Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 03, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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Story of Suffering Family Is
Key to Young Frederick
Jobelman's Heart.
Announcement of PoTrrtr Stricken
Household's Appeal to Major Is
Answered by Gift From
Many Portland Cltlxena.
"Mora la 10 cents for those poor folks
on the East lde. I was sarlnc tno
inonty to gtt a license for my do-, bnt
those poor children need It worse. If
vary UtUa boy and Slrl would tvs 19
cents. Ihoee children could have all
they need."
Utile Frederick W. Jobelroao, Jr,
was the speakrr. IU Is i years old.
With the two nlckais clasped tightly
In on chubby l and and holding his
fthar's hand with tha othar. ha cams
Into Tha urrior.Uo editorial rooms yea
terdar afternoon and told how sorry bs
f!t for "those poor folks."
Ha eiptalned that ha tad a d" which
would sooa need a license. Ha deter
mined to saire enough mny to bay one.
and had IS cents laid up for that por-r-oja.
Hut he couldn't buy a dog Ucenso
while ha knew soma folks wars cold
and hucgry. he had dc!dd to gWs
tha money to the Dick children.
Olaer raatfibattosa Maaav
Tha boy lives at SS4 East Plxty
rlKhtlt street, and Is the son of F. W.
Jobe'.ma.n. Ills father read tha story
about lha Dick family In Tha Oreajonlan
yrsterdar rr.omin at tha breakfast ta
Me. Uttle Frederick lhouhl about It
all the morning, and finally decided to
make ttie sacrtilre.
Other kind-hearted Torf.and people
are helping to supply the family's tern,
porary wants A well-known woman
telephoned yesterday she wished to send
soma clothing to the deetltuta family,
and Olson Boa. a local transfer com
pany, consented to take the clothing to
tha needy family.
I used to do thst way In New York
City." said tha woman In offering tha
rathe Stay Be Ceaewred.
"I used to watch tha New York pa
pers, and whenever I saw a case of need
I rat what 1 had eaved up In the way
.nf oloiMn dlrecllr to tha family, t
don't like to gla through charitable
organisations, because the clothing
.doesn't always reacfi the moat needy
class: It Is more often sold to people
who ara batter able to buy. But when
there Is a cae of real destitution. I
want to help. Tha father In this esse
may not ba what be should be. but that
should not deter us from helping those
needy children and their mother."
George K. ilcCord. Mayor Hash
lights prlvsts secretary, received a do
nation of i yesterday for tha Dick
family. t
Ths Oregon Congress of Mothers, at a
meeting yesterday, took up tha project,
one of tha members being acquainted
with tha family. Tha statement waa
made that the family will hare to ba
cared for permanently, aa tha husband
and father has contracted tha habit of
habitual drunkenness.
Fatker wade Traaty.
Tiealdes tha provisions which wera
r.eapea up in every ivuiu v& ;
tha six little hearts wsrs gladdened by i
1 n a anion ui cwx- 7 .. -Ing
Dick mad a trusty at ths rockplla
and given permission to visit the horns
with a guard. It was a tearful scene
when tha father got home for the first
time, and a still mors tearful seen
when ha had to ba taken bark to JalL
Arrangements will ba mads for him to
make dally visits to Ms home.
Efforts ware mads to have Governor
west pardon Dick, but ha Informed his
petitioners that such action was In tas
hands of tha City Council. An ordi
nance has been drafted to present to
tha Council at Its meeting next Wednes
day authorising ths release of Dick.
Measure Prafted to Bar Women
From Selllln Drtnk" to Patron.
A measure aimed at cheap vaudevllla
hous;s and prohibiting women per
formers from mingling with the
audtenca between acta, selling drinks
and In otbsr ways acting Improperly
waa adopted yesterday by tha license
commute of the City Council and will
he presented to tha City Council at its
next meeting. The measurs Is drafted
to go In etTect January 1. 112. The
ordinance la tha outcome of an Inves
tigation of tha Frits Theater, on Eao
ond and Burnslde streets. A com
munication from George A. Thatcher
it.rlkrir. that tha theater la a diva
waa read and Chief of folic Slover j
waa asked for his opinion. lis said
he considered tha house to ba low.
Fred Frits, proprietor of tha thea
ter, said ha tried to conduct It prop
erly and that ha would stop women
from mingling with tba audtenca If tha
llrens for tba theater would not ba
' revoked. Tha commute then drafted
tha meaaur coveting tha Frits place
and others which may exist or may ba
started In tha future. After January
1 Frits will either ran a legitimate
theater or close tha theater entirely.
Tha committee also adopted aa
amendment to the electric sign ordl
a ace, making possible tha Installation
of slcns of any kind conforming to the
National Board of Fir Underwriters
rules. This meana that If th amend
ment la accepted by th City Council (
riecino piina " inc. am niitri ini
not outlined by alec trio bufeba will ba
Water Supply Reservoir and System
to Coat Nearly f 39,000.
