lfl TIIE MORXIXG OKEGOXIAy. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1911. -.. - . " ' 1 i xa-iv TODAY. I WW TODAY. I REAL ' ESTATE. ATIGRY SKIPPER SHOOTS IIAM.OWEEX IUSTCKBER GETS BCILETS IV Jl.VSD ASD LEG. flrlirrd S Captain Retaliates on Vonths Who Vpaet OotbtUldlnf;. Bond Put at $100. FPOKANE. VVaah.. Not. 1. 8pelal. Enraged at tha JIaUowaan pranks of lorn boys who upsat hie outbuilding's. "Cap Fraeraan Southard, a ratlrad aea captain, borrowed a rtfla front a neigh bor Tuesday night and ahot l-yar-old Bert Galllxnon. Meeting; tna jrootha at Latah. Waah-while- retnrnln from a nala-bborB timise with tha borrowed rlfla. Southard threatened them and a scuffla ensued. The boys tried to taKa tha rlfla from the old man and In tha melea Gullla aon wa ahot throuah tha rtcbt band and tha riRht e. Tha wounda ara not serious. Southard waa arralitnad bafora tna magistrals at Latah thla morning;. Ha waa placed under tiaoa bonda and hla caaa aet for trial November 1. MAX I SHOT WITH POPCORX rtoja Ilallowera Prank May Coat rroteaier Hla lt- WALLA WALLA. Willi. T'.T Spv-lal. William J. Martin, of Walla . Walla, who haa been workm on a hall at Vincent. Or., waa ahot with a cbarra of popcorn last nlht by aaarai boya of that rcinlty who wara out on a Halloween lark. Tha charaa antarad hl UK riKht above tha knea cap. The boya who wera responsible for tha affair thought It would be a, ood Joke to fill a shota-un wtth a load of por-eorn and ahoot aomebody. Flndlna; Martina llKht they decided to haul It away and hlda It. When Martin discovered thom In tha art. ha tried to cat tha cart away from t'lem Aa ha did not looaa bla bold on tha cart when tha boya ordered him to. one of them took a ahot at him with the popcorn, llamayloia hla lc. Pollccmaa'a Eye Blackrd. VANCOUVER. Wuh, Not. 1. Spe e!al. Ancered at a remark mada by Arnold White. 17 yeara old, who waa rw-nrttnra rlrl homa from a Haloween celebration. Jeaaa Troah. pollea officer. I aliened to bave atruck tha lad with " lila hand, breakln a tooth. White, who eaye ha acted In self-defense. truck Troah. clvlna; hlra a black era. Then Treh a Treated him and took him t. tha City JalL where, ba waa kept ail "'police Judca Flghara acquitted Whlta on a chare of disorderly con duct. BARD OWNS POWER SITE JOJVIX MILLER AXD BROTH ERS TO BOLD PLAXT. Poet of Sierras Loratr Lauid on Molaw RlTcr, Coins; to Place) la Two-Wheeled Cart, riGEXF, Or, Not. 1. (Special.) Joaquin Miller, tba picturesque poet of tba tilerraa. or. rather, bla daughter. Juanlta. to whom ba haa (Ivan all bla (rt(on poeaeeelona, ta a third owner of a power alte on tha Stualaw RlTer where a power plant will ba erected the comlna; Spring to aupply Florence and tha towna of tba Lower Stualaw. Associated with him are hla brothers. ;orre MelTln and James, of Eugene, Tha former went to Portland today to arrange for the machinery. Tha alte waa located by tha whlte tialred poet hlmaelf. Alwaya fond of tha mmoil almpllclty. ha droTa to tha location In a two-whealad cart, drawn by one old horae and accompanied only by hla brother. Oeorae. and poated hla own location notice. Ha baa alwaya had tha utmoet faith In tha Slualaw country, and haa Ttaltad It frequently. Three yeara ago ha took tha part of Neptune at tha Florence Rhododendron Carnival. Joaquin Miller attended the old Cum berland College In Kugene In 1J. and later published the Democratlo Kecla ter here. The paper waa suppressed on account of aedltloua utterances. DULY JimOEOLOCICAL REPORT. PORTIJlXT. !(9t. 1. Maitmom teuiaer. atnr., as 1'(TMe: minimum. 41 dara iV.v.r rasdlns A. . foot: ehane la .... 34 IVuZ .1 foot Viae. Total rainfall i"V U. to . M , aone: tat.1 smc. Bep .b.r 1, 111. t laches: eormsl. . Irh-s: .ica. . inch. Teial sunshine mb r 1. a hoara. a mlnui-e; poesib-e. JO h..ors. a snlnuiss. Harom.tsr (rsdaead ta era ..v,l. si P. at, W.I lacbea. wEATurn coximoN8. The Northwestern htsh-pressora area haa .Jnol eootheastwsrd a tba Dakataa. It I. of r.t msnlto4e and the hlht l.roraol.r mjial tola STSBlna Is SO. Inrh.s. at Huron, a D. The haroraetsr la t.laiiv? low o.r Artsoaa. Llrit snow haa ti l-n Id Coloraie. Oklahoma. Kanssa, Ne l rssks. a- uth LkMa. allanesote. sad tows. Tt,. t.mp-rsiorsa are from IB ta '! t-.ow i.tsuI ta all rhe states between tha Mississippi KIT.C and tha Kockr stoanlalas ss fsr south ss Ok'.shoma. Tha faater of its .