nrn mottstsTt 0"Regota?t, totdat. yoTrarniTR a. 1911. ttlan4 Pofl tal Ol . Ccood-Osae tllf. IvtwifiM u.i.e lavsrtawy (IT StAIUI la Alum . v ,iB v.M ... . l..r. Gii2r Isclwdod. i i . j . tua4r - , li.F. wimi Kcr. - ; 1 7. vusoat Sua4. see seo.l - s ... i rr S.&dr. r. a T ............ T t-nsiltj aa4 weir. ese i H T C.A-HIEB. S-aadar taai-jseo. r J u44i toa.4l. rdar. aaprMB W pirmil rn lecaJ kaaa. stain pa, esla "' mr-m at ih MBdar rua. lla ? Mlrw la fu.:. La-u4:aa- eesair ase eiai 1 la 1 cesaa. I aaan If U SO la J aa. raaisi 4 ol. tM4 sl. XXBTLAXD. ITUlVaT. SrOTHBU t. tail. BaTATI rXBBOKEX CHATS. . By a combination of mendacity. mis representation acd false Inference, prompted by prejudice. W. J. -Bryan. In hta undertakes to pro tha ixulrf charge that Praaldant Taft packed tha Supreme Court In tha In Krra( of tha trusts and that tha court carried out this purpoae In tha oil and tobacco decisions. Thla slander la aimed at the President by tha man whom ha generously rave credit for suggesting one of tha Important provla lona of the arbitration treaties. Tha conduct of tha two man towards each other presents their characters in striking contrast, to tha decided disad vantage of Mr. Bryan. Tha beat evl dence of the falsity of thocharira la tha cursing and lamentation of tha truata over Mr. Taft'a expressed determina tion to enforce the laiw aa Interpreted by thoaa decisions, and the record a of the Judgr with whom Mr. Bryan aaya the President packed tha court. Mr. Bryan aaya the President sug gested the Insertion of the word "un reasonable" In tha anti-trust law, but as he neglects to specify the speech containing this suKfrestlon. It i lmpoa atbla to disprove thla charge dlrectiy. But ita falsity la proved by Inferenco throua-h reference to Mr. Tafia mea aaa of January 7. 110. In which ha axpreaaed moat bedded opposition to uch a chana-e. .Mr. Taft said that to do so would bo to put Into the hands of the courts a power Impossible to ex arclse on any consistent principle. . to BT'e them a powor approaching the arbitrary, tha abuse of "which ml hi Involve our Judicial aystem la disaster." Tha Nebraska statesman Implies that the declaration of the Itepubltcan plat form of l0i la faor of amendment of tha anti-trust law was the result of thirteen years' effort by tha trusts to secure legislation to permit "reason able restraint of trade." The plank In . i a . I. amanrlmanl qutvuun ufi'vv .-" -. but recommends amendments which will prorlde -greater lupmuwn anu control orer" a "ST eater publicity" re ardln tha affairs of corporations for the purpose of atrenrthenlna; tha law. Tha speech of Oorerner, now Su preme Justice, Hushes, at Toangstown. .. on trusts during- the campaign of . m i. .. 4 vw f f Til-van tA hftf -en an authorised Interpretation of e platform to mean that tha word n reasonable would ba Inserted, "as l trusts desired." Mr. Bryan'e alng t g out of Justice Hurhes as a parti o f ir target U explained by the mercl i a manner In which he ripped Into t idling wood the antl-trunt plank In l Democratic platform of 10S. Bry. I irrariiltnuiilr assumes that thla ch was based on information fur- -ied by George V. Perktna. .- attempts to make a point or ina that the resommenaations on i Justices Hughes. Lurton. Van de r and Lamar were, arpoimea not been made public, conterap- anna' "Hare ou appointed a me Justice without the Indorse nf tha trut mas-natesT" What- rTrr faults the trust mngnatcs hae. no man will accuse them or lack or Drains, but Mr. Bryan accuses them of con duct worthy of blithering l liota. He says that they all aurported Mr. Taft for the Presidency and Insinuates that tha President appointed their nom inees to the Supreme Court. This court renders decisions dl.olvlng the oil and tobacco trusts and placing them all In an agony of doubt whether they must not all dlesolYe. The President says The will enforce that decision and that the trusts must all dlss-olre, while hla Attorney-General aaya any recalcitrant cfTlrlals must go to Ja'.l. These man. whose creaturca the presMrnt and Su premo Court are auld by Mr. Bryan to b. are filling the air with mingled Im precations and supplications to thoaa Tory creatures. Men who show no letter Judgment In the selection of in struments to do their will would not te at tha head of great Industries; they - not competent to run a peanut st ind. With ona exception every Important ens under tha anti-trust law since Its pissasre has gone against tha trusts, smetlmes by a divided court. Four vacancies are rilled and the court de cides against tha trusts by eight to en and tha one dissentient would kill them outright Instead of waltlnr to ijcorer whether they are reasonable. Tet that court Is packed by the trusts! Mr. Bryan asks for a Uttlo light after tha plain facta haa cast a flood of light on tha motlvw of tha appolnt raents. which wsa to All tha Supreme Bench with lawyers of tha greatest learning, wisdom and uprightness, all Imbued with tha spirit of the ago- Mr. Taft promoted Justice White to be Chief Justice, not. as Mr. Bryan false . .a hapiuM ha favored lnsert- ble" In tha law. but be cause) ha was best o.uaiinea io reiorm clTll procedure "for the cheapening of I's use for the poor man." which Mr. Taft considered "tha moat Important cuestlon before tha