THE JrtnrSTTTO OEEGOm, SATURDAY, N0TE3TBER 4, 1911. 6 MARTIN GIVEN 0P; RIIER HOI TAKEN Governor Extradites Colora doan and Fugitive Deputy Is to Come for Him. ARREST AT LINE PROBABLE KIXKFR'S COH1XG IHCnTU Jndg Gave Saja lie Will light "Flippant" Courae of Case. Wbg Informs of Gortrnor West's reftwal to luut requisition papers oa the Governor of Colorado for th. r tura of Ixjmty tihertit junker to Port- Weat Likely to Pardon Kidnaper. Execntlva Also Contemplates Bringing Denver Wife Hero to Try Whole Case. EJLLEM. Or. Nov. 1. (Special. When Governor Weet today refused to grant a warrant of requisition on th. Coventor of Colorado for Deputy hner ! Iff W. A. Rlnker. of Denver, not did arrant extradition papers for Leo W. llartln. who Is la Portland and Is wanted in Colorado, he paved th. way rr another lonr chain of compura tiona to ald to thoae which have al ready surrounded ths Governor. Martin and Rlnker. Klnker has been Indicted In Port land on a chars-, of kMnaplcc and ex tradition papers on this chare, were thoa. which th. Gorernor refused to hnnor. Martin la now wanted In Colorado on a mars;, of fatlar. to support his wlf. and Infant. This. It Is alleged. Is th. same child which Martin endeavored to keep from coming Into th. world, according; te th. original complaint. To add to the complications Deputy Sheriff Rlnker has ben designated by th. Oovernor of Colorado to com. to Port land and take Martin bark to Denver on th. non-support charge. Irr May lie Seised. Th. arqulesenr. of Oovernor West In honoring- thes. Martin .xtradltlon Miwni means that Klnker will com. to Portland anyway and as soon as he teps ov.r th. Oree-on line b. lays him self open t. arrea-t on th. kidnaping rharfa "I am granting thes. papers and re fusing th. others because 1 se. no rea son why th. stat. should ro to th. expense of sending a man after Rlnker when he Is cumin her. anyway at the expense of th. 8tat. of Colorado." said Oovernor West, when explaining his action. The oovvrnor refused to say whether he would pardon Rlnker If he Is ar rested on his arrival In Oregon and Is convicted with Detectives Maloney and Mallett oa th. kldnaplns; chars;, which has been Jointly lodged ajrainat the three. That he will do so. however. Is considered to be certain. Brlaartaaj of H'ssu Flaaae. To add to th. fun and brine; th whol. question to a quicker taa'ie. I have still another Idea than," rommented th. Governor, when asked If h. would pardon Rlnker In the event of hi. brine convicted on a , charts of kldnaplne lf Rlnker la ar rested and th. Martin case Is further - tied up because of th. arrest. I am serlooely consldertner sending; a ticket to his wife la Denver to brine; ber to .'Portland and ha v. a f.w of thes. ehargea tried out In our own courts. W". could get satisfaction In Oregon all around then, as well as trying; out th. rases against Rlnker and th. do tec t- . Ives." West Exa-lalns Psteltioak Governor Weat sent the following; let f ter to District Attorney Cameron. In which he outllnea h:a position: "I am in receipt of yours of th. first t Instant, enclosing request for a requl ' sltlon upon the Oovernor of Colorado .for th. .xtradltlon of W. A. Klnker. "-who stands charged with the crime of kldnaplnc. and In reply will say that 1 cannot see my way clear to comply with your request for th. following; reasons: "It la charred In th. Indictment, a ropy of which you Inclosed, that th. said W. A. Rlnker, Fred Mallett and John C Maloney. on th. 11th day of October. 