Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 04, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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    1 --JI 1,lr VflHVWil-t . -W W , , ,. - ;
Shipments to California Ports
Gain 30,000,000 Feet
Over Last Year.
Propct. Howttit, Are That for
Flrt nlf of Tfr ThU Sr
on Will Lrad Orrr That of
Fr-rOT Month' Rrporta.
CnmctrtllT fl rnro of lornbr for
warded to California porta by water
for th f!rt quarter of th cereal year
eredtt th present i'Uob with an In
ereas of li.lsMT feet ovr to aazna
period la the pre-e!ln: season and It
ts a gain of I0.l7i.o64 ft ortr tha
flrt quarter of toe lt-10 axon.
Th coast wis hlpment for October
of lMJOOO feet brlii tha total for
tba quarter to 60.0:5. 474 feet. In the
iuii period lt nio tJ-.ey raarhad
11 717 000 ft and for tha first four
months of tha tarm they were
14.131. SO feet.
On tha total shipments, foreign and
tomwlM, tha present I'Hon lead that
of tha corresponding quarter In 10-1
by lJ.::.c:i feet, but faJI short of tha
Initial quarter last eaon by 14.1:0.071
feet, la hlpptna; circle Ilttla chairrln
I felt because of the decrease, aa tha
lrle-11 season wa a record-breaker
for the month and at the oatset of
thla eon It waa not expected that
the combined movement would be more
than half aa heavy.
With the clearance) yesterday of tha
r.-orweg'.an teamer C.uernaey for Ale
lelde with 1.4:4.411 feet of lumber. Tal
lied at I41.0S1. November I already
khead of the corresponding; period lat
year for with tha canto of th Britten
steamer Robert Lmllar 4.I14.H1 feet ha
been exported. against 4.47l.ll feat
east November.
December wa an average month.
January decidedly poor, and February
ahlpmenta wer not heavy. o th proa
pert are that for the first half of the
year thla season will lead.
Ootlrt Jforth of City IJmtt la Ad
Tocatrd by Rnahllgtit.
rranonnclna- eewerage condition
alone th waterfront a th worst h
over saw. Mayor ftnehltcht ald on hi
retura from a trip alone the dock ye.
terday morclnf. that be would recom
mend that a main outfall sewer be
sonstrurted along aTourtn street Inta
which all West Hide eewere will d!s
rharge. and have the eutlet beyond the
northern limit of th rltv. .He said
that later It mtaht b neceesarv to fol
low th same system on the East Side,
but that for the preeerit It waa not Im
perative for that district to be taken
care of differently.
-Sewage f-om hospital, hot:, res
taurant and larva buildings make the
West Fide of the harbor tha most un
sanitary aew. while tbe East Side baa
not urh a asnral situation to con
tend with." ha said. "Aa to the point
of autlet of the proposed Fourth-street
sewer, that le a subject to be taken up
la the general engineering plan, but
my Idea la to hare no sewer outlets on
the West Side of th, harbor In tha city
City Health Officer Wheeler and
Harbormaster Ppeter accompanied
Mayor Rushlight. It waa agreed that
bo Immediate relief could be given, but
that the plan for a mala sewer waa
tha solution for th future.
Drrdork TUIird to In pert Work on
Ship and Steamer.
Msrcu Talbot, general manager of
th Port of Portland Commission, will
make his first official Inspection of
tbe drelsjeo Portland and Columbia to
day. They are working In the vicinity
of Rainier. Aocompanied by Hupertn
tendent Orove. of the dredging de
partment. Mr. Talbot will make the
trip by train and look over both dig
ger and Inspect th channel work
In wbl h they are engaged.
Mr. Talbot went to th publl dry
dock yesterday with Captain Groves
and Barry Campion, superintendent of
towage and pilotage. In connection
with work being done on the salmon
hip Heme, and to pa an th new
pilothouse of the ateamer Ocklaham.
Th Ocklahama will be brought to the
foot of Ash street today, and If nec
essary work on th plthous will be
continued while she I engaged In
towing ahlp.
Dollar Losrvea and Guernsey Win Bo
Loaded Soon.
?fam a Co. of London, have con
tracted (or another cargo of Oregon
fir and to transport It to Delagoa
Hay negotiations have been closed for
tae charter of the Herman ship Frieda,
a carrier well known here Phe la on
the way from Hamburg for Santa Ro
eaila, having sailed August T. and 1
due hare la February. The Frieda waa
taken at shillings. Th last Toyag
of th Frieda from Portland waa with
barley for lpewlcb, and aha cleared
October 11. lu.
The Brltlah tamr Robert Dollar
ailed yesterday with a mixed cargo.
Including l.0.0 feet of lumber, for
ts Ortnt bha will be followed today
by tha Norwegian stnacnsr Ouenuey,
which ha finished at tha North Pa
cifio mill for Adelaide.
Diminutive) tilling Veaaela Built on
Yojaxo From Enropav
In tow of tha iteamer Monarch tha
French ship Jalea Oomme. from
peloid via Hobart with gnrJ cargo,
left np from Aatorta yesterday after
Boon and will berth at Mac see- dock.
