TTTE MOKXIXO OKEGOXIAX, Fit IP AT, NOVEMBER 3. 1911. 13 " .1-1 . " " ) CITY NEWS IN BRIEF ORTOOMAX TtLgrHOXM- Printing Cit elrtulatina . . . Editor . Fundar Editor .... CompM!r.(-room Supu bul.dlss .... ::::::.5..n .; Halo TOTO A riM..'" to" ? J ivnirx kxt. HEn.11 TFKATER (Sevanth and Tefl" Ulul Hajaa In in. Vlsonese opsralia. The Bprlns Mud." Tnlht at BXKm THtATC F:;.entlt "YVi oil Toe Wtlu IWM." Tonnnl. c flock. CKPHEfH THEATER Mrr1soa. betwesn sistn ud g.nih Veuiille. Thla a" rooon at I 11 and tootcM at i:la, PAXTATEi THEATER I Fourth and " Vaad.vl!:. Th:e afleraoea ml t.ial la l(!it at 7.10 and a. EilFKE'S THEATCK (Park and WeaMti tor.i VaudvvU.a. This aftsraeoa at a. aad loalcht at T-SO and a. STAR. ARCADE. OH JOT. ODEOI. TTVO Ll flrwrue pictures. 11 A. at.. II P- a. KAJtMic TIIEATIlt (Par and Waao tr.tuxi Mntioa ptctursa and SAualeal vaaJarllia. 11 A. M. t 11 P. M. arfsvrUanneats Lntadd far tba C1t Kawa I. Brtrf nlBMH ta Undw'l lnai saeae ee beasasst la Taa Orereetaa liilml Wflc ar a el HataralaJ es.sdas;. Hor rnjr Diuxa la Torta The flrat of a series of lecturea on tha mod ern drama br William - Tbtiratoa Brown, principal of tha Modern School, will ba (Ivan lonlnht In the room of tha fourth floor of nehnke WaJker bulldlnc. Fourth (treat, be ! Morrison and Yamhill. Subject of the oj.nlnir lecture la "The Moral and Racial Pia-nlfirance of the Modern I'rimi and Kindred Literature." Thle will be followed on .succeedlria; Frldiy nlaht by Interpretationa of playe of Ib sen. Shaw. Maeterlinck. Sudermann. Jlauptmans. lAnoumiu, Brleue and othrra. and worn of Whitman. Tolstoi. Osrar HJe. Anatole France and othera. The openina; lecture la free to the general public East fiioa AHUMcrr Macs. Asaessmente hare been made for the Klirkitat street and i:l Thlrty-nlnlh afreet dts:rlrts In Beaumont. The Klickitat dl.-trlrt cessment la $. :JJ and the ilaat ihlrtv-nlnia afreet dutrlct iom nt la 5.vl. making a total of 1S 631 for Beaumont. Thraa two dlstrlc cover the upper and lower portions of the addition, and the as sessments represent part of the money expended In dereloplua; the tract. Aa rment for the pavtns of Alberta street, from I'nlon to lenter avenue, went of I'nlon avenue, I 151.107. Union 'avenue has Lrn pavej between Al berta street and Wotxllasrn at a cost of nearly !. 000. but the assessment baa not yet been rnaUe. Viiweki Report o KannT-BTaaaT KxTKsitoi. The viewers report on ' the extension of Kerby atreet south tnrouicrt Montiromery tract has been filed and win be acted on Novem ber Kemonstrfince aralnst openlnir of the street has been filed, as well as n petition for the extension. The l otted Improvement Clubs Association voted Wednesday nlaht to assist resi dents of lower Albina to rpen the street. Kerby street. If extended aa asked, will provide a atreet to the new Broadway and Railroad bridges, as It will Intersect Boss street and Broad way. CorrnT Bcroaa Ghaxd JcitT. Po lice Commissioner Coffey waa lven a brief hearlnc. of about lt minutes' du ration, before the Grand Jury yester day mornlnir. and. It la believed, was Instructed to appear thta morning- with hla wttnesaes and documents to sup port his attack on Max O. Cohen, who acted aa Municipal Judaje during? the absence of Judaje TaxwelL Mr. Coffey will also ba Blven aa opportunity to Eire hla opinions of the manner In which Judge Taxwall conducta hla court. MtasioarajiT BocraTT CojnraaE Tooat. The monthly meeting of the Woman's Forelan Mlaelonary Boclety. of the Taylor-street Methodist KptsrSpal church, will be held In the church parlors to day at I o'clock. Mrs, Lmvll Young will lead tha study of the first chapter of the next text book. "The Light of the World." There will be special music and an attraotlve programme. All women Intereated are Inv.ted to be preeent. Chim.i Is Qursnojcxrx N. Foo. a Chinese, was examined before United States Commissioner Marsh yesterday as to hi right to be In this country. It Is aliened by Special Ascent Bar bour, of the Immigration Service, that the -Chinaman too advantage of the re. -ant revolution In Mexico and slipped over the border near Kl I'aso. Ji.iki Cui to Fi.ict. Officers for the ensuing year will