Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 03, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Multnomah Is Atter Famous
Trainer to Act as Direc
tor of Athletics.
The. popularity of Chines pbetunt
hunting- la shown In the decreased num-
bar of llcensea la sued this year. In
which there la no open season for kill
Inn tbeae birds. Up to Novtmlx this
TUr. there have been Issued 131
' hunters' licenses, while In the same
txrlod last rear 2081 wore Issued.
i alla-bt decrease la also abown In the
cumber of flsblna licensee) Issued. 1171
belna; riven out up to November In
llv. while but 154S hare been Issued
In the name period this year. In 110.
I 5S combination licenses were) Issued
an1 only too In 1S11.
."Voted Athletes Tevr loped by Cnl
vemlty of Oregon Track Conch.
Martin. Whitman Sprinter, Is
Prod 1X7 on Cinder Path.
Winiam O. Hayward. director of ath
letlca at the Unlverally of Oregon and
no of the bast-known trainers on the
Paelfio Coast, will be brought to Port
land to assume the athletlo director
ship at the Multnomah Athletlo Club
when the new 1310.104 structure Is com
pleted. If the plana of several members
of the board are carried out. Hay
ward, familiarly known aa "BUI." baa
the matter under consideration.
Multnomah has frown to such proper
Mona that the club wi:i Ond an atkletlo
director almost Imperative.. At present
boxinr. vlmmlec. wrestling and Indoor
gymnastics have men at the teim who
' Ievote their entire time to puehtr.c
tr.e.e various branches of sport, but
football, baseball and track have been
Irft to shift for tnemtelvea
In the past klasaaer Dow Walker has
extended a helplnit hard to these forms
ef sport, but the duties of the en.arged
rlub will necessarily mean that be will
be unab.e to take time for the details.
Most of the larger clubs have athletlo
If the wlng.d-V Institution Is fortu
nate enough to get Hayward. It will
l;ave undoubtedly the grandest oorpa of
athletlo Inatructors and coacnee aver
gathered together for any one organi
zation. At pretent Tommy Ryan, ex
rhamDlon middleweight boxer, looks
after the destlnlss of tha mltt-wteldere;
Arthur Cavlll. worlde champion all
around swimmer, delves Into things
aquatic: Eddia O'Connell. welter-welKht
champion, has charge of the wrestlers;
while Hobert Krohn casts a weather eya
en the rvmnastlo work.
liarward haa been connected with tha
Vniversttv of Oregon for live or six
ears, coming to Oregon from Califor
nia, where he wsa second in charge at
the fnlverslty of California. Ha Is one
ef tha best athletically Informed men In
tre country, and baa turned out soma
sterling athletes.
-What Is the nenalty If a player ear.
. rtea a headgear under Ma arm te make
tha other team think be haa tha ballr
writes a youthful gridiron gendarme
who participated In a local grammar
league seme where the old Carlisle
trick wm. mmnr a few daya ago.
There Is no alternative for tha offi
cials, for lajt Winter tha rule solona
tacked this spllra on rule 14. section T:
Concealing the ball beneath tha
clothing or substituting any article for
the bail shall be deemed unsportsman
like conduct. I'enalty. suspension for
remainder of the game
. e
San Francisco Is again tn the calcium.
' f I time with a schema for advertising
the 191S exposition.
Some underfed press agent suggssta
that the numerals "ISIS' ba sewed on
the sleeve of r'lng Botile's uniform
wl.en the Chicago American alr-whlffer
ambles to the plate the gosstpers In the
Kastern grandstands mlKht set tongue'
ti wagging.
e e e
William Msrtln. tha former Whitman
College sprinter, whose disbarment for
alleged professionalism was flashed
from the Kat Tuesday. Is something of
an athletic prodigy, according to men
" . ho have worked with him.
Several seasons before he grasped
Ms two telescope hags by the fetlock
and asked 51 times how to get from tha
Touchet hills to Whitman College. Mar.
tin waa on the abort end of a tussle
with a bucking broncho. He was laid
up for weeks as a result of the accident,
and trainers later discovered that every
other stride down the cinder path
ntrasure.t six Inches short of his nor
mal. The Injury undoubtedly 'affected his
running, although those who have
wati-hrd tha rucu'd athlete tear down
t;ie iome stretch might ba inclined to
doubt It.
