Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 02, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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Cit e-.rcaiatlon
alanasloe Ktllta
Fun1ay K31tor .
ra po in - room
Beixwood LnuiiT Grow Fait.
Reports ahow that ths 6ell wood Branch
Library baa s;rown rapidly. It was
established In 1907 and for that year
11 17 J hooka word claeed In clrcu
1 . . T-1. - . ..... ) 914
Mam T"!" A book. w.r- drawn out. For
iff.'! i'.,ro . s llt the circulation waa JS.711. Tha
v:n T"TO A ; Increase haa sveraa-ed 60u books
..Mala T
lupL but. din. Main
7uT A
ixtaui CJSTS.
EEn.m THEATER 'Savanth and Taylor)
Mlaxl Hajoa la toe Vlennaea operetta.
Ths Spring Maid." Toaisht at
BAKKH THfcATKK i f:i-rnlh and Morrl.
e-m rae Wblta Sieler.- TonlgBt, S;l
ORPIIltK THEATER (Morrlwn. baiween
fita aad Fvntb Vauieviiia. Thta aft
ernoon at I l& and tonignt at S14.
ANTAtEj THEATER 1 Kourtn an Stark!
VauCevllta. TMa afleraooa at 2.13; lo
oictn at T 10 ai a.
Im-JtCM THCATEK (Park and Waehln
toai Vauaavil.a. Tbla afiernooa at l.Li
aad at T JO sad a,
TAR. arcade, oh jot. odeoi. tivo
LI nrat-rua pictures. 11 A. at.. 11 P. aL.
a(AJETlC THEATER Park and Wash
ington I Motion plcturaa and mualcal
Taudallle. 11 A X. to 11 P. U.
AaaasT or HtrxTcaa Socobt.
Sort la to b made by tha Stat Tish
and Gam Commlaaion to secure tha ar
raat of George K. Barber and William
C Barber, residents of Los Angeles,
for hunting; daer near Klamath Falls
with resident licenses. The two hunt
ers with Norman Barber, axed 14. save
their addressee as Portland, paying the
tl license fee required by law. The
fee for hunters outside of the state la
110. The facta came to light throUKB
the taxidermist with whom they left
a deer bead to be mounted. The Game
Warden s office Is making; every effort
to stop the practice of (11 falae ad
dresses. Cocxtt Asks Crrr roa Watbr. A
letter received yesterday by Mayor
Ruahllirht from the County Court asks
that the city (rant the county the
nse of enough water from the cliy
mains to meet the needa of the build
in r except for drinking water, for
ISO a year. The court explains that
a $3000 well la under contemplation
at the Courthouse. Water for pur
poses other than drlnklnc will be taken
from this welL The county otters the
city Interest on the 12004 at t per
rent la payment for the water If It Is
furnished by the city and a well la not
Health Board Arraovra Eutimiates.
Estimates of 133. 30 for operation
of the crematory and t:l.7:o for the
health department during 1913 were
approved yesterday at a meeting of
the Health Board. Health Commis
sioner Wheeler reported thst his esti
mate waa the same aa last year ex
cept that i:0 waa added for the
salary of an additional Inspector. Four
hundred dollara waa rut off the eatl
raate for maintaining the ambulance of
the department because the new police
ambulance will aupplant the Health
Board ambulance In a majority of ac
cident cases.
LEAorn to Otrs Bairqcirr. A ban
quet and reception by the Antl-Saloon
Lniui to J. F. Burke, of New Jersey,
the new superintendent who aucceeda
Iter. J. R. Knodell. will he Riven at
the T. W. C A. Friday. The banquet
will be at (:3 P. M. and the reception
at I P. 1L Prominent workers from
throughout the state are expected to
attend. 104 Invitations having been Is
sued. He. E. Nelson Allen, of the
Hswthorne Park Presbyterian Church,
will preside at the banquet, and Rev.
Benjamin Young, of Taylor-Street
Methodist Church will give the address
of welcome to the new superintendent.
Cirit, Franca Trjrrs Axwontccn.
