Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 02, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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GJie (Drtmmimt
During the month of October. 111.
the ifon circulation of The Ore
losUn as:
Armn eay OrrUtlw....IMT()
Antut Dally Clrwl"e
Tha detailed statement for each dr
during me month of October U aa tot-
Orl'l ti -ni Oct IT ?.M0
Oft. ll.S Or I. z- .J0
su. e . r.f -1 ...... t -..'
r-t Oct.: 55 '
Oct. 1 :.) Ot- J4 2.V
Oct. 11 .S3.T0.J Oct. J7 6'.
Cx-u it s:.;o Oct. st.
OcC 11 1.1.450 0-t. ! J
Oct. 14 e:..'o Oct. io 2
(vt. IS fo.'Z) Oct. Jl H.i'9
Oct. 14 (2.4:4
Total Circulation l.97.Il
The aboTt circulation waa distributed
a Xollowa:
43.1 IT
All other atatea .
6 5.4 7 O
County of Multnomah.
rHate of OrKn, I , ,
Thla U to certifithat tha actual cir
culation of Tna Orronln for the
month, of October wa ae above aet
forth. E. 1. HOpWiOD.
Circulation iianager.
.ubscrlbed and iworn to before ma
this first day of Soinbr. 1)11.
It as. NotarrPubltc
roBTUHD, iniuiUT, ar. s. iu.
Tha recaption of President Taft on
his tour of tha country. Just completed,
has been a tribute to hie pcrsonul pop
ularity. Irrespective of politics, and to
tha esteem In which he Is held aa a
man. for men and women of all par
ties and claases Joined la It heartily.
It waa to be expected t int he would
be received with respect aa President,
reaped that would be a tribute only to
the office he holds, yet the welcome
extended to him would have been very
different had he not earned the affec
tion and esteem of the people aa an
Individual. Men of all . parties and
all faction. Republicans. Democrats,
Prohibitionists and Boclallste. regular
Xtepunbllcana and Insurgent Republi
cans, met him when he entered their
states and cttlca. served on reception
committees, sat with him at banqueta
- and became hie guests on hta train.
The Presidents whole course
throughout hla tour haa been to ac
cept the popular welcome In the spirit
,ln which It waa ln aa a tribute to
t j;he high office ha holda and to hla
personal qualities from all citixena
' alike, nor a a tribute to him aa a po-
Utlcal leader. He haa ahown delight
at being the host of the officials and
leading men of every state, whether
they were Republicans or Democrats,
regulars or Insurgents. In so doing he
has no more departed from hla own
convictions than have they, for in his
speeches he has unswervingly upheld
the principles of his party and defend
ed the acta of hla Administration. lust
as some of them had Just come from
criticising hla acta or were Just about
to declare allegiance to h!o rivals. He
came neither as the leader of a fac
tion nor aa the leader of a party, but
aa the head of the Nation, and In that
capacity he was all the more honored
that they with one consent honor him
as a man.
On his Journey across Michigan
President Taft was accompanied by
Senator Townsend, a near-Insurgent,
who defeated the regular Burrows. At
Peoria and Chicago he met the Re
publican state leaders In council, the
veteran regular Cullora Included, and
was hailed In Chicago by the Demo
cratic Way or. This did not prevent
the Insurgent Governor Stubbs and the
insurgent Senator Brlstow from Join
ing the regular Senator Curtla. State
Chairman Dolley and National Com
mitteeman Mulvane In a welcome on
the borders of- Kansas and being hla
guests on the Journey through the
state, though Mr. Brlstow engaged In
a public debate with Secretary of the
Interior Flaher on acme of his policies
and announced continued opposition to
Mm. nor did his differences or opin
ion with the late Insurgent Repreeent.
Stive Madison prevent htm from
speaking a word In praise) of that gen
tleman on the occasion of Mr. Madi
son's death.
i On entering Iowa he was welcome I
tly the regular Republican Governor
Varroll and the Insurgent Senator
Kenyon and accompanied by them
through the state. At Des Moines he
vu met by the Insurgent Senator
Cummins, whom he greeted with Joc
ular familiarity and with whom he en
gaged In friendly discussion. Ignoring
the Senator's support of La Follette
for President. In Missouri he played
golf with the progressive Republican
Governor HadTey. In Nebraska he
met W. J. Bryan at Lincoln and had
aa hla guest from Omaha to that cl'.y
" the progressive Republican Governor
Aldrlch. who. Immediately after the
President's departure, announced his
'support of La Foliette. At Denv.r he
addressed the republican leaders and
told the Press Club he was glad to
follow Roosevelt and hoped to con
tinue doing so. Curry, the independ
ent Governor of Wyoming, escorted
him across that state and pledged him
lis rote. At Salt Lake he rebuked the
president of the Toung Men s Republi
can League for making a bitter pnrtl
san speech In support of his re-election
nd emphasized the purpose cf his tour
by saying: "I am here as President of
the United States." Senator Borah.
