THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1911. 9 -i i ; 14,000 IS GAPAGITY OF HEW BALL PARK eai Thanksgiving Reduction Sale! ( lpi 1, ) Sample Suits, Sample Coats, Sample Dresses, Sample Gowns, Sample Waists, Sample skirts, Samp e Petticoats, Sample Raincoats Come to the Store that Dresses You at Half of Others' Prices The greatest reduction sale of Women's Eeady-to-Wear Tailored Suits, Coats, Gowns, Dres ses, 0Pera Coats, etc. A variety of styles that is positively unequaled on the Coast Velvets, Plushes, Caraculs, Silk and Satin Coata, Black Broadcloths, Blue Serges, and the much-wanted Reversible and Mixture Cloths. We must surely have the thing you want out of our enormous collection, of which no two are alike, as we have Seats for 6000, With Private Boxes for 300, Are Pro vided in Grandstand. K V BLEACHER HIT HOME RUN Contract for Xrw Plant to Bo let by MeCretUos a Soon aa Bids -Are Ail In. and Coutnotlon la to Bo Rnbe4. the Baddy Ryana. Bab Dan In Rot Brasheara and other clroo'.t watter of tha Pseiflo Coaat Ufi appear on the Portland grounds next MUon It will not be Moessary for th.m to alt out of the lot to cat a homo run. for a ball batted Into tha laft or cantor field bleachers wUl an tltla tha batter to tha oircult. Tha plana for tha new ball park will aoon bo ready for the contractor. Tha left flold bleaobera wtll be baek of the present left field fenoe, which will aoon bo torn down and rebuilt, something like 10 feet further bark. The dietaaco from the left field bleacher line to homo plate will bo IK feet, and tha distance from homo plate to the front lino of the oenter field bleeehers, which wtll bo built on the present site of the old score board, will bo III feet. Oraaaataad to teat eOOO. There will be no bleeehers In the right p la ring field, but bleachers will extend from the aorta end of the rraadetand, whlcb will end a little be yond first baae. to the right field fence. At an elevation of 11 feet along the riant field fenoe will bo a runway four feet wide for the accommodation of tha tana wishing to go to the con tar field bleachers, and In this way the crowd will be kept off the playing field all the time. The new g reads t and will here (0o4 opera chatra besldee from ef to TB boxes, which wtll accommodate 109 mora. The caw grandstand wtll bare a much wider and more spacloua en trance than tha old one. beeldea eight exits at convenient points. Wbero the old stand had three rows of poeta Interfering with the specta tors' view, the new one will have but one row of uprights to support tha roof, and these will bo placed In the alelea. tsata Keeei sd Already. Every mall brings requeeta for box aeat reaervatlona for next season. With ample box accommodations and sOO seats In the grandstands and bleach ers, capeble of accommodating be tween 00i and 00 additional, the fans of Portland wtll have a baseball plant large enough for a much larger crowd tbaa bee ever yet attended a ball game In Portland. The work of raxing tha old rtrne turee and building tha new will be started Just aa aoon aa the contract baa been let. Teeterday IV. W. Mo Credla. president of tha club, an nounced that he would let the contract the moment he had received all bids for the work and had selected the moot satisfactory one. All contractors submitting bids must be prepared to begin construction Im mediately, for the McCredles will re quire the completion of the plant not later than March 1. and may stipulate that It bo finished February J. HITEEX IlACEnS AKE KEADT Aatue) Will Paeh lYom Log Angelew to rhurnJx. LT! ANGELES. Nov. t, Sixteen au tomobile racing cars are ready to start on the long grind In the annual Los Angelas to I'hoenlx desert sand race at 10 i Saturday night. That this year e race wtll eclipse anything ever before attempted In the way of epeed te admitted by all. For one thing, the course baa been changed so that all cars go stralaht to an I'tego for their flr.t registering point The first car to arrive there wins a