Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 02, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Demise of Nine Persons Under
Woman's Roof Leads to
Stepchildren, Children nd Lodgers
Make Cp Rnt of tlt That Mr.
LoulM Vermllra WU1 B
Asfced to Explain.
CHICAGO. No. 1 Chicago pollc
pursued today their Investigation
th death of nearly a half '' r
relatives and acquaintances of Mra,
Louie Vermllya to mak of"10
whether the similar demise constituted
sir a remarkable series of coinci
dences, as Mra Vermllya asaerta, Ntn
vsths are Included In the lonr Ut with
which Mra Vermllyas name has been
connected, Including two husbands, two
step-chlUlren. trire children and two
lodcers In board In houses she kept.
Pending- the report of tho toxlcolo
glsts who are examining the rlscera or
the last of the persons whose deaths
hsr occurred beneath Mrs. Vermllya s
roof, the police have made no arrests.
No positive evidence of crime has been
Sew Faeta Kaawm.
From letters received by the police
and from separate Investigation, new
fsets becams known today In part as
That while Mrs. Vermllya has said
that one of the members of the death
roster. Richard T. Smith, a conductor,
was only a boarder at her home, a for
mer roomer asserts the two said pre
Tlously that they had been married,
and that they lived toirether as hus
band snd wife.
That R. N. Brulngton. a brother-ln-lis
of Pmlth. had made love to the
widow so as to Investigate suspicions
about the reason for his relative s de
mise. That Smith died In convulsions and
after dtinklnr some substance; but thai
the doctors irave the cause of death
from descriptions of ths symptoms
riven by the widow as acute gastritis.
Death Widow's Topic.
Brclngton's story relating; the con
fidential talks he had with the widow
while he was courting: her was expected
to develop new interest. In a talk with
the police Inspector of Peoria be said
Mra Vermllya had periods of mental
depression in which she waa fond of
talklnr of death and the many visits
It had made to those near and dear to
her. lie ssld to ths police:
"She told me It seemed Strang to
her that nearly everyone she knew well
and csred for died, and asked me If I
was afraid of death."
Mra Vermllya told Inquirers today
tbst she had some knowledge of medi
cines, having acquired It to be of aid
to neighbors and relatives In time of
lllnesa Phe Insisted that she was In
nocent snd condemned the police for
maintaining a surveillance over her.
Death 14 Reviewed.
The deaths which are being looked
Into follow:
Fred Brlnkamp. first husband of Mra
Vermllya; died on farm near Barrlng
ton. HI, after brief lllness.
Charles Vermllya, second husband,
died after six days' Illness of "gas
tritis." at Maplewood. 11 L
Klorence Brlnkamp. daughter, years
Carrie Brlnkamp. t-year-old daugh
ter, died at Harrington.
Harry Q. Vermllya. stepson. SS years
Lillian Brlnkamp. stepdaughter. It
years old.
Frank Brlnkamp, son. died of pneu
monia In Chicago.
Richard T. 8mith. conductor and re
ported to be third husband. He boarded
st her home.
Arthur Bissonette, policeman. 'roomer
to whom she was engaged; died of
gastritis" Ittst Thursday.
That Klssonette was really engaged
to Miss Lydla Rlvard. of Kankakee,
waa shown by the filing today of the
policeman's will In which Miss Rlvard
eras named as his fiancee.
Mra Vermllya wss a witness to the
will, and the police will endeavor to
ascertain whether the widow had
shown jealousy of the policeman's In
tended wife.
It was the sudVlenness of Ptssonette's
death that prompted the Investigation.
BEAR, cougar and other carnivorous
wild beasts habltatlng In the
forests of Douglas and Coos counties
In Southern Oregon had better hunt
their lairs and remain secluded during
the next month or so for last night
B fddy Ryan. Harry Abies snd Bill
Rodgers departed to Join Vean Gregg,
who Is already puncturing the atmo
sphere snd possibly a few wild beasts
with soft nosed bullets.
