CIGARETTE WAR IS BEGUN BY WOMEN Tmperance Worker ' Makes Purchase in Milwaukee; Ap peals to Mayor. SEIDEL PROMISES HELP Women Christian Temperance Union Adjourns to Meet in Fort land Nest Yemr Ohio Leads la Membership Cains. MILWAUKEE. No. . Followlnc th. purchase of a packaaa of ttes by Mri E. B. InsaUa, of St Louis. Nation! superintendent of tha dprtmnt of anti-narcotics of the -Women's CbrlsH.n Temperanc. t-nlon. a local campaign for tbo Bfor"m" of tbo Wisconsin anU-elrarett law in tar ltd today. Mr. Inaalla sauntered Into a store n Third street and bought a package of clirarettea, Sha then went to tbo C!r Hall and called on Mayor BeldeL -Why cannot the antl-clrarette Uw be enforced In thla cttyT" ibo " -lt c,n be enforced." responded tbe Mayor, and then ho proceeded to In terrorate hie Tlsltor. finally referring Mrs. Inirallo to tbo Chief of Police. W hen Mrs. Ins-alls, accompanied by two other temperance worker, called upon Chief of Pollco Jana'.r. they war In formed by the Chief that hl office would look after violator of tbo law. The moot Important report to coma before the National convention on Ita cloelnc day m that from the depart ment of peace and International arbi tration. The convention adjourned f rally tnnlpht to meet In Portland. Or, rt year. The cloelnc ceremony wa desls-nsted aa "Jubilee ntKht.- when new members were reported by the various states. Ohio beaded the list with reported net rains of 1000 or mora - UNDERTAKER AIDS DEFENSE Ilr-mlnf Witness aj Brnlsf Can lie Produced After Death. REDDIXO. CaU Nov. I. Evldenco tending to upset the theory of th prosecution In th trial of Danlal Flam In, of Oakland, for the alleged mur ler of George Vtlller. of Tacoma. wa Introduced today by tho defense. The strongest evldenco was riven by W. P. Buckley, an undertaker at Tacoma, who at the Coroner's Inquest proved an equally strong witness for tho prosecu tion, laying the foundation for th tr-.eor- that bruises cannot b caused upon a body after death. Huckley was called to ine eiana 10 day by the def.-nse and said that bo desired to change his testimony on that point He declared that experi ments performed by him aa Deputy Coroner of Tacoma proved that a blow upon a dead body would cause an abrasion that could not be told from a bruise received before death. Villler was killed upon the roof of a Southern freltcht car and Kietn Inir is charred with bavin beaten and choked him to death. A photograph of bruises on the neck of tho aody. pur porting to show that they were re ceived before death 1 a part of tho evidence In tho case. A. M. Ilck. a local undertaker, tes tified today that In irrpartnr the body for shipment to Tai-uia he tied a cord shout the neck. Th photorraph of the bruise wa taken In Tacoma. TEAL BACK FROM CAPITAL lter-Ulon In Appeal From Spokane Kate Case Kxpected Soon. Jowph N. Teal, traffic attorney for the Tortland Chamber or commerce, re turned last nlrht from Washington. D. C where he had been for flv week tir the purpose of presenting to th Commerce Court the argument of the I'ortl.-ind Interests in the appeal taken tv the railroads from th Interstate Commerce Commission decision In th Spokane rate case. The court ha not mad a decision on the Injunction, but In the Salt Lake rase. Identical with the Spokane case, excepting that certain rates svere speci fied, the Injunction wa refused. A de cision In the Spokane rase 1 expected ai ny time. The advance In class tales, attalnst which Portland mer chants protested, has been suspended. There Is a growing sentiment that clt es having water communication must use water." said Mr. Teal. He declare.! that Immediate effort of orrson rltiien are needed to ob tain favorable action by the President on the Vmatlila project, and that fur ther activity Is necessary to keep th livers and harbors appropriations for this state from being rut He tblnk th l'j,-..m Canal will be completed In the Summer of 113. YOUNG CREEL'S WIFE SOBS Unhappy American Girl Married to Mexican to Get Divorce, NLW IOHK. Nov. 1. When th steamer La Savole sailed for Havre to day, she carried a handsom young wo. man. who wept so loudly that her eobs rould b beard on th pier. She said she wa a daughter-in-law of Enrique Ureal. x-Mexlran Ambassador to th United Slate and that sh wa going abroad to get a divorce. "My husband 1 a Mexican and I am aa American." ah said- "W could not agree on anything." PERSONALMENTION. J. K- Miller, of Amity, ta at th Lenox. R. H. Cowden, of Fllverton. U at th Oregon. Lester S. Miller, of Seattle. I at th Carlton. v 11. 