111. In the County of Mult nomah. State of Orton. then and there being, did then and there unlawfully, forcibly and f eloTtlously. without lawful authority or lawful excuae, sell, and restrain on. Leo VT. Martin against his , wl.l with the Intent of them. t!y said oefendanta. unlawfully and feloniously to nun him. th. said Leo W. Martin, against bla will to b. aent out of the ' r-tat. of Oregon and Into th. fltate of i Vaahlr.g-ton. and did then and there, wit-tout lawful authority, forcibly and feloniously kidnap, carry and send th. ' said Deo W. Martin out of th. btate of 1 Orrg-oa and Into another state, to-wit. tie ji-ate of Washington, against th. will of said Leo W. Martin, contrary to the statutes la such cases mad. and 1 )rnvtded. against th. peace and dignity of th. state.' Arrest Peesaed Pv.ef. "Th. records of this office show that W. A. Illnker, upon the petition of a duly certified request from th. Oov ernor of Colorado, was given an execu tive warrant for the arrest and extra dition of Leo W. Martin. who was charved with a mot heinous offense acalnet th. laws of Colorado. I tak. It , that with this executive warrant the said Rlnker no doubt believed that he was armed with authority to take th. aa:d Martin out of th. State of Oregon and back to Colorado, whera h. would i be givea his day In court. "There Is oa fl!e In this office an other request from the Oovernor of Col orado for a warrant and extradition of the said Leo W. Martin, who now stands charged with the crime of con-support of his wlf. and child, who are In desti tute olraumatancea In the City of Ien ver. and th. said W. A. Rlnker had , been named by the Oovernor of Colo rado as the agent of that stat. to tak. a:d Leo W. Mania back to the State of lorado to be dealt with according to law. and he will no doubt arrive In due fme to recelv. the warrant, which this office will b. pleased to Issue and to tak. said Martla Into custody. Utsir Arroet rwealkle. "At that tlm. If Mr. Rlnker still stands charged with the crime of kid naping, he caa be taken Into custody without th. expense that would be In curred should aa agent b. sent to Den ver for htm. "furthermore, should requisition pa pers be losued by this office and aa agent b. sent to Colorado for Klnker, it would undoubtedly happen that, since the precedent had been established In this state, that the matter would be tried la the Colorado courts, where it would likely be he'.d that It was not a cas. of kljnaplrtg. or that kidnaping wae not a crime la the t-tate of Oregon." land. Judge Oateni last night Isiued tha following statement: "I quit. agro with Governor West In his refusal to Issue .xtradltlon pa pers on Colorado for th. r.tura of Dep uty Sheriff Klnker to Oregon, provid ing Klnker Is coming to Oregon, as the Governor presumes. If the Colorado official Is coming here. It would be. as th. Governor says, a needless expense. But I do not believe that Deputy Sher iff Klnker Is coming her., or that h. will com. here of his own accord. He Is la contempt of my court and I most assuredly am opposed to anyone being excused from answering for such ac tion, and do not propose to permit flip pant disposition of this cas. la any manner. "As for th. kidnaping charg. against Deputy Sheriff Rlnker. I have nothing to say. as that Is a subject for the courts other than my own to decide. In the case of Martin. It Is not for me to say whether he Is or Is not guilty of a crlm. la Colorado. All that I know la that h. was not properly lndlcte'd un der th. statutes of Colorado In the ccse HAWLEY BACK HOI Rpresentatlve Inspects Wa terways in Two Counties. DOUGLAS AND COOS HAPPY WTLtA-treTTB VALLEY PIO m:kh WILL BE HI HIED AT SALEM SO DAT. 1 ! .if- i; 1 1 ' J tl i I f 1 Owing to Lack of Transforation Facilities Trip Proves Hard and Most Tiresome Development of Conn try la Rapid Sow. K Jasaes Walt av. FALEU. Or, Not. . (Special.-) Th. funeral of James Walton. Willamette Valley pioneer who died yesterday, will b. held her. Sunday afternoon at I o'clock' the burial to b. In Oddfellows' Com.tery. that was tried before me, and I based my decision on th. facta as presented at that time." BALLOT 1M 111 TANGLE ATTOIUTETS SAY HOTATIOX OF XAMXS IS PROBLEM. Interpretation of Measure May Force Controversy at Oomlivg E lection In Mnltnomah County. S.VLEM. Or, Not. S. (Special.) In tereating compllaatlona, especially In Multnomah County, are promised as a result of th. new law passed by th. last Legislature, providing for th. ro tation of th. names of candidates on the ballot when there are five or mora candidates running for any on. office. If th. conclusion reached by a number