19 THE MORXIXO OKEGOIAX, -I.TDAT. NOVEMBER 3, 1911. 1 Er.irTrr lee Ml U BE A IT I File bilUAIVAl llOMZ. MOO Mih, te;un lil month. tacisdUK lalereal t () noma, eperxlsd fixture. l eTery Ml, allUM. tiirr.ece. 8rep ace. bul.t-l koieaa uj burial, :&! porrtt ana tt."i-rooia utf4. Bet;-.rvui ftniWM th. fir.e.1. TM tvrmi ar- Tee, than tl ran e .-eo-ej for. Pr.ci V. A" lTrrotimTv K.o i:u Ptr' witwkk. a 4U CCitmi of Commerce. PORTLAND HEMII79 reeiiSence of T roenia. aew ana m-niera In ererr aar'.l -ular. Hae rplioa te.l. nurwrT ani a.eeitng.porca tew U gavbitruct'd asl locati-n "1 eur rouDdlcge are e.i-i lo any oa tne li'lgM. Hobm le baut:fu.iT t.' ;ahe.l In.tUe ana baa Dieaerng ea:er:.r wltn elapmg banaa winding iu n a;.praa.-li trora etreei en.1 3:rtti i.L Lol la bl J 10 I-t- Pri' e $:!-. linu mar ba daX roe lull par- ti a. a -a e. ui I'AKKISH. WATK1J19 CO, Ji A-lar b:. IUOO EQVITY In beautiful lrelnftoB noma a axcbAT.(a bti.ga.ow. lion aqtiltf to rar lot lOriilAA at entrance of Olmtd J'arg la excbenge for bungalow or c!tr lot. 12000 acuity In : arre. at N"ewbr elty llrnlte lo e-a-rinfige for bungalow or ant lota in fortcc. H. u CHAP1N KEAI.TT CO, ,' ripaiamg i.icg. WnrtB too want anything baiter T Xew -riona baue. eieeptng porcn. furnaca. fire- fuaca. bardwood f.oo.-i, aaat facing: It'a a Koeamera c;oee to ear. prl.e 44Svv; only ;W cajh. ba'ar.-. Ilka rent. S r. VINCENT CO IT Onarrfrer of Commerce. Phon. llaln ISli, A Till. STRICTLT V I'KrOf HOME. 75 PC it yoNTH. I am ft buiider of at;:ah &. and T-room rioueee; I have mora tun I' eiBP.l houii to etw f.ir thla )r' work, n.y e:..ag proiwaillon ta tna ruoat lll-eral .n trie city. I four hou.e. IJU.t run-., p etei to ahow tou. pre l.'-'o to pay aa Ittt:a aa 1.' a month r.Ma m-iu-!ee 'rt'errati. A X. -r.. r- .'-in ana fc i lea-. Of-V cat i. Auit) to n'.wprip-rty. IIUV TH Id N-W. rVaattf'il h-:na In R mm, ( larga rooma. rae-pt.oa hull, a'eeplr.g-porcii : ewn erata btwiucat. lower f.. . r all hardwood. aen c.oaa.a. beamtd c-.lli'g. paneled dtn-Irt-raom. hanoiome burf-l; In Tact avert modern conveuien.a: g la range, flaturea and aria1ee go with the houae. Will taka tai-n lot up to 1-J'. ai caah and baiaaia ea.ar than rent. 1 Ma la a gen auaa bargain but m let l-a a..d tola waak. XatE fl'A.NTON CO, !-. tjaa St. FOR SALE Pt owner, a Una lot ta Irr le.gton at a anap prlca f 't purchaar. I an offering It for leaa loan It f-t roe. M1T? I reed t!: rnone.. SlotW la tha prlca Addreee 8 Ml. Oragoalao. vi:r UK si'i.K at owe. afO'te-n Ht-xiTi bouae oa full I -U cToaa In on Hawthorne avenue, with all mo 1. ara cohveuienraa. be utlful lawn and roaea fine location on t'eat car Una in city, all tiuprov allien' a In and paid: lot aona aorta oer w ner muat baa money and will eil If Mtea at on a f.r lJO. Caah reuuirad. Ilautx A fts7, t'ragootan. CAM Jo. Jim nawtnome intrvt gaico. A brand new l-room bungalow, a.ectrlo and gaa fUturea raraanl tarr.ant. laun dry traya up-to-date In ery rartK-u-lar. g d view, f ee eau. .1"0 cali. bal aaoe Ilka rant, two blo.-fce aouth of Haw thorne ira John 1 arnop. owner. ia Ry Cachanga t:dg. Maraqall lala. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NoT Tl K A IH IUEV TfTO IV'Uk! 1'KOl'UrTI If liif t'WN A LOT. WS WILL rl KVIMM TUB MONET AND lllpILl Rl.li'UNCS OH U.A7I ri.Av ruts. r vt sni.ii un r f. TATt JN Tu!"R I R JTKCl IU.". IT will pay toe to i. L. R. RAIt.KT CO.. INC.. lOVTRAC-T-1V1 ARCIIIT.ICTS. Ill AUINaroN I1L1A JP. LOT OHMS. HKRR It YOfR CHANiJS TO UfKOIK VOIR PKoP EHTY WITH A Home. I'LAT OH Al'ARTVEr; WILL FINANCE IT AT A i.o.v Rra or iNTii'insT. plan t KNtnr:i FL.lK IT ll.L PAT Toll TO Coatal IN AMI Tl K TUld OVER. 1. A. AtklVi ARCntTfc-T AM' Lt'ILCER. Hivlrr.DI UN SIT. TAFloR. V-enem sunaalw on atti lot. Na 1?l It aCrrleoo. lake VI. Tb"f car to getn. go nr'.n to green bungalow ; t!e bouae oet 11411. the lot la worth 110. we have offered It f r ll'v. It mnet ba aold . g aee It al mae tie an o.'far WL'tCH.V OK'Mo.x TRLST CO, :r ma.-k t Ha athokne I'i.-ri::. T. 1J vv for a Una a-room bungalow an F ttarrieon at., wch aeep:ng porch. Eanel dlnir g -roora, beamed eei.ing. Lutch It.-ftea. bul.t-la bu"-t. furnace, aeteer. waiaa and atreet ara. led and paid for; for a f-w na,e on'y; ern:a. ULANCiI AH.) I lilil.-IOX. :h M. SNA? Pit.W OWNER. 2i. Leaving for tha Eaet. I am forr-ed to ae'l ray b room tuaiLv. imyroee mer.ta in and are paid. o mlnutca ear ride, are bo.-k from car; biffel, fire p a a. full t'eeement. Dul-h kitchen: i ylo-i tot; muat go thla week, alaraball t7. i r v i s.Tf v iTo m fC f ioo ca" h. Modern room h 'oae. furnace, fireplace, kardaml f oore. I'ut'-h kltrhen. S bed roomi and a:eep!-.g porch, lot son.io. oa y.aet h rear I.ras-e; prlca ef0; 9100 caan and rer nonth. UKt .-"I A lo.'Lr. H Poard of Tra la bl.tg .. 4 a and Oak. CirtNJtl Ieairg cir? Ir.a.ruola ua to aell h'.a beallul home, l.-cated In ll.a Alterta dia incu on Kaat wt 1 at.; has a laige roottia. larte attl-. a e;.:ug r-ir.- i. fu 1 raaement leamel rfi;inki. pineled rt 'mo g-rora, Tutcb kltt r.aa. flrep a.-e. fii-nace. wtnd -w aeata. buffet, book.-eaea. ate; every tblnf eon-.rle-.e. J1 K. 1 lh a E. :d BVNiiALOW. E. FLANDERS ST. Ktca n-.oern burgelw f 5 room a. furv aa-a flrepKi. laundry traya beamed eeillre. ianel.l dlnliig-room, lot tvs'O'V en I aat I ian.lera :-. near alat. prlca $jo 4.' c1 ad So per month. GUI .-SI A liOLl'S. ta Roarxl of Tra le ;l.lt.. :a and Oak. NKW liOVK. $10. $1 ihjwx. o month LT. On rj. oo-fir-i. nr 3-1 c fecott tr Itn, offr n 1M room -vnd bath buacm.ow with rttrs. bo r. wooai.lft, &-m l-O lot far T-. Ilu anl lntr-.t month. jr. A. t. I'oalMA, 41S KtUlwaj fcx- chmt. H.'-I TT. rw. -rion-.---3 hon. 13 minnt' Wft.h from Kl Ir. i:ut. I bUk fron. pr nt; - uj m.-r if. . J pr mjntr; cin lt. b-u'jl !, brtrr frutt tr-. b" ownar. Morton. f- C.mNr of -r. it. rco. rt-A) A hNAP. Mc3ra Ou; bouN. -ih parTmont !) .m rovma, batri. furtiaW-a. rirp;,r. bult-to c-im riooot, n"t i Artai tine built In 1 locftT-M on romTt trf tirproTr.l. l-con.t I'U) pr no.it; ro A l 84. .rg..nian. r. U- F riia'.; tf.i- He. .-. ft room- lo: J. '..". Arth-ir wj iatngf d!wtl-c. t. Unpr i.-r.: ,r. r,J pid. rr;K. w. ; e khan, S: H-rr..J. M. or A 2TT4. ytR IaI.K -rin mUm banrtlow; I b-in n t. t'lilutitrr luM rumc; lot l.oi:,. Ii v c'r will ho.M aa1 on lt. tJiNJ. tK: or wi.l Mil lot. 4.S1.A. im ,.vi trt. nar A;brta. AO Ort-B .r.'aa. I K V 1 XOToN H V U. HTW-S ti' ta nt'wi. cora-r 1 1?H ar.d Thomi'-n, Cut factts. ail sir; :.n ;ro. tAiai-ta tn acJ ia:J lot 9"VV Tha 1 a a&ajir. 1 art (aUaV Wootl.awa or C 34.. " 'HAWTHORNE AVbT" " 4 - room rr o 1 rn I a n a. o w, corn or lot. t root iippm.mati a.i p-.id: cloao la; p-t.