The ball tossers. who have been
planning this excursion for several
months, collected their paraphernalia
yesterdsy. and embarked on the train
Isst night for West Fork, whera they
will be met by guides with pack mules.
They Journey overland 3 miles Into the
Interior to Join Vean Gregg, who Is
already In camp.
The balltosaers received all kinds of
sdvloe ss to equipment, and If they
bed heeded aU the recommendations
f well-wtshlng friends, it would have
required a circus caravan to carry tha
stuff Into ths hills As It was big Harry
Abies equipped himself with six pairs
of khaki trousers, four macklnaw coats,
two rifles, two shotguns and an auto
matic revolver, as well ss ammunition
and nxhing suppllea He positively re
fused to lake an overcoat along, for be
says It will not get sny too cold to suit
him In the Rogue River country, and
he does not wsnt to be hampered In
bis actions by the flapping of the tsil
of an overcoat. Abies has had consid
erable experience with surveying gangs
and hunting parties In his native state
of Texas, snd he ssys Oregon Is no
wirier than the portions of Texas he
has frequented In past Winters.
The big fellow was as happy as a
kid with a new toy before his de
parture yesterday, and Ryan and
Rodgers were not the least bit dis
pleased at the prospective outing. All
bid farewell to their friends hers and
promised each a few pelts as souvenirs.
Tbs hunting balltossers will bs gone
for a month or six weeks. They have
sgreed to abstain from smoking and
chewing during this outtng.
Roger Pe-klnpaui;h. who was accom
panied to Portland by his fsther and
mother In addition to Mra. Peckla
paugh. expects to depart for Cleveland
tomorrow or Sunday. Pecklnpsugh has
won a host of friends snd admirers In
B-wtlaad tills reasas. while none of J
them begrudges him the chance, to
make good In major league company,
all would be delighted to see this
sterling player once mora a Beaver
in llt- Peck can be depended on to
give Ueorge McBrlde and Ivan Olson a
battle for the shortstop position on the
Cleveland club next Spring.
Walter McCredle Is figuring on going
to Sntpherd's Springs in a few days,
and expects to remain there resting up
until the Oregon-Washington football
game. November Is. Bhortly after
that he will go East for a month's
business trip.
Considerable surprise was expressed
In Portland baseball circles yesterday
when It was announced that Clark
Griffith was to manage tha Washing
ton American League team next sea
son, for most of the local fraternity
thought Oeorg Stovall. who was so
successful with Cleveland this year,
would be the new plot of tho Nationals.
Stovall was traced to Washington for
McBrlde. as Harry Davis has been
signed to manage the Naps, and It was
generally believed he would be at tho
helm In the national capita.
Injury to McMillan, Star Quarter
back, la Blow to Eleven.
AJOT ARBOR. Mich, Nov. 1 Minus
tha supreme confidenca over tho out
come of next Saturday's game with
Syracuse confidence which departed
suddenly yesterday when "Shorty" Mo
MUlan. tha star quarterback, sprained
a leg tho Michigan football squad In
dulged today In Its third straight af
ternoon of heavy practice.
"Jimmy" Craig was still on the hos
pital list and Torbet was In at left half.
Ptcard got his chance at quarter and
It la possible may hold down McMil
lan's Job next Saturday.
There is. however, a feeling that
Tost will shift Wells to left half and
start tho Syracuse game with Craig at
Larned, Wright and McLonghltn on
Way to Australia.
VICTORIA. B. C, Nov. 1. The Ameri
can tennis team, which will compete for
the Davis cup. the emblem of the
world's championship, sailed from Vic
toria for Auckland on tha steamship
Zealandta this afternoon.
Tha team includes W. H. Larned.
United States champion: Beala Wright
and Maurice McLouirhlln. bound for
Chrlstchurch. New Zealand. Larned and
McLoughlln have spent the past few
days here shooting pheasants while
waiting for the steamship.