be chosen by the Jackson Club at Its regular bi weekly meetlnir In the Medical build in tonight. It. B. Vanlmier Is the retiring president of the organisation. Short addresses will be made by promi nent I democrats and plans for Intereat Ing meetings during, the Winter months at. 11 be discussed. Mas. Mixxkta Kmxjo !!. Mrs. V.nerva Kllen Kellogg, who came to or-(on In lal. died at her home. 13(1 Hal Yamhill street, yesterday. She was born In Indiana November 2 U U4S. She married llllsha Kellogg In and since then has made her homo In I'. rkie leavea three sons, a sister, brother, and five grandchildren. ij-Fsti"xn nrvrVAt. Hm.rv C H oward l avis.. pastor-evangelist, la h"-dtr.g a series of old-fashioned re ,vnl services at the First Church of the Xat.-irene at Fast Seventh and teal tVuch streets. Services are held every eenmg at :i o'clock and Friday fiern..ons at o'clock. I A xi Crux,) to Brncrx) en an ex trnslTi trip and have decided to dispose of my entire stock of One Imported wovlena. In order to do so my price on high-grade ladles" made-to-order suits will be reduced to l(- Ourney. a.1is tailor. Mohawk bldr Third and Morrison streeta (Sgnricga. Congregation Ahaval 8ho lom. lark and Clay streets. Friday evening. November . at 1 1. t.. Mr. Charles W. Kobaoo, Oregona famous young orator, will speak. The subject of hi address will be "The Man of Mys tery." Hverybody Is welcome. Litt aTt-nr CXass to Mgsrr. The literature department of the Woman's Club will hold Its first meeting Fri day afternoon at t o'clock In Women of Woodcraft llalL Ir. C. H. Chap man will lecture on "Fielding." W have on display two very rare antl'iue samahkand Chlneee ruga, which all art lover should see. Car toz'an Hro. importers of Oriental -. 4T1 Wash, nr 13lh ta PTTOX IIOMB ASS.1--IAT1C.SI TO MggT. The regular monthly meeting of the I'atton H 'me Assoelntlnn wl.l be held at -The Home" at Ti Michigan avenue at 10 li thta morning. WocPt-AWX AsaociATtov To Sltn. The WooUlawn Improvement Assoda- t'on will meet tonight at $ o'clock la Greene's Hail, on I e u m avenue. Jog Niedermeyer'a barber shop now open for business, basement of Kalelga B dir.. N. W. cor. t! and Wash. ra. Kkiao Nvjjk. eye. ear. nose and throat, bas moved to rooms III. 1 Medical building. M:a asp (' directly from dairy: Wsst Side delivery. Summit L'elry. R. F. l. No. I. rooas and windows at wrecked blda;. Your own price. Fifth and Wash. Wood at wrecked bide at II. I per load, sawed. Fifth Wash. Iir-aiovro to Wiicox Bi-tuixi. Wrt iuii C. 1'aisTot. Ot-tvin M Hiciet. attorney, moved te ill. (14. tli ll ox bid. Nxw Ic-atiov. ret'.ls-Urossmayer Co, third floor WUcog bids. Ton Rkxt. Choice office rooms. JTeatoa hida;. Pasmoaa ajcd CHAraair TiT.g Presi dent Penrose, of Whitman College and Dr. C H. Chapman, of thla city, addressed the Progressiva Business Men's Club at luncheon at the Portland Hotel yesterday. Taxation was the subject of the remarks of the speakers who severely criticised the present method of assessing property and levying- taxes. From the fact that It was unprofitable under the system of taxation now followed, to tell the truth. It waa asserted by the speakers that falsehood waa generally practiced by propertyowners In rendering- to the assessor estimates of their property valuea. Bcttxux Fot-wo Misbraotkd. Btate Chemist A. 8. Wells, of the State Board of Dairy and Food Commission, re turned yesterday from an Inspection t&lp to The Dalles, where he seoured samples of lard, butter. milk and meats for examination. He found all of these articles up to the required standard and that the milk tested above the average of cities. He found one case of butter that waa mlsbranded and baa filed a complaint against the Portland wholesaler who shipped It there. It was Eastern tub butter, made up In regular rolls andrnaajuer adlng as fancy "creamery butter. Mam Rnt Dowst bt Alto. While crossing the Morrison-street bridge, Robert Morgan, an elderly negro, liv ing at Fourth and College streets, was struck by an automobile which, spec tators told Patrolman Cameron, was being operated in a reckless manner. Morgan sustained cots on his bands and arm a. The driver of the car which caused the damage continued on his way. The number given to the police was 111, which Is registered un der the name of Clay Roberts, Idora Hotel. Foot Ball. Double-header. Saturday Not. 4. 