TTTIS MOTCXING OBEGOXIAX, TTTTTKSDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1911. 20 OFFICIALS GO OVER CANAL LOCKS DATA State Commission Views Re port of Government for Oregon City Project. DAMAGE CLAIMS HELD HIGH Amount Asked by Property Owner Alone rropod Right of Way Will He Submitted to Pv rrtary of War. One more day passed In Oie consid eration of the Orrn City locks situa tion has failed to produce a plan of definite action. Tr.e only outcome of a meeting- held yesterday by Governor West. Secretary of State Olcott and Flats Treasurer Kay. representing the state, and President Joeeeiyn. of the Portland Railway. Llirht Power Com pany, of the present canal and locks, with Major IKIndoe. Corps of Army Knelneere. waa to decide on a future session with Mr. Josseiyn. Major Mclndoe has received from all Oregon City property owners from whom rlirht of way was sousht In con nection with the proposed new locks on the eajt side, their claims for damasee as estimated. They are regarded as ex. orbttant- Major Mclndoe will not dis cus details of his recommendations to the Secretary of War. to whom the claims will te jrlven t-r perusal, nor aa to other features o hi report on the negotiation so far conducted, but It t not believed that the Government will accept rtstit of way at the price sought. If the Secretary of War de cide that the new lock ha:i be con structed, the Government will resort to condemnation. The principal purpose of yesterday a iratherlna- was for the state offlclals td fami;iar!se themselves with Major Mc lndoe data and report from aubordl nate on part of the project. So far the Government la not In favor of reha bi:itatlnr the old locks, thotirh If the yrtce of the Portland Hallway. Light Power Company Is lowered the rebuild In; mlsrht be siren more favorable con sideration. I.CMP SCM PAII FOB CARGO Xrw Charter Announced With local Ixmrtlng Options. Comyn. Markall Company, who have shipped considerable lumber from Portland, have closed a transaction that makes It notable as the first Instance In which a lump sum has been paid for the same bl:slne. The deal la the rhartrrlnjr of the FTenon bark Ver sailles to load a full israo of redwood at Eureka for the Vnlted Kingdom. The vessel le on the wary to San Fran cisco from Hambnrr with general carro consigned to Meyer. Wilson Com pany. Other charter reported yesterday In cluded that of the rrlttsh bark Con way Castle, now at Snlaverry. South America, to load wheat here or at Ta roma on a rate of 31s t-L Hind. Holph Company have fixed the erhooner Alumna, which Is en route from Wll lapa Harbor for Antofoa-asta with lum ber, to load lumber for Svdney at 43 d. with the option of Melbourne or Adelaide at . d. at 47a d. or Valparaiso for orders at ils d. eih will load either on the Columbia River, puset Sound or WKlapa Harbor. SFWER EXTENSIONS NEEDED Captain Emkra Say a Waterfront Should I'orre Ine. Captain IT-trry Err.ken. of the Colum bia River lllots" Association, saya that the waterfront Interests should partici pate In a concerted campalirn to force the extension of all sewers etnptylna Into the harbor. He spent a portion of yesterday morning- at the foot of Stark etreet. where condition are the worst, and then took In the north end of the harbor. "1 believe that the only solution for the sewerare problem la for the city to construct seawalls on both sides of the harbor and make provision for the sewers to be carried through the wall to deep water." he said. "In the first rdace a harbor board should be created with authority to fon'e rower Improve ments until such time as It Is realized by all concerned that seawalls must come. The stench In the harbor now Is the worst I have ever known and with little current a:id low water in many place the sewer output la held ta er rant." STRATttEARX TO CXIXJAD HERE founding Show Pair Depth Availa ble for Coal Tramp. Soundings msd yesterday In front of the Pacific Coast Company's bunk ers Indicated that the British steamer r-trathearn. which Is out nearly a month from Newcastle with coal, can discharge her cargo despite the unusu ally low stag of water. It will be necessary to barer ber off the dock a short distance. Harbormaster Speter and Pilots Joe Allen and Harry Emken conducted the soundings and were satisfied with the result. It was suggested that sounding be made In front of every dock where oceangoing vessels berth during; the present height of the river, and o, rec ord will be maintained, so that It can b ascertained accurately what draft can be accommodated. There Is no point In the harbor where trouble has been met wtth yet In handling vessel, and while dredging would Improve sev eral berths, condition are better than expected. AVIIXI VRT ORPER SUSPENDED Government Will Decide on Other Protection for Wireless. Collector of Custom Malcolm ha been notified by the Burma of Naviga tion that a portion of the order cov ering the Installation of wireless ap paratus on steamers, under the act of June S4. 