special prise c.' lt. and from then on, at all of the six places where drivers must stop and register their names and numbers, an ad-lltlonaj prlte of $40 awalta tha lucky first. The big prise, however, that await ing the nret arrival at the etate fair grounds at i'hoenlx. le a puree of $?0u0 cash. In awarding prlsre elapsed time will count at all points. Harvey Herrlck. winner of this year's Fema Monica road race, hoMer of the American road race record and the victor In lest rears I'hoenlx race. Is picked by many to win. Hut each of the It entrants has Its following. Ths list of startere and drivers In the order that they wtll leave, followe: Maxwell. Cltrenco Smith; Pope-Hart ford. W. P. Tremaine: Franklin. Rjlph Hamlin; Slnddard-Psyton. F. Roger htearne: Cadillac W. ilrammelletle; K M-F. W. !a; Flanders. George boulee: Mercer, llarrla Cole, John Jen air : Case. V". B. Brong: Na tional, Harvey Herrlck; Bulck. U Nick rent: Flat. Tel Tei-ten": Midland. F. Pelfert: Lexington. C. Plgelow; Balrk. V. K. Ferguson. bio TnovT CxTcinrs fm;ase Klickitat Ctoonty Mrevuua Aro Pro lific of Braatlm. O'UrENPALE. Wh Nov. 3. cftpe claL) Toe season fcr trout fi.nlng In Klickitat County hae clusej. and never before has there been such Interest as has been shown by local anglers. Every one eppeered willing to comply with the law. and took advantage of every opportunity to land a few more big ones during the cloalng days of the ejmn. ll.-.rold nw an. I prty returned the H: KlUkl'.Mt wl:h It nlnbow Irocl everui.g ! Indies an J .cb!nis 10 pounds each, making a total of 111 pounds for 14 trout. This being the record catch for the eeason. of thle size Bb, they were placed on exhibi tion In a enow window and attracted the attention of everyone who saw them. Owing to the unusually larce el of one of 1'ie strtne. which was JJ Inches long, much uiscus.ion has arisen as to the variety to which th.y belong. T. J. Scamtnon. who maintain, and operates a privets fishery at this place, for commercial purposes, and who has made a lifelong study of fresh water fieb. pronounced them rainbow trout, while others content that they are eteeihead salmon. Mr. Sea mm on. In company with A. L. Hall, made one of the big catchee of the season, near Ruat foda Springs, on the Big Klickitat Hirer, a few days ago. A number ef the big fellows In Lb is catch ware presented to H. J. 2000 Sample Coats to Choose From 3000 Sample Suits to Choose From 800 Sample Dresses to Choose From We are Unpacking New Sample Dresses and Gowns Bought From 35c to 50c on the Dollar, Every Hour in the Day SAMPLE DRESSES AND GOWNS Everything in Dresses, $1.93 to $400. You will see something hero that will suit you and you will be thank ful for coming. $12.50 sample Dresses, reduced to 5 6.93 $15.00 sample Dresses, reduced to i on $20.00 sample Dresses, reduced to 1 $25.00 Bample Dresses, reduced to toe: $30.00 sample Dresses, reduced to $19.85 All Gowns $75.00 and up Half Price. SAMPLE COATS Coming in by every fast express. Drummers are getting ready tor Spring and we are taking over their Fall sam ples at one-half price and less. Now is the time to buy your coat and buy a sampLc and buy it here, if you want to save half. . .. . $25.00 Sample Coats for this sale 14 .05 $30.00 Sample Coats for this sale $19.85 $35.00 Sample Coats for this sale S24.9o $40.00 Sample Coats for this sale $29j5o All Our Extra Fine Tailored Coats, $60 up to $30 y2 Price SAMPLE TAILORED SUITS Every garment made strictly up to fashion, tailored by the world's best skilled journeymen tailors and fitted to a perfect living model before they go to the drummers' sample room. J31ue blacks, browns and all the up-to-date expectations in mixtures. $25.00 Sample Suits for this sale $14.95 $30.00 Sample Suits for this sale $19.85 $35.00 Sample. Suits for. this sale $24.95 $40.00 Sample Suits for this sale $29.85 All Our Extra Fine Tailored Suits, $60 Up to $80 Y2 Price WAISTS In the new shirt style and fancy effects for evening wear. Every style