It la reported from Aatorta that ap
prentice on the Oomme built a fleet
of. toy sailboats an th voyage, most
ly' achoonwr ad sloop, perfectly rtg
ged and with model that are tha eery
at elder members of tha crew, and with
glistening coal of white paint It I
said thy made a fin appearance
WBen sailing la tha lower harbor. Th
owner of eavoh navigate with th aid
of tha wind and a (tout string, so
they may be hauled aboard easily, and
waterfront urchlae probably will 'see
some -dandy" racea
Tha Gerroaa a tup Dion, which ar
rived October It from Santa Rosalia.
wlU have a short stay In port, a ah
sa fi&Uhad loading wheat and cleared
yesterday, her manifest showing that
ah ha 1J0.S: bushels aboard valued
at fles.0. She will be followed by
tha British steamer Harmattan. which
la to load rn excess of 400 ton of tha
cereal. .
Salmon Pack of Neiialem to Bo
e Transported to River.
Captain Rorrlk. of tha tug Oeo. R.
Tosburg. will resume th Portland
Nehalem trade today when ha leave
with tha barge Nhalem In tow and ex
pects to return to Astoria with her.
carrying 11.000 case of salmon con
signed to th Union Flharmn' Pack
ing Association. Th Vosburg haa
been at tha plant of the Vulcan Irjn
Works slno she went out of commis
sion flv. week go and thr are re
pair yet to be made to her boiler, but
toev will be carried out on her return.
Captain Rorvlk ear a that h will
continue) on tha run during the Winter
if assurance are received from Na
na lera Intereat that they can main
tain tha water competition. During
th construction of th Px!f1e Kall-
Baa te Antra.
Worn. City..
. M. Elmo
ABTII. ......
Faicoa. . . ..
Tlllaaeoek. ..
Oeo w Cl1ei
OoMea Oata.
Jtoeaoke. ...
Rose City....
Freely Dote
. -n Franeisco -la pert
i. Ttuemeea. .. . In prt
. Eur.k,. la tert
. Jiaada. ..... la pert
.Sea P1re Nov. 4
. Kan FTaaclsc Nor.
. Cooalll Nov.
..Coos Bar.... Nov.
..Sap Nov.
. TDlaneoK. ... Nov.
. Fi retire. .. ov.
. aa Ptese. ... Nov.
..baa Pedre...Nov.
views " Fee rte
Aav:i .Pan don. . .... Noe. 4
u H. Klaaere. Tlllemeok.... Nov. 4
AtMaar. Fur.ka .. .. Nov. 4
Noe flry. . .. Fan Franclaco Nov. T
TUlameok . . . . rjol:: Nov. T
Freak water. .. -Cooa Hay No. T
Fa. coo Fan Frac CISCO Nov. T
Oro. W. Eldec. "an Ple. . .. Nov. I
p.arer Fan Pwlro. .. . Not.
Ooldea Osts. .. Ttramok ...Nov. 9 8anP.Jro... Nov. 11
F antikt F I!io.... Nn. 1
Boee City.... fiaa Pedro.... Nov. It
way A Navigation Company's system
to Tillamook, the Vosburg male regu
lar voyage with railroad material, but
that work I at an end and other busi
ness Is curtailed through th comple
tion of the rail Una.
Government Tug to Bo Made Over
t Cost of $33,750.
Joseph Supple yesterday signed a
contract at the office of Major Mclndoe,
Corps of Engineer. V. B. A-. to recon
struct th Government tug CI. II. Men
dell for I1S.7I0. The work will re
quire six months, and nothing of the
preeent vessel will be used except such
part of her machinery as ars eervlre
able. Tha contract provides that tha
machinery must be gone over and worn
out portions replaced.
Mr. Supple estimates that IS. 000 feet
of oak will be required for the frames,
and all material will be selected. He
began work on the gasoline schooner
Anvil yesterday, when she was lifted on
the Oregon drydock for repair to her
keel and to hare a new shoe fitted.
Chaagee are being made through which
her passenger accommodations will be
reduced from 4 to IS. and the space
utilised for cargo that will add 40 ton
to her carrying capacity. Work will ba
completed today, and it la hoped to dis
patch her for Bandoa tonight
Cutter Msnnlng Get Order.
ASTORIA, Or.. Not. . (Special.)
Tbe revenue cutter Manning. Captain
Perry, haa received orders to proceed to
Keah Bay, Thursday and temporarily
relieve th life-saving cutter bnohom
Ish. which I to go to th dry dock for
a general overhauling and minor re
pair a
Marino Xotea.
Bringing fuel oil from th South, th
steamer J. A. Chanslor entered and
cleared yesterday at the Custom-Hous.
a did the steamer Itos City, for Ban
Francisco, while the Norwegian ateamer
(Guernsey cleared with lumber for Ad
Alde and the German ship Dlona for
the Cnlted Kingdom with wheat.