-ol ws ts In Eastern Co.orado. w set .ia Ksnsss and Wsstsra N-srasks. wh.rs 1M -n.prsture bas Oroppod aaawt IS r-s in the last X4 hours- The conditions are faeorakla for ta-r wesiher In this district Thursday. wb na rars-J .rhnnsaa la tempe-ntura. l wt.l V. co.. 1 -nous 1 tonHht In Wsstera Oregon end Western Waahlastea fee llaht frost ta form and war mass for ami ware Issued a, t r. la. FORICABTt, rv-t'.and and Tlelnity rair; asirhaitj "oaoa aad Wasbtagtsn Fain aartltarty DWilS A. JtsU, DlatrhM rorscaaier. Compaaaea, flald-rlaaeae. barometera. V vrlr.meters. mlcroacopea. elantlflc ap paratua Woodard. Clarke A Co. " THERE IS absolutely no word to express the efficacy of Scott's Emulsion in the treatment of COUGHS, COLDS BRONCHITIS CATARRH, GRIPPE AND RHEUMATISM an, oateaexsra 11-51 rriilcHaij k if- - - -. J ! T . aJ The Imperial Orefon'f Greatest Hotel 90 Rooma, 104 Suites, With PriraU It.Ska JTEW FXRXP200F BUILD DTO Moderate Rates. Fall Metachtn a Soca, Preps. PORTLAND HOTEL FfOTEIJ PARLTON n H fSK Portland i V FtUTATB ilifJsitlMi HOTEL LENOX av D. ed T. H. TOROCH. rises ssi Msis. e CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. fSe aB Cold WaleaL I tmu Dlataaaa rkaaaa ka aSearr RATES 31.00 and fjjs HOTEL HOUSE OF WELCOME Ja"pi vi Our 14 paaaanrer eleetrle bus meeta all trains. A hls-h-claee. modern hotel In tha heart of tha theater and shopping- district. One block from any car Una. II per day and up. European plan. E. P. MORRIS, Prop. H. E. FLETCHER, Mgr. 1 a .ex va sv s. -..o.t mamm.. I ySVt'-W 1' AV V. 1 eo 4 1 , roth nvrm rnvnnnm nvrfir niunPFii pnv ry .Il-aj BFVB.J lf I tilflT aaeWiiaavaya aWaaa VII SMai a)VAivaaim a awaii rrSL,.. WRIGHT & DICKINSON J'Vti Css.ws.st "-rfa Not an Accident THERE'S a reason for onr (rrowirg prescription busi ness. Drugs of the finest quality only receive consider ation in this store. It's because of our earefulness in compounding the prescription of our co-operation in this respect with the physician whose medical knowledge and skill counts for naught without positive accuracy In prescription-filling and drugs of tested purity. It's important to the doctor more important to you. Near ly 1,000,000 prescriptions have been filled at our counter since 18(55, re fills not included. With such a rec ord and the effective system which we nse to safeguard the prescriptions of onr customers, mistake or errors of any kind are practically impossible. There need be no doubt, no uncer tainty in the mind of the doctor, the nurses or patient if we fill the pra scription. We send for and deliver prescrip-tion-v. Woodard, Clarke & Co. Prescription Chemist. Established 1865. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sti. DESIRABLE SUITE 3 FOB PERMANENT OC CUPANCY AT KiJJUi;.l HAlta. - j A Ilotel in tha Tery heart of Portland's bnsinesa , activity. Moderate price restanrant in eonection. Modern la every respect. Bates $1.00 and up. I. Q. Swetland, Mt. C. H. Bhaier, Asst. Mgr. iii JTji esyi st r f t I The largest and most majmlficent hotel in Portland; unsurpassed in elegance of accommodations or excellence of cuisine. European plan $L50 per day and upward. av a. sirnumi. sJ Oregon ronrteenth and Washington Sts. This Thoronghly Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Hotel Offers Unexcelled Service, Comfort and Convenience at Moderate Rates. 200 Rooms - - 120 Bathrooms Every room faces the street. Bus meets all trains and steamers. O. C. LARM, Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth and Washington Hew atetci, Elaaaatlr -raiahaa Rates $1 and Up SPECIAL. RATES fOR FEIULaifaUIT sTvropeaa Plaa. Ts-ha at car at Oepet aad traaate al Wasalaertoa . I. S3. rULLI. I'KOPBIETOR. mATHB, CORNELIUS Portland, Or. 8IATTLE, U.Sw A. D. Short, essiOSMT HANMIS TNircTlM eea.B Ths interior ef this hotel has been completely refitted, and ever; appoint ment now meets tha approval of the moat discriminating. $400,000.00 re cently expended on its Interior. Every thing caw and modem. .. .. .'