Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 03, 1911, Page 23, Image 23

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1- , 'I ' I
Carmichael Secures Big Mfr
Laughlin Crop.
Fx port J)tmand for Hop KvlTe
Mm rk ct After Brief I rriod of
IomrtiTltr Additional Par
chatte of Future.
Th tp;Artne of John Carmlchl. th
aim i porter, la th hop rorht mm
trmaly. mm przm h& tn64 to droop. not-
vtHMtudlBf tb abortBMa of stock .r-,
Tb-sr wrm runon In th txd Wtdno-
6m.y of baric f by faxmlobaol, but thor wro
sot ooaflrmwd ontU TMttrdtr. HU prinaip.
irhA wm tbo McUaihiiB Ulrvhbvrc
lot of 11V bis at In4ra3Be. Ecpt
for tht KrM crop, this was Iho UrfMt lot
produced In Oreroa. Too xa-t prlco po.ia
by CarmtcbMl tu Bot out. but It
wv mM to b hmS rttr man -.j
met, Thi Lo Mftstnn erp. which Car
micbool o buat. coat. It to .mid. tho
Ouir f-ftrrar bought tho Pljyf lot of 1P8
ai-a at Aurora at 4t eatm. T?o Ioboo
rep of til baJ. at Chha.:a. waa aotd at
41 eonta to bo aMrpod to lodoob.
Wr.f P --. trJar cl-na-M anofhor en-
trart fr .: Taktrna r-p at S cnta, Tfto
otttraet wa mad with Bpacr Huntlnc
toa and eai a for " balra.
Tbora will b an .ncrva 1b Or hp
it war Krthi Itroa. hav air"
a contract with C C. Ht to clear 3io
arr of hoavllr wooded bottom lan at
Ind'DoedrBr. Tfcia la ono of tho laroat
land elrarirg; Job tvtr Bodrrtakoo lf tha
n;:Y Th entr--t prtc of tho work la
or f? (X Vh'nery will to !ar:r om-
pl7d la cUarlrf tho lard.
tkadixo rc wnur markkt rrors
Both Nd Aro Awmlttw feTkfit-
oata Aro a iram.
Trad!r tn tha wbt market taa prao
Vfmlly orno to a atop with both aMea awalt
tn dvrn)nfA Tho Amarlran and tnr
o'rn nvarka aro arra!n and ontil they
nm o-ttled. buTi !n tM terriiory aro
f!t a-olna? to taka bold, Farnara ahow 1b
m iint m not offrlna wboat.
Oata oootlauo Rrm. with a ad o-al do-
mand and a coat:ouaaco or tno iu.ion.
lvl rocelpta. la eara. waro ro port ad by
tho aforchaata rt-baro aa ftlowa
W-mi U:lr F' ur iata Hay
t..,4,. l; 1 3t
T '.j To I 14 1
.!y . . 1 II
: it u
T IO ' . I
...n t data rt 1 I M
Tfr ao !-- 1'- :
1 1
rALiroRviA ArriR mabkt.t riRMra
Aat"oaiTlllo rrk Oot of Fir Hondo fwp
I r- Thaa T ot er.
Tio (1rri ftf Wetem anta market
to nt forHi! to Orcnn an 1 WaahlnctAa.
Jrl la "Hf'm!a af cailually tJvBf!rf,
r.-o--tmc to tho California rru!t O rower,
wii'-" aaja-
" ac"ni!to a-p!ea aro pra-tlca!ly a!l out
of t hartda of a-ower. ard packara aro
qumnff ariuj:r from 5 to fl.lS for 4-t!er
Ntn. tho tvtrir ak!r prieo on thta
vaHe'T Juat ftow b-tnir ll.OV H:;riowor
aro b!r a:ao varfou!y Qriotd aa to park
er q-io:ailtis rar-irtn' mo: It Ti T tie.
"The arp crop of tha Pa! aro Valler th!a
yvar lm mrllty I'rhter this laat. and aa
aarainat a rrop f 5wa mra of all Taritlea
shipped frrab la Xal Hhara la aJwaya a
cuaaidarabio Totumo of appiea frowo whlra
ro to tha eTaporatora apd to cMor mana
facturora. which aro la addition to thoao
flfir4 tbo preaont crop la oattmated at
ITi cara for freer aA'pment. Iletlfiowera
aro tUh'-ar tin laat rear and New towns
vary mut-a Itchter. Tho red raarmala
crop to bi th:a year and axtremely Cao la
onrrrOf r.;;9 adtaxcb to cexts
Only a row Caaoo Aro ateakrKlas Froal
Mrrrt Iai!y.