Passenger accommodations were not
to be had long before the ateamer Rose
City swung away from Alnswonh dock
at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, while
ene carried a capacity cargo. Tbe
Heaver, due today, will have a fall list
Falsework beneath tha aaat span of
the new liarrtmaa bridge haa been
torn out and a start made on clearing
that beneath tbe west span. Caages
have been painted on bqth aide of th
draw piers so that navigator of small
vessels may ascertain th clearance at
As the steamer Oolden Oate did not
get away from Tillamook until yester
day morning, she will sail on th re
turn Monday Instead of today- Re
pairs to the ateamer Bui H. EJmore
wer finished yesterday and aha be
gan loading for Tillamook at Couch
street dock, from where ah will sail
this morning. Hereafter ah will ar
rive and depart from Aibera dock.
Engineer Conway and General In
spector Trott. of th Bureau of Light
houses, who are going over tbe Coast
districts, left Seattle yesterday aboard
the tender Manxanlta and will visit
varlou stations on tha way to Astoria.
Local Inspector Edward and Fuller
will hear testimony Monday morning
In an Investigation of charge made by
Captain Thomson, of th iirtmer Geo.
W. Elder, that Captain Copeland, of
the tug Daniel Rem, used "cross" slg
nala recently In passing the Elder and
aa a result of which ah grounded.
Movements of Yefel.
PORTLAVD. Nov. t- XefTtwd 8?wtmr
Oltum, lrom St KTbc!c HaUld brittah
T.rar Kobrt Ctotiavr, tor fchnfhl;
tunr Kom City, (or 6u rruciKO mad
kwlrow '
ABtoriav Not. X. Coot !t too at to
moait. of tho rtTr at fts P. M.. smooth;
wind. sorrJiw at. It milf: waatber. cloudy.
tr.3 at T s A. M.. itMiatr t arlos, for
feaa rraaeltvco. Loft up at 11 JL. M., tamr
f.'.ai. Arrived down at S P. M.. choonr
trio. Lft up at 4:11 P. M.. Franco hlp
JuUa Oomrat4 6aJld at 11 IW A. M.
taamor Catania, for ai FraaoUoo.
.va rrtncLftM. Nov. &. Ballad at 11 A. H.,
HtuiKt Har, for Baa Podro: at 3 P. M.,
itMtntr Oeo. W. t.d-r. for Port. and.
Point PwToa. Nov. . Paaaad at 10 A. M-.
atoarBar W. m. Porta r, from Port:aad. for
aUoDtoraT; at 1 P. M-. atamr YoooxnJta,
rem Columbia Rivor. for San Pvdro,
T a co too, Nov. t. Arrlrad RrlUab taam
r fvavarla, from Evorott; Brltiah atoamor
Harloadaa. from Bromartoa. Dopartod
rh4oiiar A. T. Alzvndr. for Ban Podro;
Bntua otoanior Cclopa. for tStattl ud
Urtttah Cot-unbia.
Karx-awtntl. WaaHu. Nov. 1. Arrlrod No
fwntrtr L. atoamor ftattlaaw. from touthm
tCe-aiforaia; NovtmNr 1, atoamor Santa Bar
ax. from Ka Podro.
aaa Fraaciaoo Nov. . Arrirod Stoaa
mrm ynflald. from BadVa; Tooamlto, from
Prt.aad; ahlp Poltaiiock. from Nowcaatlo.
A oat rm a a. oAUod Htoamor Johaa Poulaoo.
q0 w. lUd ar. for Portland; achooeora Ad
Ttrno. for Coo.c.Ua Klvari 6auaa.Ua, lor
TVdm mi Artmrt Butmrdmj.
Hr-. teOW.
11-4 A M fat 4 4 A. M 1.8 fet
11 .1 P. M. ? t frft 3 It P. M 0.& foot
Aa a rooult of ! fSara bunt, oaa whal
tnu itwtvmar towad baiao. valued at l-V-lata
Corral tha laat cf Xarah. Thar
vara eancbt la tha vicinity oX LaA MooiiA
Iaian-a. im wbo ovtLt. PaoJUUa. f
. .... .n-nvijm vt a wr D I IPT'TITI IV Vl I RFH A.
ww n w ar a m m m a a - wi -v i , - m. m a w mA ai&xi w u a
Portland Committee of 18 in
Resolution Defines General
Line of Action.
Special Attention Will Bo Given to
Presidential Preference Election
Statute That Xo Infringe
ment Mar - Occur.
Holding William Howard Taft to ba
the beet qualified man for election to
th Presidency of th Vnltd State in
ltlS. II of bis most ardest upportr.
comprising th Portland Taft oommlt
tee. yesterday adopted resolution set
ting forth a general line of action In
support of th Taft campaign.
Th resolutions provld for giving
assistance In every way possible, spe
cial attention being glvn In th ro
lutlon to th Presidential preference
primary election law to sea that In pro
moting the Taft campaign none of the
features of thl act are violated. All
of th It member but Thodor B. Wil
cox. D. O. L:vly and A, M. Smith wer
The Taft committee waa organised
recently with the Intention of promot
ing President Taffa nomination and
election, but not until yesterday- meet
ing wera th poUoles of th committee
made public.
Move T Be Eadarged.
