Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 03, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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HCt-f W rgiMAL
t,n of Wnr
?. rtArr Kmploj mnt Depjtman-
r. M. C A.
urj ma, at ranger, out of work. $2Q
.-- caan asa-t, If 1 r $3 "ir
.n m m brhl D 1 Will
h a oa.y $13 iett biHB me and tar-
r,.,r If roa pay $5 fr p-ti "
t ,mni mtBitrihi? you will nave th
V M. C A., with It rtoarcM, bwa
-yv aa-1 starvation.
K'eit.t Voudi man Joined Association.
In I ;tu week b-d satisfactory m-
P.-ord f"r months nd!ng Sept. SO:
Ct,. for mn J?"
-.. t lr. f i i a . . .
Nes mcnbrt.
pigment mm Here hip guarantee
i p,. tont of rIuc4 of memberahip
f- .ti two months' full memoeremp
pTvtirt. ! month soda: prtwlle
t.u u4ertaa to ep P-rty empld
rit. tn tail urm of minbcrh.p with-o-t
fur-her enri. , .
v. -t have cntnt demand i0 b in
g a-.e. -t; :d mn, Ar yoa fitted
t -r tx-ttar ! ttc?
-crai j employment department.
V X. C. A-
A 1-1 E - P i' D men seated for the U. PL
yer.rt i. oii, bttn the e-e of and
. t-i 1- nan.e born or nave first pa-
..... -,. ai (a g4t. dd:tor.l
' ,mnlw p-a-ia-a; f-d. clothing.
I n at. d rn'i cal attendance free, ar-
iMrt' aer-te can
i t -i a p -'4 ahor ail parta f
t ..-d. App.y t I- B. MartM Corpe
p-rra.t.rf OfT cc. Hr.! b.d . d
w .t:nta :. or ro.n 7 A
I ' ; 3.1 . Frtln. Or.
Vtnr cooS man mrrl4 with tm
r oi'nt tr nuh nony to pay to
f.-ip irnprt0 14 ac- BcT CrllBO. ClO
t F-t.n.l. Y rmn tK ocroa. t
tuit r .ur'f. mU pvmnt tad I
wt.i P!nt t fruti nd b.rrl- fr yott
a-!.l wf!l work tho whjit 10 t..4tn,r.
. cr -. huo rvnt fr flrt yor.
hao i f-m ounca.ow and good "
tr. Cr.Mucn pta:oa on
w- wi.i go in t.(. ir tn. -ooo t.i
rn n Aptiy. wao rfornco Afc. .
N 1 1. 1- jiin"T.ntndont fr manufaetur
t. tt!nJ. ut b orrtono In
hj.-viu.. frcl anlca nd anoul-l
b.- a kn..Ul of point and pnn-o
ii MuuMt.f a iaro nur.itwr of
o.-d" tht rutr prompt na and J"
r nt. r-In parmantr.l witn o.d
l:r.-t t: a-. Iigth of ralUrc
tn -!. auJ poaiti- r nt.rd dartng pt
rt. r. l-rtn of ttmo and ry or
. ft and a Vary aapocted, Addroaw Ail
C"4. r-j-niaru
X0Tm: want to g-t i4 from tho oM
j.ik and doubo )uur lacjm "o na
an opain tr an up-to-ii aal-arnnn.
In'jiny prnutoa propcta and rr-
h Tho right ma can mo
f -..rn to 5-" pr mopih. A.I II r-
quir -a rocino tlua. niblo apa'l "
to b'ii n . Ad.lreaa A fci i.".
Want urH f -r f. Army. abl-d
n jriK.i mn. biwa a of na x
c iu :k of I nnd ftair. of good charac
ter ad trnprota hahKa. who can P'"-r--1
and wr.t tno EngU.h langu
inf. .rmatioa ait.y to KoTuiiiM c,,,r'.r'
Worrcfttcr bkKi. Sd and Oaa eta.. rrt.
IF V1" aro higii-rrado n!ima com
ml im u. W haro tho bat propool
r.n f t atoadv. lr..iutrloue aoiiciiure on
I li- SU LrC"l pra". '
..f aa. god fo;iu-up aim and aomo
prooi- t'.
tub rnr.o a. jaobb ca,
14C Fifth Ft.
, Ar;i' rompetvnt. all-around prtntor for
oi-mai cour.try ahp; gallno angina
-. iln.Ur pra. wagoa $5 to com
mnc. noni but eteadv. opnoncd and
r-.tb:- man nd apply: atoaJy poaltion;
fir f'ortlard to btaoflold U Tba
tr-d rd. Stanft!d. i.'T. .
pr on of tho lar-i fruit tio nurHoa
in Ktvor; mt bo a thoroughly
p r;r ncA man. ith haat of rotorencra ;
r.'.'mry. p-n-a and romrolMloB to right
:ifir AJ.lra AM R. trgonlan.
W A NT fcU h'ir inuauran o and loa aolio
li .- t. fior ui with a-jmo uf their buat
r. Wo rproani tha bat of Inauranca
c-.:nrn: and negottato mortgago lana
Li i lommiwiona Pataca WlttK.
hitibr f 'onrnorco.
V a T' : L' K.iperlence4 buainea managor
f.- hihbcUa lecturar. AO Ora
m riian,
A..VT1 Ft-aelllng h"uahotd coaatty :
. ..iiel now. fa: aWler. oa plohm, Wi
?. i v K.. a anl q P M.
V N I at unci. .ri- ahoen.aker.
Knifr.rn.- I'.x.t a 8nuo Co.. car Houacbw
sat :J w wanted for merchant tailor -a:.,..nt.
a.arjr and wwmiatioa, AD
'. lire jonlin.
naatcuttor for Saturday.
Et i:ih t.
I K it V KST inr mo fr aaloamon. Aak for
.Vr Itryant. 1111 Yooa bldg.
I'KtTt t'TR APII r.o?oa and portrait agonta.
r. tnttrtn Htu.ilo. iwteum bldg.
no atudent. guarantao
Ii :.! ITU want-d at Ft rat at.
rxrKRT drlvar wantrd. Hay City Marhat.
Loara tno rtua'naoa.
9ai.iiary Heauiy Piri'im
4uv t ll'X tvtok;m oidc
A 1'-1 ;c Quai n:ad.
It t and b-arl fr nitdd:-agad la ly
w ;h in g permanent h:n. to haip w i ttt
int bourh. in imt!! famliv . f"f -r-r.
- aacbangrd. Eat 44V 4 UA-
TiANTEt' toung lady alen trm,phar. to act
j ruitr and bo gnr.. v uoful about
off i. abolru: liquor h-ur. atalo
f.t.nct and aa arv &ctrt. C 4d. Oft-
Ii: M WAITRE-- Vperini-l European
pin. h-l I and board . out f
i-n Anrr u.-k. B,tnripnnca
A I 'f m r AK 57. Org man.
i. viU u evil ny io-a. govU oa-
5Jt I'.atlway Ei- hanse.
t A!Hl'rti:SKF ad m.i.kttrr. underatard
I. m a.l Nrir,.i or in tra-ie. r.
r t I 7 N- Tow-r are.. C-;.ti
i a. n"ua.
w t : v '
:i?s wa ued !-r anl nlrht wor.
Port. and Woo. en M i a. bu Johns.
;1ns.:n ?.At;E' a E c T .
? S Vual -ntt'l t , k Tta, L petal r
l u n X am 2-'2.
AN eri nt oi portun it y fr a pui'Iie eteno
a'aher a a.i Ir..ranre wIic. Kefer
n A" M k. 1'resnlan.
ATU' Toucg lrl to aaaUt wita houae-
rk. gl b'ire to toe r'.grtt person.