of legal advisers ber. proves to be a correct one. It Is contended that In tha caa. of randldates for Kepresentatlv. In the Legislature. In Multnomah County, for Instance, where there are 11 such of fice, to fill, that th. wording of the law Is such as to make It Impossible for th. rotation of names to b. fol lowed out unless there ar. at least to candldat.a In th. field for th. 12 of fices. Th. law provides that the rotation of name, shall not take place unlets there ar. f:v. or more candidates In th. field for any on. office. In that .vent, it Is asserted. If there should be five can didates for th. Legislature In Mult nomah County that these five would all hare to be candidates for one par ticular office and not to aaoartaln who should recelv. the highest number of votes, and th. second, third, fourth and fifth b. respectively ejected to other positions as Representatives. It la de clared that In .vent ons candidate re ceiving the highest number of vote would b. elected that It would preclude th. othera from being elected, aa tha highest would be elected for "on. of fice" as against the other four. Consequently It In asserted that five candidates or more for every office would be required before the names of the candidate, could be used In rota tion. Thus there would be 11 sets of flee candidates. It Is contended.' or 0 candidates or more In all before the scheme of rotation could b. worked out This also would be true In Marlon County, it la asserted, where there are fire members of the Legislature. Only IS candidates would b. -required In stead of CO. From this fact It la said that the law Is practically a dead letter and can not bs worked cut satisfactorily under Its present wording, although sum. de clare that the office of Representative Is "one office," and as a reault any candidate, running for on. of th. 12 places aa Representative are neverth iess only running for on. office. BULLETS GOWE DANCERS WOMA-N AT GILV-VD ROVDE 13 TICTIM OF STRAY SHOT. Ud I a Chance Ballplayer, Arrested, Charged With Disturbance of Tamlilll County Peace. FHKRITPAN. Or, Not. . (Special.) A panlo was precipitated and a woman Injured by a flying bullet at a public danc. at Grand Ronde last night, when Ed La Chance, a ballplayer, entered the dance hall and opened fir. aft.r an altercation with hie brother. When th. two men entered th. room th. dancers thought that they had been drinking and though on. of th. men flourished a revolver their argu ment went unnoticed until bullets be gsa to perforate the floor. Mrs. Dudley une of th. dancers was shot In one leg. La Chance was arrested and taken to McMlnnvlll. where he will await trial, lie Is charged with carrying weapons and for disorderly conduct. ilra Dudley was taken to Wlllamlna where her wound was dressed. JCarlou County Pioneer Burled. SALEM. Or, Not. . (Special.) V. Habberly. aa old reatdent of Marlon County, was burled todav. th. funeral being held at his home. Stat. and Cot tar, streets. He was 75 years of age and was well-known, especially among th. German residents. SALEM. Or, Nov. J. (Special. Tired and weary from about 10 days passed on train, stag, and boat. In restlgatlng th. waterways In Douglas and Coos counties. Representative W. C, Ilawley returned homo today. The trip wis a hard one because of th. lack of transportation faollltles. but Mr. Hawley expressed himself as nign lv released with the uniform enthusi asm of the citizens of th. localities visited and the general appearance of prosperity and development wherever he went. With the prospect of rail communi cation assuming more tangible shape. a I the develnnrnent already accomplished I bv the expenditure of large aums of money In the improvement oi mo waterways, and the belief that the Government will continue to appro priate money for the Improvement of the Coos Bay. Couullle and Umpqua waterways, the people of Western Douglas und Coos Counties are now fully confident that tneir great re sources of the soil. mine, forest and sea will soon find an accessible rout. to profitable outside markets Is