a A a A PRICE FIVE CENTS. NOVEMBER 6. 1911. fl. 1..8!G. ' ' ' K SOU'S DUAL MIND J Filial Bond Denied by Young Engineer. FORMER LIFE IS FORGOTTEN Woman Living Near Eugene Will Employ Brain Experts. EARLY HOME IS VISITED Loner' Who Calls at Door for Work I Rerortilsed as Child of Family Who I Berkeley fnlverslty Gradnate. rr-QENK. Or, Not. I. (8peclaL la th appearance on nn,Pt and unshaven and with the cool r" ef a stranger aa ha knocked at her door and asked for work a few days ago. Mrs. C. E. Lelberg la convinced that tha young man, who waa rad uated aa a civil engineer at tha Cnl verstty cf California several years ago, haa loat hla Identity. No sign of rec ognition could tha mother draw from her aon when aha told Mra that ha waa her own child. am a logger." ha said. "Mr nama In Oeorge Lewie and I am gotng to a pawmlll whera I am to work." Mra. Lelberg la a practicing physi cian, livlns; 10 mllea op tha McKenala River from thla city. She and her aon are staying at a Eugene 'hotel. Tha young man waa brought here after he had fled from tha home of hla mother when he queetloned him and vainly tried to impress upon him that he waa Bernard Marvin, her aon by a farmer husband. Pual personality la tha only ex planation the unhappy mother can rr. for the strange lapaa of her aon. imre hla graduation from college aha Hern him but little, but aba be loved that he waa employed In Tort- nd until he cama to her door and -iurtl temporary work. Artlaaa Paulo Malh'r. The ease la a strange parallel to that . f S. Chandler Rogers, who haa been tn a Prattle hospital for several week Miff-Tin from a lapea of memory. Mra. libera- la unable to explain ber aon'a art lone except by an accident that may j ri happened to him In which hla irlnd waa deranged. -Too are Bernard Marvin, my boy;" eald Mra. Lei berg when aha aaw him. The young man remained ob durate and declared that ha waa not an engineer, but that ha waa a looser and that ba did not remember back rery many months, but that he thought that bia mother waa dead. Mra. Letberg argued with the man. but ha finally became angry anj ran away. She la positive that aha la not mistaken l the Identity of her aon. With her husband, who I Marvin's stepfather, aha attempted to follow tha man and Induce him to return. Rreollrdloa la Dimmed. Ha waa aeen a time or two In Sprlng fleld. but dlappeared befo-e ho could be found. After. ome time offleera got word that ha was In Wendltng. and here they found hint bucking- lumber in the yards of the Pooth-Kelly mill. No amount of questioning can arouae a apark of recollection In hla mind. He denies that he haa ever been to college, denlea that he la a civil enrlneer and maintains firmly that ha la a logger. Ha aald that ha '' 1 for a while at Cooa Fay. ha., then coma acroaa to Roseburg. then up to Eugene, and had tone up the McKensie River, looking for work at the logging ramps. Beyond a few montha back, the man's memory la a blank. When questioned about events occurring before thai time, ha says that he cannot remem ber. Mrs. Lelberg haa coma to tha conclusion that his condition Is the re sult of a blow on tha head, which haa caused a lapea of memory. Piecing together scraps of knowledge In the hope of discovering tha cause. he haa recalled a newspaper story everal months ago. telling of an .as sault uaon a young engineer near li'Ilsboro by two men. She doea not remember the story distinctly, but she thinks that It may ba a clew. Fhe thinks It possible that tha man who struck her aon was named George A. Lewis, and that the nama haa remained with hlm. Bota Marvin and his mother are now at a hotel In this city. It Is "n Let berg's intention to consult a brain spe cialist about her son's condition, hop ing that hla rasa Is similar to that of Rogers, of Seattle, and that the causa may be removed at once. PRINCETON CALLS FiNNEY? lUltimorc Hears Presidency Haa Bern Offered to Surgeon. BALTIMORE.' Nov. (.The Sun pub llahea the following: "Dr. John M. T. Finney, of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, one of the most noted surgeons tn the United States and one of the men