American people." Justlce Hughes was recommended by h'a InveaUgatlon of tha gas trust and Insurance companies. His attitude toward ecrporatlona was shown by his public utility laws, which have become a model for progressiva states, and his . .v . . . ...i. tha bosses, who do tha of tha eorporatlona. by means of direct primary. Justices Lurton Van da Vanter had almost always al againat tha trusts when sit - tn tha lower court, but they are a i tha e-eneral condemnation. "wr Bryan cal hla attack "an un- rjken chain." It la rather the mlas-it-t'c exhalations of a brain diseased t,T years of disappointed ambition, for Mr Hrran eufXers. and will always suf fer the tortures of Tantalue. Tha poatofflce deficit la dead at the raataaa la It I aaa la sesaa, ttov h la rata kaatara nulla n I Oftlma Tarra at Cana Bt -. Tor. Kraaaalca aali4lla. CM tf", ataaar twllaias. t am..! Of a I a. a aWaaai lUnli a W. taaxaav haa& ei J-'oaCm aatr-oeneaA cock. Ea has proved that his steam roller la good to crush expenses in his department as well as to crush op poaJUon In a convention. If he can round out bis term of office by es tablishing a paroela poet, ha will have made a record equal to that of any other Cabinet officer. A LI ITU SXaUfOx OT KJCTCT-1 A X OX Slngla taaera say that tha people of Portland are paying tha enormous sum of ItO.OOO.OOO per annum to tha landlords for rant. It la a vast amount something Ilka l0 for each Indi vidual In Portland. Tha elngle-taxers would tear afore abolish landlordism They would have tha stats for a land lord. Tha renter would pay to tha state. How would that help tha man of small family, poor Income, doubt ful outlook, who Is struggling for bread and butter? Tha remedy la not to change land lords. It Is not to deny tha rewards of enterprie, thrift, energy, foresight, erudenca. ability and opportunity to tha man who builds, venturing all his means, all his resources, ail hla ease or mind, and all his future in his in vestment. Wa are going to destroy Individual Initiative, individual enter prise, individual reward under ths adre-le tax. "four average tngle-taxsr will of course say that all tha atata wants is the land; and tha private owner may have tha Improvements; but hs pro ceada next to denounce tha doctrine of landlordism and rent-getting. He doesn't know what ho wants, exoept that ha wants Paddy to divide his pigs. The rent-payer must under any sys tem either pay rent. If ha occupies an other's quarters, or ho must build for himself. Tha head of the family does not need to pay rent If he la Industrl oue. frugal and ambitious. Let him get a place of his own. A thousand ways are open to tha man who la de serving and who will work for Home building and trsaaure-eavlng. Then he will not worry about hla landlord, whether tha landlord Is tha state or an Individual. rxATtxo Tins o.wk. Hera are a few things for the prayer ful consideration of those "lndepend ant" newspapers in Oregon which pro. feaa themselves as unspeakably shocked because a Taft committee has been organised In Portland to support tha renomlnatlon of tha President In the coming April primary: Tha news dispatches announce tha opening In Chicago of a La FolWte political headquarters from which the campaign for the Presidency of Mr. La Follotte will be conducted through, out tha West. There la no reason to believe that Oregon will ba over looked. A La Folletta headquarters has been maintained for two montha or more In Washington city where1 offices hava been leased, a corpe of clerks and stenographers hired and a vaat amount of literature dtetiibuted throughout the country. The manager la Walter L. Houser, ex-Secretary of State of Wisconsin, and a practical politician. A large sura of money has already been spent In the La Follette campaign. Rudolph Spreckels. Medlll McCormlck. Gilford Tlnchot. Jonathan Bourns and othera are mentioned as the most liberal contributors. The frlenda of Wood row Wilson have established on Broadway. New York, a press bureau thot looks dili gently after tha Presidential prospecta of that distinguished gentleman. It la said that this bureau haa broken all records for tha diligence and thoroughness with which It has gath ered preea cllpptnga about Oovernor Wilson, and distributed them through out tha United States. One estimate 1. tfcat th bureau has collected for Its own purposes matter to fill thirty thousand newspaper columns. n corpa of newspaper men la employed .iff re-ed!t classify and systema- ttxe the Wilson matertal. .after which It la aent where It la expeciea 10 uu tha mnat root. A gTeat deal of money has $een expended already In the Wilson campaign. A large amount haa been disbursed on behalf of Mr. La Follette. Somebody la putting op the money manv somebodies, no doubt. Tha or gantiatlona of both Wilson and La Follette are along the llnea of ap proved political methoda The avowed purpose Is to Influence public senti ment for their respective candidates, and to get votes In the various state primaries or state conventions. Will those Oregon newspapers which profeesed to see In the organiza tion of the Taft committee a menace to the rights and liberties of the peo ple tell us what they think of the kindred outrage being perpetrated by Mr. Wilson and Mr. La Follette, or In thetr respective