tno Be lief of Mr. Hawley. Mr. llawlev left Drain early Wed nesday morning. October la. arriving bv stage at Gardiner that evening where he discussed with the citizens the improvement of Winchester Bay and the Umpqua River. The Govern ment engineers have not looked with favor on this waterway In recent rears, but ojiother effort will be made to have It relnspected with a view to lmproremcnt as It Is the natural out let of a large section of fertile coun try and at the present time much tlm ber Is ready for th. market In that lo cality. Marakfleld I. Hoax. After leaving Gardiner the following mriminir tha ReDresentatlv. went to Marsh field where he was the guest of ths Coos Pay Commercial Club unui the fniiowlmr Monday morning when he left for Myrtle Point. North Bend nd Murshfleld. through their leading cltlsens and commercial bodies, made his stay a pleasant and profitable oc casion. The dreda-o Orwgon Is doing soma useful work on the bay with the Gov ernmnnt annroDrlatlon. dredging the inner harbor and making needed fills with the sand and gravel ODtainea, so that Instead of the 1 feet of water called for by the engineers plans more than 20 feet will be secured. The ap propriation Is of sufficient slxe to meet all the requirements from this source. Especially when continued from year to year. Thursday night Mr. Hawley was the guest of the North Bend Commercial Club and made an address to the cltl sens of that city and on Friday Mayor L. J. Simpson, of North Bend, took him, with a delegation of the commer cial clubs of Marshfleld and North Bend, and a number of captains of th. vessels plying on Coos Bay, on board his launch for a trip of Investigation over th. bay and bar to Inspect th. jetties. It was found that th. heavy inrmi of recent years had done much damage to th. Jetty and Mr. Hawley proposes to call this to tn. attention of the engineers ana to secure en m.v nrnnriation for Its repair and exton ion- In the evening he addressed the cltlsens of Marahfleld and later was a guest of th. Mllllcoma Club. Satur day was passed on a trip of Inspection up Coos River to view a cut-off. threatening the navigability of that stream and on Bunday tha lawmaker went to church and restsa. Couullle Entertains Onset. Arrlvlne? at Myrtle Point. Monday, about SO persons cam. over from Co nniiie In six autos and took Mr. Haw ley back to Coqullle where he was the guest of the Commercial Club that nnise. Tuesday he went to Bandon, Inspecting th. Coqulll. waterway. The dredge Oregon naa oono work on this waterway during the Summer and the people were well pleased with th. result, about half of th. Government ippropnauuu jut -malnlng for additional work when needed. . ir iiVt went over tno bar here on board a tug. Th. north Jetty will need to bo extended and more water secured on the bar and In th. Inner harbor and this Mr. itawiey proposes to lay before th. engineers at Wash ington this Winter and endeayor to have two projects authorised. Tues day evening h. addreesed tho people of Bandon on their waterway and pro posed legislation for the settlement of the publlo domain, th. rights of home steaders and their Inability to secure patents In many cases, and other mat ters of local Interest. After th. ad dress the Commercial Club of Bandon tendered Mr. Hawley a banquet. Returning to Coqulll. Wednesday. Mr. Hawley met many people desiring to so. him on official (ruslness and then returned to Myrtle Point, where the needs of his constituents In that locality wery considered and an en joyable time passed. Thursday morn ing h. left Myrtle Point for Roseburg by stage, oomlng through to Salem that night. ANALYSIS CAUSES ARREST UarrUhai-g- Man Plead Not Guilty to Selling Intoxicant. ALBANT. Or, Not. . (Special.) As th. reault of th. purchas. cf a bottl. of Roseburg temperance beer by Sher iff Smith, whet he attended the Har rlsburg potato show recently, D. E. Henry, of Harrlsburg, was arrested to day charged with violating the local option lams. He was arraigned before Justice Swan here today and pleaded not guilty. H. will b. tried