Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 03, 1911, Page 22, Image 22

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3, 1911. '
-r3!ZZ - , "
City Drainage Outlets in Wil
lamette River Are Open
to Atmosphere.
Msor Ka(hllfht Probably WU1 Co
on Tomr of Ktvrr Front to Is
rrstlcate Condition Coon
rtlmrn Will Dlscita.
Th. malodorous atmospher. that haa
h. Bti v.r tha city during th. past few
days b- u of low water In the Wil
lamette F.lvr that has uncovered sew
er outlets In ths Harbor. ha been
nroua-M to th. ali-ntlon cf Mayor
J:ashlta-ht and If he haa tlrr.a thla
mornlns; ha will make a toar of ths
waterfmr.t on a personal Inspection
of conditions, Tha ser and drainase
commlt'e. f th Council also will
jnt thla mornlnir and tha actuation
wtll no dnuht bo discussed.
Mayor KunMfcM ld yesterday that
was convinced tha odnrtferoua at
mosphere did not hit Ita orlsln at
th. Incinerator, bat that because tha
sewer outlets wer. exposed, the north
west wind prevailing carries tha gases
throus-h th. mnlnf and they ara
amtttrd from tha manholes. At the
sewer, can ho extended advantageous
Iv only durlns tha low water period,
ft la expected that recommendations
will be mad for a spe.-lal appropria
tion with which to carry the outlets
Into deep water, where the current
will hare an Influence at all times.
Harbormaster fpeler. who haa Inv.s
t!rated the aeweraee proMem and last
i. uon piloted health officers alonic
the waterfront. sa- that besides the
rlrer betas; unusually low. there la a
tide of about two feet and at night
the odors are more generally detected.
In several places, he says, the sewers
empty Into the river where the cur
rent has no Influence and the sewer
age Is virtually stagnant.
Harbormaster lIln-- Berth on
Tlooton Tlcc-auso of Duties.
Seeking a head for the Orecoo Naval
Militia a delegation of members of that
organization waited on Captain Speler.
of the harbor patrol force, yesterday
afternoon and asked that he permit
Ms name to be submitted. Pleading
pressing duties on the waterfront,
which precluded him from devoting
the time to the cruiser Boston and her
crew that would be necessary In order
to get tne best results. Captain Ppeler
declined the honor. He assured the
men that he ready to lend aid at
any time to assist the reserve.
When the Navnl Keserve was In Its
Infancy. Captain fcpeter was tha holder
of a commission as executive officer
and later was (riven charge of ar
rangements to bring the Boston to
Portland from the Bremerton Navy
Yard, which he successfully accom
plished and IVa resigned. He was suc
ceeded by Captain John J. Reynolds,
who recently left the service. The
enlisted mm of both divisions sre to
meet Monday evening to elect officers
and there are expected to be new faces
numbered In the wardroom. There are
said to be a number of ex-Navy men
planning to enter the res-rve and ef
forts are being made to select an ex
perienced navigator to assume charge.
Vrsevrl Brines General Cargo lYorn
Shields fur Ilalfoar-Gnthrle.
Rut one vessel Is In the river that
Tea come from Europe with " general
eargo. the Krench bark Jules Gommea,
which arrived yesterday morning with
a full l'-ad consigned to Balfour. Outh
rle Company. The Gommea cornea
from Fl.lel.i. which port she left May
1 anj reached Hob art August . sailing
tlree days later for Portland. Bhe has
the usual Kuropean cargo and wtll
probably discharge at Mersey dock.
Jlind. Kolph Company have the vas
sal undr chrter for outward loading,
but as that firm has reciiartered some
of Its tonnage lately It Is expected that
the carrier will be offered to exporters.
The la: vessel to report from tha
-ther side was the French ship I .a
Ham-he. from Havre. She came In bal
last and wt'l finish discharging to
morrow at Llnnton. The U"mmi may
g-t nar wltrt the November grain
feet, which will be composed of at
lat the Arracan. Plone. la Banche
and tran.p Harmattan.
Orford Href May Get Eojolpnamt
Before Congress Arts.
Even though Congress n axes an ap
propriation at the next session for a
modern lightveasel to be stationed off
Cape Blanco, to mark Orford Beef, she
could not be constructed In time for
service next season and Inspector Beck,
of the Hth lighthouse district, haa
taken oj with J. A Conway, chief con
structing engineer of the Bureau of
Lighthouses, the subject of marking tha
reef with a mammoth gaa buoy.
Bealdea serving as a day and night
mark one type of the buoy la equipped
with a submarine bell signal, so In fogs
those vessels having receiving appar
atus aboard can get their bearings ths
same as from the llgtitvessels along the
Coast. T-.e l!.-ar. Braver and ltose City
have the apparatus. Vessels of the Pa
cific 0asi Steairsh'.p Company also
carry It, and other passenger carriers
are to be given the same protection.
Business Accepted for Fleet, but
Carriers Are Scarce.
As soon as fie steamer F. 1L Leggett
reaches San Francisco with ths ship
Manga Bera In taw from Balboa, she
will continue to Portland having
aboard a f-Jll cargo routed from tl.e
Af.antle sMe. She will be given a ca
pacity Joad outward here. The vessel
Is expected sbout November 10 and she
will be the first through carrier of the
California A Atlantic steamship Com
pany's fleet to arrive for more than
a month.
Between four and five cargoes are)
awaiting shipment from Portland to tha
Atlantic but there haa been such a
rush from Fan Francisco that the
steamers Lessrett. Riverside and Stan
ley Dollar have not been available for
this end of the route, as was expected
early la the season. The company la
handZlcg Inbound shipments regularly
by transshipping from San Franeleeo.
as there Is a weekly service between
there and Balboa.