1910. which waa to have been enforced January 1. 191?. ha been sus pended. The Bureau la considering the Issuance of regulations, to go into ef fect July 1. 1911. to provide for ef ficient emergency auxiliary apparatus to take the place of the suspended or der. The part of the regulations suspended provided that a storage battery or coma other auxiliary which wou'.d pro duce aufflcient power to operate the transmitting apparatus four hours, or dinary sanding, and suitably Installed ant ready for use In case of accidents disabling the electric plant of the vee- ..I m-aa to be aboard carrier comlr.i under the Jurisdiction of the wireless act by tos openlna" of the new rear. POUT BESTS ITS OPPOSITION Harmattan and Jtrarert Brought Into Rlrrr on Prtnt Rate. Harry Campion crowed twice yes terday on learnlnr from Astoria that the Port of Portiaod ha;, beaten the Pua-et Pound Tuarhoat Company In pUdnr a Pot aboard the British steamer Harmattan. on her arrival from Victoria, and In towln the Khoonfr W. F. Jewett. comln from fan Pedro. Into the river. The Port has secured the last six vessel to en ter that required either a pilot or tow. It was reported In Astoria yesterday that the Port of Portland had disposed of the pilot schooner Joseph Pulitzer Dee te Arrive. warn. Nome City. Carlos From Date , Jan rranelere.Ia port . fian Kranclsc la port . ' i ;emoo. .. la port f-je H. EI Bcif Cits Al. lance. , Pedro. ..In port ..Kureka. In port ,. Jiendsn. . Nov. a ..u rxlra... Nov. Aevtl. leaver Fl CM. ...... Tlilamek. ... T nek water. . Gen w Klder Oolites Oat. -. ........ Hoaaok. .. . . Saa Frcoclsre Nov. .. Cooullle Nov. . . Coos liar.... Nov. . Kr mso... N'. . Tillamook. ... Nov. .fan Pedro... Nov. . Saa Disss. ... Nov. 11 Vane Carlos. ....... fto. city.... . Aavtl Sue H. Elmore A ' lane Nome City... Tillamook. ... Foe .an rranelsce .?an i'Nits. ... .Ilasdoc. . .... . Tillamook.... . Kur-ka . . . . Iate Not. S Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 1 a s T T T S s IS IS , an Francisco Nov. . CoqulT .Coos Pay . Sao Fraa Cisco .sen rle-o. . . . . Pan Pedro. .. . . Ttramook.... , Ban Pedro. . . JD Dlo. . . Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Breakwater. .. Palcon , SPalc f ; .o. pee-. W. Elder. I ea var Ooldea Oats. Hear Ruanokt. ..... and was to abandon towake and pilot age. Superintendent Campion' In structions to the crew to continue their activity belle the tory. The Harmattan come In the Maple Leaf line and will load 4000 ton of wheat, work Ins; the cartco at Mont gomery dock No. 2. Columbia dock No. 1 and Martin's dock. She will also take on a small quantity of merchan dise. Provision will be mads In lin ing; ber so that later (he will load cop per ore and canned good In the aoutli. all deetlned for Europe. LIGHTHOCSE ENGINEER HERE Several Important Step Considered Regarding Aids. Ti place lighted gas buoy at the mouth of the Columbia River to mark the channel. Increase the brilliancy of the ranaje lights at Port Columbia. In vestigate the proposition of stationing a llghtvessel to mark the Port of Orford Reef, delve Into details concerninir the proposed Installation of new fog signals at Cape Flattery and Point Wilson and of establishing a light at the end of the Columbia River Jetty are matter being considered by J. 3. Conway, chief con structing engineer of the Bureau of I.ljrhthousos. Mr. Conway arrived here yesterday and passed the day consulting with Inspector Peck, of the Seventeenth Lighthouse District. He may be Joined here by Captain K. M. Trott. general Inspector of the bureau, who Is at Seattle. With, conferring with Com mander Tillman, of the Alaska dis trict. He will mske the Journey to the Columbia on the tender Manzan Ita. Marine Notes. To begin loading lumber the steamer F. 8. Loop went to St. Johns and Kalama yeaterday and will proceed to Westport today. Work on the furnace of the steamer Sue H. Klmore not having been com pleted, her sailing for Tillamook ba been postponed until tomorrow. In general cargo from San Franclaco the steamer Nome City entered yeater day at the Custom-House and tb steamer Roanoke cleared for San LMego. Cribbing ha been built under the bilge and a portion of the keel of the ship Reuce. on the public drydock. so as to protect her from the swells of passing steamer. A the Port of Portland steamer Ocklahama la to ba tied up thta after noon to wash her boiler, advantage will ba taken of the Idleness to place her new pilothouse In position. The pres ent house for the skipper leaks. Merchants' Exchange report yester day Included the arrival at Queens toe n of the French bark Marecbal de Castries, which cleared from Portland June 29 with a cargo of lumber meas uring 1.21.4. 