208 Board of Trade if; Phone Marsh-all 473. A 1022. -.A. TVTTT UAM PT 17S0. Modern 7-room house on Marshall st near 2Sd st. This Is future business prop- rt7"H. P. PALMER-JONE3 CO 404 Wilcox Bids. Main 809. A 2DJ3. MODERN 10-room house, sleeping-porch, bll Hard-room, furnace, clothes chute, toilets, oomblnatlon fixtures, etc. beat finHh; oonvenleut to seven cars, walking dlstsnce; aell on very easy fj"''"'! owner 1'ves In house: can be seen any time. - 812 Morris st., near Lnlon avo. Pin 6-room bungalow, brand now, f! re el ace. buKst. bookcases, Dutch kitchen, ft" moiern In every psrtlcular. close w car- very desirable corner; pries JoOOO, eaay terms. Call owner. Main 4S85. morn ings or alter o r. j. tjttv vnw ROSE CITY PARK. 1200 CASH. T rooms, bullt-ln buffet, bookcases, sorld eak floors, furnace. fireplace, mirror doora National Realty & Trust Co, 723 Chambsr ol t,ommqn-e. tofixlOO WITH modern 2 -story, 9-room horns In the heart of Holladay Addition H i. 13th st. ThU 1. a fin. Investment, either for a home or speculation; will ?ak. a farm not too far Irom P Z"1? exchange for part or all of price. W est ern Hecurltles Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. . ...... c:T-ir Seven-room house. $3250; must be sold this week. It embodies all that Is needed to make a nest, comfortable, attractive noma, This section is rapidly growing In ialus Let me show you. 820 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 662. Terms. Ruilt for a home, absolutely modern m everv oartlcular, best of construction, for sale by owner. Terms ,1000 cash, balanoe on monthly payments. 637 East 17th St. North. Y,. T SIDE, close In, 11450. 6 rooms. lot U8x50. . Arthur St.. walking distance. St. Improvements In snd Palo. FRED W. GERMAN, 829 Burrulde. M. or A 2778. ea750 S-room house, oorner 11th and Thompson. 467. East facing, all street Im provements In snd paid for; lot 60x100. This Is a snap. Part cash. Woodlawn 3228 or C 2429. ACCOUNT sickness; dandy new bungalow 1181 Ivon St.. offered at sacrifice and on your own terms until 12th to respon sible buyer. Phono owner, Barney, Main 2500. ; TO BE SOLD AT ONCE. Oeod house, with 2 acres, west side of town t3.0; S500 down, NATIONAL REALTY & TRCST CO.., 723 Chamber of Commerce. 100x100 Modern, well-built. 7-room house, beautiful lawn, garden, roses, trees; on Sandy boulevard. 13 minutes' car ride to nth and Washington; no agents; leaving clcy ; a paie OWN a home of your own, be Independent; ioOiIOO. J500 or leas cash and $20 per month. East Highland st, near 17th. Phone owner. 6:S0 to 7:30 P. M, Marshall 815. WILL sacrifice: forced to sell my elegant, brand new 8-room house, up-to-date, Ross City Park; ons block to car. N 620, Ore gonlaa. " IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Very attractive. 7. rooms, elegant loca-. tlon East mh near Thompson st-, $6000;' no stents. A E 550. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON HOME. 4 e.6500 Modern 6-room house, with sleep ing porch, lot 60x10a Eighteenth near Thompson- Phone East 66U7. FOR " SALE 7-room, new, modern house, 18th and KllUngsworth. let 50x100, fruit and shade trees. $200, balance to suit. Apply owner. AT 656. Oregonian. SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Osk finish, cheap. Irvlngton, best res idence location in city. C I860, East 273, No sgents. W. H. Herd man. itfl-W FOB modern 6-room bungalow, lot MrrtoOL beautiful lawn and roaes, easy terms Phone Wooalawn 3229 or c 2-I2P. ALBERTA. $J550. modern bungalow, $1850; forced loss 00; $1200 cash, Woodlawn 2714. , i(f-ROOM modem double house. Just paint ed carllne. 