City Attorney Will Giro Opinion to
Com ml as Ion.
City Attorney Grant will be asked
by tha Commission of Publlo Docks It
It haa authority to grant to tha cruises
Boston a f re berth at tbe city Uvea,
foot of Jefferson street The question
came up at yesterday's session of tbe
Commission when LleAi tenant-Commander
Capron. paymaster of the Ore
gon Naval Reaerve. asked that the
charge of S1.1A a day for the us of
the be rescinded. Chairman Mul
key said that he wished Mr. Grant to
pass on tha proposition, and collection
of money due will not be enforced
pending an opinion.
Mr. Mulkey Informed members of the
Commission that the Issue of ISO.000
of municipal dock bonds that had been
rrnvri ECTT1 1 Hill CB,
Xotxi. City.
s-ram Dale
. . -Sn Francisco. la port
Sue M. Klna-i
P. os- city..,.
J'eav.r. ......
Fa foB . ......
Tl.l.meok. ...
breakwater. .
n r.i.iee
OoMea Oats. .
Kouoat. ....
e. 1 i.iamooe .... la
...Faa Pedro..!
.. Furska....... la
.. Jtaadio. ..... in
can I'eoro. . . ov.
. Saa rrtaclece Nov. 4
: ' Nov. 6
.i'oos Par-.. Nov. S
.Par In-xo... Nov.
, TKIemooe. ... Nov. T
.Faa P-tfre... Nov. S
iu Dlage ... Nov. li
Xama Tor fans
KoaoClty Fan rdre....NT.
Anvrl rtandoe. . .... Nov. t
laa H. Elmore. Ti;;amook.... Nov. S
AlMaa-- Kjr-k .. .. Nov.
Noma city.... Fan Francisco Nov.
Tll.amook C.Miull.a Nov.
rraftwater....Coos Fiar Nov.
Falcon San Franctsce Nov.
Oe W. Elder. Jan tMo ... Nov.
pea rer ..filD Pedro. ... Nov.
rioldea Gate. .. Tiliimnjli .... Nov.
rtar Ftn l'elro... Nov.
Ruanoke......aa Dlaco.... Nov.
awarded to the Portland Trust Com
pany wore turned over to City Auditor
Barbur to be executed by himself and
Mayor Rushlight, and then tbey would
be given to City Treasurer Adams to
hold until the money was forthcoming.
Attorneys for the bond buyers have not
passed on tha legality of tha tssuev
and accrued Interest will be collected
from November 1. Tha Commission
cannot begin active operations until
tha fund Is available.
Inspector Suspend Johnson's Li
cense for Thirty Days.
On a charge of misbehavior. In that
he Is alleged to have copied from a
slip of paper while taking examination
at the office of Local Inspectors Ed-
rds and Fuller for a license to pilot
vessels Into Coos Bay. Tillamook Bay
and the Columbia River and from As
toria to Portland. Captain John A.
Johnson was found guilty yesterday
by tha Inspectors and his license as
master and pilot outside suspended for
JO days. He was represented at the
trial by Charles W. Fulton. ex-United
States Senator.
Johnson was mate of the steamer
Arago when she was lost. He desired
to have his license extended and It
was testified by Arthur Merrill, clerk
for the Inspectors, that he detected
Johnson copying answers from the
slip of paper. The latter denied us
ing the memorandum for that purpose.
There were no ether witnesses.
Marine Notes.
With over TOCO cases of canned sal
mon, the largest cargo of the charac
ter she has ever handled, the steamer
Hassalo, of the 0.-W. R. sb N. fleet, ar
rived up from Astoria last evening.
Captain Canty, cf the oil tank steamer
Catania, yesterday corroborated the re
port of Captain Anderson, of the oil
tank steamer W. (L Porter, that the
mid-channel buoy at the mouth of the
Columbia River had shifted out of po
sition. On her maiden voyage to the Far
East, the new British tramp Robert Dol-
ar will leave the harbor today for
f-hanghal and Japanese ports carrying
bushels of wheat, valued at
vi: 1S.45 barrels of flour, worth I.O.-
17. snd 1. 30.500 feet of lumber, valued
at HJ.SOi.
Inward manifests filed at the Ctistom-
House yesterday were of tbe steamer
Catania, from tian Francisco: British
steamer Haxmattan. from Victoria, B.
steamer Alliance, from Eureka anil
Coos Ray, and the gasoline schooner
AnvlL from Bandon. Ths British
steamer Robert Dollar cleared for tha
One gang began loading wheat aboard
the Brltlsn steamer Harmattan at Co-
umbla dock No. 2 yesterday and she
will finish about Tuesday. In addition to
sbout 4000 tons of wheat she will load
ITS barrels of tallow, all for the United
Fan Francisco advices report that the
British steamer Croydon has been char
tered by Frank Wnterhouse ac Co. and
wtll load here for Valparaiso. Dodwell
& Co. have fixed the new British steam
er bkerrles to load for the Orient and
she has the option of Portland, thougn
at least part of her cargo will be taken
on at Taooma,
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Nov. X. ArrrveA teamar
J A. chsnilor, from Monterey. failed
S-eamer Catania, for an Francisco; ittiatr
Carlos, tor fan rrancleco.
Aatoria. Nov. 2. Condition at the mouth
of the livar at t P M . smooth, wind
northwest tnllee. weatoer. clear.
Left up at 1 A. M. oteamar Catania.
