Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 04, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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Store Open Until 9:3Q This Evening-Lunch With Yotir Friends in Our Tea Room on the Fourth FloorPrompt Service
Buster Brown Stockings Stuttgarter Sanitary Underwear Dr. Deimel's Linen Mesh Underwear Vassar Union 3uits
Everybody's Store
Sale Ribbon
25c Grade 19c
50c Grade 25c
85c Grade 33c
Now W the time to select your holiday
Bibbocs. Here are thousand of yards of
the newest patterns ia Dresden, stripes,
plaids, Persians and checks, in every im
aginable color combination. The 25e val
ues go at 19c yard, the 60c grades oo
go at 25o yard; the 63o grades for-
Rid Gloves
Women's two-clasp kid Gloves, la the
overseam styles, in black, white and col
ors. Our regular $1.50 grad". O C
good, reliable quality, at, the pair7
$3.50 Gloves at $2.85
Women's 16 - button Germanambskin
Gloree, taken from oar rrtr Q f-
lar stock, values .to X50 pair ia-.Oi
Oldest and Largest Retail Store in Northwest Established in Portland in 1851
GO, 1
Third Day's Sale of Meii's am
551.50 Gioves
$1.10 Pair
See the window display of these good
Gloves, for men's street wear, the
one-clasp styles in the tan eape stock;
Pari point backs, Prix seams regu
lar and abort fingers; el "l (
good $10 values at only P1,1U
$1.25 Gauntlet
Gloves 95c
Men's Gauntlet Oloves, made of
heavy California ea!f ikin, soft and
pliable; suitable for driving, for auto,
for motormen, conductors, etc ( gloves
worth (1.25 a pair plaoed oaQC.
rale at the low price of only7-1"
Vte ytf
Men's Hats
In Late Fall BlocKs
S3 Grades S1.95
Here's the Hat for the stylish young fellow.
It's the imported English wool hat; sough
finish, storm-proof colors are brown, mixed
and gray mixed ; all sxses in the PI O t
$1.50 Hats
for $1.15
d Boys
in the
lot and good values at $3; spl
$2.50 Hats
for 1.50
In the exclusive hat store in the men's corner,
a sale of the popular felt Hats in telescopes, Al
pine and crusher shapes, light colors and dark
grays, tana, browns and blacks; $2.50 1 CH
f A. elS V
Men who fancy those English wool Hats, rougl
scratch-up effects, will apreoiate this Of re
two or three different colors.
mixed, gray mixed CI 1 C
and blacks; all sizes; L50 grades its'"
enough to buy
We have brown
$4.50 Mesh Bag' $2.37
An immense assortment of all the
newest Fall styles in Handbags for
the season of 1911. All wanted
shapes, with long or short handle
effects. The bet grades of leather
and workmanship. UUt, silver or
gunmetal trimming. Coin purse
inside. Best regular $5 ffO (lO
value, for this sale, at H' 0
An early holiday offering of Mesh
Bags, very suitable for Christ ma
gifts and every lady wants a new
one. They come in fin mesh,
white kid lined, with inside coin
pocket. Many desirable style of,
frames; worth regular CO O "7
to- $4.60, special prio V-10 1
75c Hair Barrettes 48c
Women's $1.50 Belts at 37c
A great Saturday sale of our en
tire stock of all th newest Hair
Barrettes, in many shapes and
style. All attractive novelties,
which will make neat little Christ
mas gifts; regular 65o and IQf-
A Saturday aal of Interest to all
women. A general clean-no of
Belts in moire silk, satin, elastic
and leather. A large assortment to
choose from. Att are. fitted with
good buckles. Our regular 37n
6 took grade to.$X50, only' -
9 on T Veils Q8c
In the veiling store, "on the main floor, w specialise for today's sale a
Urge selection of dainty Lace Veils in the new design. Many will QO.
