Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 03, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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Rev. Chauncey 0. Hosford, 91
. Years Old, Is Called to
Eternal Rest
Pioneer of Oregon nd California
Preached Hero When Only 14
IlaU Marked Hamlet Nona
feast-Ian to Say La ft Rite. ,
Ke. Chauncey O. Hosford. 1 years
old. pioneer Methodist preacher of 1S4.
lurrlnr of the First Methodist Con
ference. of Oregon, who preached a r
mon In Portland when It was a hamlet
of only 14 lor cabins, died at the home
cf his daughter. Mrs. D. A. Grout, at
):; East Main street. In Mount Tabor.
Wednesday night. He had been rowing-
feeble for some time and had been
bedridden for a month.
The funeral will be held from his
late home this afternoon at 3 o'clock
and Interment will be made In Lone Fir
cemetery by the grave of his wife, who
died several years ago. Rev. John
Fllnn. now sole sorvlvor of the First
Methodist Conference of Oregon, will
conduct the services, according- to
agreement made with Her. Mr. Hos
ford that the survivor would say the
last rites for the other.
Rev. Mr. Hosford was born In Green
County, Now York. December 2?. 1:0.
He mored to Indiana In bis youth and
started for Oregon with an ox-team In
114. Ha settled In the Willamette, Val
ley, near where 8a lorn now stands, and
was employed by Rev. David
For a time he studied In tho old Wil
lamette Institute. While studying; the
ology at Oregon City In 1S47 he was
comralssoned by Rev. William Roberts,
conference) superintendent, to hold ser
vices in Portland. At Portland the
clN-rrmio found 14 log cabins. He
held prayer servtcea In the cabins and
then called a public metlnic. preach -Ins;
one of the first. If not the first
aermon In Portland.
First C.feremc Jeiaed.
Rev Mr. Hosford Joined the first
Ore con Methodut Conference and was a
contemporary of Rev. Father Wilbur.
Jason Leo. Revs. II. K. and Gustavus
Jllnes. Rev. Thomas Pearne. Rev. John
W. Miller. Rev. William Roberts. Rev.
John Fllnn. Rev. T. F. Royal. Rev. J.
L Parrtsh and others who helped the
first Methodist Conforone. In Salem.
I.ater be took up a donation land claim
In the Willamette Valley. When the
old excitement broke out In California
he was sent there, by Elder William
Roberts and delivered the first ser
mons to tho miners la Pan Francisco
and In Sacramento In 114. He was
married In Pan Francisco to Miss
Acenlth Glover, ono of five young
women who had made their way to 6an
Francisco, the marriage service eelnir
the first Protectant wedding neia in
Esa Franctsco. Rev. Mr. Hosford moved
to Mount Tabor In 11(1 and became the
pastor of the district now served by 1
preachers. He also served as pastor ai
Vancouver. Wash. At Mount Tabor ho
. became the owner of 20S acrea. part of
w hich now la Mount Tabor Park.
XI rhltdrea Berrtve.
Rev. Mr. Hosford Is survived by the
following children: Csptaln O. W. and
Pearn L. Hosford. well-known steam-
wmw Mf PnrtUnrf- I r I A GrouL
wlfo of Assistant Superintendent Grout,
. . . . ...kit. uKnAla Mr. I I?
'lelds. wife of Huperlnteoident Fields.
Mrs. Kluabeth Peterson. Portland.
Rev. Mr. Hosford and Rev. John r rnn
were the last members of tho pioneer
Methodist ministers who camo to Ore
iron In the 'IDs. established missions
and laid the foundation of tho Willam
ette University.
Rev. Mr. Hosford retained his Inter
est In ovents to the last. In recent
years he held service frequently and
tisplayed much of his old vigor.
Ilraldenu or ItlTcrslde District Want
Cut of $2S on Every Lot.
Prnivertv owners of the Riverside
sewer district will meet tonight In the
fire hall on Alblna and Ktlllngsworth
avenues to perfect plans to appear be
fore the Council nest Wednesday, to
tiemand a reduction of at least 123 on
every lot assessed for the payment of
the contractors. Only a reduction cf
14 to was msde under the reassess
ment, which Is deemed Insufficient. The
property owners also complain that the
sewer haa not been built according to
There are 1 lot owners Interested
outside of the owners of 44 acrea added
to the territory since the first assess
ment was made. Lot owners are rais
ing, a fund to resist collection of the
aaesmer.t In the court If the City
Council does not grant a redaction of
:4 eo every lot In tho district. The
total reduction In the assessment
ought will agrregate HI. 174 In the
district. The city will have to pay that
amount If the reduction Is granted.