Th mov mad by th Portland Taft
committee 1 aid to ba the forerunner
to the formation of committee in very
oounty In th state, which will co-operate
with the committee her. This
committee will co-operate with the
Preldenf campaign committee at the
headquarter In Washington.
Following the adoption of the reso
lutions, a communication was sent by
John F. Logan, secretary, to Washing
ton, telling of the action taken and
asking for suggestions as to the cam
paigning desired by the President. The
committee will betTln arranging at one
for a series of publlo meetings In va
rious parte of tha county and will pro
mote Taft enthulsm In other way.
That tha campaign committee as or
ganized Is In accord with th Orgon
election law was proved by a careful
Inspection of the law. It was fouad
that uch a committee to further the
Interests of a candidate for the nom
ination to an office at the hand of hi
political part at any primary election
I xpressly authorized in tha tat
law, which reads as follows:
Political committee shsll spply te
eviry eomblnstlon of two or more traona.
who shall aid or promote the e,.ceeas ?r de
feat of a candidate, or a Political party or
principle, and !h. provisions of law ''ln
thereto, shall apply to any firm or
ship, te av corporation, and to any club,
' rsaatsatlon. ewoclatlon oroth.r combina
tion of persona, whether Incorporated or not.
with eimiiAc purpoaas. whether primary or
IneidentaL ....
At Every polItloaT oommlttee shall have
- ho la a voter, end snail cause
than .0 fr potltiral purprtaae and by trvory
pallti-r- afant and candidal.
Off1crti Art rkotiea
Tr. Andrew C. Smith waa feeted
treasurar of th committee and eloc
tlona of Ben Benin as chairman and
John F. Logan a eortarr wera made
permanent. ,-.
The reeolutlon adopted la aa follows.
Wharves, wa bollora to tha ability aod lo
tartty of William Howard Toft, and fool
confldont that hla rocord aa Preoldont of tno
Vnltod Stataa aotltlaa him to tho confidante
of l-ha i-aoplo of tha rnlted Btatee and the
ponplo of tho t5tata of Orvfon: and.
Whort-aa. Wa believe la upholding and
mamtaininv the lnte(rtty and Pr
only of tha primary law. but of all other
laws enactad by tha people and the 1
laiatlve Aaeembly of tha otate of Oregon.
&rhraa. The primary U doee not Inhibit,
bat on the contrary, enjolna upon tha el-lee
na of thla atato to form commlttoee In
favor of th-lr cbolco for Proaidant er Vlco
I'rveldent of tha United Btatee. aa appear
In tha direct primary law enacted by the
people In 1WWV4, aa amended by enactment of
tho people In lfl-. which eald amendment
appaara In auhdlvlalnna R and B of eectmn
. chapter 6. L.awe of mil. whore It U pro
vided In eectlon H. "The naraeo of any per
eone ,referTlnn- to Praaldent or Vice-P real -dent
of the rnlted Btatee) ahall be eo printed
on eaid ballot aotely on the pot 1 linn of their
political aupportera In Oregon without auch
peraona themaelvea alsnLns eny petition. ai
naiure or acceptance. And In aubdlvislon
K: The committee or organization which
eball file a petition to place tho name of any
pcreon on the nominating ballot of their
political party, to be voted for by Ita mem
bera for ex pre eel on of their choice for nom
ination aa the candidate of aura --party for
Preeldent or Vice-Preel dan t of the United
Statea." and;
Where a. The law commonly known ae
the corrupt practice act. also enacted by tha
paople. laye down rules and rva-ulatlona for
tha conduct of polrtlral com mitt tbaraby
aanctlonlne; auch committee-, and ;
Whereaa. Wo are convinced that we are
wlthtn the -Jil aplrit and letter of the In
tent and purpoee of the primary and other
progressive laws of the slate In on It Ins aa
a political committee to promote tha Interest
of our choice for President of the United
Statea; now, therefore be' It
Keeolvedk That we., the underslimed cltl
aans and residents of the Ktate of Oregon,
having the welfare of our state and country
at heart, and believing that both ean beat
be conserved by the continuance la office
of William Howard Taft. do hereby asso
ciate ourselvca as a political committee for
tha purpose of utilizing all honorable means
at our command to combine the Republican
Tote In tbe tState of Oregon, and promote the
Intereat of 'William Howard Taft to the end
that he may be victorious at the coming
Presidential primaries In our state and even
tually be returned aa the choice of the Re
publicans ,of Oregon f'r their candidate aa
Preeldent of the 1'nlted Hi a tee.
Fall Creek Yotmc Man Killed bj
Rifle' Accidental Dlecbarffe.
EUGENE. Or, Nor. t. (Special.)
Rar Vaughn was Instantly killed today
at Fall Creek, 20 miles up the Willam
ette from here, by the accidental ills
char; of a U-callber rifle. He was
rldlnr on a load of wood, with tha rifle,
restlner on the seat beside him.
In descending from the load, the run
era knocked down and discharged. The
bullet entered the rlsrht eye and pene
trated the brain. He was a son of
Hobert Vaunhn. of Fall Creek, and was
about 10 year old.