next Fri day. Henry Is alleged to hare been dis pensing near-beer at Harrlsburg for enme tlm. and says the Roseburg brew ery guaranteed It did not contain enough alcohol to make Its sale Illegal In dry counties. Th. bottle Sheriff Smith purchased was analyxed by Pro fessor Fulton, of the Oregon Agricul tural College, and found to contain 1.05 per cent alcohol. Raymond Phone System Disabled. RAYMOND. Wash.. Nov. . (Special.) A f!r. In the switchboard of th. Wti- lapa Harbor Telephone Ccmpany tn this city at o'clock last night put every telephone In th. city oat of commis sion. Manager Peverstoff announced today that It would be several days be fore the board would o. In use. The long-distance circuit Is Intact. 9 O area ins for oclay Drugs Priced Low for Saturday 10o Powdered Borax, pkg 7 10c Epsom Salts, jkg ..-6d 10c Compound Licorice Powder, pkg 6J 10c Powdered Sulphur, pkg ..75 10c Prepared Chalk, pkg 7 10c Glycerine and Bay Rum, bottle. ...... . . v 7t lOo Pure Soda Bicarbonate, pkg 5? 50o Pure Cream Tartar, pkg 34? 10c Peroxide Hydrogen, bottle..'... 7J 10c Moth Balls, pkg 5 10c Parawax (paraffine) - 25c Soda Phosphate (Merck), lb..... ,.-15d 10c Senna Leaves, pkg 6J 10c Powdered Pumice, pkg...... 6 25c Witch Ilazel, bottle .-17d 10c Cascara Bark, pkg 7 35c Absorbent Cotton, lb 27d 10c Bird Seed, pkg 7c 10c Bird Sand, pkg 76 10 Loofor (Japanese Bath Sponge) 5c 10c Flax Seed (whole or ground) pkg 7 Water Bottles Priced for Saturday $2.00 2-qt. Red Combination "Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe S1.39 $1.25 2-qt Red "Water Bottle, guaranteed 98 85c 2-qt "Water Bottle.' 63d $2.00 3-qt. Red Fountain Syringe, guaranteed, for only S1.39 $1.00 2-qt Fountain Syringe 63d COMPARISON will show our drugs and merchandise priced lower than at any store on the Coast quality considered. We sell only "WOODLARK" QUALITY Out-of-town folks, we sell and ship to every part and port in the world. Mall na your orders and save money. French Mirrors Priced for Saturday French panel inirrora in antique gold, dull gold with ornamented comers and verdigris frames, all with imported color reproductions in top. Just one suggestion for a Xmas gif,t. Price $2.00; Saturday 57 Special picture inducement for three days Saturday Monday Tuesday. Pastel paintings, every one different framed close, with gold mats and handsome ornament al gold frames. Regular $12; choice. .$4.85 JUST A FEW LEFT 8x10- oil paintings in deep gold frames figures and landscape regular $12.00; your choice .$4. 85 Framed carbons in beautiful toned oaks; such well-known subjects as Home Keeping Ilearta Hanging of the Crane, Etc. Regular price $5.00; special $2. S3 Hair Brushes and Combs Priced for Saturday $1.25 English 'Rosewood Hair Brushes, bristle set in rubber 79? 75c Hair Brushes 49 35o and 40c Tooth Brushes. 27t 75o Celluloid and Hard Rubber Ladies' Combs 59 25o Children's Fine Combs. 19t 25c Gentlemen's Combs 15 Stationery Priced for Saturday A few boxes left of our 50c and 75o A "box paper." Your choice at XtC 50o box of 125 envelopes to match, A (r at only JC Raphael Tuck's Private Greeting Cards. Without doubt the finest collection of holiday and greeting cards ever shown on this coast. Order now and have exclusive Xmas and New Year cards. One Box Cross Stationery. Stamped with two initials $1.00 value, r7Ze at only Envelopes to match, EJ QQ Five Quires Paper Stamped With Three Initials. Woodlark, "Waterman's "Ideal," Conklin Self filler. Large, small, plain or mounted ; a point for every hand. Sold on ten days' t Cf trial. Priced up from pi.WU Fountain Pen Headquarters We are Fountain Pen headquarters. Wood lark, Waterman's "Ideal," Conklin Self Filler; large, small, plain or mounted; a point for every hand. Sold on 10 days' trial Priced at $1.00 and up. QRn "Woodlark" Ink Pencils, reg. $1.50, -tV. PENS CLEANED AND REFILLED FREE Sundries Priced for Saturday 90c Folding Looking A Q Glass OC $1.00 Hand 1Q. Mirrors .. .tOC 50o Razor OQ Strops OC 10c School Pocket Knives, T with chains $1.50 Bean Pot QRn Casseroles i70C $1.75 Wasp, small