Gambllnjr-IIoBse Lookers-On Xot
Amenable lo Law, Says Attorney.
That thero la no effective city ordi
nance against persons visiting gam
bling houses, was the contention raleed
T Attorney J. M. Haddock In the Mu
nicipal Court yesterday, on which
br'rfs will bo submitted. The attorney
raised tho question In defending three
rren caught In the lottery Joint of Sent
who wss found guilty and fined
jt for keeping the place.
Haddock's contention, which he for
tified by Federal decisions, was that a
penaltv cannot bo Imposed for a thing
pot affirmatively described as a crime.
The ordinance under attack forblJs the
keeping of or playing In a gambling
toure. and then. In the penalty clause,
provides that anyone violating the pro
v'slons "or frequenting such place
shall be punished. Slnro the visiting
Is n"t defined as an offense It has no
place la the penalty clause, argues the
remain on a short visit. Mr. Blyth baa
been keeping In close touch with the
progress of the city, but was surprised
to see such big changes that have
taken place alnce bit return to England
less than three years ago.
1 knew what waa taking place In
Portland In the way of building oon
etruction and general Improvements,
receiving most of my Information
through The Oregonlan." said Mr. Blyth.
"Portland la talked about every-where
In this country and much Is heard In
England of the great progress of the
city and toe Immense . development of
the entire Paolflo Coast.
-Portland presents a truly metropol
itan aspect now. I note a great differ
ence In every way. The streets sre
more crowded and better lighted, there
are many miles more of paved streets
and the atores have a much Improved
aoDearance aonerally. This city haa a
I .real future. With the thousands of
people coming Into thla country and
with the opening of the Panama Canal.
Portland Is destined to become the
great city of the Pacific Coast."
Accompanrlnir Mr. Blyth from "Eng
land are his brother. E. L. Ireiana
I : LA, 4 1 V Sir
T - -
K --s.
" . v. ,
Rev. t'ksaseer O. Hoaford. 1,
Karlle.l Minister Aeslgaed to
Portland, Clssssed by Deatk.
Blyth. and J. P. Robertson. Mr. Robert
son purchased Portland property
through Mr. Blyth and came to Inspect
his purchase. He Is with
Portland, as Is also F 1 L Blyth.
E. U Ireland Blyth Is a director In
the California Agricultural Pastoral
Company, which has operated ' for a
number of years a ranch of 108.000
acres near Fresno. Negotiations are
now In progress for the sale of these
holdings for $2,000,000.
Percy H. Blyth Is a member of the
real estate firm of Russell 4k Blyth.
Mr. Russell, the senior member of the
firm, died suddenly a few months ago.
Attacks on Strikebreakers In Vicin
ity of Alblna Shops Are Ba
als of Investigation.
Holding the right of self-defense
above a city ordinance, two Jurtea in
Municipal Court yesterday refused to
recommend punishment for strike
breakers arrested for carrying con
cealed weapons, even after the court
bad refused to allow testimony that
the weapon-carriers were In fear of
their lives. The court held that-Vhe
language of the ordinance did not ad
mit the qualification, but enough of the
circumstances leaked out In the course
of the hearing to swing the opinions
of the Jurors.
In both cases attorneys for the de
fense offered to show that employes of
the railroad company were being pur
sued, threatened and beaten with reg
ularity, and argued that under such
circumstances, police protection being
In.uftlclent. the men were acting under
their constitutional privilege when
they carried weapons. The court held
that If It were shown thst protection
had been demanded from the police
and denied, this evidence might be con
sidered, but not otherwise.
Herman Lansxus, a blacksmith at the
Brooklyn shops. arrested Baturday
night at East Water and East Morri
son streets by Patrolman Leavens, and
found to be carrying a loaded revolver
rolled up In his overcoat, was tried
first. He started to tell of being fol
lowed by three men when on a visit
downtown, but was checked by the
court. A Jury, consisting of W. L, Page.
Donald J. Smith and U J. Hicks, re
turned a verdict of guilty and recom
mended him to the mercy of the court.
Ho was given a suspended sentonce.
Luka Clutuk told of being chased
onto the Alblna ferry, where a gang
choked and struck him. No weapon
was found on him. but a revolver waa
discovered by Patrolman Brothers con
cealed on the boat. A Jury, consisting
of H. E. Joy. M. J. Clohessy, W. G.