The United States Civil fiervloe Com
mission announces that the following
examinations will be held to secure
eligtbles and 011 vacanoles In the dif
ferent departments: Apprentice map
engraver In geological stirrer. Novem
ber S3: general machanlo In depart
mental aervlce. November tl; teacher In
Indian service. November 23: monotype
keyboard operator In Government
printing office. November 13. Any
farther Information with reference to
these examinations may be secured of
Z. A. Leigh at the Portland Postofflce.
Axwrutxzrr or Marriaobi Askrtx
Declaring that he was unaware when
married by a Justice of ths Peace In
Vancouver. Wuh, December Is. 1901.
that hie wife had been divorced from
W. Lowe leaa than three weeks be
fore. William F. Erdman haa peti
tioned the Circuit Court to annul hla
marriage to Llllle Krdman or Llllle
Lowe. Not till long after the ceremony.
Krdman declares, he discovered that he
had broken the law by marrying a
divorcee before the expiration of the
six months' period.
HoerrTAt. Wikti Frmjrs. The
Woman'e Auxiliary of the board of
truateea of Oood Samaritan Hospital
haa aent to all episcopal churches of
the city and state a letter requesting
that linen and supplies be donated to
the hospital. Surgical sheets, draw
sheets, laparotomy Jackets, laparotomy
stockings, surgical aprons, pinners,
baby sarques. baby slips, baby petti
coats and bandages are asked for. Mrs.
' Charles caddmg Is chairman of the
linen guild.
rmumcs't Plat Starts Firs. A
house belonging to Phelps Holmaa. Ill
Twenty-fifth street North, was dam
aged by Are to ihe extent of 1500 yes
terday morning. The lire started In the
garrett. and apread to the roof. The
loss was covsred by Insurance. Small
damage wss slao done to the base
ment of a building at 64 East Twenty-
fourth street North, yesterday after- J tne Hellwood
noon. I ne nre in inn rase was cauaea
by children playing with matchea. The
bouse was occupied by O. It. I'ruttt.
Art Ci-ass to auihslc The art
department of the Portland Woman's
Club will meet today In Women of
Woodcraft Hull, at Tenth and Taylor
street a, at 3:10 o'clock. American art
Is the subject for the year. Mra.
Welster has requested all who wish
to Join this department to be present
at the first meeting.
I Am Gotia to Kt'Rorg on an ex
tensive trip and have decided to dlapoee
of my entire stock of line Imported
woolena In order to da so my price
on high-grade ladles made-to-order
suits will be reduced to f6. Garner,
ladles' tailor, Mohawk bIJgi. Third
and Morrison atresia
Markxt Pt-ACR Data Soroirr. H. E.
number, city building Inspector has
sent letters to all cities of the United
dates having public market places,
aaklng for plans and specifications and
other Information regarding these
markets. Information Is also asked a
to their success.
Rkhxarsaxs of the Gypsy Fmlth
chorus will be held at the Tabernacle,
Ktghteenth and Salmon streets. Wed
nesday evening. November 1: Friday,
November 1. and Wedneaday. November
I. Full rehearsal with orchestra.
meeting to organise an Indiana society
will be held tonight In the convention
ball of the Commercial Club, at 7:10
o'clock. All Indlanana are Invited to
be present.
Emu tiVACB, 15x100 fset. at It Sixth
street, between Mark and Oak. for
lease at a very reasonable rental. H. P.
f'almer-Jonea Company. 404 Wilcox
Dm. Richard Nrvx. eye, ear. nose
nd throat, has moved to rooms lit,
lit Medical building.
TmuiutAt. Mcat XARKvr. Pecond
street, between Alder and Morrison,
near all carllnea.
Tn annual meeting of the Jewish
Women's tewing Society will be held
Friday. November 1. at 1:10 P. M . at
Temple Beth Israel. Meetlnga to be
held hereafter on drat and third Frl
- day a Mra. E. bicheU secretary.
Rrmoved to WrLCOX Bcrmixa, Wiu
ixam C BRirrot.
Outbr M. HrcxgT. attorney, moved te
111, 114. el Wilcox bldg.
;0 A 1 ..... Everv Saturdsv the story club
I meets ami the librarian tells atorles
to children. The Library was tno nrst
started in the suburbs, and still oo-
cUDles rented quarters. A movement
to obtain a permanent library build
ing on1 a centrally-located lot will be
launched.' at the next meeting of the
Sellwood Board of Trade. It la esti
mated that there are 1000 realdenta In
the district tributary to the Sellwood
Branch Library.
