TITE MORXIXG OREGOMAX, THURSDAT.' XOYE3IBER 2, 1911. Exfraoraie Portland Tailoring Co., Inc., 322 Morrison Street, Portland Hotel Building ANNOUNCE A- 1PIF.OA1L THREE ED AYS' OFFE Meiris 11 311110111101. fa. V Thursday, Friday and Saturday, This Week $35, $40, $45 Suits and Overcoats Made to. Order cm 0m M i&i wS vMg- IJi It tiLii At Your Selection, Our Entire Stock NO RESERVE Our Stock Is Select and Complete ' . . i j ,i. l i lull J ;i., jn Dni4lnn1 Every yard of goods in our place is guaranteed absolutely pure wool and comprises without a single exception this season's latest designs and shades in all the various colors. Novelty Browns in Scotch Tweeds and English "Worsteds, Blue and Elack Cheviot3 and Unfinished "Worsteds, Hairline and Pencil Stripes in Blues and Browns, England's Finest Blue Serges that other tailors are asking $40 to $45 for. We have the most perfect tailoring service in Portland, and Porltlsuni tA mAct fi-oAfi-nflr qtH fasti riirms HrpSRtvr in Portland mav lav tUO VAttVM! Awv w - W er aside all doubt and uncertainty when he gives this establishment his order. We turn out garments of superlative quality smart and absolutely correct. The lines give individuality to the wearer. Our main reason for conducting this sale at the height of the season is that we have enlarged our workshop and have em ployed a large number of the best skilled tailors in Portland, whom we wish to keep busy all the year round, and therefore use this method as a trade-building sale. Alpaca and Venetian linings of the best grades used. ONE THING MORE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED. . Remember, this sale lasts for three days Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Inc. 322 Morrison Street, Portland Hotel Block Personal Attention Not an order taken by this firm but what will have our careful and personal attention. No guesswork. Satisfaction invariably the result. I ground. Previous to embarking for the I glide ha had complained of weakness I and was urged to forego the risk. SHERMAN HAS EAR FOR FARMER TRAIN Crowds at Grass Valley, Moro and Wasco Listen to Ag ricultural Experts. fence, the land with host-proof wire net tins; to the end that the tenants may. as those who own their land are doing, go Into hogralslng. Many miles of this fence have been built during the last rear, and the own ers are sure to reap .a rich reward. If another couple of hundred quarter sec tions c-uld be built In the near future there would be a story of advancing prosperity to leu from pnflrmu t"uov7 This matter Is being taken up by the Haroum brothers of Moro and D. O. Uvely of the Portland stockyards and they hope to enlist the co-operation of the Commercial Clab and other com mercial bodies of Portland. The train will leave here at I o'clock tonight for Bend, where the lectures will begin at I o'clock tomorrow morning. HOG PRODUCTION GROWS nlt of Past Demonstration Trains I Showa and Converts to I1 vrmiricd Prod not Sjt trra Are) Cialned. FT ADDISOX BENNETT. WASCO. Or. Not. X. (Special.) The demonstration train has been today In Bhermaa County. This morning at 'clock the lectures were commenced In the little town of Grass Valley be fore a large audience. At noon we were doing business In Sdoro, and at I 'clock In Wasco. At Moro there was also a large num ber to see and listen, but here at Wasco was the largest audience the train yet encountered. Remits Are 1 mlra te. tr. Wlthycorobe and his assistants re not only well pleased with the num ber of their auditors, but with the qual ity, tf the term may be used, for all of the best, most progressive and most prosperous farmers of Sherman Coun ty have been their attentive and Inter ested listeners. The word Interested hardly, or rather only partially, el presses trie close a:entln given to very word spoken by the speskera. for the queries were almost without num ber, and the answers thereto received with evident satisfaction. deveral demonstration trains have been through tMa territory before, at the espenee of t:e CV.-W. R. N. Co and these demonstrations and the ae enmnanvlna: lectures have borne good fruit. This Is evident on all hands, but more particularly by the number or hogs shlrped from tils section and from the large number still being fed or now grastng on the wheat fields. These facta have censed the feeling among the Agricultural College work era that their labors' have been suc cessful to a pronounced degree and they hope the convene to tre diversi fied products system will be still great er aa a result of the prevent trip- An. other thing that makes the entire par ty elated Is the general feeling of optimism among the landowners of the county. Flack la CkararteTSsrte. The three or four lean years would have taken the heart and soul out of a less hardy peopie. but the plucky farmers cf Sherman are not deterred; their tfl.li are now In better til than ever before and each year they prom ise to sell less of their wheat and feed more of It. and the Fall sowing looks well, gtvtng promise of success for next year. One of the conditions thst holds Sher man back Is the lsrge area of land swned by non-residents, which of rouree