644 feet. She sailed from the Columbia River June S. Attorney Investigating the history of bonds authorized for the construc tion of municipal dock, have Indicated that they may require additional Infor mation, and the Commission of Public I'.nks has wired aa to what details are wanted, but. had received no reply yeaterday. The engineers forming the board of consultation are ready to leave Xew Tork for Portland on two weeks' notice, and that will be given aa aoon as fund for the sale of 180.000 of. the bonds, which were awarded the Port land Trust Company, are available. MoTementa of Vessels. POnTXANO. Nov. I Arrived Prltlfh steamer Harmattan. from Victoria, B- C; t steamer Alliance, irora w 7 -' ka: steamer Catania, from Sea Francisco. Sailed Steamer Roanoae. tor ban LJiego ana way portsi gasoline sloop Delia, tor Mea tocca. Astoria. Nov. 1 Condition at the month of the river at t P. It: Smooth i wind north, eight miles: weather, clear. Sailed at 30 A M-. steamer Yosetnlte. for Saa Pedro. Arrived at 10 A. M.. schooner W. F. Jewctt. from San Pedro. Sailed at 10 A. M.. steamer W. 8. Porter. Sir. Francisco. Arrived down at 10 and sailed at 11 So A. M.. steam mer Breakwater, for Cooe Bay. Sailed nt noon. steamer Saginaw. for Raymond: steamsr Tamalpals. for San Francisco. Ar rived at 2:40 P. M. and left up, British steamer Harmattan. from Victoria. Ar rived at S IS and left up at 4 P. M.. steamer Alliance, from Eureka and Coos Bay. Ar rived at 4 13 P. M. and !ft up, steamer Ca tania, from Saa Francisco. Sen Francisco. Nov. 1. Arrived at 4 A. at., steamers Hoqutsm and Washington, from Port. and. Sailed at 10 A- M.. steamer Yel lowstone, for Portland. Arrived at 10 A, M-. steamer Beaver, from San Pedro. Arrived at a last night, steamer Bear, from Port land. tjueenstowu. Oct. Si. Arrived French ablp Marecbal de Castries, from Portland. Seattle. Nov. 1. Arrived V. 8. 6. atna serma. cruise: Hlloclan. from Ta rorna: steamer Prince George, from Prince Huprt. Sailed Stramer ltellerophon, for I.I-rpoM via the Orient: steamer CoL E. 1 tiraka. towing bars. 13. for San Francisco: steamer Northwestern. for Southwestern Alaska: steamer Jefferson, for Skagway: s:am.r Columbia, for Sallna Crux: atamer Sar.t Ana. for Southeastern Alaska: steam er Prlac George, for Victoria. San Francico. Nov. Arrived Steamers Chehalle. liouiam. from Columbia P.lver: Wasbtrgtoa. from Astoria: Redondo, from Coos rtav; Oeorg. W. Fenwlek. from aluk Uteo: Mathilda, from Antofogasta: schoon er LJasve Vance, from Grave Harbor. Sailed steemer Yellowstone, for Astoria: schoon er Spokane, for tlaxnble: schooner Archer, for Roche HsrbOT. Honskong. Nov. 1. Arrived previously Minnesota, from Seattle and Tscoms; Si beria, from San Francisco. Yokohama, Nov. 1. Arrived prsvtoasly China at era. from San Fraaclsoo, Tides at Astoria Thursday. High Lew e.41 A. M TT feet"?.! A. M....1S feet tu p. al.. ..SS feet,.0S P. M....3.4 feet UPLIFT IN STOCKS Market Shows More Strength Than in Many Weeks. ADVANCE IS CONTINUOUS rnlted SlAte-j Steel Gain XearlT Tour Points. Owing to TTnexpccU edly Good Quarterly Report. Bonds Are Also Firm. NX W TORK. Nov. 3- Tt hss bsen many weeks since Wall street hss witnessed aa apward movement la stocks which paral leled that of todar- Besmnlnr with the stroke of the gong which slsnaied the open lag ot the market, stocks were carried tor ward steadily to the etid of the day. The buying was areslve throughout. United States 8t..l roee nearly foor polnta to V passing above the flsure at which It clon-d last Thursday, when filing of the Government suit broke the price to 80. L hlsh Valley and American Smelting each sained 4 point. Canadian Pacifle 3S. Read. in f aud Inlon Pacific Sis. There was not a weak spot In the Hat. The upward movement was ascribed gen erally to heavy buying for the long account, owing to tb. unexpectedly good quarterly report of United Htates eteel and the Oov ernment s attitude toward the American To bacco reorganisation plana An Important development of the week, as regards the t'nlted Btates Pteel Corpora tion, was a change In attitude of the rail road a which Indicated that they have near ly reached the limit of the postponement of equipment buying. Semi-official -statements were to the effect thst new orders of the Vnlted States Steel Corporation last month were larger than expected a fortnight a co. probably ranging around 33.000 tons dally. " The September report of the New York Central sjstom showed Increase In net reve nue of 11. aos.ouo. This was unezpeotedly large. The Pennsylvania system, on the other hand, reported a shrinkage In net revenue of more than $700,000. The strength of Minneapolis. St. Paul Sault Ste. Mnrle was explained by Its .howlng of an mcreaae of ."4o.oOO In operating Income last month. Call money touched !t per cent today for the first time since January 1M. The ad vance In rates was due to the requirements for November Interest snd dividend dis bursements. - The bond market exhibited decided firm ness In line villi the Improvement to stocks. Total ealea. par value, 4.R4.OO0. United States bonds unchanged en call. CLOSINO STOCK QUOTATIONS. uioaicg Low. Allls Cha pf .. "0 Amal Copper .. lO.OoO Am Agrlcuit Am Ilft Sugar. 