-We want two gamee with the Mult
nomah football squail. one In Seattle
and one In Portland."
tfuch Is the Istest ultimatum from tha
pen of Tom McDonald, physical direc
tor of tha toe t tie Athletlo Club, who IS
org.tnlrlng an all-star cast to venture
forth In quest of the Portland angora.
M. r nid has In Ms line-up Dr. Lam
son, who was a moose of a lineman with
Pennsylvania centuries ago; Ike Dowd.
an old Seattle lllk-h i-hooI end: Nig
llor'.eske. former Whitman all-star
back-fteld man; Poje lirlnkcr. who Is
finally at home at end or quarter; Polly
;rtmm and Max Eakina at tackles: Pete
Tctfmeier. the old Washington center:
lioyle. Wisconsin lineman; Vic Place, an
e .1 Dartmouth captain and tackle:
p'c.illdmlller. all-Amerlcan end with
Dartmouth In 1J0S: and Bill Coyle. War
ren Grimm and Mucklestone. of the
present I'nlverslty cf Wsshlngton
aqu.ii!. who finish their coliite whall
days November 10 against Washington
Mate College.
If MclHuald Is uct-rful In round
ing up this herd, we will suggest train
ing the guns of the cruiser Hoston on
Multnomah Pleld. Yes. Indeed, the ag
gregation looks formidable on paper.
rRAXK 8CHMIEPER. trainer of the)
Beavers last season. Is likely to se
cure a position with the Multnomah
Amateur Athletic Club In the next
few days. Influential members of tha
club who know Schmieden's ability
have been In consultation with him.
and It Is said that negotiations have
about been concluded whereby 8ch
mleder will join the staff of tha fa
mous athktlc Institution.
. e e
Garry Herrmann, chief of tha Cin
cinnati National League team, aa well
aa lord high mogul of the National
Commission. Is taking his time about
electing a aucceaaor to Clark Griffith I
aa manager of tha Reds. Among tha
players mentioned as possible pilots of
tha Reds Is Joe Tinker. If Chicago
par's with this player, tha last of tha
stellar lights of tha Cob machine will
have left that aggregation. With
Chance rraetlcally Incapacitated, and
8teinfoldt and Fivers gone. Ticker la
tha lona remaining star.
e e e
Jimmy Barrett, manager of tha Mil
waukee team of tha American Asso
ciation last season, who sucoeeded John
J. McCloskey in piloting the destinies
of the Brewers, baa resigned his Job
and will eoout .for a major league ag
gregation. Milwaukee made rather a
disappointing showing last season, and
Barrett, who was trying toe mana
gerial borth for tha first time, waa dis
Danny Long la quoted as announcing
that the fan Kranclsco Club Is through
with Tommy Tennant. the. red-headed
first baseman. If ha la sincere In this
and wants to get rid of Tennant. ha
will have no trouble In disposing of
this capable) player, for several clubs
In the Pacific Coast League would be
delighted to grab the hard-hitting Beat
It Is generally believed that Sacramento
will get him.
Tha new Seal flrat-aacker for next
year a team will be a chap named Jack
son, from the Oklahoma City team, of
tha Texaa League. Thla Is the club
which produced "Roaring Bill" Rapps.
and If Jackson Is half aa good a player
as the Beavmr ftret-sacker, ths Seals
will be fortunate. Jackson wound up
tha season In the Texas League with
an average almost aa sensational aa
that made by his Cleveland nameeakei
Both High School Teama Are Some
what Crippled, bat Fast Game
Is Expected.
One of tha most Important games In
tha high school calendar will be played
today on Multnomah Field at 3 o'clock
between tha oldest and the youngest
high achoola -In tha city. Lincoln and
Jefferson respectively. Tha rivalry be
tween the two Is Intense and this
game will undoubtedly be one of the
most hard fought of tha season. Jef
ferson In 1910. Its first season of foot
ball, was defeated by Lincoln by only
one point.