16 minutes out; $600 cash will handle. Address AV 442, Oregonian. fi-OR SALE 6-room house. In Highland; must be sold at once. Call evenings. A 164L S-EV modern 7-room bunealow. by owner. cheap; terms. Inquire 74 B. 65th st. N. Tabor 161 i SEE Le Noir A Co. for WEST SIDE homee. Exclusive dealers In West Bids property. Ground floor Chamber of Commerce. v-v t- modern -5-room bungalow, near car, East Side; will be sold quick on easy terms. pnone Jaaran-i jj. V-inow wishes to sell her new bungaiow, modern. AD 544. Orsgonlan. jcEW 6 rooms, gas. furnsce. terms. ZeUa Gossetv. o-. ... Tv IRVINGTON For sale, modem reat denes For particulars phone C 2384. 4-ROOM house, cement basement, with bath, a as. reasonable. 752 Halgnt are. For Sale Houses. STREETCAR snd raj'.rosd shopmen read this: Close to new P. R- U P. shops, also 8. P. R. R. Co. shops, where tho u eands of men win bo employed, I bayea beautiful 5-room and attic bungalow, full cement basement, with launory " oak floor, best of plumbing, ensme.ea bathroom: rooms tinted; woodwork nano rubbed and beautifully finished: cement walk around house; sewer and water con nected; all ready for business; price s.bw. small cash payment, bal. monthly, no mortgage to assume; straight contract. A. McGrath, 331 Chamber of Commercs b;dg. - PORTLAND HEIGHTS residence of 7 rooms new and modern In every particular. Has reception hall, nursery and sleeping-porch. View Is unobstructed and location and sur roundlnta are equal to any on the Heignts. House Is beautifully finished inside and has Tleasin exterior with sloping banks, winding stairs approach from street ana concrete waiL Lot Is 00 by 110 feet. Pries tl2.5O0. terms may be had. for full par ticulars see us. PARRISH. WATKINS CO, 230 Aider St. EASY PAYMENTS. , Five-room bungalow. Just completed, near Sandy road, 2 blocks to Rose City Park car: double constructed, oak floors, bullt-ln bookcases and buffet. Dutch kitch en, largo closets, attic, flreplace. furnace, laundry trays, light fixtures, shades, wai.s tinted, yard rraded and cement walks; lot 50x100. with excellent view. Price $3400: $20(1 cash, balance easy terms. E. A. HOISIN'GTON. 625 Board of Trade. .Main 673S. WASCO-ST. BUNGALOW. $500. Brand-new swell 5-room bungalow, fine fireplace, double floors, buffet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, lot S3 1-8x100: street Im provement all paid; on Wasco, near 27th. Price only $3100; $5O0 cash and 23 per month. Very nifty little home In a nice, close-In location, and cheap. GRUSSI & B0LD3. 81S Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. wt-ct. or cnt n at nvrFL MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, ON FULL LOT. CLOSE IN. ON HAWTHORNE AVEf.. WITH ALL MODERN CON B-NIEN-rrES: BEAUTIFLU LAWN AND ROSES ON BEST CARLINE IN CITY: ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID; LOT ALONE WORTH S000: OWNER MUST HAVE CASH AND WILL SELL IF TAKEN AT ONCE FOR 4:i00. CASH REQUIRED, tl'iOO. F B56. OREGONIA-N. 6-ROOM bungalo v, with sleeping-porch. 838 Rodney avo. 1 hone East 403S. For Salts Business Property. BEST business lot on Portland Heights, easy terms; will trade for bungalow. AM, 5o8. Oregonlan. APARTMENT-HOUSE SITE. Unexcelled location on 13th and Main. $23,500. HARTMAN THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 16.54 PER CENT NET. SB-room apartment-house, c ose In. West Side; secured lease 6 years; $14,000; $.500 cash. AE 548. Oregonian. lS-PERCENT INCOME 15 PER CENT. Aparinient-house, fine property, $13.t,ou: 3iK)0 cash will handle. 206 Rothchild jiidg. Yl 000 BEAUTIFUL new flats. Income $100 month; fine location. 863 Monroe, near Union. Extra well built. Owner. Terms. For Sale crege. EXTRAORDINARY OPPOKTUNITT. Make 18 per cent on your cash Investment. Rental 12000, cash In V advance, on FORTY ACRES. 12 miles from city. All Improved, on county road and a. t. R, R., which Is being electrified. Takes $S00O cash to swing It. Get your $J000 CASH INCOME the moment you are in position to sign lease. Let us tell you more sbout It. WELLS & LABER. 406-8 Swetlacd Bldg. Main 3988. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland, walking distance to good town: running water, best soli, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow peaks: 2 acres, $250; 5 acres, $400; 10 acres, $800; 10 per cent cash, easy pay ments; other tracts near railway station. $25 to $40 per acre, . FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO, 309 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS. Close to Portland. Rich walnut, fruit and garden land; only small cash pay ment, balance pays for Itself In products now on the land, which we acceDt same as cash. We own the properties and are the onlv people making this liberal offer. FIRLAND3 TRUST COMPANY, 606-8 Spalding bldg. HAVE 6 acres near electrio line to sell to right party for small payment down, bal ance monthly or quarterly to suit; also 10 acres a little farther back, planted to fruit, on lowest terms to right parties. It's best of soil and produces lots of po tatoea $100 down will handle this! can work out some payments. AL 650, Ore gonian. OREGON CITY CARLINE, JENNINGS LODGE. B acres. 4 blocks from station, on tele phone line, electrio lights, etc; good soil, suitable for garden truck, poultry and cow: price $560 acre, easy terms. National Realty & Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 6129. DO YOU WANT A SNAP? 4 8-10 acres raw land, with about $22(5 worth of wood and a two-room house, 1 mile from Troutdale, on Sandy River; Ideal for chicken ranch; $525 cash. THE CEDERBERGH-ENEBO CO. 016 Henry bldg. $100 GIVES POSSESSION. Lfberal terms on balance; 6 aores best garden land In valley, near Canby; In fine state of cultivation, suited to onions, celery, potatoes, etc; one good crop will pay for it, Rioe, owner. 803 Merchants Trust bldg. gi ACRES, all under cultivation; mile from electric station at Tigard; will ex change for good city property; no Inflated valuta Provident Investment A Trustee Co 201 20a 203 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473, A 1022. TEV acres beaverdam land, under Irriga tion and ready for crop, best for onions, celery, cauliflower, potatoes, etc; river and rail transportation; nothing better anywhere; low price and easy payments. Investigate. 612 Couch bldg.. 109 4th at. tH"5 BUYS 10 acres deep redshot soil, adapt ed to fruit and vegetables; all smooth and tirable; no rock; wood and water; close to "school, postoffloe and store; within easy reach of Portland, and the cheapest land on the market. 512 Couch bldg.. 109 4th. 1 $1750 S ACRES, big timber, close In r west Side. H acre in cultivation. 2-ro on -room house and barn; good soli, no waste, coun ty road on Jwo sides; this will pay from the start; half cash. Owner, X 449, Ore gonian. FOR SALE or lease 20-acre tract, suitable for garden truck or poultry; six miles from Portland; running water; part sub ject to Irrigation; house and barn- Ad dress owner. AF 686. Oregonian. I WISH TO SELL AN ACRE OF LAND h v.iutt Side, close to carllne. low price; easy terms; unusual opportunity for you, JLJ uw, .-n . irREAQH and farms, from $12.50 per acre up' large and small tracta Call Kinney it Stampher, 631-2 Lumber Exchange bdg. PTVE acres, Just 1 mile east of Mt. Tabor, all cleared. Price $4000. Must be half caah. Address C 6T4. Oregonian. Jsoo IDEAL 2 acres on 44th KllUngsworth ave., terms. Bee 1095 E. 30th St. N. sr. and owner. FOR SALE 8 acres, cleared, on carllne, on country road. Owner. Phone C 2927. Tor Sale Homesteads. JOIN our party leaving Nov. 30. for Csn tral Oregon; 320-acre homesteads, relin quishments, timber lands. See Mr. Eng lish, 610 Mc&ar oma. HOMESTEADS located near Portland, most desirable In Oregon; good, level soil, tim ber and water; near R. R. and river; fees rignt. - - For Sale Farms. TEN acres. Improved land, 1 mile from II waco 1 acre bearing fruit, 2 horses, 2 cows good house and outbuilding. Price $-000. Apply to J. C. Woaten. Ilwaco, $5 PER acre for rich, alluvial valley land. "Kino Bay," Mexico. Grows any kind of grain, fruit and garden truck. A. M. Hlghhouse. 