V'ru-re Tab-r
vh howe. LAPic.r a;encv.
W4- r en & Iff. 4th -o- Wash tfts.
V in cr A S-'.
r i.: i? l Ai'i" A'iEN'T.
fiiM "ri of ail k.r i. Al-.-"t
-;d Va.n A
i.l'iL. fr gftier! houwerk. mt h clrn
and ixkI p aln . amall family, gvod
ntl't. iMli Ka ni BU near Sw'.h.
UiRU god eaperlencw ws:treaa for r-oard good wag . 17 1 a st
I . ; sm Main
K:-jt i U E A immttltalriy, to work In
. a maev-maJar. App.jr at anew. 414
t. v i'KT V N T gi-1 fT i al hmtworw.
. Tn.nii-n sc. Phonw
nan f r
rtnoutiatton at once.
t'l'M'KTFAT f r -e nr-
ippi. Aobtao'i, W et Park and ilorrl-
A ' I'l 7TKK of 1 ! ' a;rnienta. A;heon'a.
W. i rrk and M it ; n .
K IK ; M UFEt .i:1. AchfttiaA West
t -i an l Al.'f 'i "
iN rk-A fcirT 'r tJ houae worift
.- k'f- AM' ' lt ! I'Vh
t aau'd : - f".ni liDUrWorJi, food
i ; t V. o 1 v.
t,ti IKK wanted. :en a realauraau
' - 4n
I ...'I'L-.'aM g'rl i?'f. f r a partner oa
ml fa-m " 3 1 tis.
W T:y w.-.-na fr gf-nral h oust work.
T K N-we!l. Oaaton. t"r.
U'ANTr:; An pe:Tn-.i girl f-r general
h.nswirk. I'll! 4'1 H Mtfsy v
C w r KTrT -I f r sneral bouttwork.
to wanir-g. lotn pftr Ja k-.n.
Wt :.L gie J' la I 'rtt bunt for
W'NTFP ?ir t;.---d tl. :ady
"i ir. ! - - I V " ' "r .r
r;f7"I M'.'.flM TI wai fi. A.' trea X .vi.
i - ti i
w vn r:ij rtrt-. ; tru. Ap ;j
?--. Wa:M:-ctrtn at.
' ElKN-'ED -1 f r leii-rai h uw-
o-. App y nomlrga. 4t Market su
W.xNTEl V i-fl f f4ajjnl to wait oa
St- T ir - m tr
iT' :k:v"N' : m i -a. cli at noon.
m-' rr Wo- jv f s;
KXt F l.N"EI kI-I f -r .nera! b-'uork
-,4V f ITT t ':l t Ot'j.'Y at.
WaitrvM. out ol cltj. pT month;
E'rl f-r nootina- g!try. -0. k.tchn
lpr. nurao g.rl and gtri for genfl
bouMwo'k at Ad wiim.
i'A'.'-inC fcxPLuUZNT ecu
WOVAN or girl ry ft w!th T!1o to
w on lab:. CoiuruMa Neokwttr 3frg.
C.. PaoiUx bldg.. W Fifth at.
COMI ETi'ST rtfBf.l a.rl for ti'rI boun
nrk ('hk.'maa FarUand lUigbta,
!irha;i r41.
ANTE! h::.ii, ca.atlo woman for ro
lrni;wU piiion. '.tvl Co.. w9 Bottt
crrTTd .dc.. 4t tnj WuMnia.
want ei l to mak xm noT:::
at home, a I r p. t:m; good pa) ;
xpricr.i unDffA.-y. a; J II 'ft at.
WAITRESS wanted, at ftetn mtaurant. 1-2
14th at.
W ANTED iZ.rim e1 prk-ra to ptk
faocr cinuy Ik.-xj. lZih ana ltu.
A" PANTRT grl. Afp'.y oac t'nlo
l-yo: Hnta innt.
G?nt orr 1 fr bouaaworlt la amall lam-
i:y. :h tt-
GiU fr h"'jawork tn run:ry hoiu;
wages J0. Phnt Ml: wank 1
Mnrlng ptclur operator In all rttlea
thrunut tha w-.d. n;-ntjr ram
to J weekly, artu-il inair exerien-w
gtvao. Wo havo tn.i Urgt a-ii.l flne-it
eq i.;ped ac.'ioo In in world. Theaters
maao lt to llK Wo boip aevuro
pwltlcn for our grauualea or atart tnt-ra
In Lui.n- freo. N-w Yr Film E chan-.
w.o Waautngtoa it, mar lTto. Oj-en
wanta-i art H-J3. frremeo lo; brakwnca JiJ rn ne-rbr ra.l
ruada; rxperien-o unn'" tur ; Bu atnka;
j. -ut 'ni c:r. itr.t man; pro-'in"t-n.
Kaiifad Empiy ng Ilea Jfuartera.
1 m-a vnt to Ijji tnreo
montM S:ata aae. and nam?. Kallway
WANTcD Pay r t
faitra. uiomohlUi.
lr.g. plumbirr- by a
on.y lw months rq
rt tn learn
ev trtcity. brick. ay-
1 ork on Jobs;
I. n- aj'preatice
.irucort. ttu.lnRti uit year;
caialocue free. Li.Hea 1 rade bvhool. i-os
ly.t.oo I'OMTMNS for gradual- :at car;
men and women learn barber trade in
M weeks. h:p to secure; gradu
ates esrn from $14 to gJi weekly; eert
lna:rut-iora: tools tr: fr cata
logues. MoMt Svatein cf ColHges. 4
N-rth 4th tt.. Portland. Or.
ac i N-PICTL"UK ;-ertir.g taugbt la the
ater, practical courae. Warn it rlgut:
frice rnioDia.t, poeltloo secured. Aa
10. Ore soman.
KAlI.KOAl'S want young man for te erph
and lUiirn service; lor full particulars,
ceil or addr-aa Te vgrah LepU room frv-i.
CommonweJ.ih bldg.
at A K K money wr.tlng short et.n-l-st or for
LAii -n . Ms PJ . l reo ik ,.w awn.
I nited Pmi Sr.d'
sen Frani :co.
W AN i Li- Pictur. fimy writera; big pay;
well trerh you. Picture Play Associa
tion. 6an Franciaco
flSK teaVhers" ASSOCIATION. wlO
Hwettand bldg.
pKiVAls; school SUOKTHAND and TYPE
WRITING. 5 mo. ld 14th st. alaia 3w4.
buuk KEEPEHM. cashiera bill cte-ata, e.a.i
1 will guarajit-e your qualification to fill
woaitione la 40 days: pri-.ato Instrwttos
by puatte acooanuat; gtoeiuon aecared. J
.i tircioB.ta.
IrA D I Ej and gentlemen for a blgh-claaa
brt'poeltion. Call after 9 A. room 608
Teoa bldg.
TEA'JHEK.H for Idaho and Washington! 70
per month. lt Hweiiand bleg.
Uookkepem sad Clerks,
TOUNO married man. g od hablta. with
j ears' experience as cigar aaiesman, re
tail, mlsi es position; can gtva good rcfar
eacea. AO &44. Oregoutan.
lOL'NO man. technical graduate, wanta
wTk along civil ensineern.g. drafting, de or construction lines. Address) r
p.. irrrnman.
At L1A OI'K., v LOP & UH HW S
rnrnis, install system. Oiiilng.-iam aa
ditor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall TIT.
mdae., desires situaUoa In or out of cli
H MS. Oregon ian-
FI HT-ClA Si bookkeeper. stenographer;
will accept position at once, la or out of
Portland. H .Ur-gou. an.
BTENtKiRAPliER. esperlenced. wail recora
menrtcd. pftone XIarsnail ltti9.