FTMih Orecoa ranch acca sold yeatcrday at
4 rnta. I;ectpta bow ara about as Hsbt
aa they vill bo. and ara far aadar tha
Tnere waa bo lmproemert rn tho chicken
ma'krt. I'uT'ra wero wiiatif to taka Lars-a
heca. but rejected aniall ooaa. Aa for inr O'uM onlr bo moved la eon
aor'.:oa with mhor kimla
preaae t pork tu In larco aupply. oapo
rlally the hr aisa. and tho market waa
ak. wrh 9 frr.! q ioted aa tha top on
fan.-r. Vri receipt a waro hot heavy, but
Wer acf3tnt.
Th butter and rhoeoo marketa woro firm,
with a ilr-nir.i that tasad tho ability of
Lerfra to atiafy
I VM MIR rmii:rric n HrTT
sUomU nvm r )Vm flit Cmr. f
Th. d--mACj t r crr.&'nt ha. bcoiri.
ry th. l&t CAT rc!.l la
: kl op. Tb. mvktt U Arm at $19. W
a trT-L
A car of Tokar fftapa la luca arr1ra4.
riir ato.-k. trovcPt tl.23. T3kara In
rrmLt-a aM at 1 1. fe.& ablpai.ata of
l .-' w.r. rolT.J tad th.y irra b.!l
Aim .c : : tn rrti
T. . , ( r L i.k!tb.m h &a fall. a
of an aa r- if attti l.trt th.
m.-kct ta v.rr w.a. r. mala raa-
! '. r a. lo a. mr ti J .".la a p-i.ij.
Kw c.- of bnnaa a.-nI. faur f ibai
M.N.ff Bivja Taklma Cra
NORTH TaKlV. N. -fp-tal.)
l, ... lo.a a.nt 1o 41 a
ABi2-'-. Ta:upuo. I.) alcN.S Brvlb.ra
: laac ii'Wt
Bjank 4 IcaJ-tnsa.
fl.rk c:ir'rfi of t-i. .Svjrtaw.aitrn cl:la
jtm . MkiAf ;a aa fo..ow:
i'.-.r.a Pi'iarL
Pvt au J' J
.. ; ;: J : -J
T - a T m i i - ,
..u. T-.-wl
llll par 6amn; t-poan4 taJla. t.f: 1
pound r.ata, Alaaka pink. 1-pound
"co-Ve Koutad. la drama. l0a
par pound. .
HONEY CSolea. tt.T par amaa: atrmlnad
hon.r. lQo par pound.
ALT-Orunliul 113 par toa: rf
rojn4. l"a li lt par ton: Ma If par ton.
NITS Wair.uta. laiTla-tn Pr 1""V;
Braall nota. Iig:t; f lbarta. lc: almonaa
Mjllt; pacana. He; coooanota. 0el.p'
dotaa: chaauuia. par pound; hlciorp
uta, 6 010a par pound. ,
BEA-SJ Small wo. It a. 4H: ara
Uma. a: pink. Jtaxican. a.
fcayoo. ae.
RICE N& 1 Japan. 4Vo: cbaapar rraaaa.
tl.t0O4.iS: Bouth.rn h-ad. t7ol lm
port.d Imparlaa. afco: ItnporlaA' aalra
fTOAR R.ftnarr prlrra: Dry r,,n,,,5;
T.K); fruit and brry. 7.I0; bt. aatrm
C. 14.70; powdcrad. barrela. T.4i: eubaa, bmr
ra:. T.4. ,.
DHIKO rRI'tTS APPl. 14' P". JCJ',B.
aprtcota. lljllht; paachea.
prun.a Ital!n. HiBlH'. allvar. lc: fir,
whit, and brack. SaTo: eurranta. 10
11c: ralalna Iooh MaacataU '
blaachad Tbompaon. ll,r: unbleacHad bul
taaaa. (tec; aead.d. IHSMla
Dairy and Csastry Predooa.
PU I I ER Oman buttar. aolld
park. -: prlnta aatra.
POTJ1.TP.T Hna. la'affl': sprirra.
Bine: durka, our.. imn.c; ;ev,.?
: Wc: tulk.n. au.a. aw; draaaad. cholca.
rifl PrHh Oraron ranch, candlad. 8
44"o p.r do-n. , .