4.!'.m American Can .. .10t Am Car A 1 dy. .; Am Cotton Oil . S.tiK Am Uil at Lt pf Am ice Securl Am Linseed Am !xcomotlve. 500 Ajn Sm.l A Kef. a.TnO do preferred.. -o-Am Steei Fdy .. i'i Am fcu;ar Rf 4ut Am T.I A Tel l.'- Am Tobacco pf. 2.U"t Am Woolen Anaconda M Co Atchison .Toi lo pr-ferrej.. Atl Coast Una.. 1.6" Halt ac Ohio ... l.l'0 llelhU-lwm Steel .V'o Brook K Tran. . 2'- Canadian Pio .. 14. '."") Central leather. 2'H do preferred.. 200 Central of N JM Chee A Ohio . .. L7C0 Chlcaso Alton CM Ot West . .. l.OOO do preferred.. S.l"o Chl. aio at N W. l.wst C. il A: tit Paul. 10.10O C. C. C A St U. Col Fuel & Iron 3J9 Col A Southern Consul uu .... 7. 0 Cora Products.. 7' Pel A liudion.. loo DAK Grande.. -'. do preferred,. ?oo Distillers' Secur 1.1 Erie 12.KX do 1st pf .... 4..t' do -J pf .... '" Gen E.eotrle . .. 'o Gl North pf ... .so Gt North Ore .. l.ooy Illlnols Central. "HJ lateroor Met .. S.O0O do preferred.. 2.'l' Inter Harvester. 1,000 Inter alartne pf , 4u0 Int Paper loo lnt Pump 8-"- Iowa Central K C South-rn .. Too do preferred.. 4oO Laclode Gas ... c,' A Nsh .. 1.-"V Minn A St L. . . l' .VI. d P A S d M 1,?'nj Mo. Kan A Tex - O do preferred.. l' Mo PaclUc t.l' Nat BlSAUlt .... Nat Lead .. S"0 N Max Ky 2 pf. ! los US 14,'. St lli 20 11T 2 N Y Central . . . N Y. Ont A Wes 1. w Norfolk A W-sl 6'o North Am 4' Northern I'ac .. I.W PaclH- Mall ... 7'.X Pennsylvania ... e.!.'1 Peop.e's Gas ... n" P. O C A Ht I... 100 Pittsburg Coal . 40O 1'r.ased 8 Car.. 4uo Puil Pal Car Ry S-eel Spring. BA0 Reading 141.MJO Republic Steel - 1.0s do preferred.. 1.7' Ro.-k Island Co, do pielerred.. 2,"SJ Pt L. A S F 2 Pf o'H 6t I. Southwest. do preferred.. 100 S:oss Sh.Sleld - Southern pae .. !2.oo Southern Ry . 17.1X do preferred.. l.CV) Tenn Copper . -. l.Aoo Texas A Fee . . 1.000 Tol. St L A We 1-X do preferred.. 600 Union Pacino .. se,000 do preferred.. ..... . TT S Realty ... In V S Rubber t.OOO V B Steel SS.V00O do preferred., O.uoO Ttah Copper .. .2"J Va-Caro Cham - 1.KUO. 1". 70 1 70 IS3 65 V Wabash do preferred. Western Md . . Westing Fteo . Western Union Wheel A L. . 1"0 IBM H 25 2"0 67 ".tt M l.ZnO 64 H 3V i l.l-y J8'e tsi 7Sv 200 4 3 a H 2.000 lewtA 164 108S lhigh Valley Total for the day. 010.100 aharaa BON't3. KEW TORK. Nov. 1. Closing quotations! V B ref 2s reg..loOHN T C gn 8H.. 1 do coupon ...100S.No Paclflo 8s... 70 C8 1i reg 101NO Pacific 4S... 100 do coupon ...101 t'nlon Paclflo 4al01 U 8 new 4s reg. 113 V Wis Central 4a.. 9.1 do rouron .. .1 lo -Japanese 4s .... 67 DA Kill.. 0VB Stocks BOSTON. Nov. 1. Allouea 27 it Boston. -Closing quotations: Mohawk 41 Anialg Copper.. f7i A Z L. A Sra... 2 .-evena toa ... 1SH NIpiMlng Mines. 7 V, Aruor.a Com . . 45 vtACCAtitt. 6 orth uutta..... S4 North Laks 4 Old Dominion... eo Butte Coalition. 16-si Cal A Arlxona. . 4tW Cal A Hecla 3i t'arrott IS a ci! M Centennul v I'julncy (,8 IShannon tu Cop Han Con Co n? E Butte Cop M. loH Superior 21 Sup A Boa 11m,. s Tamsrack 22 V 8 8 H A at. . . 114 4o preferred... 4o- Franklin 7 Giroux Con Granby Con 44 29 Greene Cananea. T 1 Koyalle (Cop) 14 i i in von ...... ij 'Utah Copper Co 4Ji Wlr.ona ........ 3 Kerr Lake.. Lake copper. ... La Salle Copper Miami Copper... 4i . oiverine ,s Money Kxrhanse, Eto. NEW YORK. Nov. L Money on call, steady. :s! per cent: ruling rate. itii; clotlitg bid. 2tfc: offered at g per cent. Time loans, easier: 00 days. H 631 per cent: 90 days, fa 6 34 per cent; six months, & 4 per cent. Closing quotations! prime mercantile paper. 44 044 percent. Sterling exchange .teady. wtfi actual busi ness In bankers- bit's at 14 S.17S for 0-dsy bills r.nd at t-'J e-t. 8010 tor demand. Commercial bills. J4.S3. Bar silver. 54SC. Mexican dollsrs. 46e. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds. firm. AK nt A NCI SCO, Nov. lr Sterling on Toerlon. AO Cava 4.t!V: do on London. sight. 4.S7. Ll rafts, sight. 2; telsgraph. 