SITI'ATION wanted by sanitary dairyman
and milker; understand the handling of
milk eoid in Port.and. am good poultry
man and farmer; mi ldle-agrd. temperate,
and re. labia, AI- 64L, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED fireman wants position:
will Ore with any kind of fuel; a to a:u
a Die to take charge of amal stationary
engines. Phone -V ll'S'J. Adoreaa A. A., wW2
P-tyr jv St.. Pori.snd. Ut.
WANTtii Iy cjlorfd man. poalMon aa
janitor, porter or bu;.r. can do any kind
it work; beat raft-rence. lUv th at.
Ihne alaranall 141&.
E PKIOK.Nt FD ranch foreman and good
livestock man wants poeltwn as foreman
on stock ran.-h or farm, outh preferred.
V ftj7, orcgoniaa.
MAN. 2ft wUhi
poaltlon of any kind!
ban! with to ila : n t afraid tf hard
w ork. E- 5orei.aen. Arlington liotel. l
;'h at.
li'l 1 ma a at;end;r.g school deslrna to
k for b-ard and room before and after
s-nool Call or address ma, H. L. U., room
Awl Oomm nwealth bidg.
Ol -Nvi man attending bua.ness college
w ia couple hours' work after school. AJ
liJ. Urionin.
iuj T I o N-"p I CT1 HE operator with four
Bi'tutha' exp.-rlrn"e wania poaitloa aa
helpr. T 6.11. fregonlaa
tii 1 U r I o N aanled by young Japanese, all
ki.ia of day work Cail 92 North ath.
Pliune ilat.i jl3 or A 1 Svi.
CAl Aia.K "epr;enc.-d. relMhle ad writer;
caa hii. i ! ane p.-opoait ioi . salary and
c. mnillon. A) 5-5. Urf anlan.
Pv?tITiriN byelieriyT- industrious, sober
iterman widower as chore man. 8 4a.
m i. edoca'ed oung man wanta poeitton
as f rtiiati of ranch, rafe recces furnished.
Addrvas AM MT. tregoalao.
MAN and wife, man steam engineer or fire,
man . w Ife rook, want s lust ion; camp,
bat or dreds-e. Addr-aH t. tregoaJan.
E. PElil EN'CEI Japnae coo wanta posi
tion iu snia'l fi-n .y or coos. e.d house
wurk. A J. t'rTgonian.
TOT'N man attend :n llolnirs Fualneaa
CHiege datrea pia' to w-irk for hia room
and t oard- Ca.i Main Ma. A 2ii4,
CHATFFEI R wiahea poatflon with private
ra-ntlr. yeara" es.perienco reereacea. AD
CARCK. all-around man. strictly steady
and sober, t'tty or country. Z loia at.
I hone A "1S
H KM A.N of lor. a apervence hardltriS
i jt.r and
g Jots, win oal
pt cn-.f. A- f it
A I.- A !.. 't'NH ourg man wms post ton
aa he ter on .tu'-tru-k. have had some
mpfirt c AK 53. Oregonlan.
H P-N V XAKE';. Z )ars esperl-nce;
I s-ict i.-f-r- t cca J. llurden. li F. LA.
N Kivof.
ACCHTsSM AX wanted, good at smaU let
t.rtnc. ln.:.i senple. Addraaa AK.
t tr-'g.'rlaa-
W A NT El Placw fr boy to help for board
ad rom and attend ecbooL T bH.
re ;caisn.
WINDOW -l'i;i:nt, empty dw:;mgs and
f - ta s f ie"i i'y. Mam o7 J evening.
EXTEiIE VCK1 man wants to cut ties for
an of the.raUroed com pan tea. AJ &4d.
T7tn J rarrled man an is work of any
k-nd; handy with too1. AO oi-N Orego
n's!. WANTEl P man and w.fe. situation on
rn'n or am 1 ramp: long job; small
"t"1 E '' oregonlan.
LT" HER-V AUD maraaer wants poattlon. 4
r ett'rtence. c d rr ;-r"..-r, know
mr b'-'lnrsa- M S4Tl V'reg ntsn.
llorsE Oeaclna. window washing or Jan
itor worn Andrew J. Jennings, Ma'n 7i.
rki posit on as collector or
L :2l. Oreronian.
W S.'KI by Y. M. 0. A. student, to work
fr r-.'m bt"! csrd. Phone Man 7'Wl.V
t i :n.1 r.iru with p-?r .nce. ants work
o-. . . r f-' 1. r-sn'an.
j N E. K-r Ttt-tiia c K wants posi
tion la prtv.ite fA.Titiy AK 6 41. Oregonlan.
Jimp Japanese - k dtrei a place In fam-i:-.
A.L. ". Oragonian.
EXPERIENCED dry gooia man roquirea
P"I : !-n in amali town; apprentlcad In
t rglaadr yeara w'.th largo Kat-rn atoro;
now mp;oyad in rortlaxid. F Aid. Orego TOI" N"i man of 2S wan la poaltlon with
coutraotor or conatrartion company; hanJy
iih any kind of toola. and can handle
atf-ata o o:j:rlc homer; best of refer
ence. AR U Urtifijnianu
A MIDDL.-AOFDwldJer" would Ilka poal
tlon aa houekeeper for rnl.em&a; no ob
jectia to one or two chltdrea. T MI, Ora-gjn:an-
liOolt all around commercial artlet wanta
p jition : beat of reference, i'hviia bll
w jOJ 16U'4.
JAPANK.-E mn ishea gural work, pri
aie family or hoi-i. Ai &4i. OregonUn.
jAl'ANt-E"boy jajreo t. worH belure ;8'),
morning. AT 47, orrgonlun.
Hook keep aud BteDoaraphra,
TC'T'NG woman, with d-Ktura office xpri-
en--e. dtrairoa a in-atn
either lu doctor"
tice or clerical w.rk.
Iteferencea. Phone
i 111-
IiH NO la-ir wanta a toiitlon aa a stenograph-
r or to assist with office work.
V 4J, Oregonlan.
YOVN'J lady want poaltlon as bookkeeper
and stengrapber; experienced, oiiwowd
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper dealrs
permanent paiiion; experienced; good rtf
eren Call Main 7 l S.
STENO;rTpHER With general office ex
perience, desires position; references. , K
:7 I.
I't'.- I l l N s st-n-'rapher; reference given.
I'ii ne CK Main ."-"b.
EX PERT Ffnographer desires position.
l'hon A
IJf eaaniahcra.
DHC-SMA KINO. -v. gowr.a and fancy
waia.a a s-Ulty: alt kinds of white
wuik. pialn 'r cmbroMcred. 3-0 S 10;h
at. P. -to tie A
UKE.-SM AKlN'fl. walits $1.2.1 Up; dresses,
Sd ih up. MaJn 412. Apt. Z. Call mora
COM PE TENT stenogrspher desires position
or desk room la hota;. S-l Marguerite
M.O. DAVI-i., aork guarao
te1; rcaaocaoie prices. 00 Msdlaou. Ma:a
EXPERIENCED dreaamaifr wants mora
er.ugem"n'a by day. Tallorlug doua.
Tat-or i4-.'ti.
PLAIN sewing, fin washing carefully done.
1 hone rvilwoou Infants cloUies
pr; (. ir d. .
11 oLSb: drvis-'s. plam rawing and ittu made
and ri:-ouelel at c0 E. Ijd st
WAFTS and skirts a sre;lIty; work guar-ant'-d.
AO 5.M. Uioiiunun.
REFINED widow. liU. and a trained nure.
l--irra perms position caring for old
lady or Invitltd. Cie phuae buinoer. AJ
.i7, t.regonlan.