CKEt-E-rmh Tillamook. Bata, laat
To-ir.x Am.rVaa. 1?'.
PORK Farrf. t!" par ponnoj
VEAl Fancy. .11 &U (ao par pound.
Rom. Waal aad Hides,
HOPS 111 crop. 4104301 olds, noraj.
M on AIR Oioica. tSfflTa par ponnd.
WOOL Ea.tara Or.aon. i14a par
pnund. arc-ord'.nf ta ahrlnkasai Vallay. 14 0
IT? p.r pound.
PELTS firy. lie; lamba, aaltad. CoOSOo:
lh(in-wol ptta. 5rtT5o.
HIUE3 K.:il bid.a. lOHOlla par
pound: u lxl ca'f. IrtctlTe: aa:td kip, 11c:
r.n hM.a. aH:; dry calf. 20; dry
ataga. 1'Jc
CA3CAKA Par pound. SHOa
I.TNSF:KD OR Pura raw. In barrala. PIo;
ooid. In b.rr.:a. 4c; raw. In caaaa. c;
bo. -I. In ru. r-
TVRPENTINE Caa. Tie: wood barrela,
IJSO lra barr.!a 4:c; laaaa lota. 4c
GASOLINE Motor paaollna, Iron barrala,
ITc; caea. :ic: 4 saaollna. Iron barrala,
lie: caaaa. Ic
COAL OIL Ordinary tut. caaaa, 14o:
ku.k. la taaka, (taa.
Hams 10 to 10 po-jnda, lmenHt: H
ti 14 piunua. 15S0'Bc: ' to 1 pounda,
lo01e. 1 to 14 pounda, 1T017HC; lUc: plcnlca. lifec; cotlaga ruil.
14 n
slIOKtD MEATS Bf tonraaa. TI
drlad barf aata nana: aula:da. Dona; Isaldaa,
11c: knuekJ.a. 11a.
LAKD Ivattla randarad. tlaroaa HViai
taba li; .tandard. tt.ia. 14Sc; tuba,
USo: fhortrnln. U.rca. Ic: tuba. Pa
J.A'.'UN K.r.rv. ; 1- : atundard, 34:
cbolra. 11c: Knal'.h. Ktflo.
DI1T SALT iL'KKt-K.aular abort clrara.
dry aalt. llSae: arorkad. llae: backa. l:ht
aalt. lilac; amnk..!. Hie; backa, hear?
aalt. 1IS-: m.k.d. 14 c; a i porta, aa,L
14c; arnokad. l.tec
CreOa. near, rood. Tie.
WHMT T: ! bet a; f jet--n. .1 1
p. . ..3 " ' . r 1 R- u J T . .
- tirty-fr
t ;4t'K - - i'ateata a ,r barrel;
i rt vti, 4C.;porta iS; Xa-'ay. .4v;
rs. t n. I j . : : neat. I i
. . : u a I rr aeJ. pr toav
i : - w " , ' 1 1 ;r io.
ji.i ., '. U i- A i". a '. -3 yr U-n . ..
I a v r.a. rol.ed bar.ey. J4
t4t4t N 1. O. t:-rothy t'.?Tle: No.
1 v 9. I . i j i - ; a:fa.:a, lta).4. cievar,
Mj.; a - . :i . 1 . 1
1 v k L r. 1 ees., Ji k per tea; browtB,
TetreYaalro ami rralia.
T'V'Al, It: IT t'r ?rea. 14 W 9
$ J- r wv I C-a... . U. , a".'r4it,
ta-nl 3 J V " l-'.tJ, leTnoiva,
p-r . : -i. -iraaiea, $1 0 per b-a.
I K- "H .vl I 7- r , per
J per Mi. app.ea,
l'(i2. ;--r r-j no. for
tu-b;--. r -wr- 4 Jt pr pour L
-aCic ."Ei i.; r .fTvti. $: v per
aa'ft. iruiiva, ;, be a --; poraa.a.
r' TAT'T. 0"t-i 9 per pcuadl
f a f:. li 3 IS pr rri
iiM N! 4u-4h-.-t.. I. .1 pr t-uBdred.
f ,a.;r tI.v rt: !. k- Tivier doaea;
tett. io !' c ib!e4re, S 4 a per poand;
r u.rtr, fi'V 11 per l jin ; corn. S3 q
per djaa: ra-Bntera. 4.130 per K.ta;
er a p nt. t-3 P-r 1, fi.-iie. 1 1 1 la
pa r pound; i'.rucew jp pr aaea: hat-
ue rt'laea, $1 -A per vol pepper. g lt
pitj-i p,,,...:, rai---a
per d n. irf'. ; pr p- ua4,
. l't ulit ik." P-.JO-1. tmatoa. v
, 4 Per
Bbta. KIor. A-aomad taila.