Although the Jefferson team la some
what crippled, the rooters ara making
preparation for a b'.g celebration, after
the game. The Injured men of the Jef
ferson team will be held on tha bench
and In the event of a bad start, these
men may go Into the game regardless
of their hurts. Even Aabworth. whose
nose waa broken In the Albany game,
may ba called upon to play, although
Johnston probably will start the game
In tha center position. . Copper, who
haa not been at practice or at achool
for some time, will also be held in
readiness. So keen Is the feeling be
tween the schools that each aide 'will
exert every possible effort to win.
Tyson, the big center on the Lincoln
eleven, la suffering from a badly In
jured foot, but he will probably play
the whole game In ' his accustomed
If Jefferson wins the match It will
probably be through Its open work
on which It haa been working overtime
under the direction of Coach Smith.
The teama will Una up aa follows:
At Eilers Music House
$100 Cash for Good
Upright Pianos
$150 for Better Ones
$200 for the Best!
(or pay $4, $5, $6 a month, with 10 per cent added to these prices) ,
Bring $100 cash this morning to Eilers Music House and get a fairly good
piano choice of a roomful or agree to pay $110 paying $10 now and $4 a
month, and have it sent home. Really very good pianos will go now for $150,
and the very finest that were carried by the defunct Music Company will be sim
ply thrown away for $200. If you want them on little payments simply 10 per
cent extra.
There are three great groups of this entire stock of upright pianos. We shall
not carry them a single day longer than necessary; hence the prices to close out
quickly are as stated $100, $150 and $200. One and the same offer to each
and all. First comers secure best choice.
Depend upon it, we are in earnest, determined to close out all of the pianos
from the receivers right away hence these astonishingly low prices. Let us
tell you why:
Early last Bummer tha Ferry Graves Muslo Company
unfortunately waa forced Into receiver's hands. At
tempt was made to sell out at small prices enough of
tha stock to satisfy demands of Insistent creditors. But
thla proved too slow. The receiver was then Instructed
to dispose of the entire establishment at whatever
sacrifices might be necessary and stop expenses.
Eilers Muslo House had the ready cash. Their offer
was accepted and affirmed by Judge Gatens Monday.
Tha Ferry Graves Company was started In competi
tion with another local Institution of similar name.
Tha finest stock of classical and popular muslo. the
best-known makes of mandolins, guitars, band Instru
ments and all aorta of other musical Instruments wera
carried In stock, as well aa pianos. When we were
Invited to bid on the stock we decided. If successful, to
Install a complete general music department In our
new establishment at Seventh and Alder streets, which
Is now being done. In a very few days Eilers Muslo
House of Portland will carry everything known In
muslcdom. as we do also at Seattle. Spokane and at
many others.
We bad to take the entire stock of planoa In order
to get what we really wanted. The Washington
street store waa closed yesterday. Tha pianos have
been brought over to our new building. They ara
really tn the way. Hence wa must make quick sale
of them.
There are some high grades numerous medium
grades and a very few cheap ones.
There are brand-new pianos, second-hand pianos and
quite a number that have been out on rent a vary
short time.
We have divided the stock Into three groups. In
struments In group A so for exactly $100. Instru
ments In group B go for $180. Instruments In group
C go for $200.
These ara the cash prices. Time buyers will have
to pay an advance of 10 per cent, but we'll make the
terms of payment as easy aa any one may desire.
Pick out your piano right away. We propose to
make the quickest possible kind of work of this sale,
bence this preposterous eacriflce.
They're upright pianos, all of them, understand;
they're good ones and go for exactly the prices put
upon them, namely: $100, $150. $200.
Our guarantee goes with each Instrument Bold for
9150 and for g-OO, mm& we agree to accept at any time
at these aale prices theae Instruments In part payment
for any new C'hickcring or Kimball, or other highest
grade piano, or for a baby grand or a player piano
that we regularly sell.