Cockcil Hbar Report. The Council
of Jewish Women held the monthly
meeting yesterday afternoon. The re
port of Miss De Fries, delegate to the
Oregon Federation of Women Clubs
held at Roaeburg was read. By an In
vitation from her. that body will hold
the annual meeting In Portland next
vear. Announcement was made or
I retention to be given Miss Block, of
ABJ NHaitimore. resident worker, at the
Neighborhood House, next Sunday from
I to I P. M. Other announcement
made urging co-operation were for the
Needlework Guild, the Woman's Ex
change tea and sale November It. and
child's welfare exhibit. . An Interesting
programme concluding with an addreaa
by Koacoe C Nelson completed the
Crrr Maixtx ajc or Pav-:jo WA2Tnx
That the city should take over
and maintain all bald - surface
streets after they have bten paid for
by property owners Is tru eentlment
of the ti.' 11 wood Board of Trade, which
alma to have auch a clauae embodied
In the proposed commission charter. At
the last meeting of the club B. Cason.
chairman of the committee on charter
amendmens. Reported that the Peo
ple's Charter Commission had agreed
to adopt auch a provision. A commu
nication from the East Side Business
Men's Club asking co-operation tn
having the auditorium built on the East
Side, was laid or the table until the
next meeting.
Graksi Avixui to Ba Extkicdbd
Pmtth. Viewers for the extension of
Grand avenue aouth from Woodward
avenue to the north line of Manhattan
Helghta Addition have Bled their re
port, snd a Una hearing will be had
November I. It la proposed to open
Grand avenue along the edge of the
bluff above the Willamette River. A
connection will be made with the
streets extending to Mllwankle street,
and If the street la opened aa proposed
It will open a direct street to Rotsd Col
lege and the surrounding dlstrlota. W.
J. Clemens and other propery owners
have been working for the last two
ysars for thla extenalon.
A box of apples was received yes
terday by Mayor Rushlight from H. D.
Poor, of Wenatchae, Wash., one of
the successful frultralsers of that dis
trict. The gift was tagged. "Greetings
From the Desert." Mr. Poor aays his
district waa nothing more than a sage
brush desert ten years ago. Now It
Is one of the greatest fruitgrowing
districts In the world. He says he was
offered tl each for the apples be
presented to the Mayor. They are of
tha Winter Banana and Delicious varie
ties. East Fidb Bcirss Men Cub to
Mxr.T. The East Side Business Men'
Club will meet tonight St Its rooms,
at the corner of Grand avenue and
East Alder street, to discus a lt for
the auditorium, the proposed publio
market, this year's tax assessment and
new quarters for the club. Reports
from several committees will be sub
mitted. Arrangement will be made to
assist In the opening of the new East
Portland Branch Library, at the corner
of East Eleventh and East Alder
streets, about November 16.
Chiksar GAJtBt-ER Ftxed. Eleven
Chinamen who were rounded np In a
raid at 10 Second street Monday night,
after policemen had caught them play
ing fantan. pleaded guilty through their
attorney In the Municipal Court yes
terday morning, and ware fined 115
each. Ah Sam, accused of conducting
the game, waa lined 115. Patrolmon
GUI and Griffith gained entrance to the
gambling den through a tranaorr,
reached by a ladder from the street.
1'STcjioLoar Clas to Meet. The
psychology clas will meet today In
the cafeteria of .the Old, WorUnan
King atore. at 1:10 o'clock. Mra
Welster will give the first lesson on
"Wonder of Consciousness." The
merits of new books will be discussed
by Mra Berry. Miss Eaton and Mra
Miscrb to Addres League. The
Seventh Ward League will meet at
Brooklyn Hall, at the corner of Powell
and Mllwaukle streets, this evening.
R T. Mlsche. superintendent of parka,
will speak on parka of the city. Routine
bualneaa of the lengue will be taken
up and general Improvement work will
be dtscussed.
Lai-xprt Starch. S Lb, for 15c. Also
t pounds Round-l'a cleanser for S5c 1
cans corn for 15c f pkg. currant only
ISo. shrimps. 10c per can: Crescent
llaklng Powder. lOo per lb. and 6 lbs.
of Vermicelli for too. These price
rule today and every day at Frank L.
Smlth'a grocery. 146 Flrat street, be
tween Morrison and Aider.