select these now for Christmas gift. Values to $2.00, special at '-'
gradea; placed on special sale at only
Men's $27.50 Suits at $18.45 Each
Men's $40.00 Suits at$27.50 Each
The last two days' selling in the men's elothmg section has been phenomenal. Today
promises a greater rush than ever. These splendid naitfi are irresistible. They are made
by America's best tailors, especially for Olds, Wortman A King. Every suit is sold with
a positive guarantee to the purchaser. With exception of bines and blacks, C? Q AtZ
you may choose any suit in the house marked $22.60, $25.00, $27.50, for only ? 1 teTJ
Suits for men who are in the habit of having their clothes made to order. Tor high-clasa
workmanship, for finish, for good, substantial linings, for perfect fit you cannot beat these
suits even at twice the price we ask. The materials employed are the very best imported
and domestic cloths; the patterns are pleasing. With the exception of blues C07 Cf)
nd blacks you may choose any suit marked $30, $32.50, $35 or $40, at only V - v
Men s $20 Raincoats $15
Men's $12.52 Raincoats $7.45
75c Gloves at
45c Pair
Here's the good, substantial Glova
for the man who works: they are
made of heavy, soft, pliable leather,
laoed at the wrist; all sizes :JC
worth 75o regular; special at "J
for $1.55
In the men 's store, on the main floor,
a sale of Butchers' Regulation Frocks,
made of heavy grade white or checked
materials in the double-breasted styles
with 8 large pockets and pocket open
at eaoli-side; turn-down " CC
collars; sizes up to 44, for fl'""
Everybody's Store
Bargain Circle
Sale of
40c Turkish Paste, special, pound, 25
50c Pecan Brittle, during sale, a lb., 35
40c Chocolate Caramels, special for 2o
30c Cocoanut Gems, special, the lb., 20
25c Gum Drops, during sale, the lb., 18
40c Stuffed Dates, special price, lb., 25
50c Angel Food Fudge, special, a lb. 27
40c Opera Wafers, on sale for, pound 2o
30c Candy Blossoms, special,' only : 19
50o Assorted Chocolates, special for 27?
40c Toasted Marshmallows, special, 25?
50c Chocolate Nut Patties, special at 35J
40c Old-Time Baby Cream, special, 30
40c After Dinner Mints, special for 27i
Men's Shoes
$8 Grades at $5.85
'A very special sale of the Bannister and
Edwin Clrp bench-msvde shoes; wax calf,
v.'loar calf, Russia calf and gunmetal, and
viei; regular $7.00 and $3.00 H.C CC
grades, offered during sale at J.JJ
Men' Loggers, with the heavy oak soles,
with buckles; oar regular $8 C1 fJQ
grades; a special bargain, pair V7
Dress Shoes $4.39
Late style Dress Shoes for men and young
men; high toe, button shapes; beautiful
tan calf and patents, with medium-weight
soles and militarv heels; sixes C1 JQ
tVi to 10; reg. $5 sellers, pair V-
Boys Heavy .Shoes
.Special, $3.39
Hoys' and youths' high-cut Lojers, made
of heavy, water-tight, damp-proof stock,
rock oak soles, extra channel nailed; sites
1 to 6V,; the best and most practical Win
ter shoe; good value at $4.00; CO IQ
offered special for today, pair
Buster Brown
Hose, 4 Pair 31
The famous Butr Brown Hose for boys,
four pairs guaranteed to wear four months.
It's an unusual thing to have an absolute
guarantee on boys' Hose. Better g 1
try these. Box of four pairs, only A
6 to 9:30 Evening Sale of
Dress fiat Sliapes
Up to $10 Grades for $1
A great sale for the evening only, in the millinery ealon, second floor. Un
trimmJ lres Hat Shapes, this season's very best and most oraetieal styles
In the J'rench fur felt, French paon velvet, duches satin, faced witli silk
. velvet; French fe?U faced with satin, fine fur beavers, etc., in black, CI
nary, brown, evening shadM, etc. Value to $10, evening price only V
75c BiacK Sateen Snirts 55c
A sale of one of the best-known brands of Black Sateen Shirts, The
"Paragon," with the ta on every one; they are made of good heavy ma
terial with the reir.foned shoulders, turn-down collars, side pockets, faced
cuff and good pearl buttons; sizes run from 14 to 18; they jr,CE)C
iplendii values and verv good sellers at 75c; on special sale at
Don't miss this opportunity to get your
Winter Coat at a great laving. These Eng
lish Oabardines have a reputation as rain
excluders. They come in light and dark
tan shades, in sizes 36 o 44; are cut full 52
inches long. Every coat bears the label and
is made with the raglan sleeve and full
sweep skirt; our reguW $20 Cjl C flfi
grades, offered special, only v1ul'
The coat which meets with popular favor is
the "Slip-on," an extra good quality rub
berised coat with the raglan sleeves, out
full in the skirt and 52 inches long. All
siies in the lot, from S4 to 48 chest measure.