names? AXTIKTUVS XTRACLE. Anybody who grows wheat in grow "miracle wheat" without eerrd lng to Pastor Russel for aeed at $1 per pound. If Pastor Russell had atudlsd scientists' reports on wheat growing one-half aa diligently as hs has atudled ths scriptures he would not have been led Into aa innocent (If It was lnnocsnt) Indorsement of the miraculous power of Brother Bohnefs grain nor been Impelled to write the letter which appears In The Oregonlan today. It Is a matter of sclentlflo knowl edge, that our farmers would get bet ter crops If they sowed half as much wheat as the custom of thslr fathers calls for. Mlracls wheat. It Is as aerted. "should ba sowed thin." Probably It Is carefully selected seed. Careful selection of any standard wheat and thin seeding will do ap proximately oil tha wonders claimed for the highly expensive divine gift of which Pastor Russell Is custodian. The great trouble encountered by ecientlsta la tn convincing our farmers that thla Is true. They cannot get away from the conviction that the mora aeed sown tha great' the yield. M Pastor Russell may succeed where scientists have failed. If so he will not be compelled to make good his promise to refund ths 11 per pound pejd by dlasatlsTtled farmers. And after thinking the matter over we are not sure that ths man who scorns "book farmln' " but la ready to accept the same thing If branded as a divine gift or revelation ought not to hava to pav dearly for his education. if this measure of success is at tained Pastor Ruseell'e eyea should be opened to other opportunities. An Innocent dyspepsia remedy accom panied by a blessing and sound scientific advice as to diet, hygiene, exercise and other Items of physical morality would be a similar benevo lence to those who prefer mysteries and miracles to physicians' advice. It aaso aught to prove as remunerative to tha froa tract fund, of Pastor Rus sell as his miracle wheat, and lead to enterprises of large variety which will readily suggest themselves to the fertile mind of that distinguished shepherd. itsrOit AXD nXTOCBATS. Quit a change has come over tha spirit of our National dream as far as subpena serving on plutocrats Is ooncerned. Time was when the Na tion was entertained by the spectacle of John D. Rockefeller akuUlng be hind tha woodpile to shun an officer with a summons to testify In court. In those glorious old days It was half as much as an official's life was worth to disturb the august aerenlty of a millionaire with a legal writ. Now how different. Tha experience of tha subpena aerver who visited a score or so of money monarche with writs to testify la tha steel corporation case were varied but by no means unhappy. Not a solitary plutocrat hid behind tha barn. Not ona of them sent the butler to tha door to tell the officer that ha was sick abed or taking a wedding trip In Europe. Mr. Carnegie gave the officer an autographed pic ture of hla benignly glided face. J. P. Morgan waited for him In his library with all the polltenesa he would have shown a fellow possessor of billions, and accepted the subpena as willingly as If It had been an In vitation to attend an assembly of the Episcopalian Church. Mr. Rocke feller, pr-.slvely reminiscent of other daya. loid tha officer he was glad to see him. We wonder If he really was. What dellghta one in ail this Is the evident fact that none of these mag nates persists In believing that he Is bigger than the law -of his country. Some of them used to have that opin ion of themselves, but they have all been cured of It. They may wish they were bigger than the Government of the United States but they know they are not. A nation has one signal ad vantage over an lndl'ldual, no matter how vaat his dimensions may be. The Nation goes on living for a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand years, while the man of money must die. He can prolong his effective life by forming a corporation, but when he files, or often before he dies, the policy of the corporation necessarily changes, while the nation, being the visible symbol of an unalterable tendency, holds on its way forever. Our millionaires seem to be coming to their senses. MB. riTRKJXB AXD Tim TIWSTS. Wa think with Mr. G, W. Perkins that much of the popular prejudice against corporations oomes from In adequate Information and shallow thought. In tha article of his which Tha Oregonlan published yesterday Mr. Perkins aucceeda pretty well In showing that the modern corporation Is very far from being a purely arti ficial device hatched up to rob the publlo for the benefit of unscrupulous promoters. On the contrary. It is the natural outgrowth of progress In science. Invention and communica tion. That fetich worship which many nreord to old established busi ness mothoda without regard to the nature or consequences is largely a matter of habit. The habit was ac quired In the old days when unoraun Ixed methods were the only possible ones In business. The world was then broken up by barriers of lanuaife, distance mountain ranges, seas and so on Into minute tracts and each tract was obliged to carry on Its own affairs without much reference to what went on elsewhere. Moreover, within any given district the petty conditions of commerce naturally forbade any such thing as combination on the