Ballad at g A. at. Steamer Koanoka, for
f-aa pteeo and way ports. Arrival at T;44
snd lett up at 9 A. M. Kteamer J. A.
Cliacilor. from Monterey.' Arrived at J A.
M French sn'p Jules Oommaa. from
Phletde. Arrtv..! at 1:10 P. M. Steamer
Oleum, from port Fan Luis.
Km Frania.o. Nv. t. Sailed at 1 P.
M- fteamer l' " . for Portland; at P.
M. Steamer N-halem. for Cnlumtla River.
Sailed last Bight bteamer Falcon, tor Port
land. eiuth Fend. Nov. L -Arrived -6 team er
garinaw. from Portland.
Pan Pedro. Nov. 1. Arrived steamer
Northland, from Portland; sleajner Shasta,
from -o'.urr.Ma Hler.
i:n.!.n. Nov. l. FalTed" Gasoline schoon
er T.liam.ok. for Portland.
Pan Kranrlaei. Nov. 2. Arrived Steam-e-s
Th-r. Nannlmi, Nippon Maru. from
Honrkorg. Sailed strainers Brooklyn, for
Brandon. Beaver, Nehalem. for Portland.
Tides at Astoria Friday,
nich Water. 1 Low tvater.
10-iI A. V...SI ft. :S A. M J-T ft.
14.4. r. M...T.4 IL4I1 P. M LA ft.
Blood Trail Leads to Man Prone on
Street After Saloon Brawl,
Finding a pool of blood on the side
walk at Delay and Graham streets ear
ly yesterday morning, and a trail lead
ing from It, Patrolman Colts followed
the tra-e and came upon Charles Sa
vlch lying on the pavement, suffering
from three severe stab wounds. The
officer placed him under care and then
ran down John Frank, who Is accused
of Inflicting the wounds in a saloon
S-vlch was stabbed In the face,
shoulder and arm. but was able to be
In court yesterday. Frank asked for a
continuance and will have a bearing
Seven Dollars Mow Top at
Portland Yards.
6ler and Cows Are Making Grad
ual Adrmnoe as the Season
.Progr-cMc Sheep Bring
Good Price.
Thr w&4 a rood ran of nttlo and ahrp
at tho okyerf3j xtrdtt.r. and an aotlvo
dman4 for thorn. la fact oattio void at
vary firm prlef throarboot. Tho ohoop
m-vrktt was atoadTa Hoft, on tho othor
2aAd. dUplayod much woaknooa.
A nJekI waa added to tho tor prlet n
cholco otoora tor tho aalo of a am all load
at la ta. Tho bulk of tho aalaa wora at
f S 74V about oTn loado going at that
ffurt, Cowa aold at a rang of $4 to
13.10, only a fow h-ad bncai&s tho ax
trtrr.t top prtro, which la a gmln of a dtmo
rr tho formr market
A f-w bora broucht 97.10, bat others aold
at f 9.0O to 97. It to probablo that 97
w!M bo tho tap quotation today.
Oood wathara movod at 93.75 to 94 and
ettlla at 99 to 93.35. Oood owoa aold at
9a. 10 to 93.30 and out! at 92.30 to 92.30.
'or a bunch of rood lambs 4.40 was paid.
RcIpt. yostarday wro 399 cattlo, 79
calTwa, i.233 whp and 2V hoico.
tfhtppara war C. I Churchill. Roosevolt.
Willi,, 2 cars of ahoop and bogs; Pert
fmlth. RoossTolt, 9 cars of ahoep; Ooorta
II. Iliake. RoossTslt, 1 car of shep; A.
Malntoch. Opal City, 9 cars of sbcx-p; Joph
Cuhna, tcho. 1 car of can's and calvos;
P. F. Curtis, Hunta Forry, 1 oar of hoc-;
Charles Hunter. "Wallowa, 1 car of hogs; I
K. North Powdsr. 1 cars of ahop;
eOarld llynd. Arlington. 2 cars of aheep; L
V. Oontry, Hcppnor. 2 cars of aheap; Bsll
A Angell. Condon. 2 rsra of cattla and
cilrti, V. H. Harris, Tha Dalles. 4 cars of
oattlo; F. A. Ph'.lllpa Bakar. 1 car or cat
tla; Phllllpa ft Tollman. Nam pa. 8 ears of
caul, and E. O. Toung; A Co Oakland. 1
car of hoga
Tha day'a aalaa vera aa follows:
TTalght. Prtco.
HVs 96.75
l74 4J'S
, ft 75
, V.'s'l 3 "0
, l-I-'l 3 3
. Ip;t3 3.75
49 aters .
14 cowa . .....
73 tvers ...
6 Itrrfl .....
18 atrera
24 ateera ....
2 htfers
VM o.w
2 heitVro
4. S3
COWS a.e.....e.
'J C
21 cull wrthars ....
H cull awes
S"3 wrl
S.'-l wathara ........
14 hoga
17 h-t
TO cull wet a .
-5 atrera . ,
IU cull awaa ...
173 withers
I'll awea
12 calvr-g
44 wethers
7 wrtlirs
? wethurs ........
64 wthers ........
73 bogs ...........
22 s(rs
3 atfr
10 atrs
3 ataers
4 cm
H cows
0 cowa
1 cow
1 cow
1 cow
It cows
12 com
81 heifers
5 calves
92 calves
1 bull .