Keat drab color, well made and neat hang
ing; coos worth regular $120. Offered
special Vhw s,ae Rt the C7 AC
low price' ot only, the garment K
f-y r i T"5 4 Q Here's an opportunity to' freshen up
JOOyS A an IS VC one of the boys' old suits. A line of
serge Pants, cut full peg style, and full lined; extra good Winter weights, and 7Qr
our best regular $1.00 values. They are speoially priced for this sale at only 'v.
Children's Class
In Art Work
Free lessons in Embroidery and Knit
ting, in art department, second floor,
by, thoroughly experienced teachers.
Special classes for school girls" from 10
to 12:30 every Saturday. Grown-ups
may also attend this class. 2d floor.
s'.$4 Suit $2.85
In the juvenile store, main floor, a sale of boys' all
wool Suits with two pairs of panfs; the Knickerbocker
styles, full peg, with taped scams. 'Well made, per
fect fitting suits. The sizes range from 8 to 17 years.
Our best regular $4.00 Suits, specialized (PO QEJ
during this sale at the low price of, the suit PlJ
Boys' $5 Suits $2.95
little boys Buster Brown Suite, made, of excellent
materials in pleasing shades of browns and grays and
fancy mixtures; sizes 2y3 to 7 years. These Buita are
tailored as well as men'B high-grade suits, and are
very unusual values at $4,00 and $5.00. . Of gO QC
fered special during this sale at only, a suit
Boys $15.0D Suits for $8.45
Boys' fine hand-tailored Suits, in broken lines, but
splendid values. That's why the lines are broken. They
come in the Knickerbocker and Norfolk styles, in
i,.n. inn Khpnherd nlaids. strioes. etc; The sizes
1 8 to 17 years; about 200 suits; good val- C?Q AC.
Oes at ,$10, $12.50 and $15 ; your choice (at f'"
Boys $10 QvfcTCoaA Special at Only $6.95
Boys' School Overcoats of good, heavy, durable materials, in grays,
browns and mixtures, styled with tfull skirt, shoe-top length, with the
popular combination collar, well made in every way. 6uses CC QC
10 to 16 years. Coats which sell at $7.50 to $10.00, at only
Men's 'Raintex'
Shirts 85c
$2.50 Heavy Wool Sweaters $1.45
A great sale of menh heavy "Wool Sweaters In the oot stylo cardigan knit with
side pocketa, large pearl buttons, -well made and fast oolors In, m- J ylf
roon, eal, brown, oxford gray, etc. Grade tip to $2.50, for, each J 1 ,J
Men's S1.50 Pajamas for Only 95c
In the men'a comer, on the main floor, a sale of S0O salts of pajamas in the flan
nelette materials, with military collars, side pockets, pearl buttons, etc, Qg
well made, cut full in body, sires 17 and 19 only, $L50 grades now at only JJt
The popular President "Raintex" Shirt,
made expressly foa the particular man
who nwnlrM m shirt of hieh-eTd ma
terial, eut full and roomy. Made with "
double lockstitch, best buttons, sewed on
with double thread, felled seams and gus
seted. A wide range of light and dark
pattern to choose from. Ask to see the
President "Raintex" Storm Col-QCr
lax. These Shirt, extra special at 0J
Men's S1.50, $2 Shirts 95c
vvrt - "v- t
oee wmaow wispmy
Another special purchase of Men's Sample Shirts, picked up at
a sreat loss to the maker, but he wanted our regular business
and this is the way he bid for it. These are the coat style, with
plain or plaited Dosoms, eurxs attaonea, lignt and
dark pattern in stripes and figures ; made of the
best shirting materials such as French percales,
woven Madras, Russian cords, eto.; allQC
fast colors; sises 14 to 17ft ; to $3 val. C
-Eagle" Shirts
$1.25 Grades 65c
A great special sale of Jacob Miller & Son's
famous "Eagle" brand Shirts, which is a guar
antee of rood workmanship and satisfactory fit.