Reports of Federal Inquiry Into tl
BlC Caah Grain Accumulation
Start Moveinent.
CFICAOO. Not. T Twlco today tha
wheat market broke mora than a cent a
buahol In a fw mlnutea. Tho ao1Un atam
pertea rraultrd frm nerrouaneaa about re
port of a Frdtrral Inquiry into bl cbi
wheat acumuIationa here and e'.whero.
Tha r:oo waa weak and ran from laat
nlaht'a f: surra to e balua. Corn ahoarad a
nei derl.oa of t lo to 1H and oata H9
Sc. At tho cKao hog products rarlaa
from SSte to 6e lower to 5c hi her.
Tha moat abrupt and hard eat ran in
wheat took p uce Juat heforo tha laat sons.
A Btrone; recovery had been la proereaa
when auddenly pit tradrra becama frightened
at auppaed a:na of liquidation on tho part
of tho bull trailers. Aimoat atmultajieoualy
off-rinaa became wlrfly acat tared. Oauaes
cwntrtbutlna t the eakneea waro b!( ro
relpta la tha North waat and enerally fa
vorable weather In tho Winter wheat coun
try. No. 2 red Winter was valn'y offered
in unlimited qoantM)e. Iecemher fluctu
ated from Pi So to irde and cloood at 904,0
a net loaa of Se
near, co d weather Increaeed marketlnrt
and improving1 condttlor.e and quality of
corn made the market for that cereal heavy.
lee ember reared from 01 c to 3 S e, cloa-
Inj at Se down at Cc. Cash aradea war
fft:r:y at J y. .No. 2 yellow waa quoted at
T4S J :Uc
Oara fluttered e-ratlcally. trrlna; to fol
low the price rhansea In wheat and corn.
Htrh and low ifveii for the December de
livery wre 4dS-4;Sc and 4Sc. with laat
aaa 4j c. a rail of S from 24 hours afo.
In pro lators there waa free aelitna by
local and fo'-lirn holers. In tha end.
prtcca a ara (ad juat aout tha earn a aa laat
l-'utures ran red aa folio wa:
Open. frith. tvw CI-.
3iay iei i.v: l.oi l ai s
Pec. .ftJS -1 .1
1T S .C4V .S. .Ml
Juiy 44. .44S .444
N 4S .44 4 .4fl ,4f
Mar . 4 " .4S
Ju;y 4iS .4-.S .46
mess roiiic
Jul 18ta is ta 15t?i- lltTti
May 14.C 11 ;: S U.frO la-KS
r-C f?S 04 tl4 99
Jin 10 13 14 t IfH
May 2J .3 t.U 4 i;v
Jan. 9 I : I M
UaV a I 4i V 13?
l aah quotatu re were aa foiioat: No- I. gisa-
I A-.- M .r n.- i r I 74 0 1.04: fatr ta
Cfc ico malttnr. II 14 J MI.
T: oo:y m J - 111 i 14
r r : 4 tt :
T'ork Meea. pr barret. :S.4H O 1S.TS.
I.ar1 Jer l'J la. f .
;r.ort ribo S dee (lo4e. 01 f 4.
(ir a atattatlrs
T tal crTM of wheat and fTour wera
equai to i; "Ja bi.t'it:. rr;mry rece'rta
w -re 1.14 buare a. compared with 77 J. -buie
e the e-'rrt-tjr.i.rirf dav a yr
M.i. fc.etitna:.! re.pta f.r tomorrow -W
heat. 41 cera: cm. Ill cars; oata. 70
care, hoge. It. 9- heaX
ONE of the fundamental functions of a
ranking institution is SERVICE to
its depositors.
That is why the officials of this bank give
their "personal attention" to all accounts
whether large or small and take so much in-.
terest in the welfare of every depositor.
Founded in 1886 Washington and Second Sts.
National Bank
CAPITAL $1,000,000
4 per cent
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Corner Fiftk
and Stark
Every man and woman should make a will, and tha advan
tages of a Trust Company acting as Executor or Trustee will be
generally conceded. WILLS may be drawn and filed with this
company, which is authorized under the state banking law to
act as Administrator.