What Finarf Portland Baseball
Idols Are Dolna-
No. 2 Jako Dels!.
IT IS very seldom that a weak-hitting
ballplayer becomes much of a general
favorite among the fans, but In 101
such a player enjoyed great popularity
with tha fan a. This player was Jakey
Delsel. shortstop, a grand fielder but a
weak batsman.
However, that year Delsel was sur
rounded by such competent men on ths
Infield that his weakness was unno
ticed because of his wonderful Adding.
With Jo Tinker, Andy Anderson and
Lou Mahaffey working with him In the
Infield. Delsel was easily a star player.
Tha year 1801 was Delsel's bast in tha
game. He began slipping backward
tha following year; and. after a medio
cre showing for a time with John Me
Closkey's San Francisco team of tha
Pact Bo National League. Jakey drifted
back to Cincinnati, his home town. He
Is now engaged In truck farming near
that place.
For several yeers after playing on
the Coast, Jaksy tried out each Spring,
but his tendency to take on weight
oon put him out of baseball entirely
and he Is now satisfied to raise vegeta
bles near Cincinnati.
Occasionally a Portland friend hears
from the former shortstop, and when
ever Joe Tinker comes to Portland he
brings news dlrsct from Delsel. But,
aalde from these semi-occasional mes
sages. Jakey Delsel Is almost forgotten.
The frequency of tha "Pecklnpaugh-to-Rodgers-to-Rapps"
phrase In sum
marizing double plays during the past
season recalled to many the old-time
"Delsel-to-Anderson-to-Mahaffey" dou
ble killings of the 101 championship
Government Runs Behind $4,135,
000 In October.
WASHINGTON". Nov. 1. The Federal
Government's deficit for the fiscal year
exceeded f20.1S0.00O when the Treasury
opened Its doors todsy. The deficit a
year ago was tl3.P00.000. while a month
ago It waa tH.050.000.
Tho Increase In the deficit la October
was due to the fact that the receipts for
tho month were only f j.0S5.000, while
the disbursements amounted to 10.
190.000. an excess of expendtures over
receipts of 3t.13S.000.
.The total balance In the general fund
of the Treasury at the close of Octo
ber was 313 520.000. as against 1144.
400.000 In September. The working
balance In Treasury offices at the open
ing of business today was 3T8.t50.000,
while a month ago It amounted to $S.
115.000. The total cash In the Treas
ury todsy was 3 1.7. 170.000. as com
pared with 31.HS3.510.O00 at the end of
September. The amount of gold coin
and bullion In the trust funds for the
redemption of the notes and certificates
for which they ara pledged was 397.i
03.000 at tha end of October, while at
the close of tha previous month It waa
The Panama Canal called for ths ex
penditure of I2.J0.000 during October,
making a total disbursement for this
project during the current fiscal year of
Cornetlst It Arrested.
Fred Neumetster, a ooroetlst In th
orchestras of theaters here, was arrest
ed yesterday by Probation Offlcer Wait,
of the Juvenile Court, on a chargs of
contributing to the delinquency of a
minor. Walte declares that ha found in
ths man's room. In tha Kamm block, at
the corner of First and Pin streets,
th most filthy lot of pictures he has
ever seen. Th evidence against Neu
metster wss presented to the grand Jury
and the Juvenile Court authorltls ask
his Indictment on two coonta Neu
melster is 40 years old. His bond has
been fixed at $2i00.
Salmon Season Opens.
The Fall fishing season In the Wil
lamette River for salmon opened
November 1. but the first day's fishing
did not result In any catches of conse
quence by the glllnettera At present
th water Is too low and clear for
good result and tha only plac wher
Fall fishing Is good Is In th vicinity
of Oregon City. The opening prlces
to the fishermen have been announced
by the wholesalers as 3 cents a pound
for steelheads and cents a pound for
S-vmetrmee the elrrt authors srs
trnr!y cs-:s. Charle Lover. In
-i n u. ... Introduces Captain
t'owrr a' Pick, then call Mm Fred throuftk
ti remainder of the novel.