-a raaoua.; aaJV tarrzva. hoo Tabor jnvis ; ton i i . kIaj. Vr attra 7 rma. :ant !'- tt.B. rt r.ar Th'tnuM au. f h ; no acn-a AS S: Qr:a.ara. FLiT ITF' TrU-a A-I tot. o."eI0k , mnt : wa.a. t-.tr and watar la ani C-a J. wa atrg tl:-iana to V a fiida. Iul5 Oambr o C.fr mrc. aFvR 8AI.I- f'. O -iu.tjr room bmtra!ow; ii t.-:r" bjtf. lijfrnrM itrt, .-t I'll; S b'. T n4''i 2 blocaa K..- lirga -ti.. Y it". i'''o..-n. Tt it K IN' ! iia. d-w:k. c- r. -i frm I -imal'ltt br'(?:-t-an. bu fiaa lt. ar d rwr In acd pa:l. tl I'hansbar ct Oi'mTtrra, Q; AKTEK b-wk ard fln mo-iani J -torr h9.. rrtc ri r tartca. J. IT. Mnl'h. ttS t'harrtiror f COoiai-rft. r'R AI-S 5-p--h b :- and fui 4 Vantri.a.p IN IPVI;ON r-r aa?, mac-a ra doaw. Kor par-aU-v ira pboca C S44. ji-,.-.- rTOi ad barn 12 Jfta !a Nwbars. Imirv Xoa b.fia. atata litx. EEAL ESTATE, tor aiale - lUmw. Houe. Coating I - VO MUST BE SACRIFICED. Wl!J acc.pt BIO LOSS to aall At one. Oatn'i loaa la rear fm. WHAT WILL TOO GIVE? S-room hitiaa. lot Soil"". In South ML TaOor dia.rtrt. Th.a drttrab.a bangalow Kut ba ao d at onca at whalaar it arl.l bring, aa nwnr haa lo rnt oayornta on a tiact of our Waat t:atn Irrigatad :nj. JJ.l-ni !n rry ra;.-it; on.y ti.'ki from ilt. i-ott crlin. tt.Hl mort .tl bAi.r. 7 vr c-r.t. f.w hundrad 0j.ri aMa :ak.- It. '.a.anca aa rani at pr c. nt. iK,n I mma Una !nvaimnt alio. Ca.i on Mr. il ir-.og. room - Crimtr I'j-niirc 1' .!.. ground floor. HAKTMA.N m. TlioMl-.uN. 2 I1I.Cm.-k. -5 TO HAWTHORNE AVt CALII U..MA 1H'..JA1.uK. LOT ;JXrfCk. CllI.'E O.NI.Y 5oO t ASH. filil harlo-.I fl.Mr. iarg nreplaca. built-in B'ata, aaall Miil't. bo-araara ltn la-t'lrd doora. ;anald d.r.ln g-room. S flno b-drooma lu h.l aramol lth Urg cloa ta. larga lath and llnfn cloaata. full c-a-iiK-nl Ljitxo.t a.lti latindr) traa ana full atuc. a. I floored. haid' a india i.-nnrH for orn a!-rlng room; diubla c-.ntructfon ar.th pai-r bftrrn and a tra una finish throuanouti agactly aa rap rrsrntad an I the bal buy In Portland. Th-ra ra atjla ar.d claaa to thla bunca o. If yoo wiah to ba altown. call Tabor 2-:X STREETCAR and railroad ahopmn ra4 th.a: Cirj to naw P. K. L. P. aoopa. a.ao 8. P. R. R. Co. ahopa. whira thou- n ,1a of m-n will ba amployed. 1 bava a brantilu; 6-room and attic bungalow, fu.l cam baatnnt. wltb launury traya. oak BHr, bat of pumbug. rnair..wl batrtrooaii rooma tinlrtl; wo.-twork hanrt rnb""l and brautlfully Hnlanad: -amnt walk around hi. awar and watar ron nctl: all raaily for butinraa; prira l-c'iv. mall t-ah pa.mrnl. bai. monthly, no monctM to auai. atra.ght contract. r. A. M-oratX SJl Chanibr of tomnnrca b;s. . IRVI.V7TO.V HOME. NFW 2-bTOltV 7-KCMJJI HOrFE. I-iree recei.ion i.ilnr-roum. Clin Ina-room. lu.ch kit hen. S bedroon.a. ilrtf n-.r.-K hTiroOUl. Iltien C.O- fo.i fi.ibh...l atfiL-. f'lll o-mrnt b.neni'-nt. furnica. ij-jn.lry tirvi as-1 wooiilllt.. Ilr - p. ace. 1tium'. bui'et. oeained celllnji ran.. I. . I M .ille .n ilLllbl-room l caa or w. : litka a lot aa Ilrat payinaut. Call Alain 37 or A 2 :X J. V. GCTHK1E. 272 b-.ark bt. err Tor citicken: O-id lhrr-rofni houia, city witM. f!na comer lot 4 U-5 fr.i, splcnUid m.aa. JM rouu. ruiiv enioiit to tro.iy. i toooi. piorvi. far. t od n:.r;hborhon: ; fin, p!a,-a to k-p chckrna. I'rlr on T tv. f ay ., caaa id H monthly and th- rlace Is your and It' ready tJ moa Into. A. iloor. M Corbelt bldg- M'IKa.X 5-ro.'m bumruiow. located wet of i. in Ha . a thorn tl.ti!ft, on nica hinli lt in go. ! rri.Jrnc tlmt.-icl. It has ntca lthtlr niturfi n.t hada. wail o.a.lipi ba.hronn. rt'r.y tin.od watia. - It U well fumi-me-a . it n tooi now f urxitura. If ou f looklnc I-r a hmo r"dr to roo-a Into t.tia. All vnamanta paid and tri pri.- It .n:y JT:-a; :. trm. I wan; to )!. J. W. Hatnld. OS I!nli.ir:i a . . I'hono T-ior 4iv. Am lawvina: cl:y and mut wriflco my risn & rm bn.aJ'- tn .'."a Cltjr i'arl.: cioaw to car; avarythlna; modro an4 vary aaar tarma w ii. nui-i-irs. BJrt Eaat 5'th "t. North, or ll Board of Trad a. !'- . drnc phona TN)r oioi. ?'(- i .vmn Mart, i ail T A IOJi IF fi: ara irnir. to build lat ma fticura tm jour plans. 1 go rtic.-.t on tha Jh and ran do th w-rk aa map aa It can ta dftia. feattmtaa t jrn lahv-d frr: also r:at.a. Ail kmaa of, jobhir.a. Hamanta du Drop a nr. and i ca.l and you. J. XL CavAnaugO. cVvO Vajior U ror'aTand. I.AM) ADl'ITlJ. SNAP. F'.na mnti-r. "-room houa. 4 b.rootn and .p:i.c por h. all lat"t itxiprov-ir-nt, euuLl roastructfd. fine caraga. prit o'jw caah an J i5 a mon;a. GKl.iI HoLDa. Bl rt..ard of Trai Hid. Kl' l!M)NU-HAvriii!Nr. HI STRUT. i. ntca. n t dr.'m bunjaJow. room and ba' 1 upaialra, flrap.a-'a, bookcaa", ILit'-h a. tr hen. alt-.. r.ia and al-ctric fix-tur-a ail In. con-Tata lr: ant and tt'ki, r -ar -hoa and car. Ca.l ownar. Main Wh, f.r thla bars an. riVK and !a-rom horiaa. firapla.-. hard t .n1 f ,or. rutnarea, with all built-in fr."drn r-rfn:nifi, Rrtr carlln; all ir.t m,.ro::i"nt paid; minth.y pay most p an. i'ro. i-lent Invritn.r.t A Tr;itt Co. S,'1. 2 rioard of Trad b'.. I'Vth VarMa;i 41 X A 10J2. - M'T NOW ROfV ITV l'RK. l.'VJ tAIf. T rtv a. ba:::-in bt!ft. booktaa ootid ak flora. fumv. fi rt -lac, mlr-ir d wi. Nation: Hr':r A Tr-it "o . TJ Chain bar nf r.-mm-T Main Cim PKST I-AR'.AIVS IN CITT. t raw. tr..-t :r mwln btinrlOW. 4 nd B rooma ra! for occupancy. fKHi ti ?V; mill piymanC down. baUnc l.ka rani; Irt ma show you tnea bomaa. J AS. A. CWh'K. 3.-2 A'lr at Main A1HA. llAtt'THoKNK I.lHVP.irT -In-a 6 r-om bjr-aaiow. brand now. f!ra plara. buf ff t. bookcasra. I'utch kltchan. -., mo'lsra In .ry particular. c.o to car; ry da Arabia rrnr; prl--a $3KN; stir teni a. . a l owrar, ala.n morn- tna or artar d P. S-l. Ul'T tht n w; don't pay rant; In Kenton; S r..'rai wi'h b;h and attic. camnt walks and curts: lot f- can sail thl for 9a"o'h on vary rnj Icrmi to a rvsponslb! p"ty: can sail or i"-o ft of tra lot if 1 - : rd. the y.-a r.ton 'o., 2v Oak t. HbVKHAl. UK A I TlKCL HO 3-1 KR Muat acriflca on. 9 rooms, '.icaatly f!-. t.Uad: fik. I'lrd-v mapla iioora, chot -a fiturra. m -Urn. fin location. Irxlr.,, -.on. C .Last 23; ao acanta. W 1! lt-rdmin 10l.TL.ANI HE1GHT.4. T-reom modern nous, on block car. 4 padro.Tr . furnaca. cnat baaemant, ba:itifu.y lniprod lava! lot. 4KK); tarma Mtln 83M. PROOKF1 A 3r . TIvi SNAP fr a homa; 250 cash, bal anc )y payments: T-room horn, party lt alnc c:ty and nay It must Ii; dfarrd ray matita to snll pjrthas-r. Aik for lirjein A Wont a. J. H. Tipton Co 11.4 HpUin bldsT TO HE FOLD AT ONCE. Good hot, with 2 aoraa, waat aida of town. $. k. down. ATINAla K KALTY A TRfBT CX. 711 'hambr of Commerea. $ -0 IHIWN wi:i aectir thla attractlv new room bouse, furnace, bath, and all that ;.