large scale. Indeed. It had ecarcely been thought of even on the small scale. Tha rule was "every enterprise for Itsolf," and In the circumstances It was a good rule. But the conditions we have men tioned had the bad effect of creat ing an unfortunate montal habit, namely, the habit of believing that thoroughgoing competition was tho only r.a.jral way of earning on busi ness. When the conditions passed away which made competition desira ble this mental error persisted and survived Into tho time when the progress of science and Invention Im peratlvely demanded other methods. Steam and electricity have aa good as beaten down such barriers as aeas and mountains. Difference of lan guage no longer holds men apart. Railroads, telegraphs, and above all. the printing press, have welded the world Into one community which for purposes of Intercommunication Is not half so large as Germany was In ik- niHu ama. Mr. Perkins men tions these factors In modern business but he singularly overlooks another which Is of the first consequence. That Is International credit. We are prone to forget how Intricate and Ingenious this contrivance Is and also how modern It la It must be looked upon strictly as an acoompanlment of steam and electricity. To be sure there was International credit of a sort as far back as the beginning of the Thirteenth century, but It was as feeble and undeveloped as were the roads and malls of that period. With out unlimited correspondence between the banka of the world modern com merce would be Impossible. Steam and electricity must work on the grand acala or not at all. Their energy la so tremendoua that It can k- .nniieil In a Dettv way. It de mands millions of square miles and' myriads of men ror its adequate ex ercise. Now It is a law of human nature that when a cheaper means of doing the world's work exists than the one already In use men will Invent some plan to apply It In practice. Steam and electricity are a great deal cheaper than the old hand and horse work. The plan which has been con trived to apply them In practice Is the corporation. These natural forces and the corresponding human Inven tion for using them In production are exquisitely adapted to one another, as all things are which are produced by evolutionary growth. But the forcea of electricity and steam and the corporation which exploits them so well pay no regard to the welfare of man. Evolution Is careless of ethics and knows nothing of Justice. It Is a mill which grinds exceeding fine but It grinds the happiness 01 nations with as much eagerness as the dust of a continent. To make evolu tion Intelligent and merciful wo must Inject Intelligence and mercy" into It. This, aa Mr. Perkins pointedly re nini in we have neglected to do. and our troubles with the big cor porations are the consequence 01 our Indolence. In his opinion our present duty Is not to try to turn back the tide of evolution by breaking up the corporations, but to set to work to ih fartnra whose absence makes them malitftoant, Thaj axe Justi about destitute, of hnmanltarlan In telligence. Let us aupply It, aaya Mr. Perkins. As the great eorporatlona now exist they resemble the baronies of the middle agea France, to choose the best example, was broken up Into such baronies all fighting ona another, all robbing tha people, all resisting regulation by the central power at Parle. But while tha central power was not stronger than all of them combined It was mora than a match for any one of them singly. It ap plied the principle of divide and con quer with auch excellent effeot that It overcame the baronies ona by one and finally ewallowed them all. The result was a united France. Wa can not blind ourselves to the existence of some such process In the commercial world. Admit that tho courts will dissolve the bad trusts. The good onea will remain and It Is Incredible that other good ones should rot arise to replace the bad ones. Thus, what ever the courts may do, the trust problem must continue essentially unchanged, though no doubt It will be an excellent expedient to weed out those which ore obviously pernlcloua Our point Is. and It Is also Mr. Perkins point, that the distinction between good and bad trusts Is merely of passing Importance. When It Is settled we must still confront the problem of regulating the good truata Just aa Franoe had to regulate Its barons, no matter though they were bishops In tho church. Mr. Perkins believes that the history of the next few centuries will, take Its color from the way this regulation la devised and carried out, and In our opinion ho la right. The death of Mrs. Laura A. Porter, of Forest Grove, notea the passing of the last of the little bond of settlers who were In at the beginnings of Po clflo University. Mra. Porter held the record a remarkable one In the an nals of the restless, ever-moving w est nf a itnntinimtia residence for fifty- nine years on the place where she but now died at the age or 11 years. . ui her early neighbors .