They are made of fast colors, blue chambray, with
starched collar bands, coat styles, with separate
pair of cuffs. All sizes, 14 to 19; oarf
regular $1-23 grades, special at only, each
Men's 75c Gowns 50c
Men's good heavy quality Flannelette Gowns in Pink and
Blue Stripe with military or turn-down collars, side
pockets and pearl button; all sizes in the lot. They are
full and long are excellent values at too cn.
thy a i .t c a l . . r nr. IV w
Men's Trousers
$4 Grades $2.95
In the men's corner, main floor, a sale of
men's Trousers insa broad range of pat
terns; also blue serges; a complete range
of sizes and most unusual val- CO QCI
ues at $3.60 and $4, special, pr. 9J
50c Suspenders at 29c
And here are the suspenders to hold them
up with; they axe union-made, in light,
medium and heavy weights; lisle webs,
mercerized and jaoquard, with heavy
buckles and stitched leather ends. OQ
Good, fresh, new stock; 60o vals.'-''
Men's $LOO Underwear 75c
See Window Display
A sale of the genuine ""Winsted Hosiery Co.' natural gray merino
Shirts and Drawers, sold the world over at $1.00 a garment;
"Wlnsted" tag on every garment; sises up to 48. For these 'JCZf
UUW w btmmm mw " f , n
"Bradford" Underwear
Special 95c
The genuine "Bradford" Shirt and Drawers, in the
heavy Winter weights, half wool, spring needle rib,
natural gray and tan color) sise up to 50 chest QC
measure; special for this sale, the garment, only
$2.00 Union Suits $1.65
Genuine "Bradford" Union Buita, in the ribbed,
natural gray oolor, half wool; heavy Winter weight;
regular sixes and stout, for tall or short ffl (1 C
men all sizes from 84 to CO; regular $2.
Flannel Shirts 31.15
Men's genuine "Cherry Valley" twilled Flannel Shirts
the navy blue with turn-down collars, side pockets
and pearl buttons; "Cherry Valley" tag 'on every
shirt; they come in all sizes from 14 to CI 1C
17; nr regular $1.50 grades; special at P A 4
vVr Mail
For Tour Sunday Breakfast.
It is made of pure pork meat, of Govern
ment inspected little pigs simply great.
Sweet Potatoes
11 Pounds 25c
Best Jersey Sweets. A new shipment just
received They are big, clean, solid ones.
Choice Butter
Glenwood, special, two pound, only T5
0. W. K. .Special, two pound at only 700
40c Coffee for 28c
O. W. K. Imperial Roast Coffee. Perfect
blend, roasted fresh daily. Fourth flooi.
Best Cane Sugar
15 Pounds $1
The very best cane stock Sugar. You will
get full weight, too. We dont skimp tha
weight to cut the price. During thi Q 1
sale the offer 15 pounds -for onlyPA
RIFE OLTVES, 25011, AT, EA., 200
In connection with grocery.
specialized for
Great Sale of Home Decorations
Brass Pottery Jardinieres. Fern Disnes
13 OFF
90e Brass Fern Dishes, only GO0
$1.25 Brass Fern Dishes, onlv S3e
$1.90 Bras Fern Dishes for SI. 2 7
$4.00 Brass Fern Dishes for $2.67
Carpet Sweepers, latest design, roll
er bearing, assorted finish, japan
trimmings, offered special, SI. 05
Kickel trimmings, special at $2.65
85o Pottery Jardinieres andOO
Fern Dishes. BDecial at onlvC
40c Potftry Jardinieres andp
Fern Dishes, special at only C
65c Pottery Jardinieres andfO
Fern Dishes, special at onlyC
$1.25 Pottery Jardiniere OO
and Fern Dishes, special for0'1'
$2.50 Pottery Jardinieres IJ1 CJ
and Fern Dishes, special J M.f I
i3 OFF
85c Brass Jardinieres for only 570
$1.25 Brass Jardinieres at only 830
$1.75 Brass Jardinieres for SI. 17
$2.00 Brass Jardinieres for SI. 33
$2.75 Brass Jardinieres for $1.83
Gas Burners, inverted, com- OQ.