8. Green, of Spokane, la at th Tortland. Edgar McLeod. of Fpokan. la at the. Cornelius. JX Lip man. a Seattle merchant I at th Oregon. f. m. Magers. merchant of Salem. Is at th Parkin. Mrs. A. M. Ingarsoll, of Tacoma, I at to Portland. Alex McKensle. Pendleton stockman, a at tbo Parkin. j. J. Lax kin and D. W. McCrommon, Aberdeen timber men. are at th Ore gon. J. W." Walden. La Grand merchant Is at th Parkin. Captain A. E. Parker, of Vancouver, la at tbe Portland. W. B. Word, of Ooldendal. la regis tered at th Cornelius. H j. Barnard, of San Jo. I reg istered at tbe Ramapo. p. a. Senfert canneryman of Th Dalles. Is at th Imperial. O. W. Splcer and Mr. Splcer. of As toria, are at th Imperial. Paul M. French, banker of Th Dalle. Is at th Cornelius. H. Anderson, a Koseburg merchant la registered at the Carlton. J. C Scott Walla Walla merchant la registered at tbo Oregon. P. 8. Burr, a railroad contractor of San Francisco, la at tbo Oregon. Eugene Franc, an Aberdeen lum berman. Is registered at tbe Perkins. James SL Sheridan, of Washington. D. C, U .registered at th Portland. CHICAGO. Nov. 1. (Special.) Mr. and Mr. B. M. Currln and Mrs. W. C Noon ar registered at th Stratford Hotel. ITALIAN FLEET IS EAGER COMMANDER. IX READINESS TO MOVE AGAUfST TURKEY. Aeroplane Experiment bo Sncoesa fnl. More. Machine Are Or dered to Front ROME. .Nov. I. Rear-Admiral Aut rey. wbo has resumed command of th Italian fleet off th African coast to day notified the government that there being sufficient troop to fac th enemy without th assistance of tho warships, be wa ready to under take any naval operations against Tur key. Th Commander consider he will be able to occupy several Islands of th Grecian Archipelago or blockade tho Dardanelles, make a naval demonstra tion before Salonlkl and Smyrna or bombard th fortifications at any point advisable. The experiment with aeroplane hav been so successful that others have bean ordered to the front GERMAXT BLAMED BV TOUT Ex-Grand Vizier Says Berlin Prom ised Italy Would Xot Send Troops. LONDON. Not. I. The Dally Tele graph's Constantinople correspondent ays that a sensation ha been caused by the revelation that Hakka Bey. th ex-Grand Vlxler, If Impeached for th defense of Tripoli, will declare that the German Ambassador repeatedly assured htm that Italy would never send a regiment or a ship to Tripoli and for that reason his Cabinet has not con sidered It necessary to dispatch troop or war material to Tripoli. ITALIAN IXFAXTRY RETREATS ElghtT-eecond Regiment t Tripoli DriTen Back by Turks. TRIPOLL Nov. I. Th Elghty-eee-ond Italian Infantry was forced to fall hark from Its position by a fore of Turk whlcb appeared before th line of defense last night. Failure of shells to explode rendered Ineffective nre from Turkish guns brought up south of El Sloarl today. Italian artillery silenced tho guns and forced the Turks to retire. IDOW NEAR DEATH Woman Suspected in Connec tion With Demise of Nine. POLICE REPORT AWAITED Pending Climax of Chicago Mys tery, Principal rignro Suffers Same Stomach Pains as Those Who Mysteriously Died. CHICAGO. Nor. t. Within a few hours of th promised delivery to th Coroner of a report that will bring to a climax or antl-cltmax th us plclon aroused In th minds of th po llc by th death of her lodger. Police man Arthur Blssonettl. and by the pre vious deaths of eight other relative or acquaintance. Mrs. Louis Vennllya to night surprised the detective guarding her In her home by a requet that a lawyer b ummoned to draw her will. Th suspected, widow said she was suffering from the same kind of pains In th stomach that bad preceded th deaths of the nine. The report oon to bs mad Is that of Walter Hayner th toxlcologlst who baa examined th viscera of th dead policeman for traces of poison or oth er indications of the cause of hi death. Th nine persons who mysteriously died at different times under the wom an' roof Included two husbands and a number of children and stepchildren. . TRAIN WRECKING TRIED Tie) and Steel Rail Placed on Spo kane A Inland Tracks. SPOKANE, Nov. 1. A deliberate at tempt to wreck the Spokane & Inland Express for Coeur d'Alene. which left Spokane at 11:20 P M., Tuesday, was made at three placea between Huetter and Coeur d'Alene. A tel rail was placed across one of the main Una tie and ties and a stump were placed at two other places within 10 yards of each other a short dis tance from th steel rail. Fortunately for the 1S passengers, the express motor carried a long pilot . . . w. . I r! . ih. first nhatac.le wnicn puiuc - - and th econd wa discovered when tbe train was stoppea. AMERICAN CITIZEN IS HELD Italian Authorities Forcibly Detain San Franciscan. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 1. (Special.) Restrained from leaving his native land, now engaged In a war with Tur key, because bis passport does npt show that the two children accompanying him and his wlf ar American born, 8. Sbraggl. a wealthy San Francisco wholesale butcher, ha been forced to appeal to friends here to furnish the necessary documents. With Mrs. Sbrag gta and his son and daughter, he 1 un der urveillanc at Lucca. Italy, pass ing bis tlm on parole until the proof of bis claim can reach htm. Sbraggla's attorney toda,y seoured the Superior Court seal attesting th reo ords of birth for the children. This pa per was then attached to a certificate t3iiUJ Mill! ;iiii i r i hi Ifs a Pleasure, a Satisfaction and a Profit, Both to You and Us, to Get You to Wearing Our Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes We realize fully the importance of satis fying our customers. We