6. LONDON. Nov. 1. The Part Bourse and the Stock Exchange here were closed to day on account ot the All-Salnte holiday. CHICAGO. Nov. Tork. 10 premium. -Exchange en New BJEBOUXD EX WHEAT MAJUtET. Altse Falllnc t Cexeta. Market More Than CHICAGO. Nov. 1. Wheat rebounded to day after being tor a time demoralised, owing to huge sales by a house that haa been Identified with the leading bull clique. Reports of export flour aalee at Toledo helped cause the rally. Closing figures were HO He net lower, but firm. Corn finished a eaade up, oats unchanged to Ho higher and hog products at St He to 17 H 4J3o Higher. The recovery in wheat attracted wide at tention, la view of the fact that at the lowest point of the session the market had broken nearly 2 cents from last night. Ex port flour sales st Toledo, whloh appeared to start the upturn, were said to be the largest for this season. A Heavy snow storm sweeping down the Canadian Northwest ex erted a bullish Influence of scarcely leas importance. Earlier In the day beare had made much commotion over the big re ceipts from the Northwest. Deoember fluc tuated from 94 Ho to 94 Ho, with last sales u 94Hc. a decline of e net. Corn followed the ssme general course aa wheat and was decidedly active. The mar ket recovered the ground lost esrly and a trifle more besides. December ranged from 42 Ho to 41Ho. closing a shade up at 419 41 He. Cash corn was weak. No. I yel low waa quoted at 7SHff74He. In eats, business was relatively light. Up per and lower levels touchsd by December proved to be 46 Ho and 45H JMSHC with the cloee 4 Ho. a gain of Ho over last night. Estimates tending to show a big decrease In the world's lard supply turned the pro vision market upwards despite a large run of hogs west. When the pit was cleared pork had risen 17Ho to !&c lard 16a to 21 HO 14o and ribs 14 to 17 Ho. The leading futures ranged as follows: . WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Dec .95 I .MS I -H Slay 1.01H L2 1.00 L01H July 95 J ,9i-H 4H -IS CORN. Deo. 4tH .es ,4tH May 64 H .63 .44H .4i OAT3. Deo. 45H .44S -45s -4H Mar 4IH ,4H .H July i .44 -46H .4.V5i MESS PORK. Jen. 15.57H 159:H 1B.47H " , May 15.75 14.12H 16.70 1.12'. LARD. Dec .5 9.0:H :H 9.92H Jan. :H J0 1H .17 May 9.12 H 9.J3 9.10 9.15 SHORT RIBS. Jan 1.07 H 5 Msy .:iH 1'H .40 Cash quotations were ss follows: Flour 100 20c lower sll around; market quiet. Rye No. 1. 95c. Barley Feed or mixing, 7ficCtl-Sl; fair to choice malting. I1.H8 1.J3. Timothy Seed 813 & 15.60. Clover 1 4 1S.50. Pork Mess, per barrel. 15.t2H OU TS. Lard Per 100 pounds. 19. Short ribs Sides (loose), (a. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 410.000 bushela Primary receipt were 1.077,000 bushela oompared with 850. OuO bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The world's visible supply, sa shown by Bradstreefs. Increased . 025.000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 47 cars: corn. 1J6 cars; oats, 114 oars: hogs. 97.000 head. , Heeelpts. Shipments, Flour, barrels . 15.500 "' Wheat, bushel 17.0 S6.000 Cor" bushel, 33.0O0 SO.OOO Oats, bushels tl.4.000 lj4-?2 Rve7 bushels 11.C00 1.000 Barley, bushels 141.000 7.050 drain at Ban Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 1 Wheat, steady. Barley, firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. L47H 6 1 00. parley Feed. 11.M9L87H; brewing. ,lOa Ited. 11.708 L80; whits. L82HJ 1.87H: black. J1.03i 1.7B. Call Board sales: Wheat, no trading. Bar ley. December X1.92H; Msy. $1.W0H- European Grain Market.. LONDON. Nov. 1. Cargoes dull. Walla Walla for shipment st 86s 3d. English country marksl sesy, Sd lower! French country markets, stsady. LIVERPOOL, Nov. L Wheat. De cember, is 4a; Marco, is swu; aar, is SSd. Wsather, clear. Mlnneapolla Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS,. Nov. 1 Wheat. December. 1.05H; May. 1.0S H O 1.0 ; July. tl.lOH. Cash. No. 1 hard, 11.07; No. 1 Northern. tL0n31.od,; No. i Northern, $L0aHirl-O4H; No. 8 wheat, SOoOtLOlH. Doluth Flax Market. DULTJTH, Nov. 1. Flax on track and tn store and to arrive, 12.17 H: November, t-'17H; December, 12.17 asked; May, (2.17 MASONS WILL CELEBRATE Anniversary of Buildlrnf of Hood River Temple to Be Oservod. HOOD RTVKR. Or, Kov. 1. (Special.) Members of the local Maaonio lodge will hold a celebration here at the Masonic Hall on the evening of No vember 11, the tenth anniversary of the building of the temple, which was built from the proceed of the estate of A. II Tleman. The event will be known as Tleman' night, and a big banquet will be held, at which will be present local and visiting Masons. Mr. .Tleman was a- pioneer, who homcsteaded In tho Vpper Hood River Valley, near Mount Hood, and who for s number of years was the business partner of the lata 9. M. Baldwin. His entire estate was donated at his death. to the Masonic lodge. Lewis River Cleaned TTp WOODLAND, Wash, Not. 1. (Spe cial.) A powder trans; from the United State Engineer's office aboard tha launch Salem came In today and com menced to dynamite the snags that In teriors with transportation when tha water 1 low, as these cannot ba reached by the lathloma. This work will be a rreat help to navigation during the Eummer months. The work will continue until all the snags are blown out of the mouth of tha Lewis Kiver. 