906 Wilcox Bldg. FOR SALE About 2000 acres of land suit able for farming. Location. 85 miles from Portland. For particulars address box 93. Portland, Or. RANCH 60 seres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, fey esnea 183 Harrison si. BEAT. ESTATTS. For Sale A BARGAIN FOR 15 DAYS OMLT. 644 acres of river-bottom land, three miles from Monroe. Or.; all cleared, un der plow except eO to 90 acres; on both sides of county road; running water at ail 'times; wheat averages 35 bushels per acre: modern buildings; one 10-room house most modern farm and Improvements In Valley; 15 miles south of Corvallis, 25 miles north of Eugene: In the famous Bend Country: all tillable when balance Is cleared; good orchard: 1H miles from electrio line. 8 miles from Oregon Eleo trlc: crop never fails; famous-river-bottom land. This offer at $63 per acre, terms to suit, is good for only 13 days. For particulars see or write K, C Keeney. Xugene, Or, or Monroe, Or. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS. From 10 acres up. for sale at very low prices and on easiest kind of terms. I OWN THE PROPERTIES I OFFER FOR SALE AND AM IN POSITION TO OFFER BARGAINS THAT ARE ONLY OBTAINED BY DEALING DIRECTLY WITH THE OWNER. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE MB BEFORE! YOU BUY. J. O. ELROD. 818-519 Corbett Building. LAND! LAND! WEST SIDE. Farm 180 acres. H mile front Portland, on Barnes road: three springs on placss suitable for dairy or good platting propo sition; price $300 per acre, easy terms. National Realty & Trust Co.. 723 Cnem b er of Commerce bid g. Main 512a inio 1 c o xwu. Anyone looking for good cheap Invest ment, have 460 acres land, Klickitat Co.. Wash., near North Bank R. R-. good fruit, wheat land or hog ranch; running water; reasons for selling, have too much land; will give other fellow chance; price aud tern- s J. W. Hodson. Salem, Or.. R. 1, 40-acre farm, with crop, stock snd Im plements. 27 miles from Portland, 24 miles from Woodland, Wash.; $3800; cash $2000. balance 8 years. 5 per cent. THE CEDERBERGH-ENEBO CO.. 616 Henry bldg FOR SALE BY OWNER. 73- acres, all level land, 12 acres tim ber 60 acres In crop, ono of the best farms In tha Willamette Valley, all good buildings and on main county road, tele Dhone one mile from Oregon Electrio station, Vk m"9 from boat lanalng. Ad dress AV 672, Oregonian. 1 HOP FARM. 65-acre hop farm. 20 acres tn cultiva tion 7 acres in hops; good 6-room house, large barn and hophouse; land Is A-l bottom land; cannot be duplicated for the money; S5500. cash. John H. Boon. Salem. Or. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Large and small tracts, sultabl for general farming, grain hay fruit, hops, dairying etc.; about 40 miles southwsst of Portland. 6r. Call or writs for prio Hat, W. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. iflR ACRES, 80 acres in cultivation, good house and bam. 1 V4 miles from ilalloy sta-ion on the Oregon Electric R. R. ; will Son ' as a whole or a part. Inquire 663 jeuerson at.. mt'ST sell my farm at once; owner will re main in cltj to close deal. Call 817 Ham- lltonbiog. Miscellaneous. 1 0 000 10 ROOMS, new house, built by owner for a home; It will appeal to one looking for a big house, well built: two baths, four toilets, four lavatories, muslo room conservatory and conveniences not found In many houses; in Holladay Addi tion; street Improved and paid. D ow, Oregonian t WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent $00-acre Columbia Rives bo"ttom land for dairy; cash rent: soma high ground and wild hay meadow; will buy not leas than 25 head of dairy cows and dairy fixtures, hay etc ; reasonable distance to school; price must bo right. WANTED To rent 50 to 100 acres of fer tile farming land; H of crop as payment for land. Address Pete Slmoft, 60 8d St. N. FARMS WANTED. WILL PAY cash for farm on good oounty road, near Portland; give your lowest price, also Improvements, well or sprlnB water, ac oj- WANTED to rent for term of years, farm and stock; can furnish the best of ref erences. AB 660, Oregonian. TOR SALE TlMHEB LAXIS. EXCELLENT Hood River timber olalm. value $5000; clear of Incumbrance, to ex change for anything of equal value. 