. .. .. The Hotel Oregon PORTLAND. ORE. The leading hotel of Portland. New, modern, fireproof and centrally located. .'. .". .'. .'. sRii. M. C. Dicninssn, Mask. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally r Saadar. rer Uae. Oaa tine ITS Sana ad Ivs ceaaeeatiTe tlaaea... t:a eaass add three eoaseratiTe times SO, tsais add ell ar aevca reasecatlve tinea. ede Remlttaacea noes accompany eat -ei -tews erdere. Wbea eoe edTertlseaseat ta aot raa In eaa. eeeatlve lesitea tba eoa-tloie rata applies. (tlx ararda caaat aa aae Una ea rasa ad ertiaeBaaU aad aa ad caaatad far leas tbaa taa Uaaa. Os cbarsa ar bank adverUsemeate Iba rhsrss aUl ba based aa tbe aetaal Bomber ef Uaea appsarlna la tba paper, resardlese ar tbe a ember ei ararda la eacb Uae. I. v,sr Tadar all adverts, misau are rbarssd by Bltaatlaaa Wasted. Male. miaatlaaa vl anted. lemala. Iba abave rataa applv ta advertlsenieata aaaea "r Tedar and all etber elassABca tlons exerptlas tbe followlasi Oreaenlsa will aerept elassllled advertise aseets ever tbe telrphoae. provldLoa tbe ad vertiser le a saberiiber ta clthet pbeoe. a prices will be quoted aver tbe- pboae. but Bill will be rendered tbe following dsr. V betber suneeueat advertisements will ba accepted aver the phone depends apoa tha proniiMness ef ttie parmeDt of telephone ad Verlisesnente. Mtostlaa Wanted and fmr senai adverttoennenls will net be accepted aver tbe telephone. Orders for ane la sortien saly will ba arcepted for "Moosee for Kent, roralturs for Bole." -Business Upnortaoitlrs.-- "bVaaaalas - beaaes" aaa -Uaated ta Beat." arenas mus todat. At 10 A. M. at resldeaea. 1 N". 234 St.. entire fumlshlnss of 8-room prlvsts bome. all recently new. (Take 3d-su car.) J. T. Wllsoa. Auctioneer. At Faker's Aoetlon Rnnse, IBS Park el Furniture, eta. Sale at IS A. at. I AoLhEXETiTP. I i 1 I .a TILEMJLNDOIS HIT. ORDER TICKETS EARLt HEILIG 7th and Tarlor. Phonrs Ifaln 1 and A llZ. 7 ONIGHT TOMORROW SATVRDAT MAT1NES 6ATURDAT The Viennese Operetta -THE- SPRING MAID With tha rasclnatlna- Prima Donna MIZZI HAJOS Splsndld Companjr 23 Orchestra 23. Erenlns-s anil Saturday lIa,'nt! I.owar floor. M. l.": bslconr. l-5. al. -TSo. 10c Gallery. Tic, SOc SEAT BALE TOMORROW V W W . W W Til ETA Tint nIllaUlV3 Tth and Taylor. PhitnM IfsaJn 1 and A lift. j Kttr.n-rn NEXT SUNDAY BK4.IXNFNO Daniel V. Arthur Presenta VAN STUPPIFOTtP In tha Parisian Comlo Opera THE PARADISE Or MAHOMCT Excellent Company Anamented Orohestra Entire lower floor, 1.60. Baloonr, U T5c. 50c Galley. 60c. BAKER B TTTKATEK ila X and a eace A I. R-ker Mrs. Tenlcht, All Week. Barrala Matl"ee Wed- aasuay. sjn. .nnu d Viola Allen's Superb Success, -TUB WHITE 6I.STER." With JEANS TOWLER "d " company. DramaUsed from F. Marlon Crre ford s novel. Msanlnrsat scenlo production, t . . ok in. TKa si. Next wees. 1 he tilrl. 'the Maa and the wart . A lata i atATaXBJB E KKT DAI 15-25-51 NIGHTS V THEATER 1S-2S-jU-7S WEEK OCTOBER SO The Coorllera. Tom Nsn, Mother. Jlojes and Mwdier. TO Arllnr'on tour, June Boynton, Kramer ana hplllane. Kuy t ummlnas and Helen dladylnsa fs. Slatlnea Erery Day. I Formerlr Oraod. nlllwan at CoOldinW Ilia ssaa sat v - - , aaa-aa Vain aid wi I !. TTEEK OCTOBER 0-7Brhn7 Will 'oLTand. Powder tbapn-n. Craad- asoope. Prices lea ana toe I'DenasLiea . WEEK OCTOBtB 10 Tbe Martmba . Miller and I-yle The la VaUcs. Uonlta and tompany. txtra Attraction, Ths Zrt ' Jar row Vroupe of Cjcllnr Cjmedlana, Paa tae scopa. Popular prb.es. Matinee dally. 7:3U and S. 1UUCT1MO NOTICKS. . OREGON CX3MMAJVDERT. v.2 it T. special conclave thla aX2-rk (Thursday) evsnlns.-at 7:80 Y? o'clock. Ordsr of tha Temple. ir The attendance of members 4r and aojournlns sir knights ..! b. appracjat.d.wrooAyp YlMWK&. - - aotra CIRCXK Whist J0? and 600 party. Thura Nov. X w. o. w. biar.. io tita ii. Prtzss, refrsshmsnts and danclnc. Aamlsslon 20. Com mlttea SAMARITAN- LODfiK. No. J. I. O. O. P. The funeral committee ts hersby notinea and all members are requested to meet at L O O. F. Hall Thursday. November 2. at 1 -SO' o'clock, to attend the funeral of our lata brother. P. O. Lundln. Vlsltlns mem bers lnvltsd to attend. R. OSVOLD. Sec. COLUMBIA IXDGE, NO. 114. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication tnis tinursuay ne at S o'clock. Masonic Templa Vltltlnc brethren welcome. By or ler W. M. FRED 1 OLSON. Sec. MINERVA LODGE. NO. 19. I. O. O. F. Rerulsr meeUni this (Thursday) evenlnr at I SO o'clock. Initiation, visitors welcome. ' " B tret. Secretary. DIED. DROWILLATB At her home 788 Eaat 6al mon street. November 1. Zellmi B. Drow lllote. ared 1 years. Remains at private reception rooms of East Bids Funeral Di rectors. 414 East Alder street. Funeral notice later. HOPFORD In this city. November 1, at tha home of his daughter. Mrs. P. A. Bag-rout. lUXS East Main St.. Ohauncey O. Hoaford. age i years. .Funeral notlca lstsr. rPNEBAt. NOTICE. MORGAN At his home. T East 7Bth street. North. November 1, Thomss B. Morgan, aged 67 years. lO months, 11 days. Fu nsral will take place from tha parlors of ths East 8lcs Funeral Directors. 414 East Aider and East Slltb streeta. Friday. No vember 8. 3 P. M. Friends respsctfully Invited. Interment Multnomah Ceme tery. BETTIS In this city. Novsmber 1, at bar residence. 1SH2 Macadam street. Mrs. Clarlnda Bsttls. aged 6 years, 10 months, IS days. Friends Invited to attend fu neral services, which will be held at Hol tnan's chspel. Third and Salmon streets, at 1 -SO P. M. tomorrow (Friday), Novem ber S. Interment In Rlvervlew Cemetery. T,r-NDIS The funeral services of Mr. P. O. Lundin will bs held at Holman's Chapsl. Third snd Batmon sta. Thursdsy. No vsmber 2, at 2 o'clock, under the auspices of Ssmarltsn Lodge. No. 2. L O. O. F. Friends Invited to sttend. XONSETII XORAf, CO. M.tkMl'All BLllO, KLVHAL ItEKllaNS. Phonee; Mala 610 ; A 11 OS. Dannlnc McKntee. Funeral Ulreetan. 7th and l ine. Pboae Mala 4S0. Lady aa slstant. OOTice of County Coroner. ' a- Z til. Kit CO., SB4 WrUllme lis Pbobe East 1C. floss. Lady attendant. j r FIN LEV A SON. Id and Madlsoa. Lady attendant. Phone Main . A loW. EDWAKD HOLMAX CO.. Funeral Direct ors. ttO d st. l-ady assistant. Phone M. BOt. FAST K11IE Funeral Directors, sneeesssra fa F. H. Dunning. Inc. E. ftt. B Z6g6. LEKCH. Cndertaker. ear. East Alder aad Slitb. Isst 7BI. B laas. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Ollirt CITV HAIL. Mala B. A IMA Bt'MANK OfFICER. ergaaat Crate, itssiasncs, 24 Sh 24th . 41. a R. a. Dunmlra. Rsa lid Wasoa St. T O. Eaton. Kaa. 71 K. 10th. W. 1IBA Hers. Amtmlsnce. A ClOli Pr. Sa. bun is. Sundays sn iieudasa Biai Fa i,a. s; 'truss t. NEW TODAY. IRVINGTONSNAP For aula y owner, ahsolutely mod ern alx-room house; built for a home; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floore, beamed celllnif. paneled dlnlnsr-room, buffet built In, Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement, larse attic, bathroom, two toilets. Bleeping- porch, window In clothes closets, two wardrobes built in. bookcases, etc.; fine lawn, beautiful roses; cheapest buy In lrvlnston; price J68i)0; terms to suit; owner leaving; city. George Hinsdale. 604 Selling- Bids. Irvington Snap! gwell. new. modern, S-room house, four bedrooms, two sleeping porches, breakfast-room, den, attic, fall base ment lot ROxlOO. hard-surface street In Worth HO0. Today 6&00, on very easy terms. See It today. 501 K. 26th ,t, near Thompson. Owner needs money. Mske an offer. Tel. East 5948, or call 171 i-aat 13d St., near Belmont. of a-rt-istic designed by- A.H ExBERArcUitect. Full details of construction gialtor Dollars. OUR BOOK IS FREE Portland Buiuhng Asfzi 322 Mohawk Bldo . Apartment or Hotel Site 100x100 Feet CORNER 19TH AM COUCH STS. This property is situated 1 block from Washington St., in the center of the most active district in the city. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bids-. . PER ACRE TILLAMOOK COUNTY 200 acres, practically cleared. 80 acres ready for the plow. House, barn, chicken-houses and bearing orchard. On county road, mile from school, stores and cheese factory. Excellent dairy property. B. A. CRANDELLE, 701 Yeon Bldg. HAWTHORNE AVENUE AND EAST 55th STREET Very choice building site, with 245 feet frontage on Hawthorne avenue and 145 feet on East 55th street. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO, 85 Fourth Street, Members of Portland Realty Board. A Bargain for 15 Days Only E44 acres of river-bottom land, three miles from Monroe, Or.; all cleared, under plow except 80 to 90 acres; on both sides of county road; running water at all times; wheat averages 36 bushels per acre; modern buildings; one ten-room house; most modern farm and Improvements In Valley; 15 miles south of Corvallls, 25 miles north of Eugene; In the famous Bend Coun try all tillable when balance Is cleared; good orchard; H4 miles from electrlo lino. 8 miles from Oregon Klectrlo; crop never falls; famous river-bottom land. This offer at 165 per acre, terms to suit. Is good for only 16 days. For particulars see or write R. C. Keeney, Eugene. Or, or Monroe. Or. FINE FARM FOR SALE Z7?ol Corvallls. In best section of Willamette Valley; 200 acres In cultivation. 100 acres can be Irrigated; dltchea and flumes on place. Orchard land In vicinity, planted to trees, selling for S500 per acre. This is a strictly choice farm, lies beautifully and suitable for all purposes; 45 acres seeded to alfalfa, Place now rents for $1200 per annum. Fenced well with hog-tight woven wire. Railroad passes through farm, making it convenient for shipping. Price $20,000. Terms. - m. BrLLrwoa. SOS McKay Building. HEADQUARTERS. COURT ENTRANCE, HOTEL PORTLAND. EKEE, ACCURATE INFORMATION RecardlJic Everything In CENTRAL. (TEREOITICOX FICTCRKS 8 P. M- FREE llth-Street Lot 40x100 on East Eleventh street, between Couch and Lavls. This Is a bargain and must be sold thla week. $2000 Will Handle Thla. Owner, AR B-4S, Oregonlaa. MONEY TO LOAN CITY MORTGAGES" FARM MORTGAGES LOWEST HATES, TEH -MS TO SUIT. A. H. BIRRELL CO., Third aad Stark. COLLIS, BERRIDGE 4t THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, S24 Worcester Block. Phone Main 5d. Mortgage Loan3 5 For the Larger Amounts. EDWARD E. GOtiDBt, Lewis Bnlldlac. MORTGAGE LOANS COT JOHN E. CHOSAN, HOJ J JO aoa Spaldloa Bids. 0 I EEAUTIFUL HOME iLt'le desired; everything new and of the best: can give Immediate possession. Phone Vt'oodiawu 1201. $42,500 Real Estate Salesmen One of the largest and best equipped real estate offices in Port land offers exceptional opportunity to high-grade men to make a fa vorable and profitable connection. Every facility will be afforded competent and experienced men to do business. Desk room, stenographlo service, advertising and all equipment will be furnished on a mutual pro'flt sharlng basis. No advances will be made, but splendid chances to make ' money will be given. Specialists wanted in the follow ing lines: BUSINESS PROPERTY, EXCHAJiGES LEASES, BOUSES. Address, stating experience, pres ent connections, references, etc In atrloeat oonfldenca, P 120 Oregonlan West Side Income SOxlOO. Four very fine flats in Nob Hill dis trict. Income (120 per month. Prlca. 914,000. WKSTERV OREGON TRUST OO, 873 Stark Street. COMB GET IT I The sums to lend today. S17.500. K000. Ground value required. GEO. H. THOMAS, Room 2, Ainsworth Bids., 3d and Oak. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Berk. William Q tlS-Sli Falllnc bid. BKUBAKEH a BENEDICT. 602 McKsr bids- M. 64. I Chapln a Uerlow, S22 Chamber Commsros. Cook. B. S. a Co.. COS Corbett 'ilitt. Jsnnlnirs a Co. slain lit 104 Orsaonlsn. PALMER-JONES CO.. B. P.. 404-10S-4OJ Wilcox bid. TUs ureson tteal Estats Co Grand sts. and atuUDomah St. (Hollsday Additions REAL ESTATE. For 8s.le Lots. EXKVXNTH 6T. LOT. $2!50 TERMS. Very deslrabls buildins site: imill ma ple and dogwood trees; unobstructlble view of the city; all ths advantaaes of a Heights lot but easily accessible; walk Ins; dlstancs, 1 blocks to oar; the very best baraaia on tha West Slas. F 632, Oresoulan. CITT FARE VIEW IXr& $1000 EAST TERMS. Unobstructlble view lot near tha park and Just two blocks to car; restricted. . hard surface district, almost level, walk Ins; distance; this Is an unusual bargain snd Is worth Immediate Investigation. F 631. Oregonlan. . GENUINE BARGAIN. TWO lots In Willamette Heighta Addi tion ; beautiful lots, fine view. 1300 or $400 less than lots next to them. Mort gage, $1000, due November 4. Owner .nsss't the money to meet It. Must be sold bsfors that time, or owner Is com pelled to hire ths money to meet mort gage; then will not sell st this low figure. Open dunday. 