Remember, thla la the one great piano-buying op
portunity of years) come right atrayi telephone or
writ Eilers Moale House, now at the corner of Seventh
and Alder streets, the Nation's largeat dealers la
Planoa and Talking Machine.
Buy It of Shirt and
Shirting Specialists.
iC" 1-t!w THE
Ready made
or made-to-
o r de r it
makes no differ
ence! We are pre
pared to "shirt'' you
to the best possible
advantage, and at
the lowest reason
able cost. All the
smart things that go with them, too ties, buttons,
studs, etc.
Which Chnrch Shall Receive the $2750 Pipe Organ? Every 25c Yon
Spend With Us Entitles Yon to a Vote.
Lincoln. ... ......
HMrhalg. Reed
Tsoa ..,
Cortlit .........
Young .........
O .a
I'att.raoa .....
..I. K...
..I. T...
..i. a...
. . r r....
,.K T
. . K E...
,.R H...
..L II...
A, Anderson
.... John.toa
X. And. raon
. 6cbo-.ll'r
........ Co;.
J. t.
Oa Dy
t.rnmninr School fianie Fnds With
Score Stamllne IS to IS.
The football teams of Chapman and
fS'cphrns schools played the Hrst tie
game In the Grammar Schools League
. -. I - fn I'nrrlii.!! Vleltt the COT1
..! en.nng i.nn i. . '-. was captured, and In 190! and ISffll
Bolh teama ecored two touchdowna and h . . . f .
I acme ioji Lrtsuc. in is4 he joined
What Farmer Portland Baseball
Idola Are Doiag.
-Andy Anderson.
Injury to Keep Washington
Star Out of 0. A. C. Game
at Seattle Tomorow.
HEN Jack Grim was busy slffn-
lng up the Portland team of 1901
he landed, among others, a big, well
built young athlete In the person of
Andrew N'. Anderson to play second
bai This worth y had had a varied
experience In alfrerent portions of the
Northwest during the three or four
yeare previous. He had played for
Seattle In l!il and In Montana tn 1199
and lt0. but did not come to Portland
heraMfd as a star.
The season was not many weeks old
before tie batting prowess and field
ing ability of the silent young man of
Swedish ancestry brought him Into tha
limelight as one of th stars of that
high-class team, and ha waa soon a
favorite with the 1'ortland fans.
Andy remained with the Portland
team during the season of 1901, when
the first Northweetern League pennant
a nafcty.
Chapman was frst to score, making
a touchdown In the first period. This
waa too much for Stephen, which scored
In the second and third quarters. Chap
man evened up thincs in the la.t
period, making another touchdown In
the last few mlnutee of play.
The date tor playing off tha tie
has not been deckled as yet. but the
game will probably take place next
wek. as the leuKUe official Intend to
have all games over with before
Because, not being able to comply
with the rule which says a grammar
achool team muat be accompanied by
the principal or aome capable repre
sentative, the game betwee Kllot and
Woodlewn achoois has been postponed
, till next Tue1ay.
Shattuck defeated Hawthorne by the
s-ore of S to Vedne..lav. while Fall
ing did the same to Clinton Kelly.
llantlng Fewer.
ECGEXE, Or, yov. t. (Special.)
the San Kranclsco dub and remained
with that aKgreeatlon until early In
the season of 1?05, when an Injury
caused him to retire for the eson.
He retired from the game In 1906, but
in 1907 he was prevailed upon to Join
the Aberdeen team, of the Northwest
ern League, mhere he played great
balL In 1901 he was offered the man
agement of the Aberdeen Club, but de
clined, aa he had decided to embark
In business In Portlanl. He now con
ducts a billiard and pool establishment
In partnership with "Jerry- Powera.
Andy Anderson married a Portland
girl and la now a full-fledged cltlxeo
of Portland.
McMillan A Tomeroy announce tha
opening of the West Side Ullllard Hall,
at the northeast corner of Sixth and
Washington streets, under Stutt &
llowland's cafe and Schiller's cigar
lore. aiUiU.i v.rtiuiK. u,.mn.r I ,
o'clock, to be operated la connection her opponents aa now, and thla, ooupled
with their East SlJe Billiard I with tha earneat statements of Coble,
Coach Doble Peclares Jegnp and
C7iritman of Oregon Agfrtrs
Arts Ineligible Decision of
Faculty to Be Accepted.