EXPFIUKNCED nurse wtrhes a position;
r.air-nlty cases a specialty. App.y H'-Sw
CnnJ and Taylor st. Phono Eat Jl-3.
I'll'Ai; riCAL or infant'
Phone E. r"J7.
s uurs wants vase.
GIRL wanta general housework.
A t; prarfcal nurs-. with good refer-
nc r. Plutne East 14J.
H OUe fc eetftcrs.
PSITIN annted as housekeeper by middle-aged
KAatora tidy with two-yrar-oid
girl; Protestant preferr-d; no objections
to country; in smit.l family; pl-ai- cail
In person. 14J N. Tenth si., llottl Teton.
rOSITI 'N wanted "bv middle-sued widow
with daughter 7 years old. as housekeeper
In family, hotel er widower s home, A-l
reference. Phone Marsnall 3345. Room
A8 working housekeeper In widower's home
or elderly couple; experienced and best
refer nco. Mm McKenzie, Hotel Teton.
TH Main S.'.m3.
aXl'MtiK.N'i'EP woman d-lrea charge of
riomlr.g house with privtiege of
rooma. Main 2'-M, A 4773.
CAPABLE, experienced young woman with
boy 4. desires housekeeping position or
chamber work with housekeeping room, K
ftrtA, oregonlan.
REFINED, capahio young widow wants
houavp!nc. city, country. AO 548, Ore
gonitn. TOUN'I widow
housekepf r.
and child wents position aa
Mllwaukle at.
Uo ui rat lea.
wants general house
lr. Phone East 2VT
work In small lamny.
Thursday ai.d Friday mornings between 9
and 1-. .
NEAT middle-aged lady, practical nurse, de
alre engagement. Main 2QS9. A 4773.
M I e e U un eo ua.
ORPHAN clrl. 17, good character, steady
and capable, needa work In small fsrolly.
I.iks children. AFPly Department Public
hitrty for Young Women. U to 12. Phoae
Main 74. ,
WANTED Vf experienced laundress, steady
place In private family for Monday. Tues
day and Thursday. Ad drees 8 eoQ, Ore
gon lan.
YOUNG ladr attending business college de
sires to work for board and room after
ecn1. Call or adreaa H. D. B., Com
monwealth b!dif.. Sixth and Arkrny ata.
tXfKHlKNt'KD printer, woman, wants po-
i:ion; competent tt take management of
country office; best of references. Alf
&40. Oregoman
XOfNO woman (Swedish) would like day's
work, washing and ironing or take care
of children. E, Land a. Phono Main "6oL
41 lurnsldo st.
SITUATION as housekeeper for w tdower;
write or call. Mrs. T. Smith. 303 V First
at., room tt. r-orUand. Or,
A K LFINKD young lady wiahea position as
casiiter or cirar clerk: capible and
perlenced. AI 63. Oregonlan.
VOUN) woman of good appearance as re
ception, alternant; phyflclan or dentist
office. R f72. Oregonlan.
TA'H EK, experienced, life diploma, de
sires school; references. Addree AV Z
CtM 1'llTFNT colored girl wants chamber
work; dining-room work or work as laun
drcaa. phone Fust o14.
EXPERT sj1'1 mnker and general cook de
airea pos.tln. permannr or aa catereas;
refrran'.es. Telephone Main 5333.
trial da. wai:ress-a. coo's. sectmd girls,
nurses '.'V Alder. Main 3UM. A 4773.
LACE curtain Uunderwd; experienced. Ts
bor 244S. C t121.
CI KTAINrJ ia u adored right; price righfu
W-W.awn ;n4.
POSITION wanted by middle-aged woman.
grreral work Phone East 1.
YOCN-) woman wanta day work; references,
V M. Oregon lan.
DEMONSTRATOR wants poslilon.
( iregonlsn.
8 531.
WOMAN wane work, day or hour; 20a
hour- Ml Bathnn. Main 24L
GIRL waste work In store at once.
rtrf (lua Ea-it 2 Id St. Houth.
SCANDINAVIAN rlrl with experience wanta
house work. Call East B064.
GERMAN woman wants housework and
eo"king br the dsy. at.
LA Y work for Saturday
mm. Main 147.
by competent wo-
-llawaew'rk by hour r day. Mra.
Home xhone B I'TiM
W XTF r-
ACJENT and aoi'c'tora wit. led for good
proposlii'-n. vomethinc new in Portland.
App y 2"fl Couch B!dg.
AAN'TEO Live ssenta to aell phota coa
pons. Boston Mudlo. 342 Waab. sU
WANTED Furnished six or seven -room
house with rjg. for itx months or
more. Must le close to school and in
g od tie! sli bor hood. Responsible parties;
can furutSh references. AK 347. orego
nlan. WANTED Py responsible couple. 6 or -room
bungalow or house, furnished or un
furnished, for Winter; must be reason
able; best of references. AC 34ft. Ore
gonlan. WAN'rv;I Fuin:nd 4 tr J-io-iju coltii'i'i
gi k1 n-iiru"ncH..i, c.oaw to car; r.ot over
3-" P-r .i.i-nt
till l.umrMitr.i Bide. Marshall
FOR Winter, modern famished houni! 3
to 7 roms, pefr West S-de; no children.
P.efererce. R tViLOrcg orlsa.
WANTED At on.-e; not than It-room
house, furn.shed . must be In giod loca
tion for ta; le Room 4. Main 4774.
Apart menta.
APARTMENT wanted furnished or nnfur-".-I
by ccpt i mBrll woman. In re
turn for t'i lion nrd care .f apart
mouti. rt.Vr' nccs. C '.i . Oreronlsn.
APA HTM c NT wsnted. furnished or nnfur-ni-
ed. by capah'e married woman. In re
tu(n for supervision and car of apart
ments, references. C 04. Oregonlan.
AB' l'T December 1. ly gentleman, two fur
nished room a, aleoplng-room with porch
and aU:lt.g-roo3t; aiaie lerma. AN 50,
Or'foril an.
WANTED Room or housekeeping room In
private family for man and wife; close In.
West Side, A J 541, Urcgoman.
TOVNO man wan la room lit private farn
iiy. AO jOregon;an.
WANTED 1 or 1 unfurnished rooma
n fsli. AK a50, Orfgunlun.
Konmt With Hoard.
WANTED Boad and room for man and
wlft: p,-eer private home; larc room.
aejra; good b'ard; Writ Side preferred,
north of Wftartmpton at; atte price and
location. V iireronian-
ROOM with ito.Ard In private family oa
I'oit'ar.d HelrliU for two young men or
lunia; all young people la home. Phone
Mala 3To.
UENTLEMAN Ishe room and board, pri
vate family claa to Madison bridge. "W eat
Side. a ul3. urcoalaa.
WANTED By young mail, room and board
in pri v.te fam' iy, cioa? In. three meals
preferred ? T .4. Oregonlan.
tOtt KbXf.
t'urnlaiied liuon
Beginning today HulaiL ALDER, 4th
and Alder sta.. will offer special Induce
ments on w t-ekly and monthly rates to
ji-f manent suerta during the Winter. Best
local io:t Jm tno cty. convenient to all
theaters, stores, business district and post
office. A cum for table home, with every
mudtrn convenience. In th heart of the
city. Local and long-distance telephone,
bjt and cold running water in every room.
The tiit -f bellboy and elevator service
dty and night. Kooma singly and en suite.
Houae thoioujtbly modern and newly fur
n.Jiicd. Hates on application.
Tn ) Uvre beautiful furnished hotels,
SU st. 21 1 iih at .'7 4th su
On Fourth St.. running from Taylor td
Fslmr.a at.; brand new brick, elegsntly
Iurniticd, steam heat, private bath hot
ard cold water In ail rooma; strictly up
to date tn all respects, and at popular
price If you want something out of the
ordinary, in the heart of the city, at ra
souao.e price gie us a call, as we know
ou will like It- Kooma by me day.
