Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 03, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    S, 1911. . 3
A Purchase Compelling Sale
of Ladies' Suits
Hankow Massacre Delays
Negotiations With Rebels
Looking Toward Peace.
Bar barons Outrages Attrtbotrd to
Men From Ifn-peb Foreigner
In Pekln Prepare for De
fense In Kltrvro Nel.
TEKIX, Nov. t. The maasaere of
itUtM at Hankow by Imperellst
trooss. Inte41lence of which baa
reached bo Lb tho War Board and tha
Oernian Legation, mar prove a serl
ua hindrance to t"x peare negotiations
which Yuan fhl Kat haa been endeev
trine to Inaugurate w!tb tha reoal
Isadora Tha Imperialists apparently
tare got beyond control, and further
flrbtlcr is fearod. In aueh a eaaa It
will be difficult to protect the foreti-n
oncesslons. aa Lr are separated from
the uilti city by streets only 10 or
14 feet wide.
It la reported that tha War Board at
Pekln haa declined to tha eua
eostlon of rorelsm doctors to form a
Ked Cross Society on the lines of the
Oenora Convention, the Foard eomlns;
yto the conclusion that th reoeia oo
not deserve humane treatment, The
massacre, eceordlns; to aome edvlcee,
bean before Uve depaxtura of Oewral
Tin Tchanir.
Farrta-aera Preeare Far Defease
Tne exodua from Pekln continue, tha
floors of many shops aa well aa private
houses belna; closed In anticipation of
a massacre. Tha missionaries who
hare had a conference with tha lea-a-tlon
tire decided that tha few sol
fllera placed tn each of tha four laraa
mission compounda would aufflce to
present ordinary outlawry and looting,
which la espected to becln any nlchL
Should there be a general eut break,
all the others could take refuse In the
ble'hodlst Mission, which la Immedi
ately east of the legation quarter, and
easily defended.
An official dispatch from Bhlh Kal
ran. Phan-alt Frovlnce. saya that a
reKlment of tfhan-sl troops, which had
been dispatched to assist tha Imperial
ists, baa mutinied. The mutineers killed
their Brigadier-General and then bom
barded a Manchu city. massaeretn
looe Manchus. Including tha OoTernor
bad bla family.
Tla Tehaaar Reraraa ta Pekta.
General Tin Trhang. who until a few
gsys ago waa commander of the Im
perial foreea at Hankow, returned here
today. There waa a great crowd at
Lha station at the time of hie arrival,
ut no demonstration occurred.
It la understood tha National Assem
bly la showing determined opposition
to the foreign loan for which
aoenta have been made, arguing that
such a loan la unnecessary.
Letter dated October It and St. from
ttm Asaociated Press correspondent
with the Imperialist army at Hankow,
say that tn the struggle for the pos
session of tha elty there waa hand-to-hand
lighting In the streets, the quar
ters being too cloee for shooting. The
rebels, mostly raw recruits, not under
standing the use of the rifles, wsre
riven beck with much alaughter. their
dead piling up on the quay. Tha caa-
altlee among the Imperialists for two
days. October l and 3. were IP killed
and le woundsd. The rebels had
about killed or wounded.
!e 1 Barter la Phetwav
The fght. continues the correspond
ent, until tha past three days bad not
been serious. The rebels had the ad
vantage tn artillery, but their shells
did not siploda. The Imperialists had
tha advantage In troops, but they were
poorly provisioned. No prisoners were
taken Rebels captured alive were
Shot or decapitated.
The most barbaroue outrages were
perpetrated on Innocent pereons In the
vtilasra One of Tin Tchang'a staff
explained that the outrages were com
miti'.l by only men of the Hu-pea
General Tin Trhang refused permis
sion to the correspondents to proceed
to the front and placed them under
the strictest surveillance. The general
staff consists mostly of German and
Japanese trained men, but tha condi
tion d"es not reflect much credit on
them as they are seemingly Ignorant
of the countrv. The soldiers are not
b"t.iT-d by their officers and do as
thev pase. Corning from e northern
provinces, they have no sympathy with
the rebels.
Cowardly HeMlrra Shot.
Prior to ths opening of operations on
October XT. Oeneral Tin Tchang told
the respective commanders that ths
advance must be made and rewards
were offered to ths soldiers for every
i gun capiurea. l ne aavsnce was s.ow
TW'tog'K ths Imperialists bad to walk
1 V'. rough pools tcr much of the dis
tance. The a ho at first num
bered not more than 1000. shot from
ths housetops until compelled to re
tire. theshei!s from the warships set
tins; ths bouses on Are.
General Wong Chou Turn, command
ing ths third brigade, and General
Wong Tl Chat, commanding tha fourth
division, stood bravely holding re
volvers and shot the soldiers who re
fused to fight. Dispatches received In
Pekln ton'aht say the rebels occupied
CM1! Hsln trn on Monday last, but the
following day the imperialists drove
them to Llan-tse-Kwang. an Impreg
nable pass tn ths mountainous country.