Co-operative Individualism De
clared to Be' Replacing
Earlier Systems.
Banking Partner of J. P. Morgan
Believes Fair Regnlatlon Can
Bo Attained Xew Age SCakea
lS'enr Power Useful.
(Continued from First Para)
th methods pursued, ths blind pools
which b cannot fathom. It la tha
. u LI L Ull IHUSSIllfllll OK O. I
giant enterprise that he fears, ths re
fusal or failure of that management to
realise that slno th public owns tts
tock It la a quasl-publlo Institution
and Is resronslbla to tha publlo.
Th cltlxen naturally wants to know,
and certainly has the right to know,
through th activities of the Govern
ment, all about the operations of a
corporation In which he may have
money Invested or which deals In com
modities affecting his dally life.
I am satisfied that such knowledge
would satisfy the citizen and make him
mora appreciative of the need of cor
porations. It would stop corporate
abuses and lead to that condition of
buHiness honesty which Is more appar
ent today than It has ever been.
Competition Is t'asaerelfnL
Attempt to sweep the country back
Into the era of competition, tha direct
consequence of the vigorous enforce
ment of the Sherman law, and there
will return tha evils of deceit and fraud
In business, violent fluctuation In prices,
tha deliberate driving to the wall of
weak concerns, and tha eventual crea
tion of monopolies by survivors.
, Competition Is directly responsible
for the sweat shop, for child labor, for
nonemployment, for low wages and for
panto and failure. It exemplifies the
principle that might Is right. It has
no mercy. It Is an Inexorable machine
which crushes those not strong enough
to dominate It.
Now. let us see the effects of co-operation.
In modern life competition Is
artificial, co-operation Is natural. Com
petition produces millionaires and pau
pers, co-operation greater equality In
the distribution of wealth.
Competition precipitates business
chaos, co-operation promotes business
stability. Co-operation baa decreased
the cost of articles and Increased the
wages and assured the mors steady
employment of labor. It has reduced
failures and Increased trade, domestic
and foreign. It has lessened waste by
utilizing by-products small Independ
ent manufacturers could not handle.
Doty of Congress Plala.
Under such circumstances Congress
should recognize the new force that la
directing our material life and In a
large, sagacious way provide for Its
There Is no doubt as to the feasibility
of Federal regulation. For half a cen
tury the Government has regulated the
National banks. The railroads are now
under th supervision of the Interstate
Commerc Commission, which has tho
power even to fix rates.
Surely If the banks and the railroads
can be successfully regulated, the same
may be done with corporations.
There ara comparatively few Ameri
can favorable to Government owner
ship and fewer, to socialism. Tet the
tide, unless arrested, will sweep us on
those shoals.
Business men have feared that regu
lation would mean the supervision of
the affairs of their concerns by Inex
perienced men. It Is a fear which Just
ly may be considered. I have proposed
to eliminate It by the expedient of cre
ating a business court, composed wholly
of business men of experience snd in
tegrity. To such a court should go for final
adjustment, any question that other
wise could not be satisfactorily settled.
Th court should have a standing In
th eyes of business men comparable
to that of the Supreme Court In the
yes of. lawyers. Its dignity should be
so unquestioned that service upon It
would Je the crowning achievement oi
a business man's life.
Such a court would be lair ana equit
able with respect to the enterprise be-
for It and fair and equitable to thel
people. It wouia noi inicnoro wnu
eviydy management of business, but
would allow rree play lor tne improve
ment and development of trade.
Secrecy Create Distrust.
Federal regulation should carry with
It the most complste publicity. No
honest business enterprise, no honest
man, fears public knowledge of his af
fairs. Knowledge breeds confidence
and oonfldenc Is a business man's capi
tal. A policy of secrecy gives rise to
suspicion and distrust.