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
hOXt.1. CAPLEo.
Residential. 330 Tsylor. Transient.
Bet. 7th and Park Ft
Opposite He:llg Tneater. Central, nulat.
Foori.e from 73o daily, with prtvats bath,
from 31 daily; special weekly and monthly
rates; suite New, handsomely fur
lilsned; elevator, telephones, hot and
Cod running water. From Union Dapot
J" car to Tavior or "" cr to- 7th;
from Hoyv-street Depot. "S car. transfer
on Morrison to 7th. Phone Marshall 2'2ifX
THE CORDOVA HOTEL, 11th and Jeffer-s.-ji
st; new brick building. Just com
pleted, over :0 rooms, all with private tel-epho-ie.
steam heai, hot and cold water,
n.any with baths; newly and splendidly
furnished. This hotel will cater to the
hcme-lovlnp. permanent tenants and will
make evry effort for the comfort and
pleasure of Us kueats; rents the moat reas
onable, corstdering furnlshlnga and equip
ment in the city. Now open for Inspec
tion. HOTEL b A VON.
131 Eleventh Ftreet.
New, modern brick ouildmg. etearahaat
ed. private hatha, hot and cold water la
room bv a nil I ully furnished, eosy, com
for a bit. rent leasonsole Cail and see ua
Hgular and transient trade solicited.
tAllGENT HOTbu, corner Grand and Haw
thorne aves. Beautifully furnished rooms,
aingie or en suite, with priate bath; hoi
and cold wnter. steam heat and prtraro
phone In every room; moderate weekly or
monthly rates; grill la conoectloa; transi
ents solicited.
One block irom L'nlon Depot: 146 Ottt
stde rooma witti hot and cold water and
steam heat; off era special rates to perman
ent guests; rates 6Uo to 3-UO per day;
t. SO and up per week, Phone Mala
3r7 East But nsld
120 mode, a st.m-heated rooms, close
In, hot and cold running water, rooms
single or en suite, rooms with private
bath, rates 5uo to 91.00 per day; $2 to
$ per week. East 6iNJ. B 1273.
1HE rifcK HOT EI East 3d and Burnalde;
new fireproof bulldm. steam-heated, hot
and cold water and phones In all rooms;
private bath lobby and parlor; elevator
service; rates $3 per week and up; tras
aunts solicited. Phone Last 171.
That quiet, select family hotel, at 716
Washington at., near 22d; nicely fur
nished outside rooms with private bath
and phones; board if desired. Mam 865 L
103 H Twelfth St. Marshall 279a
to heart of business district. Steam heac,
hot and cold water, free phone In every
roo m, II day a nd u p: 14 week and up.
jue REGENT, 131 Seventh St.; beautiful
room right down town; ideal location
lnr parties staying In town for business
or pleasurs; rates very reasonable, by day ;
oraeek. su mon.n
nicely furnished room hot and cold
stater, Wltn nam, now &.ov per wee
and Up 0 peri lit ueni iiiiwii
roomers solicited. 648 H Washington at.
HOVEL REN WICK An Ideal home for
business people; centrally located; elegant
rooms; ail nodern conveniences; 7th and
Taylor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hotel,
opposite H::ig Theater. Main tfld.
12th and Washington.
Any room In the bouss for IS a
and nothing extra lor two U a i
thoroughly modtrn.
prRNIPHED light rooms; hot and cold wa
ter' and bath, electrlo light; 31 per week.
End of 23d -st. carllne, 2 block northeast;
North Portland Hotel.
TiTe HAKEIU 2'i." 6th st. ; nicely fur
nished rooms, steam heat, hot and cold
water In all rooms; special rates to per-
m a nenta; tranaitnt traoc soncneq.
THE COLONIAL, outside double room 34
to SO M), alngi rooms 12 to 3.3U, steam
heat, fina bath. 163 10th. W car from
LIGHT airy room mooern, or s:a-
$s and 9 week: flve minutes' walk
to theater and stores; free phuae. Li -dell
HoteU tit 4th.
New management, strictly raapvctabla,
front rooms. W and o. c.
N'EWi Y furnlvlid rooms. 10 mm. waik from
P. O., V1 'b1 'elt- 6:i Washing
ton it., between 13th and 16th.
i-n i irrabee. 227 Vfc Larrabee; under new
management; modem; tranalent; close In.
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms a
moderate price cor. 3d and Montgomsry.
FarnUhcd Rooms In Private Family.
CLEAN, quiet, well-furnished room for
entieman ; lurnac- nri. " B.
ath. telephone. 7'K) Flanders st.
LA R JE airy, newly furnished room hot
and cold water, bath, telephone; aa Ideal
place. 1&3 14that. N.
NICE room, "three windowa. two large clos
et private entrance, two or three gn
tlemcn; 4.00 week. 2S0 IQth at.
$6 WE EtC front room eultabl for three
or four gentlemen phone and bath. 24
llth SL
FIRSTFLOOR; front room; reason able. 34$
i;th at. ,
F.LT furnished
ra-klng distunes,
room for one
b27 W. Park.
snd attr.iclie loom.
weli-f urnlehed. light
Take W car.
NICE room, cheap;
3."'1 6t h.
easy walking distance.
FU K N 'SHED room,
at 42-1 Harrison i
heat, light and bath.
ri'KNUHtI room, for gentleman,
phone, tret location. $1.6u week. 2d!
Ill TWO nt atly-furnHhed rooms, quiet
p'ace. park across stret-t. 49 W. Park st.
FRONT ROOM. nicly furnished, furnace
hat. barh ; reasonable. 54a 11th st. S.
LAR1E room, all conx enlt-nce no othr
nomers. smsll private family. Main &t-'2.
ON- una fi'ont r'l'om au;:oie
sir.g e room. p S Clay su
HOT shit hvat. naw, fine furnifhlngs;
front rooms; central, reasonable. Boo lltu.
N :"c LLY f urnlsasd rooma to rent. 67 Ho,t
s . rev
g; f0 WEEK, -neatly furnished rooms wlih
bath. :34 lltn.
DOUBLE sleeping room, nlce'y furnished;
a;i convenient.- a. 6 Fila sC Call evening
PLEASANT south lot-m,
mot cm. 4-( Eat As!.
walking distance;
Phoiis B J133.
Hoi-MS. S7 to in r.i--der
41D lsrk st. Phoae Mali
private bom
tance. 361 10th.
til room, walking dis
Maln 3312.
Siw three-room apartment; no children.
LARGE front room, finely furnished, 24 E.
FURNISHED rooms for rer.t.
tet. 21ft and Ktns.
701 Davis at.
FLNT ro-m; hot and
ir.os-t. 16 17:h. torr
NiCi furnished room; u.i
month; gcnt.emen. 2i'
co Id WBler.
ier Morr:on.
;ht. heat, bata;
Fargo. U car.
tEAUTIFULLT furnished rooms In
noma; references. 736 Johnson st.
mrnUhed Rooms m PrtTate . Family.
BEAUTIFUL, furnished front room and al
cove: fine location, close In; new, strictly
modern private apartment; suitable for
ore or two gentlemen; references re
quired. Phone before 1 P. licsr after tt.
Marshall 2,i45.
1.KC-E warm room, hot and cold wJer
comfortahle sleeping porch, sepsrste bed,
for gentlemen; line location. West Park.
Main i"W.
NICE "quiet wjbii, with light, hest and
water, in residence saction of city; one
blo.k from car; single rocra or suite. 43.
Mill st., coraur lth. Phone A 7493. i
NICELY furnifhed room?, electric light,
bsth. phone. i60 and $3.00. 201 J:fer
soa st ,.