- to mak a comfortable. connlr.t homa; ner car. M'a th mbar of Com-m-r . Vhona Marahall CAN yoj usa owner' art:s:io lioui. li m lo ut a out, a:ect nd sjh Uor hood, paved d is trtvt, car on b.ov k. as great sacrinV rd on own terms? be No. list I von iu today, and ca-l t-arny. Main ..QO. I1S00. Hawtborn district, new T-roona modern 3-atory b iua: lot VrxlOO; 1 block to food car, ma; full cement basement; aaat front. Vary easy terms Phon Tabor do I. fiy'jil v cf in acre tract with nice 3- ro'im house in bouth Mi. Tabor, for ala or will tada for mall bouaa arij lot; Ml Krott crUna preferred. AIT ft. 4. Ore;ua lan. ll.t. sarrtrtra; forced to sail my aiaaant. brand r.ew a-room house, up-to-data. hoh i:y Park; on block to car. M bQ, Or gonlan. B;-UuOM modern house, in SunnysMa, treat ttnrrovements la and paid, CASh or .i.-ade, baWnr monthly. K. T. TfiCrt. 4 14 rhaiai er of Contmarca. $i rA.H : put oj in putrn.'.ia of flna 6-ro.it.i b-ma. fmt mnt. Mount Ta- b r i'ri.-t. ba;nce n "; a bar- rsln. John. Or. 4 CASH, it month; new 4-ro.-m cot ta. lot 4vii;5; b:ock oar, o mia- utea our. HI'tlaRT A PTHQP. 12 Third St. " WK.--T SUE HiM" "" TO--c-.m hoiiea on I"rter IToyt at., fnr f.T l ihla .a a a.cnr.ca sal by owner Alf ?a. I etfnl-.n. ' FT- fl S aTk. C H K AP -roora house, best r-a.der.i- d ;rut In Ir.lrton; 4" E-B( 13th at. North, Phon Mala alia, 4 La bb bM. FOR SALE New. a-rom .no.Vrn bungtica and n-w furaltura, i"0. (tkV dowM Ui 47: b scnJIv. S-K La No;r A Co. for West ?:Ja homes, cl..ie dar !n Waat Sid realty. Crourl fVor Chamber of Ci mm ere a, j- KOR irdem o-ro-m bungalow, lot '.o.. t ea j;if i' 1 wn ant r eaa, eay tarr-ii ln Wo-Kl'.awn b3J or C a2. Fl'tlM'HKD 4-room Tat. steam ha tad, pa-rmanenl roouera 1 entraa.et, Jt min ute from P. O Phon Maraaajl 1150. IN IRVINOTON Bat location. modern res'.en-e: wtii aeU at A snap. Phoaa Mar -Bu-lue1 trlerty. VU;f.il,vi V c - f.v. "ry sue in Mt-torr t-i-t. :ots. f:. tracks c. ft, ;rt frnt--iie. le-r.a. w.U divide. f Tul't' HI1 HRENNKH C0 .V1! Couck C d. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Bnainraa Fropawry. 11 ft(a lit-a t.m : attraftlva. 2-famlly fiat. Waat Slda. W block to car. $75 monthly Ln- roma. phono ownar. Eaat Za99. For Ha la Acrraga. EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY. Maka II par cant on your caak Invmtmant. Xwntal I?0"1. caah la advance, on FORTY ACRES. 1 mllm from -If All Improvad. on county read and 8 f. R. R.. which la bflm electrified. Tiikea 0u0 caah to awing IL Oat your :coa CASH INCOME tha momant you ara In poaltlon to aign lcaaa. Lat ua tell you mora about It. wells i- labl;r. 40- Bwallaud Blue Main ItSL -ACRE TRACTS. On Wert Side and down tha rirer, Juat acroaa from Sc Johna and 24 milea back: macadam road all tha wa. enough timber on aoma tracte to pay for land In cordwood; SI 50 per acre, S75 caah and $10 par month. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT. Mala 3. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. ACREAGE. 1. 2. 5 and 10-acr tract, oil rich and only 40 mlnutca west of Port land, two carllnca. rood road and on easy term; com and e ua, - THS SHAW-FEAR. COMPACT. Main 85. 102 Fourth. Su A SftOO. ifi r. -v rv nd fruit ranches near portlanfl: walking disti nee to good town; running aat.-r. beat aoll frea wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia Rlvr and snow peak; 2 acres. U60; 6 acr. OU; 10 a-rea, Si0; IU per cen. caan. y mcnts; other tracts near railway station. to Ho per acre. FRANK M r AKl-ANIT REALTY CO.. HUtf Teon lUdtc.. Portland.' Or. i-i-f nirP iPRRAOE TRACTS. Close to Portland. Klch walnut, fruit and garden land; only small cash pay ment, balance pay for ltlf In product now on t land, which w accept sam a cash. We oa n the properties and are th only popl making tins iiur. uiaoi. b"irt-8 gpaldlng bh.g. A HEAGE FOR tjALE. T r i v w dti i ' in a roe. 11 mile from Portland; cordwocd profit will py for clearing; A aacriiio ana 4.0 per acre. raah OKEOON CITT LINE 2 acre rich bot tom land at Coven tauon; par sera, 2 acre at Jennings Lodf;, 4-1QO. MIX. A MAP.Sli. luS Yeiin bldg. $40 DOWN. $9 MONTHLT. R r-ravei near Portland. rnl abort rid from Portland on alao- tric Hn. I-trh venctable oii; no rork or gravel; adjoining lana sen ior sour time our price $33 per acre to $160 per acre, our term ar so trie .an a wm PAY FOR 1TSKLF. AO Couch Hldg. OREGON CITT CAltLINS, JENNlN'irf LOUGH. II acre". 4 bl' ki from station, oa tele phone lln. electric Urht. etc ; good soil aultabl for garden truck, poultry and cow: price t'ltO acre, easy terma National elty A Trust Co.. Chamber of Com merce oli!. Main B I 14 ACRES of tii best land in Oregon, ready for crop and under perfect Irriga tion system wltb free water right, suit able for onion, potatoes, celery, etc, near good town : cheapest transportation facil ities right at your door: worth twlc th pr:cs; easy terma Palmer, $12 Couch bldg. OAR1E.VEUS! NlRSERTMENl $iox per acre, t bava 4H acrea rich alluvial soil all under cultivation, on car line. 4 mile from ourtbou: 10 per cent caah. balance very easy. Thla property la In Una with th ctiy growth ar.d I A splendid invctmnt. Af 4 oregonlan. . COl'RTNE Y. 1 beautiful acre wf.h lln house. eaat front, variety of frn't. plenty of good w:r. TL)0 fare. Oregon City electric, prlc 1 5 00. eay terms. GUI SSI A HOLDS. 8!S poard of Trade IUdg.. 4th and Oak. 8- ACHEet, mil under cultivation; mil from l'trlc station at Ttgard: will ex chanae for good city property; o Inflated valuea. provident Investment A Trustee Co :.0l 3'3 lioard of Trade bldg. phone Marshall 473, A 1022. $100 PER ACRE, all clear, level, fertile land. Splendid for fruit, garden and grain; tine for chicken; near atatlon; A and 10-are tract; ay terms; adjoining tracts under cultivation. Ownar, 1010 Chamber of Commerce. rhool. postoftTlo and store; within easy rh 01 for. 1 as a. m m- rnrapni una , tha ntarket 612Couch bldg.. liO 4th. ,04 AC RE 3. big timber, close In on t Side. H ere In cultivation. J-room use and barn; good soil, no waste, coun nad on two idea; thla will pay from start; balf cash. Ownar, X 4i, Ora nlan. l.EAL'TIFVL) COURTKKT. 1 aeraa. 4 block east Courtney: 1 acr cultivated: grapes. berries; beantlful rrove; winding drive; leaving Portland; ell at big bargain. Owner, 414 Couch bidg. FOR PALE BT OWNER. A fine half a-re, with fruit, berries, chlfken-houa and yard ; good 7-room house with bath and electric Ushts: $3;:iv; terma 1314 Francla ava.. near 43d at. TWO fine 10-acra tract, all In cultivation: iuat OH tn ia " ."wo ui inmniii, mi free and clear of incumbrance; prlca $3500. Will trade for Portland realdenc. j. W. Croaaley. 