Woman, Drinks Acid as She Leave
Barber at Corner.
Mrs. Clara Morrla. of T Park street,
a widow II year eld. with two atnaJl
In th err-.t tc-lvf. or rootiy
' "Z ? -..! tA that amount of mor
... . all . . re-
" J
children. Immediately after a jralk with
August H. Butcheck. a barber ot iuu(
Belmont street, yesterday afternoon,
took carbolic acid and now Is lying; at
St. Vincent Hospital In a critical con
dition. Sirs. Morris appeared at the barber
shop., of" which Butcheck Is pan pro
prietor. Thursday night and the two
went out walking;. Early yesterday
morning; she as;aln appeared at the shop.
and with Butcheck. went for another
walk. Butcheck left Mrs. Morris at the
corner of East Twenty-third and Bel
mont itreets. thinking; that she was
about to board a car to g;o back to the
West Sid. A moment after he had left
her and before he had gone 60 feet
from her. she drew a small vial of car
bolic acid and put it to her lips.
Butcheck saw the action and ran back,
dashing- the vial from her hand before
she could drink all of Its content.
Placing her on the sidewalk. Butcheck
ran to the home of Dr. P. 8. Kaadt. at
East Thirty-fourth and Belmont street.
Mra Morris waa hurried In th Red
Cross ambulance to th hospital.
Mrs. Morris worked at the Columbia
Laundry. She I said to have threat
ened several times to take her life.
Committee Is Appointed to Greet
Champ Clark and Harmon.
West to Speak Soon.
A committee of five, consisting of
Robert A. Miller, F. S. Myers, John H.
Stevenson. Oglesby Toung and O. W.
Allen, was appointed at a meeting of
the Jackson Club last night to co-operate
wlU County Chairman Van
Duser, State Chairman Haney ana
State Committeeman Whidden In ar
ranging for the entertainment of any
Democratic celebrities who may visit
the city.
The appointment of the committee
was actuated by the fact that Champ
Clark, of Missouri. Speaker of the
House of Representatives, and Jud
son Harmon, Governor of Ohio, both
Presidential possibilities, are expected
to be In the state within the next
month or two. Senator Gore, of Okla
homa, who la on a lecture tour of the
West, and Is now at Eugene, will be
In Portland November 13. It was an
nounced, and an effort will be made
to Induce him to address the club mem
bers and all others who may wish to
be present. Should Senator Gore con
sent, a special meeting will be called.
The decision to appoint a single com
mittee was arrived at only after con
siderable discussion, many of the mem
bers, among them O. W. Allen. Oglesby
Toung and C. U Daggett, preferring that
two committee should be appointed,
one for Mr. Harmon and the other for
Mr. Clark. Others, principal among
them E. S. J. McAllister, Colonel Mil
ler and Mr. Haney, objected to this on
the ground that It contributed to fac
tional politics, and they finally won.
H B. Van Duxer, president of tha club,
waa lected by the meeting aa chair
man of the committee.
The debate gave E. B. J. McAllister
an opportunity to announce that while
he Is ready and willing to assist In the
entertainment of Judson Harmon, he
will bolt the Democratlo ticket should
the Ohio Governor receive the Demo
cratic nomination for President, be
raus he doe not bellev that Mr.
Harmon ha t heart the principle of
Democracy a expounded by Jackson
and Jefferson. '
Governor West, It waa announced,
will -be the principal speaker at the
meeting of the club the night of No
vember 17. John H. Stevenson urged
that the club pursue the policy of hav
ing frequent addresses from prominent
men. that we may show th people of
Portland and of Oregon that we are
not in politic merely for the sake of
office, but to obtain education and en
lightenment. Oglesby Toung and Mr. Stevenson,
both of whom are candidate for elec
tion aa delegates to th party National
convention, declared that they will. If
elected cast their ballota In conven
tion for the Presidential candidate In
dorsed by the majority of Oregon Dem
ocrats. Irrespective of what their per
sonal preferences may be. Mr. Toung
said, however, that In case the nomi
nation of Hie man selected 1 impos
sible, he will go over to the camp of
Chump Clark.
-Tou know." said Mr. Toung, 'when
I was a young man on a farm In Ml
sourl. I cmpaigned with Champ Clark
for two week in a buggy I drove the
Heavy Demand for Coal Cars Said to
Be Cause of Present Situation
Worse Than Fonr Tears Ago.
SALEM. Or, Nov. . (SpeclaL)-A
car shortage even of a more serious
nature than that of 1907 la Indicated
In Wetern Oregon, from the great
number of complaint which have been
pouring Into the State Railroad Com
mission during tha past few weeks.
These complaints are registered from
point between the Blue Mountains
and-Huntington. The shortage Is ad
mitted by officials of the O.-W. R. &
N. Company, aa well as their inability
to meet the demand of the situation.