HEP.MISTO.V. Or, Nov. I. C8p
. rial.) At aa adjourned meeting of th
Council today bid for water system
bonds and construction of th plant
war awarded. Th bids were opened
st th regular meeting Wednesday
evening, but there was auch a mass of
figures that It waa necessary to ad
journ until this morning. For th
bonds there wer three blda and eight
on construction.
Hoehler Cummins, of Toledo. O..
secured the bonds on a premium of
ISTS. Th Newport Land A Construo
tlon Company, of this city, secured th
construction work with a bid of tit.
00l. Ths nearest competitor was
t- higher. Prices ranged from that
f These flguree do not in
clude wells, pump or other machinery,
which will bring th total do to
Ho mains of lesa than four Inches ar
to be need. Th plpa to. th reservoir
will b 11 Inches. Th reservoir will
be on Hermiston Butts, with an eleva
tion of nearly 159 feat abov tha city.
Th Newport Land Construction
Company la on of th largest con
cerns of th state, outsld of Portland,
and at present has tha contract for
th dirt work on the new branch asy
lum at Pendleton.
Oregon Electric to Begin Building
Bridges on Sew Line.
EUGENE. Or, Nov. 1. (Special.)
W. w. Clark, of tha J. McAchem Com
pany, which has the contract for the
erectlsn of the bridges on tha llna of
tha Oregon Electric Railway from 8a
lem to Eugene, was her yesterdsy
looking sfter piling for tha bridges.
He said that his company is resdy to
begin work and will start construotlon
of the brldses across tha Bantlara
north of Albany and over the Wil
lamette at Harrlsburg this week
Construction of th bridges will b
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Fredrrlrk V. Jobelmaa, Jr, Flte
t ear-old nor. ha (
Mia Sarlaga Faor FassUy.
pushed ss rapidly as possible. In th
hope of being ready for the trains by
th time th grading Is finished. Rap
idity of construction will depend con
siderably on the stage of th water
during th Winter. Trains will be
run over the falsa work It necessary.
In order to expedite the beginning of
'Hooslera" to Form Later.
Three hundred former residents of
th "Lloosler" State met In th as
sembly hall of the Commercial Club
last evening and took preliminary steps
for the orgsnlxatlon of th Indiana
Club of Portland. After discussion It
was decided not to perfect a perma
nent organization until tha next meet
ing to be railed later. '
Special for Two Days
Today and Tomorrow
Ladles Suits from the latest fabrics,
formerly selling from S85 and up.
Reduced to
No More No Less
Any Suit in the House
362V2 Washington St., Second Floor
Preferential Voting and Non
partisan Amendments to Be
Submitted Separately.
City Auditor la Instructed to Ask
Delay of Election for SO or 40
Day Official Commission
Also Hold Session.
Deciding te submit as separate
amendments th question of preferen
tial voting and a non-partisan elimi
nating primary, tba People's Charter
Commission (East Bide) last night vir
tually completed Its work. Reports of
sub-committees, as approved by ths
commission, have been turned over to
th codification commute for the prep
aration of tha commission charter as It
will go before the people.
City Auditor Barbur was delegated
ss a commute to oonfer with Mayol
Rushlight and members of th Council
to ascertain when it was proposed to
call th special election for the charters
R. W. Montagu reported to ths com
mute last night that h bad been told
the Council expected at Its meeting
next Wednesday to Ox January t as the
date fur tha special election. Th City
Auditor was Instructed to request that
ths election be deferred for to or 40
days to enable the East Sid committee
to complete preparation of its charter.
Fay Allowed lajared.
An amendment was approved allow
ing firemen and policemen, when In
lured In tha performance of their du
ties, to draw from the city full pay for
six months and an allowance of 120 a
month thereafter until they recover
sufficiently to return to their work or
take up other employment.
Dr. Harry Lans and R. W. Montague
clashed over the consideration of a
proposed amendment offered by Dr.
Lane and calculated to prevent stork
watering by corporations operating
under franchises from the city. It pro
vided that before any such corporation
could Increase or diminish Its capital
stock It must first file with the com
missioners a correct statement of the
actual rash valuation of its property
In Justification of the desired change
In capitalization. The amendment was
referred to a subcommittee which will
make a report next Monday night.
Auditor Mad Purchaser.
"Th City Auditor, under direction
of th Council, shall purchase all sup
piles, materials, apparatus, appliances
and equipment required by each de
partment of tha city." reads section 14
of the charter being prepared by the
official charter commission. This sec
tion was adopted last night. It pro
vides that "all purchases or contracts
for purchase exceeding $100 shall be
upon competition," and only 1100 may
ba expended for one class of supplies
In a slngl month without advertising
for bids. In case of no bids being
received the Council msy go Into ths
open market and purchase on the best
terms obtainable.