1911, Multnomah Field. Salem High School vs. Washington High eVhool. Fort Vancouver va. M. A. A. C Admission 60c, Including grandstand. Game called 1 P. M. aharp. . itgifBAJUAxa of the Gypsy Smith chorus will be held at the Tabernacle. Eighteenth and Salmon streets. Wed nesday evening. November 1: Friday. November I. and Wednesday. November a. Full rehearsal with orchestra. -' f fill MAY COME BACK ClVIt SERVICE BOARD ACTS OS REINSTATEMENT. Holden's Prayer to Be Reappointed to Fire Department Brings About Chanire Limit Is Dropprd. Under a rule adopted yesterday by tha Civil Service Commission a city employe who haa resigned from any de partment of the service may be rein stated at any time afterward, at the discretion of the commission. This step brings to an-end a long squabble which started when Lee O. Holden. formerly a battalion chief In the fire department, asked to be reinstated, when It became apparent that a position aa battalion chief was to be made vacant by the appointment of a fire chief to take tne place of David Campbell, who waa killed June ij. The requeat of Holden was consid ered a month ago. but at that time the Civil Service rules prohibited his re-, Instatemeot without an examination and the petition was laid on the table. The rule formerly provided that rein statement could be ordered by the Com missioners within 10 days after the resignation, but after that time an ex amination waa necessary. The new rule sets nstde the 10-day limitation. Arguments were made at yesterday's meeting- for and against the change In the reinstatement rule. It waa aald that the change would result In dox ens of petitions for reinstatement by persona who were asked to resign from the service, or who resigned on their own account because of Inefficiency, knowing they would be discharged if they did not. It waa arg-ued on the other side that the city wanla the best possible em ployes and If the best man for a posi tion cannot be appointed because of tha Civil Service rules, the city loses. The Commissioners decided to leave It to the discretion of Its members aa to who should and who should not bo re instated. No action was taken In tha petition of Mr. Holden and no arrangements were made for an examination to list ellgtblea for the position of battalion chief, a vacancy existing through the appointment of Battalion Chief Powell as Chief. It Is believed that Mr. Holden will be reinstated before long, however. When You Make Your Will Make this bank your executor. "Wo can render much more efficient service in this regard than can an individual no matter how reliable he may be. Otjt larga resources and our perpetual charter make; us permanently respons i b 1 1 our systematic methods en ablo us to keep strict ac count of every item in con nection -with the administra tion of an estate. Yoti'd find our advice 'well worth -while and it's yours without charge. Portland Trust Company of Oregon Thira aund Oak Streets 3 clothes, entered two alleged Chinese lot tery gambling houses on Fourth street Wednesday night, with Patrolman GUI. and made Ave. arrests. The places have been kept open to negroes, but whtta men have been barred alnce the police started to arrest proprietors of the places, and disguise was found necessary. Lee Dorr, alleged proprietor of a lot tery game at 76 Fourth street North, and Sam Wah, alleged proprietor of a Fame at 61 Fourth street North, were arrested, with Pete Carlson. Ben Fish and S. Nicks, who were caught In the room with the tickets of the games. MIM'ILLE IS HEX! OREGOX ETEOTRIO TO REACH cm ix nis. CIVIC LEAGUE WILL MEET AmangrmenLa for Publishing- "City Beautiful" Report to Be Made. Dr. J. R- Wetherbee. chairman of the ClvVe Improvement league, has called a meeting of the executive committee of that organlxatlon at the Commercial Clu at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The purpose of the meeting Is to com plete arrangements for publishing the Bennett "City Beautiful", report