It Is said the shortage is due to
heavy demands for coal cars and an
inability to secure assistance from the
Oregon Short Line, the eastern con
nection of the navigation eompany'a
lines. Flat cars and stock crs seem
to be plentiful but boxcars are aa
scarce as four years ago. despite the
fact 'that the railroad official assert
every effort Is being exerted to re
lieve the situation and that the pres
ent supply Is being distributed aa
equitably as possible with every ef
fort made to avoid discrimination.
Advices from the Commission to
complainants has been to save their
rights under the reciprocal demurrage
law, which was designed to apply in
cases of this kind. The orders for
cars must be in writing and placed
with the agent nearest the point where
the cars are to be supplied. If the
railroad then falls to supply the cars
within the requisite time, as provided
by law, tbe company becomes liable
to the applicant in the sum of $2 per
day per car until supplied, aa well as
the actual damage suffered by the ap
plicant and attorney's fees for prosecu
tion for recovery.
-The constitutionality of the recip
rocal demurrage act has been upheld
by the Supreme Court of this state, and
It is also held that the act applies to
state as well as to interstate traffic
A writ of error has been sued out In
the United States Supreme Court, and
the case is pending there. The Com
mission has also advised shippers to
ubs care in preserving evidence of
damages suffered and to keep a com
plete record of the applications and
time orders were filed.
Extra Sessions of Committee
Part of Plan to Avoid De
lay in Submission.
By Sections Tentatively Approved
Signatures of 10 Per Cent 'Will
Be Required to Invoke Initla
tivePetl tions to Be Public
With the work on the new charter
well in hand, and the revlalon commit
tee laboring dally to Drlng Ita werk up
for final consideration at the evening
sessions, the official charter commis
sion will make every effort to have
the document ready for filing with, the
Council next Wednesday. When it was
Intimated by some of the membera at
last night's meeting that it might be
necessary to petition the Council for
an extension of time in which to com
plete the revision, the majority of those
present were opposed to such action and
declared their belief that the charter
could be put In shape for filing for
vote January . the date as finally set.
"We asked the Council ourselves to
fix a date for filing," said E. a Bron
augh. "and it looks to me as If it were
up to us to make good."
Members of the revision committee,
George B. Cellars. H. E. Reed and Mr.
Bronaugh, have worked almost unre
mittingly this week on the different
sections of the charter that required
most careful revision, and the results
of their work havo boen taken in hand
at the evening sessions of the com
mission and carried through, so that
they now havo comparatively few more
sections to handle. I
No meeting of the whole commission
will be called tonight. The revision
committee will continue its work to
day and will endeavor to place the sec
tions that remain to be considered in
such form that the- greater part of the
work may be disposed of In the session
that has been called for Monday night.
Nearly all of the discussion last night
was in revision of sections that have
been previously considered.
Of chief Interest were the provisions
adopted for the signing of initiative and
referendum petitions. Signatures of
only 10 per cent of the voters are re
quired. Instead of IB per cent as pro
vided in the present charter, and 80
days Instead of 15 are allowed In which
to secure the signatures.
Petitions are to be kept mt the City
Hall, however, and all signers will be
required to be identified and to sign at
that place. It Is believed that this pro
vision will eliminate the possibility of
fraudulent signature. Similar provi
sions are made for the signing of re
monstrances against franchls.
Promoter of Zionist Movement De
clared Strange Msn.
Th strangest man since the time
of Jesus of Nazareth and the strangest
man since the time of Moses," Is what
Charles W. Robinson termed Theodore
Hertzel, late of Vienna, In his talk at
the Congregation Ahaval Sholom last
'he'peaker said that Hertsel first
became Interested in the Jewish con
dition at the memorable trial of Drey
fus, who was on trial for treason some
TeaJB ago In Franca. Being a Jew, Hert
sel was sent by one of the newspapers
of Vienna to report the trial at Paris.
He became so much absorbed In the
case that his reports soon became
After the- trial he continued his In
terest and soon visited all the principal
countries of Europe, arranging for del
egates to a Zlonlat congress to be held
at Vienna. The great plan of his life
was to have the Jews return to Pales
tine. The speaker declared that Hert
sell will 'always be remembered as tha
first man to do much for a definite
home of the Jews.
Own Pipe or Cigarette Believed to
Have Cansed Fatal Fire.
SPOKANE. Wash., Nov. . (Special.)
Burned almost beyond recognition.
Daniel P. Koogle. aged fl, a pioneer
resident of Whitman County, was found
by fire fighter today, lying across th
threshold of his little one-roomed cot
tage at eolton. In his effort to escape
death the aged man had crawled to the
doorway when he was overcome by
smoke. '
As Koogle was an Inveterate smoker
It is presumed that the building was
fired from a lighted pipe or cigar.
Pioneer Telephone Inventor Dead.
HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov. . Daniel
F. Drawbaugh, inventor of one of the
earliest telephones, died today, aged 84.
PORTLAND, Nov. t. Maximum tempera
ture H des-reea; minimum. 44 dagrees.
River raadlns. A. M.. 11 feet: change in
K Sick Headache, Billons Stomach,
Coated Tonsjne er Constipated
Bowel by morala;.
Turn the rascal out th headache,
the biliousness, the Indigestion, the
sick, sour stomach and foul gasea
turn them out tonight and keep them
out with Can carets.