218 ChamberofCommerce. , 12 V4 ACRES first-growth timber for sale cheap; good house; 20 mile, f m ctty 1 mile from station. Phone Main 826L 2o5 Salmon st. T,TT3Tr.TJ T.iKnll BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M-CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. FOB BENT FARMS. 44 ACRES ln cultivation, plenty water for Irrigation: will lease for term of years, $20 per acre Inquire 2 miles southeast of Milwaukee. Hi. coieman. 18S0 ACRES choice wheat land for sale o J rent for term of yeara Smith, owner, 31s Hamilton bldg. ' PARM for rent near good town. See owner,. 918 E. Taylor st, ' WANTED REAL ESTATg. 1 ernhouse. unincumbered, near carllne! worm auuu4 vwv, ..... - - v - - -- cash down. Do not answer unless youe property Is unincumbered, E 652. Ore- gonian . WANTED Modern 8 to 10-room house, about 1(7000 to $8000, suitable for boarding-house: near carllne; must be snap, liberal cash payment; owners only. Full partuVulari first letter. E. O. Tooker, 821 Yeon blag. "WANTED From owner. Improved olty property In exchange for Improved fruit ranch In the Hood River district, with 85 acres lS orchard, worth $12,000. or will sell a part. Don't answer this unless you mean business. AF 661. Oregonian. WANT good lot, old house. In good resi dence district, within 15 minutes' car ride 8d and Washington. Phone or call Main 4776. 1279. r ELLI3 ft CO, 609-510 Wilcox Bldg. WANTED TO buy modem rooming-house of about 40 rooms, from party who will take 20 acres of choice orchard land as part payment. Owners only. S 559, Ore gonian. WANTED Modern house, with one or two acres; aose: 6-cent carllne. Land De partment, National Realty Trust Co, 723 Chamber of Commerce. t WANTED Close - residence property or eauity; state lowest price: prefer to deal . with owner. H 540. Oregonian. : I-DESIRE to purchase close-in Inoome property. Will not Invest to exceed $13. t6o. Call 608 McKay Jldg. Marshall 2a00. WANTE D-Ploce improved property for cash, about $2500; must be bargain. X 657, Oregonian. . TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR LOTS. Furniture and lease of 6 8-room suites; private bath to each apt.. In good loca tion; every apt. rented; gross Income 1B0 ner mo.; rent $75; 2-year lease; price $1800- mtg $450; here Is a chance to get your rent free and have about C0 besides every month. For further particulars ca.l on C. F. Pfluger ft Co., suite 12 and 14. Mulkey bldg- cor. 2d and Morrison. Wanted. to exchange, my 160-acre ranch with 60 acres cleared, half in commercial orchard, good spring, grand view near town, for a modern residence In Portland. Price $12,000, which Is less than my neighbors have sold for; no agents, give phone number. AE 660, tjregoiiiaii. FOR SALE or will trade for good real estate 27 hoa-a of horses and colts and full equip ment of farm Implements. This stock is on good wheat ranch in Eastern Waahlngton- We want to rent the ranch to party buying the stock. One section of the place Is seeded to wheat. For In formation call on owner, 918 Yeon bldg. siAunii.tt.iM .iui.ii . .. Near Portland: 100 acres: wonderful view, running water, big producer, eto.; will exchange for city property or mort gages. C. L. Bamberger, room 2. Lum urraoDB bldg- X OWN 2 acres of good land on West Side. 6 miles from center of Portland, worth $800- will trade for horse and buggy, gasoline launch or piano, balance can be arranged. AL 553, Oregonian. 60x100 LOT, graded streets, value $800; will trade equity of $200 for launoh, pi ano horse and bnggy, balanoe must b cash. AL 666, Oxegonlan,