-union xuiue ana .ifa Thomas O. Navlor and wife. Rev. Elkanah Walker and wife. Rev. Har vey Clark and wife. Rev. Tnomas uon Anr rA Trlfn Aivtn T. Smith and wife. Judge E. D. Shattuck and wife. John T. Scott and wife, Wesley MUiKey ana .ie- Mra Tahltha Brown. Rev. S. H. Marsh, Oeorge Fernslde and wife, and Dr. William Glger and wife not one survives. Tho death of Mrs. Porter, who was for many of her later years an Invalid and almost unknown to tho community In which she lived, closes nil einana the volume In which the names and the record of endeavor of the early aettlers of Forest urove is ivritt.n Wnrthv statebullders were these early pioneers, and of fragrant memory. They oeiong 10 mo iro company of those of whom It may bo said: TTley rest xrom tneir laooni anu their works do follow them." An Ideal hospital site Is that recently purchased at Oregon City. Thla Is known aa the Carey Johnson house, having been built many years ago by Hon. Carey Johnson and long occu plod by himself ond family. The site la commanding, the view wide and ex ceedingly beautirul and grand, tho en- I nharm!ti(T And in A VP !V VflV suited to the repose of the convalescent and tho restoration or tne innuiu. The decision to name the great mountain peak In Jackson county McLoughlin Instead of Pitt la In harmony both with history and senti ment. Not only is McLoughlin the first name given by white men to the mountain, but Hs selection fitly honors the memory of the father of Oregon. Death of the young women In the Chehalls powder factory looks like cor porate murder. Washington haa a La bor Commissioner. Where was he and why had he not safeguarded these un fortunate people compelled to labor under hazardous surroundings? The Spokane restaurateur, one of whose customers found a dozen pearls In an oyster, may experience a boom In business among those who look for similar prizes. One such find resulted In a lawsuit. In which the pearls were awarded to the customer. If the charges that the Turks were guilty of treachery and massacre of the wounded Italians In Tripoli should be proved, history would only be re peating Itself. The religion of the Turks teaches that good faith toward infidels is not required. We do not hear much about the strenuous Ufa, but President Taft Is living It- Home from a six weeks' speechmaklng tour, he holds a hurried conference on China and arbitration, then goes to New York to review the fleet. Tho Manchus Just kill, kill, kill. All they seem to care to do Is destroy life. Old-time pictures of bloodthirsty de mons were modeled on what the Man chu might appear under the blood lust and were not far out of the way. Other women cannot follow the ex ample of the woman who uaed her slipper on her husband when he come home hilarious the other night. To but few ore given feet of a slse to be Impressionable. While the farce of selecting Jurors in the Los Angeles dynamiting case is on. Americans are not In a posi tion to criticise the procedure by which Italy tries the Camorra. If the Shermans follow out their system In guarding against germs, they will need to spray the wedding cake and bake the trousseau. The aid of aviation In war will he shown In the Tripoli trouble. An Ital ian has succeeded in dropping bombs Into a Turkish camp. Uncle Sam was twenty millions short when he balanced his books Tuesday night, but a hard Winter has little terror for him. The back-door canvass ' of "the grocers' and -butchers delivery men among the cooks may decide tha Los Angeles election. . Yuan Shi Kal may be destined to become as great power In revolutionary China aa LI Hung Chang waa In Im perial China. George Randolph Chester Is able al ways to extricate his heroes and should find little trouble in his own dilemma. Winter la on schedule time In tha Middle West. FALL CROSSES BOY'S EXES a Schoolboy Falls From "Gym" Bar and Shakes Eve From Place. KLAMATH FALLS, Or, Nov. s. (SpocIaL) CI arena Montgomery, a 1-year-old paper carrier who attends Riverside school, met with a peculiar accident which shifted the position of his left eye. With some other boys he was praotlolng athletics In a gym nasium and Clarence waa using the turning bar, which, while, ba was exer cising on it. slipped from Its socket and threw him to the floor. The bar fell on top of him and struck him over the left eye. Jarring It out of place, so that the angle of vision apparently crosses that of the other optic For the first two or three days after the ocourrenoe the aye pained the boy, but since then he has suffered no In convenience save that the sight of the altered eye Is slightly weaker tnan I normal. Tha eye has worked slightly I toward Its proper position In the ! socket. If It Is determined that an I operation la neoessary, Montgomery ! will go to Portland to a specialist. The boy Is a son of Logan f. Montgomery, who la foreman at the stone crusher plant, and Uvea at Fifth and Grant streets. W. a T. C. WANTS !fO POLITICS Montesano Organisation. I Satisfied. by Mayor's) Action. MONTESANO, Wash, Nov. J. (Spe cial.) At the meeting of the Woman's vw-i-.i t . TTnfnn fcalA vea- j terday afternoon the following resolu tion waa adoptefl -regarding toe repori that the organisation would put a tloket In the field at the coming mu nicipal election! . Resolved. That wnereaa. It haa come to our knowledge that many of our stores are open and doing business on the Sabbath day. and knowing the same to be unlawful, we, tha Woman's sano, appointed s oommittee to wait 1 upon Mayor Wheeler and put, tne same before him ana bss: nis 00-operauon 111 having the law