Includes that held by the rod landowners. These owners In many rases lease their land, but they as rule will not make any permanent Im provements. Now systematic effort Is to be made to have these owners PORTLAND ELDERS CHOSEN Grorrw Fettlt and Mark Comer to Go to India for Adventlsts. WAFHTNGTOX, Not. 1. Several Im portant chanjv and appointments among their wofklng forces were an nounced today at the Fall council of the general conference committee of Seventh I'sy Adventlsts. During the meeting a message of greeting and salutation from natlv ministers of the denomination In Japan was read to the council. Among the changes and appoint ments decided upon were the sending of E. H. Oberg, of Lincoln. Neb., to take charce of publishing work In the Chinee t-mplre: Floyd G. AshpauRh. of California, to the Philippine Islands; Ir. W. C. Punscombe, of the Kobe, Japan, sanitarium, to the Walrord, England, sanitarium. lUdera George W. Pettlt and Mark Comer, of Portland, Or., are. sent to India, together with Mlas Belva Vance, of India, who will work tn the cities ot India. XALAMA WILL DO PAVING Nine Blocks In Business Section to Be ITardsarfaced. K ALA MA. Wash. Nor. I. (Special.) The property owners and citizens of Kalama met In the City Hall last night to consider the question of paving the principal streets with bltullthlo. A representative of a Portland paying company explained the coat of paving, and the organisation of an Improve ment district. With practically no opposition the citizens decided to bond the town and pave nine blocks In the business dis trict. Work will commence tn the Pprlng. as soon as the weather will permit. BOY KILLED AFTER PRANK i Mitchell Clay Shot at Bremerton by rnknown With Gnn. BREMERTON, TV ash. Not. 1. Mitch ell Clay, 11 years old. was shot and In stantly killed lest night by an unknown man who fired into a crowd of young sters celebrating Halloween. Two rifle shots weer sent Into the crowd, which, according to the police, had been no greater offenders than cre ating a disturbing noise and mild pranks characteristic of the day. An active effort has failed to bring a clew to the gun man. Pear Orchard la Venture. OLTMPIA. Wash.. Not. 1. (Special.) Frank Smith, who recently sold bis big orchard at Wenatchee. has pur chased lc acres Just west of Olympla, and announces he will set out. pear trees Immediately. He proposes to put In late Bartlett pears, which will ma ture In the Winter so that he will have his product ready about Christmas time. BANKERS ARE HELD Blackfoot Men Face $30,000 Embezzlement Charge. INQUIRY IS IN PROGRESS D. R. Jones, ex-Cashier, and IV. S. Sage Arrested Following- Inves tigation of. Books of Inotltn tlon by Commissioner. BLACKFOOT. Idaho.-NoT. 1. (Spe cial.) D. R. Jones, cashier of the State Bank of Blackfoot before It sus pended business last May. and X. 8. Bags, ex-cashler of the Shelley Bank ing Company of Shelley, Idaho, were arrested today by State Commissioner Piatt, following an Investigation of the Blackfoot Institution's books by that official. The men are charged with embez zlements. The amount Involved In Sage's case Is said to be $30,000. though no speclfio amount Is named. A large portion of this. It Is said, has been returned. The alleged embezzle ment Is said to have been committed more than a year ago. Sage was given a preliminary hear ing here today and waa bound over to the District Court on a charge of em bezzlement. He gave bonds to insure his appearance. Jones will have his preliminary hearing tomorrow. It la charged that Jones, as cashier of the Blackfoot bank, and Sage formed and carried out a plan by which the money was taken from the bank at Blackfoot a year ago. It Is said they concealed their embezzling so that It could not be discovered without an expert Investigation of the books by the Bank Commissioner. When the bank closed Its doors early laat Spring, the statement was given out that It almply closed because its business did not warrant Ha contin uance. It Is alleged the money was taken by the transfer of worthless paper, which. It Is alleged, was unloaded by the Shelley Banking Company on the Blackfoot State Bank. Jones la reported to have been charged with taklgg but a small amount. It Is strongly Intimated that other charges will be preferred against the defendants. Both Jones and Sage have lived la Southeastern Idaho for years and have been Identified with bank ing for a long time. a score of the boys walked out. Only 14 of tliese stayed out. The Board of Education reported this afternoon regarding the burning In eftlgy of Principal Heck by the boys. The football team Is disbanded, five of the ringleaders suspended In definitely until the Board reinstates them, three more are suspended until they recognize the authority of the Board and agree to be good In the future, and the 14 who walked out are suspended until promise of future good behavior Is made. It Is hardly hoped by those who are Interested In the school that the mat ter Is finally settled, for the students are Intensely Indignant and the Board Is. firm In Its position. PLAYER-WRITERS DISLIKED Hermann Wonld Keep Major Leag uers Off Newspapers and