Alarm fl " T Clock, while they last... P1X f $2.00 Sterling Tipped - $1 OO Men's Walking Sticks....? XaOO $2.50 Bristle Bath Brush, with QQ Flexible Rubber Back ZJOl 25c Wool Dusters, varied colors O ' fine soft wool, long handle OC Liquors Priced for Saturday $1.25 Full quart Old Oscar Pepper or Old. Taylor Bourbon, bot- QQ- tied in bond a70C $1.00 Old Tom Martin, a fiQr blend at only Uvt $1.25 Carlisle, Rye, bonded, 7Q- at only ' i7' $1.25 Chicken Cock Bourbon, QQf 8 years old, bottled In bond.. O71, $1.25 Jesse Moore, 7Q" at only $2.00 Crawford's Select t1 AO Scotch, 10 years old Vlrto $2.50 Crawford's Extra tSl 7Q Select Scotch, 20 yrs. old. ? X O $1.60 De Kuyper Holland atl 9 9 Gin, large apX.OO $1.00 Apricot and Peach 7Qf Cordial, very fine -'-' $1.50 Dubonnet Wine, the 1 O O arpetixer ? X aaGO $1.50 Russian KummeL' fl?f O? at only apX.aCO 75o California Port, Sherry, Musca tel, Malagra, Claret, Zin- jjo Cf fandel, etc 44o bot., 6 for ?"l-,u Powder, Paste & Perfumes . Priced for Saturday 50o La Blache Face Powder. .27 50o Java Riz Face Powder .;. .25d 50c Cameline 29 50e Pebeoo 31 75o Roger & Gallet Perfumes. 59 25o Euthymol Tooth Paste. . . 10J 25c Graves' Tooth Powder... 10 25o Mennen's Talcum Powder. 9 35o Williams' Talcum Powder, 2 for 25 Burnt Wood Subjects Priced for Saturday Now is the time to select burnt wood subjects make most accept able gifts. If you have never burnt wood, eome in and let us tell you about it if yan have, you will ap preciate our immense stock of Wood to Burn; beautiful designs all greatly reduced in price. Dresser Boxes. Regular $L45; now $1.09 Regular $1.25; now., . 88 Regular 70c; now. .....41 Cuff and Collar Boxes. Regular $1.25; now 88 Regular 75a; now. ...... M. .46 Regular 70c; now..... 41 Regular 35c; now 22 ifi Tie Racks. Regular 50c; now 33 Regular 35o; now 22 Qas-0-Pen attached to any gas jet ready in an instant lowest priced wood burning outfit on the market; complete 9 Patent Medicines Priced for Saturday 50c Allen's L-ung Balsam 32t 25o Angier's Throat Pastilles for only 17d $1.00 Athlophoras 69 50c Ballard's Horehound Syrup for only 32 25o Brandreth's Pills 15 50c Burkhart's Vegetable Pills for only 296 $1.00 Biosal 71 $1 Chamberlain's Congh Rem edy for ..69 $1.75 Chewalla -31.49 25o Centaur Liniment . . .17 6 $1 Cooper's New DisoV.-GOd 35c Castoria 17 50c Craft's Distemper. . .336 25o Celery King Tea 15 50c Coke's Dandr'f Cure 33 $1 Coe's Eczema Cnre...69c $1 D. D. D. Eczema 65d $1 Dr. Syke's Catarrh G76 50c Doan's Ointment ... .326 25o Egyptian Tea 16 $1 Graham's H'r Restorer QQ6 $1 Hyomei Catarrh 69 6 $1 Hemaboloids (Arsenated) special at 73t $1 Hagee's Cod Liver Oil Com pound . .- 69t 25o Jayne's Expectorant. 17i 25o J. & J- Belladonna Porous Plaster 106 $1.00 Johnson's Indian Blood Syrup 656 50c Kitchell's Liniment. .31 50c Kinsman's Asthma.. -33t $1 Kaufman's Sulphur Bitters for only 716 $5 Mack's $1000 Spavin Rem edy S4.69 Patent Medicines Priced for Saturday 50c Lavoris 336 $1 McElree's "Wine of Cardui for 676 50c Ozojell ...33t $1 Powell's Stomach Rem. 69d 50o Phenol Sodione 306 $1 Phos. Muriate of Quin. 666 $1 Peter Moller's Cod Liver Oil for 656 25o Pike's Centennial Salve, specially priced at. ...... .16t 50o Rheumatic King 326 35c Rocky Mountain Tea.30J 25o R. L P. A. N. S. Tabules now only . . - -. . 1 (i $1.00 Sevetal .606 50o Sag's Catarrh 33d $1.00 Traxo .656 25o Tutt's Liver Pilla 166 50o Vapo-Cresolene 326 50c Whitehall's Rheumatic Remedy 326 Ladies' Bags Priced for Saturday SHOPPING BAGS in seal, ealf and pigskin, leather lined, inside purse, double strap handles and riveted frame. This purse has sold all season at $3, very tfcO QO special Saturday tytt.ZO special Saturday. AN ODD LOT OF TAILORED BAGS, all colors, worth to $4.00. Special Closing M 09 COIN BAGS in buckskin, good val ues at 60o Saturday, while O they last oc Woodarctj Clarke & Co. A charge account -with us will be a convenience to you. Why not open one today? ILISKYS WIN AND LOSE SISTER OF JIATBELLE GILMAN CORET GETS SMAUTj AMOCIfT. Jad-re Allow Portland Man's