. Tjn,.Kt...n n 4 a.
ire uuuriv , .
trtvernor Brady (regular) rode with
him across Idano. ana rx-oovernor
Ooodiag (regular) would also have ac
companied htm but for mlselng the
train. Senator Oore. of Oklahoma,
nd Governor Hawley, both Democrats,
also gave him welcome In Idaho. In
Washington Governor Hay escorted
him on hla tour and pledged him sup
port, but this did not cool his welcome
to Warburton, the Insurgent Repre
sentative, who with his regular col
;egue. Humphrey, and S. A. Perkins
went through Mount Rainier National
park with him.
At Portland men of all parties and
factions gathered around him in greet
ing and sat at the banquet with him.
Us vas received on the state line i f
California by Governor Johnson, who
accompanied hlra until he left that
state. publU-ty welcomed him at Pan
franclsco and only absented himself
. . Kanmiet at that cltv to avoid
1 1 v.ii . - - .
untoward incident, aa he could not
sit ti:i if the president attacicec. tna
jsll. an evidence of tact which no
doubt Increased Mr. Taft's respect for
him. In Montana the President's
'mitM oa the train Included the Demo
cratic Oovernor Karris, the Democratic
Senator Myers, the Insurgent Senator
Dixon and the regulars Representa
tive Pray and National Committeeman
No Senator la more outspoken In his
Insurgency than Crawford, of Soutn
Dakota, but he Joined his regular col
league Gamble and the Insurgent Gov
ernor Vessey In the welcome to the
President at Aberdeen, after a trip
across the state from Deadwood. where
the regular Representative Martin was j
his host. In Minnesota Senator Ciapp.
who had Just accused Mr. Taft the
-blackest act of tyranny." was his guest
at dinner and toured the state with
him. others of the party being Senator
Nelson, who 1 undecided whether to
support him for re-election; Repre
sentatives Miller and Nye. regulars,
and Anderson and Hammond. Insur
gents, and Governor Eberhard, Insur
gent. ' In Wisconsin, welcome was ex
tended to him by the Socialist Mayor
Sldel, of Milwaukee, equally with men
of all parties and Republicans of botn
Whenever the President came in
contact with extreme partisanship to
himself, as at Salt Lake, he showed
his disapproval. His hospitality was
extended impartially to supporters and
opponents In politics, and he accepted
hospitality in the same spirit, which
waa the spirit in which It was offered.
He showed himself throughout to be a
broad-minded, tactful opponent wher
ever he met Democrats and insurgents.
The Salem Capital Journal proudly
announces that It has "scored, a victory
for the people by securing submission
of a charter amendment for the non
partisan primary on the Des Molnes
Tacoma plan." The recent overwhelm
ing defeat at Salem of the proposed
commission government charter would
appear to Indicate that the capital city
Is not wholly receptive of new ldeaa in
city government. Tet Editor Hofer Is
not discouraged. The reforms and
Innovations other cities have adopted,
and found both beneficial xind prac
ticable, are none too good for 8alem.
though Salern may not now think so.
After awhllo It may conclude that the
fact that a city or a community has
always conducted Its affairs In a cer
tain way la not a sufficient reason why
it always should.
All that Is necessary la to show Pa
lem. That la what Editor Hofer pur
poses to do. If the town doesn't like
one style of reform, the Colonel will
be ready with another. He keeps up
with the latest fashions In politics as
well as In the best tailor-made suits.
The Salem editor sees, and most
other people know, that partisanship
In local affairs Is a thing of the past.
It adds little to the strength of a can
didate for any municipal office that
he is a Republican or a Democrat. It
gives something, to be sure: Just
enough to taint a non-political Job
with a political flavor and to give an
undesirable candidate an advantage he
should not have and a desirable candi
date a handicap he should not labor
under. If politics is frankly eliminat
ed from municipal and local affairs
and the merits of a candidate or an
Issue determined without political bias,
doubtless the results will be nearer
what the great mass of people now
desire to achieve.
Professor Montgomery's death was
remarkable among aviation accidents
because he fell so short a distance.
He was experimenting with a "gilder"
and fell but twenty feet SU11 It was
sufficient to kill him. Just as a man
may sometimes drown In three Inches
of water and survive an Immersion In
the depths of the Pacific, so an avia
tor may live after he has fallen a thou
sand feet and die from a drop of a
Most of the mortalities which have
accompanied the development of fly
ing have been traceable to foolhardl-nes-
Some bird man wishes to attract
attention by doing remarkable feats
as high as be can be seen with a tele
scope. The conditions of wind, eddies
and whirlpools are quite unknown In
the upper regions of the air and it fol
lows Inevitably that he risks his life
and often ' loses it. But Professor
Montgomery was not making any
foolhardy ventures. He was experi
menting near the earth and using as
much caution as the case seemed to
require, and yet he waa killed.
The truth of the matter is that it
requires an almost superhuman alert
ness of mtnd and quickness of muscle
to manage a flying machine safely.
The demands which It makes are far
beyond what ordinary Individuals can
hope to comply with. The case was
much the same with the bicycle when
It was first Invented. People who rode
the machine on the highway were con
tinually having accidents. The peril
was so great that they acquired an
agonized expression called the "bicy
cle face." But this Is so no more. The
human race has adapted luelf to the
bicycle and It now causes no more
accidents tnan a commonplace wagon.