LARGE front room In Irvington, half block
from Broadway, with or without board.
Phone after 4 P. M., C 34CT. .
VKKV r.U iy turnisheJ room wi:h "cam
h-st and every modern convenience, 4 1
Jefferson, Cat B. Phone A 4071
FURNISHED rooms, close in; T. W. C. A.
girls preferred ; rpfirences required. 263
7th st. S. M aia 1 0 .
FRCNT room, n'.tvly furnished, to gentle
mtn, in family of two; light, heat and
bsth. S30 Harrison st.. near 6th.
FI-NEXY fu mi 9 tied ruoms with all modern
con- eniences and close in; walking dis
tance. Call at 7S Ollsan st.
nTcELY furnished front rooms for one or
two gentlemen. 475"., 7th st. Call after
P. M.
FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences,
reasonable. 533 Flanders. In walking
NICELY furnished room, modern conven
ience, centra ilv located, reasonable, 404
Clay, near 10th.
TWO modern rooms
nesr Steel brldg
. $10; best for price:
246 Clackamas st. C
IS private house, nicely furnished rooms;
light, heat, bath; gentlemen or business
ladle 715 Ht yt. Board near.
FURNISHED front room, first floor, suit
able for two; prioe reasonable, ell Mor
rison it.
ROOM, suitable for one or two. running
water? heat, phone, bath. 263 ttth t-
NEATROOmITsS.SQ "per "week; U for 1.
12th st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
ONE very nice front alcove room, and oth
ers, at 88 Jackson street, between 6th
and t h sts.
sVooma and Boarw.
DOfcS a home appeal to yon? The Whitehall,
cor. 6th and Madison, large rooma. bath,
broad verandas, quiet, close In. near car,
4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
THE MAN 17 OU 2(51 13lht
mnt: thoroughly io'i
romi; choice board. Mxln
:dv:us PORTLAND Women's L'nlon. 23d year;
yoms with board. ue of lewlng-room. M
brary. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath. ejpL
PLEASANT room and first-class table board
In good locati-in. 62 North 21st.
THE CALVARD, 4." Morrison.
I.arge. well furnished rooms;
cor. 13 th
Room With Board in Private Family.
2 GENTLEMEN for large, nice room, with
breakfast and dinner. In private family;
piano, porches, fireplace: all modern, with
s'od home cooking; reference furnished If
desired. Phone East S'.l.
LARUE front room; sultahi
for two gen
splendid resl-
tiemen; walking distance
aence district; an
East 4440.
modern convenience
RESPECTABLE married lady with no fam
ily, living near school, would cere for
1 or 2 children; reasonable. AL 643, Ore
GOOD room and board In private family for
two parsons, walking- distance, near Mult
nomah Club. 304 Main it.
WANTF.n One er two little air la to board,
good suburban home, near school; 310
month. X r30, Oregorian.
Room with breakfast in Drlvate horn
Nob Hill district, for one gentleman with
references. Phone Marsitail Sdbs.
NICE, clean, furnished rooms, with board,
furnace heat. Phone Main 1004. 649 Love
Joy. ROOM and board for one or two gentlemen
in private home; close tn; an modern con
venlence Phone East 4712.
ROOMS with home cooking, for gentlemen,
4 blocks from Postoffice. 892 Salmon at.
Main 3126.
BEAUTIFUL front room for two. twin beds.
good home cooking, reasonable. 737 Gllsan
st., rear z4tn.
ONE or two younr ladle select home, new,
restricted, slecptny-porch, substantial eat
ables, piano. Phone C 2S2S
NICELY furnished room and excellent board
for two; short ride to city. S: S. car to
1140 Belmont.
PLEASANT room and board for two youn
ladles employed. 628 Holly sL, Ladd's
CHOICE place for 2 or 3 young men; good
meals, new nous, west blue, central, rea
sonable. Main 2219.
$20.00 EACH, beautiful front room for two,
all' new, modern convenience 88 17th,
bet. Everett and Flanders at
i gMALrj furnished room,
with or without
board. 1W 11th t.
MODERN room home board; $22 to $36.
178 Ella, South Side Washington.
FINE room with board in modern home,
fireplace, furnsce. East gS91.
TWO large rooms, with fireplace; also front
room with alcove. Phone Main 1071.
NICELY furnished room, home cooking and
conveniences, phone B 3U67.
ROOM and board fop one two persons, rea
son a D I e. ai&rsnau ts-svz.
Elegantly furnished four-room apartments,
strictly modern, with built-in refrigerator,
electric cooker, private phone and bath,
sleeping porches. Phone Main 1352.
Fecond and Montgomery, are now ready
for occupancy; will be rented to fam
ilies consisting of two persons; pri
vate phone to each apartment, disappear
ing beds, water coll, refrigerator, steam
beat, hot and cold water, modern laundry
and dryer; the latest system of ventila
tion; rent from ill to $30, unfurnished;
aiao Iris Apt.. Sd and Mill; 4 and 6 large
room unfurnished, $30 to $45.
Trinity place, between l!Uh and 20th.
Just off Washington.
Just finished ; most magnificent apart
ments on the Pacific Cost; location Ideal;
rentals reasonable; every modern con
venience; blKh-clas service; reference
required. Phone Marsnall 602.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room apartment. 606
Flanders St.; rent $10. Apply Wakefield,
Fries ACo., 5 Fourth JL
ALMIRA APARTMENTS. 475 Salmon St.; 1
four-room unfurnished apartment; price
reasonable, e
mi MORTON Furnished and unfurnished
apsrimenta. 67 Washington st.; bo:h
-! MODS P.N 6-room apartmenu; all coa
vanlenctis. walking dl'-tanc phuae, sieep
inx porches. Main 430.
THE- BERYL, large rooms and closoU; mod
ern equipment, nice neighborhood. 6
LovsJoy t.. near "1st.
JHE KING DAVld, corner King and Davis
a tree i I and 4 -rooms modern apart
n.ents. references required.
ONKONTA. 1ST 17th 2 and 8 -room suite
hot and cold water in every apartment;
reasonable. Phone Main46u7.
THE CHETOPA. lSlh and Flanders. 2. 3
sud 4-room apartments, modern, furnished
and unf umished.Appiy to janitor.
2 GOOD rooms and excellent tahle board
for 2 gentlemen In private family. East
Side. Tabor 1606-
NEWCASTLE. 402 H 3d St., housekeeping
and sleeping rooms; $2.50 pr week up.
S26 ET.EIANT 3-room furnished apart
mnt 120o Belmont. Tabor 175S, B 1634.
"A." 69 Washington street Steam
Phone Marshall 4at
XHE ELMS S and S-room apartmeata, fur
nished. 181 14th st. Main 6444.
LEONCE Modern apts.; Nob Hilled Istrict;
convenient to 3 carline 186 2Jd st, N.
THE ORLANDO APT., 20th and Wash
ington: Emma K. Wunder, mgr.-; -beautiful
furnished two and three-room apts.,
automatic elevator, steam heat, private
baths and phone; very largo rooms and
large closets, private lockers and laun
dry room with steam doer In basement.
$26.30 up: reference phone Marshall
171 King Street,
Corner Wayne.
4, 6 and 6-room apartments, situated In
the most select neighborhood in the city;
highest standard of tenancy maintained.
Apply on premise
THH3 BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving st;
this uew 4-storv brick now open: fur-
fished and unfurnished in 2. 3. and 4-room
suites; recepticn hall, electric, automatic
Cttvator. ilolmes disaDDcarins b-ds. Duiti
In bufTot and writing desk, gas range. Ice
box, plenty of clrset room, both phone
ticuura cleaner free to patron If you
want something nice, come to th Barker.
rnonw a am aiarsnan zam.