Wife, Defendant In Dlvorc SnlaOnly $50 SSontoIr Alimony. IV IjMV . - . ...... - r ' Upon motion of S. T. Jeffries, attorney lor tne cieieiKiani. v.irouii Je -u- bell today lseuea an graer uiuwiub Mrs. Cleta Pearl Alislcy. Bister or Mrs. Mnybelle Gtlman Corey, wife or the Steel Trust maarnata. $50 a month ali mony during; the pendency of the suit, 1160 suit money and IJ00 lawyer's fee In the divorce action niea Dy inries W. AUsky. a theatrical man, and son of - a a n.b a hT retired Port land confectioner. Mra. Allaky, her usband and the parents or air. Aiiaay ere In court when tha order wae la- jed. In a motion made tha day following tne in : ii k ui tuv . asked 15000 suit money. 1100 lawyer's rea; ana i.uu m ujuutu -- the pendency of the suit She also Bled a suit for divorce making- sensa tional chara-es saralnat ner nusoano. Judge Campbell will hear evldenoe In the suit Broua;n ny im nuiumu - cember 13. .... Mrs. Allsky was moaesuy aressea and sat beside her lawyer during: the proceedings today. Mr. Allsky and hia parents sat with his lawyer, S. T. Fen ton. Mr. and Mrs. Allsky did not look at each other during tne proceeaiuga. Corvallla Liquor Seller Held. CORVALLI3. Or.. Nov. J. (Special.) .j. E. Barton was arrested last night rf Tlnlatiar the local OD- tlon law and pleaded guilty, drawing a 1200 fine and serving a term in jail until he can find the money. He dis pensed beer and whisky In bottles at his residence to a select circle of cus tomers at aonslderable profit until the police Interfered. SEATTLE GIVES WELCOME Southwestern Washington Folk Greeted at Canal Conference. SEATTLE. Wash, Nov. I, (Special.) A warm weloome was extended by a special reception committee from the pew Seattle Chamber of Commerce to the large and representative delegation from Southwestern Washington which arrived here today to participate in a oonference on Panama Canal tolls with Seattle, Tacoma. Olympla. Bellingham. Everett. Port Townaend and Port An gel ea The delegation from other oltlea, al though smaller In number, were given a hearty reception by the Transporta tion Bureau, under whose auspices the conference Is being held. Among the speakers were President D. E. Skinner, of the Port Blakeley Mill Company; John L. Wilson, ez-Unlted States Sen ator; W. A. Meara, manager of the bureau; Captain James Footley and Captain Frank Walker, marine survey or. The latter discussed measure ments of vessels. COST OF HIGHWAY SOUGHT State and Railroad Engineers to Determine Right of Way Expense. OLMPIA. Wash, Nov. J. (Special.) To determine the cost of constructing a highway up tha Columbia River to replace state road No. . 1, which the Great Northern railroad seeks as a right-of-way for Its new line from We natchee to Pateros, State Engineers, accompanied by Great Northern engin eers will go over the route In the near future. This was agreed upon today follow ing a long conference between the state highway hoard. Great Northern officials and delegations from Wenat chee, Chelan and Okanogan In the of fice of Governor Hay. Governor Hay wants a time limit In cluded for the completion of the road and that, with the width, are the only things not agreed upon, but a satisfac tory settlement Is predicted. -At Home" Day Set at O. A. C. OREGON AGRICTJLTTJRAXj COLLEGE. CorvaTlls, Nov. 3. (Special.) Here after Tuesday afternoons, on the first Tuesday of every month, will be "At Home" days at Waldo Hall, the girls' dormitory. On this occasion Dr. Crayne, dean of women, assisted by the other faculty members, who are residents In the hall, will receive their friends both of the college and of the cities. The young women In the hall will also be at home to such of their friends as wish to call at that time. Player pianos In onr exchange room. Antoplano, 1287; terms, $10 per month. Kohler & Chase, 878 Washington st. 6iiir moiie and our wniSKey are guaranteed by the same govern ment. Both are genuine. (Tood old 'Pure 'SZggS Tr, 4 fcJ-B at" J si1 ii &JJ$ks Bottled in bono Aa Deceaaary in the) faonaa aa money. Eothchild Bros., Distributors, Portland, Ox.