29th, to help my friend. O. FRED FISH & CO. 518-614 Selling bldg.. opposite Oregonlan. COUNCIL CREST PARK. Most beautiful building site of four lots, with unobstructed views of city and moun tains and of Tualatin Valley and Coast range; elevated situation with many fins native forest trees; blullthlc pavsd streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water, gas, sewers, electrlo light, telephones snd very near carllne; easy terms. Owner, 100S Spalding bldg. Main 866. W1LLAMWTB HEIGHTS 100x100. high level point; great view ot th river; 2 blocks from car; S700U. terms. HANCOCK-ST. ADD. 38d and Schuy ler, 60x100; a snap at J800. ALAMEDA PARK Largs lot. 80x169! faces two streets; sacrifice at (1200; terms. MIX & MARSH. Yeon bldg. GOOD BUTS. 800 a. w. corner of Skldmore and BJ. 26th. "Alameda Park." 60x100, ce ment walks, grade, curb, sewer In, bonded, cost $000 over a years ago. 1900100x100, on E. T6th, near Sandy road; price Includes cement walks, grade and city water. CHAS. RINGLER CO. Zll x.ewis cms- TILLAMOOK ST. LOT. Fins lot 60x100, on Tillamook at., near 88d, paved street, cement walk, bonded, price of lot $900; part cash and $10 per month, 6 per cent. GRUSSI & BOLDS. lit Board of Trade Bld- 4th and Oak. " $10 DOWN. 10 PER MONTH. Fins view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 202 Board ot Trade bldg. Mar shsll 4T3. JL 102i LAURELHURST. If taken at once, will sell large lot for $200 less than original price; located near Gllsan st- J. DELAHUNTY. East 9S9. O 235. WEST SIDE LOTS S100. Right on carllne, upper Washington St., adjoining City Park. West 39th and Yam hill.' National Realty & Trust Co.. 7:23 Chamber of , Commerce. Main 5129. H lota lloVj-ft. frontage, near club, rrand view of city, rivers and mountains; 000. terms. Price lnoludes paved streets, sewer, gas and water. Main 8551. BROOKE. A J839 80 LOTS, 50xl00v at station. 40 minutes' rids or Oregon Electric, now retailing at $150 to Sl'OO each; w-111 take $50 apiece, $1000 cash, balance S years. W 648, Ore gonlan. FOLKENBERG lots and acreage sslllng without booming; lots 60x100. $150; acre age $350; station on property; genuine In vestment. Send for particulars. J. W. Hef ferlln Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg. Mount Tabor, East 72d St.. near Base Line road; one or two lota, 65x82; very cheap at $925 each. Osmer, AO 64o, Ore gonlan. BUILDERS. INVESTIGATE THIS SNAP. $11UU lor sv divw, D J ' j -m - Taborslde. a great barsain. p PUCHS. 4-0 Chamber of Commerce. LOTS 50x100 at electric station, excellent garden soil, handy to city quick sale at $150 each, part cash, remainder on terms. H 645. urefionnm. "PORTLAND HEIGHTS. EXCLUSIVELY. Beautiful homes snd homesites, all Views, locations and prlcea Can suit you. Main 8851. BROOKS. A $83. FINE comer lot. 68th and E. Everett, $1200; very choice; cement walks, graded streets, all paid; $100 cash $10 per month. Owner, E MS, uregonia.il. T HAVE fine building lots adjoining Laurel hurst. high and sightly, Improvements oald at surprisingly low figures; easy terms. W. E. T.. i t too ox commerce. LOT 75x100. on 21st st., between B razee and Knott, lacing east; Improvements all in ind paid for. For particulars phone W'ood i.wn a29 or C 2129. $50 CASH will put you In possession of 50x100 lot, manufacturing district. Wil lamette boulevard. Box 2u3. St. Johns. Or. " SACRIFICE. TO CLOSE ESTATE! Two best lots on Council Crest. $2300, terms. Main 3551. A 3839. i V KJ i- i " i" W t.