PEATTLB, Wuli. Not. 1. (SpeolaL)
''Quarterback Coyle will not be able
to play against Oregon Agricultural
College Saturday," aald Coach Gllmour
Doble tonight. "There la something
the matter with his knee that has put
him to the bad for the last few days
of practice, and even If It wera healed
before Saturday he would ba in no
condition to enter sharp conflict.
"This means that If May, Jessup and
Chrlstman are allowed to play for the
farmers, Washington probably will be
defeated by a small score.
"What kind of a game Is that Oregon
Institution trying to play on us. any
wayt Here they hare Carlson,
who haa played football since the
oldest man can remember; Jessup. who
worked for the University of t'tah only
last season, and Chrlstman, who comes
fresh from a Kentucky Institution with
a record for always bringing in the
"Carlson haa always been wise and
kept with the amateurs when on the
gridiron, so we can't touch him, but
the others played Intercollegiate foot
ball laat season and should not enter
Saturday's game. With these men out
and with Wand at quarterback in place
of Coyle we might be able to wallop
the Aggies."
Coach Dolan. of Oregon Agricultural
College, telegraphed Graduate Manager
Zedwlck today that he could give him
no Information as to the eligibility of
the men In question. The O. A. C.
faonlty committee la now carrying on
an Investigation and Zodnlck will rely
absolutely on Its decision. As the Ore
gon men are scheduled to depart to
night for Seattle, an Immediate find-'
lng Is expected.
Never before has Washington taken
so much care to aacertaln the record of
the assertions of coachea who have
seen Washington in action and records
themselves, would seem to indicate that
the present varsity really is resting
on tha laurels of men who have gone
Rosooe Fawoett, sporting editor of
The Oregonian. has been chosen to ref
eree tha game, according to an an
nouncement by Manager Victor Zed
nick today. Skeels will umpire and
Palmer will do tha field Judging.
After Inquiry, O. A. C. Decide J da
ft ap and Chrlstman May Play.
LEGE. Corvallla, Or., Nov. t. (Spe
cial.) The Athletlo Council haa decided
that both Chrlstman and Jessup, foot
ball men who have been protested by
the University of Washington for Sat
urday's game in Seattle, are eligible to
play. Chrlstman waa not In Kentucky
University last year, aa charged, having
been supervisor of boys In the State
School for tha Deaf at Morganton,
South Carolina.
Jessup was registered aa a special
atudent at the University of Utah three
years ago, but was not permitted to
represent the university In conference
athletics because part of his work was
in the preparatory school. He has not
been In college since until thla year.
The "Aggy" squad, 18 strong, accom
panied by Coach Dolan. left today for
The team which will go against
Washington haa not been decided upon
owing to the uncertainty arising from
injuries and two protests. However, it
Is practically certain that Dolan will
be unable to uee ail of his first-team
men. Captain May, who received a
cracked rib In the practice game laat
Saturday, has not been in tha line-up
since that time. Dwarte, left halfback.
has not been In tha line-up since last
Saturday, when he was in for one quar
ter. It Is expected, however, that ha
will be able to get in the game on Sat
urday. Evendon, varsity captain two
years ago, when he played at tackle.
is now at fullback and doing good work.
Reynolds la still holding down the
quarterback position, rhtch be haa filled
for the past two seasons. He drives
tha team well and is developing mora
speed in running back punts. Robin
son, captain of laat year's Portland
High School team, is playing substitute
quarterback. and owing to the scarcity
of back-Held material. Is substituting
for both fullback and halfback positions.
The average weight of the team is
about 163 pounds, and of the squad 160
pounds. Reynolds is the lightest man,
weighing 124 pounds, and Moore, left
tackle, is the heaviest, weighing 186
The following men maKe up tne squad
which left today: Kellogg. May, En
berg. O. Sltton. Carlson. Chrlstman, In
gram. Moore, Walters, Reynolds, Jessup,
Shaw, Dwarte, Evendon, larsen, 11c
Kenzle, Robinson. Rasmussen, C Sltton.