1 bull
17 cul lambs
;r, lambs
14 11.75
... 142 7.10
... L'7'J TOO
... 6.75
Hrl 2 30
!. 3"
. . . O.'i S .to
... 15 7.75
... C.73
... llo 4.U0
... ItiT 4.0
t2 3.K5
t.S 3 .35
... 2'' tt.f3
... 115J R.75
. .. : b ;:5
... lls-J ' R.73
. . . I'"! 6 B'
... 4.75
... 1141 6.10
. .. l'H7 6.00
....lo-ii) 4 75
....10"O 4.W
....1130 4.75
... 8:5 4 40
... 1110 4.45
... 43 BOO
... 131 COO
... 1S5 . 00
... 140 4.25
... 15"0 4.(-
. . . 37 3.00
71 4.40
PP hors
2U4 6 tH
- 4... mhs. wmA at tha Xrrt t n TTnlon
fftockyarda for tha Tarioua clasaaa of atock
Chnlca ateers 93 V-'9'95.3
Oood to choice stra .......... t'2tt$ 6.30
Fair to good sta-srs. ........... .. B00t 625
Vellum ateers 47itt 9.00
pjor at Mrs 8-7S9 4.60
Choice cows 4 60 6.O0
Kair to rood cows 4 ()it 4.:3
Common cows t.BQ'-f t.10
Fxtra cholro spayed heifers.... 4.73'r 6.(0
rhuUS h:frs 40
Choice bJila I 60 J.75
Good to C'turTO bulls 3.7&t 8.00
Common bulla 2.00t? 2.:J
Choirs calves 7 21 1 7. IK)
Ooo'l to choics cat res 7.00 O 7.13
Common cslves 4.00 . 9.00
Choico stasa 4.10 9 4.75
Ooori to cholco atsga. ........... 4.2.9 4.6
Choice lljrht hogs CPS 7 TOO
O-vd to choice hoga...... d.73? 6 f5
Fair to grl hoga 6 30 0 75
Common hogs tOvJ 6-50
Choir yesrilng wethers, ooaras
wool 9.000 4.00
Chou-e yesrtlnr wethers, sast of
mountains f 23 19 9.49
Choice two and threes -I
Choice mountain lambs ........ 4 V)$ 4.73
Ooo,i to choice lamb a 4 00 ft 4. IS
Valley lambs 8-73tf 4.00
Culls 3-vOif J.iO
Oi!c-at Livestock Market. "
CHICAGO. Not. 2, Cattle Receipts aatl
msted at C'oo; market, e'eay to strong.
I -erti 94 70 J913: Texsa ateera, 94 lOtj; Weatem arffra. 9 4. 16 t 7.CB ; atockera
snd fee tier. 92c f 5.7 : cowa and heifers,
9-ti: ral.ei. $5.30-73.
Hora Rer-lpt ettmstfl at ?1 w0; mar
ket. 3c higher. IJrht. f-.sno.30; m1x-d.
9'7ft-?3 45. heary. $ 3.70 H .45 ; muih, 93 70
oorj to cho'ca heavy. 95 9301.45;
p:ra 935u,3.(0: bulk of eales, frV.fe.30.
htp Receipt a estfnatMi at Jt3.0'0; mar
ket, ateadr- Natlra, ?504; Wmt era. 32.30
U4.10: yearllnra. 93 7"T4W: lamba, native,
9480.30; Western. 94-5 1? 23.
BOOM 0,1 111 SiLTIflG
Railroad Trnlngo for Third Week
of October Show an Increase.
Money Rte Are Easier.
NKW TOTIK. Not. l-Thm art -ranee tn
Stocks, which proceeded Tlgoroualy yeatwr
day, was continued during the greater part
of today's trading. Prlcea of moat of ths
actl-te stocks wero elevator1 a point or two
after an arly period of he It Lion.. Ths
jnark-t bnke latr In ths afternoon, loe
lng tlia greater part of the daj'a gain. Pome
of tha aotlv tsjea, lncludlr.r United States
FteeL Amalgamated Copper. 6t- Paul, tho
Hill stock. Reading, and Canadian Iaclflc
Closed wttn small ret losaes.
American Pmeltmr was conrmlcuonaly
strong. It rose IS point to 11. On
Momiay that stock sold at Bt. Tha de
mand for thla atock was ateady and heavy.
Although U aold off with the market lata
In ths day. It quickly rebounded. Ths ex
tensive) rlaa In thla laue Barred to be due
largely to tha rout of tha short Interest,
which Is reported to hava reached un us
ual lv largo proportlona
Trading In Vnited tftatea teel was on a
considerably emaller scale. Ths Industrial
a a whole ehowtfd more Instances of pro
nounced atreegth than did tha railroad lint,
owing, perhaps, to the frequency of reports
cf Improving trade conditions. Three steel
plants in ths VittHburg district. It was an-no-.:nced,
would resume oiert!ona.
Grose earnings of 37 railroads for the
third week of October showed an Increase of
1.44 per cent.
Money ratea ware somewhat easier today.
Ths banks thus far Uiie wsek have lost
Bonda were firm. Totsl aalaa, par slua,
9 4,6 14,00. L'nlLcd Eta tea bonds declined
I4 on calL
CLsOsrxa stock quotations.
Sa!ciL H'gh. Low. Bid.