for everybody. $1.50 Waists for this sale reduced to 98 $2.00 Waists for this sale reduced to . $1.49 $2.50 Waists for this sale reduced to. . . $1.98 Other good styles $5 to $20 specially priced for about half SILK PETTICOATS Messalines and Taffetas, values to $6.50. $2.98 to $3.98 This is the Store for Everybody, and Everybody is Welcome WORRELL'S Sample Cloaks and Suits 132 and 134 Sixth Street, Cor. Alder Opposite Oregonian Clark, manager of the Oold.ndale Trait and Produce Aeeoclatlon. who Is pro cesstn them for exhibition purposes, and will add thera to his alreadr large exhibit of Klickitat County products. England Bara Knockout. LONDON. Km. I. Tha Home Secre tary. Reginald McKenna. has laid down the law that anr boxins; match decided by a knockout shall be Illegal In Great Britain. Thle announcement la the re sult of a question put to the Home Office by Mr. Burgorne, who sought to allay tha feara of the proprietor of halls who had refused to take on tha W.lle-Molr right because of the loes of tha liarl's Court In tha Johnson affair. WOMAN DUPED, ALLEGED T boo man Seised on Cbarge of Rale- lug Money Order to Pay $300. Because he la alleged to huTe cheated Barbara Androuskan. of Tacoma. out of payment of money which she put up as ball to keep him out of Jail. Charles l ieuir. alias Barton, was arrested last night by Detectives Day. Kpps and Tart, on advlcea from Tacoma. Paguay. according; to the story told the detectives, was charged with as sault with a deadly weapon after he bad stabbed a man In Tacoma several months ago. Barbara Androuskan furnished ball and attorney'a fees for him to light the case and. when he was released, he was to pay her 1300 ha had borrowed for ball and fees. It la alleged that ha raised a postal money order from tS to $300 and gave It to her. When she tried to oasn me money order she was told It was bad and sought Paguay In vain. A United States Marshal will arrive tomorrow to take Paguoy to Tacoma. on the charge of raising the money or der. Barbara Androuskan lives at S0 East C street. Tacoma. Charge Placed Against F. If. Baylor. Fred H. Baylor, special agent of tha Census Bureau, was arrested yesterday on an Indictment by the Federal grand Jury charring- him with aiding and abetting enumerators to make false and fictitious returns In the count of the Chinese population. He was Im mediately released on bonds and will be given a hearing In a few days. Mr. I of Portland for many years and has al Saylor has been a well-known resident ways borne an excellent reputation. 0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M00M0M0M0M0M0M0M0 SEVEXTH AJTD WASHI.V1.TO.V STS. SEVESTTEEW STORES OH THE PACIFIC COAST. Hie Owl DFagC& e , py TWO-DAYS' CATCH OF TEOUT ON BIO KLICKITAT. V ?4f .. ' .. : " . I V - r J 'II Mill t . - -E:.- -.-..My.- fA-: r-.V v --t 10. t ": n':M l-; . i :;1 E L v I 21 T. J. ICOHHOV AXD A. t. HALt. WITH THEIR F19R. Shop at Other Stores: Buy at The Owl' That Important matter of economy will eventually prompt yon to make your purchases here "Owl" everyday Cut Eate Prices and Cut Eate special prices sxe convincing of its leadership ia value-giving. Not merely a Question of buying here and saving, but of being satisfied of being assured of the genuineness of The Owl Store's guarantee of purity, full weight and full strength. Test them for yourself and to your profit when supplying your pure drug wants and other needfuls. , The "Owl" Store is the Portland home of the great family of Eexall Remedies and Toilet Preparations. Over three hundred of them, and we sell them all. A DOZEN AND A HALF INTERESTING Cut-Rate Specials FRIDAT AJTD SATURDAY tto Buthytnol Tooth Paste for 12tf 2Bo S o x o d ont Tooth Powder for. 14e ISb Pcker"s Tar Soap..l4 25o Kofallne. 15f S6o Castorla. genulne...l9() 6uo Grave's Tooth Towder for 21e 5e Stero Cubes 25 too Stlilman's Cream...3Qtf 60c Swamp Root 30 60o Scott's Emulsion. -JiOC 60c GlycoThymollne 33) $1.00 Pierces Pre scription for 69e) 1.00 D. 6. D. Ecmexa .. Remedy for 75J 11.00 Native Herb ! Tablets' for 75 1.00 Wine Cardul for..75 1.60 Fellow's Syrup 81. OS 1.76 S. S. S. Swift'. Specific for 81.09 12.00 Succue A 1 t erana for special... 