These elegant 6-room unfurnished apart
mns. equated In tha heart, of th city
withia 20 minutes' walk of tha business
Apply on premises for reserv atlon
2 S. 4. 5-room anartmenta: elegant
ly furnlsned; waikintf distance; reasouaDla.
22d and Wash, sts. Phone Main 7130-
"fiTl AVn TTPrtHfTi: STS.
Thoroughly moctcrn . rgurr. unfurnished
anartnit-nts. S20: 4 rooms. SJ; & room
$30; this Includes shades, steam heat, hot
and cold water, gas .arge private Pa
ciLc telephones and Janitor service. Apply
on premise
MENTS. 410H Hawthorns ave., near Grand
ave., b-and new brick blog., now ready for
occupancy. 6 rooms, splendidly furnished
apartments with modern conveniences, on
th E.-it Klrie. hut rioaer inr tnan most
apts., very reasonable rant and best of
fits Williams avA.. corner Russell.
Newly furnished apartments and single
rooms, thorou-iniy muaern. very conven
ient location; two carline For further in
formsuon telephone Mis. Alice Venable,
K. 4LS9. or Private Exchange 4. the Meier
a- Frank Store s rental department, 4tn
bta. 4 blocks south from Morrison sc.;
new brick building, completely first-class,
furnished in X, 8 and 4-room family apart
ments; private oath, steam heat, hot wa
ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner,
janitor service; rent por month, $26, $30
(one $55 for $42). Must be seen to b ap
- 644 Everett St.
TWew and elecantly furnished apart
ments; 3 rooms, reception hall and
automatic electric elevator and
private Pacific telephone; located in one
ol the choicest resiaence maincis, bui
rounded by elegant homes; walking dis
(Near Washington Street.)
ThnvA.irhl mnHfrn r(imnlotlT fur
baths and phones; automatic elevator and
Ii rst -Class service; rcicrcuuw. fuu
Marshall l&oO. Apt. . 1.
LUCKKTIA COL'ItT. unfurnished, a class
by themselves. Se them. Lucretl St.,
rear 23d and Wash.. 2 to 6 rooms, all
large, light and outside; large . closet
and baths; hardwood floors, free phones
lii eacii apt. fhone prop, ana mr. mas
shall 1529. Janitor. Marshall 15Q0.
CUMBERLAND apts.. West Tark and
Columbia st; one 8-room unfurnished
and one 2-ro3m furnished apimt ; all
modern conveniences; choice location,
fronting the park; only 6 minutes' walk
Irotn tne ousiness aiaincu
8th and East Burnside Sts.
TDiir(fni 2 and 3 -room furnished
unfurnished apartments; strictly modern,
and free- telephone; cheapest In the city;
walking distance.
Nob Hill district, 21st and Johnson, just
completed; moat up-to-aate apartment iu
tha Nnrthwaat: onlv one 4 -room apt. left:
all unfurnished. Apply on premises or
call Marshall 3360. -
SHEFFIELD APTS., 7th and Jefferson sts;
a. vnnna with bath, location unexcelled;
only & minutes walk from P. O. ; all out-
aiae rooms, aioue
reasonable rent.
BEST apartments m the city; 6 outside
room; sleeping-porch, maid room; wash
tray gas ranges, refrigerators, heat, hot
water, telephone. Stevens Apartment. 761
A. Northrup st. Main 9.158.
82 Grand ave., cor. East Stark.
Nicely furnished two and three-room
apartments, modern, prices reasaabis;
walking distance. Phone East C00.
at ; best of service; desirable location,
witii u'.trxcclled car service, also easy
walking distance; 3-roora apt., with bath,
modern conveniences, very reasonable rent.
LINCOLN APTS., cor. 4th and Lincoln ts.
Completely furnished two-room apartment
for housekeeping; new and modern; house
Just opened; walking distance; no chil
dren; $U5 to $30. Phone Main 1377-
PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Harrison
ets., beautiful 3 and 4-room apartment
furnished for Housekeeping: everything
new and modern; elevator; telephone free;
$43 to $6u.
All outside 2 and 3-room suites, strictly
modern; we challenge anyone to dupli
cate our price Marshall 1378.
170 St. Clair; 2 nicely furnished 8-room
apartments and one unfurnished 3-room
eipartment; free phone In each apartment.
4(17 Mali SL
1 2-room furnished apartments, strictly
modern. Main 4 2'Jt.
Hoyt; 4-room apartment with private bal
cony; very desirable and convenient in
every way and reasonable rent.
Park St-. Cor. Madison.
Furnished 8 and 4-room apartment
Individual phones: convenient, downtown.
Columbia; 4 rooms with bath, unfurnish
ed; convenient location, good service,
reasonable rent.
West Side, finely furnished apartments;
strictly modern; every convenience; easy
walking distance. The Altamont.
42Q E. Morrison, corner of 7th, 8 and
4 -room apartment furnished up to data,
prlvate baths, moderate price, p ear m'g t.
HADDON HALL. 414 11th, cor. Hall, 3 and
4-room apartment, furnished and unfur
nished; private phoner. bath and balcony
porches. 30 up. Marshall 117L
"04 Iovejoy st.
Beautiful two. three and four -room
apt., furnished and unfurnisned.
near -Main au cicga-i o-iuj.u opu, who
private balcony, every modern conven
ience, $37.00: two sleeping compartments.
SAN MARCO APTS.. E. 8th and Couch
New Drica, iichiu ncai, -rwm apt,
private baths and phones. $23 to 2S. Call
E. 2731.
14th and Clay 1st
Front corner. 4-room suite, with vestl
buled entrance; private r,a:h and phone .
one of the best In the city. Apnly at one
Wash in Eton; elegant new building, com
plete and modern; two sleeping :ompart
ments ar.d private balconies.
410 6th Furnished and unfurnished,
strictly modern apartments; walking dis
tance; prices reasonable; no children.
" "arcadia apts.
Two- and three-room modem apart
ments, newly furnished; rent very reas-
enable. 70 Everett st.
BRA IMF EE Elegant five-room apart
ment West Side, walking distance, rent
rea son able Msln 7741. 2:.i 12th st
THE LOVEJOY. 17th and Lovejoy; 2 and
8 rooms,- newly furnished apartment
Main 21r
GRANDEST A. furnished apartments Grand
ave. and East Stark st. Now brick b'.dg-;
8-room splendidly furnished apt: elec
tric elevator and every modern conven
ience; close In location and best of ser
vice. THE MARLBOROUGH -1st and Flanders;
walking distance; on 6-room apt. Main
FIVE rooms and bath, strictly modern. In
Hjlladay s Aadltion: easy walking dis-
a tance; large front and back porches, large
attio to hang clothes Tn; rent $30; corner
East 6th and Multnomah sts. No. 233 East
6th North. Phone East 25Sl.
FOR RENT Modern flat, 8 rooms, all con
veniences. No. 9. 10 th st. North, nesr
Burnside st. Inquire for key at flat above,
and 11 Vi. $40 month, and Wakefleld-
Frlea Co.
4 and 5 rooms, strictly modern, reason
able rent; U car IOCS Cleveland ave.
Phone Wood lawn 2205.
FO R KENT Two flats. 5 rooms each In
new stone building, wit a private garage,
on Division street, near 40th. Inquire at
12S'. Third st.
TOR RENT Modern 4-room flat, with bath.
Ciose In. East Side. Rent J23. Including
water. Caii 330 Ross sl Telephone E.
8710. Main 2114.
ABOVE 23d. fashionable district, lower flat,
thoroughly modern, garage, furnace, two
fireplace large, airy rooms, lawn (own
er cares for). Inquire 772 Kearney.