1 s Pilot Schooner Gets Supplies. ASTORIA. Or, Not. 1. (Special) The pilot schooner Joseph Pulitzer came Inside this afternoon after water, fuel and supplies and to secure a new mainsail and Jib. 6he will return to her station off the mouth of the river in about two days. READ AND PHONE Want a high-grade lump coalf Order Renton. Want a high-gTade nut coal t Order Renton. Want a high-grade Eteam coalf Order Renton. Not a new, dirty coal, but for thirty five years a favorite in Puget Sound cities. Now on Portland market. OVERTON FUEL CO. Main 65. Exclusive Agents. A 1665. Cured in ' vjjSjoL , a . .. wv DR. A. G. SMITH, THB UHADUfQ SPEOIAUSfT. I warn m reertettirial aad Itowased pBjyale4soa eonflatas; aay a p e I a 1 practice to the disorder e( HEX, I have snore stoaey inveeted la say estabtlehsnrat tkaa all otaear Port lanA ep set el lata oosnblned. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the moet suc cessful and reliable, as medical credentials - and press records prove. I make this statement so that yon will know yon consult ft true specialist, who sees and treats patients personally. I pos sess skill and experience, ac quired In such a way that so other can share. NO MONET REQUIRED TO COMMENCE TREATMENT. Many fatlent have no confidence In heir dootor because he demand pay before a cure haa been effect ed and there are many who have been misinformed about their con dition, or through unsuccessful treatment have become skeptical and think there is no cure for them. I want tui opportunity to treat each cases. It make no dif ference about the financial part, a 1 aocept pay for my services a benefit are derived, when I am satisfied the patient is reliable. Health Is capital at Interest. I will prove my ability to cure you before asking pay for my profes sional services. WIUTTEN GCAR4KTEE Or. Smith's written guarantee means a core or no pay for service. I guarantee to oure certain ailment or refund every dollar you have Paid roe for my service. My eerytoe oost you nothing unless I our your Varicose Veins, Hernia, Piles. Fistula, Blood Poison, or any aliment I guarantee to cure. My term are reasonable and no more than you are able and willing to pay for benefit. Office hours - A. M to S P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. DR. A. G. SMITH 234V- Morrison St. Corner Second PORTLAND, OR. FACTS FOR MEN A Straight Talk by C. K. Holsman, M. D. the Expert Specialist I am an expert specialist and treating etlment of men excluEtvelv. I own my own office and equipment and pub lish my own photograph, and personally supervise the treatment of all patients from the time they come to me until I discharge them as cured. Although my time Is fully occupied from early morn until late at night in looking after the wants of my patient, and in admin istering my special treatment for Blood Poison. Varl- ir,i.a n.Hrni.lA T bIwavh take nleasura In consulting with new patients. c.K.Holamn,M.D. In offering my services' to the afflicted the result of 18 years' exp erlenee In ''" menu of men I am slvlng yoo the BEST that can be had anywhere. My reputa tion for the past IS years can leave no doubt as to my ability, honesty and Inteerlty and should be, sufficient to convince the most skeptical that I am the FOREMObr InS LEADING Specialist in Portland. I posses, skill and experience acquired In such a way that no other can share It and should not bs classed with inexperlencea doctors er specialists. A thorough investigation should be made by every alllne man as to the special ist be consult Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I hav. the ability and can ive you thla service. I hire always eharired a very reasonabls fee, so that my services may be obtained by !" man who smcerel? desire, to b. cured. I make no misleading statement false promise, or unbusinesslike proposition I would like to have you tor a patient if you will come to me on a strictly professional basis. accepting- Induce ments that I offer, which are my ability, 18 years- sucoeasfui experience, tlme savlns treatment and cure ot certain diseases. VARICOSE VETSS. I dally lemontrt that Varico VelTii can be cured In n-ly all cmm by on treatment In such eaUf .ctory way that the vital paj ji are preferred and trengthentd, pain -ae, welling tub- ldr a healthy circulation U rapidly re MteblUhed, lnt-ad of the depreiatae conditions. I guarantee you a cure to tay cured. K.IDfcY. BLAJIER AXD FROSTATIO LIMiASI-. With the dlaeaees you may hare more coin plications than are presented by any other diseased organ. By my earchlng Illumination of the bladder I determine accurately the dieeese and by microscopic examination and urin alysis I make doubly sure the condition of the kidneys, thus laying foundations for scientific treatment- SPEC1FIO BLOOD POIFOX. Bclentlfir treatment only should be used In combating this loathesome dls eas. I cure Blootl Poison bv the new German Remedy which I Introduce di rectly into the blood, purifying it, neu