Security Savings & Trust Company
Portland, Oregon.
Capital, tl.000,000. Surplus, fiOO.000
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountains
Kwropewa Carmia Xarkfta.
LONDON. No-. 2. "ar coee. du-L bay era
hot'.icg- o'f Walla Witii for a:.! pineal 0U
ir at ia-
r'-Clli. CaCUBtry markets, quiet
Vr.aa. a oucry n ereta, hoaltiay.
LTV2RrOOU No. 2. Wheet
W --in t. ? 4d. r-cH. 7a SSd. Xy. 7s
I. W eather, c.oudy.
Vlnsewpelia WteaU Xaortkaa.
aJINNr ArOLJ'. M'rn.. Nor. 2 Whee
tWc. fi S: May. 0l-: July,;
raeh No. 1 harl t.-T: No. 1 Northern.
f.oT0HrtT; No. 2 Northern, J
LC-4 S . N. I wheat. 13 4.
Croha at K 1'rasM-lret-a,
FRA.t.I.-iCt. NorJt Wneat steady,
bar y fi.-m.
trot quoa,t!one: W'beat Ship pint.
9: 4T 9 I : .' s pr cer.ta:.
lU-iey Ft-J II 3C1 TH per coDta.';
bre;nc. 41. W0 a 1 per .'oih
. fm 0;.7tjl pr centaj; whfto,
9 f3-,I;s Pr cen.a:. b.aca, Liil.;j
per lar tat.
Call ooarJ aalre Pa-ray Xe-eTibor. 0i.Pl
per cania-: Mj, 01.o per ceaia.
fSayrt -nd r.rala Market,
" .A7TLL, U-a-- Nov. 2. Wbaat P!oo
etera. c. tn lo.d 7 Sc. club. ;ac. n:,
7eV. re 4 Huae.aa. 7 c.
Teatrday a car receipt Wheat. 10, hay.
10. tarley. 0; oata. 7.
TACOV. Wavh.. Not. J Wheat Floe
aem. c f-nf.M. . club. 0100.c:
red Rui 4n. 7' 6 Vc
T'Mt- car rec-!pta Wheat, 40. tar
le. 2. oata. J, bay. A.
OiirsMf o rrodore Marmot.
rM'"0'. .Nov. t -Huv. uy. Croam
r1ea. 34Strtle; d tries, SK
Kaaa. atoaaly; 4-Vcta lkw4 rsaaa a44
mark, cases Included. 10019o, flrata. 23o;
Twlna, J4fl 14 io: Toun Amerlcaa,
14 Sc; Long Horna, 14W?14a
sax Francisco rBoprce makket.
Trtra Qnotad at th. Bay City for Ve
tablaa, Fralta, Ete.
8Af FBANCIrlOO. Nor. I. Tha follow
1ns produe. prlc. wera current hera todayi
Vecelablea Cucumbara. 7c9tl; grarllo,
tOic; tomatoea, 15i0c: afcplant. 100730.
Putter Kancy creamery, 33c.
Eaa etore. 45c; fancy ranch. UUo.
Oiuona $1.10 1.15.
Cheeaa Vounn America. 1S01BH.
rrutt Arpie. cboica, TtVoval; eomraon.
40u40c: iirx can um.a. 44itfo; taiirorma
Innona. choice S3.SO; common, 12; pinaap-
p.e 4- 3.
Potntoea Orea on Burbanka, 1X4091.00;
Faiinaa Burban.a. ll.oJtiLTS; awaata, ll.t0
ill. 7ft.
uuiatuffa Bran. 111011 mlddllnsa. 111
Hay Wheat. Ill 9 10; whaa and oata.
HJolT: alfalfa. I1L
Hecelnta Flour. 14T4 Quarter eacka
whm'. wi centata; barley, ll60 cantaia;
polatoea. 4v4& aacaa: nay. SJa tona.
Metal Markrta.
NEW TORK. Not. 1. Refined copper
Fteadr. rpot and x.eember. ll.pgtf l.ioo;
Novunbar. 1 1.0 U 11.04c : January. 11.449
li Wo. February. 11 U 11.17 "ao. London
Hteady. a'pot. i5S Loa: futuraa. 144 1 oo.
Lake copper. 1100 9 11.41 He; alectrolytlo.