know every time we sell one of these Suits or Over coats that we're giving a good profit to the man who buys it; that he's getting a style, a finish and an all-wool quality that he can't find in the same measure elsewhere Suits $20 to $40 Overcoats, Raincoats $18 to $35 Sam'i Rosenblatt & Co. Copyright Hart SobaflaoT Jk Uars of baptism by priests at San FrancUco and a document signed by the Italian Consul, setting forth that aU of tbe seal and papers are genuine and reg ular. Today's mall started tho bulky rec ord on Its way. and within two weeks lt Is expected Bbraggla and his family, will be released and allowed to proceed. Ebraggla came to the United States when a poor boy and engaged In the meat business. He owns several large packing plant today and 1 rated aa worth ,250.000. Two month ago he left hero with his family for a visit to his relatives In Italy. Upon presentation of his pass port to the Italian authorities h was Informed that because there was noth ing set forth therein about his chil dren being American-born, be would not be permitted to leave th country. Sbraggla then appealed to the United State Consul at Lucca. t.. ir.v.rc' Association I CiilllCt J iiu.ivi ... today elected A. C Shulte.'- Plattavllle. Wis., president. Stat presidents In clude A. H. Lea, for Oregon. Train Kills Woman, at Porter. MONTE SANO, Wash, Not. S. (Spe cial.) News reached her today of tbe death of Mrs. T. H. Johnson, who was killed by a train last Saturday In front of her boms at Porter, In this county. Her son-in-law, J. W. Jefferlea, and wlfo wer with her at the time of th accident. Mr. Jefferles was going to bis work in a field near by and. hear ing th train coming, he called to th women to remain where they were. Mrs. Johnson stopped, but when the train wa within about five feet of her she apparently leaped right in front of It. She died In about two hours after th accident. Th train was run ning about 15 miles per hour. She Is survived by a widower, two daughters and three sons. -W pi if A ' ,U'V To the Man Who Works With the Whistle we'll see that you own a tract of assist you to finance it what more could you ask? It'. bona fids a substantial proposition that we present here to you actually assist yon In a financial way-lend a helping hand, as it were, to enable you to become an owner--yes, a satisfied owner of a tract of this rich, creek bottom and valley land. Too, who Lnow th. monotony of eight, nine or ten houni day in and day out, who faithfully respond to the call of the whistle. Dont you long for such an opportunityt Haven t you pictured In your mind, actually given some thought of being the owner of such a home 1 Truly now right down in your heart, isn't there a sincere longing for something that will bnng you better and more profitable returns for your efforts! Then our proposition is the realiza tion of all this it commands your attenion. v Com. and have a heart-to-heart talk with us-there's nothing complicated or embarrassing in our proposition. If you are unable to call during the day, come during the evening hours, our office is open for your convenience. 5 Acre to 80 Acre Tracts of Columbia Acres Are Selling at $20 to $80 an Acre, and on Liberal Terms Plan to Take a trip to Columbia Acres Next Sunday Becur. your ticket for Goble-txain leave. Korth Bf rsov MAI A 7SOT F. B. HOLBROOK'CO PBfOTfES M 41 V sse AT 7507 OFFICE IN LUMBER EXCHANGE BUILDING. SECOND and STARK STREETS and at COLUMBIA ACRES Stetson Hats Cluett Shirts Wunderhose Third and Morrison Streets FOR THE NEWEST VISIT THE EASTERN Our Pre of Suits, Coats, Gowns, Dresses, Waists is simply wonderful. Every article is produced by the best expert in these lines. They are with a distinction, a "something different," that has always been identified with our goods. We want you to see our styles and to note our values. Suits, Dresses, Coats , so reasonably priced as to be start lingly conspicuous to the most casual observer. Stylish Waists Chiffons, Messalines, Silks, Taf fetas in beautiful designs and colors. . In all sizes up to 46. Spe cially priced $3.65 -SEE THEM. IILLIERY Fashion's most approved styles at modest prices. Charge Accounts Solicited No charge whatever for credit accommodation. We will be more than pleased to have you remit for your purchases in as small weekly or monthly payments most convenient to yourself. OUTFITTING CO. Washington at Tenth The Big Modern Credit Store FREE! FREE! One Pint bottle of a high-grade cordial, apricot, orange or cherry. To call attention to the opening of our wholesale famfly liquor store to day and tomorrow, we are giving a one-pint bottle ofa high-grade cor dial with every order amounting to $1.00 or over. This applies on all order? except beer. We have no bar. and cater to the family trade. Our prices guaranteed to be as low as any in the city Our goods are absolutely pure. . Your money cheerfully refunded if goods are not satisfactory.- Oall on or phone us a trial order and get the cordial free. Prompt delivery. Eastern Liquor Co. 40 N. Sixth St, Corner of Oouch. Phcnes Main 823, A 2142