tralising; It and expelling poison from the system. New blood thus formed supplies and rebuilds the tissue In such a way that the patient recovers his nor mal state of health, strength and aound- nesa, MY eOrKKCT TREATMENT FOB WEAK-NESfe. That disorder commonly known as weakness, has for years and generations baffled the effort of physicians yet to this very day a majority of doctors, spe I Treat All Ailments of Men, find Cure to Stay Cured I Offer Free Consultation and Examination I invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for CMie veins, hydrocele, hernia, nervous debility, blood poison, piles, flstuls, bladder, Itia- gly &na ail men B ejimenia, ma you My office i open all day from A. M. aTBBlfO 4JOMItAa7'ltlSiaJ. AUS9S(rs curxiiuii; pMviwvm Dr.C.K.Kolsnian 22V2 Morrison Street Corner First Street Portland, Oregon L. T. YEE & SONS The old eminent Chinese doctor cures any u" succeasfully. such as weak- - AAnstfnatlMI tlthmi. 3 MCSS, a .it.a. narr- ' f piousness, rheumatism, blood 1 JHL. poison. Kng. Uver. kidney lland stomach trouble; also ; JS V private ailments of men and 'tV ? Iworoen. o matter who has tav'-S ifalled. I guarantee a cure J f ' . ruraDie. x "n v c rtudTTf . b.rb. and sraduateotrom flm. several ral 1':rn'""i nVv. iousandl of tes rses ln China, i n. .,. to' tlm oniais irom e--;--rrh,.'. herbs, r.- An IV the most .- - ..n h,lD sardless VWW symptom blank and yeu. circular. artmiTvi rv. .,7.1 Tir.1 K. K- ror. Aider. Portland. Or. Si vy Semnsi weaaaess Is a disease that ti A l I a aab) auwd. All o.rrous peofus aia.passs.liea aaT. thla, wuerf blood, tt io ao NERVOUS aoarioh ar sr. str.agtb- tone na.II WWW tb Wood ud u,.r, a-ill Se OS PrflPI T shaky, serroas Mill. Oe te say w r a. ira. ur. m pjnd te tie for STjinra mMu its mcbte tojtjo Vmm TabUas will eof. aay mm at aarreiuaasa. Jbc a Was. MM l-reaf writ. S.. j .t. Ca. faUaSaiaaia, Ja. Five Days Varicose Veins Hernia, Blood Poison Urn De-tentlosi Faintly er He NO SEVERE OPERATIONS, MANY CAGES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING, MOST NAT URAL. MOST SAFE. A RADICAL ANDP E R M AN E N TCCREL i GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AXT THORITIES THAT THIS ISA FACT I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TOCTJRE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EOJIIPMENT, WHICH ARE THB KEYSTONES TO StC Sffo t WAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OJTFIClfi ON THB COAST. . I far-rite yon to oorae to my of fice. I will a x p 1 a 1 n to you .my treatment for Varicose Vein. Hernia, Nervous Debility. Blood Poleon. Pile. Fistula. Bladder. Kidney and all Men's Ailments, and give yoa FREE a physical exam ination; if necessary a microscopi cal and chemical analysis of aecre 1 1 o n . to determine pathological and bacteriological eondltlona. Every person should take advan tage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A parnoanant aura la what you want. VARICOSE VEINS Impair vitality. I dally demon trate that varicose vein can be cured in nearly all oaae by on treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the rltal parts are pre served and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling ubsidees. a healthy olrculation is rapidly re established. Instead of the depress-In- conditions. I guarantee yon a curs to stay cured or refund the money. miJllcr ANT BLAXrDKH A1XME-NT8. With these ailments you may have more complications than are presented by any other ailing or gans. By my searching illumina tion of the bladder I determine so curately the ailment, and by mlcrooop leal examination and urinalysis I make doubly sure the condition of the kidneys, thus lay ing foundations for scientific treat ment. eiOOS" FOR BLOOD rOISOB7. I n a e Professor Ehrlloh's won derful new discovery, " 60s." In cases of Speolflo Blood Poison. It cures in one trearaneatt, and 1 tha greatest marvel ot medical science. This naw remedy baa been successfully used In thou sands of case. Let ma explain lt to you. cialists not excepted, are attempting to overcome lt by methods that have been In constant use and have always failed for hair a century. They dose the system with powerful stimulants and tonics, cal culated to restore ne rvous force or atrAnsrth that Is not and never has been ! Jacking, with the result that the func tions are temporarily eiciifa 10 nits itv Itive detriment of the patient. Weakness Is only a symptom resulting; from many local conditions and Is curable by local treatment only, without the giving of a single Internal dose, which demonstrates the absolute accuracy of my understand ing and treatment of this disorder. In years I have not met with a single fail ure and I have entire confidence in my ability to cure all cases that come to me for treatment. I am equally certain that no treatment other than that which I have perfected