Al!ui Chal pf .. 4 11 104 K'4,
Amal Copper .. 21.SO0 "3T 64 S
Am Asrlcult N
Am Beet Purar. 3 700 C7"4 6AS
America Caa - 7.b0 11 10 10 44
49 49
S4 4a
Am iid 4c L.t pt-
Am lc Eecurl.. 100 17
Am Linseed
Am Locomotive. TO 834
Am femel a Ra 101.400 66
da r.-.f .i-r.1. . l.(.0 lol W 1U1 101
Am Fdy.. l.lfO S2 JOH 81 H
Am Eusax Raf 1.S0O , llbis 1171. 31"
Am Tal A Tal.. t.tvO 13t 135 S 1S5
Ara Tobacco pf. tnX u' ta f7
Am Woolan . . .. 1UO SO SO SO
Anaconda 31 Co eOO 85 84 S3
Atchlsoa 5.8V0 1CB4 ill! H 107 H
Co preferred.. GOO li.V J0S 10S.
Atl Coas: Una. 4--0 121 S l-t 127
Bait A Ohio ... l.S'0 S 97 H
Bethlehem ft I i'-O -tfH 29 4 2b V
liruok K Tran ... 2.0 7 75V. 754
Canadian Pac .. 6.3' K X3H Z3S4
Central Leather. H 21 4 HI 21 14
do preferred.. SoO 92 62 4 2s of X J 2fc3
Che. Ohio... 8.0CO 7S 7SH 78
Chicago A Altoa , 25
Chi Gi Weal .. SO J9 19V, 1H
do preferred.. IHiO li 88 S 88 a
Chicago a X VT. BOO last H5S IIS
C, M a 8t Paul. t.t0 HOia lCi
C. c, c a st l. zoo si 61 ei
Co! rue a Iron TOO 27 26 2
Col a bouthara 4s 4
Coniol Uaa .... 11,"0 140 1301 1804
Cora Products . 6oO
Pel a Hudson
U B Cranda. fX
do preferred.. 100
Pl.tlllera- Seour 4'M
rl. 14.8 H
do lat pf .... 4.70
24H 14 4 24 4
4b 'i 4SS fiu
81 S Sl. S0i
8S-, R2S.
t3 82 S 52
do 2d pf .... 2-0
43t 43Vi
O.neral Kleo
a.2t0 152 151 181
(ll orth pf ...
Ot North Or. ..
r.llnola Central.
Interior ilet ..
do Dr-ferred. .
a..-0 1284 123 123H
&0 41', 41 W 414
4'K 1S 133S 1SU
J.O.IO 13V. 14S 14H
OO 45 V 48)4 44 V
Inter Harvester
UO 107 10T 1C'
lntar Marine DC ......
Int Paper , .
It.t Pump 8.T0O 24
Iowa Central .. ...... ....
K C Southern ,
.. IS
do preferred.. 20 as
34 Has ... ."."0 1H4 104 14H
Ix.ula A Naah .. v0 14 146!. 14'.
M.nn A St L. SIVa
i. a f a x TWf 239 1B54
ilo. Kan a Tex. 1.400 32 SIVi SI
do preferred.. ..... SO'
Mo Pacino .... a.lOO 4S 42 414
iNat tfiacuit ... J"mj jiii't
National Lead . t.- 47 43 40.
N ll Max 2 pf. M0 84 4 83 83 4
N T Central ... ,70 107 V l"(l 1MH
N T. Ont a ffn (0 40 ES 8
Norfo.k a Weat .10 loe 10S 4 K
North Am 2"0 74 78 V, 73
Northern Pac .. 6.V 119 11S 118
Parinc Mall ... 8'J 80 80 :i 30
Pennnvlvanla ... 4.1"0 12S 123 123
People'. Gas .. BOO 107 lo l"il
P. C C Ft I.. 2t'0 P7 7 M
Pltta"urr Coal . 1"0 18 l 18
Preaa-d S Car.. 2'JO 814 S44 81
Pull Pal Car 156
Rt Steel 6prlns;. 800 2S sg 2S
Head Ins 88.700 143 141 142
Kepubllo Fte.l 1.8'X 21 20 J0
do preferred.. 700 79 79 78
Rock Island Co. J.100 2 25 23 "
do referred.. I.OOO BOV BO BO
St L. A S F 2 Pf BOO 41 41 41
St L. Southwest. 100 80 81 81
do preferred.. 20O TOU 70U 70U
Sloaa Sheffield 42
Southern Pao .. 12.SOO 112 111 112
Southern Ky . .. 7.6OO 80 30 80
do preferred.. 1.800 71 71 71
Tenn Copper ... 700 SH 8 85
Texas & Paclflo Poo 23 23 23
To!, ct I. a Wes 80 19 1 1S
do Dr. f erred. . R0O 43 4 48 4214
Union Pacific ..10e.20O 18 16 187
do preferred.. 100 61 01 1
D 9 Kealtr '. . 70
17 8 Rubber ... 2.aoo 44 43 48
C S Steel 221.O00 30 & 88
do preferred.. 7.70O HO lOS'i 109
Utah Copper ... 2.10O 431 45. 45
Va-Caro Chera . 200 48 47 41'
Wabaah 12
do preferred.. 40O 2H 231 25
Western Md ... 1.00O 87 87 it
Weatlnar Kleo .. 3.400 65 (u 85
western union. WOO 7t 7 78
Wheel ALE.. 10 4 4 IV
Lehlrh Valley . 14.200 171 119 169
lotal for the day, 777.000 shares.
NT9TV" TORK. Nov. 2. Closlnff Quotations:
C. B. Ref 2e reg. 100 1 N. Y. C. a. 8s. S3
00 coupon. .. .lint northern P10. 3s bh7
U. 8. 3 res 101 Northern Pac. 4s.l(l0
do coupon .... 101 4 I Union Pac. 4a... loll
U. 3. new 4s re(.lll Wis. Can. 4s.... 1)2
do coupon .... 11 1 Japanese 4s... 87B
L. K. i. 4S. .. 90 I
Stocks at Boatoa.