519 Corbett building. BEAUTIFVL Buburban Home New house. Juat Iinisna; iirepir., nyi kuu coia water, wired, one-baif aore ground, near rl.ar. Oak Grove. Oregon City car. Bar gain. 13 ""Mi. unr. diin t in ACREAGE an1 farms, from $I2.!W per acre tip; large muu - -.-. vmu iwuii- A Stamp her. 531-2 Lumber Exchange bdg. 60 ACRES, 6 mile Portland. 4000 cord standing xirat-growtn uaov 1 aniog water. 8 632. Oregonlan. UT. HOOD acrea r a. rapidly advancing; all tag Of aeveiopment at your own varma or trade. 480 Worcester rtidg. FOR f ALE 9 acrea. cieared. on car Una, oa country road. Owner. Phone C 2i27. f or Sale Homeotew.de. TWO 4,00.000 sugar and yellow pine home stead or timber claims, very acceeaiDie. adjoining timber selling for 15000 a claim; $4o0 If taken quick. 81$ Marquam bldg. Phone Marshall 6tA HOMESTEADS near Portland, beat In Ore gon; good soil, timber, water, near rail road and school. Good timber claim and relinquishment, brown, 633 Chamber of Com mere. JOIN our party leaving Nov. 10, for Cen tral uregon; 3 -o-acre nomeaseaae, relin quishment, timber land. See Mr. Eng lish, tfio McKay blog. For Sate Karma. IMPROVED ANT) CNIMPPOVED FARMS. Fr .-m lo a. if up. for sale at very low prices and on easiest kind of terras. I OWN THE PROPERTIES I OFFER FOR SALX AND AM IN POSITION TO OFFER BARGAINS THAT ARE ONLY OBTAINED BT DEALING DIRECTLY WITH THE OWNER. IT WILL PAY TOTJ TO SEE MS BEFORE YOU BCT. J. O. ELROD. 8 14-fl IS Corbett Building. 10-ACRE SNAP. I am buying on contract, flna 10 acr tract within one mile of good railroad town tn Willamette Valley, St mile fmm Portland: purchase prire $ .500; 1 have paid on sam a $375; will ai.rn mv con -ct f--r $175 cash. S &47. orgnnian, x $3 r::R .v-r for rt h. al'.u vial -.alley land. "K'r.o Pay." Mexico. Crowi any kind of rrnln fruit and garden truck. A M. ilghhouae. Wllcog HIdg. 1 ACRE4 fillet dairy ranch on railroad survey. $A0 acre. J 607, Oragonlan. REAL -CSTATE. tor Slr 1 arni. BPLENDID BCT8 IN" ACREAGE AND FARMS. 10 A era. $38 00a 1H mile eJt from Oregon City, H mi.e to caoot and P. O-; 4) acre level and In cultivation; 3H acre rolling. 1 ar in frutt and berriea, 8 V acre In timber; well. 5 -room hojse In good condition, also barn, pouitry hou. etc.; aasum mort gage of $lCOU. balance. caah. IS Acrea, $19,000. Adjoining city limits, about 4 mile south of P. O. ; land rolling, la acre undt-r cultivation, 4 acrea paa ture. 1 acr In -ir timber; good spring and wall; 33 fruit trees In btarmsr; good 7-room houiw. with bath, aiso barn; only miie from Bertha station, on Oregon Electric; 10 Acre. $0300. 4 miles southwest from P. O., H mil to Bertha station, on Oregon Electric: all under cultivation; 2 springs and 1 well, 63 bearing fruit trees, all kmd of berries; small -room house, bar, wanoa, harrow and plow; this la a good buy; terma haif cash, ' 20 Acre. $5000. U mil from station, on 8v Pa., and S mile from Nasonia sta., on Or. EL line: all unoer cultivation and sub-Irrigated; black loam soil; only is mile from Sherwood; do buildings. SO Acrea. 96400. 2 mile aouth of Wheeler atatlon. Z mile S. W. from Bcavorton; all covered wltb timber, which will cut Into 40O0 cords of wood, with down hill haul; very best of fruit soil; surrounded by bearing-orchard; this land is cheap at 1133 ir acre; client lives in Montana; terms hi cash. 00 Acre. $7800. 5 miles S. E. from Gervaia. on county road; 41 acre under culti vation, 7 acres bcaverdam, 10 acre in pasture, bat in timber; 6-room bouse, fair barn, 2 chlcken-housea. h ok pen. smokehouse, xnllkhouse and sheds; 4o0 bu. oata, 100 bu. wheat. 20 ton hay. team horses. 2 good cows, 40 boss, 200 chickens, 2 ? ona. bugo and implements. 8 acrea In vetch and wheat Just sown. If thes don't suit. csJl And a our list. OODDARD WIEDRICK, 243 Stark tit. ONE OF THE CHOICEST FARMS IN IAM HILL COUNT V. Consisting of 139. acres, 75 acres of bottom land, balance bench land; all cou.d be easily cultivated except ttn acres; It has running water; could bo Irrigated if necessary; there are several acre 01 wu onion land, between 60 and 70 acres un dr cultivutlon, about 4 acres of orrhard, also a variety of btrrla: it Is all fenced nd rrngi.r.mr.l- h buIIdiriKB Conslbt of a ten-room house in good condition, is modern, hot and cold water and bath; two iarre barna. granary and all other necessary buildings; the persona prop erty consists of 3 horses, harness, waeon. hack, buggy, 3 cows, 2 calves, 4 hogs and about 4 dozen chickens, about 30 tons of hay, all necessary machinery, all house hold goods; price 170 per acre, everything Included; it la very desirable and con venient ranch, 3 miles from railroad ata tlon. OTTO A HARK SON REALTY CO 188 First Street. OO TO SMALL TOW", GROW TJP WITH XT AND MAKE MONEY. THE BEST PLACE O F ALL LT LB. ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS DORR E. KEABET CO.. Id Floor Chamber of Commerce. STILL EATING ROAaSTINQ EARS. TOMATOES TILL DECEMBER. Cabbages, radishes, beets, turnips, let tuce. In fact, all the hardy vegetables, a continuous crop from January till De cember, in the baimy Los Mulinos district, six weaka earlier than Los Angeles. Alfal fa, lu tons per acre. Cows pay 110 a month In butter fat. Acre keeps two cows and ale hogs. Best district la West for poultry and beeves. Gravity Irrigation. Water abundant. Rich silt loam soil. SO feet deep. Land going fast. Easy terms. LOS MOI-INOS LAND COMPANY. Los Mollnos. Cat. A BARGAIN FOR 15 DAYS ONLY. 04 4 acres of rl.er-bottom land, three mile from Monroe, Or.; ail cleared, un-d-r plow escpt 80 to 40 acres; on both side of county road; running- water at all times; wheat averages 33 bushels per acre; modern bulldlnga; one 10-room bouse ni".-t modern itirm and lmpro etiienta lu V alley ; 13 milea aouth cf Corvallis. 33 ' mlls north of Eugene; In the famous Bend Country, nil tillable when balance Is cleared; good orchard; 1 Vi milea from elect no Una, 8 miles from Oregon Elec tric; crop never falls; famous river-bottom land. This offer nt $tl3 per acre, terms to stilt. Is good for only 13 days. For particulars or write K. C- Keeney, Eugene, Or., or Monroe. Or. ONE OF THE FINEST LJITTLB FARMS IN THE AL.SRA VALLEY. 