can completely and permanently restore strength and vigor. SO MONEY RKQtriRED TO COM MENCE TREATMENT. Many patients have no confidence in their doctor, be cause he demands pay before a cure has been effected and there are many who have been misinformed about their con dition or through unsuccessful treat ment have become skeptical and think there Is no care for them. I want an opportunity to treat such msn. It make no difference about tha financial part, as I accept pay for my services as benefits are derived; when I am satis fied the patient Is reliable. Health Is capital at Interest. I will prove my abil ity to cure beore asking pay for my services. r nr-r v uuy i,a.i ;AauauM-s to I P. M. and hunomyTrvm lO w u. All sign this corroy fob tawa- BLE I FORMA nON FREE. Please send me free your sell-ex-amlnatlon blank. "For Men," a, I desire to daecrlbe my case to you for the purpose of taklns treatment. If I decide you can cure me and your charae is low enouch to suit me. Kama ..... ... ..... DR.GREEN ADVICX TO MEN Tou do not care to read long - winded, boastful adve rtl s e -menta. What - yoa want la a cure. Come to me and get It. I cure, to stay cured, all ailments of men. Pay when satis fled Consultation, exam-. I nation and diagno sis free. Hours dally 9 to &: evenings 7 to 6; Sundays 10 to 3. DR. GREEN CO, S6t Washington St, Portland. I "y r IF ITS : TOOTH TROUBLE SEE DR. WISE W. A. WISE. Our Bridge "Work Is tha triumph of modern dentistry. Perfectly fitted plate with flex ible suction does away with all dis comfort. All kinds of dental work treated In the most sclentlfio manner. LOW PRICES FOR HIGH GRADE WORK Good Rubber Flares, eaok .aS.OO Tbe B s t Red Rubber Plates, each 7JSO 22-Karat Gold or Porcelain Crown for. S5.0O 13-Karat Bridge Teeth. Gnar- anteeu, each tSJiO Gold or Enamel FUlincs, ascsi. . fl.00 Silver Flllinare, each M And an Absolute Onsrsstes Baeked br 24 Yeaxa In Portland. Wise Dental Co. Office Hours i B A- M. to S P. M. Sunday tm X. Phone, Main 202S, A 2039. Faillns; Bids, 8d and Waanlnrtom. TRUTH FOR MEN I am a Graduate of Pharmacy and Medicine, legally qualified to practice my profession In the State, of Oregon. Washington. California and Nevada. 1 publish my own photograph, practice un der my true and correct name, person ally own, control and manage my office. I meet, treat and oonsult with all pa tients at all times. I empoly no substitute, or Illegal practitioners to consult with or treat you and I devo.e my entire time to the treatment of Mt a AILMENTS. I have no branch offices and am not connected with any -medical company." Institute" or mureum. (Signed Affidavit) J. J. KEEFE. My sworn statement Is your protection against inoompetent and Inferior treat- mcmie -to me In confldenoe and let me show you the wonderful rejuvenating and curative power of my direct method of treatment. Tou are under no obliga tions to take treatment unless my charges, terms and arrangements are entirely satisfactory to you. Np Injuri ous medicines used. No detention from work. The foUowtae; ailments as successfully treated: Varicose Veins, Nerve, Blood end Skin Aliments. Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Blood Poison ("08" Adminis tered). Weakness, Eruptions. Piles, pis tols. CONSTTLTATKW FREE WRITE If you cannot call to 5. T to S Dally 1 Sunday. 10 to 1. J.J.Keefe,Ph.G.M.D. SIStt WASHINGTON ST.. COB. STH. POBTXAXD, OR. I Cure Men $io IS MY FEE Fay When Cured. Ben oral Debility, Weak Nerves, la- aomnln HeSUitS JT?T"""TTTwnrie art, other vlo- latloaa of Nature's lswaemenUol Bladder and Kidney. Vnrteoeo Veins, sjnlekly nnd rernunantlr cared at amall expense. I cure such ailments as Varicose Veins. Piles, Bpeclflo Blood Poison, etcw completely and permanen 1 1 y, often with only a single treatment. Office hour A. M. to 8 P. at Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. . PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO, 4Va W'asblncton St, Corner trirm Portland. Oresron. A SQUARE DEAL is what you will got It you treat with roe. Results are quick and positive. You are benefited at onoa. Men who have dressed their caaea along for months with some other spe cialist are astonished at the prompt effects ot my remarks bl9 t r a t m e nt, I cure N rvous Deo line. Varicose Veins, Piles, H u d t u r e. Rheuma tism. Stiff and Swollt sisuusr, ew. Blood Ailments quick- CftC ly and safely cured by QUO Consultation Prea Write or Call. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second street. En trance Second street, Portland. Or. Office hours 9 A. id. to P. M. Sun days. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Of recent years the cinematograph shows have made great strides in publlo favor In China, until now almost every port boasts of at least ons theater, and many of five or r" ' . iri ; - - s . " , t 1-.: i : 4' . - .atj 1