recently removed . from the School Board by Mayor Pres ton, has been offered the presidency of Princeton University. It Is reported oa good authority." DISTRACTS MOT HER Fl K ARF THRIVING ON ISLAND RANCH PLAN MADE TO RAVE SPECIES FROM EXTERMINATION. Two Already nave Increased to Xlne, and Owners Hop to Raise Great Game ITerd. SANTA BARBARA. Cal.. Nov. (Special.) A herd of elk. now number ing nine. Is the nucleus of m prV aerva started on Santa Rosa Island, under tha management of "Frank Pep per, auperintendent of tha big ranch across tha channel. Pepper secured two e!k from tha Slerraa about two yeara ago and transported them to tne Island, whera they have become acclim ated and have thrived, tha number In creasing) each year. It la an Ideal range for them and Penoer looks forward to tha day when tha Uland will ba well stocked with elk. which are now becoming extinct In other portlona of the continent. Pepper saya that abaolute protection will ba given tha elk. Tha ownera of tha Island. Vail Vlckers. of Los An geles, plan to p'.ace other species of the wild game on the range, and It Is de clared that, while there la a chance that game on the mainland may ba ex terminated. It never will ba on the Island and the preserve will be one of tha most valuable In tha world. SNOW IN INLAND EMPIRE Grain Field of Palons Are Soaked by Heavy Rains. Inland Empire towna report tha first anow of tha season, with rainfall In other districts rroving of Inestimable benefit to tha Fall-sown grain. Clay ton. Wash, reports three Inches of anow; Deer Park, two Inches; North port, two Inches, and Meyera Falls, another Stevens County town.- two Inches. Delta, Idaho, reports snow falling In tha mountains. Tha lone drought In the Palousa country waa broken by the soaking rain, which began falling last night. The rain turned to snow after day light, but soon continued aa rain. Thla la the first precipitation since early In October. It followed by warm weather, farmers say.' thousands of acrea of Fall-sown wheat that haa not yet sprouted will get good growth be fore Winter. A much-needed rain Is falling tonight In Adams County, whera Fall-sown wheat waa In need of moisture. Showers prevailed la Spo kane throughout tha day. CENTIPEDE CAUSES SCAR Vancouver Postofflce Foreo In Furore at Red-Legged Menace). VANCOUVER. Waah.. Nov. 5. (Spe cial.) A red centipede, about IH Inch es long, alive and vivaciously Inclined, caused a mild panic in ths Vancouver Postofflce last night, when It was found tucked away anuggly between a package of letters, which wero being distributed by Ralph Carson, a clerk. Carson had taken several letters from the top of the pack when he es pied tha multl-le:ged Insect crawling over the face of the topmost letter. He dropped tha letter with Its crim son terror to tho table, and watched fascinated, while the centipede calmly crawled to tho floor and disappeared beneath a pile of mall sacks. Search later by Carson and 'he entire office force failed to discover trace of Mr. Centipede. Former Chinese minister to united states, and one or CHINA'S GREATEST MEN, WHO JOINS REBELS. i IK ; .: L Prl ' v' : ' . .- ; i . jr. Photoa copyrighted by Bain News Service. 1Bon- i; TIO FAMil AT RIGHT, HI WIFK, HIS D.trnHTER-H-Uw LID Bit U.USU.V BKLO', WHTRAIT Or DB. WC. RULE OF 1HCHUS WILL HOME TO END Rebels Insist Throne Must Abdicate. YUAN SHI KM IS DISTRUSTED Wu Ting Fang Espouses Cause of New Republic. ORDER KEPT IN SHANGHAI Oeenpation Is Peaceful and Deter mination to Prevent Bloodshed Is Shown Tartar City or llangchow Is Taken. SHANGHAI. Nov. . (Special.) The central machine of tha revolutionary government does not trust the throne. ..nor does It agree with tha thrones terms. It Is, therefore, proceeding to arrange to control the nation's affairs In expectation of the aucccss which It regards aa certain. The retirement of the machine dynasty will be demanded. The official list drawn up Includes r w .i rin..fanr. at one time Min ister at Washington, who has accepted the post of Secretary of Foreign Af fairs; Wen Tsong Yao, at one time Chinese resident In Thibet, to whom the post