NEW HOLLA DAY" Add. flats. 5 and 6
room modern, convenient, separate base
ment and attic. Frederick M. Dempsey,
Marshall 3321.
PARTIES going to California for the Win
ter will rent finest furnished flat in
1'ortland. Call at 222 North ISth st.
P h one M arahall 3316.
FOR RENT Flat. 5 large, light and airy
rooms and furniture for sale cheap; leav
ing city. 6ii6 Hoyt at., near 21st. Ap
ply on premises.
FIVE-ROOM FLAT, 7S2 Gllsan street; new
building, hardwood floors, fireplace, gas
ranse, waterheater, furnace, etc; $32.50.
Keys at flat. Morgan. Filedner A Boyce.
$16 NEW flats overlooking beautiful Pen
insular Park, liyht. airy; sleeping porches;
near Jeftersoii Hiih; public schooL Fal
mcr & Hill, lo2 Kiliir.gsworth ave.
FOR RENT 5-room furnished flat in Irv
ington ; all modern conveniences; aleep
ing porch. Phone Sell wood S4S.
NICELY furnished 5-room flat. West Eide;
good location; $37.50. Phono Main 8518
and Sellwood 1647.
TJNFL'ItNi SUiiD flat, 4 rooms, hall and al
cove, r-?nt reasonable, modern. 846
MODERN. 6 room large attic, one block,
from West Side High School; rent $40.
Inquire 175 16th at., corner Yamhill.
SWELL. 6-room lower flat, every modern
convenience, easy walking distance, large
lawn. East lt32.
MODERN 5-room flat. Love joy, bet. 23d and
24th. $30 month. Vanduyn & Walton, 616
Chamber Commerce. -
4-ROOM upper corner flat, strictly modern.
177 Green ave., near 23d and Wash.
Main 81) SS.
NEW modern 6 or 6-room upper flat rea
sonable; furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen,
etc. 64 Vt East 19th iL North.
MODERN flat, 6 rooms and bath. 73SH
Hoyt St.. near 22d. Apply 130 6th St.
M a in 6278.
LOWER 4-room flat, rw. "TP carline.
F-0 a niontn. cast
SMALL 4-room flat, 347 Russell st, $11;
water paid. C 1318.
6-ROOM modern Hat. 760 Irving St.; key
at grocery store.
MODERN 5-room fiat, 6th near Jackson,
West Side; 10 m!n, walk. Main or A 1223.
2 FOUR-ROOM flats; aleeping-porch ; rent
$27.50. fc25 Northrup st. Main 3215.
TWO modern 6-room flat
Ash sts. Phono B 2006.
East ISth. and
4-room nicely furnls hed fiat, $20.
FOR RENT 6-rOom flat, bath and furnace.
698 Salmon. Key 600 Salmon.
NEvV modern 4-room flat and office room,
on Belmont Bt. Phone Tabor $37.
SWELL-modern 6-room lower flat, adult
789 E. YamhllL near 2Sd. TeL East 6943.
NEW e-roora flat near Steel Brldg 2024
jklC jail iaii si., .....v..
FURNISHED flat, 4 rooms. $17
private bath- phono Tabor 108
Honsekeeplng- Rooms.
WELL-FURNISHED houses, flat, rooms
7-room cottage, $27.60 month; another 4
rooms. $17.50; 4-room lower furnished
flat. J13 00 month; suite two furnished
housekeeping rooms, $8, $10, $12 a month;
o 9ai 'Ji'.'h North. W car from depot.
6th. west on Morrison to 26th, blk. north.
the; BEAVER. 12th and Marshall; fur
nished for housekeeping; ga range, eloc
' trie light hot water, bath, laundry, free:
S15 per month up; a clean place, best In
the city for the money; short dlatanc
from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-st.
cars nor un. get on m
NEW and elegantly furnished housekeeping
suite large front rooms on first floor,
ateam heat, electric lights, suitable; for 2
' or 8 adult! Marshall 2178. 230 N. 19th
8f0H Morrison st., cor. Park,
lot ? nr unfurnished apartments.
elevator, steam heat and all conveniences.
SI 50 TO $2.50 WEEK: clean, furnished
housekeemne rooms, free laundry, bath,
phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouver
ave. and 203 y Stanton; take U car.
THE" AMHURST Nlceiy furnished house
keeping, also sleeping room; terms rea
aondble. 409 Washington at.
NEW YORK, 7th and Belmont New brie
building furnished and unfurnished apt.
ei un- ateam heat; walking distance-
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th; com-
pletety rumuiueu
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping room;
no cnncren. i7s
hirt vr one vywuiu v
HooNckcfrplna- Rooioa 'o 1-Tisate Family.
NICE iront Bmiio ro"' m.
T u hath all conveniences.
no children, nice neighborhood, easy walk
ing distance; $12 per month. 66 North
2 1st st 1 blocks from Washington.
22 THREE nice, clean well lurnisnea
. . . . h.)h and nhana.
r. ouseKeepiua ,
Mai n GS4 5. ; .
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms; mod
erate prices. ruu :"B"
TWO newly painted and papered honse-keep-
. ni-Tiitiir a-a sink, very
convenient.' 161 Ea.t 23d. cor. Yamblll.
SEVERAL nice housekeeping rooms, nice
quiet nelBnoornouu. u.
Club. Phone Mar. 2570. Call 5,5 Main.
SUITE of two clean, well-furolahed house
keeping rooma, ...
OXE large room with kitchenette, clean.
pleasant, convenieut. . " ' " "
N. 21st st.
6UITE furnished housekeeping rooms; gas.
Basement; wam. ' '
Kearney. .
lEWLT furnished suit, of Bn. housekeep
ing rooms with bath In connection. 60S
Clay st.
'WSh-iS bath!
7no Flanders. ,
"tcttatL."? furnished rooms on first floor,
furnlce heat, flr.e location. 200 Utb St..
cor. Tuyior.
r. Taylor.
r-LT furnished housekeeping rooms,
in floor. 3 and 4 per week. 40. .th
eet. .
FOR KENT Clean nouseKetins
heat. pas, cam iuu .
li)3 W eat Park st.
TWO large front rooms unfurnlsnea tor
LARGE, beautiful room, dbi.i. eiov.ic
heat, gas piatc, -
407 Jefferson. Flat A.
NEWLY furnished 3-room suite, bath. gas.
laundry, phone, no objection to child. $20.
" 82.j East ctark.
2 HOUSEKEEPING room, newly furnished.
lil 1- irst ol .
8 ROOMS, water, no children, nice I
fine neighborhood. Woodlawn 1093.
SUITE of 3 connecting, also single furnished
housekeeping rooms. 450 YamhllL
S13 14TH PT-, cor. Clay, large two-room
TWO nlceiy iurnisneu. nou.-KeciJiii5 i-ooms.
b?St ICCa. m. VCt lo.w.a.. a,v- r
FruMSHEU nousiieeping rwowa, i.riti anu
- ni.,r tinrrlonn
a SUITE nicely furnished for housekeeping
very Cl0gft in. 211 13th St., cor. Salmon.
? rpoNT suite, heat and light. Phona
East 5576. 554 E. Morrison, cor. 13th.
2pT;RlIRKED housekeepings room in pri
vate family.315 Cherry. Phone E. 5270.
fVSQ and thre-e-r9om suites, convenient
walking dlytnce. 275 Columbia.
HfL SiOKiCKPlNG norn in modern, fine lo
cation, phone East 1S1W.
TWO cozv front rooms for housekeeping.
275 N. 21st St. Mnln 2S00.
FRONT suite, running water, bath, gas and
Dhone. 340 Colle.e.