Angel team left several of Pacific's
men In need of recuperation. Captain
Smith's leg, which was wrenched in
that game, is better, so that he Is again
In the lineup. Elliott, who played right
guard against ML Angel, was also crip
pled a bit, but is now back in the game.
Arthur George waa also out for a time,
but is playing again. The High School
team has helped greatly by lining up
against the college team. In their last
session, the High School showed Its
class by holding tha heavier college
men to a 6 to 6 tie.
Double-header, Saturday, November
4, 1911, Multnomah Field.
Salem High School vs. Washington
High SchooL
Fort Vancouver vs. M. A. A. C.
Admission 60a, Including grandstand.
Game called 2 P. M. sharp.
The average lenrth of life among Farts
bora famine, la 2 years and I month.
If von want solid comfort wnid
Wna erasa lawns and acres of flowers,
spend yonr Winter on the MONTE
KEY PENINSULA, 125 miles south
from San Francisco.
'midst its 120 acres of lawns and
flowers, with its beautiful 18-hole golf
course, only five minutes' walk from
the hotel, offers everything that the
Winter visitor can desire.
BATES, $4, $5, $6 and $7 per day.
American plan only.
in the bustling little city of Pacific
Grove, 20 minutes by electric car from
Del Monte. RATES, $2.60, $3, $3.50
and ?4 per day. American plan only.
Hundreds of comfortably furnished
, Both hotels under management of
Del Monte, CaL
in sn
Located in the heart
of the shopping and
theatre district.
in su ruscisu
Metropolitan Service
Running Ice Water in Every Room
Under Management of CHESTER W. KEUEY
""Id ,g I Ty
Geary Street, above Union Square
European Plan f 1.60 a day up
American Plan $3.00 a day up
New stool and brick structure. Every
modern cooremenc. Moderate rates.
Center of theatre and retail diitrict. Or
ear lines transferrins: all over city. Eleo
trie omnibus meets trains and steamert
"Always Reliable
The Hart Clara Co. Dla. Portland
Tampa, Flat
Pacific .Is Crippled.
XEWBERG. Or., Nor. 2. The Pa
cific College hootball team Is rounding;
nto shape aBain (or the game with the
Chemawa Indian team at Salem. The
fruellins oonteat with tha heavy lit
Our instructions are to place these tracts on the market at above prices for 30 days only. After De
cember 1st the price will be raised at least 10 per cent. .
Can yon realize the immense profits the ranchers are making raising fancy apples and pears in this
famous fruit district f No, never, or you would not be located in the city.
Whose average net profit per acre for one year was $1260.
; Net Profit Net Profit
Per Acre. Per Acre.
W H Norcross, Spitzenberg Apples $1050.00 Bun-ell Orchard, Bartlett Pears $1000.00
W. H. Norcross, Newtown Apples $1450.00 W. G. Estep, Bartlett Pears. . . . . ... . .Over $1000.00
m, r ' . 0 .. T a ,i eiRonnn Snowy Butte Orchard, Winter Nellis Pears. $900.00
Thronson & Guthrie, Spitzenberg Apples. . . .$1620.00 g enDett Newtown Apples Over $900.00
Mountain View Orchard, Newtown Apples.. $1000.00 q0l c. Washburn, Spitzenberg and Wine
John G. Gore, Bartlett Pears $1244.00 sap Apples $960.00
John G. Gore, Newtown Apples .$1000.00 A. D. Helms, Newtown Apples ..$1300.00
The average return from the above brchards paid 10 per cent interest on a valuation of $12,600 per acre.
If you do not believe these statements we would be pleased to have you write to these gentlemen, who ara
all honorable and responsible citizens of Medford, and who will be pleased to verify the above records.
Why not investigate our offer at once t Take a trip with us to Medford and see for yourself what a
splendid opportunity we are giving you to become independent.
919 Chamber of Commerce Building.