Closing Quotations:
Arr.aiK. Copper.
Nevada Con.
A. 7.. L A Sra.. 23
,Nlp!sslnv Mines..
Anxor.a Com. .. 43
II A C C A 8 M. S
Putte Coalition. Iff
Cal. A Arlxona. . 49
Cal. A Hecla. . .8bS
Centennial 9
Cop. Ran. C. Co 82
R. Butt. CP. M. 10
Franklin 7
Olroux Con 4
Granby Con. ... 19
Green. Cannnea. 7
1. Royal. (Cop) 14
Kerr Lake 3
Lake copper.... 27
La P.alle Copper 4
Miami Copper. . 17
.rsonn nun...
B North Lake. . .
Old Dominion.
4 .Osceola ,
Paj-rott (8. A C.)
Sup. A Bos. Mln.
u. . a. k. a M.
do preferred
Utah Con
I tah Con. Co. 48
4Wlnona ......... 8
4 Wolverine ...... 78
Money, Exchancev Etc
NEWT TORK. Nov. 2. Money on call,
rtenrlv. 24 tf 3 p.r oent; rullnr rate. 2;
closing bid. 2 ; off. red at 8 per o.nt.
Tlmo loana were steady I 80 and 90 days.
8t?3 per cent; six months, 8 04 pu
Prim, jn.rcantll. pap, 4 04 percent
S'erllne; exchanra steady, with actual busi
ness In bankera- bills at 84.8375 for 80-day
bills and at 4.SS for demand.
Commercial hllla. 84.83.
Par allver. 84 o.
Mexican dollars, 48a. -
Government bonda, easy; radread bends.
ln vi()N'. Nov. 2. Bar silver qvia. at
23 1-161 per ounce.
Money. 191 per Mat.
The rat. rf discount In the open market
for ehort bills Is 3 1-18984 p.r centi for
throe months' bills, t 7-lQi)8 Per cent.
FAN' FRAWCISCO. Nov. 2. Btr!!n ea
London. 90 days. 14.88: slsht. 4.87.
Drafts Bllht. 2c; telexjapn. 60.
CHICAGO. Nov. 2. Exchange on New
Tork. lie premium.
Tim. I.oat la Can.
PORTT.AXn. Oct. tl. (To the EJ-
I am frequently troubled with kidney
and bladder trouble, .specially In the
Pprlnn and FalL Belns; aa old Veteran
of the Civil War. a little exposure or
cold settles on my kidneys, and then
I am laid up with kidney or bladder
trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root was
recommended to me a number of years
ago, and I took a number of bottles of
It and was more than pleased with the
result. I consider Swamp-Root tha
greatest and best kidney medicine on
the market and It never falls to give
quick results In kidney trouble, bladdsf
trouble and lame back.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root haa dona
me so much rood that I feel If any
words of mine will be tha means of relieving-
any poor sufferers, that you are
at liberty to use this Jetter as yon
sea fit.
Tours very truly,
1T86 Walker St. Dea Molnea, Iowa.
Ptata of Iowa J
Poke County -
A. R. Hansen, a retail drug-gist of
this city, bi-lnp first duly sworn de
poses and says, that he Is well ac
quainted with Georce W. Atchlcy who
g-are the above testimonial; that said
Atchley made and signed said testi
monial In my presence and that I have
eold said Atchley a part of the Swamp
Root referred to In above testimonial.
Affiant further says' that George W.
Atchley Is a well known citizen of this
city and an honorable man, and that it
was Mr. Atchley's desire to give said
Subscribed to In my presence, and
sworn to before me, this 28rd of March,
E. J. FRISK, Notary Public,
Letter to
Tr. Kilmer at Co.,
BlnsaamtOB. X. Y.
Prove What Swamp-RootWOI Do ForYou
Send to Dr. Kilmer at Co- Blng-ham-ton.
N. for a sample bottle. It will
convince anyone. Tou will also receive
a booklet of valuable Information, tell
ing all about the kidneys and bladder.
When wrltinp. be sure and mention The
Portland Dally Oresronlan. Regular
fifty-cent and one-dollar alaa bottles
for sale at all drug stores.
Am Car 4 Fdy. 1.100
Am Cotton Oil . 6,1KM
Women 'who bear children and
remain healthy are those who pre
pare their systems in advance ot
baby's coming. Unless the mother
aids nature in its pre-natal work the
crisis finds her system unequal to
the demands made upon it, and
she is often left with weakened
health or chronic ailments. No
remedy is so truly a help to nature
'as Mother's Friend, and no ex
pectant mother should fail to use
it. It relieves the pain and dis
comfort caused by the strain on the
ligaments, makes pliant and elastio
those fibres and muscles which
nature is expanding, prevents numb
ness of limbs, and soothes the in
flammation of breast glands. The
system being thus prepared by
Mother's Friend dispels the fear
that the crisis may not be safely
met. Mothers Friend assures a
speedy and complete recovery for
the mother, and she is lett a neaitny
Rtnema M 4 sea v nvf 4-Via -r- O e-f T" f ff Vi O
child. JVlouier s ,. - jn
Friend is sold JJ0THER3
CV UaUfj kJ VJ VW'
Write for our
free book for
expectant mothers which contains
much valuable information, and
many suggestions of a helpful na
Atlanta, Ga.
ltor.) The passengers in this city's
streetcars floa t save time by going to
the front of the car to get off, and
they all know It, and the company
ought to know It. Ths cars always
stop after crossing a street (except
where there are cross tracks), and If a
person gets off the front of a car he
has the length of the car to walk back
to the desired street. And when one
pre to off the back of the car he knows
the conductor can watch his departure
better and he Is safer.