130 acres, 63 seres bottom land. OO In cultivation, balance low bench land, fine pasture, good frutt land, fair house, good barn amf orchard, fine s;rlng water at th house: stream runs through the farm; on good county road, 3 miles from Alsea; froe- transportation to nubile and high schools; a bargain at $40 per acre; terma Write for particulars of thla and other h area Ins to Henry Ambler, Philomath, Oregon. ONION LAND, as, acres of good land 3 milea from Aurora, Or.. 40 acres cu.tlvated, 70 acrea of good river bottom and 3d acre of bot tom land, cleared and partially under Ir rigation from creek; good onion farmer can pay for this land in two yeara from crop from land; Dull din its old and of no value; good school adjoin farm; R. F. D. route peseta farm; go rock or gravel; no trade considered: $180 par acre, V cash balance on mortgage, 0 per cent. AV 0-13, Oragonlan. FINB for hop. 4T acrea at a bargain. Not far from i-'oriiana. ro Wvpuuua 10x01 tnation. B. Jy. VINCENT A CO. 417 Chamber of Commerce Bull ding Mam bars Realty Board. LAND! LANDI WEST BIDE. Farm 100 acrea H mile fro Portland, on Barne road; three spring on piaca; suitable for dairy or good platting propo sition; price $300 per acre,' easy terma Nationai Realty A Trust Co., 733 Cham- br of Commerce bldg. Main 513$. THIS MEANS YOU. Anyone looking for good cheap Invest ment, have 4tn acres land. Klickitat Co.. Waahe, near North Bank Ii. R, good fruit, wheat land or hog ranch; running water; reusona for selling, hava too much land: will give other ft How chance; price ana terma J. W. Hnuion, Pelem. Or., R. 1. ISO DOWN AND 110 MONTHLY BUYS A SMALL FARM In tb rich Tualatin Valley, only a short ride from Portland, on electric line. Soil rich black loam; no rocks or gravel; ad joining land selling from $460 per acre. $33 to $130 per acre; easy terms. 405 Couch Bldg. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. yOO acres on bauvlea island, 12 miles from Postoffice In Portland, with stoca and implements; only $lut iter acre vary a ta4.IT. J. W. OGILBEB. Room 11. 145 H lat st.. Portland, Or. "AM H ILL COL" NTT FARMS FOR SALE. Lar and small tracts, sultabl for cent :ai farming, grain, hay, fruit, hops. .: in g. ttr. ; about 40 miles southwest Portland. Or. Call or write for price . . - - - V. E. IJudr. C arlton. Or. 0ACRES or more of choice land 8 miles of Lapire. Or., under Carey act, beat In that section; owner muat sell; $Z& per acre; adjoining land selling at $30; terma Ad drees owner. A J 672. Oregon ian. j"a"t 'itKS of fin land within 12 ml!Ks from Pi- rt land, small houce and -bam; an Ideal l!:tte farm clfte to good transportation; price $4''-mi. on terms, particular wi.i be c!v-n at 414 ypaldlng bldg- Th'N acres, improved .and. 1 mil from II- W j co. 1 acre o ring .run, a norsea, a cows good house and outbuilding. Price $30uo. Apply t to J. C W oaten, Ilwaco. Wash. DKAL with owners; two small fruit and dairy farm, ne.ir coast, runninf water; cheap and terma Lester Davis. Toledo, Or. Ml'ST ae!I my farm at once; owner will re- n.am in city 10 ciose ucai. iu 011 Ham ilton hidg RANCH 60 acres, with bulldlnga. 18 miles from Porn ana. near e.ect-ic i;ne; oargain for All cash, by owner. Ia2 Morrison sU BEAL ESTATE. "Vor Sale Farms. LET VS MAKE YOU A CONTENTED MAN. Last we.-k we helped to make ten nappy and contented people. We sold each one a ten-acre faxm on the following terma: $5.00 per acre; $10 down. $10 per month. We make 1 possible for you to buy some of th best land in Oregon on such t-y terms that you can keep your cash on hand to Improve your farm. We offer you a def p. rich, silkv loam soil of great fertiiitv In an established fruit district, 50 miles southwest of Portland. Don t f ore er preach h ifeh-priced land, but call and let u convince you that you will re ceive vour money's worth from J 0 will tell vou about It when you call. De cember lat our prices will b advanced $13.00 per acre. Nuf Ped. CHAl'IN it HKRLOW. Members of Portland Realty Board, So3-o3S Chamber of Commerce. REST FARM BUY IN OREGON. S10 acrea 5 miles from river and mil by good road: 2 acres cleared, under plow; 3 large barns, 1 small. 1 large house with bat and cold water. 2 small houses; water in barns from springs; this land lies fine and most all can be culti vated; all kinds of farm tools and imple ments, one spin horses. 3 cows, 40 boss, A eotva for furrow 40 hoes mora by Christmas: 60 tons hay In barn; all fnr 75"0. S4.VK rash. Shindler A Hall, 2u6 ADington uldff. 17U ACRES $1750 buys -an Ideal home worth $3"00. 10 acres of this land Is under cultivation. 6'.4j acres In fruit. 8 to 5 veara old. small house and barn, on county road. This land ia situated In heart of Willamette Valley, No. l soil. if you mean business call 2;t2 H Wsshlngton at., room ia. Miscellaneous. rr'F corner with 8 flats, dose In. West Side, income ?350 month; will consider good ranch In trade, some casn. paiaiice-on good terms. Room 316 Henry bldg. Bates &, Bates. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED TO BUY. Wanted From 30 to lt-0 acres of tlm ber .cedar or fir. would prefer cedar) must be on the Columbia River, or on anv stream in connection with the Co ' lumbla, and not more than Ave miles from town or station; part of land muat be suitable for farming or fruit after timber Is taken off; state amount of timber and pice; must be from owner; no agent- AT 549, Oregonlan. WANTED 300 cords of wood, cut or stand ing, on any macadam road within 8 miles Portland; state price, warren vi.ey, woi i nurmsn street. FARM'S WANTED. WILL PAY cash for farm on god county road, near Portland; give yjur lowest price, also Improvements, well or spring water. A in 5ii, oregoman. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. G LI KM AN farmer who understands his busi ness wants a farm with stock to rent on share. AH 349, Oregon ian. TO EXCHANGE. WANT TO TRADE A $1000 mortgage on a good farm for a rooming nouse. A 6-passenger, standard make auto for a lilUUIlll. UOUBB, Will PO-7 UIUO KaHU U' lerence.1 House and 2 lot worth $4B00, no en cumbrance, for a rooming bouse. Pool hall worth $1500 for rooming: nouse; will pay some cash difference. Equity in a Portland home for a grocery. Bring- In your trades, we have all kinds. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO 613 Teon Bldg., 6th and Alder. 10-ROOM house; choice residence district. $tii00 for improved farm. 160 acres near E sta. cad a for residence. Several roomlng-housea for real estate. Sawmill within SO milea of Portland for -city property or farm. 6-room modem house for grocery. 