of under secretary has been offered; Ehr-Tang, at once, time Di rector of the American Council of Can ton, who has accepted the military Governorship of Che-klang and Klang su provinces; LI Ping Shul. head of the Shanghai gentry, who has accepted the Civil Governorship of thosi provinces, and Tu Ya Ching, a leading merchant, who has accepted tha Mayoralty of Shanghai. Merchant. Declare for Rebels. The Chinese Chamber of Commerce yesterday declared for the rebels and urged the Consular Body to prevent the Imperial fleet .'rom entering the Whang-poo River. Tha populace fear a repetition of the Hankow brutalities. Perfect ordor was maintained In Shanghai and the outlying districts the first night after the capitulation of tha city to the revolutionists. - IJ Ping Shul, responsible head of the new administration In tha native city -...t .tthtirha. Is comnletlng his organ isation. He Informed the correspondent that he recognixea oniy ine reyuuuo and would guarantee order. Tha only disorderly elements now In China, ha said, are the ex-of flclals. their sup porters and the Manchu troops who never again would ba permitted to con trol. " ' There Is reason to believe that the revolutionary sentiment throughout the South strongly favora tha unconditional abdication of the Emperor and tha es tablishment of an entirely new regime. Yaaa Shi Kal fader Suspicion. Tuan Shi Kal will be repudiated if he adherea to the Manchus. He might become head of the government and tConcludcd. on Page 2.) leeVs TXryaT 1 TURKS ASK THAT AMERICA STEP IN REPORTED ITALIAN ATROCI TIES BRING REQUEST. Ambassador From Constantinople to Washington Presents Re quest to State Department. WASHINGTON. Nov. 5. The s called Italian barbarities In Tripoli have been brought officially to the at tention of the American Government In such form that some declaration of the position of the State Department In the matter la expected. On an order cabled by his govern ment, the Turkish ambassador appealed to the United States to exert Its Influ ence to put a atop to practlcea which were In plain violation of the code of warfare and The Hague agreement. Acting Secretary Adee has promised to present the protest to Secretary Knox. Supplementing this a cable message to the ambassador from the -Turkish Foreign Office later In the day was transmitted to the State Department. Thla is regarded aa of great impor tance because It formally demands In tervention bv the United States. It reads' as follows: -The Italian atrocities in Tripoli, be Ing confirmed officially and from every quarter. I beg your excellency to reit erate the representatlona prescribed In my pressing telegram to Insist upon the necessity of prompt and efficacious intervention In order to put an end immediately to these Inhuman proceed Ings." MALTA. Nov. 5. Steamer passengers arriving Irora Tripoli aescrioo scene as a reign of terror. Strong mill ru natrnlH rnntlniiallv conduct lng rigorous house-to-house searches and on the smallest pretense summary punishment la meted out. 3iany vic tims have been shot in tneir own houses. in the ihunra of anv attempt to dis criminate between friend and foe, many foreigners have taken refuga in their respective consulates LION HUNTER IS BRIDE Son of Wealthy Land Owner Elopes With Woman Handy With oun. SANTA BARBARA. Cal, Nov. 6. (Special.) When Reginald Thomas, son of Judge B. F. Thomas, a very wk. i.nrf owner In thla county. saw pretty Mra. Mlnnlo Gutlerres shoot a mountain lion wnicn waa iurmu in the vicinity of a camping party Is montha ago. ha waa immediately at tracted by her daring and beauty and . . entirtmhin which ended a few daya ago 'In an elopement to Loa Angeles, where the coupio wero m-r- riea. , News of the wedding haa Just reached here. The couple win live on a ranch near the acene of the ex ploit of the bride. General W. H. Pratt Dies. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 6. General William Henry Pratt, who aalled Into San Francisco harbor on the steam ship California, the first steamer to enter the Golden Gate, and who held hla first Federal office in this state by appointment of President Lincoln, died Saturday at his home In Easton. San Mateo County, aged 84. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TESTFBOATS Maximum temperature, 66 dfsre: minimum. 4S dogreea. TODAY'S Fair; weiterly winds. Foreign. Turk. a.k Vnlted States Intervention In Tripoli. Pass 1. Chln.se reb.ls In.int on abdication of Man chu rul.ra. Pass 1. Paclfle Northwest. Sea.lde. We.t Seaside. Hermosa and Cart wVurht pars, vote to unit. Into munici pality of Seaside. Pag. 5. Northwest ln.pector hit. practice of labor .rent who rob. aliens. Pss 3- Estimate, of tax levy for 101:1 placed above two mills. Pass 5. Youn man. who I. claimed a. .on by woman n.ar Eoren., denies kln.hlp. Pass U Rul,. gov.mlns primary and renersl elee tlon compalgn. given out by Bee rotary ot State. Pas. . G7Pv Smith conversions In Seattle number 4000. Pace 1. yomestle. , Plan to breed .lk on Island ranch is prov ing BUCCMiu. 1 Brld. who footed bills ask. divorce after two months of married life. Pae s. Federal arent In San Francisco Investigating plumbing trust. Pass 3. Rich men defendant. In woman's milt for libel saaln.t Kennel Club. Pass X. Three bodies recovered from ruin, of Col lapsed concrete brldse. Ps X. Head of American Woolen Company says bis bolne needs law to live definite direction. Pass 1. Surprlee. expected when telmony 1 intro duced In McNamara' trlaL Pas. 2. Woman'. Initiative League to tight for re peal of equal .uffrage amendment la Cal ifornia. Pass S. Rodger, completes transcontinental flight. Page 1. Sports. Portland virtually certsln to get Paclflo Coast nanaicap iiwiiub h... T'sze ft. Many beaebaH league, overtaken by financial disaster In ae.eon Ju.t ended. Pag. 8. Auto, have Bard going, burking sands on race to Phoenix. Page 8. Ty Cobb heavle.t Mtter In American Leasue for aearcn of 1811. Page 8. O. a. C eliminated from raoe for cham pionship -by crushing defeat and Oregon la ahaky. Page 1. Industrial. Redmond Potato .how I. revelation. Page 10. Silvias River Irrigation project Inspected. Fag. 10. Portland and Vicinity. Sabnro Shlmada, Japanese statesman, here with meaaage of friendship, decries war talk. Page 14. Willamette River last week at lowest record ed .tage. Page 11. . GlrL dressed as man, .teals ride on train, to be with aweethesrt on bobo trip. Page T. Foe. of Municipal Judge Tazwell to seek hi. indictment on malfeasance charge. Page 14- Vlrsll O Strlrkler lectures on Christian Science st Helllg to 4000 persona Page 8. BIG CORPORATION HAS GOfflETD STAY W. M. Wood Favors In corporation Law. TEXTILE TRADE IS NOW OPEN Competitors Declared to Hold .Eight-Ninths of Business. ROAD MUST BE MADE PLAIN Xew, Precise and Effective, Legisla tion Needed to Meet Revolu tionary Changes In Tnder lylngr Conditions. Bf WILLIAM WOOD. President American Woolen Company (Published by Arrangement With the Chi cago Tribune.) It ought not to be necessary to en ter at this time any defense of the large corporation In modern business. We are living In an era not of small but of great things. The great business corporation Is half a cause and half a result of the won derful expansion of trade and Industry which the twentieth century la wit nessing. The great corporation has helped mightily to bring this expan sion about, and, on the other hand, this expansion has made the great corpora tion necessary and Inevitable. In all this I am speaking of the great business corporation, and not of that other thing sometimes confounded with it the huge, powerful monopoly "in restraint of trade." There is no such monopoly, now, nor Is there likely to be. In the textile Industries of the United States. Of the 1000 American woolen and worsted mills, the American Woolen Company owns and controls thirty-four. Large mills some of these are, but sufficing altogether to glva the company,' so far as can ba esti mated, no more than one-ninth of the woolen and worsted business of the United States, leaving eight-ninths to Its 900-odd competitors. Corporation; Has Rlghtfnl 'place. The great corporation has ceased to be an object of surprise; It ought grad ually to cease to be an