81.39 The eafeguardlnsT Mark of Drug- Purity, Full Strenartb, Foil Welh. LOOK TO OUR KODAK DEPARTMENT To supply your Kodak needs. Ours is a complete de partment, and our kodak expert will gladly advise yoti as to how to secure pleasing results. Remember we do DEVELOPING- AND PRINTING IN 24 HOURS THESE fsTturdayd CANDY SPECIALS Should Induce Yon to Test the Goodneea of Our Guaran- , teed Pare Food Candles. Raspberry Drops. Ib....l5d Chocolate Noug-atlnes. Burnt Peanuts. . ..15 Hfc candy Yb. Jo Chocolate Drops. lb..20 Salted Peanuts, lb 18 jfeanut purrs, id zuc Chocolate Mints. lb...20d Glace Pineapple, lb... 25 Chocolate Raisins, lb...30 THREE LARGE CAKES TODCO SOAP FOR 25tf Transparent Glycerine, Oatmeal, Cocoa and Almond and ElderQower. "Todco" is our own brand, so wa know the quality is good. Three large half-pound cakes of Todco Soap for 25S 0 L0 0 0 Puff Boxes NEW AND ARTISTIC They've just arrived from across the water t h e s e artistically decorated Puff Boies of papier mache. Bath size. They go on special sale today and to morrow at one-third less than their former low prices of 75o and up. Down Puffs for these at 91.25 Ideal Barrette and Back Combs Ideal Barrette and Back Combs, with gold inlay and rhinestone setting. Every woman will recog nize in them exceptionally good value at the special price of 50. Set of 2 pieces, extra spe cial at 75. 1 6 Newest in Umbrellas All the new handle shapes and ornaments In Ladles' and Gentlemen's Umbrellas are shown In them, and some have the aprins;-opeulng- device and cases. All Ladles' Umbrellas are tasseled. The 26 and 28-lnch lengths In both ladles' and gentlemen's styles. If yours Is to be a "grood service" umbrella, then It's to be found In this new stock of ours. They're here, too, at every price your price among- them. Our $1.25 Umbrella at 97c We told about them last week of how it would be difficult to dupli cate them elsewhere for much more than the regular price. Tou 11 agree with us when you ee them. THE PACKARD FOUNTAIN SYRINGE FOR $1.00 Has rapid-flow tubing, metal shut-off and set of three hard-rubber pipes. This prloe is lltlte enough when you consider that the Packard carries with It a guarantee. TWO-UUART SIZE FOR Sl.OO $2.50 FCR THE AJAX FOUNTAIN SYRINGE, TWO-QUART SIZE None better made than the "AJax" complete with two-quart ma roon bag of best-grale rubber, black trimmed, and full set of acces eorles. tj.2.50 is Indeed a low price for the A.'ax. PLEASURE EXPRESSED ON EVERY MAN'S COUNTENANCE WHO USES A S afety Razor The The The The The The The We have them all the best makes, of course, and at their lowest prices. You can also se cure the extra blades here. You'll recognize the fol lowing as the best: Gillette Razor at SS.OO Auto Strop Razor at. 85. OO Durham Duplex Razor at. .95. OO Durham Derby Razor at...$2.5t Gem Junior Razor at Sl.OO Ever-Ready Razor at Sl.OO Ender Razor at. Sl.OO NEW LINE OF EBONY HAND MIRROR" They're low enough In prlceor every woman to have a good hand mirror. Plain ebony frames and French bevel plate mirror as low at Sl.OO. ELECTROPODES $1.00 FOR RHEUMATISM Sufferers from rheumatism will surely find these active electric footpads most beneficial. They're sold under a guarantee and the price of (1 for the pair to little enough for them. BUFFALO COMBS gentlemen's dress ing combs, made from btkfalo horn, recommended for their hygienic and 1 a s 1 1 ng qualities. Bear the well known name o f Loon en (France). Barber size. The prices are 4oc and SO. Now Seventeen Stores on the Pacific Coa$t SEVENTH AND WASHINGTON STS. PORTLAND BUY BY MAIL Regardless o f t h e fact that distance does not permit of your making pur chases personally at The Owl e.ore. you are assured of promptness and sat isfaction in sending your orders to us. OJ tSOJ0M0tS000M0ISJ0MIOM0M0M0M0M0M0MOjI0 i