40-room rooming-house for house or farm: must be traded at once. Several grocery stores for housea GARLAND A BARSNES, 191 4TH- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR LOTS. Furniture and lease of 6 8-room suites; private bath to each apt., in good loca tion; every apt. rented: gross income $160 per mo.; rent .o; it-year lease; price $1M0; mtg. $450; here Is a chance to get your rent free and have about $6 besides every month. For further particulars call on C. F. Pfluger A Co., suite 12 and 14, Mulkejr bldg,, cor. 2d and Morrison. 320 ACRES best hazel land in Park Region of Minnesota. 23 miles northwest of Brain rd ; 40 acres good hardwood timber, 40 acres meadow, balance easily broken; will grow best red clover; make finest cairy farm to be found: trade for fruit ranch. farm or good bualness In Oregon or Wash ington, w De3, oregoman. inquire oio Nehalcm ave., Portland, Or. $ ACRES right on Willamette River; Ilea fine; 200 -ft. water frontage, fine 80-ft. oval bank, fine deep soil, small shack and well; 20 ml,eB from Portland, close to electric station and town; price $1500; will exchange for good lot. Mr. Cats. 520 jr.au way .xcnange rtuiiaing, tin mu Sturk Sta H ACRE, PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Frontage on 2 drives. In district where they are building $S000 homes; price $4i0; no incumbrance; take desirable 0 or 7-room bungalow In good location and assume some, Fred w. German, 339 Ilurnside. M. or A 2776. DAIRY RANCH. NEAR TILLAMOOK. 24 acr os, partly In cultivation; fair house and barn; 12 acres of rich bottom land; every foot of this 24 acres Is tilla ble; will trade for anything of value. What have you? AH 646, Oregonlan. TEN acres. 4H mile from the Hood River City Postoffice; fair bulldlnga; 600 stand ard trees, H are 6-year. M ara 5-year, balance 4. 8, 2 and 1-year; close to store, school and church; price $10,000: will ex change equity of fSOOO for Wlllamatt Valley ranch. AV 647. Oregonlan. THE Hood River District Land Company, Hood River Oregon, has a list of Im proved and unimproved Hood River ranches, all sizes and prices, to xchang for Portland and WUiainett Vail ay prop rty. ( , WE HAVE customer wanting1 to trad Port land property for stocks of goods; If you have a stock, large or email, come In and we will match It up for you. J. IL. Tipton Co., no upa-aing oiag. I WILL trade my almost new piano for one or more diamonds; my Instrument cost $380 and la leaa than a year old; reason for disposing of It will leave Portland soon to go East. AC 634. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade for improved farm or acreage, near Portland, entirely new mod ern T-room bungalow, near carllne, grad ed 'street, sewer, etc. Prlca $3200; equity $3000. Aa OQ-, uregoniKu. BEAUTIFUL home, value $3500, East Side, to exchange for income property or g-ooa lot suitable for flat. Jas. A. Clock, 232 Alder st. Phone Main 8189. TEN acres of 1-vear-old standard apple oa the Lyle-Galdendale branch of the North, Bank R. 3o0 par acre. AV 646, Ore gonlan. - $3000 EQUITY In block of 8 lota, 8 blocks from postoffice, St. Johns, river view, for house and lot. Piedmont or Alblna; will assume. Box 208, St, John. Or. 75 SHARES par value 1100 each In local mfg company, to exchange for lota or acreage. A. O. Chalonpka. 231 Worcester bid . : , WILL take as part payment a 5-seated auto on an eight-room bungalow, lust complet ed, on Rose City Park carllne. O 623, Oregonlan. trade your property anywhere; send for lilt: Northwest Exchange. 22 i Henry bldg. ONE 1911 ROADSTER. Which cost $1230. to trade for acreag or cityl-t"- AV 664. , Oregonlan. ruviXT a nhonograph. If you have one to Joil or trade, see J. V. Guthrie, 272 Stark lu.ArRE bearing aPPl orchard, near Port land for bouse and lot, AD 630, Ore gonlan, FOR farm exchanges, business chances of looming-bouses, call on na Northwest Real t Co.. 617 Board of Trade bldg. ELECTRIC phaeton, fine condition, good as new, for lots, acreage or 6-passenger ear. AK C31. Oregonlan. COLORADO acres and Denver suburban lota tor property here. Hadiey. 810 Spalding. 6oO trades to date, on book. 8e our list. 43S Worcester Bldg. LOT for anything. $300 or less. AG 552, Ore ?onlan. $1400 property In Rftxville; Wash., no In cumbrance, fo lota M 631, Oregonlan. COLUMBIA RIVER ORCHARD BONDS; 10.00U to sell. DAVIDSON, 2u9 Lewis Bldg. 1,400 EQUITY In two Rose City lots for carpenter work. AC 548, Oregon tan, EHfi me about Columbia Orchard bonds. J. F. Hadiey, 810 Spalding bldg. r rt titt-.rt i.'vdi 12 rt ACRES first-growth timber for sale cheap ; good house ; " in lie . from city. I mile from station. Phon Main 367. 2S.5 ;?aimon sl TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND .SOLD. C, J. M' CRACK-EN, iol McKay Bids;. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE BUYER Wants 6-room modern house In North East SMe district; must be a bargain: would buy furnished if right. Her is your chance. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. Main 156, A 3073. old Ablngton Bldg. GET AN INCOME. Am going away; will give Interest In gilt-edge Portland business, with absolute 10 per cent income, guaranteed by the corporation for clear vacant lots or mod ern bouse: price must be right. THAYER FULTON. 141 First st. Phone M. 7 S 4 2. I WANT to buv a 6 or 7-room new. modern bouse. L'NENCUM BERED. near carllne. worth about $4000. and will pay $1000 cash down. Do' not answer unless your property Is free from encumbrance. AJ 642. Oregonlan. WANTED Down-town business property paying good Income and situated where land values will increase; will invest up to $250,000; owners only. R 360. Orego nlan. WANTED A modern 6-room house or va cant lot, within 1-mile circie from 1st and E. Morrison sta John L. Karnopp, Ry. Exp.h ange bldg. I WANT To " BUY A SITE FOR HOME ON THE WILLAMETTE RIVER: MUST BE FRONTAGE THIS SIDE OF OREGON CITY. E 55 0, OR EGONI AN. WANTED Income property. South Port land. West Side, about 110.000; can pay v. v. mnet a Violnw mar ket value. Address T 346. Oregonlan. WANTED Modern house, with one or two acres; close; 5-ccnt carline. Land De partment, National Realty Trust Co., 728 Chamber or commerce. WANTED To buy modern bung-alow of 9 or 6 rooms from owner; MUST BE UNIN CUMBERED; T!ve location aua lowest cash ririce. AH 530. Oregonlan. WANTED Close residence property or equity; state lowest price; prefer to aeai with owner. H 540. Oresoniiv-. tit a vTTPn rionA-ln Kast Side business prop erty. Vanduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. I DESIRE to purchase close-in income property. Will not Invest to exceed $15. 000. Call 608 McKay bldg. Marshall 2oOO. WILL pay cash for house and lot, close to 33d and Thurman sts. A J o35. Orego nlan. WANT vacant lot suitable for apartment house; West Side. Y 598. Oregonlan. FOR SALli. Iloraes, Vehicles, Etc. FOR. BALE. MARES, GELDINGS AND MULES. 