Our adaptability Is marvelous. We
seem perfectly capable of developing
whatever new powers new circum
stances may demand of us, but the
process takes time, and while It la
under way Individuals are likely to be
sacrificed. The right brothers are
at work upon devices which, as they
promise, will make flying less exacting
to human facultlea Probably they
will succeed. If they do not. then our
faculties will enlarge until the re
quirements become easy. -
"Dollar diplomacy" has had consid
erable success In North. Central and
South America, but little in Asia and
Africa, according to figures given In
an article in the London Times re
viewing Its results. Our exports In
th. ) ten vmps have increased 160
per cent to Tentral America and 150 '
per cent to South America. The per
centage of our total exports going to
Europe has decreased from 74.60 In
I f0 to 65.10 In 1(10. The bulk of
this difference la accounted for by an
Increase In the percentage going to
other North American countries from
11.45 to 12.09. Japan has greatly
decreased her purchases from us since
her war with Russia and threatens
to capture our cotton trade unless our
manufacturers can reduce their prices.
Here Is where dollar diplomacy en
counters Its moat serious obstacle
our own tariff. Our home market ts
so great and prices so good that man
ufacturers make no serious effort to
capture the foreign market, where
they must compete with the world
and accept reasonable profits. Not
only are they directly benedted by the
duty on cotton goods, but they gain In
directly by the woolen duty, which
drives the poor to wear cotton as a
cheaper substitute for wooL If these
manufacturers) were put on equal
terms with the foreigner In their
home market, they would become
hardened to competition and moder
ate pronta and would be equipped to
retaliate on the foreign competitor
by Invading his markets.
Agents of dollar diplomacy are also
hampered by Inadequate salaries. A
naUon ought to be as ready as an
exporter to give Its salesmen a liberal
salary and expense allowance when It
sends them abroad, for our dollar
diplomats are after all simply sales
men for the Nation as a whole. But
thoy have to draw on their private
fortunes to pay their way or fall to
show the results for which the Gov
ernment looks.
On the Pacific, where there may
soon be work to do, the United States
has twenty-four warships, which may
be called Into hurried action by some
serious development In the Chinese
rebellion. On the Atlantic, beneath
which the cables have carried pledges
to arbitrate all disputes with two of
the leading nations of Europe and of
fers from a third to do the same, we
have 102 warships, including nearly
all the battleships, assembled mainly
for display.
Even after the Panama Canal la
completed, several days will still be
consumed in transferring the fleet
from Atlantic to Paclflo, and those
few days may be precious time lost In
a crisis. The fleet must be ready to
meet promptly a sudden emergency,
and the probabilities are ten to one
that such an emergency will develop
on the Paclflo, not the Atlantic,
Ocean. Therefore the conditions
should be reversed.
In dividing the fleet between the
two coasts In the present proportion,
statesmanship has been forced to yield
to political and social pull. The Navy
with all Its perquisites goes where
there are most votes In Congress. It
Is to be hoped that Eastern Congress
men will take a less selfish and more
patriotic view of the subject before
some catastrophe gives them a severe
attack of remorse.
The confidence of young people In
their own taste and Judgment Is a per
ennial source of Joy to the world even
If it is not entirely free from peril.
The maiden graduate of a young
ladles' academy who wondered how all
her wisdom could be contained In one
skull of moderate size Is hardly more
amusing than the pupils of the Ham
mond High School who have sat In
Judgment on Shakespeare and con
demned hlra. What boundless fields
of knowledge these sapient boys and
girls must have traversed. What wil
dernesses of experience they must
have threaded belore they felt capable
of Issuing their final verdict. The fact
that It reverses the opinion which all
competent men have held for centuries
Is of no consequence to these omni
scient youths. They have seen a new
light. To them have been revealed
truths more profound than the world
has ever heard of before, and they do
not hesitate for a moment to publish
their vision and proclaim their gospel.
Shakespeare Is to give way to Ibsen
and Bernard Shaw if these boys and
girls can win the worU to their way
of thinking.
The accusations which these chil
dren make against Shakespeare sound
formidable. According to the ulti
matum which they sent their teachers,
the sweet Swan of Avon la "a cheap
grandstand player." He Is an "Im
moral 1st." His writings are "licen
tious, inartistic and unworthy of
study." Hla "Venus and Adonis" U
declared to be "the most licentious lit
erature in the English language." In
view of these premises the boys and
girls of Hammond, which Is a town In
Indiana, require their teachers to drop
Shakespeare from the English courses
of the high school and their teachers
have compiled. He Is to be replaced
by Ibsen and Shaw, who, we are bound
to believe, are more artistic and more
moral. The wonder of all this la. not
that a band of school children should
have come to a ridiculous decision
upon a question of literary Judgment,
but that their teachers should have
accepted It. This Is a real puzzle, and
we can think of only one explanation
for It. In fulminating against Shake
speare the boys and girls of Hammond
are not expressing their own opinions,
for of course they have none. They are
merely adopting those of their in
structors who have taken this discreet
method to acquaint the world with
their disapproval of Shakespeare.