and outlining a plan for the organisation of a city-wide aaaoclatlon for super vising and stimulating city lmprove mejnte. a IV Merrick, chairman of the per manent organisation committee, namod at a recent Joint mooting of the Civlo Improvement League and general Ira pre ement associations of the city, has called a meeting of that committee for the green Mom at the Commercial Club next Monday evening. At thle meeting plana will be determined for co-operating wtth the movement that will ba launched at tha Saturday aft ernoon moating. JUDGE TOJBE SELECTED Circuit Co art Jurists Will Choose Head of JoTenlle Department. A meeting of the Clrault Court Judgee to select a Juvenile Court Judge to succeed Judge Oatena. whose term In office, will exi'lre November It. has been called for U oarlock today. The probabilities are that Judge Oatens will be re-elected. All of the judgea are understood to be favorable to his re tention except Judge Morrow, who Is himself a candidate tor the position. . ... 1 1 Marlv fnrm.l the i ne raesiiin " ... - - - - Tlews of all the Judges having been ob tained in advance. It la satd that Judge Morrow feels that he should have been consulted be fore) the Judges decided whom to sup port. He has been on tha bench longer that Judge Oatena and the question of seniority thus becomes Involved. NEGRO DISGUISE EFFECTIVE easassaaaaaasaasi Patrolmen Enter Alleged Chinese fiambllnsT-Ifonae; Arrest Five. Assuming a negro makeup that would have done credit to the vaude ville alace, not to speak of the legiti mate. Patrelmast GrinitA, u President Gray, of H1II Line In Oregon Tells Citizens Work Will Begin Soon District Lauded. Extension of the Oregon Electric to McMlnnvllle before the end of 113 virtually waa promised by Carl R. Gray, president of the Hill lines In Oregon, on his first visit to that city, from which he returned yesterday. Mr. Gray waa Impressed with Mc Mlnnvllle and the territory surround ing It, and expressed his belief that It haa possibilities equal to those of the Willamette Valley, which he already haa pronounoed tha best stretch of farming country he ever has seen. With Mr. Gray on the McMlnnvllle trip were "W. E. Coman. general freight and passenger agent: Charlea H. Carey, attorney for the Hill lines, and L. B. Wlckeraham. chief engineer. The party waa entertained by representative busi ness men of McMlnnvllle. who told them of the advantages of their city and the territory surrounding- it. A dinner was given In honor of the rail road men. at which Mr. Gray told of the development work now in progress In other parts of the state and of the activity on the Oregon Electrlo exten sion south of Salem. Although be did not set a date for beginning construction work on the McMlnnvllle branch, he declared that It will be completed and In operation be fore tha and of the next two years. This came as pleasing hews to tha McMlnnvllle oltliens. who have been praying for batter rail facilities ever since the Oregon Electrlo began build ing Its lines. Tha company already baa obtained terminal facllltlee at McMlnn vllle, and baa an exoellent depot site there. Considerable right of way has been obtained. The farmers on the route of the proposed line are eager to have It built, and the right-of-way problem. It Is believed, will be a simple one. To start the McMlnnvllle line soon after the Oregon Electrlo la extended to Eugene seems to be the plan now being formulated by the Hill Interests. It Is probable that work will he started there In the Bprlng of 11X. The exact route haa not been determined, but It la believed that It will be most desir able to connect with the main line about 10 or It mtlee south of Portland and to build via Newberg. ATJHEQUELLE. Plenty large. Juicy TamhIU crawfish. Dining-room for ladles, tth and Btark. Seattle Footofflce Janitor la Held. SEATTLE. Wash, Nov. t. Nathaniel Lewis. Janitor of the United States Poatofflce. waa arrested today, charged with robbing the mails. After hla ar rest Lewis confessed to postofflce in spectors that he had stolen Jewelry, clothing and small articles. He loot ed a silverware package this afternoon, while he waa under survetllanca, and put the plunder In hla locker. FEVVET BROS. FR1UAT SPECIAL. We offer our 11 wines at $1 a gallon: II 60 wines at 75c a gallon; Straight Kentucky Whisky, seven year old. regular 14 to, at IS 60 a gallon; Ken tucky whisky, regular tt Si), at 11.60 a failon; 13 grade wblaky. f 1 10 a a-allon. rldav only. " E. Morrison at. Phones East St.. B 2420. Free delivery. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. Henry Mett wishes to express her elncereat thanks to the many friends for their kind sympathy ex tended to her In her great sorrow In the loss of her beloved husband and father of her children and also for the offering of so many beautiful flowers. CARD OF TIIAXKS. To all our relatives and friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and aasldance In our late bereavement, we wish to extend our sincere thanks. - MKS. M. J. SHARKEt AND FAMILY. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. Frada Goldenberg. widow of the late Leon Goldenberg. expresses ber hearty thanks for tha florai offerings, sympathy and condolence tendered dur lns iier lata bereavement. Fashion Center Fifth Avenue, New York, is America's magic fashion center. .We have this season brought all of the very latest fashions right to your door. Such creations as representative men are wearing for business and dress. This label in your garments stands for all that is correct in male attire.. We solicit your patronage. Suits and Overcoats $15 to $50 Mail Orders Promptly Filled W e Are Sola Agents for Holeproof Hose for c:, 1R1 ' Men, Women and Children Portland's Fashion Center Since 1 863 00f,(F " V" ,llVJ,""S"'V,ia nap. nanism iwiossr ANNOUNCEMENT! The Edlefsen Fuel Company, mine agents for "Faultless," the genuine Wellington, propose to reduce prices on all coals to consumers by delivering In bulk, using barrels for unloading, aa done in Seattle and Tacoma. L. MAYER & CO. Portland's Oldest Grocers. 148 Third St. A 4432, M. 9432. Now Is the Time To Make Mince Meat We have received all 1011 fresh seeded raisins, cleaned cur rants, orange and lemon peel, Corsican citron, boiled cider, shelled almonds, pure aromatic spices. Also see our display of Hood Eiver Apples for cooking, eating and shipping: to your friends. A WORD OF INTEREST TO YOU, WE ARE SURE. . , New Malaga Eating Raisins have arrived. Jumbo Walnuts, "budded," at, pound, 25; New Jordan Almonds; New California Shelled Almonds. For Friday and Saturday we offer: Euyler'a Cocoa, per tin, 25o and 10t Carolina Rice, regularly 10c per pound at 8 Pure Maple Syrup, Quart.. 85 Jones' Dairy Farm Sausage, per pound, 35c and 40 Chase & Sanborn Coffee, tin, 45c and S5t Brandy for Mincemeat, gal.. .$3 Madeira and Port Wine, regu larly f3.50 gallon, for S3 A big supply of Jones' Dairy Farm Little Pork Sausage for your Sunday breakfast. A large Bloater MacfccreL 60o each. You can secure from us a little Broil er for your Sunday Dinner, raised and killed on a Dairy Farm, and surely appetizing to look at. If you ring us up to day, and give us your order, we will appreciate it, as the supply is always limited. We give yon QUALITY, PER SONAL ATTENTION AND ARE SURE WE DESERVE YOUR CO-OPERATION. A Cordial Invitation to the Newcomer." 1 will Underwood Standard Typewriter The regular correspond ence machines, Models No. 4 and No. 5, are the same in all respects except Model No. 5 has four extra keys for fractions and special charac ters. The UNDERWOOD is the most popular corre spondence typewriter in the world. Its sales exceed those of any other, machine. "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy." 68 Sixth Street, Portland, Or. Two Free Lectures on Christian Science Sunday, November 5 th by Virgil O. Strickler, C S. of New York City. 2 130 P. M, Heilig Theater. 8 P. M. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 19th and Everett Sts. Publio is cordially invited. F. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING- Main 165. A 1165 First and Oak CCHWAB PRIP-TIWC CO OSOLICITS YOUR PATR0NACE 345t STARK STREET PICTURE FRAMES OF QUALITY The moat comprehensive line of hlak-arrade framlnK In the West Is carried by thla houee. The labor, materlala and design are absolutely the best. These are found In Antique Gold from original designs, ar tlstio and exoluslra. In Maboaaay and Ctrauslaua, E a a 1 1 a a or Italian Walsst Veaeen of the finest quality, new and unusual patterns, by the best designers; In Flemish and Blaek Oak, Hole and Eboar, Copley Browaa, ktaalla and French Grayai ail especially m a d e to harmonise with g-eneral tone of the picture. Salesmen of expert k n o w 1 edge and long experience to assist the purchaser In obtain ing only artlstlo and harmoni ous effects. SANBORN, YAIL & CO. WHOLESALE RETAIL, 170 Flrat. 171 Front. The Lanreat Variety of Pletwren, Framed Pletnrea, If ouldlngs and Artist Material oa Pacific Coast SEALY-LOWELL Co. GROCERS, BAKERS, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS. Hosts From From From From From From From From From From of New Goods are arriving daily Spain New Malaga Cluster Raisins, carton 5Utf Switzerland New Grass Swiss Cheese, pound 40 Italy New Chestnuts. , Norway New Fat Mackerel each 12yaC to 60? Spain New Jordan Almonds, pound 'JjJJi Holland New Grass Edam Cheese Sl.OO Corsica New Citron, pound 25 and 40 England New Lemon and Orange Peel, pound, 25S 40? Ohio-New Chestnuts. Hood River Pure Apple Cider, gallon ...,50c FANCY PACKAGE FOR GIFT APPLES. "We have a new style box of apples, designed especially for presents. They are packed in a very attractive manner with Extra Fancy Hood River Apples. "We offer them at $1.00 to $1.50 each, accord ing to the variety. The express rate to far Eastern points is 75 cents and to Chicago 60 cents; other cities in proportion. DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT. New Liver Sausage and Kosher Meats. , WINE AND LIQUOR DEPARTMENT. Old Forester Whisky, full quart distillery bottling, bottle. ,. .81.35 Swedish Malort Branvin, the best appetizer and tonic, bottle. .$1.35 Pomerainse Branvin, genuine imported Swedish Reymersholm Sprit- f oradlingsaktiebodlag S51.90 French Cordials, assorted bottles, Chartreuse, Anisette, Creme de Menthe, Cherry Cordial, Apricot Cordial 90i French Cherries, in Menthe, small bottle 45$ Good Bourbon Whisky, absolutely pure, gallon, $3.00 288, 290, 292 Stark Street. Phones: Main 7200; A 6181. BANK NOTICE This Bank has compiled a table illustrating the rapid growth of Savings at interest of 4 per cent per annum, compounded twice a year. On request, we will take pleasure in mailing a copy to your address, or personally explain the same to anyone calling, who may be interested in the subject of Sayings. HIBERNIA SAVINGS BANK Open Saturday Evenings 6 to 8, "A Conservative Custodian" SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS Established 18 years Assets $2,250,000 COAL $6.50 A TON FAVfT TrTP TATHEB BAYS: KEEP TUB POT BO ELAN G. IMamond eoal bakes th bread that mother makea, B rolls the steak thai father tnkf All th while with a miLe Aad Mri, "By Gosh. If I'd knows this before I would not have swore I'd born coal no more." Diamond Crest Coal Co.. City. No Soot. Ko Clinkers. little Ash. Delivered at your address in Port land, within the one-mile circle, at this price, or within te two-mile circle at $"A per ton, lii week- only. TWO TON 3 TO ECH CUSTOMER. We will not reserve any of this coal tor anyone, excepting orders accom panied by the cash or check. Oct. 24, 1911. Dear Sire Have used the Diamond Crest Coal for some time and find It entirely satisfactory Expect to use It continually. Sincerely, J. Ju LEAS. Wholesale Trade In Carload LoU Solicited. Diamond Crest Coal Co. US Railway Exchange Bids. Phone Marshall 2574. Portland, On Li Arrow Notch COLLAR Easy to put on, easy to take off, easy to tie the tie in. Ctnstt. FaaboilT Company. Maxan. Tray, st.T SAVES TIME and ENERGY Lightens All Housework SAPOLIO Cleans. Scours, Polishes from cellar to garret WORKS WITHOUT WASTE Foster & Kleiser HlaCh Grade Commercial and EUectrle SIGNS East Seventh and East Everett Streets. I'Pones rjssl 1111, B 2224. HOME BUILDERS , We are contractors and will furnish lot and finance the building- of a noma for you on easy payments. We givt references and ask references. WTATT, ESTABKOOK ct RAT, 801 Conch Bids. Phoas Mala 4211. 11