Millions of men and women take a
Cascaret now and then and never know
the misery caused by a -lasy liver,
clogged bowels or an iyset stomach.
Don't put in another day of distress.
Lt Cascatets cleanse and regulate
your etomach; remove the sour, undi
gested and fermenting food and that
misery-making gas; take the excess
bile from 5ur liver and carry out of
the system all the decomposed waate
matter and poison In the intestines and
bowels. Then you will feel great.
A- Cascaret tonight will surely
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep. A 10-cent box
from any drug store means a clear
head and cheerfulness -for months.
Children love to take Cascaret be
cause they taste good never grip or
The Imperial
Oregon' Greatest Hotel
60 Rooms, 104 Suites, With Private
Moderate Rates. ,
Phil Metschaa & Sons. Props.
I r
s. D. aad T. K. JOROBSSBH.
Ft Bias, sai starra.
! mm Col Wataa,
as rasa
QLOOand Up
last 14 tlonrs. 0.1 foot rise. Total rain
fall. 5 P. M. to P. M., none; total rain
fall since September 1. ml. .H Inches; nor
mal. .0 Inches; exoess, 0.0 Inch. .Total
sunshine, none; possible, 10 hours. Barome
ter (reduoad to sea level) at 6 P. M.. 10.27
The high-pressure area yesterday over
the Middle Mississippi Valley has advanced
to the Middle Atlantlo States. The low
prsuure area north of Montana ha In
creased In magnitude and Its Influence Is
now being felt as far south aa Wyoming.
Light rain has fallen In Western and North
ern Washington and along the Gulf Coast,
and light snow has fallen In Montana and
the Upper Mississippi Valley. It la much
warmer along th east slope of the Rocky
Mountains, and generally cooler In th
South Atlantlo and East Gulf Btates.
The conditions are favorable for occa
sional rain Saturday In Eastern Washington
and Northern Idaho and for generally lair
-weather elsewhere In this district.
Portland and vicinity Fair; northwesterly
Oregon Fair; northwesterly winds.
Wsanlngton Fair west, occasional rata
east portion; southwesterly winds.
Idaho Fair south, occasional rain north
E DWATO X. BEALB, District Forecaster.
VAN ORDSTRAND In this city. November
. Frank Van Ordstrand. aged 18 yeara. be
loved eon of Mr.,and Mrs. Charles H. Van
Ordstrand. Remains at Holman s chapeL
Announcement of funeral later.
FINK In this city, at the lateJresldenee
B5 Fifth street. Margaret Fink, aged .8
yeara. Funeral notice will appear In a
eubaequent Issue.
MIDGLET In this elty. November 8. Albro
L. Mldgeley. aged 83 years 6 months and
SI days. Funeral notlo will appear In a
subsequent issue.
eiicT tv At the Wheeldon Annex, at
P m!. November 2, in her 82d year Mary
Virginia Shelby, daughter of the late Gen
eral Joaeph Lane, widow of A D. 8bDy
and beloved mother of Eugene Shelby, of
lii Frucliao. and Annie Blanche Shelby,
Portland Friends Invited to attend
f un.rS service." which will be held at St
KtVohan's chapel. 18th and Clay sts. at
I pS! tomorrow (Sunday). Nov. 6, In
terment in Rlvervlew Cemetery.
aurr RT At the Wheeldon Annex, at S P-
November 2. In her 82d year. Mary
v'lrgm" ISalby. daughter of the la Gen
era! Joseph Lane, widow of A D.
and beloved mother of Eugene Shelby, of
k2 FraWlsce. and Annie Blanche 6helby,
of Poruand" Funeral aervicee will be held
at St Stephen's Pro-CathedraL Thirteenth
.nfl Pi., streets, at 2 P. M- tomorrow
TSundayf. November 5. Friends luvlt.d.
Bervlcea at grave private.
DROUILLAT Zelma B. Drouillat. aged 15
vears 8 months and 10 days, beloved
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Drouillat
of 738 East Salmon St.. Nov. 1. Funeral
will take place from St. Frances Church,
rl.t 11th at. and East Oak, Saturday.
Nov T A M. Friends respectfully ln
vlted. Interment Greenwood Cemetery.
Remains at private reception rooms of
East Side Funeral Directors. 14 East
Alder st.
TtFJED The funeral service of Mrs. Mary
E Reed will be held at the Baptist
Church, corner of E 11th St. and Tacoma
. on Saturday, Nov. 4. Rev. F. H.
Hayes, pastor. Friends are Invited to be
present. .
BOARDMAN In this city November 1,
George H. Boardman. aged 05 yeara. Fu
neral will take place from the parlors of
the East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East
Aider and East Blxth atresia, today, .No
vember iiP.V.
Fifth and Washingfton Sta. -
A Hotel in the very heart of Portland's business
activity. Moderate price .restaurant in correction.
Modern in every respect. Rates $1.00 and np.