Other sections adopted last night
constitute th Council trustee, of the
funds accumulated for tha relief of and policemen by reduction
from such employes' salaries, place
th police regulation of th wharves,
waterfront and harbor under control of
tha Commissioner of Public Eafety and
provide for tho appointment of a har
bormaster and deputies by th Council
under civil service rules and the fix
ing by th Council of the compensation
of such appointees.
Sevea-MIIl Tax Set.
Section 114, consideration of which
was finally concluded, provldea that the
Council may assess not in excess of 7
mills to cover expenditures for all pur
poses except the payment of Interest
on bonded Indebtedness, sinking fund
levy and the levy for bridges and fills.
For tha retirement of the bonded debt
la two heights :
2X in.
2 in.
YOU should see the new IDE
seeking straight-front shape that does
meet close. It's baked and so shaped
in the baking by our special Vertif orm
Process that it has the vertical front
so much desired by correct dressers.
Has ample scarf space.
Collars lose their shape and fit when
buttonholes stretch or tear the veriest
have exclusively the LlNOCORD
Buttonholes. They're easier-to-button
and don't tear out. They're
strong where the strain comes.
four-tenths of a mill msy be levied
annually and be credited to the sink
ing fund. For special bridge fund five
tenths of a mill may be apportioned
and the money so derived may be used
for either bridges or gulches costing In
excess of S15.000 each.
Th commission will meet again to
night and expects to conclude its labors
this week.
Story That Burglar Sent Bullet to
Chest Xot Borne Out by Girl
Lodger In Adjoining Room.
SPOKANE. Wash, Nov. t. (Spe
cial.) "The burglar forced me to lead
him to the house and into my room
and shot me when I grappled .with
him," persists Sam Loy, 21 years old,
who has only an even chance to liva
with a bullet abov his heart. On the
other band, half the force of city de
tectives, a number of uniformed police
and a woman who rooms In th house
believe that young Loy shot himself.
The mystery of the shooting early
this morning has given rise to a num
ber of theories but there is no known
motive for an attempt at suicide.
Mary Hasbrouck. who lives In the
same dwelling with Loy, says . she
heard him coma in. heard only his
footsteps on the stairs, heard him
moaning also in his room, and heard
the shot but cannot by th wildest
flight of Imagination summon up ths
impression that a scufne was taking
place. Neither did she hear anyone
run out of the house after the shoot
ing, which was done with a pistol,
which had been owned by the grand
father of Loy and was in Loy's trunk.
The relatives stoutly Insist that Loy
must have been shot by an unknown
thug and they profess to believe every
word the young man has uttered on
the subject.
F. Ids fllJfiMj Trr'
Raising is most interesting
and, furthermore, it is one
of the most profitable crops
to grow, when the soil is
right and proper care is ex
ercised in cultivation.
soil is right and it is possible
to produce "a crop of celery
amounting to $1000.00 per
All fruits, vegetables, etc.,
will grow easily and to per
fection at Parkrose and the.
raising of these will help you
materially to
-Arrange to go out with us at once, while the weather is
a short time by automobile just beyond itose uuy ra.r&. nau uuica mo
$650.00 up; acres $1150.00 up less than good lots only a little closer in.
Hartman & Thompso
Phones : A 2050, Main 208,
Guaranteed and Recommended
Our celebrated "-0. W. P."
Whisky is bottled in Bond un
der the supervision of the
United States Government.
Put Up in
Three Sizes
pedal Discounts to Trade.
Sole Distributors for Oregon RAINIER BEER
LrsM Mall Order Hoaae aa Fadfle Coast. Orders
Filled Same Day as deceived. Write for Price List.
Main 2958
Main 4057
W I I J 117. B in health, happiness and
S 1 M money to establish yourself
if ' r II f il 1 wnere yu can ve
I If1 I Lfn f open, away from the cares
t 'I I W ill M Mi worries of cty life and
j I j ' ill Cl0S9 to ity l
Ground rioor,
Special Wine Sale.
Domeatlo Sparkling
' isa i ii ii in i (
beckons you to come out and
establish your home where
you can have nature's sur
roundings combined with the
city's conveniences; where
you can raise your family
amid proper environments;
where they will enjoy life to
the fullest extent ; where
you can
delightful - . It " only
Chamber of Commerce Bl
A Tonic and System-Builder
Pure, rich and mellow, a truly
Good Whisky. It's flavor is a
criterion of its superior merits.
Quarts $1.25
Pints 65 c
Half Pints 35c
The Best in the West
SS pes ceat off all Imported and
Wiaes Dorlns November.
All Leading Liquor Store.