Steel. J. If. Murphy and David Stearna,
found him not guilty.
Six Kefaxded as Criminal Vang-nard
to Servo SO said 9 Days.
I. re It V neater oica urrat a rogrvae
of City In St Months.
After an absence of two yeass and
months. Percy H. Blyth. an e
tensive property owner In Portland,
u-rived la the city Wednesday and wUl
Seising the opportunity to plead
guilty to a charge of vagrancy, six
men. alleged by detectives to be a part
of the advance guard of criminals ex
pected to mske Winter quarters here,
were sentenced In the Municipal Court
yesterday to serve 4 and 30 days on
the rockplle. The prisoners were part
of a gang arrested Wednesday night by
Captain Baty and Detectives Coleman
and Roylo In the Burnslde-etreet dis
trict. They gave the names Frank
Sweeney. Frank Murphy. Oeorge Haley.
James Terk. A. sCortlnson sod Frank
qui Ounter. another of the gang, was
sentence to serve 10 days, although he
was In danger of a heavier penalty If
an attempted Identiflcatlen of him as
a highwayman had been successful. W.
v f-unlln. a recent victim of footpads.
said Gunter answered In build and voice
to the description of one of bis assail
ants, but the footpad wore a mask and
Conlln could not be positive.
Detectives expected a marked In
crease In crimes of violence, as past ex
perience has shown that this class of
cases begins to be greater ith the Bret
Indications of Winter. Cp to the pres
ent the flood has not materialised.
Realty Man Is Candidate.
OREOO.N CITT. Or.. Nov. X. 8pe-
claV K. p. Elliott, a real estate
broker, announced Tuesday evening
that ho would be a candldato for tho
City Council In tho Third Ward. Mr.
Elliott made the announcement after
he learned that a petition asking that
he make the race was being circulated
for signatures. Mr. Elliott Is one of
the bt-known business men In Ore
gon City.
Circuit Bench Judge Scores
Presiding Jurist System
as Criminal Waste.
Occupant of Bench Saji Ho Passes
Days With XoUUng to Do, Ow
ing to Poor Assignment of
Cases Change Urged.
Tired of sitting around often a full
day at a time without anything to do,
Judge McGinn haa advocated procedure
which would abolish the presiding
Judge system among tbs Circuit Judges
of Multnomah County.
The Judge emerged from the office of
the County Auditor yesterday with his
salary warrant for last month In his
band and announced that really ha felt
ashamed to have It cashed.
"The system around here Is wrong."
he declared. "It ought not to be that a
Judge should sit without anything to
do for a large part of a day simply
because he has disposed quickly of the
cases assigned to him. Need more
JudgesT Well. I should say not. Why.
those wa have are not kept busy half
the time. It Is simply a criminal waste
of time, and somebody ought to call It
to the attention of the public
Idle Days Freeoent.
"I come down here In the morning at
o'clock and am ready to work stead
ily from until 11 and from 2 to S In
the afternoon, or even a little later If
need be. Why. sometimes I have been
Idle as long as two day at a time. The
Irony of It Is that I am really much
happier when I am working. The sys
tem we have of assigning cases Is at
"The solution of the difficulty Is the
abolition of the presiding Judge system.
Let the County Clerk assign the cases
to the dockets of each Individual Judge
as they come In, and let us get busy and
grind them out as fast as they are
reached on the dockets. The attor
neys ought to be able to keep track of
the time their cases are coming up.
and when they do the lawyers should
be here and proceed to trial. If they
don't show up. the cases should go to
the bottom of the docket automatically.
The courts should be operated for the
convenience of the public, and not -for
the convenience of the legal fraternity."
System Deemed at Fault.
Judge McGinn disposed of three minor
cases In short order yesterday, but was
forced to remain Idle for the remain
der of the day because there was noth
ing mora on the calendar for hi in. In
the meantime the complaint Is general
that the Judges are not keeping up with
the work..
"Every Judge ought to look after the
ex parte motions In connection with his
own cases." said Judge McGinn. "Who
Is In a position to give Intelligent Judg
ment on such subjects mere than he?
A case In which there have been de
murrers and dilatory motions of various
kinds comes before a Judge for trial.
Wouldn't that Judge be In a much bet
ter position bad he handled the case
from the start? This presiding Judge
system Is theoretical and not practical."
Judge Oatens Is In sympathy with
Judge McGinn's views relative to the
abolition of the presiding Judge sys
tem. He sought to have It abolished
last year, but was unsuccessful.