20 head mares. 3 to 5 years of age. 15 head gildings, 4 to 6 years of age, 10 bead mules, 4 years old, 900 to 1050 lba All of this stock will be on sale at the Hawthorne-ave. stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. Monday. Oct. 3C. and every day thereafter until sold. We will sell some of these at our Tuesuay auction, 2 P. M. Hawthorne-ave. totables. 42i Hawthorne av. 2 CARLOADS of horses. 9 teams of mares, some in foal, single horses and mules, well matched teams, from $150 up; single horses from $60 up. Thla stock all sold with a written guarantee to be as repre sented or monev refunded ; refer you to Portland Trust Co., where we bank; busi ness references also furnished. Inquire ir:h and Couch, Portland Stables, E. W. FAST pacer, bay mare, 7 years old, city broke, gentle for any lady to drive; can step 8 miles in 2:25 and is a 2:15 pacer next year; also my Bailey bike buggy, rubber-tired, harness; must sell; leaving Ore gon and cannot take my rig; bargain. 715 erf.. leUMI-ll, aa.a. MARE and horse, sound, true-and fat, $110; team mares, 2330 lba, fat and very gen tle, both drive single. $150; also several single horses suitable for farm and deliv ery purposes; four days free trial. 351 Second. AUCTION BALE. Saturday, November 4, 23 head of horses and mules, harness, wag ons and scrapera This outfit must be sold on account of large expense. At et40,' corner of E. Morrison st.. 2 P. M. SACRIFICE. A beantlful registered stallion, 6 years old cost $3500; on account of sickness of owner will sell for half price, or will trade for lota or house. 430 Worcester bldg. $175 BlTYS good team, mare and a horse, weighs 24j0, good harness and farm wagon, 7S1 Inaley ave. Take Bellwood car. 150 BUYS team of horses weighing 2400, true to pulL harness and wagon. Wood stock. 57th at and 63d ave. Phone Sell wood 1788. PAIR of gray geldings, 8 years old, weight 2000 with harness and wagon, cheap; good true pullers and guaranteed every way. 834 Front at. FOR SALE Horse, wagon and harness, suitable for cleaning and pressing estab lishment. 1161 Alblna ava. Phone Wood- lawn 1S3S. NICE blocky pair of chunks & years old, weight 1000, sound and gentle; suitable for delivery or small ranch; must sell; $ 100. 834 Front st. ONE black Percheron mare. 9 years old, weight 1460 lba, without blemish; one 3 wagon, good as new; one heavy breeching ha mesa i.i xub3si - ONE set of new double work harness and two flrst-clas buggy poles, very cheap. Call 107 North 78th St. East. HORSES wintered by expert horseman; single or box stalla Box 73, B, F. D. 4, Vancouver, Wash. WE BUY. aell or rent horses, vehicles, har ness. Hubert A Hall, 881 Water at, WANT to sell two heavy teams, cheap. 251 Arthur st. 1 FOR SALE One team heavy draft horses welfrhlng two pounqa. -Jo jiusbcii at. GOOD, true work horse, single or double, $30. 785 Insley ava Automobile GUARANTEED SLIGHTLY USED CARS GUARANTEED Wo aell yon a car and" g-varantee It against mechanical defects, teach you to drive and bow to care for your car free. few bargains for this week: Buick. e-paaaeng-ar, $378. rndtiT'A 5-paasenger, $550. Thomas, T-pa exiger, $500. Hudson. B-paaaanger, $675. Cole rcadter, -passenger, $950. Thomas, 0-passeoger, $660. Flandara, t-pasaenger, $400. Cadillac. 1900, 1910 and 1911 modela, at vary attractive prices. Pierce-Arrow a Americans, Peerless and many other high-grade oars At real aacxi fio tn pxioeav tBefora ytra ptjrchaaa it will par yea to look over our stock of over 75 car; all make and t rices; all guaranteed. See as for light deliveries and tracks. OREGON" AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington Sts. FOR SALE 5-ton Mack self-dumping truck. Specially adapted for coal merchants or contractora Truck practically new and in excellent condition. Will sell cheap. Ad dress Box 1788. Spokane. Wash. - FOR SALE One 1911 Thomas 6-40 Landau- let. iuny equivvjc". a " run 2500 miles: will sacrifice. Make me of fer. C G. Arnold, 101 N- 2d st.. Ta coma. , ELEGANT and almost new Baker Electric runabout; cost last year izuu; win taite $1000 cash. David Lewis, 618 Lumber men's bldg. ' WILL take good runabout as first payment new modern bungalow, close in. 3U1 uer llngcr bldg. Phone MaJn 2970. Tabor 1467. CARTERCAR. 5-passenger, 1911 model, only slight-y usee; a oargain; owner leaving city, k S35. Oregonlan. NEW garage Just completed. Live and dead a tors tra sp tea wen woiwr ox, 04 hS 14Tb t.. cor. Couch. 6-P.ENGER uto, thoroughly overhauled; will sell or trade ror real estate, tu. om 10 Washington Bldg. 5 AND 7-passenger automobiles for hire; r ..e.A..KIa Vatn TTTtt A HnO? evenings Mars nan a.;v. a avan. V A NT ED 1 H -ton auto truck and 6-passenger touring car for city lota Call 41 Grand ave. BRUSH runabout cJth top. late model, A-l LS2 Morrison St. condition. .. I-PASS. White Steamer for piano or furni ture. AC T.47. Oregon ian. bogi. Bird?-. Pet Stock. FRENCH poodle puppies for sale cheap. Call at once. y asc -a .norm, jwonta-villa. FOR SALE. "Birtif., Pet Slock. AIREDALE TK:ii:jE;: for sport and p c?,r-l. Laddix Kennel'!. Est.acada. Or. EX'j LJ.H coach pups for sale. 43S E. Yam hlll st. t SCOTCH collie pups, pedigreed; nothing bet ter: muFt sell. Tabor li:.t. B 1471. A FRESH cow for sale. ?C4 Tacoma ava. Miscellaneous. MEN'S SUITS. OVERCOATS. Now :s the time to buy" your suit, rain coat or overcoat ; an immense stock to choose from. They are sample model and cancellation orders from manufac turers of ready-to-wear clothing. I pay from 10 to 35 per cent less than the mer--chant for ni clothing and sell In an of fice butiaintf (Trent $;10 a month). This Is why 1 sell you $37. .".0 to $:;0 suits and overcoats tor $lb.70; $32,a0 to $25-00 clothes for $14 7a. JIMMY "DUNN, Room 315, Ore-on-an bitlg. Take elevator. FOR SALE ara"t)i.rgaln. 250-h. p. CorlU tandem compound engine, 2r0-h. p. Ball compound engine, 05-h. p. Ball simple en gine, 90-K. W. D. C. generator, 2d-hand; all fn good condition. For particulars write San Dif-go Electrlj Ry Co.. 20d Union biii., San Diego. Cal. BARGAIN Lunch wagon for $120, worth $300? license paid, business clearing from $31 to $3S per w.