But this solution does not forward
matters much. We must still explain
to ourselves how It happens that the
faculty of a high school In a commu
nity which presumably speaks English
should have made up Its collective
mind that Shakespeare Is Immoral and
Inartistic The question of his moral
delinquency does not perplex us so
much as the accusation against his
art because we understand that the
precepts of prudery have been taught
In some inland communities with ex
treme diligence for many years, and
Shakespeare, whatever his . other
crimes may bo. Is not a prude. He Is
much Inclined to call a spade a spade
and there are certain fallings of hu
man nature which he cannot be per
suaded to gloss over with smooth men.
dacltles. The consequence Is that his
plays and poems are frightfully shock
ing to those whom they shock. Per
sona of normal Intelligence are not dis
turbed by their "licentiousness," but
the professors and others who have
been swamped by the doctrines of
prudery are not normal. They suffer
from a sort of moral hyperesthesia,
which is a .veritable disease. It la akin
to hysteria. Everybody knows that a
hysterical woman will often shriek
with pain at a gentle touch on her
hand or forehead which a healthy per
son would not 'notice.
It Is the same with our Hammond
professors, only their affliction- lies In
the moral sphere Instead of the physi
cal. One of the strangest circum
stances about this disease la that the
patients who suffer from it are usual
ly vain of their abnormality. They will
be heard to boast of their "purity" and
their "delicacy," which in reality are
but symptoms of moral deficiency. A
truly refined person does not find it
necessary to quarrel with the physiol
ogy of the human race.
The charge that Shakespeare is
Inartistic cannot be explained away on
the ground of mental disease. The beat
guess we can make as to Its origin Is
that the Hammond professors caught it
from Bernard Shaw. The chances are
that the Hammond High School Is
having a bad case of "Shavianlsm," as
it is called, or ShawlMs. Toung people
take this disorder I ke the whooping
cough, which It res.-mbles, and ordi
narily they get ove- it without bad
sequelae. In Hammond It has evident
ly spread to their teachers and the
consequences mas be some form of
permanent mental disability.' Bernard
Shaw disapproves of Shakespeare. He
does not think that the bard of Avon
was "any great ahakes," to quote the
Indiana vernacular. Shaw'a deliber
ate verdict Is that Shaw Is a vastly
greater dramatist, more moral and
more artistic. To convince the world
that h Is right about it he Invites
critics to compare his Julius Caesar
with Shakespeare's and see how the
latter stands the test. In his opinion
the Elizabethan giant shrinks to a
tiny, tiny pigmy and the Hammond
professors are clearly of the same
Literary Judgments of the Ham
mond species will gradually accumu
late In this country and no doubt they
will ultimately be accepted every
where. We can already cite several
of great weight. There Is the opinion"
ofvthe celibate, milliner who prevailed
upon her village library board to lock
up "Tom Jones." The Denver publlo
library has set the seal of condemna
tion on "Huckleberry Finn" and now
.he Hammond High School consigns
Shakespeare to oblivion. Verily we
live In an age of revolutions.
Nothing more terrible has been dis
closed In the atrocities committed
upon the Russian Jews than those to
which the Arabs la Tripoli have been
subjected by the -victorious Italian
troopa These reports substantiate
the world-old fact that every savage
Instinct in human nature la uncovered
and made rampant by war. Civiliza
tion Is a thin veneer that is loosened
by a call to arms and shaken oft by
tha detonation of guns. While we are
fain to believe that "warfare Is holy
when waged for the right," we are,
nevertheless, forced to coincide with
the declaration of General Sherman
that "war ts hell."
As England has preserved her hero
ship Victory as a monument of the
battle of Trafalgar, the United States
should preserve the battleship Oregon
to commemorate the battle of San
tiago and the great voyage which
brought her to the scene. The Victory
still lives, though 106 years have
passed since Trafalgar; the Oregon
should live still longer, being built of
steel, and should take her place beside
the Constitution aa a monument of the
Nation's naval glory one to' repre
sent the old wooden navy, the other
the modern steel navy.
The Brooklyn Eagle celebrated its
10th birthday anniversary on October
26 by publishing a special edition de
voted to Its history and that of the
city and to the men who have made
the Eagle what It is one of the great
newspapers of the United States. Al
ways able, fearless and independent,
the Eagle has grown and progressed
with the growth and progress of
Brooklyn. Its long and prosperous
life are evidence that the qualities
named are the essentials of success.
A great deal Is said about football
as an old to discipline in schools and
colleges. The experience of Walla
Walla scarcely bears out the common
opinion. In the schools of that town
football has set up a 'serious rebellion
among the pupils. The teachers tried
to restrain athletic excesses within de
cent bounds. The "teams" retorted
with insult. Evidently the young peo
ple'of Walla Walla think, that their
play Is a great deal more Important
than their work.