obeyed. Thla commit tee waited on the Mayor and he, In his usual oourteous manner, discussed the situation pro and oon with the committee and aa a result we are per fectly willing to leave the matter in the hands of the Mayor. We regret the rumors that have gone abroad, as It was never the Intention of the Union at this time to put a tloket In the field. STORY CAUSES LIBEXi 6CIT Finnish Newspaperman Prints Al leged Malicious Article. ASTORIA, Or.. Nov. 1. (Special.) A suit has been filed in the Circuit Court by A. Jaloff against the Western Workmen's Co-Operatlve Publishing Company to recover $1000 damages for defamation of character. The defen dant Is the publisher of the Finnish newspaper, Toveri, and the complaint alleges that in Its Issue of Monaay, October JO, the paper contained an article reading as follows: "In the Police Court Saturday after noon, A. Jaloff was brought before the court for breaking the peaoe. Jaloff was Intoxicated, and, making too mucn noise and breaking the customs of civ ilized people, the police took him Into their care and let him go by paying $5 ball to appear at the court Monday." Continuing, the complaint asserts that the article In question was a "false, scandalous, malicious and de famatory libel and untrue in every par ticular, and by the publication of It tho plaintiff- was Injured in bis reputation credit and business." SEATTLE (SELLS BAD FRUIT Leading Commission Dealer Fined In Police Court at Elliot Bay. SEATTLE. Nov. 2. One of the prin cipal commission firms of Seattle was fined In police court today for sell ing decayed peaches to a grooer. The retailer was arrested by a oity health official, who was attraoted by the sign "'peaches 1 cents a box." The peaches were found to be entirely un fit for food. , The grocer, under orders, carried the fruit to a garbage dump. The whole saler on trial contended that he did not sell to the consumer and could not be prosecuted, but was convicted. Re cently large quantities of fruit for bidden to be sold In Spokane and other Northwestern cities, have been shipped to Seattle and disposed of at bargain sales. VEW STATION BEING BUILT Nevada-Californla-Oregon Tracks Reach Northward. LAKEVIEW, Or., Nov. 2. (Special.) Chief Engineer Oliver, of the Nevada- Californla-Oregon Railway, reports that rails are laid to Sugar Loaf Hill, which Is 30 miles below here, and that a crew of tracklayers are at work on the line making speed as rapidly as possible. I The grading crew .that has been at New Pine Creek and vicinity is laying out the station grounds and an addi tional mile of grade, as the former site for a station, has been abandoned on aocount of a legal tangle. The crew is encamped on the new right of way, within a short distance of the center of town. DEMITRRER IS SUSTAINED Elx Prominent Northwest Men Re leased y Flaw In Indictment. SPOKANE, Nov. 2. On the ground that the expression, "for mailing and delivery," was absent from the indict ment oharglng officials of the Idaho Hardwood Company with fraudulent use of the malls. Federal Judge Rudkln today sustained the demurrer, thus dis missing the charges aftalnst six promi nent citizens of the Northwest. The six men are D. W. Stanrod, pres ident of the First National Bank of Po catello Idaho; A. B. Moss, president of the First National Bank of Payette, Idaho: James A. Murray, a Butte mil lionaire; J. B. Perrlne, of Twin Fails, Idaho; Paul S. A. Beckel, of Jerome, Idaho, and Don Davenport, of Spokano. Johnson Replies to Brush. CHICAGO, Nov. I. President B. B. Johnson, of the American League, be fore he departed last night for the Comlskey hunting camp near Mercer, Wis., addressed a letter to John T. n nf the Nv York I l UB 11. jiicam"'. Giants. The missive was a reply to the letter srusn aeni. m ivuuouu v. a. i..ihhv tha latter to Droduce all his evidence against the New York club, and ottering me co-operation 01 -u. i..k in truHnr the facts in the . ti.'U.t ara.lnlno- In the world's CJUI l.U a series Just doled. Mr. Johnson de clined to mase pumio mo hla letter. Albany Indoor Ball Season On. at daw fir 'nv f fSDeolal. Before a big crowd In the Armory, the .....aniuH Albany Indoor Baseball League began Its schedule last even ing, the ltnignta 01 toiumDus wiodids the opening game from the Alco Club, . by s score of IX to. , 1 CANDIDATES ARE CONSIDERED Oregon City Councilman Is Urged to Head Municipal Ticket. OREGON CITT, Or.. Nov. 2. (Spe cial.) A petition signed by 400 persons that he beoome a candidate for Mayor was given William Andresen. president of the City Council. Thursday. Mr. An dresen said that he had not had time to examine the petition aad would not make a decision for several days. His friends who have been active in ob taining the signatures to the petition believe that he will make the raoe. Mr. Andresen has served in the City Council six years and haa made a fine reoord. He is familiar with the affairs of the city, and Is head of the finance oommlttee of the Council. Like others who have been mentioned for the place, Mr. Andresen feels that the duties of the office would require much of his time, and consequently he desires to give the subject oareful consideration. M. D. Latourette, secretary of the Commerolal Club, also is being urged to be a oandldate for Mayor. Mr. Latourette