1? i: u. ti 12 i(o: caattna. It. 11 H O 11.24a
Tin Weak. Spot. 40. 43tf 41.16c; Novem
ber. 40.45JJ 41. ?0c: December. 40.ft0tT41o
January. 4o.lft 40.0c; February. 408 40 ,50.
I.L.n weak: Boot IS7 10a: future. IU4 la.
Lead iulet. 4.16 0 4.10c. New York: 4.14
tl t !,.. VJ,.t Ft. LOULl LomlOD, 414 1 0B.
Hp.M.f. ljulet. 6.I0O4.14O. New York!
ft4t&o. Eaat Ft. l.oula London. f:s l&j
Antlmonr I'uu. LWKwn v , a
i .nn i 'i. v.l.n d warrmnta. 44a 4ad I
London. 1-ooally Iron waa qulat; No. 1
foundry Northern. Ill d 14.10; No. f, 114 TI
i 14 IS: No. 1 Southern and do. No. i aoft.
fafta aid Soarar.
vrT TORK. Nor. 1. Ooffea raturai
Ftrona. from 14 to 4ft point, not higher for
the day. November. 14.40c: December.
14.74c; January. 14 4c: F.brnary, 14.1401
March. 11 c. April. 11.14c; May. llllo;
Jun.. 11.77c: Juiy. is.4c; Aucuat ana g.p
terrSx-r. It 71c; tK-tober. II T2c
S;t corf" Vnaettlad. Rio No. T. US
q!.c; Santoa No. 4. 14T.C. Mild eoffaa
(Jutrt. Cordoa. 14.04r: nominaL
K.w Fuaar. Nominal. Muacorado II teat.
4 Hue; raotrlfuaal 44 teat. o.ftOc: molaaaea
ua.r ft wt, 4.45a. R.nned Eaay.
raacUt4aa .f the
WASHINGTON. Not. I. At tha bafinnlnt
of bufllnera today tha condition of tha
I nli.d Htatna Treaairry waa a. follow.:
Worklra baL In Tr.ury ofncea.l 71.444.444
In banks and Philippine traaa... tl. 131 441
Tot.: balanra In f.n.r.1 fund... 114.12l
Onlinarr r-lpia atarday I.t04.IM
tirdlnary dutbureamenta yeatarday 1.047.611
I.nrit to data this fiscal Tear. . . I4.1R1.G54
L.1r:t this data laat year 11. 674. oil
These fcaree aacluda rttttma Canal aAd
pnblle dabt tranaacuona.
ew Tark Cot tea Marks.
NEW TORK. Not. 1 6 pot cotton eloaad
do'l. ll!d-up;aada. T.41o; mld-a:uie, l.4fto.
bae. none
Kuturea eloaad Tory steady at a .at ad
vanca oc 4 point, on October, while other
roalttoas war. ft polnta hlcbar to 1 point
lower, as compared witb the oloalnr flfurea
of yesterday. Closlna: bid: November.
4 44Vi lievmbw. 4.11c: January, .47o; Feb
ruary. I.Otc: March. ft.44c: April. 1.140: Mar.
4 lc; June. I.lle: July. 4.17c: Aucuat.
I 11c; a.ptMnbar. ft.llo; Octobar. a-llo.
Naval Htnraa.
SAVANNAH. Nor. I. Tnrpentina rim,
43lf4.1e; aalea 47; reoelpta. 417; ablp
m.nta. 74: etocka. 17.140
Roetn Firm. Salea. 2700: recelpta. 1110:
shipments. 4S4; stocka. 44.140. Quota: B.
Hl7w: l l'l: E, ll-io; T. a. H. X,
I4.l7l.jli 4.4laM.I?: U. 14.61 ; lZ
till; .a, tt.10: W W. T 44.
Dalwtk Flax Market.
rUl l'TK. Not. i. Fla on track. In atera
and to arrive, 1-14 S: Nov.. 11.14 kid;
Iik- ll ll bid: Oct.. 1X14 . naked.
Irtr-d Frail at 'ew York.
VEtT TORK. Not. I. Fvaporated . p-
plaa eltaady. Spot, fancy. 14wiotiaj oboloa,
C414o: prima, tueitts.
Vrunea Firm. Quotation ranve from T9
11 Via for Callfornlaa up to 4 0-6 Da and 11 VI
0.14HO for Oreg-ona.
Peaohea Steady. Cholca, UffHttoj extra
aholca. UHtmi fancy. 11 8 Ilia a. (.