Port Orford's decision to create a
port commission almost completes the
chain of such commissions at the har
bors on the Orejron coast. The Im
provement In the harbors and the in
creased size and number of ships
which will enter them, which will re
sult from the commission's work, will
In a few years convince owners of in
land property of their mistake in op
posing the new organization. .
After using tobacco for seventy
years. Dr. D. K. Pearsons has "sworn
off" at the age of 91. Verily there Is
hope for the most Inveterate sinner.
It la never too late to repent even of
such a bad habit as that of "chawin"
and burnln'." Dr. Pearsons has done
much good by his donations to col
leges, but he may do more by the ex
ample he has set for the slaves of
tobacco. .
The discovery of " ultra-violet rays
for the purification of drinking water
will no doubt prove a boon in the
Philippines. While rejoicing in this
discovery let us not forget to be
thankful for a water supply that does
not need purifying by artlllclal means.
Great Nature herself has attended to
this matter for us in her grand reser
voir and laboratory in the Cascade
Mountains. .
A farmer's wife, suffering from mel
ancholia, took her life by swallowing
concentrated lye. The isolation of
lonely farm life predisposes to melan
choly and there are many men in Ore
gon to whom this case should be warn
ing to take their wives along when
they go to town. The horizon is lim
ited pitifully to the wife of the hus
band grown careless.
The Mohammedans have not for
gotten the days when their armies
ovreran Europe and their scientific
literature led the world. Another vic
tory or two might set the passions of
the Prophet's followers In a blaze
which seas of blood could not extin
guish.' Superficial thinkers pooh pooh
religion, but it is still one of the great
elemental forces of the world.
If Postmaster-General Hltchoock
should marry, the rule of the steam
roller will cease and the rule of the
rolllng-pln begin. -
When the Turks retake Tripoli the
entree will savor of macaroni and spa
ghetti, but the Italians will come back
a la gobbler. .
We are certainly burning a lot of
powder, but as It kills nobody there
will be little objection.
The 2800 people who will spend the
Winter in Nome will be mighty civil
to each other by Spring.
Potato-growers, recalling the stir
ring episodes In hops, are Inclined to
hold their crops.
The movement begun at Chicago to
censor postcards Is overdue there and
An actor has married a Standard
Oil widow. Oh, the anpel!
Mr. Olney is writing the Democratic
platform "alretty yet."
Tripoli threatens to beoome another
Adowa for Italy.
Gleanings of the Day
The possible Increase in the popula
tion of the United States Is to be meas
ured by the available supply of water,
according to an article by Professor
McOee In Science. If this country were
aa densely populated as Belgium, which
has 640 people to the square mile. It
would have somewhat less than 2,000,
000.000 people, but Professor McGee es
tlmatea that the available supply ot
water will limit it to l,000,00j.000. He
says that It is found that five acre-feet
of water a year used effectively In
agriculture are required to sustain one
human life, the best results being ob
tained by the application Of water to
an aggregate depth of five feet during
the season, and In this way five acres
will sustain a family of live for a year
with the requisite surplus production
for exchange. The requisite supply of
water to sustain one adult la 4400 tons
a year, disregarding the one 1 ton he
actually drinks. ' Applying these fig
ures, he estimates that the maximum
population thla country can sustain la
600,000,000 in the humid East, 200,000,-
000 In the sub-humid middle section,
and 200.000,000 in the arid West. Pro
fessor McGee proceeds to whittle down,
by estimate, the future Increase of
population by shaving off one unit of
percentage for each decade until he
reaches zero. Thus It would decrease
to 19 per cent at the next decade, 19
at the next, and so on. At this rate
he calculates that It will take three
centuries for the population to reach
a billion. This leaves out of consider
ation all the discoveries and Improve
ments to be made In those three cen
turies, hence we still may indulge hope
of attaining the two billions.
The total operating revenues of all
railroads In the United States over B0
miles long in the year ending June 80,
1911. were $2,700,232,308, a decrease of
.6 per cent; operating expenses, 11.855.
253.049, an Increase of 2.9 per sent; net
operating revenue, 1844.979,259, a de
crease of 7.5 per cent. In the Eastern
group of roads, operating revenue in
creased .7 per cent, operating expenses
increased 5.6 per cent and net operat
ing revenue decreased 9.2 per cent. The
southern group made the best show,
its operating revenue increasing 1.1 per
cent, expenses increasing 6.4 per cent
and net operating .revenue decreasing
2.8 per cent. The western group showed
a decrease of 2.7 per cent in gross op
erating revenue, a decrease of .6 per
cent In operating expenses and a de
crease of 6.7 per cent in net operating
revenue. All these comparisons are
with the year ending June SO. 1910.
It Is estimated by"the railroads that
the reductions ordered by the Inter
state Commerce Commission on the
Paclflo Coast rate cases would amount
to $12,000,000 a year, which is 5 per
cent on $240,000,000 capital. If the
reductions are allowed by the Com
merce Court, to which the cases have
been appealed, further reductions to
points east of Spokane and Bait Lake
will be necessary. The commission
has hinted that It may reduce rates
from the Paclflo Coast eastward 20
per cent.