aald Thursday evening that he had not thought seriously of run ning, but admitted that he had been asked to allow the use of his name. Gordon E. Hayes, who was mentioned as a candidate, has announced that he will not make the race. IjANDSMEN act as hosts Uat and Staff of Pacific Fleet Are Entertained Ashore. LO8 ANGELES, Nov. 2. Rear-Ad-tnlral Chauncey Thomas, commander of the Poolfio fleet; Rear Admiral W. H. H. Southerland, In command of the seo ond division, and 180 officers of the Pa cific fleet now anohored In Los Ange les harbor were guests of the city to day. Leaving their ships In the forenoon, the offloers of the fleet boarded spe cial cars at San Pedro and were con veyed directly to the Jonatnan liud, where a dinner was tendered them by the officers of the club and tho Cham ber of Commerce. They were guests later at a lawn fete attended by more than 2000 Los Angelans. In the course of the day the blue Jackets of the fleet have enjoyed the freedom of the beach resorts. Thousands of persons gathered to night on the bluffs overlooking the harbor, viewing the electrlo display on the warships. The old battleship Ore gon, resplendent with dazzling bulbs, was the center of attraction Little torpedo-boata dashed In and out of tho line, sweeping the high hills with their searchlights. "WEATHER, RECORD 19 SET Government Places Automatic. Ther mometer In Lonely Spot. KLAMATH FALLS, Or, Nov. 2. (Special.) Leland Mosier, hydrog rapher of the United States Reclama tion Service, haa returned to this city from Straw, Cel., 12 miles south of the south end of Tule Lake, where he placed for the Government a protected thermometer, which will reoord the weather there, to furnish -the Reclama tion 6ervice of the Klamath project with necessary data to determine whether the same kinds of crops may be raised as In thla vicinity. The thermometer Is of the automatlo registration variety and can be ope rated for a couple of weeks, If neces sary, without a change of the record roll, which takes the temperatures. The land about which the Government seeks information is In the Modoo sub-project, where It Is proposed to reclaim about 18,000 acres and Straw Is In the center of the area. The land Is broken, but la believed to be soil well worth re deeming. HARNEY COUNTY SURVEYED Four Crews Are Concluding; Labors and Will Report. BURNS, Or, Nov. 2. (Special.) George Cartler, who has been in charge of a crew of Government surveyors, re turned this week from the southern part of Harney County with his men and outfit, and has gone to Ontario, from which point they will operate through Malheur County next year. These men are one of four crews of about 14 men each, who have been em ployed for two seasons subdividing the unsurveyed lands of Harney County. But one of the crews is yet in the field, and It will finish their work by the middle of November. There remains but two townships In the county unsurveyed, both In Stein's Mountains, one at the head of Mud Creek and the other at the head of 1 BUtzen River. The returns of the sur vey of the past two seasons will prob ably be In the hands of the Surveyor General next February. NEW RAILROAD IS PROJECTED Electrlo Road From Ashland North to Eugene Announced. MEDFORD, Or., Nov. 2. (Special.) Medford Is taking great Interest In the proposed electric line to run from Ash land to Eugene, incorporated Saturday in the State of Washington with a capi tal stock of 23,000,000 under the name of the Oregon Southern Railway Com pany. J. Arnold Doyle, of Spokane, Wash., and H. M. Farren, of Boise, organizers of the company,' are in Medford and will apply for a franchise from the Cffy Council at Its next meeting. It Is rumored that the Rogue River Railway running from Medford to Jacksonville will be purchased by the new company and electrified, while Mr. Doyle declares that the main line will be a third rail system, rock ballasted and with steel bridges. The estimated cost a mile will be 60,000. The organizers promise aotual con struction work by February L CONTRACT WILL BE LET SOON Representatives Look Over Eugene-to-Coos Bay Extension. vrnrvTl! Or Not. 2. (SDeciaD Jt Is probable' that contracts for the first 25 miles of the Hiugene-uoos ecy ex tension will be let within a short time. Tl-i.. I a ri.-arlr.allv ratnnll to the Coast range, and representatives of large contracting iirms imvo mxu bj .. n rVitt Una nf tha survev almost daily. Farmers and commission men have been interviewed regarding prices and delivery of supplies. John ii- iwony, 01 me iirm vi n 1. t,i. .1-11 ti t di'pr tha line Mon day, accompanied by a Southern Paclflo right-of-way man. luwuay juausuu Porter, of the firm of Porter Bros., was in Eugene for the purpose of going over the ground. Yesterday Mr. Burr, . Trniatto aV RnrT who urn hiilldina UL l' "iw . " ' " tJ the California-Northwestern line from San Francisco to Eureka, came to Eu gene and went out over tue ,1110. - Edwin Hawley Resigns Three Jobs. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Announcement was made, today of the resignation of Edwin Hawley as president of the Great Western Power Company, of California, the California Electric Gen erating Company and the Western Pow er Company, a holding company for the Great Western, , T PASTOR III' 5 SELL WRITES LETTEB He Wtll not Vse Miracle Wheat Money . for Year, Pending Results. PORTLAND, Nov. 1. (To the Editor.) I beg. to call your attention to an open letter from Pastor Russell ex plaining his connection with "Miracle Wheat." This letter was published in the Brooklyn and Nesg York papers and is self-explanatory Your recent editorial commenting on an apparent discrepancy In state- , ments re "Miracle Wheat" by Mr. J. A. Bonnet ana myself, noted. Relative to the particulars suroundlng the exact origin of this wheat we are glad to stand corrected. The point which we raised, however, related to Pastor Rus sell's connections with this grain. I am sure that the many readers of your excellent Journal would have been In terested In the publication of ths full text of J. A. Bonnet's letter. WILLIAM A. BAKER. NEW YORK. Sept. 71, (To My , Friends and the General Public) "Miracle wheat" has certainly ob ! talned a wide publicity through the I publio press. The proffered donation I by my friends. Mr. Bohnet and Mr. i Fleming, of the proceed of their crops I of "miracle wheat" to our fund f or -I printing free tracts In all languages has been made to appear a crime, be cause some are sceptical. I have no knowledge of wheat or ita culture, but I have confidence In these two friends, that all they say in favor of "miracle wheat" they know to be true. But every pood thing has its enemies and fault-finders; and so it must be with "miracle wheat." People who have not produced It condemn It. Under the circumstances, I, as presi dent of the society, shall refuse to ac cept the proceeds of this seed-wheat for a year and shall insist that any purchaser of the wheat dlEsatlsned or disappointed with his bargain shall have his money back on demand. The price placed upon seed-wheat by these friends, $1 per pound, postage paid, is criticised as excessive. It did not so appear to me, and evidently did not so appear to those who purchased It. Jealous competitors claim that their wheat is "Just as good," and that they sell for less money. We will be glad if this Is true, and If this notor iety shall sell all their stocks. I am glad If thus the more quickly the wheat crop of the world shall be In creased three-fold and the necessary seed therefor decreased three-fourths. That will mean an Increase In the wealth of our country alone of $1, 000,000,000 per year from the wheat crop. It would also make cheaper bread for the poor. If I were a farm er I would sow my wheat fields to Xmlracle wheat" as quickly as possible, even If the seed cost me $10 per ounoe. In calling attention to "miracle wheat" In my Journal In March, 1908, my only objeots were: (1) To benefit my fellow men, and, (il to mark an other evidence of Divine favor, mak ing for the fruitfulness of earth and preparing for the Messiah's kingdom. I then quoted from the Government's report on this wheat and expressed a hope that It would prove what my friends now claim it hag demonstrated. I had not the slightest thought then that the proceeds of any of this wheat would be tendered to the free tract fund of the Bible and Tract Society. My objeot was benevolent and not mer cenary, and so It Is still. The general adoption of "miracle wheat" would not advantage me one penny, except as -general prosperity would advantage everybody. . CHARLES T. RUSSELL. Highest Water In Willamette. CENTRALI A, Wash., Oot. 2L (To the Editor.) What year was the very high water In Portland T , D. B. REES. Weather Bureau records show that the highest water known In the his tory of Portland was June T, 1894, when the' river attained a height of 12 feet. ' v Preslden Foate Appravea. PORTLAND, Or, Nov. l-(To the Editor.) Let me thank you In gen eral for your views concerning the function of colleges, and especially for your editorial In The Oregonlan this morning. Unless Reed College Is fun damentally wrong In Its principles, your editorial Is high service in the cause of any higher education worth the name. WILLIAM T. FOSTER. Special Features OF The Sunday Oregonian Zoo Animals Pose An nnnsnal page of photos of Portland 's City Park denizens as caught by the camera man. The Amazons' Siege A record of the work, victories and fail ures in the -woman's suffrage campaigns in America. , Fables la Slang George Ade's 1911 fable of the women who were opposed to vivisection ex cept within the union. Sidelights on H u n t i n g An amateur nimrod goes fully and freely into the topic of stalking big game in the forests and bills of Oregon. Underclass Mix Day Half a page, illustrated, on a new cus tom that has replaced hazing in one of the big schools. Civil War Adventures Port land veterans relate experiences at Cedar Creek and the Siege of Richmond. A Social Somersault One of George" Randolph Chester's clev erest tales on high finance. When the World Was Young Something about the life of 10r 000,000 years ago, as revealed by recent Governmental research work. Wives Who Pursue Oareers An illustrated half-page on the work of an interesting group of professional women. About Goldendale- Addison Bennett writes interestingly of a thrifty Washington district The Widow Wise, Sambo, Hair breadth Harry, Slim Jim and Mr. Boss have new adventures, and little Anna Belle has some nice new clothes to cut out. MANY OTHER FEATUEES