Australian Boys to Visit
Australia haa sent on a tour of the
United States 41 boys, representing
every state In that commonwealth.
They will visit Portland soon as the
guests of ths Portland Commercial
Club. These boys, who are now In Ban
Francisco, were chosen for their schol-
Why. I Lost
My Job
Reasons "Wiy Thousands LIk M"
Cannot .Satisfy Their Employers.
I believe my fate Is not nnllka that
of thousands of other workers who
dally lose their places for reasons tney
do not know, and probably would not
believe. When their last pay envelope
comes alongt It Is usually, "JT ""J
Ices no longer required." If the truth
were known, the reason for their un
ceremonious removal would probably
be that their usefulness was destroyed
because of some mental worry, bodily
ailment or general Indisposition. These
things, as we all know, are the most
fruitful oauses of failure In all walks
of Ufa. The battle of Waterloo was
lost because of a headache. In this
quick age our minds must be clear,
rapid, active and free from outside in
fluence or worry. oiele we go down
to failure with the throng of "floaters
who gs from one place of employment
to another, giving no satisfaction to
others or to themselves, constantly
growing older and less useful, with no
ambition, no will power, and no hope.
Every man requires from every other
man the best that is In him. But no
man can use or get the best that is In
himself until he Is first free from all
fretful lndleposltlons and worrlss.
That was my trouble. I was full of
troubles. That's why I lost my Job.
My stomach In the first place was al
ways out of order, and I was worry
ing about It and my mind grew cloudy,
and alow. I made mistakes and grew
grouchy. That was tho nnC.
There are thousands like me, going
about with "quick lunch" faces, dys-
peptlo manners, and repulsive atmoa
pheres. No employer wants such men's
Take my advice. A healthy stomach
la half the battle, for tt keeps your
mind clear, and your face rosy. I have
a healthy stomach now and bold a good
position, and my employer Is satisfied
and so am L '
I started to take Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets which I was told were good for
the worst cases of Indigestion and dys
pepsia. The first two tablets made a
wonderful difference In my condition. -One
Ingredient of Stuart's Dyepspsla
Tablets digests 100 grains of food. The
stomach doesn't have to work at all.
The Tablets do all the work, no matter
how heavy your meal.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets cure
brssh. eructations, burning sensations,
bloat. Irritations, loss oT . appetite,
nausea, heartburn, lack of energy, loss
of memory and dyspepsia and lndlgea
tlon In their very worst forms.
No other little tablets In the world
can do so much. Tou should carry
them around with you wherever you
go and take them regularly after
meals. Then you will realize what It
Is to be freed from stomach torment,
and have a clear mind, a quick mem
ory, a happy disposition, comfort and
rest. Get Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
at any drug store for 60o a box.
Send us your name and address to
day and we will at once send you by
mall a sample package, free. Address
F. A. Stuart Co. 160 Stuart Bldg.
Marshall. Mich.
astlc records, athletlo and musical abil
ity, by the education and military authorities-
of Australia. The young
tourlsta will travel as far East as New
York. A number of the members of
the Commercial Club will meet at
luncheon today to .arrange details for
the visitors' entertainment. Lieutenant
Cecil Jeffery, the boys' advance com
mlssloner, will be present at thla
Anto Fall Kills Driver.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Nor. 1. Edward
B. Dalton, a chauffeur 21 years old, son
of Colonel C C Dalton. formerly as
sistant Attorney-General of Washing
ton, was killed and Frances Bowman,
ared 40. sustained a broken leg early
today when the automobile Dalton was
driving ran over an embankment on
ths North Trunk road a mile north of
town and turned turtle.
Besides Dalton there were three men
and three women In the car. The acci
dent hannened In a dense fog when Dal
ton attempted to pass a car ahead. He
drove too close to the eage or tne roaa
and the car went ever the embankment.
The averase salary of the American
preacher Is tS a year.
Everybody Admires a Beautiful Complexion-
Oriental Cream
S Jin Indispensable and Delightful
' 3
SfU . -"W
-4AaflET!JIUW-- i
Tail ft ftenuisile
for Fashionable IVomen.
A daily necessity for ths ladles' toilet
whether at home or while traveling. It
protects the skin from injurious effects
of the elements, gives a wonderfully ef
fective beauty to the complexion. It la a
perfect non-greasy Toilet Cream and pos
itively wlU not cause or encourage the
growth of hair which all ladles should
guard against when selecting a toilet pre
paration. When duncing. bowling or oth
er exertions heat ths akin. It prevents a
greasy appearance.