Oregon appears on the list of states
producing gypsum, which is given In a
report of the United States Geological
Survey. This mineral is produced In
16 states and territories, and la ground
into plaster in 14 states. The value of
gypsum products In 1910 was $6,574,478,
and the quantity of gypsum mined was
1,175,894 tons. New York being the
largest producer, Iowa second and
Michigan third. The Imports in 1910
were worth only $502,111. or less than
1 per cent of the domestlo output.
Governor Harmon's reply to President
Taft's declaration for dissolution of
trusts and Federal control of corpora
tions is to hoist the standard of state
rights in dealing with this subject. In
a statement sent out from his head
quarters he said:
W muat make the state government
mors broadly uaeful. Its powers art ample
and undoubted to grapple with many things
which havs been developed by new condi
tions and which give general eonoern. For
Instance, it has absolute control ot all cor
porations of ita own creation and of the
terms on which corporations of other etatee
may do business here. Why, then, atand by
and let the General Government ssaume to
regulate state corpormtlona becauae they en
gage In interstate commerce T . . . If
Congress gets general Jurisdiction over us if
we engage in commerce outalds the atats
we may as well turn over the capital to a
Federal commission and go home.
Connecticut has created a public
utilities commission with power to
regulate rates and subject to the recall,
as the result of. long agitation. It Is
contended that the delegation of rate
making power to the commission la
unconstitutional and a test case ,1s to
be made in court.
The China Press, published at Shang
hai by Thomas F. Willard, a well
known magazine writer on Oriental af
fairs, is muckraking the mixed court
of that city. It has published charges
of bribery made by Chinese coolies
against the secretary of the court,
which is composed of a Chinese magis
trate and a foreign assessor and is
threatened with a libel suit The Press
says the Chinese take it for granted
that the court is corrupt and credit the
foreign officials with greater rapacity
than the Chinese. .
The Commercial and Financial
Chronicle sees solicitude about busi
ness depression In recent utterances of
politicians. It quotes with unfavor
able comment Governor Wilson's as
sertion that "affairs should be taken
charge of by some persons with
definite opinions." Senator Bourne's
advocacy of a business yardstick Is ap
plicable to all corporations, the so
called progressive Republican plat
form declaration for trust regulation
and Governor Dlx vague remarks in
defense of trusts. It sees in these ut
terances evidenoe that politicians
have become convinced that business
must be reckoned with and urges bus
iness men to "press home the truth
that politicians must desist from fur
ther radical actions and radical endeav
ors." It continues:
There can be no doubt that the business
man wlil hold the deciding vote In the com
ing Pretldentlal campaign. That fact
should be Impreesed upon the campaign
managers of both partlea The mercantile
community should not rest contented with
a more or less perfunctory response from
one or the other of the great political par
ties, but make Its lmluence felt In both.
Our business men should stand squarely
upon their rights. Suggestions for tie crea
tion of legis.atlve commltteea for dealing
with tbelr grievances, thus prolonging the
agony, or for the establishment of Govern
ment bureaus to whom they must apply and
who would hand out concessions tor doing
business aa a gracious favor. ahou:d be in
dignantly spurned. Where neither moral
nor economic law Is violated, the right to
carry on business, untiammeled by legisla
tive edicts. Is an Inherent right, and It
should not bs yielded up oa the specious
plea tnat the labor element must be pla
ca.d and politicians wheedled.
Ashland Writer Thinks Single Tax
Scheme to Help Moneyed Interests.
ASHLAND. Oct 29. (To the Editor.)
Single tax. if adopted in Oregon, will
retard the development of the resources
of the Et&tei The threat of it has al
ready kept many land buyera from In
vesting here ana its ultimate rtsuiu
will add to the present non-taxable
area in Oregon.
In Pennsylvania there Is a good ex
empts 0 1 LUCIUS, UWH-ilVMUH,,
Many thousands of acres there were
sold ror taxes alter tne nmuer
cut the counties and the state being
the only bidders. When this land went
back to the commonwealth it ceased to
pay any tax at all and as a result the
taxes on other property had to be in
creased. It will have the same, effect
In Oregon, as there are millions of acres
In this state 'that cannot for many
years be made to produce enough in
come to bear Increased taxation, hence
will go back to the commonwealth and
be exempted from taxes.
Tho expanse of government should be
borne by all, and It is better to collect
It from lnoome-produclng property than
to try to pile It all on land alone which
will Increase. Instead of decrease the
small land-owners' burden. It looks
to me like a scheme to exempt the mil
lions of dollars' worth of city improve
ments and the manufacturing plants
at the expense of the country. The
very fact that It is being financed in
Oregon by a wealthy Eastern soap
- . -. 1 nrAn tha eves of
the people. He no doubt Is only the
. a . T F Mil MtAt
instrument usea oy r.,iciu
A r.,t.rn Kenlr asSOCla-
association ;ILl v" " . .
Hons in an effort to stop the flow ot
Eastern money into iana ihys-uu"""
in Oregon.