There's another thing. In the way of
a tip for the "newsies." Washington
street Isn't the only street In this bis
city, but it seems that every newsboy
In the city sticks on that street all the
time. Spread out. TRANSIENT.
Fashion in South America,
Indianapolis News.
European visitors who do not know
South American conditions are surpris
ed at the extravagance of many of the
women's toilets In that part of the
world. The most extravagant of French
confections are often scarcely elaborate
enough for Buenos Aires, and firms In
Paris create specially expensive fash
ions for the South American trade.
Hope at New Tork.
VFtf TORK. Vnv. 1. Hn? Firm.
Where Men Get Cured
Our well - known and reliable
ouratlve Institution, the DR. GREEN
office. Is a permanent fixture of
Portland. It has become a Mecca of
hope for afflicted men throughout
the Northwest. Its financial re
sponsibility is as solid as gold. Its
business and professional method,
are clean. The strictly modern
treatment It administers, as scores
of its cured patients know. Is skill
ful, scientific and successful.
We cure quickly and permanently
all curable caiea of VARICOSE
VEI.VH without severe sarsrleal
SOX without Injurious drngst 4606
iklllf sllf administered If pre
without stimulative remealesi
BLADDER and KIDNEY trouhleai
PILES and all RECTAL ailments of
Our offer PAY
FIED Is your ab
s o 1 u t . protection.
Consultation, exam
ination and dlas
nosls Is free. What
you want la a cure.
Coma to us and set
It. One. under our
treatment, you will
quickly resllx. how
simple a thine It t
to set wall In the
hands of a special
ist who knows his
business. Our cures
add not only year?
to Ufa, but Ufa tc
years. Office hourr
dally, 9 to C Even
lnsa. I U 1 Sun
days, 10 U L
803 Wuhhurtss St. Portland, Or.
CGee Wo'tHarmleM but Effect-
five Remedies Produce Won
derful Result.
Through th relief afforded to BOiTertTiB
humanity In this Northwest. C. Gee Wo,
the Chines doctor, haa been heralded by
all his patients aa tho greatest of hia Kind.
He treata any and all diseases with simple
yet powerful remedies, compounded from
Roots, Herbs. Barks and Bulbs, many of
which are not found In thla country, and
their healing properties are familiar only
to Chinese scientists. With these remedies
be guajent" to care Csitsnxh, Cancer
Asthmas, Lung Trouble, Rheumatism, tt
uaneea. Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles,
also Private Dli-ases of Men and Women.
If yon live out of town and cannot call,
writ9 for nymptom blank and circular, in
closing 4 cants In stamps.
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
13H TOtST ST. COR. morrisoh,
Patrtlaad, Oresoa.
Gee ;v Gee
Wo i&&& Wo
Call and let rjs give yon a careful,
painstaking- examination absolutely
free. Onr opinion and advice will cost
you nothing;. Perhaps a little advice la
all you need. X - Ray examinations,
-when necessary, free. No money re
quired to oommenoe treatment.
Ycu Can Fay Fee I'.fian Cured
DuHnr our many years of active practice In MEN'S AILMENTS In
Portland some unscrupulous so-called specialists have Invaded the city
and tried to steal our methods and advertisements, but not being able
to steal our brains they were not able to succeed In their dishonest
ways: so do not be xntaled by them, but come to us. the oldest estab
lished SPECIALISTS for MEN la the city, who guarantee cures, or make
no charge for their services.
Remember, we have been here for years, are permanently located.
Incorporated and licensed under the laws of Orrtun to conduct and
operate a Med leal Institute, Sanjtarlnm and Hospital for the trentment
of Men's Ailments. Yon take no risk when yon treat with na. We are
here to etax, and for all time, and yon will always know where to find
ns. W. are not her. today and son tomorrow. Onr ataff of physicians
nr. graduate from the leading college, la the United Mates, and have
been la active practice from 15 to 2ft years), and are duly qualified and
licensed to practice medicine and surgery In this and several atatea. in
vestigate our record, aad standing and compare them with the other
ao called apMlallata who have only been In onr city a few weeks or
months, and who have copied onr announcements, which the newspaper.'
record, will show. Beware Investigate! Men. If affllcied or In trou
ble, call and hav. a friendly talki It will coat you nothing. We will
he yonr friend aa well aa your physician, and will advise yon candidly,
honestly and eoasdentloualy. Call today. Don't delay or neglect your
self. We Treat Men Only Cures Guaranteed
Specific Blood Poison Cured in One Treatment
BY PROF1. F.HRl irH'S GREAT DI- " Cflfi "
We Cure Weakness
also known as Nervous Debility, Ifervo - Vital Debility, Neurasthenia,
etc If you have any evmptoms of this ailment, such as loss of energy
or ambition, vitality, easily fatigued, dull, listless feelinp. nervousness
and other symptoms, we want you to be sure snd call. We have given
this condition of men special study and we unhesitatingly say that our
treatment la not excelled by any other specialists regardless of what
they may claim. W. know what w have accomplished In even the most
severe cases, and there Is no reason to believe we cannot cure TOU also.
We Cure Bladder and Kidney Troubles
Varicose Veins, Rupture, Piles and Fistula
We are specialists and are prepared to give you quick relief and a
speedy cure.
write for free book and self-examination blank. Many cases ourad at
home. Hours 0 A. 11. to 8 P. M.; Sundays, 10 to 12.
te'V1 ' "T
I- ti
I am a Graduate of Pharmacy and
Medicine, lesally qualified to practice
my profeealon In th. Btat.a of Oregon.