- a-sa, cvv. RQillS Oak Grovo Park, 2 blocks from Tl -t m. tn-r U'snt RMs Tsron9rtv: --iTT.lve dealers In West Side realty. Ground floor. Chamber of Commerce. GOOD building lots at great sacrifice; part trad-. W. E. T., 437 Chamber of Com merce. TWO Rallwav Add. lots, Montavlila, l cor- MUST SETLL ROSSMERE LOT. carllne one block; $773; termm AF 5-.7.Oregonian. lARGKlot, B0xl42t Margruerlte ave. Mwer. iraur, Owner, Tabor 32. For Bale Iluuses. EKE THIS NEW HOME. PRICE $300; J1000 CASH. Kew mouern 7 -room house on paeo treetm, only 1 block from Hawthorne ave.. In the beat residence district In this sec tion; this home la situated on a beautiful lot, commanding a view that Is unsur passed of the city and the mountains. The house la double constructed through out, has large porch extending clear acrosa front, with massive stone pillars; large re ception hall, beautiful parlor, with fire place and built-in bookcases on each side, with leaded glass doors; large dining room, with veneered panel and magnificent buffet: full Dutch kitchen; ft very large bedrooms, with sleeping porch upstairs; also beautiful bath ; S large, well-ven'i-lated clothes closets. Do not neglect to. see this If you are looking for something nice for the money; this la Just aa adver tised. T. A. SUTHERLAND, Owner. Office Cor. 3bth and Hawthorne Ave. Phone Tabor 20X7. ' House Costing $2 WO MUST BE SACRIFICED. Will aocept BIO LOSS to sell at onoe. Owner1! loss la your gain. WHAT WILL YOU GIVE T 6 -room house, lot 50x100, In Eouth Mt. Tabor district. This desirable bungalow must be sold at once at whatever It will bring, as owner has to meet payments on a tract of our West Stayton Irrigated land. Modern In every respect; only 4 blocks from Mt. Scott carllne; $1000 mort gage bearing T per cent; few hundred dollars down takes It. balance as rent at 6 per cent. Don't miss this Investment snap. Call on Mr. H artog. room 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg., ground floor. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BOMB. ONLY SfiOO CASH NEEDED. BALANCES .7UST LIKE RENT. Four-room cottage with new modern bathroom. Lot 40x100, with magnificent view of the city. Only 2 blocks from car and IB minutes ride from down town. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce bldg., will give you full psrticulara STREETCAR and railroad shopmen read this: Close to new P. K. L. . snops, also S. P. R. R. Co. shops, where thou 5 sands of men will be eniDioyea. i nave beautiful 6-room and attic bungalow; full cement basement, with launary trays, o.Lic flnnr best of nlumblntr. ename bathroom: rooms tinted: woodwork hand' rubbed and beautifully ;inished; cement walk around house; sewer and water con nected; all ready for business; price J260O. small cash payment, bal. monthly; no mortgage to assume; straight contract. E. A. McGrath, 331 Chamber of Commerce bldg, , FINE home in Irvington. In the Broadway loop; has very large living-room, with fire place and bookcases, large dining-room with buffet, den, large pass pantry, kitch en, lavatory and toilet, all hardwood floors, three large bedrooms, extra large closets, bath, linen closet and sleeping- fforch, a large attlo, full basement, well Ighted, furnace, laundry trays and fruit closets; lot 60x100, with beautiful lawn and flowers. JOHNSTON, BOTHTTJR & TUPFORD, 0OS chamber of Commerce, Main 6fi6T. LAURELHURST HOMEI Swell, new, modern, nine-room taoaset open fireplace on each floor, furnsoa, built in refrigerator, clothes and dust chutes, sun-room, breakfast-room, sleeping-porch, reception hall, living and dining-room finished In old Ivory and mahogany; bathroom tiled. This house will bear closest Investigation and is admirably sit uated on corner. Will sacrifice for Imme diate sale: S2090 cash will handle. Phone owner, Marshall 8346 WOULD you went anything better T Haw room bouse, sleeping porch, furnace, flre- Jtlace, hardwood floors, east facing If a n Rossmare. close to car: prloe 44 only $260 cash, balance Ilka rent. 8. D. VINCENT d: CO. 41T Chamber of Commerca Fhone Main 1654, A 748s. CASH JJ0O. SS100 Hawthorns District 181CMX A brand new 6-room bungalow, electxia and gas fixtures, cement basement, laun dry trays, up-to-date In every particu lar, good view, faces east, $200 cash, bal ance like rent; two blocks south of Haw thorne ave. John L. Karnopp, owner, S25 Ry. Exchange bldg. Marshall 2574. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BEAUTIFUL HOMH. . . Conveniently located near carllna, school and club; surrounded by beautiful homes, with unobstructed views of olty and moun tains; house of 7 large rooma thoroughly well built; handsomely finished and fitted with every modern convenience; grounds large and attractive; street Improvements completed: very 'easy terms. Owner, 1008 Spalding bldg. Main 868. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO TNCOMB PROPERTY T IF TOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THB MONET AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE, IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION TOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO., INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. S24 ABINGTON BLD. OWNER MUST SACRIFICE. Have lived In my 6-room bungalow I months and am leaving city, must sell at once This Is a bargain and you muit act aulckly; modern; one block from car and very easy terms. Unlssa you mean business, don t botnsr me. W. H. PHILLIFS. 650 East 60th North, or 201 Board of Trade Bldg. MR. LOT OWNER, HERE IS TOUH CHANCE! TO IMPROVE YOUR PROP ERTY WITH A HOME, FLAT OR APARTMENT WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J S ATKINS ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDO. A BIO SNAP. A good 6-room house, nicely celled, clothed and papered; 2 fine lots 80x100. 11 bearing fruit trees, one block from car, graded street, cement sidewalks, paid, price J1760; S850 cash; on East 76th St., near Burnside. not many snaps like thla v GRUSSI & BOLDS. 818 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. SNAP FROM OWNER. $2695. Leaving for the East, I am forced t sell my new 6-room bungalow, improve ments in and are paid; 20 minutes" car ride, one block from car; buffet, fire place, full basement. Dutch kitchen; 50 X100 lot; must go this week. Marshall 267. IRVINGTON HOME. $100 CASH. Modern 6-room house, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen. 8 bed rooms and sleeping porch, lot 50x100, on East 20th near Brazee; price $6500; $100 cash and Ao per month. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 818 Board of Trade bldg- 4th and Oak. PIEDMONT. Beautiful home, 6 rooms, all on ground floor, fine place, furnace, built-in buffet, I bookcases, hardwood floors, large attlc Iswn, fruit and ro?es, $4750; easy terms. Provident Investment & Trustee Co., 201, 202 203 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 473 A 10 22. PRETTY, new, 6-roomed home, 20 minutes walk from Reed Institute, IVt blocks from car; price 2140; carries first mortgage. $1500, 6 per cent; second mortgage, ?20 per month; cash $300; beautiful view, bearing fruit trees. See owner, Morton, P24 Chamber of Commerce. TOU CAN'T BEAT IT. 1 acres, a corner, 6-room house, good outbuildings, 40 fruit trees, all kinds of small fruit, 70 thoroughbred chickens, less than 6 minutes' walk to Oregon City car line. Price only $2600; terms. C. B. LUCAS. 511 Corbett Bldg. WEST SIDE, cloze In, $1450. 6 rooms, lot 33x30. Arthur St.. walking distance. St. Improvements in and paid. FRED W. GERMAN, . 829 Burnside. M. or A 277. MODERN BOME. A home that will please you, bungalow, 7 rooms, splendid view, modern in every detail nlgh-class residence district, price reduced to $4750. NO AGENTS. OWNER, 611 Corbett Bldg. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Very attractive. 7 rooms, elegant loca tion East lfith near Thompson St., $O)O0; agents. AE 550. Oregonlan. i&0 CASH. $10 per month; new 4-room oot tnge; lot 40x125; 6 blocks car, 35 min- UtyiGLE.Y & BISHOP, 131 Third Bt. J-ROOM HOUSE. Lot 40x100. rented for $7 a month; $S60; only $200 cash and $13 a month. $11 Lumbermens Bldg. Marshall 828. ONE very nice front alcove room, and oth ers. at 308 Jackson street, between 6th and 6th sta HERE Is a snap If taken at once, equity In 40 acres of land. neaT Hena. ur., what It cost. C 070. Oregonlan. for Just MODERN 6-room house, all conveniences in stalled; good surroundings. near ear. Phone owner. Tabor 3162.