Wool at Bt. Ionia.
ST. LOUIS. Not. 2. WooL alow. Tarrl
tory and Western mediums. 18Ve21o; On.
mediums. leSISc; fine. lltflUo.
Gambler Fined at Astoria..
A8TORIA, Or., Nov. 1. (Special.)
Joseph Falangos anil S. Faiangos, of
Clifton, wore arraJgned In th Circuit
Court today on Informations cbaralng
thorn with gambling. The former
pleaded ftrulltr and was fined 150, which
ha paid. & Flanagos pleaded not guilty,
and on motion of tha Deputy District
Attorney the Indictment against him
was dismissed. Three other men who
wera Indicted Jointly with these two
defendants will be arraigned within a
few days.
Investigation of the
reasons for unfavor
able action concern
v ing the adoption of
Bitulithic pavement
'Invariably divulges
the fact that preju
dice or a lack of suf
ficient study of the
street paving prob
lem prevailed.
Cenetructa Asphalt and ether Blta
aalnoua Pavementa. SOo-SOS Blaatrta
kldc Portland, or. Oakar Haber,
Manager. -.
Tha moat dallcbtrui apot on entire world
tour for your vexations, DeUfhtful aea bat
ing at tbe famous beach of WalkikU Tho
splendid PS. Sierra 10.000 tona displace
ment) makes the round trip tn 10 days, ono
ib riait ob a aide trio the II v ins: volcano
of Ktiauea which la tremendoue.y active,
and aeo for hlmeelf tho proceoa of world
creation. No other trip oomparea with thia
for the marraloua and wonderful In nature.
Vielt the lalanda fiw, while you can do It
o easily and oaiekly and while the vol
cano la active. Prompt attention to ta.o-
arams for bartna. Miiipca: isovwmoar .
November 2fl, I e rem bar 1(4. etc
W Mil a, rs. .
070 Market Ktrespt. rao FrMciarw.
133 Tmlrd St.
We Offer Strictly Subject to Prior Salei
Lewiston Land & Water Company, Ltd.,
7 Refunding Gold Bonds
Unconditionally Guaranteed by the
Lewiston-Sweetwater Irrigating Company,- Limited.
Coupon Bonds, Registrable as to Principal;
Denominations $100, $500, $1000.
Dated October 1, 1911,
$25,000, October 1, 1912
25.000, October 1, 1913
25,000, October 1, 1914
25,000, October 1, 1915
25,000, October 1, 1916
Due Serially as Follows:
$ 50,000, October 1, 1917
50,000, October 1, 1918
50,000, October 1, 1919
50,000, October 1, 1920
725,000, October 1, 1921
Redeemable at any semi-annual interest date on and After Octo
ber 1, 1912, at 102.
Principal and Interest Payable at the
Security Savings & Trust Company, Portland, Oregon
Idaho Trust Company, Trustee, Lewiston, Idaho
Trust Deed prepared and all legal examinations and investigations pertain
ing to the bond issue made by our attorneys, Messrs. Teal, Minor & Winfrea,
under our direct. supervision.
Land Titles examined and approved by James E. Babb, Esq., Attorney,
Lewiston, Idaho. ' ,
Consulting Engineer, E. G. Hopson, Esq., Chief Engineer United States
Reclamation Service, Pacific Northwest.
This bond issue is authorized by the Lewiston Land & "Water Company to
refund and consolidate all its outstanding bonds and indebtedness and is
secured by mortgage on the Company's lands and improvements, valued at
approximately $3,500,000, by a special reserve fund of gilt-edge notes and
contracts equal in amount to not less than one-half all bonds outstanding and
by the unconditional guarantee of the Lewiston-Sweetwater Irrigating Com
pany, a subsidiary corporation.
leaving made a careful and thorough examination of the secur
ity back of this bond issue and all conditions surrounding the
same, we unhesitatingly recommend the bonds as a safe and
eminently attractive investment.
Detailed information of every character may be had upon application at
our office.
Price Par and Interest
Special Notice to All Present Holders of
Lewiston Land & Water Company Bonds
and Collateral Trust Notes
All outstanding Lewiston Land & "Water Company 6 per cent Bonds of
any series, as well as Collateral Trust Gold Notes, will be accepted at par and
interest in exchange for the new Refunding Mortgage 7 per cent Bonds above
referred to afpar and interest. The advantage" to be gained through such an
exchange will be apparent to all present security holders upon investigtion.