Washlnston, California and Nevada, I
publish my own photograph, practice un
der my true and correct name, person
ally own, oontrol and manage my office.
I meat, treat and oonsult with all ps
tients at all times. I empoly no h-red
substitutes or Illegal practitioners to
consult with or treat you and I devote
my entire time to th. treatment of MEN 3
AILMENTS. I have no branoh offioas
snd am not oonnected with any "medi
cal company," 'institut." or "museum.
(Signed Affidavit) J. J. KEEFE.
My sworn statement Is your protection
against Incompetent and Inferior treat-
mCome to me In confidence and let me
show you the wonderful rejuvenating
and eurative power of my direct method
"of treatment. Tou are under no obliga
tions to take treatment untesa my
charges, t arms and arrangements are
entirely satisfactory to you. No Injuri
ous medicines used. NO detention from
The following ailments are successfully
treated: Varicose Veins. Nerve, Blood
and Skin Ailments. Kidney and Bladder
Troubles, Blood Poison (''608" Adminis
tered), Weakness, trap tl oris, rues. lis-
WRITE if yon cannot can
S to S. 7 to 6 Dallyi Sunday, 10 to 1.
1- K-e ..,. ,tn
If you treat with me,
Hesults are quick ana
positive. Tou ara
benefit ed at once.
Men who hav.
dragged their cases
along for months
with some other spe
cialist are astonished
at tbe prompt eizects .
of my r e m a r k a bis jL
t r a a t m a nt. I cure 3.
nervous as. a line.
varicose veins, files.
nam. duii ana DwoiJe. t - nuanay.
Bladder, eto.
Blood Ailments quick- Cftt
ly and safely ourad by vUO
Cosusoltatloa Ftm, Writ, or Call.
Th. Old BauJabl. S socialist.
Corner Aider and Second streets. En
trance 128ft Second strset, Portland, Or.
Office hours A M. to I F. U. Sun
days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
I Cure Men
Pay When Oured.
G e a eral Debility,
Weak Nervea, la-
.1. Results
??l,?,j7rfTAr-r ain. nthAf via.
61 exposure, ovem" : ,
lattoas of Nstnre's lavrsajs-mentsof
Rl.dder and K 1 n y a, arlcoae
Veins, ajulekly and pcrauauentiy
enrrd at small expense).
I curs such ailments as Varicose
Veins, Files, Specific Blood Poison,
etc., completely and permanen 1 1 y,
often with only a single treatment.
Office hours A. H. to 8 P. at
Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
-Va a.blnaton St Corner i'lrst,
Portland. Oreroa,
Chinese Doctor
Mad. of Chines. Bern, and
root medlcla. cure. ail
kinds diseases of tn. heart,
lungs, llv.r, stomaoh, kid
ney, blood troubles of man
and woman when others
tall. If you suffer, call ot
writ, to 232 Wash. St.,
tor. 2d. Roes 18, Pert. Or.
2-. -. nNs"Jv&il
t,,. . '. ...... Jik jtf jpaTWasu it.aW' vflaai
The Leading; Speclallat.
lama resrlatered and lloensed
physician, eonflnlna; my special
practice to tbe ailments of MEN. 1
have more money Invested In my
establishment than all otber Fort-
land speclallsta combined.
I see and treat my patients per
sonally. All men should know who
the doctor Is they consult. I use my
photograph so that when you come
to see me personally you will recog
nize me. Investigate my personal
standing before accepting treatment
from a doctor of unknown identity
or reputation.
Are You
being- treated in a satisfactory man
ner by your present doctor? Is he
carrying out Ills promises? Has he
cured you in a reasonable time, and
lived ud to his guarantee? Are you
paying him exorbitant prices for
medicine: Does he employ thorough
ly up-to-date and scientific methods,
which would be approved by the reg
ular family doctor? If you cannot
answer these questions favorably to
yourself, come and have a confiden
tial talk with me about your case.
It will cost you nothing.
Cured in S Days
No Detention From Occupation,
Family or Home.
vnT!Ki rrnwarrf.'PA'PTnw.
I Invite you to come to my offioey?
I will explain to you my treatment (
for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous e
Debility, Blood Aliments, Flies, Hi
tula. Bladder, Kidney, Prostatlo and
all Men's Ailments, and give you
FREE a physical examination; If
necessary a microscopical and ohem
lcal analysis of secretions, to deter
mine pathological and bacteriologi
cal conditions. Every person should
take advantage of this opportunity
to learn their true condition. A per
manent cure Is what you want.
My offices are open all day from
9 A. M. to 8 P. M., and Sundays from
10 tol.
A. G. Smith, M. D.
234H BforrUon St Corner Id.
Portland OrtffOm.
Wonderful Remedies
From herbs anS roots. Cur
cancer, nervouoneM, catarrh
asthma, oourhs. la KiiDDe
lung, liver, throat, kidney ancf
stomacn trouoiea; aiao all pri
vate dlnaaes. No operations
We cure when others fall
Consultation free. Write fo:
symptom blank. Office hour.
10 A. M. to 9 P. M. ; all dj
Sundays. Lady attendant.
111 J-tt tttl
The Chines)
142H Second St.. Portland, Or
::tW5SF BaF!svBd In !
-1 Vlvf 9 iW24. Hours.5!
' Xp-T-JS-M ir Each Cap- "VJ
' rsule bears the fVIIDYl
' , r 11 m name jr" '