Moreover, under mooern connexions, u
Is Impossible to maintain secretive
methods. The facts become known and
yZt&' si.- CI 41
Uc.i .V4 As i.1 S-, 6fv V A? i -. 'i?v , V, f-avs. sa.V-.c? A 4 tjt. a fr r.?a ;.-
s tjrofitable Investment
a diversion from the al
most obligatory routine of
yonr business or professional
calling what could possibly
bring you both more satis
factorily than the possession
of a tract of this truly high
class acreage T Rich creek
bottom and valley land
within such a convenient
distance that it would enable
you to enjoy occasional and
week-end visits. Look at it
from the investment and
profit -bringing side the
hilitipa that are actual
that have been demonstrated here, imo marker wnai you migm, uco v,w--- ----- . "...
peara cherries or other fruits; vegetables, etc.; they're produced up to the highest standard through the -fertility
JSSSSof tha soU of thil section. Weigh the proposition carefuUy m yoixr mmd -your experience nd
ability acainst facts and figures will surely indorse it as a practical, wise investment. Investigate COLUMBIA
ACRES TtodTy-be wtse YofSe fait that tracts are being disposed of quickly. Phone for an appointment if you wish.
Tracts of From 5 Acres to SO Acres, Selling at From
$20 to $60 an Acre, and on Liberal Terms
that have been demonstrated here.
F. B.
A 7507
Lumber Exchange Building, Second
Intercommunication spreads th Infor
mation with llghtnlng-llke rapidity.
Publlo ODlnlon has condemned such
methods and Is demanding full, open
and honest accounting from Business
concerns. .
Some corporations with farslghted
wisdom adopted publicity several years
sgo. with the result that they are hav
ing less trouble with their labor and
the public than other enterprises.
Through this action labor and the pub
lic know th profit made and th per
centage In wages which employes re
ceive. . . ,..-,.
I firmly believe enrorcea puDinijtjr
will be a great preventive of corporate
... t.- hit. Kent beats UDOn the
f u 11 ..n. . . ........ .-c -
Chief Executive of the Nation and as
sures that ho will not improperly
sny of ths great powers conferred upon
him. -
Public opinion Is becoming more and
more the final court In our land.
Satisfy that opinion through publicity
as to th honesty of a corporation and
most of the existing difficulties will
Gallty Corporation No Criterion.
It Is unfair to denounce all corpora
tions because of the guilt of a few.
It Is unfair to punish a corporation
because of th guilt of one or mor of
Its officials.
There should be applied to corpora
tions a provision such as is In force In
connection with National banking. The
bank is not condemned nor put out
of business by the Government because
one of Its employes, president or run
ner Is a defaulter. The offender Is
arrested and punished. The bank con
tinues In business.
The same policy should apply to cor
porations, so that the stockholders and
the public may not surfer for the acts
of their servants. It Is my view that
there Is grester observance of this
maxim: "Honesty is the best busi
ness policy." than evr before. Men
engaged In business nav com to
understand that there 1 nothing to
gain through technical honesty, that
it Is profitable to b broadly, humanely
Besides the awskenlng of conscience
Hno-linK A .tual Ri-r
German Silver, Kid Lined
6 inches high and 6 inches wide
Special S j ,98
The Wa:ch House of Portland
3S Miles From Portland, 2 Miles From the Columbia
River, on One of Best Macadamized Roads in the State
.1.-. t... rrmi ihara Is a. realiza
tion that selfish Interest requires fair
dealing, the observance of a "live and
let live" policy the adoption of friendly
co-operation rather than ruthless com
petition. ,
In a speech I made last Spring I
said: "The real question at best Is not
commercial, financial, or governmental,
but moral; a question of what Is right
and fair as between man and man a
very, very old question made new, acute
and burning as never before, because
all have been drawn so closely together
that the improper act of one man in
jured a larger number of men than ever
before." ......