object of sus picion. It has come to stay; there Is a place for It in the world, but its existence does not Imply that there Is not going to continue to m a place for other and smaller corporations. There are In nearly all Industries and partic ularly In the textile Industries, a great many specialised forms of production which lend themselves most readily to relatively small but highly expert and efficient organizations. In many an Industry the great corporation has served to stir the Industry as a whole to renewed zeal, alertness and ambi tion. It has been a potent tonic and a wholesome stimulant. Great corporations we are most cer tainly always to have with us, and the problem of how to deal with them Justly and effectually promises to be for some years to come one of the most formidable problems of practical government. More and more clearly (Concluded on Page 4.) . AVIATOE WHO HAS COMPLETED EVER i "-y s-ii ' ' "-vp 1 A f -'K; ABO'.'tS, C. P. RODGERS RECEIVING MESSAGES TO TRANSMIT BELOW, RODGERS STARTING FROM SHBEPSHEAD BAY IJf AEROPLANE, 4000 BEND KNEE AT GYPSY'S PLEA AVELL-KXOWJT EVANGELIST HAS SUCCESS IX SEATTLE. At End of Fortnight Records Show 150,000 Heard Preacher and $6 798 Is Received. SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. 5. (Special.) Gypsy Smith, picturesque) evangelist, practically completed his conquest of Seattle tonight, when he addressed 6000 persons in Mammoth Rink. The meeting tonight epitomized tho two weeks" work of the revivalist In this city. He swayed his audience as he pleased and at the close more than 400 had signed cards declaring their Inten tion to enlist under tho Christian ban ner and had given their hands to the Gypsy in token of their decision. In the two weeks the soul-stirring Gypsy has made more than 4000 con versions. His total attendance has ex ceeded 150.000. The total receipts wero J6798. It had been planned to raise here 7000, half of It to be used for the local expenses and half to go to the London committee under whose auspices Gypsy Smith Is traveling. With one more meeting tomorrow. It Is expected to secure this amount, Gypsy Smith himself receives direct ly no part of the $7000. He gets from the London committee a flat yearly salary of $3000 and expenses. Clergymen declare the Gypsy's cam paign has been of great service to their cause. COLORED ORANGES BARRED Eastern Thanksgiving -Tables to Be Without Golden Emit This Tear. SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., Nov. 6. Because the artificial coloring of oranges Is no longer permitted, by or der of the Bureau of Food and Drug Inspection, Eastern tables this Thanks giving will be without oranges as far as Southern California is concerned. Prominent orange shippers estimate that this season's crop will be from two to four weeks late because of the or der. Heretofore, by use of the color ing device, the first of the crop uu ally have been In New' York and In termediate points In time for the coun try's annual feast day. This year It Is expected the first car will be shipped early in December. TAFT OFF FOR CINCINNATI President Will Qualify for City and County Election. HOT SPRINGS, Va., Nov. 5. After a three days" rest here. President Taft left tonight for Cincinnati, accom panled by Mrs. Taft, Miss Helen Taft and Mrs. Thomas M. Laughlin, of Pittsburg. Secretary Hilles and Ma jor Thomas L. Rhodes, the President's physician, will meet hlra In Cincln natl tomorrow. President Taft expects to appear be fore the election board In Cincinnati and qualify so he can vote at the city and county election on Tuesday. ATLANTIC BOAT WRECKED British Cruiser Goes to Aid of Ves sel Ashore at New Foundland. NORTH SYDNEY, Me.t Nov. 5. The British cruiser Brilliant as been dis patched to the aid of Se Reid New Foundland Company's -steamer Clyde, which is reported ashore at the en trance to Little Tay, on the northeast coat of New Foundland FIRST CR0S3-C0NTCNENT FLIGHT MADE. RODGERS OCEAN. HIS GOAL Death Dared Score of Times on Journey. AIRSHIP RESTS IN PASADENA Crowd of 20,000 Literally Mobs Triumphant Navigator. GREAT HEIGHT IS REACHED Mechanism Must Be Revolutionized Before Transcontinental Flight Can Be Made in 30 Bays, Is Conclusion. STATISTICS OF RODGERS' TBAIS CONTINENTAL FLIGHT. Total distance traveled, 4231 miles. . Actual flying time. 4924 minutes, cr 3 daya 10 hours. 