Ladies Aixit-iart to Rbpieat Per
roRKAxes. The Ladles' Auxiliary of
Toung Men cnrisian
Association will repeat Saturday night
the mlnatrel ahow given last Friday
night at the Sellwood T. M. C. A.
The Floradora Quartet and Wilder" or
chestra will be heard.
CHURCHwostxs to Meet Todat.
An Important meeting of the Wo
men of the Good Tiding Church
congregation will be held at the home
of Mr. F. A. Ford, at T!t Clackamas
street tht afternoon from t to I
o'clock. The meeting la public,
SrrTtiAOEJtARiA REaiPExr Die.
O. P. Lundtn. an old resident, died a 7
hla home, at Belmont atreet, Mon
day, at the age of 77 year. He was.
a member of Samaritan Lodge, No. 141.
L O- O. F. The funeral will be held
today under the auspices of the Odd
fellows. Feu. wood Clur to Give Bmoxxs-
The Sellwood Commercial Club will
give a smoker to member and friends
tonight In the clubhouse on Umatlila
avenue. The programme will Include
boxing exhibitions In the basement.
Free exhibit of oil paintings at
Whltaker CodoW auction bouse, lit
Washington st- Sales at 1:10 and 7:10
o'clock; valuable presents given away.
Seward Horn, 1 quoting a special
rate to limited number of permanent
ViXtiBLJ paintings to be sold at
auction. It Washington t-
Naw Locatiox. Pettls-Qrossmayer Ctx,
third floor Wilcox bldg.
Dr. Bsowx, rectal spec'lst. Corbett b,s
Lbadexo Ft4Rir. Lubllner. 431 CTaah.
Crowd attend Oaks Rink these days.
and sweet potatoes, "Southern style,"
will be served at the Woman' Ex
change today. Anna, that splendid
cook who ha been at the Exchange for
many years. 1 considered an expert at
frying chicken and follows a famous
Southern recipe. It I with pleasure
that the management announce that
hereafter Thursday will be known as
Fried Chicken day. lit Fifth stf
Christmas Pictures.
See Anns' exclusflv style in por
trait of men, women and children.
6tudio. Columbia bldg. Mala, A lilt.
in a series of in
dorsements of the
Certificate of Title
system by bankers,
lawyers and real es
tate men reasons
why a Certificate of
Title furnishes the
BEST protection to
buyers and mort
gagees of real estate
"The certificate sys
tem has entirely super
seded the abstract sys
tem here, which it could
not have done had it
not been its superior
in every particular."
O "Melveny, Stevens &
Milliken, Attorneys,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Levrla Bldg, 4th aad Oak
Attorney Slnnott Declare Official
Sought Conviction to Avert Suit
for Damage Over Theft Caso.
Roger B. Slnnott yesterday morning.
In the Municipal Court, accused Great
Northern officials of prosecuting hi
client W. H. Jackson, for the purpose
of avoiding a damage suit for false
arrest. Jaokaon waa accused of having
robbed Albert W. Holgate. a fellow
passenger on a Oreat Northern train
from Seattle, of t30 early Sunday morn
ing. Mr. Slnnott made a heated plea
for the dismissal of the case, and pro
voked a reply from Deputy District At
torney Hennessy that was equally ve
hement. "Officer of thl road acted hastily
In thl case and they know It," declared
Mr. Slnnott. "They said they had the
record of this man In the rogues' gal
lery, and they have been challenged to
produce It- Although they had several
day In which to look up his record,
tbry have not produced a bit of evi
dence against his previous record.
. -Teterday the agent of the road
came to me and offered to have the
case against my client dismissed, if I
would consent to have him plead guilty
to a vagrancy charge, and have a small
fine imposed. . They knew they had
nothing, and were only trying to stave
off a damage suit for false arrest. I
can aaaur them that they will have
to face a big damage suit for their
1 bar examined the evidence In
thl case, and I believe from the bottom
of my heart that thl man Jackson I
guilty." aald Deputy District Attorney
Hennessy. "If I did not, I would rec
ommend hi dismissal."
According to the- testimony of Hol
gate, he met Jackson Sunday night
when he was about to board the train
for Portland, and asked him the way
to the depot. Jackson replied that he
was also going to Portland, and the
two went to the train together. On
the train Holgate drank from a bottle
of whisky . offered by Jackson, and
shortly after went to sleep. Upon
awakening he missed hi watch, 130 In
bill and some small sliver. X-oases
were also reported by other passengers.