Ths rebels hsvs torn up a half mile
of railroad and blocked the tunnel and
now hold the pass with a email body
of men.
Subway Engineer's Invention May
Revolutionise Naval Warfare.
NEW YORK. Nov. S. An Invention
which, by means of compreased air. Is
purposed to keep water from entering
ships through holss. Is being tested n
board the battleship North Carolina.
Comminder C C Marsh, of the North
Carolina, thinks that the use of the
apparatus will prevent vessels from
going to the bottom following collis
ions or whsn bit by torpedoes or
shells, and declares that It will revo
lutionise marine warfare.
The invention la merely an adapta
tion to tha eompartroeata of ships of
the science of air-pressure aa already
spplled to tunnel building. It waa de
veloped by one of tha engineers of tha
ubwsy la this city.
piiimmer's court ste9 Is well named.
Positively does Its work- To be found
at most drug dealers or at Flummer
Lreg Ca Third and Madison.
" r . - : .- ;'... .. - ir. . -. V
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VjHf :h v;:-:. K--
1 1
End Comes to Famous Actor
in Salt Lake City.
r layer. Author , Explorer, Best
Known for Tour of World With
Mrs. James Brown Potter
and as Original 'Hames."
F ALT LAKE CITY. Not. t After an
Illness which began last Friday night.
Kyrle Bellew. the famous actor, author
and explorer, died here at o'clock this
morning, of penumonta. He and his
company of New York players were ap
pearing In "The Mollusc- at a local
theater whsn Mr. Bollew was taken ill.
His condition did not become serious
until yesterday, when congestion of ths
lungs set In and ths actor gradually
sank to his death.
Ths body will be taken at onoe to
New Tork where the funeral will prob
ably be held Tuesday. Although Mr.
Be. lew had hosts of friends and waa a
member of many clubs In the metrop
olis, the funeral will probably be pri
vate. In compliance with his wishes.
Krle Bellew waa one of the fore
most romantic actors on the English
speaking stage. His first stsge appear
ance was made at the Theater Royal.
Brighton. England. In the early
eighties. He waa favorably received In
England and came to the Tnlted States
to become leading man at WaUack's
Theater. New Tork.
Tear With lira. Patter Recalled.
He became popular on this side. too.
although It was not until he made a
worM-a-lde tour co-star with Mrs.
James Brown Potter." the English
actress, that he became famous as an
actor. He and Mrs. Potter played a
Shakes?earesn repertoire In every
Enrllsh-spesklng country In the world.
Mr. Bellew was yet to schleve his
widest populsrlty and success, how
ever. These came with the drams Illa
tion of E. W. Hornunr's stories of the
gentlcmsn-thlef. "Retries." He had a
wonderful vosue In this rloce. the suc
cess of which was so marked that It
led to many subsequent portrayals of
the criminal on the staae-
The parts played by Mr. Bellew cov
ered a wide field, ranging from Shake
speare to modern comedy. He created
the leading roles In "The Thief."
"Brigadier Gerard." "A Gentleman of
France' and other successes.
Bellew Dramatist, Also.
In addition to his success as sn
actor. Mr. Bellew waa a successful
dramatist and adapter. He arranged
and presented a successful English
adaptlea of "La Tosca." and was au
thor of the English version of "Char
lotto Corday and other plays.
His private life was as varied and ad
venturous sls ths roles he presented.
He was born at Calcutta. India, tn
JI&T, of English parents, his father
being tha chaplain of Calcutta Cathe
dral. For seven years he was a cadet
In the British navy, but the discovery
of gold la Australia lured him from the
service and be spent a number of ysars
tn Australia working as a miner aX
- 1
Overwork and Worry
Ballarat and as a rsportar on Mel
bourne newspapers.
In 1900. after bla world-wide tour,
he again felt the call of adventure
and headed an expedition Into North
Queensland, which extended over two
yeara He returned to the stage In
10I at the bead of his own company.
His work as an explorer gained him
a fellowship In the Royal Geographical
Boolety. and he was a member of many
Mr. Bellew was nnmarrled, and la
survived by a sister, known ss Sister
Mary Monies, now living In the con
vent of the Poorclarea, NotUnhlll, Lon
don. . M
Mr. Bellew always maintained bis
British cltlaenshln, his home being at
Tbamesfleld Bray. Berkshire. England.
Tft" Son Is Bright Stndent,
CAMBRIDGE. Mass, Nor. I. Ths
four brightest men. In Harvard Law
School, as determined by the annual
award of the Sears prises, announce
ment of which was made yesterday, are
r. . . . r mrn nf the President:
Charles K. Hughes. Jr.. son of Justice
V sr. .Aatav-'ii
I Pit,
SPECIAIi sales are tHe vogue. Ben Belling special sale means
something. Ladles of Portland well know that our high
grade, man-tailored suits at our ordinary prioes outclass any
others in the city, so the mere announcement of a special sale
always causes a general flutter of feminine interest.