4 minutes. Elapsed time of Journey. 49 days. -Average speed when flying, C1.T2 miles an hour. PASADENA. Nov. 5. In a flying; ma chine that held together only through the good will of Providence, Calbralth P. Rodgers, the transcontinental avia tor, glimpsed the Pexlfic Ocean today as he soared over the gray top of Mount Wilson, and settled down In Tournament Park, amidst -a clamorous multitude, waiting to welcome him at what was virtually the finish of his flight from Sheepshead Bay, N. Y. Rodgers landed at 4:10 o'clock this aft ernoon. He expects to fly out over the Pa cific tomorrow. If the motor tha has lifted and pushed him and his aero plane through the air for a distance of more than ,4000 miles, continues to do its duty and thus make the epoch marking feat, of aviation really an ocean to ocean flight. Astronomer. Get. First Glimpse.. Rodgers appeared on the sky line shortly after 3 o'clock, a few moments' after he had risen from . Pomona, 20 miles away. He was sighted first by telescopes levelled at him from ths solar observatory on Mojnt Wilson, and word flashed down the mountain by telephone caused a swarming of 20,000 people to Tournament Park. The aviator, flying at a height of 5000 feet, hovered over the city for a few minutes, then warping the planes that previously had been as motion less as the spreading pinions of a soav lng eagle, he sailed in a wide spiral and volplaned down to the greens sward in the middle of Tournament Park. Crowd Roust la Greeting;. Rodgers literally was mobbed. He was borne hither and thither by the surging crowd. Eager hands clutched and scratched him. but his leather clothing was strong enough to resist attack, although afterwards the avia tor declared his ribs would surely man ifest tomorrow black and blue marks of an over-enthusiastic greeting. Rodgers started on the last dash of his flight from Banning, a little town out in the desert, where his arrival had interrupted the only diversion of the year the funeral dance of the Mo Jave Indians. The aviator saw a squaw, 101 years old, who had danced ail night and day, fall In a swoon. Then he took the air at noon. His mechanicians had worked on his motor almost without a halt since he had landed in the desert town yes terday and they- expressed the hopa that it would hold out until the avia tor reached Pasadena. The engine started with a snort and clatter that presaged good behavior and Rodgers ascended gracefully In the face of a 20 mlle wind until be bad reached an alti tude of 400 feet. Then he set his course directly west and sparked his motor up to a 0-mile gait. Wife and Mother Follow On. Rodgers' wife and mother, who have been following him on a special train all the way from New York, left Ban ning Immediately afterward, and the aviator flew away on a course laid straight for San Gogornlo pass, a nar row defile through which the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks curl their way to Colton. The flyer arrived over Colton at 1:37 P. M. By this time he had increased his altitude to 1000 feet and he kept this height until he neared Pomona, 21 miles from Pasadena. He remained at Pomona until after 3 o'clock, renewing his supply of gasoline and refilling the tank of the leaky radiator, which near ly caused him a disaster yesterday. After coming through the wind swept defile of San Gogornlo, Rodgers left behind him the stand, storm region of the desert and passed Into the orange belt, where the orchards stretched continually along the sides of the mountains and foothills from Colton to Pasadena, Aeroplane Soara Above Clouds. After leaving Pomona, Rodgers kept his biplane pointing upward until he had ciimbed over the fleecy sheets of vapor floating over the tops of ths highest peaks of' the Sierra Madre, Mountains. As he sped on to the finish at Tournament Park he was on a level (Concluded oa Page &.)