Jackson wa arrested on his arrival
In Portland, and 157, including; two
bill which Holgate said were his,
were found on Jackson. Holgate waa
unable to Identify the bills, except to
say that they were Canadian bill for
IS and 110. of the same denomination
and Issue as those he had lost.
Jackson, was found guilty and was
fined 150. He gave notice of appeal.
itn. Mary V. Shelby, 82, Daughter
of First Oregon Governor, low.
Mrs. Mary V. Shelby, daughter of the
late General Joseph Lane, and a mem
ber of a distinguished pioneer family
of Oregon. Is critically 111 at her home
In the "Wheeldon Annex. Mra. Shelby
has been an Invalid for several years
and recently suffered a paralytlo stroke.
Mra Shelby Is 82 years old and wa
born In Indiana. Her father, the late
General Lane, wa the first territorial
Governor of Oregon and the first United
State Senator. He waa also a Demo
cratic candidate for Vice-President
with Stephen A. Douglas. President
Lincoln's opponent, Mrs. Shelby came
to Oregon with her parents In 1849,
reaching Oregon City In March of that
year. She Is the mother of Eugene
Shelby, superintendent of the Well
Fargo Express Company, In San Fran
cisco, and Miss Annie Blanche Shelby,
of this city. Mrs. L. F. Mosher, of thl
city, la a sister Her granddaughter
are Mrs. Frank Gilchrist Owen. Miss
Eugenia Shelby, of Nevada; Mrs. Frank
Shuda and Mra E. Wallace Osborne, of
San Francisco.
Eugene Shelby Is expected to arrive
from San Francisco today.
The Edlefsen Fuel Company, mine
agents for "Faultless," the genuine
Wellington, propose to reduce prices
on all coals to consumers by delivering
In bulk, using barrels for unloading, as
done In Seattle and Tacoma.
Astoria Won't Purchase) Drama.
ASTORIA. Or, Nov. 1. (Special.)
Prima Donn of "The Spring Maid" Is Adorable Young Person Bumor
Says She Is to Be Married;
EVERT once In awhile I read where
"she tripped merflly along." Frank
ly I never knew what It meant
always wondering If It meant that she
fell down occasionally until yesterday
MIxzI Hajos "tripped" along the cor
ridor at the Portland, where he is
living during her engagement at the
Helllg. She fairly skims over the floor,
dancing on her tippy-toes occasionally
clicking her heels sharply together, and
all the while hurrying, hurrying.
Miss Hajos is a well developed per
son. Like the smithy' who stood
under the chestnut tree before the
auto came along and took away his
job the muscles of Missis's arms are
"strong as iron bands." She prides
herself on them, too, those muscles.
"I get heem from driving, t drive
like the little devil. Oh, my horses I
make go o fast. Usually I get such
what you call" (queatlonlngly ) "skates,
for horses, from the llv-e-ry houses
when I travel about. But today an
accident I suppose I had a lovely
pair such peedy ones. They pull me
so hard I srot muscle fever.ln my arm.
Tou see when this adorable, quaint
little Hungarian girl cant think of
tbe light word she use a wrong on
or coin rapidly.
glager Caeej ta For Ra-erlag.
Also I I what name do you call
It In the water with little boats?" Her
eye searched me Inquiringly a she
slg-xagged her elbows.
"Rowing. I nararoea.
"Ah-h. yosh." which means "O. yes."
Misxl's ah-h' are gurgled and long
drawn out. with a sort of nasal ac
companiment. It doesn't sound aa de
lightful In print as it is wnn ne
does It.
Eh 1 tha moat sparkling and effer
vescent little creature imaginable. So
full of energy that she can't elt or
stand still for two consecutive sec
onds. She laughs, coaxes, wheedles,
dimples and chatters like the pro
verbial masrple couldn't.
She says she will be a "real gentle
man next year, when I arrive at twenty-one."
Her attempts at English are so
funny at times that even she ehrleks
in laughter. For Instance, ahe dragged
huge alligator bag out of her trunk
and explained at great length and
nice hunting for words that she
"caught It at the ostrich farm where
they make bags out of ostrich hides."