nlots -ik tnontU mil flnlM"'''
plete with mantle and globe''
m c .Bathroom beat,
$20 Autom'
$1.25 Union Suits 95c
Men's heavy Winter weight ribbed Cotton Union Suits, in the silver gray
color; splendid finish, with the French neck, covered seams, pearl Q C
buttons, etc. Splendid garments, sizes 34 to 46; reg. $1.25 values'''
Initial Kerchiefs 70c Bx
Men's soft-finish Initial Handkerchiefs, in the full size, neatly hem- Trtp
stitched, with silk' initials ; box of six, special during sale for only v
Everlasting' Hose $1.25 Box
35c Natural Wool Hose $1.65 Box
Men's "Everlasting" Hose, the Sock that needs no guarantee; medium
weight, mercerized, three-thread body, five-thread linen soles; 1 25
in black and colors; for thi great sale; box of 6 pairs for
Natural Wool Hose for men, heavy, soft quality, pure wool, Merino heels
and toes; full seamless in all sizes; our regular 35o hose; j1 gC
for this extraordinary great sale; box of 6 pairs; special at kv' x
Basement Special! Basement Special
Women's SIO Hats $1.95
6 to 9:30 P. M.
Beautiful Trimmed flats in a broad range of eolors and styles
please every tante and fancy. Hats for street or sen
cress, worth Si to $10 each, special evening price, on
ilats for street or semi- Q1 Q C
Women'sTailoredSuits $11.85
A rare, good suit opportunity, splendid models in plain serge ma
terials, dark navy and mixtures in gray and brown; rich, plain
tailored effects, with velvet collars or collars of C1 QC
niy r - ww
Ftg-ht Over Proposed locmute
IJ-rne Due Soon. '
As .ffort tlnir mad. to leer..
Ifc. Hens, of fruit p1J'.r win t
ntrt4 at th. a.xt m'!nj of th.
X10.U. conunltt.e of U. City Council
br th. hawk.ra. ana will b. favor. by
si.mb.r. of th. Orooors Association.
Th. innri ha, .nicaa-.d couna.l to
rprnt th.m and It ta probable that
th. will take th. sam. nation.
Oror.r dclr that th. hawker often
m Into realdetice dletrlct. with In
ferloerult. which b. sella for leee than
th. price of fruit offered for eeJe br
th. etorea Thl Injures th. rrocry
tnl It 1. Mid. bca,uso rrocerr etor.
Baurona then ltl tb&t U.
same material. Specially priced for-today at only
Basement Special
100 Splendid Models
A very special sale of women's high-grade Dress Skirts in Berges,
panamas and mixtures. These are excellent styles, all good, sea
sonable colors; a full range of sizes. For today yon GJO QC
trt nniwrtuM mir boat reenlar $5 to 88.50 grades for r"
asement Special
Women's $30 Dresses $9.85
A sale of 150 beautiful one-piece Dresses of fine French and Eng
lish storm serges and messaline silks; a good assortment of season
able colors, including black, plain and trimmed, with CQ QC
lace buttons, etc. Reg. $15 to $30 grades, today, only PeJ
maJntalnlBr hold-up prices. Th
oers ear ther keep better fruit and have
to ehnrr nor. for It than for th eJ
lered inferior grades sold by the
J. W. Copeland. of Peyton, onlo. pur
rhaaed a bottle of Chamberlain's CouKh
Remedy for his boy who had a cold,
and before the bottle wh all uaed the
boy's cold was srone. Is that not better
than to pay a tire-dollar doctor's bill?
For sal. by ail drusslaia.
Portland Graduates) of University of
Oregon Elect Officers.
John R. Latouretto was elected pres
ident. Dr. Fred W. Zolgler secretary,
and Charles Robinson treasurer of the
Portland branch, of th alumni Asso
ciation of th. University of Oregon at
a meeting- held in th office of Charles
J. Scbnabel. retliins; president, yester
day afternoon.
Tho Oregon team plays the M. A. A.
C. molockln squad In Portland on
Thanksgiving- day and it is the Inten
tion of the association to provide a hop
that evening at the Masonlo Templet
Kimball piano, mahogany case. 1155.
Kohl ex t Chase, S7S Washington at.
One Day's Receipts-of $9810 Indi
cate Confidence of Patrons.
An Indication of the confidence be
ing reposed In the postal savings bank
was shown November .1, when 181 in
dividuals made deposits of $9810.
This I the largest amount deposited
Paving Clause in Char tort
SALEM, Or, Nov. 8. (Special) A
proposed amendment to the Salem city
charter which will be voted upon at the
general city election is one similar to
the Ellis amendment to the Portland
charter covering bidding en ' paved
streets. ,