Geuraud's Oriental Cream has been
highly recommended by physicians, act
resses, singers and woman of fashion for
over half a century and cannot be sur
passed whan preparing for daily or evtn-
rm mr-Mmwmr Ulf Slurs. .
Qnursud'a Oriental Cream cures SVIn
Dleeases anil relieves Sunburn. Removes Tan. rMmples. Blaheada. Moth
Patches. Rash. Freckles and Vulgar Redness, Yellow and Muddy Skin, giving
a delicately dear and refined complexion which every woman desires.
o. 11 bot sale uy iruggisia siw rue?
FercLT.Hopkiru, Prop., 37 Great Jones Street, New York.
Pimples, eruptions, blotches, scales, ulcers, sores, eczema and chronic
swellings are caused by bad blood, but don't become discouraged no other
trouble U so easily overcome. Cascarets are wonder-worker. In the curs of
any disease caused by bad or Impure blood. They eliminate all poisons, build
up snd enrich the blood, enabling It to make new. healthy tissue.
pura blood means perfect health, and If you will use Cascarets they will
rive you good health 'and a pure, clean akin, free from pimples and blotches.
To try Cascarets la to Ilka them, for never before has there been produced as
' perfect and as harmless a blood purifier, liver
1 . . w . . (-'..carets CandV Ca-
. II U BIUUIRLU a.BUim.w. ...
thartlo. Be sore to take Cascarets and you will
surely have good. pure, healthy blood and no
more eruptions or- disfigurements. A 10-cent box
or isscareis win trui j . j
The Court Appeals"
If your tins and kitchen
utensils could only talk they
would cry out for a daily cleans
ing with Gc!d Dust and water.
Gold Dust goes right for dirt and
grease, and cleanses so quickly
that little effort on your part is
If you only knew how much
cleaner your house would be,
how much lighter your work
would be, and how mucn time
you would save, you would
msist upon having Gold DllSt if
it cost twice its present price.
Riiv a
package of Gold Dust today, and try the
economical and labor-saving way
of keeping house.
Do not use soap, naphtha, borax, soda,
ammonia, or kerosene with Gold Dust.
Gold Dust has all desirable cleansintf
qualities in a perfectly harmless and
lasting form.
Makers of Fairy Soap (ths oral sake )
do your work"
I J I " 'UmtMIM
nr T-rrt r Jr - -1
pgps pjg safEise
A.f riend of Appetite and Bi
Cottolene agrees with the stomach because it contains no indigestible hog fat
It is made from choice, refined cotton oil, which modern physicians recommend
as being fully as healthful as olive oil Goes cne-tHrd farther than butter or lard.
For shortening or frying there's nothing to equal Cottolene
Nature's Gift from the Sunny South"
S3 Mado only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY rnmmi iiatisri-iaiBiH gurai-sinfflE
Lurk in All Eruptions and Abra
sions. Poslam Kills Germ
Life and Heals Quickly.
Any abrasion of tbs skin, cut, boll.
blister, rash or open sore spot Is dan
gerous as a possible souroe of Infectloa.
i..iinr to serious skin disease, and
should b. treated promptly with Pos
lam, the antiseptic, healing remedy.
Poslam readily shows Its power to
kill germ life by stopping all Itching
and causing th. trouble to disappear,
poslam acts In this manner In any
skin disorder. Including all - eczemas,
acne, salt rheum, skin scale, psoriasis,
seven-vear Itch, barbers' Itch and simi
lar diseases. Every day brings records
of remarkable cures, exceeding all
claims made for It. Minor affections,
such as pimples, are quickly 'driven
All wbo have not yet tried Poslam
should write for a free sample, sent by
mall by th. Emergency Laboratories, 12
West 25th street. New York.
Pojlam is sold for 60 cents by the
Owl Drug Co., and all druggists.
poslam Soap offers the healing medi
cation,' of Poslam In milder form and
tones and protects the skin while
cleansing. Antiseptic. 26 cents at drug,
f ft u m s mm
Sua "sV4Uf 4W
mA esUeWa
Stop it with
Acts quickly and has a healing and soothing effect
on the inflamed membranes. All coughs have a
tendency to grow worse at night Children with
whooping cough and bronchitis always cough worse
at night and a cold in the head with tickling in
the throat and coughing ' grows worse at bed time.
coughing and soothe the irritation in the throat.
Contains no opiates, does not constipate, is the best
and safest for children and delicate persons. ,