But her sense of humor or shall
we say sense of comedy? keeps her
smiling at her own mistakes. And
when one remembera that she never
had a teacher of English and that she
picked up for herself In 18 month all
that she knows of that mosalo piece
of lingual architecture Engllsh-as-
she-ought-to-be-spoken well. then.
one takes off hi bonnet to clever lit
tle Mls Hajos.
"I suppose every Interviewer ask
you how you pronounce your name," I
"Certainly, he smiled and when
Mlsxl smiles, believe me. It la "some"
radiance. Her big turquolse-blue
eye crinkle up tight, her red lips part
widely and there's the loveliest flash
of white teeth that would make a for
tune for some dentist to use In an
'after-fixing sign.
Prenoaelarloa 1 Glvea.
"Always folk ask me how Is my name
pronounoed. And I say 'just aa If yen
4 I
r, . i N. t
'''-" ' fS- v
I . - : . ,: ;
- '
h: .: .. .
7 r MiTn.iri it f'TI ' " " W-A-"J
Hla si Hajoa, Prlssa Doili af
"The Spring Mala," When
Rassor Haa It la ta ae Mar
ried Seaa.
spell It Meetsy Hayosh." In Hungarian
Mlzsl mean little cat. When you call
a kitten you must say. 'Here, mizzl,
mlzzl.' which Is In English. 'Here, kit
ty, kitty.'"
Several weeks ago a little bird
whispered It about that Mlzzl was go
ing to become Mra. Mark A. Luescher.
one of her managers, the wedding to
take place either In Portland or Se
attle, "sometime before Christmas." 1
hedged around the delicate subject for
several rounds while Mizzl nimbly side
tracked or parried with smiles and
ejaculations of "Well did you ever hear
the like." and on one occasion a pro
longed peal of laughter. Pinned right
down to the subject the prima donna
denied It with vehement shake of her
blonde curls.
"Word of honor," I asked, pencil
"Well-1 f ahe drawled, pouting, "I
I hate words of honor; they are Just
like cross-your-heart-hope-to-dle. I
wouldn't say "word of honor,' for you
really can't tell what might happen.
Next week Mr. Luescher meets the
company tn Seattle, but he is only com
ing to see how the company Is getting
along. He Is the most wonderful and
charming man " and here Mizzl, all
animation, for one "not at all Interest
ed" In her manager, launched Into a de
scription of Mark A. Luescher that
would make that gentleman smile fatu
ously could he have heard It,
Mis Hajoa says he has Adonis and
Julian Eltlnge and James K. Hackett
backed off the boards for downright
beauty. "And then he is. oh, so thought
ful." he says. "Hungarian men are
polite but American suit ma beat.
They are so verra. Terra kind and
White Temple
Tuesday and
Evenings, Nov.7th
and 8th
Seat Sale at Sherman - Clay
& Co. Beginning Friday
at 10 A. M.
Tickets $1 and $1.50
(From the Vancouver, B. C, Province.)
There was a wonderful climax to the
concert given by the Royal Welsh La
dles' Choir at the Vancouver Opera
House last night; a climax which
showed how the llvr;Yolc?a0 Slr'j
from Wales had touched the hearts or
hundreds of their kindred who were In
the large audience. As the tralns of
the Welsh national anthem Land or
My Fathers" rose, Madame Hughes
Thomas turned to the audience and
. . intFlt.tfnn It WaS
maae a booluio ,
not needed, for the Welsh people were
!.......! n tv,olr f ot nine ds as If their .
hearts were breaking with longing, the
f rand refrain of one of the noblest na
lonal anthema ever written.
First in Welsh and then In English
. i . V. .nil UtinA was
me reiiu.ui inns. ,
given a taate of the congregational I
singing for which tne umyry are nuicu.
Thote Welsh people In the audience
followed the waves of the baton as If
tr.ey were a trained choir, and their
example was infectious, for the whole
audience sang "God. Save the King,
as the opera nouse has never heard it.
Madame Hughes-Thomas and her
girls covered themselves with glory,
and are easily the finest musical ag
gregation that has been heard in the
West, The choir sent out a marvelous
volume of sound, and their rendering
of "Comrades In Arms," a dletlnctly
male voice composition, would put
many men's .cholre to shame.
All of the girls are Eisteddfod prize
winners. They are all soloists, and
they have the faculty of the Wesh race
for losing themselves in their singing,
forgetting audience and everything In
the sheer Joy of the muslo.