If you think for a minute that the
great amount of Eastern capital Invest
ed in Oregon lands in recent years has
. . .... i . In the East.
not wen prt"
you are not well posted. If you think
there is oi a wou-uj cs"'- , .-
trie jc-aut w cci;
East you certainly do not know how
thousands are trying to get rid of their
mnhav thert lH Or-
5pw-west to iwe. But these
people of small means are not deterred
by the dangers of single tax; they are
not as yet familiar with what it means,
, ... v. vnnlrl otner-
but tne money i ,- -
wise locate here and invest In our lands
- . ... v -i ,r , K means to Qe-
IOr proilt U.UU uima "o .
velop our great resources and create
the needed employment, iui .. ---hesitating
in many cases because we
are threatened with a system oi vu
bery that will upset our business sys
torn ana coniisca.e ":"
It Is a well-known fact that on tnis
Coast nbn-produclng property must
. . . , .... ..fATi nnrl a half
aouDie in varna ovow . J7. .n-mA
years or It does not equal th Income
;,-v, mnnpv at interest Disturb or
threaten this long-established ratio
, warv ?-.Tn InlV Wily
ana you can bco ' r
money la not flowing Into Oregon to be
invested In lands, as it w
, . . . -. i ih, vnnlfl OI
Uanaaa, (.aiuuiiim w ----the
Southwest Including the land oi
the greaser. From interviews a
had with Eastern men I want to say
. - . - .. A vnaV Oreeron the
mat mo Biieu'l' J ' .
scapeeroat by saddling single tax on it
Is a knock that has offset the many
thousands of dollars expended in ad
vertising to attract capital and ex
perienced men to develop our great
latent resources. Oregon should wake
up to the Injury single-tax Socialists
are committing.
The mistakes by the Initiative in de
stroying the normal schools In Oregon
and the destruction of 'the commercial
fishing business on Rogue River have
had their effect in the East, where our
system is closely studied by men of
capital, but this single-tax graft le the
worst of all. The special tax scheme
whereby a few non-property owners
levy a heavy tax on prupcriy mcj
I can live off the tax under a bluff of
building roaas is a iiisnwuy iuuci
that beau the old toll roads of the
East, a'nd amounts to the same thing
as robbing the stage coach or railroad
train, only it is a more up-to-date sys
tem and is safer for the men who get
the coin. The timber-land owner is
the principal victim of this Oregon
scheme, and certainly he. in 99 cases
out of 100, has to earn the money in
other states in order to pay It, as ship
ping facilities and market conditions
have not reached the stage where more
lumber operations are profitable in thla
Single tax is to force more building
in our cities. If it does we can easily
see the results by observing the pres
ent conditions in a few places that
have recently over-built. It Is not
necessary to mention names. Moet
people know of such places in the West.
Brother McKereher Attain Returns to
Prohibition Discussion.
PORTLAND, Nov. 1. (To the Editor.)
We have been having a "real good
time" and many of your readers have
signified appreciation, but personally I
have no desire for the last word.
I would like to say, however, that
between us we have confused the peo
ple touching the real question.
In that lottery case quoted by me.
Chief Justice Waite said much that, for
brevity, I did not quote, and one thing
was, "the police power extends to all
matters affecting the publlo health or
the publlo morals."
I was simple enough to suppose that
those words "all matters" Included the
saloon, but now, viewing It from your
standpoint, I Incline toward the opinion
that the saloon includes "all matters"
the President, his party and all.
It would be wholesome reading, and
acquaint your readers with the attitude
of the U. S. Supreme Court toward the
liquor traffic, if you would quote Jus
tice Taney's decision in the "License
Cases" (brewery cases of 1847), where
in he literally hung the hides of Daniel
Webster and Rufus Choate, the brew
ery attorneys, on the fence. Also Jus
tice Field's opinion In Crowley vs.
Christensen (137 U. a 86), a genuine
San Francisco saloon license case, and
then I could cite many more, and State
Supreme Court decisions to their hearts'
We have the liquor trafflo "beaten to
a fraizle" In all the courts of the land,
and In tho Supreme Court the thresh
ings have been the most drastic, and
the things that tried most to keep the
saloon alive are cowardly Presidents
and corrupt political parties.
If you have the courts, you ought
certainly to have the last word, for
courts Interpret the laws and, there
fore, make or unmake them. Why do
you not raise the Issue of the legality
of the saloon in the courts aa being
contrary to sound morals and public
policy, and In that way destroy the
saloon? But would you destroy the
liquor traffic by eliminating the saloon?
Walnuts Benree In Germany.
Borlln Letter to the New York Sun.
Various districts in Germany are pe
titioning the forest department to res
cue the walnut trees of the country
from the gradual extinction which
threatens them. In times when the
land was less thickly populated It was
customary for farmers and large land
owners to plant walnut trees on their
properties and along the roads, but
modern science has taught that not
only Is the shade thrown by the spread
ing treetops unfavorable to profitable
cultivation, but that a certain amount
of tannic acid is contained in the nuts
and injuriously affects the soil on
which they fall. The natural result of
. v, anAu In the . numher of walnut
Ltrees is a rise in the price of timber.
and whereas in tne ov s a tuuiu uioic
of the wood cost from $7 to 112, It now
costs from S50 to fsu.
iTy Dean CoUlna.