And In .this view I bellev thinking
men will concur.
People of Riverside District Charge
Faulty Construction.
A large fund Is being provided by the
property owners In the Riverside sewer
district with which to contest tho ac
ceptance of tho sewer. Mors than 100
persons attended the meeting last night
In the engine-house on Mississippi ave
nue, and another meeting la scheduled
for next Friday evening.
It is charged that th sewer construc
tion la faulty, that Its cost Is excessive,
and that th city acoepted the work
regardless of many protests that th
work did not comply with the specifica
George M. Cornwall Would Make
Panama Fair ExWblt Best Ever.
Already outlining plans for th part
th exhibit of lumber will play In the
coming Panama-Paclflo Exposition at
This is beyond
doubt the biggest
value ever to be
had in Portland.
Buying these
bags at the price,
is like buying
$20 Gold Pieces
for $10.00
and you
Mr. Professional Man
Mr. Business Man
Can Well Afford to
Own a Tract of
nHot Jr. mT.rntfTVTA AfTRES annlea.
and Stark Sts, and at
San Francisco, George M. Cornwall, edi
tor of the Lumberman, says:
"The five lumber states of the Coast
. Oregon, Washington, California,
Idaho and Montana with British Co
lumbia, should get together and lay
but a definite united programme mak
ing themselves the hosts to the lumber
fraternity of the world. Each stats
should build a modern, attractive
bung-alow, finish it in the woods of the
Relief in five minutes awaits every
man or woman who Buffers
' from a bad Stomach.
Why not get some now this mo
ment and forever rid yourself of
Stomach Trouble and Indigestion? A
dieted stomach rets the blues and
grumbles. Give It a good eat, then
take Pape's Diapepsln to start the di
gestive juices working. There will be
no dyspepsia or belching of gaa or
eructations of undigested food; no
feeling Ilk a lump of lead In the
stomach or heartburn, sick headache
and dizziness, and your food will not
ferment and poison your breath with
nauseous odors. '
Pape's Diapepsln costs only B0 cents
for a large case at any drug store
here, and wlU relieve the most obsti
No matter what others say, you get more for your
MrKi'rir-rmr. salft than can possibly be
obtained elsewhere. It
and an investigation will prove what we say. bee
the high-grade pianos in our windows at the price of
cheap commercial pianos. Pianos for rent at a nom-!
inal rental and the rent applied on the purchase price
if bought within a reasonable time. If you need a
piano you cannot afford to buy till you have seen us.
Easy terms can be arranged if necessary. Call and
see the great Tel Electro player piano specially in
tended for the home. Supply yourself with phono
graph records. "
106 Fifth Street,
A 7507
Columbia Acres
,tai tn the host advantage, show tha
variety of finishes possible, furnish It
and make It the headquarters for that
state. Then the other countries
Japan. South America, New Zealand,
Austria, China, India and the Philip
pines, should be Invited to show their
hardwoods, their teaks, mahoganies,
oaks and blue gums. In a word, make
this the greatest lumber exposition the
world has ever seen."
, GAS,
nate case of Indigestion and Upset
Stomach in five minutes.
There is nothing else better to take
Gas from Stomach and cleanse tha
stomach and Intestines, and, besides,
one single dose will digest and pre
pare for assimilation Into the blood all
your food the eame as a sound, healthy
stomach would do It
When Diapepsln works, your stom
ach rests gets Itself In order, cleans
up arfd then you feel like eating when
you come to tho table, and what you
eat will do you good.
Absolute relief from all Stomach
Misery is waiting for you as soon as
you decide to take a little Diapepsln.
Tell your druggist that you want
Pape's Diapepsln, because you want to
become thoroughly cured this time.
Remember, if your stomach feels out
of order and uncomfortable now, you
can get relief In five minutes.
Rent a Piano
Buy a Piano
Do It Now
costs nothing to investigate,
l lano lo.
Next to Perkins Hotel