-ck; sickness reason for selling. Ed. Adams, 715 Main at.. Van couver, Wash. SXAplx OFFICE FURNITURE. Two roil top desks and chairs; one Hall fireproof saf;, ono couch; one settee; one lot of wall maps; must be sold by piece, or lump. A. Lane, 414 Abington bldg. - FOR SALE CHEAP Bedroom furniture; steel range, wood and coal; pictures, bric-a-brac, etc. Apply 777 Glisan st near 23d. . FOR SALE All the material the northwest corner building at 5th and Washington sts,; doors. lumber; sawed wood delivered for $3.i)u per load. See man on premises. FOrIcXOEPTIONAL bargain in Underwood L. C. Smith & Remington typewriters, see The Northwest Typewriter Co., No. 90 5th st. SAFES New and 2d-hand; low pricea; easy term; safe8 opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO.. and PORTLAND SAFE CO.. 85 5th st. Main 6309. A 411a. " STOVE DOCTOR. If your stove doesn't bake, there something wrong. I can fix it. 3G8 East Morrison. Phone East 1032. SALOON and license, doing good business. Will sell cheap on account of sickness, and take part trade, AE 549, Oregonlan. BARGAIN In fumed oak dining table and chairs eucalyptus portiere;, 3 rugs and cooking utensila Ap lC,SN.20thst: SOLID RoTd Swiss repeater, original cost $2r.O. Only $123. Uncle Myers, 71 6th st, between Oak and Pine. i ALMOST new cottage, to be moved from & remises. Corner 11th and Market. Phona aln 2335. REPORTS U. S. Supremo Court, 1 to 113, fine condition; make offer. AH 544. Oie- gonian. a ELECTRIC PIANOS, harps and banjos, cadh registers, motors and all kinds of slot ma chlnes. 571 Washington. Frank Griffith. CONCRETE mixer and hoist for rent, Phona East 321, B 1569. . Contractor's equipment by United Engineer ing Or uonEii ucuuu vv.. uv. j-ct. . GOOD horse manure for sale. Phone East 4604. 6-FOOT cut binder, good condition, no rea sonable offer refused. Rj.Boi 531. City. GENUINE sealskin jacket and muff, only $00.00. Uncle Myers. 71 6th st. A NEW counter showcase, L shape, for sal or trade, 104 First at. Crystal saloon. WANTED MTCEIaLANEOCS. VVE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOO-i Highest price paid for men's and ladles east-otf clothing, shoes, furniture- tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main SGSfc - First st. The Globe. WANTED To buy sawmill and planer, two logging or donkey engines and cable; ca pacity 20,000 to 80,000 feet ten hours: must be in good condition to move and chep. AO 548. Oregonlan. WANTED Moving-picture machine, folding? chairs, films, gas outht, etc Vllft Wash. Phone Main 84i8. TOOLS Highest prices paid for ail kinds ot second-hand mechanic, logging too la La vtn Hdwre. Co., 22s Front. Main 9072. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Beater Sc. Martin, Phona East 8134. 848 Hawthorne ava " BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. Pays highest cash, price for furniture. WANTED Flrsi-class second-hand kitchen range. Phon C 1215 or call 651 Union ave. North. t HlGH-ftST cash price paid for 2d hand fur- niture. Covell Furniture Co.. Main 3032. WANTED Piano player to exchange a few hours' work for board. Phone Main 174L FORD Auction Co. paysmost cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8051. A 2445. WANT lady's and gent's first-class ticket to St. Paul. R 5t8. Oregonlan. WANTED Roll-top typewriter desk, AO 546, Oregonlan. . DELINQUENT $300 city assessment bond. S 544. Oregonlan. m SMALL rat terrlor wanted Main 2S30. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED 5 live, wide-awake young men to sell HOLLYROOD. the cloaest-ln and best sub-division on the market in Port land today. All you have to do is show the property and close your sales. See the sales manager. J. H. Tipton Co., 1108 Spalding bldg. t WANTED Dentist, good all around man, to take charge of advertising office near Portland. One that has the personality. This means money to the right man. Must be registered In Oregon, AV 681, Ore gonlan. WANT EXPERIENCED SALESMAN to sell cloae-in Improved farm acreage; a very attractive selling proposition; to party suited to our purpose will pay liberal sal ary and commission. C. W. Davis A Com pany, 606 Commercial blk. WANTED Publicity commissioner for tha Town of Macleod, Alberta; good, live man, experienced in publicity work; atata qual ifications and salary expected; references required. Apply secretary Board of Trade. Macleod. Alberta. WAN TED A good stock salesman for com pany wtth most of Its stock sold ; good leads and strong support from present " stockholders; first-class salesman only need apply. 60o Oregonlan bldg. AN opportunity for a live man selling our gu ran teed Yakima Valley-grown nursery atock; exclusive territory; outfit free; caso weekly; "hustle," not experience, required. Toppenioh Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. SALESMEN to sell subdivision; good com mission to live men. Also good men to aell houses. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. , 520 Railway Exchange. ASSISTANT retail drygooda salesman, hus tler and sober; salary $16 per week; nono but experienced need apply; age not over 85. Apply D. M. Nayhlger, Hotel Ore gon, between 12 and 1 o'clock. EXPERIENCED, all-around linemen, must be strictly sober and familiar with single and three-phase transformers and series arc llghta Address Rogue River Electrlo Co.. Med ford Or. SALESMEN Men of personality and energy can earn large money selling real estate. We teach the business and give prospects to help vou get started. Call 146 Fifth street. Ask fur Bales manager. SALESMEN to sell stock local corporation; 20 per cent cash commission paid daily. Hedin, 430 Worcester bldg., city. BOY wanted, with wheel, one willing to learn the 11 or is t ousiness preierreo. as Washington st. WANTED First-claas commercial BlSn" writers. Apply Foster & Kleiser, East 7th and Everett sts WANTED Boy to deliver packages and make himself generally useful. Cloak De partment, Portland's Emporium. WANTED Good man for general work and caring for furnace In rooming-house. Call between 9 to 11 A. M..t 206cKaybJUg WANTED Immediately, agent for estab lished route near Portland. Grand Unioc . Tea Co. WANTED Two good cabinetmakers. Ap ply Enterprise Planing Mill, East Water and East Yamhill sts. WANTED Boya for delivery, with bicycle. Apply after 9 A. M., Mr. Holmes, Wood-ward-Clarke & Co. UPHOLSTERERS wanted. Washington Mat tress Company, Western A Pike, Seattle, Washington. . HANDY man wanted, one accustomed to furniture and stove repairing. Inquire at 335 1st st. BOY HELPER, as a coatmaker. 331 Bura sido st. BOY wanted for office work and errands. ' 617 The Dekum. FIRST-CLASS presser wanted. Samuel Rosenblatt fc Co., 3d and Morrison. WANTED Boy a over 16. with wheels. 73 8d st. ; FIRST-CLASS coatmaker, $11 and up. An derson & Nettelbhadd. Aberdeen, Wash. SA LEPMEN wanted. Yukon Coal Co. 4 N. 6th st. REQUIRE 5 men Immediately to work la city; a money-maker. Call 415 Stark at. 1 f