Nesclus Nltts, sage of Punklndorf Sta
tion, Removed from his whiskers a brown
Of nicotine juice) then resumed masti
cation And spake of the dangers besetting
our Nation
Especially those of advanced education.
'Jem Hug-gins' son Zeno each Winter
nros Dnanrlln'
Some months at a college that he was
And seemed to do well, 'spits of all
them pitfalls
That s said to be lurkln' around college
But fln'ly a letter come home to his
A - A
Whose contents made Jem plumb fero
ciously ma a.
"It seems Zeno failed In his study of
Or some sort of lingo them furriners
And so his perfesser edlcted that he
Had got to let work In tha fencln'
class be; k
Stay way from the gridiron, and, more
over, shirk
The discus and all of his other field
1 don't mind that grtdlron.' says
Huggins. Tt looks
Too much like a-tralnln' of men' folks
fer cooks;
But Tve thirty acres of good tater land
Thafs got to be disced, and I shorely
had planned
To have Zeno do It. I ain't a-pretencin'
That I objects either to son Zeno's
- 7jT hawg lot needs fencln', and Zeno
could do it; t
But this here perfesser comes mlxln'
into It,
A-stoppln' his studies, and workin' him
In Jest what would make him of use
on the farm.
And why? 'Cause my Zeno ain't handy
to speak
Some durned furrln lingo, like Latin
and Greek.'
"We all 'greed with Jem, and with great
Prepared resolutions from Punklndorf
- Station.
Agin sech proceedings, for we all waa
Jedge Wiggs drawed It up In correct
legal form.
To show the advantage of fencln' and
O'er talk like that dago Demosthenes
"We signed the thing here In the gro
cery stores,
With all its 'whereases and some furs
To bid that perfesser of Greekology
Jest let Zeno's fencln" and discus worst
Perfessers who hampers correot educa
tlon . .
Don't get any sanction from Punkln
dorf Station."
Portland. November 1.
Country Town Sayings by Ed Howe
A man la abused so much that about
half the time he feels like a cat whloa,
has Just eaten a canary.
There is less sense and more money
in the world now than ever before In
its history.
Every time you look at a ten-year-old
boy, he needs a new pair of shoes.
Toung men would go In society more,
if the girls didn't work them so hard.
Eight hours' work a'day will not
hurt any man; It's the light hours'
work that follows at night that hurts.
What the average town needs more
than "Eastern capital" Is a disposition
on the part of its own citizens to use
their own money.
I would like Jelly' better if newspa
per accounts of accidents didn't use
the -expression, "Crushed to Jelly."
If I were a woman, I don't believe I
know a man I'd marry. -
People now live as long as they ever
did, probably; I know lots of people
who are as old as Methuselah, If they
would admit it.
A married man Is usually compelled
to spend his evenings explaining Jokes
to his wife, and their school lessons to
his children.
Half a Century Ago
r rora xae urviumnu, i.w. e.
Baltimore, Oct. 19. The Rev. Thomas
Wildey, the founder of Oddfellowship
In the United States, died suddenly thla
Washington, Oct. 20. Yesterday Mr.
Seward said to a member of the diplo
matic Body that the Southern insurrec
tion would blow over in three months.
The steamer Cortes on her next trip
will land her goods on the wharf In
front of this office.
. . . , n 1GAI
Rumors of a great naval expedition
have been spread at the South and
created great consternation. Charles
ton is badly frightened and Is largely
reinforcing Its forts and haa placed all
lta citizens under dally drill. Savannah
has also taken the alarm and ia
strengthening its fortifications and
erecting new batteries. A like feeling
is manifested both at Mobile and New
Orleans, where the most strenuous ex
ertions are being put forth In the
strengthening of those cities against
attack by water.
Laundry Prices In Russia.
Brooklyn Eagle.
If John H. Snodgrass, Consul-General
at Moscow, ever kicked about his laun
dry work while living in the United
States, he begs the pardon of every
steam cleaning establishment, every
slant-eyed Celestial, and every colored
washlady In this country. What they
are (doing to his collars and shirts over
there In the land of the Czar Is hor
rible to relate. Besides that, the way
they are soaking him In the matter of
price Is enough to make any American
oltlzen utter loud wails of distress. For
Instance, they charge a nickel to do up
a collar, and "the work is unsatisfac
tory and the finishing Is crudely done,"
he asserts.
Books Moat In Demand.
At Newport: "Going Some;" "Keep
ing Up With Lizzie."
At Salt Lake: "Mary Jane's Pa,"
At Salem: "The Call of the Wilde;
"One Way Out" (with portrait frontis
piece of Governor West).
At Washington, D. C: "To the High
est Bidder."
At Reno: "The Great Divide;" "Mrs.
Maxon' Protests;" "Wedded and Parted."
At Butte: "Making a Fortune;"
"Rules of the Game."
At San Francisco: "The Earth
.t Portlana: tose in uioom.
Elizabeth Burrows,
Walla Walla, Wash.