The committee of women appointed to
consider the purchase of Miss Mabel
Ferris' dramatization of the "Bridge of
the Qods" ha decided to reject the
offer, a the price asked, namely, 125,
000, Is considered far too high.
The Implicit confidence that many
people have In Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera - and Diarrhoea Remedy is
founded on their experience In the use
of that remedy and their knowledge
of the many remarkable cures of colic,
diarrhoea and dysentery that It ha
effected. For sale by all druggists
The per capita consumption of codfish is
grreater in England than In any other land.
Coast Line Service
Kalama, Kelso, Castle Rock,
Winlock, Chehalis, Cen
tralia, Tacoma, Seattle,
Everett, Bellingham, New
Westminster and Van
couver, B. C.
10:00 A. It-International Llmltcd-lOrOO P.M.
erOOP.M. The ,Owl 6:00 All
13 :1S midnight Shore Una Exp.. 6:00 P.M.
Fast trains and best of equipment.
Parlor, sleeping and dining-cars.
An trains from North Bank Station,
Eleventh and Hoyt Sts.
Tickets, sleeping and parlor-car res
ervations at City Ticket Office,
' 122 Third St, and at Depot.
H. Dickson, C P. and T. A.
Telephones, Marshall 3071, A 2286.
The regular correspond
ence machines, Models No.
4 and No. 5, are the same in
all respects except Model
No. 5 has four extra keys for
fractions and special charac
is the most popular corre
spondence typewriter in the
world. Its sales exceed
those of any other machine.
"The Machine Tou "Will
, Eventually Buy."
68 Sixth Street,
Portland, Or.
See Window Display of Carved
Oak Furniture
c ri
This Rocker
This Rocker as priced is a very unusual
value, as you can tell by looking at it. It is
made of selected American white oak, thor
oughly seasoned, and fumed to a rich nut
brown color.
It is handsome in design, finely made,
staunch and comfortable. The seat, which
contains twelve springs, is covered in genu
ine Spanish" Morocco leather.
A sample of this Rocker is in our win
dows. See it. r ' ,
J. G. MACK & CO.
Fifth and Stark
A Pleasant
Daylight Ride
Tacoma and Seattle
m to
Ta Kalama, Kelso. Chehalis, CentimUa
and principal Intermediate stations.
I.V PORTIAJiU 10:30 A. M.
AR. TACOMA 8:25 P. M.
AH. SEATTLE 4:48 P. M.
XArge and roomy day coaches, dining
car parlor-oar and observation-car.
Most modern and up-to-date equipment.
'The very acme of comfort and conven
ience. Four Trains Daily
to Taroma and Prattle
?-10 A. M-. 10:80 A. M., :30 P. M., 11 U
P. M.
aanallv well eoulpped. Kleetrlo
T. .... .i v. TnHlvlHnal Hffhta
iigmeu .uivuu -
In every berth on aleeplns-cara
Three Trains Daily
T A kanl.MI On fl If (1(1 11 1 (1T11 .
.1A A. M.. 10:30 A. M.. 8:80 P. M.
(d and Morriaon Hts. and Union Depot.
Mala 44 Phones A 1244.
The Pioneer Line
Northern Pacific Ry.
A. O. Cliaflloai. A. J- a. a jrortiano.
A Life Interest
That is the best tiling yon can give yonr children a real life)
interest, not in your property, but in life itself.
' Cool, rich red blood is the only capital that can produca
life interest steadily. Don't worry about heredity and you
husband's relatives. Begin now to build power and endur
ance and gladness for your children's future: Teach them
to relish green salads with much Antonini Olive Oil. (
Antonini Olive Oil
Antonini gives endurance and staying power all through tha
rapid growing period. It gives real vitality and prevents
nervous irritability. It brings the Ted cheeks and bright eyes
and flashing smile of healthy childhood. It is just as gooi
for grown folks.
Antonini Olive Oil is fully guaranteed to be the purestt
and most delicate olive oil that can be made in the world. ,
Order it from ..!
D. C. Burns & Company
The Ifwin-Hodson Co.
IS"AUPS 92 Fifth Street
omcs un ruirr, rinmiH urs ouuir
aAasaiaaaaa is mm a tsasiaaj 1 1 i
Foster & Kleiser
Hlsh Grade Commercial and Klectrla ,
East Smntfc and East Everett Streets.
Pnvaea ast 111. B 324.