Stage. CINCINNATI. Not. 1. Baseball play ers In the major leagues will not be permitted to go Into vaudeville during the off-season, neither will they be allowed to do newspaper work on world's aeries baseball games. If a resolution prepared by Chairman Herr mann of the National Commission, passes that body. At the next meeting of the commis sion he .will Introduce the resolution. He believes that criticism by fellow players for newspapers has had a bad effect on the game because of the 111 feeling aroused by such criticism. Land on Sllets Wanted. SALEM. Or.. Nov. 1. (Special.) Application ' by Carl S. fiavls to pur chase three acres of land in the Siletz where the district school Is located, has been sent to the Interior Depart ment through Representative Hawley. The Commlsloner of Indian Affairs be lieves the land more valuable for achool purposes than for power site purposes for which It was originally withdrawn. The land was formerly a part of the Siletz reservation. RODGERS MEETS FOWLER COAST-TO-COAST AVIATORS EX CHANGE: GREKTIXGS. Westward Filer Sees Rival at Tucson and Continues Voyage to Pacific Ocean. MARICOPA. Ariz., Not. L Aviator C P. Rodgers, flying west on his trans continental aeroplane voyage, arrived In Maricopa at 5 o'clock this afternoon, having made the flight from Wilcox, a distance of 180 miles. Rodgers left Wilcox at 11:05 this morninia He reached Tucson at 1P.M., and after exchanging greetings with Robert G. Fowler, who Is eastbound on the same kind of a voyage, left at 2:45 for Phoenix. But seeing he could scarcely make Phoenix before night. Rodgers alighted here and will resume his flight early tomorrow. Aviator Fowler, who arrived here Monday, Is still working on his ma chine, effecting repairs, and says he will be In readiness to resume his flight eastward tomorrow. The two aviators exchanged greetings thla aft ernoon. It was said by Rodgers today that he did not break the American record for sustained flight as reported, on hia trip yesterday. Rodgers declared that he' stopped in" both Demlng. N. M and Lordsburg, Ariz., for gasoline. MONTGOMERY VERTIGO VICTIM Aviator's Every Flight Taken at Imminent Peril of Death. SAN JOSE, Cal., Nov. 1. CDeath caused by Injuries In an accident while operating an aeroplane," was the ver dict of a Coroner's Jury today after an Inquest over the body of Professor John J. Montgomery, of Santa Clara, the air ship inventor who lost his life yester day while experimenting with an aerial glider. Testimony at the inquest was that Professor Montgomery's death was di rectly due to an attack of vertigo, brought on by excitement and exertion. Relatives said that he was subject to attacks of vertigo, and risked his life whenever he went aloft in the various air craft with which he had for years been experimenting. Professor Montgomery had made more than 50 flightB in his new glider without mishap. Singularly enough, at the time when he lost control yester day he was less than 20 feet from the John' Tower endeavored to sell his wife Elizabeth at auction In London in June. 117. but the authorities prevented the pale. When You Smoke a "General Arthur" cigar, the ' desire is immediately to smoke another one. Black Havana are too strong for steady en joyment. The every - day smoke is the satisfying, light Gen? Arthur Miw 10c Cigar M. A. Gunst CSt Co.. Distributors PRINCIPAL TRICKS PUPILS Walk Ont of Walla Walla High Students Is Blocked. WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Nov. 1. (Special.) Ry a clever bit of strategy. Principal Heck blocked the threatened walkout of the High School students, who are Indignant at the attitude the Board of Education has taken regard ing the burning In effigy of the prin cipal. They had planned to walk out from the assembly hall this morning when Roberts, the leader, gave the signal by himself' walking out. Principal Heck, discovering that Roberta was to be the leader, engaged him In con versation until after the classes had left the assembly hall and only about fit jqX Untform V Wff Excellence I Jf J comes in every '. I Iff bottle bearing I the triangular label. Just re- jv member this k ii and order lilatz. r j l Tf Flnmmt I "i Vr aJrwwW' f,J RothacHHd Bros. P.' U' l Y Disttisotsr K. B'iV ?W2 26 1 Fun V. Pwui On. i-.J wZ A 4688 f -' v .-y'.-'-.. - it means a to the H Great ostess Jsi If " it - to be able to say, "My piano 'is a. Steinway." She is perfectly secure in the knowledge that she has the best piano that can be produced. Officially appointed manufactur ers to practically all of the royal households of Europe preferred by the greatest living artists and scien tists the name Steinway on the piano reflects perfect taste in the best furnished homes. Visit our warerooms, where a com plete stock of Steinway Grand and Upright Pianos are on display and for sale. All other, makes taken in exchange at their fair market value and convenient terms arranged for the bal ance if desired. . Catalogue, prices, etc., mailed upon application. , Victrolaa and AH the Records Sherman play Co. Exclusive Steinway Representatives. Morrison at Sixth, Portland, Oregon A. B. Chase and Other Fine Player Pianos