Reservations and exchanges may be effected at any time at our office.
Morris Brothers
Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon
FYalsht reoelTed
dally at Oak-st. dock
for Tha Da ilea.
Hood Blv.r. White
Ealmon, Umatilla,
Kennewick. P a a a a.
P.lohland. Hanford.
White Bluffs, and
Intermediate polnta.
Steamer loavea Portland Sunday, Tneaday.
Thursday. 7 A. M. K. turn In a learae The
Oallee Monday. Wednaaoay. Friday. 7 A. M..
arrtvlna at Portland about B P. M. aame day.
W? 8. "Buohanan. Supt.: W. 8. BmaUwood,
Oen-1 Mir. phono Main WW A 1637, .
Eapreaa Set vie. via
Lm Than Uaya at Be. by tha
Weekly Palling-a to Europe,
rtrat-ehtas 182.90; Winter months. 181.00.
Bieond"lasa. 5S 7S: On.-claa. cabin (II)
iTrlday. Dec 1. Empress of Britain.
Saturday. Deo. . Lake Manitoba. .
Tricar. Deo. IS. Empress of Ireland.
Bartbinc plana now open. Book, Early.
Ham burr. Antwerp, Bremen, etc., 130. S31-OW
Liverpool. London. Glaafow. Be
laat .....-------
Norway. Denmark. Sweden 134.70, 130.21
F. R. jonsson. O. A, 141 Third St.
An aaenta aall Can. Pae. tlcketa.
Low Rataa. Schedule Time.
S1A KaUlTv.y Eirka.fS UlaA.
arWrtLueV, Us,
27 S. SSZaV
epBES. ixscavs.
tAMERISA. ......
Nor. 11, 10 A. M.
Not. 18, SAM.
. . -Not. 11, 10 A. M.
Not. II, I A. M.
the larj-eat and most luxurious steamer of
the Hambura-Amerlcan aervlce. Equipped
with Rltz-Carlton Bestaurant, Palm Gar
den. Gymnasium, Electric Baths, Eleva
tor. Will leave New York
FEBRUARY 14. 1011.
Stopplnf at Madeira (11 bra.), Gibraltar
(4 nre.1, Aliclcra (8 bra.), VlUefranch.
(14 hra.), oTce). Genoa (20 bra.), Naples
(8 hra.). Port bald (&6 bra.).
Time .for alffht-seelns; at each port.
Also cruises to the Orient. West Indies,
South America. Around tha World, etc.
HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE, 160 Powell St., San Francisco, CaL, or O.-W. R. X.
Co., Northern Pacific. D. &. R. O., Burlington Route, ate. Ticket office also, C. P.
Pflurer. Mulkey Bide. Portland. Oregon.
tUnexcelktd Rlta-Carlton a la Carta
Restaurant, Gymnasium, Eletrlo Baths,
Elevator. Palm Garden. 'Will call at
Plymouth and Cherbourg.
Gibraltar, Algiers, Naples, Genoa
8. S.. HAMBURG...
a S. HAMBURG...,
Not. 15, 1 P. M.
Dee. 7
Jan. 4
Writ, for Booklets of all Cruises.
San Francisco and Los Angeles
S. 9. BEAVER balls 4 P. M. Nov A
Ticket Office, 141 Third 8t.
- Phonos Mat. 402 and A 1402.
Steamer Anvil
sail, ffom Albers Dock No. S, Satur
day, Nov. 4, 7 P. M., for Tillamook,
Bay City, Newport, Florence, Bandon
and Coqullle River points. Ticket office
12S Third street. Phone MaJn 628, A
4506. Dock phone, A 1802, Mala 16L
STslgrht 4Uid passssKers.
Satis from Alnsworth Dock. Portland, 4
P. M-, every Tueeday. Freight received at
Alnsworth Dock dally np to 6 P. M. t4s
aenser tare, first -class, 110; second-class. IT.
Including rrre'r and berth. Ticket offloe
Alnsworth Dock. Phonee Mala 20a. Mai.
170 A 128a.
San Franclcso. Los Angele3
and San Pedro Direct.
North Padua S. B. Coe 8. A Roanoke
and 8. 8. Elder aall every Wednesday alter
nately at 8 P. M. Ticket office 182 Third
St.. near Alder
MARTIN j. HIGI.FJY, Passenger AgaaA,
W. E. BLl HSER. Frelcht Age-ah
Pbaaas M. 111. A Ilia.