XTHAT do we offer f Man-tailored suits that receive the same
careful painstaking thought of expert tailors as is given
to the most expensive men's suits. We invite the discriminating
ladies of Portland to make selections while this money-saving sale
is in progress.
$40.00 and $45.00 Suits now $29.50 " :
$35.00 and $37.50 Suits now. . $26.50
$30.00 and $32.50 Suits now $22.50
$25.00 and $27.50 Suits now..... $19.75-
Take the Elevator to the Third Floor.
No Charge for Alterations During This Sale.
Hughes, of the United States Supreme
Court; J. C. Buchanan, of Pittsburg, and
F. 8. 8. Wyroer. of Boston. The prizes
are I35 each. Toung Hughes Is a
member of the Delta Upsllon fraternity.
Greeley Crop Light and Speculators
6ald to Hold Western OntpnU
DEICVER. Nov. J. For the first tlmo
In 10 years. Colorado is Importing po
tatoes from Wisconsin. Minnesota and
Illinois. Prices have advanced from
11.60 a hundredweight to S2 and - a
further advance of to cents Is pre
dicted. This condition Is doe to partial fall
nro of the Greeley crop and. commis
sion men say. to the fact that specula
tors have secured control of the Idaho
and Western slope crop.
I.akeTlew Uses Own Rock.
LAKEV1EW, Or.. Nov. t. (8pclal.)
Many streets of this city have been
paved with crushed rock taken from
the rocky canyon above here and the
. m.... itHcf show a great deal
of Improvement as a result. With the
natural supply of paving material ao-
cesslble near here, the pavementa of 1 cost than those of any other city In the
this city aro put .In place at a lower giaTe or twvi.
. i-iii loni nf Tmrm. Overwork and
worry give rise to nervousness, headaches, sleeplessness,
lack of ambition, lack of interest in your work, weak back,
indigestion and sometimes a complete breakdown of the
nervous system. If these are your symptoms you need a
tonic. The best wav to tone up the nerves is through the
blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are a
direct nerve tonic because they enrich and build up the
blood Under their tonic influence nervousness and all
the other evils of worry and overwork quickly disappear.
They restore the digestion and enable the body to take full
advantage from the food eaten.
Vre. R B Stothors, of No. r06 Beach stropt, Rorlwood City, Cal., says: "I
can SthfullT recommend Lr. William.' Pink PUU for Pale People, for they
cured me. l'waS completely run down and so nervous that he crying of my
babv would nearlv drive me wild and any little noise, would startle me. 1
exuidn-t sleep and would itnaeine I could see thmps before me which were not
there I had no color in my face. I wtfs so pale that you would have thought
I had consumption. I had splitting headaches and was duzy at times. 1 was
l-:-nid end felt tired ont all of the time. I had tried iron and other medi
ciues. but ther didin't seem to do any good, so one evening my husband
h.ouirht borne a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People I took six
boxes and felt so much better that I took six more and was completely cured.
Vow my nerves are as strong as can be. I am very thankful for the good Dr.
V illiams Pink Pills for Pule People have done me. I hope my statement
will be of help to some one."
Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People are the one true
tonic. They are guaranteed to be free from any harmful or
habit-forming drugs. They have given the most gratify
ing results in nervous headaches, neuralgia, nervous dys
pepsia, St. Vitus' dance, and even in partial paralysis and
locomotor ataxia. For a full statement of this treatment
write for the free booklet, "Diseases of the Nervous
Start today to cure yourself with Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People. They are for sale by all druggists,
or will be sent, postpaid, upon receipt of price, 50 cents per
box; six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Schenectady, X. X.
Jill III I'f-f-icr
We Shall
Move to
7th and Morrison "Streets Dec 1st
Read, Reflect, Consider, Compare
Never in the history of Portland's piano
industry have standard piano3 been of-'
fered at such low figures as we now offer
you at our present store, 304 Oak Street.
Our intentions are not to move one single piano, player piano or grand piano into our eew store, be
cause when It Topen , our new display rooms we shall have the greatest exhibit of artistio instrumenU ever
displayed under one single roof in the Pacific Northwest.
We are determined to sell everything in the line of pianos fixtures and other mewhand in omr pres
ent onarters When moving day comes we want to take nothing from this old store but our hats and the
ZleJZrt Emories ot eM friends and customers. The latter we hope to have the pleasure of ff i
Sr new IS where the same old policy of fair dealings to all will continue to appeal to old patron a.
well as thousands of new ones.
We have been in the piano business since 1873, controlling the exclusive agency for the largest number
of the high-grade makes handled by any one firm in the West
It is quality that has put ns in the leading position. Quality has always been the first thought hi the
gelling of any instrument by the Wiley B. Allen Co.
If you are really looking for bargains in high-grade pianos come in today or your earliest convenience.
Remember, the stock includes practically every well-known make piano all are offered at our removal
priceTwiA are lower than anVer before offered in the City of Portland The entire lot wxU be sold
one will be moved to our new store. For this reason we will arrange special terms at this time if desired.
OakStreet T -WEZB
Bet. 5th and
Z 6th Streets