L. Q. Swetland, MfcT. C. H. Shafer, Asst. Mgr.
I v53 a .iSSgiM
! kri'
Tho largest and most magnificent
hotel In Portland ; Tmsnrpass-ln
elegance of aommodationaNor
exoellenee) of cuisine. European
plan $1.50 per day and upward,
a. K. nA&ntAint. iraae.
aT T s -? ae - ata mr B a v I
,.t33 laisiaisjidJiJJJaidaiH
Xsj' Oregon
Fourteenth and WashiT.gton Sta
This Thoroughly Modern,
Absolutely Fireproof.
Offers Unexcelled Service,
Comfort and Convenience
at Moderate Rates.
200 Rooms - - 120 Bathrooms
Every room faces the street.
Bus meets all trains and steamers,
G. C. LARM, Manager.
Cor. Fourteenth and Washington
Jfew Hotel, Elegaatly Furnished.
Rates $1 and Up
European Plan.
Take any car at Depet and fraasfa
Waahlnctoa St.
' Onr 14 - passenger electric "bus meets
all trains. A higrh-class, modern hotel
In the heart of the theater and shop
ping district. On block from any car--line.
II per day and up. European plan.
E. p. MORRIS, Prop. H. E. FLETCHER, Mgr.
KELLOGG The funeral services of the late
Minerva Ellen Kellogg will ba held at
Flnleys chapel at 1 P. M. Sunday, No
vember o. Friends Invited. Interment
Greenwood Cemetery. Seattle, Wain,
papera please copy.
Phones: Alain 611); A 1103.
Dunning A McEntee, Funeral Direct era.
7th au ruie.
, I II n i uir. ,
itant. Office of County Coroner.
K, j. 1.1.1. i. , .
Phone East 1088, C1088. Lady attendant.
j p plNLEY SON, 3d and Madleoa.
Lady attendant. Phone Alain . A 15K9.
EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Direet-
srs. t20 flu st. Lsuy assistant, a mmp a.
EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, succ
te F. a. Dunning, inc. o-. " ..m
Sixth. East 781. B 1888. Lady assistant,
A 538. 540. 642 644. 545. 658. 654, 670.
578. 678. 580. 591. M
B B22. 628. 630. 686, 5S9, 640, 64. 645.
CVeVieB, 640, 531. 654. 561. 685. 5SS.
Diii2,e862. 650, 656, 660 661, 4.
fe 537 638. 639. 642. M4. 647. 64S. 681.
F 623, 528. 627. 632. 639. 541. 648, 550.
G-iM. 685, 644, 649, 658, 554. fiBS. STS.
H 618. 618, 640. 644. 558. 65T. 689.
638. 676. 676, 685 68T . 088. 0T, 909.
K 181. 45. 603. 611. 624. 629.
Mlt M76.""kM5228. 529, 538. 540.
642. 643. 644, 645. 549. 551. 65S . 6.14, 663.
K-i20. 624. 639. 448. 646. 549, 553.
0499. 523, 529, 427. 628, 633. 634. 688.
pi-222,B4224858225, 46T. 626. 627. 681. 682.
636,"63. 547. 56L
R 554. 657, 561.
rJil B2. 530, 642, 56S. 584.
T-226 519. 524. 530, 632. 636, 687. 588.
639, 540. 641. 649, 664. 555.
V-ill. 6i2. 528. r31. 832. 949. ,
W 525. 526. 532. 639. 621.
X 522 527 628, 537, 541, 544, XX,
x-430.' 538. 641, 561. .678. 75. 577, 68S.
A8i4199S427. 52T. 534, 644. 545, 621, 828.
AC-17 62.-J. 529. 533, 634, 537. 539, 545.
AiV-224 225, 250, 510. 512. 618. 614. 619.
530. 632. 536. 645. 651. 053.
tE 220 K7. 531. 532, 634, 649, 550.
F 220, 521. 629, 632. 5.13. 54L
AG 646, 647, 651. 503, 554, 897.
AH 535. 539. 643. 6u0.
Ajt-635, 642. 543. 544. 548, 549, 968.
AK-504, 534. 538, 640. 647. 638.
530 635. 588. 638. 644, 646. 648.
AM 611. 631. 633. 636, 687, 646, 647. 548.
AN9a!1'457.S'470. 511. 512. 516. 625. 630.
633, 634, 635. 636. 539. 546. 547. 648,
AO508. 513. 620, 621. 524. 526. 527. 61.
584. 643, 646. 563. 554.
AP 541. 543. 5(4. 553. 554.
Aft 407. 4S7. 507. 619. 520. 529, 550.
A-4 451. 624. 629, 535, 540, 542, 532, 598.
AX 521. 546.
If above answer are not called for within
arx days, same will be destroyed.
OmCE. CITY HALL.. Mala 538. A IMS.
BL'MANE OFFICER, Sergeant Crass.
Residence. 24 la 24ta. li. Eaa 477.
r. a. Dunmlre. Re. 8S6 Waseo 8L
W G. Eaton. Rea. 73 B. lata. Kast 11,
Herse Ambulanoe, A 6101; Pr. JEx. A
alights, Sundays aad aaoUsAys, A Slail
la, i J tank I,